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American Recovery 
     and Reinvestment 

Proposed Stimulus 
     Projects (April 15, 
 (PDF, 755 KB)


CT Job Opportunities


As April closes and May opens, there is still considerable activity throughout Connecticut associated with the implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). This activity will continue for many more months as state agencies fully implement Recovery Act programs and as new grant opportunities become available.


To help keep residents and constituencies up to date on developments at both here in Connecticut and in Washington, D.C., state agencies with core Recovery Act responsibilities are developing web pages focused on their role in implementing the Recovery Act – using the sites as a tool convey the latest guidance and provide information on funding opportunities.


To date, more than $650 million in stimulus funds has been committed to initiatives in Connecticut. 


Highlights of the past week include:


Connecticut’s Weatherization draft plan was published and public hearings scheduled on May 5th (Hartford and Bridgeport) and the General Assembly’s Human Services and Appropriations Committees will be holding an informational hearing on the plan next week (tentatively May 4);
Connecticut’s Energy Program draft plan was published and the General Assembly’s Energy and Technology and Appropriations Committees will be holding an informational hearing on the plan next week (tentatively May 4);
Connecticut’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant draft plan was published and the General Assembly’s Energy and Technology and Appropriations Committee will be holding a hearing on the plan next week (tentatively May 4); and
Connecticut applied for a number of grants to enhance law enforcement efforts.


COBRA benefits


Overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(Recovery Act)

The Recovery Act signed into law by President Obama on
February 17th, 2009 includes measures to modernize our nation's
infrastructure, enhance energy independence, expand educational
opportunities, preserve and improve affordable health care, provide tax
relief, and protect those in greatest need.

In an effort to create job opportunities for Connecticut residents and help the state’s communities and businesses prosper, Governor Rell has taken a number of steps to maximize the effectiveness of the ARRA in Connecticut, including:
Created the CT Recovery Working Group
Established a process to coordinate the activities of state agencies
Initiated efforts to share and receive information from municipal leaders on stimulus activities in their communities.
Formalized procedures and policies for promoting transparency and ensuring accountability

State Plans and Reports

In the days and weeks ahead, state agencies will be developing plans in response to funding opportunities associated with the ARRA.  The plans will be published both here on Connecticut’s Recovery website and in the ARRA section of the relevant agency’s website.

In addition, there are numerous reporting requirements associated with ARRA funding.  Agencies receiving ARRA funding are required to submit periodic and timely reports to the federal agency administering the funding.  These reports are to include information as to how the funding is being used and provide information on the number of jobs retained or created.  These reports will also be found on this website as well as on the agency websites.