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Underwater Platform Spill

approx.170 miles offshore    2009-May-28

On the morning of May 28, 2009, NOAA ERD was contacted by MSU Port Arthur regarding a spill from a platform approximately 170 miles offshore. At 0300 on May 28, 2009, approximately 223 bbls of 46% drilling mud/oil leaked from a pipe at a depth of 5570 feet beneath the water's surface. No visible evidence has been seen on the surface.

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Note: Documents are posted chronologically and early reports likely contain factual errors. These errors may be corrected in a later report.

Incident Details

Spill, potential spill, or other: Oil Spill
Products of concern: 46% drilling mud/oil
Total amount at risk of spill: 223 - 223 gallons

Latitude (approximate): 26° 41.90' North
Longitude (approximate): 92° 37.70' West