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'milesأp=6@ 'UTM0333!@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,&]-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.Se?T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'mileshff9@ 'UTM(\B@  'UTM ;'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.))*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,r @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. @ 'mileshff9@ 'UTM(\B@  'UTM 68'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.##$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)+*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.819'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.033333@ 'miles(\~<@ 'UTMGjU@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,M-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>|?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.033333@ 'miles(\~<@ 'UTMGjU@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,`L-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.><?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.SET'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.L@ 'mileszc?@ 'UTMp= דl@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)% *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,e-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.S%;T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.L@ 'mileszc?@ 'UTMp= דl@  'UTM "'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,*n-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>g0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.SE:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.     03333@ 'miles  jH@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #@ $'microgram/g dry wt.$ %'Analyzed for but not detected. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,- -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt.$ ='Analyzed for but not detected. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D@ E'microgram/g dry wt.$ F'Analyzed for but not detected. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.     03333@ 'miles  jH@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM  l 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #@ $'microgram/g dry wt.$ %'Analyzed for but not detected. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,6 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt.$ ='Analyzed for but not detected. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D@ E'microgram/g dry wt.$ F'Analyzed for but not detected. S@ T'microgram/g dry wt.$ U'Analyzed for but not detected.      'miles LN@ 'UTM (\J7@ 'UTM  , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )%  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Pk -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D@ E'microgram/g dry wt.$ F'Analyzed for but not detected. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.      'miles LN@ 'UTM (\J7@ 'UTM  ) 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Lr -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D@ E'microgram/g dry wt.$ F'Analyzed for but not detected. SL T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.      `@ 'miles xG[@ 'UTM (\Q>@ 'UTM  P9 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #@ $'microgram/g dry wt.$ %'Analyzed for but not detected. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,~ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >4 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D@ E'microgram/g dry wt.$ F'Analyzed for but not detected. ST T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported."`@ 'milesxG[@ 'UTM(\Q>@  'UTM ='microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,. @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>.?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.SST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.$̬@ 'miles&d@ 'UTM(\@  'UTM R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., P-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>j?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.S5T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.&̬@ 'miles&d@ 'UTM(\@  'UTM @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>B?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.(033333@ 'milesGa @ 'UTM0333L@  'UTM HA'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Ҵ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;><'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.Shffff@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*033333@ 'milesGa @ 'UTM0333L@  'UTM 8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,p @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;'<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.Shffff@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.,03333S@ 'milesp= @ 'UTMHzFL@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%|<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..03333S@ 'milesp= @ 'UTMHzFL@  'UTM P_'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E!''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E!*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;033333@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>Z?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.0hfffff@ 'milesp=@ 'UTMأp=B6@  'UTM d!'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,X-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.2hfffff@ 'milesp=@ 'UTMأp=B6@  'UTM 2"'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;U<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.4d 'miles0333"@ 'UTMD@  'UTM b'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.S'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&HzG@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\(@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,2 @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.6d 'miles0333"@ 'UTMD@  'UTM Dx'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ף@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8d 'miles0333"@ 'UTMD@  'UTM x'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.GZ'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)zG@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8!9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;eo<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.:d 'miles0333"@ 'UTMD@  'UTM Ă @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Y'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&HzG@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ףp@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,\ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;s<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.<hffff@ 'miles033##@ 'UTM(5@  'UTM I'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)ףp= @*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,|-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>P?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.>hffff@ 'miles033##@ 'UTM(5@  'UTM U'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.U'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Q@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,J @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;EX<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@hffff@ 'miles033##@ 'UTM(5@  'UTM W'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.GP'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&Q@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)ףp= @*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;eY<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>N?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Bhffff@ 'miles033##@ 'UTM(5@  'UTM ZK'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&ףp= @''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ףp@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e_<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>~?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.Sr T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.FhffffF@ 'miles(oy@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM t'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./@0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D@E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.  J   hffffF@ 'miles (oy@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,,N -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D@ E'microgram/g dry wt.$ F'Analyzed for but not detected. S/ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.!!N!!!hffff&@ !'miles!Hzs@ !'UTM!"@ ! 'UTM! !0!'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.! !'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.!# !$'microgram/g dry wt.!%'Value as reported.!&%!''microgram/g dry wt.!('Value as reported.!)!*'microgram/g dry wt.!+'Value as reported.!, @!-'microgram/g dry wt.!.'Value as reported.!/@!0'microgram/g dry wt.$!1'Analyzed for but not detected.!8!9'microgram/g dry wt.!:'Value as reported.!;!<'microgram/g dry wt.!='Value as reported.!>!?'microgram/g dry wt.!@'Value as reported.!D@!E'microgram/g dry wt.$!F'Analyzed for but not detected.!SV!T'microgram/g dry wt.!U'Value as reported.""R"""hffff&@ "'miles"Hzs@ "'UTM""@ " 'UTM" "8"'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported."E"'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported."#@"$'microgram/g dry wt.$"%'Analyzed for but not detected."&"''microgram/g dry wt."('Value as reported.") "*'microgram/g dry wt."+'Value as reported.",C"-'microgram/g dry wt.".'Value as reported."/@"0'microgram/g dry wt.$"1'Analyzed for but not detected."8% "9'microgram/g dry wt.":'Value as reported.";"<'microgram/g dry wt."='Value as reported.">"?'microgram/g dry wt."@'Value as reported."D@"E'microgram/g dry wt.$"F'Analyzed for but not detected."S'"T'microgram/g dry wt."U'Value as reported.##T###03333@ #'miles#ףp@ #'UTM#hfffe@ # 'UTM# #b#'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.##'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.##@#$'microgram/g dry wt.$#%'Analyzed for but not detected.#& #''microgram/g dry wt.#('Value as reported.#) #*'microgram/g dry wt.#+'Value as reported.#,H#-'microgram/g dry wt.#.'Value as reported.#/@#0'microgram/g dry wt.$#1'Analyzed for but not detected.#8e #9'microgram/g dry wt.#:'Value as reported.#;e #<'microgram/g dry wt.#='Value as reported.#>"#?'microgram/g dry wt.#@'Value as reported.#D@#E'microgram/g dry wt.$#F'Analyzed for but not detected.#S,#T'microgram/g dry wt.#U'Value as reported.$$X$$$03333@ $'miles$ףp@ $'UTM$hfffe@ $ 'UTM$ $$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$%$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$#$$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Value as reported.$&$''microgram/g dry wt.$('Value as reported.$)% $*'microgram/g dry wt.$+'Value as reported.$,TZ$-'microgram/g dry wt.$.'Value as reported.$/@$0'microgram/g dry wt.$$1'Analyzed for but not detected.$8% $9'microgram/g dry wt.$:'Value as reported.$; $<'microgram/g dry wt.$='Value as reported.$>$?'microgram/g dry wt.$@'Value as reported.$D@$E'microgram/g dry wt.$$F'Analyzed for but not detected.$ST$T'microgram/g dry wt.$U'Value as reported.%%\%%%03333@ %'miles%Q~@ %'UTM%Gz@ % 'UTM% %%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%#@%$'microgram/g dry wt.$%%'Analyzed for but not detected.%&%''microgram/g dry wt.%('Value as reported.%)% %*'microgram/g dry wt.%+'Value as reported.%,`%-'microgram/g dry wt.%.'Value as reported.%/@%0'microgram/g dry wt.$%1'Analyzed for but not detected.%8 %9'microgram/g dry wt.%:'Value as reported.%; %<'microgram/g dry wt.%='Value as reported.%>"%?'microgram/g dry wt.%@'Value as reported.%D@%E'microgram/g dry wt.$%F'Analyzed for but not detected.%S3%T'microgram/g dry wt.%U'Value as reported.&&^&&&03333@ &'miles&Q~@ &'UTM&Gz@ & 'UTM& &6&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&e&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&#&$'microgram/g dry wt.&%'Value as reported.&& &''microgram/g dry wt.&('Value as reported.&) &*'microgram/g dry wt.&+'Value as reported.&,S&-'microgram/g dry wt.&.'Value as reported.&/@&0'microgram/g dry wt.$&1'Analyzed for but not detected.&8 &9'microgram/g dry wt.&:'Value as reported.&; &<'microgram/g dry wt.&='Value as reported.&>8&?'microgram/g dry wt.&@'Value as reported.&D@&E'microgram/g dry wt.$&F'Analyzed for but not detected.&Se1&T'microgram/g dry wt.&U'Value as reported.''`'''03333s@ ''miles'}@ ''UTM'(\qŪ@ ' 'UTM' 'n''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'%''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'#@'$'microgram/g dry wt.$'%'Analyzed for but not detected.'&% '''microgram/g dry wt.'('Value as reported.')'*'microgram/g dry wt.'+'Value as reported.',&H'-'microgram/g dry wt.'.'Value as reported.'/@'0'microgram/g dry wt.$'1'Analyzed for but not detected.'8 '9'microgram/g dry wt.':'Value as reported.'; '<'microgram/g dry wt.'='Value as reported.'>'?'microgram/g dry wt.'@'Value as reported.'D@'E'microgram/g dry wt.$'F'Analyzed for but not detected.'Se!'T'microgram/g dry wt.'U'Value as reported.((b(((03333s@ ('miles(}@ ('UTM((\qŪ@ ( 'UTM( ( ('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(E('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(#@($'microgram/g dry wt.$(%'Analyzed for but not detected.(&%(''microgram/g dry wt.(('Value as reported.()E(*'microgram/g dry wt.(+'Value as reported.(,<(-'microgram/g dry wt.(.'Value as reported.(/@(0'microgram/g dry wt.$(1'Analyzed for but not detected.(8(9'microgram/g dry wt.(:'Value as reported.(;(<'microgram/g dry wt.(='Value as reported.(>d(?'microgram/g dry wt.(@'Value as reported.(D@(E'microgram/g dry wt.$(F'Analyzed for but not detected.(SE (T'microgram/g dry wt.(U'Value as reported.))))) )'miles)'@ )'UTM)@ ) 'UTM) ))'microgram/g dry wt.~)'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.)D)'microgram/g dry wt.x)'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.),)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)#@)$'microgram/g dry wt.$)%'Analyzed for but not detected.)&ei)''microgram/g dry wt.)('Value as reported.))e,)*'microgram/g dry wt.)+'Value as reported.),8@)-'microgram/g dry wt.).'Value as reported.)/)0'microgram/g dry wt..)1'Value represents the mean of replicates.)8.)9'microgram/g dry wt.x):'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.);+)<'microgram/g dry wt.)='Value as reported.)> )?'microgram/g dry wt.)@'Value as reported.)D )E'microgram/g dry wt.~)F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.)G@)H'microgram/g dry wt.$)I'Analyzed for but not detected.)S>)T'microgram/g dry wt.)U'Value as reported.)Vp)W'microgram/g dry wt.)X'Value as reported.)YT@)Z'microgram/g dry wt.)['Value as reported.)\$)]'microgram/g dry wt.)^'Value as reported.)_ )`'microgram/g dry wt.x)a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.***** *'miles*'@ *'UTM*@ * 'UTM* *@*'microgram/g dry wt.$*'Analyzed for but not detected.*Gb*'microgram/g dry wt.x*'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.**'microgram/g dry wt.*'Value as reported.*#*$'microgram/g dry wt.~*%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.*&C*''microgram/g dry wt.*('Value as reported.*)e!**'microgram/g dry wt.*+'Value as reported.*,*-'microgram/g dry wt.*.'Value as reported.*/%*0'microgram/g dry wt.*1'Value as reported.*88*9'microgram/g dry wt.*:'Value as reported.*; *<'microgram/g dry wt.*='Value as reported.*> *?'microgram/g dry wt.*@'Value as reported.*D@*E'microgram/g dry wt.$*F'Analyzed for but not detected.*GE*H'microgram/g dry wt.x*I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.*S*T'microgram/g dry wt.*U'Value as reported.*Vr*W'microgram/g dry wt.*X'Value as reported.*Y@*Z'microgram/g dry wt.*['Value as reported.*\\*]'microgram/g dry wt.*^'Value as reported.*_ *`'microgram/g dry wt.x*a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.+++++ +'miles+'@ +'UTM+@ + 'UTM+ ++'microgram/g dry wt.~+'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.+@+'microgram/g dry wt.$+'Analyzed for but not detected.+N+'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.+#"+$'microgram/g dry wt.x+%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.+&%I+''microgram/g dry wt.+('Value as reported.+)+*'microgram/g dry wt.++'Value as reported.+,( @+-'microgram/g dry wt.+.'Value as reported.+/i+0'microgram/g dry wt.+1'Value as reported.+8E +9'microgram/g dry wt.x+:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.+;,+<'microgram/g dry wt.+='Value as reported.+>+?'microgram/g dry wt.+@'Value as reported.+D@+E'microgram/g dry wt.$+F'Analyzed for but not detected.+G@+H'microgram/g dry wt.$+I'Analyzed for but not detected.+S+T'microgram/g dry wt.+U'Value as reported.+Vn+W'microgram/g dry wt.+X'Value as reported.+Yܛ@+Z'microgram/g dry wt.+['Value as reported.+\+]'microgram/g dry wt.+^'Value as reported.+_:+`'microgram/g dry wt.x+a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.,,,,, ,'miles,'@ ,'UTM,@ , 'UTM, ,,'microgram/g dry wt.x,'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.,5,'microgram/g dry wt.x,'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.,D,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported.,#'(,$'microgram/g dry wt.x,%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.,&M,''microgram/g dry wt.,('Value as reported.,)#,*'microgram/g dry wt.,+'Value as reported.,,@,-'microgram/g dry wt.,.'Value as reported.,/ ,0'microgram/g dry wt.,1'Value as reported.,8,9'microgram/g dry wt.x,:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.,;*,<'microgram/g dry wt.,='Value as reported.,> ,?'microgram/g dry wt.,@'Value as reported.,D ,E'microgram/g dry wt.~,F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.,GG:,H'microgram/g dry wt.x,I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.,S,T'microgram/g dry wt.,U'Value as reported.,VHq,W'microgram/g dry wt.,X'Value as reported.,Yؤ@,Z'microgram/g dry wt.,['Value as reported.,\d,]'microgram/g dry wt.,^'Value as reported.,_T,`'microgram/g dry wt.x,a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.