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Data File Set Name: Radium Dial Painters Working Data File Set


This working data file set, prepared by The Center for Human Radiobiology at the Argonne National Laboratory, consists of 25 files generated the Internal Emitters Project which identified about 6,000 people with significant radium exposures, including about 3,257 individuals, mostly women, who worked in the dial painting industry that used radium in paint. Many were located and followed until death, in these cases, the cause of death and body content of radium are known. One study was published in Health Physics in 1993.

The Center for Human Radiobiology Information System is comprised of a set of files originally designed as working files, containing information that was continually being updated as new information was developed and new radiation exposure cases were added to the files. The program was terminated in 1990, so the files became static at that time. They thus show the state of the study at that date.

The Center for Human Radiobiology (CHR) was originally set up in 1967 at the Argonne National Laboratory to continue the studies of radium-exposed individuals started by Professor. R. D. Evans in the mid-1930s at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). CHR was also to include the studies of radium-exposed individuals previously undertaken (1957-1967) by the New Jersey State Department of Health as the Radium Research Project, and the radium studies undertaken in 1951 by The Argonne National Laboratory and the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital. The working files from these organizations were transferred to the CHR and eventually integrated into a file system known as the CHR Information System (CHRIS).

The level of detail for each individual in the study is not uniform, but there are some data on general demographics, smoking and social history, radium exposure history, measurements of radium body content, clinical examinations results, clinical laboratory results, observed medical abnormalities, calculated doses, radiographic surveys, and causes of death.

All of the files in the CHRIS system were originally set up for the collection of information about radium- exposed individuals. However, individuals exposed to other radioelements were often examined by CHR, and the data obtained were entered in CHRIS. Case numbers of the form aa-bbb (for example 00-001) were assigned to most of the individuals studied. The two digit prefix identifies people with some common characteristics. Originally these two digits indicated the laboratory where the case was studied, i.e. 00 was MIT, 03 was ANL, and 05 was New Jersey. Many of these original numbers remain, but the system was changed to indicate other characteristics. The present system reserves the prefixes 00 to 15 for individuals exposed to radium, 20 for uranium miners, 30 miscellaneous, 35 for Th-232 other than Thorotrast, 40 for Pu-239, 50 for general controls, 51-59 for miscellaneous samples, not identified with an individual case, 60 for Thorotrast cases, and 98 and 99 for temporary case numbers.

The 25 files comprising this data file set include data containing demographic, administrative, and exposure data (SAC and OLDKEY), three files consisting of data concerning Lindsay Chemical Co. (LIN, LINX, and LINHQ), radium deposition and retention data (AECRDR and AEDOSERA), two dose calculation files (TDOSE and TDOSERA), a death certificate follow-up (DCF), government agency followup (GAF), radium deposition and retention data (TDOSE and TDOSERA), skeletal radiograph data (XSCORE), bone scan measurements (BSVIVO), measurements of radium in vivo (VVRA and VVLIN), blood chemistry (BCS), urinalysis and hematology (URH), special tests (SPCL), physical measurements and medical/dental histories (EXAM), data descriptive of the ranges of several variables (LBNOR), medical abnormalities (SNOP), chemical and radiochemistry (CHEM and SAMPLE), and gamma measurement data for bones and skeleton (BONES and SKEL).

Case numbers of the form L-nnnn (for example L-0001) were assigned to employees of the Lindsay Chemical Company. In addition, case numbers of the form LX-nnnn were used for visitors to the plant and LC-nnnn were used for controls. The data from this study of the effects of inhalation of dust containing Th-232 and daughter products as well as rare earth elements are contained in four files. These are LIN, LINX, LINHQ, and VVLIN. Additional information may be found in the files DCF, GAF, OLDKEY, and SNOP.

Number of data files: 25

Notes: Values supplied in this data file set for 'data type' were derived during the process of installing the data files into CEDR. For example, variables containing even one instance in scientific notation are assigned a 'd 'character' rather than 'floating point'. These value do not necessarily match the 'data type' specified in the Center For Human Radiobiology codebook documents.

Notes: July 23, 2001. An earlier version of this overview indicated that "Researchers identified about 6,000 people with significant radium exposures, including about 500 individuals, mostly women, who worked in the industry that used radium in paint." The correct number of individuals working as dial painters was 3,170 women, 85 men, 1 record was coded as sex unknown, and 1 record had no code for sex, resulting in a total of 3,257 records.

Contact Information:

Rowland, Robert
Director, Center for Human Radiobiology, Argonne National Laboratory.
Consultant, Subject Specialist in Radium Dial Painter data sets, CEDR.

Kotek, Thomas J.
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
(630) 252-5705
Fax: 252-4336

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 1198 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Rowland, R. E.     Argonne National Laboratory

Report Title: Radium in Humans: A Review of U.S. Studies
Report Date: February, 1995
Report Institution: Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL
Report Number: ANL/ER-3
CEDR Archive copy: Radium in Humans: A Review of U.S. Studies
Report Abstract: This document was originally conceived as a description of the radium studies that took place at Argonne National Laboratory. It soon became evident, however, that to document the widespread use of radium, a brief review of the application of radium in medicine and in the US dial painting industry is required. Further, because the Argonne studies were not the only such efforts, brief overviews of the other radium programs are included. Even so, much material has been omitted. The extensive references included will allow the interested reader to find additional information. The effects of internally deposited radium in humans have been studied in this country for more than 75 years. Some 2,400 subjects have had their body contents of radium measured, and a majority of them have been followed for most of their adult lives, to understand and quantify the effects of radium. Many more individuals acquired radium internally but were never measured. Some of this group have been located and followed until death, in these cases the cause of death is known without a body content measurement. As a consequence of the efforts made to locate, measure, and follow exposed individuals, a great deal of information about the effects of radium is available. Nevertheless, great gaps remain in the knowledge of radium toxicity. The Argonne study is the largest every undertaken of the effects on humans of an internally deposited radioelement, in which the insult has been quantitated by actual measurements of the retained radioisotope. The study has now been terminated, even though more than 1,000 subjects with measured radium burdens are still alive. This document is written as a brief summary of current knowledge accumulated in this incomplete study.
CEDR Location: shelf: radpdw02 shelf (Sept., 1994)
Identifier: DE95006146

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 1970 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Rowland, R. E.

Article Title: Low-level Radium Retention by the Human Body: A Modification of the ICRP Publication 20 Retention Equation
Journal Date: November 1993
Journal Name: Health Physics
Journal Volume: 65(5):507-513

ADDED REFERENCE:   CEDR Library ID: 4022 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Stebbings, James H.     Midwest Epidemiology Associates

Article Title: A case study of selected medical findings among plutonium injectees
Journal Date: May, 1999
Journal Name: Health Physics
Journal Volume: 76(5):477-488
CEDR Location: shelf: journals

ADDED REFERENCE:   CEDR Library ID: 4030 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Dunham, George S., Pacak, Milos G., Pratt, Arnold W.     National Institutes of Health

Article Title: Automatic indexing of pathology data
Journal Date: March, 1978
Journal Name: Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Journal Volume: 29(2):81-90

Journal Abstract: A procedure for automated indexing of pathology diagnostic reports at the National Institutes of Health is described. Diagnostic statements in medical English are encoded by computer into the Systematized Nomenclature of Pathology (SNOP). SNOP is a structured indexing language constructed by pathologists for manual indexing. . . .
CEDR Location: shelf: journals

Date Added: 04/28/2000