The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Complaint Forms

You may submit your complaint by completing the online form below and selecting the “Submit” button at the end.  If you wish to include a photograph or drawing, please follow the instruction at the bottom of this form.  You may also submit a complaint by printing and filling out the alternate complaint form and mailing it into the Access Board.

Please read the following privacy information before submitting your complaint.

Federal regulations for handling Architectural Barriers Act complaints require that we keep the identity of a complainant confidential unless we receive written consent to release that information (36 CFR 1150.12 (b)).  However, we cannot guarantee the privacy of information that you submit over the Internet since it is not necessarily secure against interception.  If you prefer that your identity remain confidential, please submit your complaint in writing, by printing, completing, and mailing us the alternate complaint form.

About You:  Please provide your contact information, if you want.  Your contact information is not mandatory for us to investigate your complaint.  If you do provide the information below, then we can contact you in case any additional information is necessary in investigating your complaints, and we can inform you of our receipt of your complaint and periodic updates on our investigation.
State Zip:
Phone ( ) Ext. (daytime)

About the facility:  Please tell us about your complaint.  The following information is mandatory for us to begin our investigation of your complaint.  Please provide as much detail as possible about the inaccessible areas of the facility.  The facility owner’s name and telephone number are optional; and having that information often helps us expedite the investigation of your complaint.
State Zip:
Phone ( ) Ext.
Describe in detail the type and location of each barrier to accessibility.
Attachment (optional):

If you like, you may upload a file that will be included with your complaint.  Select the “Browse…” button to find the file you wish to attach to your complaint when you submit the online ABA complaint form.  If you have multiple photographs, please paste them into a single word processor document, or use this form as many times as needed for a single complaint.  Submissions with an attachement can take a few minutes to process, depending on the file size.