-- --- -'miles-'@ -'UTM-@ - 'UTM- -@-'microgram/g dry wt.$-'Analyzed for but not detected.-;-'microgram/g dry wt.~-'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.--'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.-#-$'microgram/g dry wt.~-%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.-&`-''microgram/g dry wt.-('Value as reported.-)'-*'microgram/g dry wt.-+'Value as reported.-,T@--'microgram/g dry wt.-.'Value as reported.-/I-0'microgram/g dry wt.-1'Value as reported.-8%-9'microgram/g dry wt.x-:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.-;%;-<'microgram/g dry wt.-='Value as reported.->` -?'microgram/g dry wt.-@'Value as reported.-D -E'microgram/g dry wt.~-F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.-G'2-H'microgram/g dry wt.x-I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.-S-T'microgram/g dry wt.-U'Value as reported.-Vp-W'microgram/g dry wt.-X'Value as reported.-Y @-Z'microgram/g dry wt.-['Value as reported.-\-]'microgram/g dry wt.-^'Value as reported.-_N-`'microgram/g dry wt.x-a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported... ... .'miles.'@ .'UTM.@ . 'UTM. .G1.'microgram/g dry wt.x.'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported..<.'microgram/g dry wt.~.'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant..p.'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported..#.$'microgram/g dry wt.~.%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant..&Ef.''microgram/g dry wt..('Value as reported..)'.*'microgram/g dry wt..+'Value as reported..,X @.-'microgram/g dry wt...'Value as reported../i .0'microgram/g dry wt..1'Value as reported..8e(.9'microgram/g dry wt.x.:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported..;%;.<'microgram/g dry wt..='Value as reported..> .?'microgram/g dry wt..@'Value as reported..D@.E'microgram/g dry wt.$.F'Analyzed for but not detected..G0.H'microgram/g dry wt.x.I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported..S.T'microgram/g dry wt..U'Value as reported..Vy.W'microgram/g dry wt..X'Value as reported..Yh @.Z'microgram/g dry wt..['Value as reported..\.]'microgram/g dry wt..^'Value as reported.._.`'microgram/g dry wt.x.a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.///// /'miles/'@ /'UTM/@ / 'UTM/ //'microgram/g dry wt.~/'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant./gK/'microgram/g dry wt.x/'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.//'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./#G2/$'microgram/g dry wt.x/%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported./&W/''microgram/g dry wt./('Value as reported./)'/*'microgram/g dry wt./+'Value as reported./, @/-'microgram/g dry wt./.'Value as reported.///0'microgram/g dry wt./1'Value as reported./8:/9'microgram/g dry wt.x/:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported./;e//<'microgram/g dry wt./='Value as reported./> /?'microgram/g dry wt./@'Value as reported./D@/E'microgram/g dry wt.$/F'Analyzed for but not detected./G/H'microgram/g dry wt.~/I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant./S/T'microgram/g dry wt./U'Value as reported./V0u/W'microgram/g dry wt./X'Value as reported./Y@/Z'microgram/g dry wt./['Value as reported./\P/]'microgram/g dry wt./^'Value as reported./_GW/`'microgram/g dry wt.x/a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.00000 0'miles0'@ 0'UTM0@ 0 'UTM0 00'microgram/g dry wt.~0'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.090'microgram/g dry wt.~0'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.0B0'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.0#(0$'microgram/g dry wt.x0%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.0&I0''microgram/g dry wt.0('Value as reported.0)&0*'microgram/g dry wt.0+'Value as reported.0, @0-'microgram/g dry wt.0.'Value as reported.0/00'microgram/g dry wt..01'Value represents the mean of replicates.08 09'microgram/g dry wt.x0:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.0;30<'microgram/g dry wt.0='Value as reported.0> 0?'microgram/g dry wt.0@'Value as reported.0D 0E'microgram/g dry wt.~0F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.0G0H'microgram/g dry wt.x0I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.0S0T'microgram/g dry wt.0U'Value as reported.0Vw0W'microgram/g dry wt.0X'Value as reported.0Y @0Z'microgram/g dry wt.0['Value as reported.0\0]'microgram/g dry wt.0^'Value as reported.0_GZ0`'microgram/g dry wt.x0a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.11111 1'miles1'@ 1'UTM1@ 1 'UTM1 11'microgram/g dry wt.x1'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.1@1'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Analyzed for but not detected.1B1'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.1#1$'microgram/g dry wt.x1%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.1&p1''microgram/g dry wt.1('Value as reported.1)#1*'microgram/g dry wt.1+'Value as reported.1, @1-'microgram/g dry wt.1.'Value as reported.1/)10'microgram/g dry wt.11'Value as reported.18819'microgram/g dry wt.x1:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.1;R1<'microgram/g dry wt.1='Value as reported.1>x1?'microgram/g dry wt.1@'Value as reported.1D 1E'microgram/g dry wt.~1F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.1G51H'microgram/g dry wt.x1I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.1S1T'microgram/g dry wt.1U'Value as reported.1Vu1W'microgram/g dry wt.1X'Value as reported.1Y @1Z'microgram/g dry wt.1['Value as reported.1\1]'microgram/g dry wt.1^'Value as reported.1_gB1`'microgram/g dry wt.x1a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.22222 2'miles2'@ 2'UTM2@ 2 'UTM2 22'microgram/g dry wt.~2'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.2'72'microgram/g dry wt.~2'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.2,2'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.2#2$'microgram/g dry wt.~2%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.2&Q2''microgram/g dry wt.2('Value as reported.2)%2*'microgram/g dry wt.2+'Value as reported.2, @2-'microgram/g dry wt.2.'Value as reported.2/20'microgram/g dry wt.21'Value as reported.28%29'microgram/g dry wt.x2:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.2;E/2<'microgram/g dry wt.2='Value as reported.2>2?'microgram/g dry wt.2@'Value as reported.2D 2E'microgram/g dry wt.~2F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.2G2H'microgram/g dry wt.~2I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.2S2T'microgram/g dry wt.2U'Value as reported.2Vv2W'microgram/g dry wt.2X'Value as reported.2Y8 @2Z'microgram/g dry wt.2['Value as reported.2\(2]'microgram/g dry wt.2^'Value as reported.2_2`'microgram/g dry wt.~2a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.33333 3'miles3'@ 3'UTM3@ 3 'UTM3 3/G30'microgram/g dry wt..31'Value represents the mean of replicates.44444 4'miles4'@ 4'UTM4@ 4 'UTM4 4/w40'microgram/g dry wt.41'Value as reported.55555Z 5'miles5^@ 5'UTM5@ 5 'UTM5 5@5'microgram/g dry wt.$5'Analyzed for but not detected.5g:5'microgram/g dry wt.x5'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.55'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.5#5$'microgram/g dry wt.~5%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.5&55''microgram/g dry wt.x5('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.5)5*'microgram/g dry wt.5+'Value as reported.5,0 @5-'microgram/g dry wt.5.'Value as reported.5/50'microgram/g dry wt.51'Value as reported.5859'microgram/g dry wt.x5:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.5; 5<'microgram/g dry wt.x5='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.5>5?'microgram/g dry wt.5@'Value as reported.5D@5E'microgram/g dry wt.$5F'Analyzed for but not detected.5G)5H'microgram/g dry wt.x5I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.5SH5T'microgram/g dry wt.5U'Value as reported.5Vr5W'microgram/g dry wt.5X'Value as reported.5YY5Z'microgram/g dry wt.5['Value as reported.5\5]'microgram/g dry wt.5^'Value as reported.5_5`'microgram/g dry wt.~5a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.66666Z 6'miles6^@ 6'UTM6@ 6 'UTM6 66'microgram/g dry wt.~6'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.6G@6'microgram/g dry wt.x6'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.66'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.6#6$'microgram/g dry wt.x6%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.6&EO6''microgram/g dry wt.6('Value as reported.6)%!6*'microgram/g dry wt.6+'Value as reported.6,X @6-'microgram/g dry wt.6.'Value as reported.6/I60'microgram/g dry wt.61'Value as reported.68269'microgram/g dry wt.x6:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.6;%6<'microgram/g dry wt.6='Value as reported.6>N6?'microgram/g dry wt.6@'Value as reported.6D 6E'microgram/g dry wt.~6F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.6G@6H'microgram/g dry wt.$6I'Analyzed for but not detected.6S6T'microgram/g dry wt.6U'Value as reported.6V}6W'microgram/g dry wt.6X'Value as reported.6YY6Z'microgram/g dry wt.6['Value as reported.6\T6]'microgram/g dry wt.6^'Value as reported.6_6`'microgram/g dry wt.~6a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.77777Z 7'miles7^@ 7'UTM7@ 7 'UTM7 7e7'microgram/g dry wt.x7'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.7@7'microgram/g dry wt.$7'Analyzed for but not detected.77'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.7#7$'microgram/g dry wt.~7%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.7&e)7''microgram/g dry wt.x7('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.7)7*'microgram/g dry wt.x7+'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.7,v7-'microgram/g dry wt.7.'Value as reported.7/ 70'microgram/g dry wt.71'Value as reported.7879'microgram/g dry wt.~7:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.7;7<'microgram/g dry wt.x7='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.7>7?'microgram/g dry wt.7@'Value as reported.7D@7E'microgram/g dry wt.$7F'Analyzed for but not detected.7G7H'microgram/g dry wt.~7I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.7S,7T'microgram/g dry wt.7U'Value as reported.7Vp7W'microgram/g dry wt.7X'Value as reported.7Y07Z'microgram/g dry wt.7['Value as reported.7\p7]'microgram/g dry wt.7^'Value as reported.7_7`'microgram/g dry wt.~7a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.88 888Z 8'miles8^@ 8'UTM8@ 8 'UTM8 8@8'microgram/g dry wt.$8'Analyzed for but not detected.8(8'microgram/g dry wt.~8'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.8T8'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.8#8$'microgram/g dry wt.~8%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.8&%88''microgram/g dry wt.x8('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.8)e8*'microgram/g dry wt.x8+'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.8,8-'microgram/g dry wt.8.'Value as reported.8/ 80'microgram/g dry wt.81'Value as reported.88E89'microgram/g dry wt.x8:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.8;E8<'microgram/g dry wt.8='Value as reported.8>8?'microgram/g dry wt.8@'Value as reported.8D 8E'microgram/g dry wt.~8F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.8G8H'microgram/g dry wt.~8I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.8SU8T'microgram/g dry wt.8U'Value as reported.8V @8W'microgram/g dry wt.8X'Value as reported.8Yp08Z'microgram/g dry wt.8['Value as reported.8\8]'microgram/g dry wt.8^'Value as reported.8_8`'microgram/g dry wt.~8a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.99"999Z 9'miles9^@ 9'UTM9@ 9 'UTM9 9@9'microgram/g dry wt.$9'Analyzed for but not detected.99'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.99'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.9#9$'microgram/g dry wt.~9%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.9&eG9''microgram/g dry wt.9('Value as reported.9)9*'microgram/g dry wt.9+'Value as reported.9,L@9-'microgram/g dry wt.9.'Value as reported.9/ 90'microgram/g dry wt.91'Value as reported.98e699'microgram/g dry wt.x9:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.9; 9<'microgram/g dry wt.x9='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.9>9?'microgram/g dry wt.9@'Value as reported.9D@9E'microgram/g dry wt.$9F'Analyzed for but not detected.9G@9H'microgram/g dry wt.$9I'Analyzed for but not detected.9S9T'microgram/g dry wt.9U'Value as reported.9V0 @9W'microgram/g dry wt.9X'Value as reported.9Y:9Z'microgram/g dry wt.9['Value as reported.9\X9]'microgram/g dry wt.9^'Value as reported.9_g?9`'microgram/g dry wt.x9a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.::$:::Z :'miles:^@ :'UTM:@ : 'UTM: ::'microgram/g dry wt.~:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.:e:'microgram/g dry wt.~:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.::'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.:#:$'microgram/g dry wt.x:%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.:&:''microgram/g dry wt.:('Value as reported.:)%%:*'microgram/g dry wt.:+'Value as reported.:,D@:-'microgram/g dry wt.:.'Value as reported.:/I :0'microgram/g dry wt..:1'Value represents the mean of replicates.:8#:9'microgram/g dry wt.x::'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.:;':<'microgram/g dry wt.:='Value as reported.:>:?'microgram/g dry wt.:@'Value as reported.:D :E'microgram/g dry wt.~:F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.:G:H'microgram/g dry wt.~:I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.:S*:T'microgram/g dry wt.:U'Value as reported.:Vc:W'microgram/g dry wt.:X'Value as reported.:Y5:Z'microgram/g dry wt.:['Value as reported.:\:]'microgram/g dry wt.:^'Value as reported.:_g?:`'microgram/g dry wt.x:a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.;;&;;;Z ;'miles;^@ ;'UTM;@ ; 'UTM; ;;'microgram/g dry wt.~;'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.;c;'microgram/g dry wt.x;'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.;;'microgram/g dry wt.;'Value as reported.;#u;$'microgram/g dry wt.x;%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.;&eU;''microgram/g dry wt.;('Value as reported.;)e*;*'microgram/g dry wt.;+'Value as reported.;,ܛ@;-'microgram/g dry wt.;.'Value as reported.;/ ;0'microgram/g dry wt.;1'Value as reported.;8;;9'microgram/g dry wt.;:'Value as reported.;;%;<'microgram/g dry wt.;='Value as reported.;>~;?'microgram/g dry wt.;@'Value as reported.;D ;E'microgram/g dry wt.~;F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.;Ggg;H'microgram/g dry wt.;I'Value as reported.;SJ;T'microgram/g dry wt.;U'Value as reported.;V @;W'microgram/g dry wt.;X'Value as reported.;Y-;Z'microgram/g dry wt.;['Value as reported.;\;]'microgram/g dry wt.;^'Value as reported.;_;`'microgram/g dry wt.~;a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.<<(<<<Z <'miles<^@ <'UTM<@ < 'UTM< <<'microgram/g dry wt.~<'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.<G^<'microgram/g dry wt.x<'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.<<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.<#<$'microgram/g dry wt.~<%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.<&=<''microgram/g dry wt.<('Value as reported.<)&<*'microgram/g dry wt.<+'Value as reported.<,0@<-'microgram/g dry wt.<.'Value as reported.</ <0'microgram/g dry wt.<1'Value as reported.<87<9'microgram/g dry wt.x<:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.<; <<'microgram/g dry wt.<='Value as reported.<><?'microgram/g dry wt.<@'Value as reported.<D <E'microgram/g dry wt.~<F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.<G<H'microgram/g dry wt.~<I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.<S<T'microgram/g dry wt.<U'Value as reported.<Vc<W'microgram/g dry wt.<X'Value as reported.<Y-<Z'microgram/g dry wt.<['Value as reported.<\<]'microgram/g dry wt.<^'Value as reported.<_@<`'microgram/g dry wt.x<a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.==*===Z ='miles=^@ ='UTM=@ = 'UTM= ='='microgram/g dry wt.x='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.=g0='microgram/g dry wt.~='Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.=H='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.=#@=$'microgram/g dry wt.$=%'Analyzed for but not detected.=&e?=''microgram/g dry wt.=('Value as reported.=)#=*'microgram/g dry wt.=+'Value as reported.=, @=-'microgram/g dry wt.=.'Value as reported.=/ =0'microgram/g dry wt..=1'Value represents the mean of replicates.=8'=9'microgram/g dry wt.x=:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.=;=<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Value as reported.=>T=?'microgram/g dry wt.=@'Value as reported.=D =E'microgram/g dry wt.~=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.=GG*=H'microgram/g dry wt.x=I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.=S=T'microgram/g dry wt.=U'Value as reported.=VP @=W'microgram/g dry wt.=X'Value as reported.=Y0/=Z'microgram/g dry wt.=['Value as reported.=\=]'microgram/g dry wt.=^'Value as reported.=_=`'microgram/g dry wt.~=a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.>>,>> >'miles>昗@ >'UTM>w@ > 'UTM> >@>'microgram/g dry wt.$>'Analyzed for but not detected.>2>'microgram/g dry wt.x>'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.>>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.>#>$'microgram/g dry wt.~>%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.>&>>''microgram/g dry wt.>('Value as reported.>)>*'microgram/g dry wt.>+'Value as reported.>, @>-'microgram/g dry wt.>.'Value as reported.>/i>0'microgram/g dry wt.>1'Value as reported.>8)>9'microgram/g dry wt.x>:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.>;><'microgram/g dry wt.x>='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.>>>?'microgram/g dry wt.>@'Value as reported.>D@>E'microgram/g dry wt.$>F'Analyzed for but not detected.>GU>H'microgram/g dry wt.x>I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.>Sl>T'microgram/g dry wt.>U'Value as reported.>Vxi>W'microgram/g dry wt.>X'Value as reported.>Y>Z'microgram/g dry wt.>['Value as reported.>\>]'microgram/g dry wt.>^'Value as reported.