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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I always look forward to August because I get more time at home with my fellow Nebraskans and this month we’ll probably talk a lot about health care reform. It’ll be good to be away from Washington. There, too many enjoy scoring political points and fanning controversy, rather than promoting civil discourse or honest debates to solve America’s challenges like this one.

Some, along with special interest groups based outside of Nebraska, have raised alarm because Congress didn’t pass major health reform by the end of July. They say delay will allow opponents to defeat it this fall. Special interests have accused me, in particular, of being in the pocket of other special interests simply because I think we need to take the time to get this reform right. Then, these special interests are using me as a fundraising vehicle, so they can push their agenda inside the Beltway.

Nebraskans Know I’m Independent-Minded Like They Are
Nebraskans know me and know better than to listen to outsiders. I have always been, like most Nebraskans, independent-minded. I gather all the facts and examine a whole bill before I decide how to vote, particularly on an issue that affects every Nebraskan. So, I am not going to stand in the way of real health care reform. But I’m also not going to stand for legislation that would hurt Nebraskans.

Health Reform Should Address Costs and Not Increase the Deficit
I’d like to hear more of what the President can support and I’m hoping whatever plan emerges will address goals I think are essential. One of the biggest economic challenges we Americans face today, across all ages, is access to affordable health care.

People who are insured are being hit year after year with spiraling health care costs. Premiums have risen 78 percent since 2001, while incomes have only edged up by 19 percent, leaving a big gap for Americans to shoulder. Health care costs are estimated to rise 9 percent next year. This is unsustainable. We need to lower the cost of health care and insurance premiums.

As we work to reduce costs we should not worsen the federal deficit, which is already far too high and could burden our children with a financial debt they’ll pass onto their children. Health care reforms, in my view, also should not undermine the health coverage that 250 million Americans have now, including 85 percent of Nebraskans. President Obama says the same thing when he says he wants reform that will enable people who like their health insurance to keep it.

Much Reform Already has Wide Support in Congress
I’m pleased to see that many in Congress agree that we must make health care more affordable, improve quality and extend coverage to millions who today can’t afford health care coverage. Also, if we can guarantee coverage, eliminate pricing based on health status and no longer exclude individuals for pre-existing medical millions of American families will rest easier, and healthier.

I’ll Be Traveling in Nebraska This Month Meeting with Nebraskans on Health Care
Over the next few weeks I’ll be traveling across Nebraska listening to Nebraskans about the best ways to fix our health care system. As always, I’ll assure people that I will not bow to cheap shot special interests and their negative attacks. Those attacks only serve to divide, polarize, lay blame and make real reform harder to pass. I want bipartisan health care reform and I will always put Nebraskans first as I work to achieve that goal which is within our reach this year.


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