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General Legislative Information:

Committee Assignments - More...
Voting Record - More...
Jones Bills Passed Into Law - More...
Honors and Awards - More...
Caucus Membership - More...

This legislative information page includes a variety of issues to let you know Congressman Jones' views on pending issues.
Congressman Jones has a strong philosophy that guides him in representing the State of North Carolina. Jones is a conservative and believes in a common sense approach to the federal government. To this end, whether it be balancing the budget or giving states more control, Congressman Jones is dedicated to making the federal government smaller and more efficient.

Taxpayers deserve a government that works better, costs less and solves problems. Congressman Jones encourages you to contact him with any ideas or concerns.

*To view Congressman Jones' FY10 appropriations requests, click here.

*To view Congressman Jones' highway reauthorization requests, click here.