>_>`'microgram/g dry wt.~>a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.??.?? ?'miles?昗@ ?'UTM?w@ ? 'UTM? ?/I?0'microgram/g dry wt.?1'Value as reported.@@0@@ @'miles@昗@ @'UTM@w@ @ 'UTM@ @@@'microgram/g dry wt.$@'Analyzed for but not detected.@v@'microgram/g dry wt.x@'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.@@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@#@$'microgram/g dry wt.~@%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.@&:@''microgram/g dry wt.@('Value as reported.@)@*'microgram/g dry wt.@+'Value as reported.@, @@-'microgram/g dry wt.@.'Value as reported.@/@0'microgram/g dry wt.@1'Value as reported.@8(@9'microgram/g dry wt.x@:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.@;gx@<'microgram/g dry wt.x@='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.@>t@?'microgram/g dry wt.@@'Value as reported.@D @E'microgram/g dry wt.~@F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.@G@H'microgram/g dry wt.~@I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.@S@T'microgram/g dry wt.@U'Value as reported.@Vxi@W'microgram/g dry wt.@X'Value as reported.@Y@@Z'microgram/g dry wt.@['Value as reported.@\$@]'microgram/g dry wt.@^'Value as reported.@_gI@`'microgram/g dry wt.x@a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.AA2AA A'milesA昗@ A'UTMAw@ A 'UTMA A/iA0'microgram/g dry wt.A1'Value as reported.BB4BB B'milesB昗@ B'UTMBw@ B 'UTMB B@B'microgram/g dry wt.$B'Analyzed for but not detected.BjB'microgram/g dry wt.xB'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.BxB'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.B#B$'microgram/g dry wt.~B%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.B&HB''microgram/g dry wt.B('Value as reported.B)B*'microgram/g dry wt.xB+'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.B,B-'microgram/g dry wt.B.'Value as reported.B/B0'microgram/g dry wt.B1'Value as reported.B8eB9'microgram/g dry wt.xB:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.B;pB<'microgram/g dry wt.xB='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.B>B?'microgram/g dry wt.B@'Value as reported.BD@BE'microgram/g dry wt.$BF'Analyzed for but not detected.BG@BH'microgram/g dry wt.$BI'Analyzed for but not detected.BSRBT'microgram/g dry wt.BU'Value as reported.BVkBW'microgram/g dry wt.BX'Value as reported.BYd@BZ'microgram/g dry wt.B['Value as reported.B\B]'microgram/g dry wt.B^'Value as reported.B_B`'microgram/g dry wt.~Ba'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.CC6CC C'milesC昗@ C'UTMCw@ C 'UTMC CC'microgram/g dry wt.~C'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.CG9C'microgram/g dry wt.xC'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.CBC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.C#C$'microgram/g dry wt.~C%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.C&5C''microgram/g dry wt.xC('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.C)C*'microgram/g dry wt.C+'Value as reported.C,p @C-'microgram/g dry wt.C.'Value as reported.C/C0'microgram/g dry wt.C1'Value as reported.C8C9'microgram/g dry wt.xC:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.C;eC<'microgram/g dry wt.xC='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.C>dC?'microgram/g dry wt.C@'Value as reported.CD CE'microgram/g dry wt.~CF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.CG@CH'microgram/g dry wt.$CI'Analyzed for but not detected.CSEHCT'microgram/g dry wt.CU'Value as reported.CVXfCW'microgram/g dry wt.CX'Value as reported.CY3CZ'microgram/g dry wt.C['Value as reported.C\PC]'microgram/g dry wt.C^'Value as reported.C_4C`'microgram/g dry wt.xCa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.DD8DD D'milesD昗@ D'UTMDw@ D 'UTMD DD'microgram/g dry wt.~D'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.DLD'microgram/g dry wt.xD'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.DHD'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.D#@D$'microgram/g dry wt.$D%'Analyzed for but not detected.D&%6D''microgram/g dry wt.xD('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.D)(D*'microgram/g dry wt.D+'Value as reported.D,D-'microgram/g dry wt.D.'Value as reported.D/D0'microgram/g dry wt..D1'Value represents the mean of replicates.D8D9'microgram/g dry wt.xD:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.D;ED<'microgram/g dry wt.xD='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.D>D?'microgram/g dry wt.D@'Value as reported.DD DE'microgram/g dry wt.~DF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.DG'DH'microgram/g dry wt.xDI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.DSETDT'microgram/g dry wt.DVpbDW'microgram/g dry wt.DX'Value as reported.DYcDZ'microgram/g dry wt.D['Value as reported.D\0D]'microgram/g dry wt.D^'Value as reported.D_D`'microgram/g dry wt.~Da'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.EE:EE E'milesE昗@ E'UTMEw@ E 'UTME E@E'microgram/g dry wt.$E'Analyzed for but not detected.EEE'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.EE'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E#@E$'microgram/g dry wt.$E%'Analyzed for but not detected.E&BE''microgram/g dry wt.E('Value as reported.E)E*'microgram/g dry wt.E+'Value as reported.E,sE-'microgram/g dry wt.E.'Value as reported.E/ E0'microgram/g dry wt.E1'Value as reported.E8hE9'microgram/g dry wt.E:'Value as reported.E; E<'microgram/g dry wt.xE='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.E>E?'microgram/g dry wt.E@'Value as reported.ED EE'microgram/g dry wt.~EF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.EG@EH'microgram/g dry wt.$EI'Analyzed for but not detected.ESET'microgram/g dry wt.EU'Value as reported.EV@jEW'microgram/g dry wt.EX'Value as reported.EY̿@EZ'microgram/g dry wt.E['Value as reported.E\E]'microgram/g dry wt.E^'Value as reported.E_E`'microgram/g dry wt.~Ea'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.FF<FF F'milesF昗@ F'UTMFw@ F 'UTMF F@F'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Analyzed for but not detected.FeF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.FhF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.F#F$'microgram/g dry wt.~F%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.F&IF''microgram/g dry wt.F('Value as reported.F)@F*'microgram/g dry wt.F+'Value as reported.F, @F-'microgram/g dry wt.F.'Value as reported.F/F0'microgram/g dry wt.F1'Value as reported.F8E0F9'microgram/g dry wt.xF:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.F;IF<'microgram/g dry wt.xF='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.F>F?'microgram/g dry wt.F@'Value as reported.FD@FE'microgram/g dry wt.$FF'Analyzed for but not detected.FG@FH'microgram/g dry wt.$FI'Analyzed for but not detected.FSenFT'microgram/g dry wt.FU'Value as reported.FVkFW'microgram/g dry wt.FX'Value as reported.FY@FZ'microgram/g dry wt.F['Value as reported.F\F]'microgram/g dry wt.F^'Value as reported.F_?F`'microgram/g dry wt.xFa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.GG>GG G'milesG昗@ G'UTMGw@ G 'UTMG GG'microgram/g dry wt.~G'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.GNG'microgram/g dry wt.xG'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.GtG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.G#@G$'microgram/g dry wt.$G%'Analyzed for but not detected.G&VG''microgram/g dry wt.G('Value as reported.G)#G*'microgram/g dry wt.G+'Value as reported.G, @G-'microgram/g dry wt.G.'Value as reported.G/) G0'microgram/g dry wt..G1'Value represents the mean of replicates.G8%#G9'microgram/g dry wt.xG:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.G;G<'microgram/g dry wt.G='Value as reported.G>4G?'microgram/g dry wt.G@'Value as reported.GD GE'microgram/g dry wt.~GF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.GGGH'microgram/g dry wt.xGI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.GSEpGT'microgram/g dry wt.GU'Value as reported.GVhGW'microgram/g dry wt.GX'Value as reported.GY@GZ'microgram/g dry wt.G['Value as reported.G\G]'microgram/g dry wt.G^'Value as reported.G_G`'microgram/g dry wt.~Ga'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.HH@HH H'milesH昗@ H'UTMHw@ H 'UTMH H/ H0'microgram/g dry wt.H1'Value as reported.IIBI I  I'milesIu@ I'UTMI@ @ I 'UTMI II'microgram/g dry wt.~I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.I5I'microgram/g dry wt.xI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.I#@I$'microgram/g dry wt.$I%'Analyzed for but not detected.I&:I''microgram/g dry wt.I('Value as reported.I)I*'microgram/g dry wt.I+'Value as reported.I, @I-'microgram/g dry wt.I.'Value as reported.I/I0'microgram/g dry wt.I1'Value as reported.I8I9'microgram/g dry wt.~I:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.I; I<'microgram/g dry wt.xI='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.I>I?'microgram/g dry wt.I@'Value as reported.ID IE'microgram/g dry wt.~IF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.IG IH'microgram/g dry wt.xII'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.IS%5IT'microgram/g dry wt.IU'Value as reported.IV3IW'microgram/g dry wt.IX'Value as reported.IYIZ'microgram/g dry wt.I['Value as reported.I\|I]'microgram/g dry wt.I^'Value as reported.I_I`'microgram/g dry wt.~Ia'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.JJDJ J  J'milesJu@ J'UTMJ@ @ J 'UTMJ J/I J0'microgram/g dry wt.J1'Value as reported.KKFK K  K'milesKu@ K'UTMK@ @ K 'UTMK KGK'microgram/g dry wt.xK'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.Kg+K'microgram/g dry wt.~K'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.K<K'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.K#K$'microgram/g dry wt.~K%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.K&)K''microgram/g dry wt.xK('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.K)EK*'microgram/g dry wt.xK+'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.K, @K-'microgram/g dry wt.K.'Value as reported.K/K0'microgram/g dry wt.K1'Value as reported.K8K9'microgram/g dry wt.xK:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.K;K<'microgram/g dry wt.K='Value as reported.K>@K?'microgram/g dry wt.K@'Value as reported.KD@KE'microgram/g dry wt.$KF'Analyzed for but not detected.KG@KH'microgram/g dry wt.$KI'Analyzed for but not detected.KSbKT'microgram/g dry wt.KU'Value as reported.KVSKW'microgram/g dry wt.KX'Value as reported.KY`mKZ'microgram/g dry wt.K['Value as reported.K\ K]'microgram/g dry wt.K^'Value as reported.K_K`'microgram/g dry wt.~Ka'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.LLHL L  L'milesLu@ L'UTML@ @ L 'UTML L/ L0'microgram/g dry wt.L1'Value as reported.MMJM M  M'milesMu@ M'UTMM@ @ M 'UTMM M@M'microgram/g dry wt.$M'Analyzed for but not detected.M`M'microgram/g dry wt.xM'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.MM'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.M#@M$'microgram/g dry wt.$M%'Analyzed for but not detected.M&&M''microgram/g dry wt.xM('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.M)E!M*'microgram/g dry wt.M+'Value as reported.M,p @M-'microgram/g dry wt.M.'Value as reported.M/ M0'microgram/g dry wt.M1'Value as reported.M8M9'microgram/g dry wt.~M:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.M;M<'microgram/g dry wt.xM='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.M>M?'microgram/g dry wt.M@'Value as reported.MD ME'microgram/g dry wt.~MF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.MG-MH'microgram/g dry wt.xMI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.MSEMT'microgram/g dry wt.MU'Value as reported.MV @MW'microgram/g dry wt.MX'Value as reported.MYVMZ'microgram/g dry wt.M['Value as reported.M\M]'microgram/g dry wt.M^'Value as reported.M_M`'microgram/g dry wt.~Ma'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.NNLN N  N'milesNu@ N'UTMN@ @ N 'UTMN N/i N0'microgram/g dry wt..N1'Value represents the mean of replicates.OONO O  O'milesOu@ O'UTMO@ @ O 'UTMO OO'microgram/g dry wt.~O'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.OWO'microgram/g dry wt.xO'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.O,O'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.O#O$'microgram/g dry wt.~O%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.O&e9O''microgram/g dry wt.O('Value as reported.O) O*'microgram/g dry wt.O+'Value as reported.O,0 @O-'microgram/g dry wt.O.'Value as reported.O/iO0'microgram/g dry wt.O1'Value as reported.O8%O9'microgram/g dry wt.xO:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.O; O<'microgram/g dry wt.xO='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.O>O?'microgram/g dry wt.O@'Value as reported.OD OE'microgram/g dry wt.~OF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.OG@OH'microgram/g dry wt.$OI'Analyzed for but not detected.OSJOT'microgram/g dry wt.OU'Value as reported.OV @OW'microgram/g dry wt.OX'Value as reported.OYxiOZ'microgram/g dry wt.O['Value as reported.O\O]'microgram/g dry wt.O^'Value as reported.O_O`'microgram/g dry wt.~Oa'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.PPPP P  P'milesPu@ P'UTMP@ @ P 'UTMP P/I P0'microgram/g dry wt.P1'Value as reported.QQRQ Q  Q'milesQu@ Q'UTMQ@ @ Q 'UTMQ Q'Q'microgram/g dry wt.xQ'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.Q*Q'microgram/g dry wt.~Q'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.QbQ'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.Q#@Q$'microgram/g dry wt.$Q%'Analyzed for but not detected.Q&%:Q''microgram/g dry wt.Q('Value as reported.Q)%Q*'microgram/g dry wt.Q+'Value as reported.Q,h @Q-'microgram/g dry wt.Q.'Value as reported.Q/%Q0'microgram/g dry wt..Q1'Value represents the mean of replicates.Q8Q9'microgram/g dry wt.~Q:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.Q;eQ<'microgram/g dry wt.xQ='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.Q>Q?'microgram/g dry wt.Q@'Value as reported.QD QE'microgram/g dry wt.~QF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.QG)QH'microgram/g dry wt.xQI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.QSE5QT'microgram/g dry wt.QU'Value as reported.QVSQW'microgram/g dry wt.QX'Value as reported.QYH @QZ'microgram/g dry wt.Q['Value as reported.Q\Q]'microgram/g dry wt.Q^'Value as reported.Q_Q`'microgram/g dry wt.~Qa'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.RRTR R  R'milesRu@ R'UTMR@ @ R 'UTMR R/R0'microgram/g dry wt.R1'Value as reported.SSVS S  S'milesSu@ S'UTMS@ @ S 'UTMS SS'microgram/g dry wt.~S'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.SRS'microgram/g dry wt.xS'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.S4S'microgram/g dry wt.S'Value as reported.S#S$'microgram/g dry wt.~S%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.S&FS''microgram/g dry wt.xS('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.S)eS*'microgram/g dry wt.S+'Value as reported.S, @S-'microgram/g dry wt.S.'Value as reported.S/ S0'microgram/g dry wt.S1'Value as reported.S8S9'microgram/g dry wt.~S:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.S;YS<'microgram/g dry wt.xS='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.S>S?'microgram/g dry wt.S@'Value as reported.SD@SE'microgram/g dry wt.$SF'Analyzed for but not detected.SGSH'microgram/g dry wt.~SI'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.SS=ST'microgram/g dry wt.SU'Value as reported.SV @SW'microgram/g dry wt.SX'Value as reported.SYXSZ'microgram/g dry wt.S['Value as reported.S\S]'microgram/g dry wt.S^'Value as reported.S_S`'microgram/g dry wt.~Sa'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.TTXTTT< T'milesTΖ@ T'UTMT@d@ T 'UTMT T@T'microgram/g dry wt.$T'Analyzed for but not detected.T9T'microgram/g dry wt.xT'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.TRT'microgram/g dry wt.T'Value as reported.T#T$'microgram/g dry wt.~T%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.T&6T''microgram/g dry wt.xT('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.T)eT*'microgram/g dry wt.T+'Value as reported.T,T-'microgram/g dry wt.T.'Value as reported.T/ T0'microgram/g dry wt.T1'Value as reported.T8%T9'microgram/g dry wt.xT:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.T;T<'microgram/g dry wt.xT='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.T>BT?'microgram/g dry wt.T@'Value as reported.TD TE'microgram/g dry wt.~TF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.TG@TH'microgram/g dry wt.$TI'Analyzed for but not detected.TSLTT'microgram/g dry wt.TU'Value as reported.TVxiTW'microgram/g dry wt.TX'Value as reported.TYp@TZ'microgram/g dry wt.T['Value as reported.T\DT]'microgram/g dry wt.T^'Value as reported.T_T`'microgram/g dry wt.~Ta'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.UUZUUU< U'milesUΖ@ U'UTMU@d@ U 'UTMU U/wU0'microgram/g dry wt.U1'Value as reported.VV\VVV< V'milesVΖ@ V'UTMV@d@ V 'UTMV VV'microgram/g dry wt.xV'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.Vg3V'microgram/g dry wt.xV'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.VJV'microgram/g dry wt.V'Value as reported.V#V$'microgram/g dry wt.~V%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.V&E>V''microgram/g dry wt.V('Value as reported.V)V*'microgram/g dry wt.xV+'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.V,P @V-'microgram/g dry wt.V.'Value as reported.V/)$V0'microgram/g dry wt.V1'Value as reported.V8%V9'microgram/g dry wt.xV:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.V;V<'microgram/g dry wt.V='Value as reported.V>V?'microgram/g dry wt.V@'Value as reported.VD VE'microgram/g dry wt.~VF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.VG,VH'microgram/g dry wt.xVI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.VSePVT'microgram/g dry wt.VU'Value as reported.VVpbVW'microgram/g dry wt.VX'Value as reported.VYt@VZ'microgram/g dry wt.V['Value as reported.V\V]'microgram/g dry wt.V^'Value as reported.V_V`'microgram/g dry wt.~Va'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.WW^WWW< W'milesWΖ@ W'UTMW@d@ W 'UTMW WW'microgram/g dry wt.~W'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.WG6W'microgram/g dry wt.~W'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.WW'microgram/g dry wt.W'Value as reported.W#@W$'microgram/g dry wt.