Searching the CEDR Bibliographic Database


Searching the CEDR Bibliographic Collection

Fill in the entries you know, leave the others blank. Use "#" for truncation.

CEDR BFS (Bibliographic File System) ID: e.g. 3468
Title Word: e.g. Cancer
Key term from abstract: e.g. Cancer
Author (personal): e.g. Meyer
Institutional Author or affiliation: e.g. Center for Human Radiobiology


Searching CEDR Structured Documentation

CEDR Structured (data file set) Documentation search page


Searching CEDR Oak Ridge Dose Reconstruction Documents Database

Oak Ridge Documentation search page


Searching CEDR Rocky Flats Documents Database

Rocky Flats Documentation search page


Searching CEDR Guides to Inventories Records with Epidemiologic Value

Epi Guides search page
Browse Epi Guides at DOE


Last modified: June 15,2005