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Seasonal restrictions for projects in sensitive habitat begin March 1

February 25, 2009

The Laboratory's Habitat Management Plan, part of an agreement with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, specifies how the Laboratory will manage habitat for threatened or endangered species. As part of this plan, activities in certain areas of the Laboratory are subject to yearly, seasonal restrictions.

With a few exceptions, mechanical equipment work in these areas, most commonly in canyons and adjacent areas, must stop beginning March 1. If the surveys required by the agreement with the Fish and Wildlife Service show that sensitive species are present in the habitat, restrictions remain in effect through August 31, said Dave Keller of Ecology and Air Quality (ENV-EAQ). Otherwise, the restrictions will be lifted as soon as the surveys have been completed about mid-May. Historically, restrictions in most sensitive habitat have been lifted by May 15, he said.

Lab personnel working in an area with seasonal restrictions should check the review comments that were issued with the excavation permit or Permits and Requirements Identification System (PR-ID) Project Profile. For heavy equipment work already underway and not expected to be completed by February 28, or work scheduled to start before May 15, contact Keller at 7-7037 or write to dckeller@lanl.gov by electronic mail.


Table-top lasers compete with large accelerators

George Rodriguez adjusts argon gas pressure inside two-color plasma ionization gas cells

Table-top ultrafast laser based plasma terahertz sources are beginning to rival pulse energies previously obtainable only at large accelerator-based facilities.

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