$W%'Analyzed for but not detected.W&%=W''microgram/g dry wt.W('Value as reported.W)0W*'microgram/g dry wt.W+'Value as reported.W, @W-'microgram/g dry wt.W.'Value as reported.W/)#W0'microgram/g dry wt.W1'Value as reported.W8@W9'microgram/g dry wt.$W:'Analyzed for but not detected.W;&W<'microgram/g dry wt.W='Value as reported.W>W?'microgram/g dry wt.W@'Value as reported.WD@WE'microgram/g dry wt.$WF'Analyzed for but not detected.WGWH'microgram/g dry wt.xWI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.WShWT'microgram/g dry wt.WU'Value as reported.WV gWW'microgram/g dry wt.WX'Value as reported.WYD@WZ'microgram/g dry wt.W['Value as reported.W\W]'microgram/g dry wt.W^'Value as reported.W_W`'microgram/g dry wt.~Wa'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.XX`XXX< X'milesXΖ@ X'UTMX@d@ X 'UTMX XX'microgram/g dry wt.~X'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.X1X'microgram/g dry wt.~X'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.XX'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.X#@X$'microgram/g dry wt.$X%'Analyzed for but not detected.X&E:X''microgram/g dry wt.X('Value as reported.X)&X*'microgram/g dry wt.X+'Value as reported.X,H @X-'microgram/g dry wt.X.'Value as reported.X/%X0'microgram/g dry wt..X1'Value represents the mean of replicates.X8X9'microgram/g dry wt.xX:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.X;e!X<'microgram/g dry wt.X='Value as reported.X> X?'microgram/g dry wt.X@'Value as reported.XD XE'microgram/g dry wt.~XF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.XG'OXH'microgram/g dry wt.XI'Value as reported.XS^XT'microgram/g dry wt.XU'Value as reported.XV@jXW'microgram/g dry wt.XX'Value as reported.XY@XZ'microgram/g dry wt.X['Value as reported.X\X]'microgram/g dry wt.X^'Value as reported.X_@X`'microgram/g dry wt.$Xa'Analyzed for but not detected.YYbYYY< Y'milesYΖ@ Y'UTMY@d@ Y 'UTMY Y@Y'microgram/g dry wt.$Y'Analyzed for but not detected.YY'microgram/g dry wt.~Y'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.Y^Y'microgram/g dry wt.Y'Value as reported.Y#Y$'microgram/g dry wt.~Y%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.Y&GY''microgram/g dry wt.Y('Value as reported.Y)Y*'microgram/g dry wt.Y+'Value as reported.Y, @Y-'microgram/g dry wt.Y.'Value as reported.Y/#Y0'microgram/g dry wt.Y1'Value as reported.Y8Y9'microgram/g dry wt.~Y:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.Y;eY<'microgram/g dry wt.Y='Value as reported.Y>Y?'microgram/g dry wt.Y@'Value as reported.YD@YE'microgram/g dry wt.$YF'Analyzed for but not detected.YGGKYH'microgram/g dry wt.YI'Value as reported.YS`YT'microgram/g dry wt.YU'Value as reported.YVdYW'microgram/g dry wt.YX'Value as reported.YY@YZ'microgram/g dry wt.Y['Value as reported.Y\Y]'microgram/g dry wt.Y^'Value as reported.Y_Y`'microgram/g dry wt.~Ya'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.ZZdZZZ< Z'milesZΖ@ Z'UTMZ@d@ Z 'UTMZ Z/Z0'microgram/g dry wt.Z1'Value as reported.[[f[[[< ['miles[Ζ@ ['UTM[@d@ [ 'UTM[ [['microgram/g dry wt.~['Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.[L['microgram/g dry wt.x['Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.[@['microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.[#%[$'microgram/g dry wt.x[%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.[&EI[''microgram/g dry wt.[('Value as reported.[)%[*'microgram/g dry wt.[+'Value as reported.[, @[-'microgram/g dry wt.[.'Value as reported.[//[0'microgram/g dry wt..[1'Value represents the mean of replicates.[8[9'microgram/g dry wt.~[:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.[;e#[<'microgram/g dry wt.[='Value as reported.[>[?'microgram/g dry wt.[@'Value as reported.[D@[E'microgram/g dry wt.$[F'Analyzed for but not detected.[G@[H'microgram/g dry wt.$[I'Analyzed for but not detected.[S[T'microgram/g dry wt.[U'Value as reported.[Vk[W'microgram/g dry wt.[X'Value as reported.[Y@[Z'microgram/g dry wt.[['Value as reported.[\[]'microgram/g dry wt.[^'Value as reported.[_[`'microgram/g dry wt.~[a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.\\h\\\< \'miles\Ζ@ \'UTM\@d@ \ 'UTM\ \/)K\0'microgram/g dry wt.\1'Value as reported.]]j]]]< ]'miles]Ζ@ ]'UTM]@d@ ] 'UTM] ]]'microgram/g dry wt.~]'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.]@]'microgram/g dry wt.$]'Analyzed for but not detected.]8]'microgram/g dry wt.]'Value as reported.]#]$'microgram/g dry wt.~]%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.]&;]''microgram/g dry wt.]('Value as reported.])E]*'microgram/g dry wt.]+'Value as reported.], @]-'microgram/g dry wt.].'Value as reported.]/]0'microgram/g dry wt.]1'Value as reported.]8]9'microgram/g dry wt.~]:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.];)]<'microgram/g dry wt.]='Value as reported.]> ]?'microgram/g dry wt.]@'Value as reported.]D ]E'microgram/g dry wt.~]F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.]G(]H'microgram/g dry wt.x]I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.]Sg]T'microgram/g dry wt.]U'Value as reported.]Vo]W'microgram/g dry wt.]X'Value as reported.]Y@]Z'microgram/g dry wt.]['Value as reported.]\\]]'microgram/g dry wt.]^'Value as reported.]_]`'microgram/g dry wt.~]a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.^^l^^ ^ ^'miles^s@ ^'UTM^0a@ ^ 'UTM^ ^@^'microgram/g dry wt.$^'Analyzed for but not detected.^gf^'microgram/g dry wt.x^'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^^'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.^#@^$'microgram/g dry wt.$^%'Analyzed for but not detected.^&E^''microgram/g dry wt.^('Value as reported.^)^*'microgram/g dry wt.^+'Value as reported.^,^-'microgram/g dry wt.^.'Value as reported.^/^0'microgram/g dry wt.^1'Value as reported.^8E^9'microgram/g dry wt.x^:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^;e^<'microgram/g dry wt.x^='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^>d^?'microgram/g dry wt.^@'Value as reported.^D ^E'microgram/g dry wt.~^F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.^G@^H'microgram/g dry wt.$^I'Analyzed for but not detected.^SeT^T'microgram/g dry wt.^U'Value as reported.^Vu^W'microgram/g dry wt.^X'Value as reported.^Y @^Z'microgram/g dry wt.^['Value as reported.^\d^]'microgram/g dry wt.^^'Value as reported.^_'F^`'microgram/g dry wt.x^a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.__n__ _ _'miles_s@ _'UTM_0a@ _ 'UTM_ _/_0'microgram/g dry wt._1'Value as reported.``p`` ` `'miles`s@ `'UTM`0a@ ` 'UTM` ``'microgram/g dry wt.~`'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.`8`'microgram/g dry wt.x`'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.`>`'microgram/g dry wt.`'Value as reported.`#@`$'microgram/g dry wt.$`%'Analyzed for but not detected.`&e"`''microgram/g dry wt.x`('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.`)`*'microgram/g dry wt.`+'Value as reported.`, @`-'microgram/g dry wt.`.'Value as reported.`/I`0'microgram/g dry wt.`1'Value as reported.`8%`9'microgram/g dry wt.x`:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.`;e`<'microgram/g dry wt.`='Value as reported.`>J`?'microgram/g dry wt.`@'Value as reported.`D@`E'microgram/g dry wt.$`F'Analyzed for but not detected.`G`H'microgram/g dry wt.x`I'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.`S%H`T'microgram/g dry wt.`U'Value as reported.`Vr`W'microgram/g dry wt.`X'Value as reported.`Yx @`Z'microgram/g dry wt.`['Value as reported.`\T`]'microgram/g dry wt.`^'Value as reported.`_'8``'microgram/g dry wt.x`a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.aaraa a a'milesas@ a'UTMa0a@ a 'UTMa a/7a0'microgram/g dry wt.a1'Value as reported.bbtbb b b'milesbs@ b'UTMb0a@ b 'UTMb bb'microgram/g dry wt.~b'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.b:b'microgram/g dry wt.xb'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.brb'microgram/g dry wt.b'Value as reported.b#Eb$'microgram/g dry wt.xb%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.b&e4b''microgram/g dry wt.xb('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.b)&b*'microgram/g dry wt.b+'Value as reported.b, @b-'microgram/g dry wt.b.'Value as reported.b/ b0'microgram/g dry wt..b1'Value represents the mean of replicates.b8E*b9'microgram/g dry wt.xb:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.b;b<'microgram/g dry wt.b='Value as reported.b>b?'microgram/g dry wt.b@'Value as reported.bD bE'microgram/g dry wt.~bF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.bG@bH'microgram/g dry wt.$bI'Analyzed for but not detected.bSebT'microgram/g dry wt.bU'Value as reported.bV}bW'microgram/g dry wt.bX'Value as reported.bYbZ'microgram/g dry wt.b['Value as reported.b\b]'microgram/g dry wt.b^'Value as reported.b_[b`'microgram/g dry wt.xba'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.ccvcc c c'milescs@ c'UTMc0a@ c 'UTMc cc'microgram/g dry wt.xc'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.cGac'microgram/g dry wt.xc'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.c.c'microgram/g dry wt.c'Value as reported.c#c$'microgram/g dry wt.xc%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.c&xc''microgram/g dry wt.c('Value as reported.c)%c*'microgram/g dry wt.c+'Value as reported.c,(@c-'microgram/g dry wt.c.'Value as reported.c/ c0'microgram/g dry wt.c1'Value as reported.c83c9'microgram/g dry wt.xc:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.c;ec<'microgram/g dry wt.c='Value as reported.c>c?'microgram/g dry wt.c@'Value as reported.cD cE'microgram/g dry wt.~cF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.cG@cH'microgram/g dry wt.$cI'Analyzed for but not detected.cScT'microgram/g dry wt.cU'Value as reported.cV@ @cW'microgram/g dry wt.cX'Value as reported.cY@ @cZ'microgram/g dry wt.c['Value as reported.c\c]'microgram/g dry wt.c^'Value as reported.c_mc`'microgram/g dry wt.xca'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.ddxdd d d'milesds@ d'UTMd0a@ d 'UTMd d/d0'microgram/g dry wt.d1'Value as reported.eezee e e'mileses@ e'UTMe0a@ e 'UTMe ee'microgram/g dry wt.~e'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.ee'microgram/g dry wt.xe'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.e:e'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.e#@e$'microgram/g dry wt.$e%'Analyzed for but not detected.e&ae''microgram/g dry wt.e('Value as reported.e)e e*'microgram/g dry wt.e+'Value as reported.e,@e-'microgram/g dry wt.e.'Value as reported.e/e0'microgram/g dry wt..e1'Value represents the mean of replicates.e83e9'microgram/g dry wt.xe:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.e; e<'microgram/g dry wt.xe='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.e> e?'microgram/g dry wt.e@'Value as reported.eD eE'microgram/g dry wt.~eF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.eGeH'microgram/g dry wt.xeI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.eSeT'microgram/g dry wt.eU'Value as reported.eVHXeW'microgram/g dry wt.eX'Value as reported.eYeZ'microgram/g dry wt.e['Value as reported.e\e]'microgram/g dry wt.e^'Value as reported.e_e`'microgram/g dry wt.ea'Value as reported.ff|ff f f'milesfs@ f'UTMf0a@ f 'UTMf ff'microgram/g dry wt.~f'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.f#'/f$'microgram/g dry wt.xf%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.f&Ef''microgram/g dry wt.f('Value as reported.f)% f*'microgram/g dry wt.f+'Value as reported.f,@f-'microgram/g dry wt.f.'Value as reported.f/f0'microgram/g dry wt.f1'Value as reported.f8E2f9'microgram/g dry wt.xf:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.f;@f<'microgram/g dry wt.$f='Analyzed for but not detected.f> f?'microgram/g dry wt.f@'Value as reported.fD fE'microgram/g dry wt.~fF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.fG@fH'microgram/g dry wt.$fI'Analyzed for but not detected.fS`fT'microgram/g dry wt.fU'Value as reported.fVZfW'microgram/g dry wt.fX'Value as reported.fYfZ'microgram/g dry wt.f['Value as reported.f\0f]'microgram/g dry wt.f^'Value as reported.f_f`'microgram/g dry wt.fa'Value as reported.gg~gg g g'milesgs@ g'UTMg0a@ g 'UTMg g/)g0'microgram/g dry wt.g1'Value as reported.hhhh h h'mileshs@ h'UTMh0a@ h 'UTMh hh'microgram/g dry wt.~h'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.hg>h'microgram/g dry wt.xh'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.hh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.h#$h$'microgram/g dry wt.xh%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.h&eUh''microgram/g dry wt.h('Value as reported.h)@h*'microgram/g dry wt.h+'Value as reported.h,$@h-'microgram/g dry wt.h.'Value as reported.h/h0'microgram/g dry wt.h1'Value as reported.h8h9'microgram/g dry wt.xh:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.h;h<'microgram/g dry wt.h='Value as reported.h>h?'microgram/g dry wt.h@'Value as reported.hD hE'microgram/g dry wt.~hF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.hGhH'microgram/g dry wt.~hI'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.hSlhT'microgram/g dry wt.hU'Value as reported.hVYhW'microgram/g dry wt.hX'Value as reported.hYchZ'microgram/g dry wt.h['Value as reported.h\ph]'microgram/g dry wt.h^'Value as reported.h_%h`'microgram/g dry wt.ha'Value as reported.iiiii@ i'milesi@ i'UTMi@ i 'UTMi i i'microgram/g dry wt.xi'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.i[i'microgram/g dry wt.xi'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.ii'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.i#@i$'microgram/g dry wt.$i%'Analyzed for but not detected.i&Ji''microgram/g dry wt.i('Value as reported.i))i*'microgram/g dry wt.i+'Value as reported.i,i-'microgram/g dry wt.i.'Value as reported.i/i0'microgram/g dry wt.i1'Value as reported.i8i9'microgram/g dry wt.~i:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.i;%"i<'microgram/g dry wt.i='Value as reported.i> i?'microgram/g dry wt.i@'Value as reported.iD iE'microgram/g dry wt.~iF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.iG@iH'microgram/g dry wt.$iI'Analyzed for but not detected.iSiT'microgram/g dry wt.iU'Value as reported.iVPxiW'microgram/g dry wt.iX'Value as reported.iYP@iZ'microgram/g dry wt.i['Value as reported.i\i]'microgram/g dry wt.i^'Value as reported.i_Fi`'microgram/g dry wt.xia'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.jjjjj@ j'milesj@ j'UTMj@ j 'UTMj j@j'microgram/g dry wt.$j'Analyzed for but not detected.j%j'microgram/g dry wt.~j'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.jlj'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.j#4j$'microgram/g dry wt.xj%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.j&bj''microgram/g dry wt.j('Value as reported.j)!j*'microgram/g dry wt.j+'Value as reported.j,h @j-'microgram/g dry wt.j.'Value as reported.j/)j0'microgram/g dry wt.j1'Value as reported.j8ej9'microgram/g dry wt.xj:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.j; j<'microgram/g dry wt.j='Value as reported.j>j?'microgram/g dry wt.j@'Value as reported.jD@jE'microgram/g dry wt.jF'Value as reported.jG@jH'microgram/g dry wt.$jI'Analyzed for but not detected.jSjT'microgram/g dry wt.jU'Value as reported.jVzjW'microgram/g dry wt.jX'Value as reported.jY@jZ'microgram/g dry wt.j['Value as reported.j\Xj]'microgram/g dry wt.j^'Value as reported.j_j`'microgram/g dry wt.~ja'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.kkkkk@ k'milesk@ k'UTMk@ k 'UTMk kk'microgram/g dry wt.~k'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.k2k'microgram/g dry wt.~k'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.kbk'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.k#@k$'microgram/g dry wt.$k%'Analyzed for but not detected.k&Rk''microgram/g dry wt.k('Value as reported.k)k*'microgram/g dry wt.k+'Value as reported.k, @k-'microgram/g dry wt.k.'Value as reported.k/k0'microgram/g dry wt.k1'Value as reported.k8%k9'microgram/g dry wt.xk:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.k;e$k<'microgram/g dry wt.k='Value as reported.k>k?'microgram/g dry wt.k@'Value as reported.kD kE'microgram/g dry wt.~kF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.kGgkH'microgram/g dry wt.xkI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.kS|kT'microgram/g dry wt.kU'Value as reported.kVhtkW'microgram/g dry wt.kX'Value as reported.kY#kZ'microgram/g dry wt.k['Value as reported.k\k]'microgram/g dry wt.k^'Value as reported.k_'2k`'microgram/g dry wt.xka'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.lllll@ l'milesl@ l'UTMl@ l 'UTMl lg4l'microgram/g dry wt.xl'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.l6l'microgram/g dry wt.~l'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.ljl'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.l#@l$'microgram/g dry wt.$l%'Analyzed for but not detected.l&cl''microgram/g dry wt.l('Value as reported.l)%l*'microgram/g dry wt.l+'Value as reported.l, @l-'microgram/g dry wt.l.'Value as reported.l/l0'microgram/g dry wt..l1'Value represents the mean of replicates.l8l9'microgram/g dry wt.xl:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.l;-l<'microgram/g dry wt.l='Value as reported.l>Jl?'microgram/g dry wt.l@'Value as reported.lD lE'microgram/g dry wt.~lF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.lG'lH'microgram/g dry wt.xlI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.lSlT'microgram/g dry wt.lU'Value as reported.lVwlW'microgram/g dry wt.lX'Value as reported.lY @lZ'microgram/g dry wt.l['Value as reported.l\l]'microgram/g dry wt.l^'Value as reported.l_G7l`'microgram/g dry wt.xla'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.mmmmm@ m'milesm@ m'UTMm@ m 'UTMm mem'microgram/g dry wt.xm'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.mG\m'microgram/g dry wt.xm'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.mVm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m#?m$'microgram/g dry wt.xm%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.m&ESm''microgram/g dry wt.m('Value as reported.m)em*'microgram/g dry wt.m+'Value as reported.m, @m-'microgram/g dry wt.m.'Value as reported.m/m0'microgram/g dry wt.m1'Value as reported.m8(m9'microgram/g dry wt.xm:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.m;%!m<'microgram/g dry wt.m='Value as reported.m>m?'microgram/g dry wt.m@'Value as reported.mD@mE'microgram/g dry wt.