
Breaux Act Newsflash

The CWPPRA Program would like the public to be aware of what is going on with our coastal wetlands. The Breaux Act Newsflash is sent out by email to do just that.

To subscribe, send an email from the address you want subscribed to:
ListServer@condor.nwrc.gov with the subject "subscribe breauxact".

To unsubscribe, send an email from the address you want unsubscribed to:
ListServer@condor.nwrc.gov with the subject "unsubscribe breauxact".

In either case, you should receive a confirmation request by email within a day. Reply to the email, and you will be subscribed or unsubscribed.

Note that if your mail server stops accepting the newsflash email, your address may be unsubscribed.

See past newsflashes.