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Leader's Report RSS Feed
Our report from the Capitol to the American People. This e-newsletter, sent every week the House is in session, keeps you up to date on the new Democratic Majority in Congress with a personal message from the Leader, a review of the week’s events, and links to week's video, releases, and reports. See sample here.
The Daily Leader RSS Feed
A brief but comprehensive summary of the day's schedule and legislation, sent the evening before every day the House is in session. See a sample here.
The Weekly Leader RSS Feed
An overview of the next week's expected schedule and legislation, sent the Friday before each week the House is in session. See sample here.
Press Documents RSS Feed
All press releases, statements, and reports produced by the Majority Leader's Office. See sample here.
The Daily Dose
A daily health care update tracking Congress’s work on one of the most pressing national priorities—reforming America’s health care system. This update will keep you up-to-speed on the failings of our current system and the hard work of changing it. It will include a round-up of healthcare news stories, information on committee activity, useful background documents, and a fact of the day. See sample here.
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