$mF'Analyzed for but not detected.mGmH'microgram/g dry wt.~mI'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.mSmT'microgram/g dry wt.mU'Value as reported.mVymW'microgram/g dry wt.mX'Value as reported.mYcmZ'microgram/g dry wt.m['Value as reported.m\m]'microgram/g dry wt.m^'Value as reported.m_m`'microgram/g dry wt.~ma'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.nnnnn@ n'milesn@ n'UTMn@ n 'UTMn n@n'microgram/g dry wt.$n'Analyzed for but not detected.nIn'microgram/g dry wt.xn'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.nvn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n#@n$'microgram/g dry wt.$n%'Analyzed for but not detected.n&Fn''microgram/g dry wt.n('Value as reported.n)$n*'microgram/g dry wt.n+'Value as reported.n,Cn-'microgram/g dry wt.n.'Value as reported.n/n0'microgram/g dry wt.n1'Value as reported.n8E"n9'microgram/g dry wt.xn:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.n;n<'microgram/g dry wt.n='Value as reported.n>n?'microgram/g dry wt.n@'Value as reported.nD@nE'microgram/g dry wt.$nF'Analyzed for but not detected.nGnH'microgram/g dry wt.~nI'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.nS%tnT'microgram/g dry wt.nU'Value as reported.nVx @nW'microgram/g dry wt.nX'Value as reported.nY @nZ'microgram/g dry wt.n['Value as reported.n\Dn]'microgram/g dry wt.n^'Value as reported.n_n`'microgram/g dry wt.~na'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.ooooo@ o'mileso@ o'UTMo@ o 'UTMo o"o'microgram/g dry wt.xo'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.oPo'microgram/g dry wt.xo'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.o#@o$'microgram/g dry wt.$o%'Analyzed for but not detected.o&@o''microgram/g dry wt.o('Value as reported.o)Eo*'microgram/g dry wt.o+'Value as reported.o, @o-'microgram/g dry wt.o.'Value as reported.o/o0'microgram/g dry wt..o1'Value represents the mean of replicates.o8@o9'microgram/g dry wt.$o:'Analyzed for but not detected.o;eo<'microgram/g dry wt.o='Value as reported.o>6o?'microgram/g dry wt.o@'Value as reported.oD oE'microgram/g dry wt.~oF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.oG@oH'microgram/g dry wt.$oI'Analyzed for but not detected.oSnoT'microgram/g dry wt.oU'Value as reported.oV @oW'microgram/g dry wt.oX'Value as reported.oY0 @oZ'microgram/g dry wt.o['Value as reported.o\\o]'microgram/g dry wt.o^'Value as reported.o_o`'microgram/g dry wt.~oa'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.ppppp@ p'milesp@ p'UTMp@ p 'UTMp pp'microgram/g dry wt.~p'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.p'Ep'microgram/g dry wt.xp'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.p*p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p#@p$'microgram/g dry wt.$p%'Analyzed for but not detected.p&Jp''microgram/g dry wt.p('Value as reported.p) p*'microgram/g dry wt.p+'Value as reported.p, @p-'microgram/g dry wt.p.'Value as reported.p/)p0'microgram/g dry wt.p1'Value as reported.p8p9'microgram/g dry wt.~p:'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.p;e p<'microgram/g dry wt.p='Value as reported.p>p?'microgram/g dry wt.p@'Value as reported.pD pE'microgram/g dry wt.~pF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.pGg pH'microgram/g dry wt.xpI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.pS%npT'microgram/g dry wt.pU'Value as reported.pV @pW'microgram/g dry wt.pX'Value as reported.pY @pZ'microgram/g dry wt.p['Value as reported.p\pp]'microgram/g dry wt.p^'Value as reported.p_p`'microgram/g dry wt.~pa'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.qqqqq@ q'milesq@ q'UTMq@ q 'UTMq q@q'microgram/g dry wt.$q'Analyzed for but not detected.q@q'microgram/g dry wt.xq'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.qJq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q#q$'microgram/g dry wt.~q%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.q&5q''microgram/g dry wt.xq('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.q)q*'microgram/g dry wt.q+'Value as reported.q,Cq-'microgram/g dry wt.q.'Value as reported.q/q0'microgram/g dry wt.q1'Value as reported.q8% q9'microgram/g dry wt.xq:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.q;%#q<'microgram/g dry wt.q='Value as reported.q>|q?'microgram/g dry wt.q@'Value as reported.qD qE'microgram/g dry wt.~qF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.qGqH'microgram/g dry wt.xqI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.qSExqT'microgram/g dry wt.qU'Value as reported.qVqW'microgram/g dry wt.qX'Value as reported.qYPxqZ'microgram/g dry wt.q['Value as reported.q\q]'microgram/g dry wt.q^'Value as reported.q_q`'microgram/g dry wt.~qa'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.rrrrr@ r'milesr@ r'UTMr@ r 'UTMr r@r'microgram/g dry wt.$r'Analyzed for but not detected.rGAr'microgram/g dry wt.xr'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.r~r'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r#r$'microgram/g dry wt.~r%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.r&eEr''microgram/g dry wt.r('Value as reported.r)r*'microgram/g dry wt.xr+'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.r,P @r-'microgram/g dry wt.r.'Value as reported.r/ r0'microgram/g dry wt.r1'Value as reported.r8er9'microgram/g dry wt.xr:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.r;r<'microgram/g dry wt.r='Value as reported.r>r?'microgram/g dry wt.r@'Value as reported.rD@rE'microgram/g dry wt.$rF'Analyzed for but not detected.rG@rH'microgram/g dry wt.$rI'Analyzed for but not detected.rSeOrT'microgram/g dry wt.rU'Value as reported.rVx @rW'microgram/g dry wt.rX'Value as reported.rYH @rZ'microgram/g dry wt.r['Value as reported.r\r]'microgram/g dry wt.r^'Value as reported.r_r`'microgram/g dry wt.~ra'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.sssss@ s'miless@ s'UTMs@ s 'UTMs s/)s0'microgram/g dry wt.s1'Value as reported.ttttt@ t'milest@ t'UTMt@ t 'UTMt t/it0'microgram/g dry wt.t1'Value as reported.uuuuu@ u'milesu@ u'UTMu@ u 'UTMu u/Iu0'microgram/g dry wt.u1'Value as reported.vvvvv v'milesv'@ v'UTMv@ v 'UTMv vv'microgram/g dry wt.~v'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.v% v'microgram/g dry wt.xv'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v#v$'microgram/g dry wt.~v%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.v&%>v''microgram/g dry wt.v('Value as reported.v)*v*'microgram/g dry wt.v+'Value as reported.v,Ȗ@v-'microgram/g dry wt.v.'Value as reported.v/ v0'microgram/g dry wt..v1'Value represents the mean of replicates.v8,v9'microgram/g dry wt.xv:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.v;%%v<'microgram/g dry wt.v='Value as reported.v>v?'microgram/g dry wt.v@'Value as reported.vD vE'microgram/g dry wt.~vF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.vG@vH'microgram/g dry wt.$vI'Analyzed for but not detected.vSBvT'microgram/g dry wt.vU'Value as reported.vVovW'microgram/g dry wt.vX'Value as reported.vYܛ@vZ'microgram/g dry wt.v['Value as reported.v\v]'microgram/g dry wt.v^'Value as reported.v_ v`'microgram/g dry wt.xva'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.wwwww w'milesw'@ w'UTMw@ w 'UTMw ww'microgram/g dry wt.xw'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.wGTw'microgram/g dry wt.xw'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.wHw'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w#*w$'microgram/g dry wt.xw%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.w&Ew''microgram/g dry wt.w('Value as reported.w)(w*'microgram/g dry wt.w+'Value as reported.w, @w-'microgram/g dry wt.w.'Value as reported.w/w0'microgram/g dry wt.w1'Value as reported.w8e4w9'microgram/g dry wt.xw:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.w;e.w<'microgram/g dry wt.w='Value as reported.w>| w?'microgram/g dry wt.w@'Value as reported.wD@wE'microgram/g dry wt.$wF'Analyzed for but not detected.wG@wH'microgram/g dry wt.$wI'Analyzed for but not detected.wS wT'microgram/g dry wt.wU'Value as reported.wVrwW'microgram/g dry wt.wX'Value as reported.wY@wZ'microgram/g dry wt.w['Value as reported.w\Lw]'microgram/g dry wt.w^'Value as reported.w_'`w`'microgram/g dry wt.xwa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.xxxxx x'milesx'@ x'UTMx@ x 'UTMx x@x'microgram/g dry wt.$x'Analyzed for but not detected.xYx'microgram/g dry wt.xx'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.x#x$'microgram/g dry wt.~x%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.x&eNx''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value as reported.x)"x*'microgram/g dry wt.x+'Value as reported.x, @x-'microgram/g dry wt.x.'Value as reported.x/ x0'microgram/g dry wt.x1'Value as reported.x8=x9'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value as reported.x;)x<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value as reported.x> x?'microgram/g dry wt.x@'Value as reported.xD xE'microgram/g dry wt.~xF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.xG@xH'microgram/g dry wt.$xI'Analyzed for but not detected.xSxT'microgram/g dry wt.xU'Value as reported.xVhtxW'microgram/g dry wt.xX'Value as reported.xY@xZ'microgram/g dry wt.x['Value as reported.x\$x]'microgram/g dry wt.x^'Value as reported.x_Ax`'microgram/g dry wt.xxa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.yyyyy y'milesy'@ y'UTMy@ y 'UTMy yy'microgram/g dry wt.xy'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.y:y'microgram/g dry wt.~y'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y#gy$'microgram/g dry wt.xy%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.y&%^y''microgram/g dry wt.y('Value as reported.y)#y*'microgram/g dry wt.y+'Value as reported.y,L@y-'microgram/g dry wt.y.'Value as reported.y/ y0'microgram/g dry wt..y1'Value represents the mean of replicates.y8%2y9'microgram/g dry wt.xy:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.y;-y<'microgram/g dry wt.y='Value as reported.y>d y?'microgram/g dry wt.y@'Value as reported.yD yE'microgram/g dry wt.~yF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.yG0yH'microgram/g dry wt.xyI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.ySyT'microgram/g dry wt.yU'Value as reported.yVnyW'microgram/g dry wt.yX'Value as reported.yY@yZ'microgram/g dry wt.y['Value as reported.y\y]'microgram/g dry wt.y^'Value as reported.y_yy`'microgram/g dry wt.xya'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.zzzzz z'milesz'@ z'UTMz@ z 'UTMz z@z'microgram/g dry wt.$z'Analyzed for but not detected.zQz'microgram/g dry wt.xz'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.z#@z$'microgram/g dry wt.$z%'Analyzed for but not detected.z&%gz''microgram/g dry wt.z('Value as reported.z)*z*'microgram/g dry wt.z+'Value as reported.z,h@z-'microgram/g dry wt.z.'Value as reported.z/z0'microgram/g dry wt.z1'Value as reported.z8(z9'microgram/g dry wt.xz:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.z;-z<'microgram/g dry wt.z='Value as reported.z> z?'microgram/g dry wt.z@'Value as reported.zD zE'microgram/g dry wt.~zF'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.zGzH'microgram/g dry wt.~zI'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.zS$zT'microgram/g dry wt.zU'Value as reported.zVpzW'microgram/g dry wt.zX'Value as reported.zY @zZ'microgram/g dry wt.z['Value as reported.z\$z]'microgram/g dry wt.z^'Value as reported.z_`z`'microgram/g dry wt.xza'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.{{{{{ {'miles{'@ {'UTM{@ { 'UTM{ {@{'microgram/g dry wt.${'Analyzed for but not detected.{j{'microgram/g dry wt.x{'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{#G1{$'microgram/g dry wt.x{%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.{&\{''microgram/g dry wt.{('Value as reported.{),{*'microgram/g dry wt.{+'Value as reported.{,{-'microgram/g dry wt.{.'Value as reported.{/I{0'microgram/g dry wt.{1'Value as reported.{8e%{9'microgram/g dry wt.x{:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.{;1{<'microgram/g dry wt.{='Value as reported.{>P {?'microgram/g dry wt.{@'Value as reported.{D@{E'microgram/g dry wt.${F'Analyzed for but not detected.{G@{H'microgram/g dry wt.${I'Analyzed for but not detected.{S{T'microgram/g dry wt.{U'Value as reported.{Vu{W'microgram/g dry wt.{X'Value as reported.{Y@{Z'microgram/g dry wt.{['Value as reported.{\{]'microgram/g dry wt.{^'Value as reported.{_ {`'microgram/g dry wt.x{a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.||||| |'miles|'@ |'UTM|@ | 'UTM| ||'microgram/g dry wt.~|'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.|:|'microgram/g dry wt.~|'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.|>|'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|#%|$'microgram/g dry wt.x|%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.|&h|''microgram/g dry wt.|('Value as reported.|)%#|*'microgram/g dry wt.|+'Value as reported.|,|-'microgram/g dry wt.|.'Value as reported.|/W|0'microgram/g dry wt.|1'Value as reported.|8,|9'microgram/g dry wt.x|:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.|;3|<'microgram/g dry wt.|='Value as reported.|> |?'microgram/g dry wt.|@'Value as reported.|D |E'microgram/g dry wt.~|F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.|G@|H'microgram/g dry wt.$|I'Analyzed for but not detected.|S|T'microgram/g dry wt.|U'Value as reported.|VPx|W'microgram/g dry wt.|X'Value as reported.|Y@|Z'microgram/g dry wt.|['Value as reported.|\P|]'microgram/g dry wt.|^'Value as reported.|_X|`'microgram/g dry wt.x|a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.}}}}} }'miles}'@ }'UTM}@ } 'UTM} }}'microgram/g dry wt.~}'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.}'9}'microgram/g dry wt.~}'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.}J}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}#}$'microgram/g dry wt.x}%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.}&EP}''microgram/g dry wt.}('Value as reported.})%$}*'microgram/g dry wt.}+'Value as reported.}, @}-'microgram/g dry wt.}.'Value as reported.}/}0'microgram/g dry wt.}1'Value as reported.}8)}9'microgram/g dry wt.x}:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.};1}<'microgram/g dry wt.}='Value as reported.}>4}?'microgram/g dry wt.}@'Value as reported.}D }E'microgram/g dry wt.~}F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.}G@}H'microgram/g dry wt.$}I'Analyzed for but not detected.}S}T'microgram/g dry wt.}U'Value as reported.}Vp{}W'microgram/g dry wt.}X'Value as reported.}Y @}Z'microgram/g dry wt.}['Value as reported.}\d}]'microgram/g dry wt.}^'Value as reported.}_U}`'microgram/g dry wt.x}a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.~~~~~ ~'miles~'@ ~'UTM~@ ~ 'UTM~ ~~'microgram/g dry wt.x~'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.~@~'microgram/g dry wt.$~'Analyzed for but not detected.~N~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~#~$'microgram/g dry wt.~~%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.~&eU~''microgram/g dry wt.~('Value as reported.~)*~*'microgram/g dry wt.~+'Value as reported.~,H @~-'microgram/g dry wt.~.'Value as reported.~/I~0'microgram/g dry wt.~1'Value as reported.~8!~9'microgram/g dry wt.x~:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.~;%/~<'microgram/g dry wt.~='Value as reported.~><~?'microgram/g dry wt.~@'Value as reported.~D ~E'microgram/g dry wt.~~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.~G~H'microgram/g dry wt.~~I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.~S~T'microgram/g dry wt.~U'Value as reported.~Vy~W'microgram/g dry wt.~X'Value as reported.~Y( @~Z'microgram/g dry wt.~['Value as reported.~\~]'microgram/g dry wt.~^'Value as reported.~_T~`'microgram/g dry wt.x~a'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported. 'miles'@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.~'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.~%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.&eL''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,H @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8e29'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.;/<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.xI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VrW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y0 @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported._ `'microgram/g dry wt.xa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported. 'miles'@ 'UTM@ 'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt..1'Value represents the mean of replicates. 'miles'@ 'UTM@ 'UTM /I0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.@ 'miles`?@ 'UTM@@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.f'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&e?''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)#*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8f9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.>t ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.G@H'microgram/g dry wt.$I'Analyzed for but not detected.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VxiW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\`]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported._ `'microgram/g dry wt.xa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.@ 'miles`?@ 'UTM@@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.~'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.D'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.x%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.&W''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e!*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt..1'Value represents the mean of replicates.809'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.GH'microgram/g dry wt.~I'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V@jW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Yt@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported._`'microgram/g dry wt.~a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.