Gov. Bill Richardson electricity-generating windmills  

Featured News

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces $615.8 Million for Rural Water Projects - April 28, 2009

Gov. Appoints Grant Team - April 24, 2009

Stimulus funds go to housing, development projects - April 21, 2009

School Reform Means Doing What's Best for Kids
Wall Street Journal - April 21, 2009

Stimulus money finances child care vouchers - April 21, 2009

Interior Sec. Salazar Announces $12.5 Million Investment in New Mexico ...
All American Patriots (press release) - April 17, 2009

Nonprofits use stimulus funds to expand services
New Mexico Business Weekly - April 13, 2009

A Message from Former Governor Toney Anaya

Executive Director of the NM Office of Recovery and Reinvestment

Governor Richardson created this office to oversee New Mexico's implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, signed into law this year by President Obama. I am excited the Governor has called upon me to lead this effort, and for assembling an outstanding team of talented public servants to work with me.

The Office is charged with ensuring that stimulus funds spur economic activity, create and retain jobs, and promote long-term economic prosperity. We are working closely with Governor Richardson's staff and his Competitive Grant Assistance Team to conduct outreach meetings throughout the state to highlight the non-discretionary funds that are coming to communities and to provide information on competitive grant opportunities.

New Mexico was one of only a few states with shovel-ready transportation projects when the stimulus package was first announced, allowing us to move forward quickly on the projects that were selected to receive funding.

The office is also focusing on compliance with federal requirements through efforts such as agency guidance directives, a compliance matrix and dedicated audit and compliance staff.

It's important to note that the majority of recovery act funding is non-discretionary and is being allocated through existing programs and services. Unfortunately we are not able to just submit laundry lists of projects or simply wait for the federal government to drop off a truckload of money. One of our top priorities is to inform the public about the formula funding that New Mexico has been allocated, and to educate state, local, and community leaders about the opportunities the act provides for additional funding through competitive grants.

This website contains the latest information on the federal funding flowing to and through state agencies, any competitive grant applications the agencies have submitted, and applicable supporting documents. It also contains important links to federal government websites charged with allocating recovery funding.

I look forward to joining with you as we move forward to achieve Governor Richardson's directive to ensure our state receives all possible recovery funds and puts that money to good use creating jobs and opportunities, building and improving our infrastructure, and boosting our economy.

Where Is Your Money Going?

New Mexico Recovery Funding graph
(click the image for a printer-friendly version)

New Mexico Recovery Funds Allocated by Policy Area

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is an unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy, create or save millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century.

The Recovery and Reinvestment Act is an extraordinary response to a crisis unlike any since the Great Depression. With much at stake, the Act provides for unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability so that you will be able to know how, when, and where your tax dollars are being spent. Spearheaded by a new Recovery Board, this Act contains built-in measures to root out waste, inefficiency, and unnecessary spending.

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State of New Mexico  
  © 2009 New Mexico Office of the Governor. All rights reserved.