U.S. Senator Jim Bunning
United States Senator, Kentucky
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Bunning Votes No On “Cash For Clunkers”

Washington, DC
Thursday, August 6, 2009

U.S. Senator Jim Bunning today voted against the "Cash for Clunkers" legislation that passed the Senate today by a vote of 60-37. The bill will add $2 billion to the program.

"Government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers," said Bunning. "Unfortunately, that is what Washington has been doing over the past year. The logic that we are saving the American auto industry and helping the environment is flawed. When Congress comes back from its August recess will we again have to appropriate $2 billion for this program? Or will President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid want to make Cash for Clunkers permanent? The policies that have been spewing out of this Administration and the Congress will set back America’s financial footing for generations to come. At a time when we are in the middle of an economic downturn caused by too much debt, it makes no sense to be using taxpayer money to encourage Americans to take on more debt."

August 2009 News Releases

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