@ 'miles`?@ 'UTM@@ 'UTM @'microgram/g dry wt.$'Analyzed for but not detected.8'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g3$'microgram/g dry wt.x%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.&K''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.G1H'microgram/g dry wt.xI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.S{T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VkW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported._`'microgram/g dry wt.~a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.@ 'miles`?@ 'UTM@@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.~'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.^'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.~%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.&G''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./I0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8'9'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.G)H'microgram/g dry wt.xI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.SEWT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VlW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YSZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported._B`'microgram/g dry wt.xa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.@ 'miles`?@ 'UTM@@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.~'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.5'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.~%'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.&''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,H @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E&9'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.Gg.H'microgram/g dry wt.xI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.S^T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VkW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YȖ@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\ ]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported._g2`'microgram/g dry wt.xa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.@ 'miles`?@ 'UTM@@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.~'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.G+'microgram/g dry wt.~'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#@$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Analyzed for but not detected.&5''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.>`?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.GG:H'microgram/g dry wt.xI'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.SFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VgW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\ ]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported._`'microgram/g dry wt.~a'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.( 'miles@ 'UTM@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)t*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;` <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SH T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.( 'miles@ 'UTM@ 'UTM  $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;` <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.b0c'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported. D< 'milesȑ@ 'UTM@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#:$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8h9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. D< 'milesȑ@ 'UTM@ 'UTM  0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#X$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. < 'miles Ջ@ 'UTM&@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&h''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)N*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. < 'miles Ջ@ 'UTM&@ 'UTM  \ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#E $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.> 'milesŋ@ 'UTMp@ 'UTM  x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&t''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.> 'milesŋ@ 'UTMp@ 'UTM  , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&n''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@hfffff@ 'milesD@ 'UTM _@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&\''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@hfffff@ 'milesD@ 'UTM _@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;N<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@hfffff@ 'miles@ 'UTMa@ 'UTM  r 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&H''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)2*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.B  'miles$@ 'UTMD@ 'UTM  > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)>*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;J<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.B  'miles$@ 'UTMD@ 'UTM  Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.03333s@ 'miles e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.)(*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.`@ 'miles2@ 'UTMC@ 'UTM k'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles03336@ 'UTM0333!@ 'UTM \0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SdT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.203333@ 'miles@ 'UTMp@ 'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. H03333@ 'miles"-@ 'UTMIJ@ 'UTM \'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.;<<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM o@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,` @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P"Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S]T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.neLo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 03333S@ 'miles@ 'UTM@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P2Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S{T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k'l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  y@ 'miles@ 'UTM @ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Ȗ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>`?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P(Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SEPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k-l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  L@ 'miles$|@ 'UTMF@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,8 @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k&l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n6o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.   03333@ 'milesb@ 'UTMˏ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xF'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,P @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kX l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n!o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.   @ 'milesi@ 'UTMd@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,P @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>r?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P.Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kL"l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n#o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. .03333@ 'miles$@ 'UTM`P@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.o'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,g-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k%l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. .l@ 'miles(@ 'UTMpޒ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,}-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P"Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SE>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nEo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. .̌@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,\-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n%o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  ̌@ 'miles@ 'UTM0@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`T'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P&Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SeT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kt'l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n4o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  ̬@ 'milesє@ 'UTMP@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P"Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k'l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n"o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  @ 'miles,Ô@ 'UTMP5@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|)'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,S-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.Se9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n%$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. hffff&@ 'milesLC@ 'UTMhfffj@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,='microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,؋ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SEJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.khl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. l@ 'milesף𓌔@ 'UTM(\ؙ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,p @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P*Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SEnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.neo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 03333@ 'miles 8m@ 'UTMm@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,k-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>x?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kPl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.   'miles`u,f@ 'UTM@ ף@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&>''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P2Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.ne!o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. " 'milesQ8Z@ 'UTM(\ڸ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. +'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,pb-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k&l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. $ 'miles`&n@ 'UTMQ6@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Xf'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,h @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P4Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SejT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.njo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. &03333@ 'miles(\Qm@ 'UTMףp5@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. ' !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,h @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P$Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SenT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k"l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n"o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. (03333@ 'miles@ #%@ 'UTMp= +@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. e!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,W-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>P?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P% Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S1T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kxl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. *hffff@ 'milesGN@ 'UTMp= '̜@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>X?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SmT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k@l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n%o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. ,03333s@ 'milesQ8G@ 'UTMGf@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Xf-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SAT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k0l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. .f 'miles[Ó@ 'UTMQn@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SYT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kTl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nEo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 0@ 'miles@@ 'UTM(\R@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%n'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)% *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,V-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>2?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.Se7T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k'l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 2 @ 'milesp= ׀@ 'UTMHz.@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.W'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. e!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,XH-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P% Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.Se9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kYl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nEo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 4J 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,x @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SOT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k+l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 6,@ 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.ee'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Y-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>2?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k&l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 8> 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Xf'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Ȗ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>( ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P(Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k-l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n*o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. :4 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h['microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S%jT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k'l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n%$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. <l@ 'miles@ 'UTMĝ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8J'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Ȗ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SedT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k&l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. >hffff@ 'miles|w@ 'UTM @ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,`T-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>F?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Pe Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kOl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. @hfffff@ 'milesr@ 'UTMpn@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,h[-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. B @ 'milesL:@ 'UTMa@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.en'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,h[-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k(l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. D`@ 'miles ϑ@ 'UTMPs@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,P @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$ ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k%l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n0o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. FY@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@n@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%O'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,D9-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>D?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P% Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S%IT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k0ul'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. Hٝ@ 'miles&R@ 'UTM@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P*Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S]T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kl%l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nEo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. J03333s@ 'miles@ 'UTMԞ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SjT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k$l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. L 'miles@ 'UTMpn@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.k'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,n-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. Ny@ 'miles@ 'UTM0@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E+'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. E!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&% ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,>-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nE o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. P@ 'milesl@ 'UTM`Ϡ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%3'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,I-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S'T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.ne o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. R 'milesE@ 'UTM@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Ex'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>F?