Atmospheric Science Data Center; Link to Home Page.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information | Ordering | Troubleshooting

General Information



General Information

When will my data be available?
The availability of new data sets is dependent upon a number of factors, many of which are not under our direct control. This makes it difficult to give exact release dates for specific data sets. However, we would be happy to notify you when the item you desire does become available for distribution.

What is the process for submitting data for archive by your center?
Contact User Services for instructions.

I'm working with students at an elementary school/middle school/high school/college level. Do you have any material that I could use in the classroom?
Please visit our Educational Resources page for information on videos, classroom projects, and activities that are available for all grade levels. Trading cards and lesson plans can also be downloaded from this site.

How do I add my name to a mailing list?
To be added to a mailing list, please use the form on our Project News and Information Registration page.

How do I remove my name from a mailing list?
To be removed from a mailing list, please contact User Services. You will need to supply us with your name, e-mail address, and postal address.
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Ordering Information

How do I access the ordering system?
The Access Data page provides information for accessing the ordering systems available for the Langley Data Center data.

I need documentation/more information concerning a data set.
Please refer to our Access Data page for additional documentation concerning the projects we support.

I need read software for data.
Read software can be requested at the time an order is placed, or downloaded separately. To download the software without placing an order, access the read software (listed by project) from the Access Data page.
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Troubleshooting Information

I am having problems with the ASDC Web Ordering Tool.
Please note that the minimum browser requirements for each version of the ASDC Web Ordering Tool are as follows:

You will be unable to access the ASDC Web Ordering Tool if your browser does not meet the minimum requirements for the chosen version of the Ordering Tool.

If your browser meets the minimum requirements listed above and you experience problems accessing the Langley Web Ordering Tool, or have difficulty ordering data from the tool, please contact User Services for assistance. If you receive an error message, write it down and include the error message in your communication with User Services.

I am having problems with the Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST).
If you experience problems accessing WIST, or have difficulty ordering data from the tool, please contact User Services for assistance. If you receive an error message, write it down and include the error message in your communication with User Services.

I can't figure out how to use the ordering system.
Please take the time to read the order tool help pages or the WIST User's Manual which have instructions on using the system, as well as explanations of the screens and menu choices. If you are still experiencing problems with the ordering system, contact User Services for assistance.

I can't read the data I just downloaded/received on tape.
For most of the data we archive, we also provide read software. If you were unable to receive the read software with your order, select the project name on the Access Data page. You will be taken to the appropriate project table, where you can download the read software.

If you have tried using the read software and are still experiencing problems, please have the following information ready when you contact User Services to allow us to assist you more effectively:

Computer Architecture/Operating System Information:
  1. What model of computer are you using?
  2. What chip drives the motherboard?
  3. What operating system is in use?
  4. What version of the operating system are you using?

  1. Which window manager are you using?
  2. Which version of the window manager?

Compiler Information:
  1. Which C/Fortran compiler(s) are you using?
  2. Which version of the compiler are you using?

HDF Information:
  1. Which version of HDF is installed?

  1. Which viewer are you using?
  2. Which version of the viewer are you using?

I need to change the media for my order.
If you need to change the media type for your order, please contact User Services.

I placed an order, but have not received notification.
I've placed an FTP order and have not received acknowledgement.
You may have entered your e-mail address incorrectly and we were unable to contact you to confirm your order. Please contact User Services and we will remedy the situation.

I'm trying to read the data on a VAX.
At the present time, we do not support software for the VAX. However both the SRB and ISCCP project teams have software available to read their data on a VAX.

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