Georgia's Fourth Congressional District

Rep. Johnson receives ACCG’s Shackelford Service Award

April 27, 2009

SAVANNAH, GA -- Rep. Hank Johnson (GA-04) proudly accepted the Association County Commissioners of Georgia’s prestigious Shackelford Award on Sunday, April 26 at the organization’s annual meeting in Savannah. 

The Wayne Shackelford Excellence in Public Service Award recognizes a former county official who also has served or is serving the citizens of Georgia in a state or national office.  

“This is a truly singular honor from my colleagues and friends in the ACCG, and I humbly thank you,” Johnson told the crowd. “As county commissioners, I know you are always on the front lines, and the federal government should be a partner in helping you do your jobs effectively and efficiently.”

Past recipients of the award include former U.S. Rep. Mac Collins, U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, former Georgia Supreme Court Justice Norman Fletcher and Wayne Shackelford, formerly of the Georgia Department of Transportation.

The award is in honor of Shackelford, who was executive assistant in Gwinnett County for many years before serving as commissioner of the Georgia Department of Transportation from 1991 until his retirement in 2000.
