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Transportation & Infrastructure

The lifeblood of our nation’s economy is infrastructure. In order to remain competitive in the global marketplace we must make big investments to modernize and improve our highways, bridges, mass transit, water and sewer treatment systems, railroads, airports, river navigation and electrical grid. These investments will not only make American manufacturing and agriculture more competitive with foreign suppliers, but also create good-paying construction jobs and enhance local economies - for every dollar spent on public infrastructure, an estimated $1.59 is generated.

I am using my seat on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to make sure the infrastructure needs of West Central Illinois are addressed.  As a Member of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee, I am currently involved in crafting the next surface transportation reauthorization bill and commit to bringing home the federal dollars necessary to make critical improvements to our local roads and public transit systems.

Click HERE for the list of High Priority Projects I submitted for consideration in the bill

Additionally, I voted for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), which President Obama signed into law on February 17, 2009.  ARRA provides $27 billion for repairing and modernizing our nation's roads and bridges.  It also includes funding for new mass transit projects that will create more accessible and environmental travel options for millions of Americans.  These provisions in total would create or save about 1.8 million American jobs.