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M/V Lituya

Metlakatla, SE Alaska    2009-Jan-30

Call received from Sector Juneau at 0300, Jan. 30, reporting that the Alaska Marine Highway ferry, the MV Lituya was aground on Scrub Island roughly one-half mile north of Metlakatla, SE Alaska, in 50 to 80 knot winds. The vessel was successfully abandoned, but has 7000 gals of diesel onboard. So far nothing has been released. Sector Juneau requested a trajectory and weather forecast.

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Note: Documents are posted chronologically and early reports likely contain factual errors. These errors may be corrected in a later report.

Incident Details

Spill, potential spill, or other: Potential Oil Spill
Cause of incident: Grounding
Products of concern: Diesel
Amount spilled (approximate): 10 gallons
Total amount at risk of spill: 7,000 gallons

Latitude (approximate): 55° 8.44' North
Longitude (approximate): 131° 34.08' West

Counter measures:
On-Water Recovery: Not applicable
Shoreline Cleanup: Not applicable
Dispersants: Not applicable
In-Situ Burn: Not applicable
Bioremediation: Not applicable