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INTEGRAL U.S. Guest Observer Facility

The INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory

INTEGRAL, launched in October 2002 aboard a Russian Proton rocket,  is providing a new insight into the most violent and exotic objects of the Universe,  such as neutron stars, active galactic nuclei and supernovae. INTEGRAL is also helping us to understand processes such as the formation of new chemical elements and the mysterious gamma-ray bursts, the most energetic phenomena in the Universe. Environments of extreme temperature and density, near the event-horizons of black holes, are a major topic of study with INTEGRAL.

These studies are possible thanks to INTEGRAL's combination of fine spectroscopy and imaging of gamma-ray emissions in the energy range of 15 keV to 10 MeV and concurrent monitoring in X-ray (4-35 keV) using JEM-X, and optical (500-600 nm) bands, using OMC.

A project of the European Space Agency INTEGRAL, serves an international Guest Observer community. Participation by U.S. astronomers is supported by a Guest Observer Facility (GOF) at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).

Picture of the Month

Integral Picture of the Month

INTEGRAL News & Science Results

Mystery of Galactic annihilation-line emission solved?
(July 8, 2009)

Magnetar observed during outburst thanks to rapid response of INTEGRAL
(January 27, 2009)

XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL clues on magnetic powerhouses
(November 14, 2008)

Faint gamma-ray bursts do actually exist
(October 13, 2008)

Crab Nebula
INTEGRAL locates origin of high-energy emission from Crab Nebula
(August 29, 2008)

Integral in orbit

Latest News
  • INTEGRAL Workshop Announcement (28 May 2009)
    The workshop "The Extreme sky: Sampling the Universe above 10 keV", celebrating 7 years of INTEGRAL, will be held on 13-17 October 2009 at Castello Aragonese, Otranto (Lecce), Italy.
  • INTEGRAL AO-7: Call for Data Rights Proposals (26 May 2009)
    ESA has released the 7th Announcement of Opportunity for data rights to targets within AO-7 observations. The deadline for proposals is July 3, 2009. Additional information can be found on the ESA INTEGRAL website and on the "Proposals and Tools" page of the INTEGRAL US GOF.
  • US INTEGRAL Guest Observer Program (4 May 2009)
    NASA announces the INTEGRAL AO-7 US Guest Observer Program. Details of this program can be found on the "Proposals and Tools" webpage of the INTEGRAL GOF.
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    Latest INTEGRAL Newsletter
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    INTEGRAL News & Science Results
    Recent INTEGRAL Publications (ESA list) INTEGRAL Publications

    INTEGRAL Public Data Archive Status
  • The HEASARC mirror to the INTEGRAL Public Data Archive now contains data through the July 23, 2009 release. The latest release consists of data from revolutions 688, 689, & 690.

  • The next scheduled public data release is August 7, 2009.

    ISDC Public Data Release Schedule.

  • This page is intended for members of the scientific community. For members of the general public, or those interested in general astronomy/astrophysics information please go to our Education and Public Outreach site.

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    Responsible NASA Official: Phil Newman

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