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Management and Budget

                                  * * * * * General Information * * * * * 
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Recovery.Gov Federal Website
Grants.Gov Federal Grants
Federal Disribution Deadlines
Key State Deadlines
Federal Implementation Guidance
Stabilization School District Estimates (New)
Competitive Grants
Presentation to the Legislature 3-24-09
Patton Boggs Stimulus Analysis
Patton Boggs Part II
Guide for State and Local Governments
DOT&PF Economic Stimulus Website
                                   * * * * * Alaska's Legislation * * * * * 
DOTPF Stimulus Bill as passed by Legislature
4-19-09 in SB75 (the Capital Budget) awaiting transmittal to Governor for action

DOTPF Stimulus Bill (SB123)
DOTPF Authorization Bill (SB124)
   Transmittal Letter 2-24-09
   Project Spreadsheet
   Aviation Spreadsheet
   Highway/Bridge Spreadsheet
   Fund Source Change Memo
   Capital Project Descriptions

   Project Spreadsheet updated 4-2-09
   Aviation Spreadsheet updated 3-31-09

Economic Stimulus Bill as passed by Legislature 4-19-09 HB199 awaiting transmittal to Governor for action (New)

Economic Stimulus Bill filed 3-19-09
   Transmittal Letter
   Project Spreadsheet
   Draft Summary as of 3-19-09
   Press Release
    Capital Project Descriptions:
      Environmental Conservation
      Governors Office
      Natural Resources
         UA Memo: prior year project fund source change

Items not included in March 19 Economic Stimulus Bill
   Operating/Capital Items not Included
      in Economic Stimulus Bill 3-30-09

   Economic Stimulus Program Funding
      Summary 3-20-09

   Operating Change Records 4-1-09
   Capital Project Descriptions 3-30-09
                                * * * * * Governor's Comments * * * * * 
Governor Comments on Stimulus 3-26-09
Governor Looks Forward to Public Discussion on Stimulus Funds 3-20-09
Governor Accepts Half of Stimulus Funds 3-19-09
Governor Certifies Transportation Projects for Economic Stimulus Funds 3-12-09
*Click here to view outdated/archived Economic Stimulus information (updated 3-12-09)

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Department of Transportation Commissioner Leo von Scheben sign certifications allowing the use of federal stimulus funds on Alaska projects.
Department ARRA Fact Sheets:
Program Funding Summary 4-6-09
Court System
Education and Early Development
Environmental Conservation
Fish and Game
Health and Social Services
Military and Veterans Affairs
Natural Resources
Public Safety
Revenue CSSD
Revenue AHFC
Section 1607 Governor
Section 1511 Transportation
Section 1201 Transportation MOE
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