
Committees and Caucuses
Click here to learn more about Congresswoman Hirono's committee assignments and their legislative work.

My Recent Votes
You can read about recent legislation that was voted on, or look up additional votes from the 111th and prior Congresses through the Library of Congress.

Cosponsored Legislation
A list of legislation cosponsored by Rep. Hirono

Sponsored Legislation
A list of legislation sponsored by Rep. Hirono

Mazie On the Issues
Congresswoman Hirono’s work covers dozens of issues that affect the people of Hawai‘i. Learn more about the issues here.

Understanding Congress
Congress is responsible for making laws. The legislative process involves a number of steps. For an overview of how Congress works, please click here.

FY2010 Appropriations Requests
Federal appropriations requests – commonly known as “earmarks” – fund important initiatives and programs that may never receive funding through the President’s budget proposal. Here is the list of projects I submitted for fiscal year 2010.

Transportation Authorization Requests
High Priority Project Requests 2009 Surface Transportation Authorizations