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S%CT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kl/l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. T 'miles9@ 'UTMM@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t"'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.9'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kYl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. V 'miles @ 'UTM@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,I-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kSl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. X@ 'miles@ 'UTM@@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,ht-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P(Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k\l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. Z@ 'UTMۧ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P0Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k8l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n%o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. \03333@ 'miles@ 'UTM@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e='microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&% ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,t6-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k @l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. ^03333@ 'miles@ 'UTMt@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P<Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SzT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k|.l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n%o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. ``@ 'miles@ 'UTMp@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,LJ-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>Z?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kT8l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. bhffffƑ@ 'milesҏ@ 'UTM0@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,xi-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P&Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k1l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. d`@ 'miles(\@ 'UTM(\Z]@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.EY'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,O-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SAT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h8i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k|=l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.neo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. f`@ 'miles0333@ 'UTMR@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Eq'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,k-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P(Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SZT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kVl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nEo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. h,@ 'milesأpǭ@ 'UTMأp=@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#' $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,\-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k @l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n0o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. jhffff&@ 'miles(\]@ 'UTMp= 3̩@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.j'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., g-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h*i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kPl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.neo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. l@ 'miles@ 'UTM(\@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. U!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,J-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h2i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k}l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. n@ 'milesHzք@ 'UTMHz@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H+'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., N-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>.?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h<i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k3l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. phffff@ 'milesp= Wi@ 'UTMr@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P*Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S%[T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h<i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kXl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. r| 'milesz.Yz@ 'UTMlx@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. e!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,M-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h8i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k( @l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n&o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. t @ 'milesHz|p@ 'UTM`@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,xi-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P(Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S%:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k gl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. v`@ 'miles Q@ 'UTMأp=R@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&L''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,h @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>Z?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Pe=Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SrT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kKl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nE*o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. x`@ 'miles Q@ 'UTMp= [5@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. ' !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&>''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PFQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kh)l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. z03333Ӊ@ 'miles0333M@ 'UTM(@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.M'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,E-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>p?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hZi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k @l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n$o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. |03333S@ 'miles@ ףs@ 'UTM(\@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Ea'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Z-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P"Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S%2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h2i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k!l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. ~hffff&@ 'miles QW@ 'UTMGzp2@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.r'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>F?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PBQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SePT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hFi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k &l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nEo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. H 'milesG঎@ 'UTMףpk@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.1'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,4-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PE Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SE?T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h.i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k(l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. hfffff@ 'milesأp=@ 'UTM@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.lC'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Eb'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. u!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P"Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S/T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hDi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k$l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.neo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. ̅@ 'miles|@@ 'UTMɳ@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,*-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.5%6'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P% Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S$T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h@i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.neo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. hffff@ 'miles2@ 'UTM@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported._'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,O-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P"Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S)T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h\i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nEo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  'miles@ 'UTM%@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,$6-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;8<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>2?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hBi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n8o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. `@ 'milesأpX@ 'UTM3@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. e!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&e ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,>-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PE Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SE1T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k.l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.ne o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  @ 'milesG@ 'UTM(\_1@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&e ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,\D-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k0l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. @ 'milesQ!@@ 'UTMأp=@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. U!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,:-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PEQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k0Hl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. @ 'miles(\|8@ 'UTM@ ף\E@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P"Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h<i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k)l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  'miles`S6@ 'UTMأp= @ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.7'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,8-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>j?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k,3l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.neo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. hfffff@ 'miles(\#@ 'UTM̓@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.9'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,<7-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PEQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kd(l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.  'milesG`@ 'UTMP+{@ 'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,8-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P%Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h*i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k+l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n% o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. B e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.Dg E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. B e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)c*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8n9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. *033333@ 'miles % 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;8<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. (@ 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DG E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.  , 'miles e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 0@ 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 2@ 'miles E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)O*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DG E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. . 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. .033333@ 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8T9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 4x 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 4b 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 6F@ 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 6F@ 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DG E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 6Fb 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E($'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.  6F@ 'miles e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&6''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8d9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. (  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. * D< 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#"$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./"0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;l<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. ,8 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. .8 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 0 8hffff@ 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 2 8, 'miles e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#% $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8z9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 4>^ 'miles e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. 6>` 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&p''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8`9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;n<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DgE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. :@̊@ 'miles %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. <@ 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&>''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./i 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. >@ 'miles E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./) 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DuE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. @@ 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. BB 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&6''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;8<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. DB 'miles E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. FB 'miles %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported. HB  'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.`@ 'milesn@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&HzG@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,g-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8(\@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;zG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S Q@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.`@ 'milesp@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM ='microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.G7'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&PQ@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,B @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>X?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S Q@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'miles"y@ 'UTM0333c@  'UTM <''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&`(\@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Ԏ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8@ ףp=@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@ ףp=@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SPї@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.      @ 'miles D{@ 'UTM  <@  'UTM   2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. '; 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &@ ףp=@ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )U *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,F @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8HzG@ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;Gz@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SQ@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.     . 'miles Ή@ 'UTM @@  'UTM   j 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. g  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &l ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )Q@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,? -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8{ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;p= ף@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >" ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SGz@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.     . 'miles Ή@ 'UTM @@  'UTM   % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #u $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &@ ףp=@ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )U *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,t -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 85 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;xGz@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >V ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SQ@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.      @ 'miles 0333@ 'UTM Y@  'UTM   4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. '< 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &HzG@ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )(\(@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,p @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8PQ@ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >:  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S(\B@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.      ,@ 'miles 0333@ 'UTM Z@  'UTM   H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. G" 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &u ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )(\(@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,RO -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8ףp= @ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;xGz@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >$ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S%\ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.",@ 'miles@ 'UTM,J@  'UTM ,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.G:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e#*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;xGz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%qT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.$03333@ 'miles0333y@ 'UTM)j@  'UTM N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.g$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& Q@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Gz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,W-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8Q@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;zG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SQ@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.(@ 'milesq4@ 'UTMhffff@  'UTM $'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8xGz@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;U <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.D'E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S Q@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*hfffff@ 'miles@ 'UTMhfff6@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Gz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\u@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,g-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.Sףp=@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.. 'miles@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 6+'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.t'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&xGz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,J @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(\(@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>.?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S(\@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.2 03333@ 'miles@ 'UTM0333r@  'UTM <#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&PQ@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,[-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 Q@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(\@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>r?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SxGz@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.4 03333ӵ@ 'miles@ 'UTMY@  'UTM J:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.['microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&ףp= @''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)u*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,\ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8zG@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;zG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Sp= ף@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.6 03333@ 'miles0333Д@ 'UTM)x@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&f''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,R5-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8P9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.=='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>v?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SGz@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8 03333@ 'miles0333Д@ 'UTM)x@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'[''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)g7*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,1-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;GC<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SuT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.:03333s@ 'miles@ 'UTMp|@  'UTM &'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`(ܲ@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,g-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8Q@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(\@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S`(@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.<03333s@ 'miles@ 'UTMp|@  'UTM  )'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.y'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(\@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,~t-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.85)9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.SQ@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.> ̻@ 'milesl@ 'UTM?@  'UTM @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&HzG@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,W-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(\(@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;PQ@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S(\@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. %!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0H-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>l?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kX@l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n%+o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 'milesL@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. %!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,N-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k~l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n%o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. @ 'miles|$@ 'UTM&@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P0Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k|.l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n8o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. b 'miles@ 'UTM<@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.ei'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. E!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0M-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kxPl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nE o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.` 'milesF@ 'UTM:@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#' $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,3-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P&Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k"Q'microgram/g dry wt."R'Value as reported."SEW"T'microgram/g dry wt."U'Value as reported."h"i'microgram/g dry wt."j'Value as reported."k "l'microgram/g dry wt."m'Value as reported."n%"o'microgram/g dry wt."p'Value as reported.##"##"#hffff@ #'miles#D-@ #'UTM#R@ # 'UTM# ##'microgram/g dry wt.=#'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.##'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.##'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.##'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.# g #!'microgram/g dry wt.#"'Value as reported.##e#$'microgram/g dry wt.=#%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#&6#''microgram/g dry wt.#('Value as reported.#)*#*'microgram/g dry wt.#+'Value as reported.#, @#-'microgram/g dry wt.#.'Value as reported.#/#0'microgram/g dry wt.#1'Value as reported.#5#6'microgram/g dry wt.=#7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#8.#9'microgram/g dry wt.#:'Value as reported.#;*#<'microgram/g dry wt.#='Value as reported.#>L #?'microgram/g dry wt.#@'Value as reported.#Dg#E'microgram/g dry wt.#F'Value as reported.#M#N'microgram/g dry wt.=#O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#PF#Q'microgram/g dry wt.#R'Value as reported.#Sk#T'microgram/g dry wt.#U'Value as reported.#h #i'microgram/g dry wt.#j'Value as reported.#kl%#l'microgram/g dry wt.#m'Value as reported.#nH#o'microgram/g dry wt.#p'Value as reported.$$$$$"$@ $'miles$P@ $'UTM$@ $ 'UTM$ $$'microgram/g dry wt.=$'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$l>$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$ $!'microgram/g dry wt.$"'Value as reported.$#e$$'microgram/g dry wt.=$%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$&$''microgram/g dry wt.$('Value as reported.$) $*'microgram/g dry wt.$+'Value as reported.$,s$-'microgram/g dry wt.$.'Value as reported.$/$0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Value as reported.$5$6'microgram/g dry wt.=$7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$8 $9'microgram/g dry wt.$:'Value as reported.$;$<'microgram/g dry wt.$='Value as reported.$> $?'microgram/g dry wt.$@'Value as reported.$DG$E'microgram/g dry wt.$F'Value as reported.$M$N'microgram/g dry wt.=$O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$P*$Q'microgram/g dry wt.$R'Value as reported.$S7$T'microgram/g dry wt.$U'Value as reported.$h$i'microgram/g dry wt.$j'Value as reported.$k,$l'microgram/g dry wt.$m'Value as reported.$n$o'microgram/g dry wt.$p'Value as reported.%%&%%"%033333@ %'miles%9@ %'UTM%@ % 'UTM% %%'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%X%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%%%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%B%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%  %!'microgram/g dry wt.%"'Value as reported.%#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%%'Value as reported.%&0%''microgram/g dry wt.%('Value as reported.%)$%*'microgram/g dry wt.%+'Value as reported.%,@ @%-'microgram/g dry wt.%.'Value as reported.%/I%0'microgram/g dry wt.%1'Value as reported.%5 %6'microgram/g dry wt.=%7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%8&%9'microgram/g dry wt.%:'Value as reported.%;&%<'microgram/g dry wt.%='Value as reported.%>( %?'microgram/g dry wt.%@'Value as reported.%De%E'microgram/g dry wt.%F'Value as reported.%M%N'microgram/g dry wt.=%O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%P.%Q'microgram/g dry wt.%R'Value as reported.%SQ%T'microgram/g dry wt.%U'Value as reported.%h%i'microgram/g dry wt.=%j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%k%l'microgram/g dry wt.%m'Value as reported.%n0%o'microgram/g dry wt.%p'Value as reported.&&(&&$&hffff&@ &'miles& @ &'UTM&p@ & 'UTM& &&'microgram/g dry wt.=&'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&P_&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.& &!'microgram/g dry wt.&"'Value as reported.&#&$'microgram/g dry wt.&%'Value as reported.&&8&''microgram/g dry wt.&('Value as reported.&)&*'microgram/g dry wt.&+'Value as reported.&,3&-'microgram/g dry wt.&.'Value as reported.&/&0'microgram/g dry wt.&1'Value as reported.&5&6'microgram/g dry wt.=&7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&8&&9'microgram/g dry wt.&:'Value as reported.&;&<'microgram/g dry wt.&='Value as reported.&>r&?'microgram/g dry wt.&@'Value as reported.&D&E'microgram/g dry wt.&F'Value as reported.&M&N'microgram/g dry wt.=&O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&P:&Q'microgram/g dry wt.&R'Value as reported.&Ser&T'microgram/g dry wt.&U'Value as reported.&h &i'microgram/g dry wt.&j'Value as reported.&k&l'microgram/g dry wt.&m'Value as reported.&ne&o'microgram/g dry wt.&p'Value as reported.''*''$'03333@ ''miles'`@ ''UTM'06@ ' 'UTM' '''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.' @''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'E''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.' g '!'microgram/g dry wt.'"'Value as reported.'#'$'microgram/g dry wt.'%'Value as reported.'&:'''microgram/g dry wt.'('Value as reported.').'*'microgram/g dry wt.'+'Value as reported.',@'-'microgram/g dry wt.'.'Value as reported.'/I '0'microgram/g dry wt.'1'Value as reported.'5'6'microgram/g dry wt.='7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'84'9'microgram/g dry wt.':'Value as reported.';0'<'microgram/g dry wt.'='Value as reported.'>T'?'microgram/g dry wt.'@'Value as reported.'D 'E'microgram/g dry wt.'F'Value as reported.'M'N'microgram/g dry wt.='O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'PH'Q'microgram/g dry wt.'R'Value as reported.'S'T'microgram/g dry wt.'U'Value as reported.'h 'i'microgram/g dry wt.'j'Value as reported.'kT)'l'microgram/g dry wt.'m'Value as reported.'n.'o'microgram/g dry wt.'p'Value as reported.((,((&(& ('miles(މ@ ('UTM(@P@ ( 'UTM( (('microgram/g dry wt.=('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(l('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(h('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.( g(!'microgram/g dry wt.("'Value as reported.(#($'microgram/g dry wt.(%'Value as reported.(&&(''microgram/g dry wt.(('Value as reported.()"(*'microgram/g dry wt.(+'Value as reported.(, @(-'microgram/g dry wt.(.'Value as reported.(/I(0'microgram/g dry wt.(1'Value as reported.(5(6'microgram/g dry wt.=(7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(8"(9'microgram/g dry wt.(:'Value as reported.(;:(<'microgram/g dry wt.(='Value as reported.(>H(?'microgram/g dry wt.(@'Value as reported.(D'(E'microgram/g dry wt.(F'Value as reported.(M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=(O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(P0(Q'microgram/g dry wt.(R'Value as reported.(S_(T'microgram/g dry wt.(U'Value as reported.(h(i'microgram/g dry wt.(j'Value as reported.(k8"(l'microgram/g dry wt.(m'Value as reported.(ne((o'microgram/g dry wt.(p'Value as reported.)).))&)" )'miles)ʼn@ )'UTM)@@ ) 'UTM) ))'microgram/g dry wt.=)'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)`m)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)%)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)h)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.) )!'microgram/g dry wt.)"'Value as reported.)#)$'microgram/g dry wt.)%'Value as reported.)&6)''microgram/g dry wt.)('Value as reported.))")*'microgram/g dry wt.)+'Value as reported.),Ȗ @)-'microgram/g dry wt.).'Value as reported.)/ )0'microgram/g dry wt.)1'Value as reported.)5)6'microgram/g dry wt.=)7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)8&)9'microgram/g dry wt.):'Value as reported.);&)<'microgram/g dry wt.)='Value as reported.)> )?'microgram/g dry wt.)@'Value as reported.)D)E'microgram/g dry wt.)F'Value as reported.)M)N'microgram/g dry wt.=)O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)P()Q'microgram/g dry wt.)R'Value as reported.)S|)T'microgram/g dry wt.)U'Value as reported.)h)i'microgram/g dry wt.=)j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)k&)l'microgram/g dry wt.)m'Value as reported.)n&)o'microgram/g dry wt.)p'Value as reported.**0**&* *'miles*+-'microgram/g dry wt.+.'Value as reported.+/g+0'microgram/g dry wt.+1'Value as reported.+5+6'microgram/g dry wt.=+7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+8e +9'microgram/g dry wt.+:'Value as reported.+; +<'microgram/g dry wt.+='Value as reported.+>z+?'microgram/g dry wt.+@'Value as reported.+DE+E'microgram/g dry wt.+F'Value as reported.+M+N'microgram/g dry wt.=+O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+P+Q'microgram/g dry wt.+R'Value as reported.+S6+T'microgram/g dry wt.+U'Value as reported.+h+i'microgram/g dry wt.+j'Value as reported.+k+l'microgram/g dry wt.+m'Value as reported.+n+o'microgram/g dry wt.+p'Value as reported.,,<,,(, ,'miles,HG@ ,'UTM,@ , 'UTM, ,,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported., @,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported.,% ,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported.,,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported., ,!'microgram/g dry wt.,"'Value as reported.,#E,$'microgram/g dry wt.=,%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,&,,''microgram/g dry wt.,('Value as reported.,)",*'microgram/g dry wt.,+'Value as reported.,,X @,-'microgram/g dry wt.,.'Value as reported.,/,0'microgram/g dry wt.,1'Value as reported.,5,6'microgram/g dry wt.=,7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,8.,9'microgram/g dry wt.,:'Value as reported.,;,<'microgram/g dry wt.,='Value as reported.,>,?'microgram/g dry wt.,@'Value as reported.,D ,E'microgram/g dry wt.,F'Value as reported.,M,N'microgram/g dry wt.=,O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,P@,Q'microgram/g dry wt.,R'Value as reported.,SET,T'microgram/g dry wt.,U'Value as reported.,h,i'microgram/g dry wt.,j'Value as reported.,kd,l'microgram/g dry wt.,m'Value as reported.,n%8,o'microgram/g dry wt.,p'Value as reported.-->--(-@ -'miles-@ -'UTM-`V@ - 'UTM- --'microgram/g dry wt.=-'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-X-'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.-e-'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.-^-'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.- -!'microgram/g dry wt.-"'Value as reported.-#E-$'microgram/g dry wt.=-%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-&$-''microgram/g dry wt.-('Value as reported.-)-*'microgram/g dry wt.-+'Value as reported.-,h @--'microgram/g dry wt.-.'Value as reported.-/g-0'microgram/g dry wt.-1'Value as reported.-5-6'microgram/g dry wt.=-7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-8"-9'microgram/g dry wt.-:'Value as reported.-;-<'microgram/g dry wt.-='Value as reported.->-?'microgram/g dry wt.-@'Value as reported.-D-E'microgram/g dry wt.-F'Value as reported.-M-N'microgram/g dry wt.=-O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-P6-Q'microgram/g dry wt.-R'Value as reported.-S5-T'microgram/g dry wt.-U'Value as reported.-h-i'microgram/g dry wt.-j'Value as reported.-k-l'microgram/g dry wt.-m'Value as reported.-n4-o'microgram/g dry wt.-p'Value as reported...@..(.hffff@ .'miles.;@ .'UTM.F@ . 'UTM. ..'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.. @.'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported..%.'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported..X.'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.. .!'microgram/g dry wt.."'Value as reported..#E.$'microgram/g dry wt.=.%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..&>.''microgram/g dry wt..('Value as reported..)2.*'microgram/g dry wt..+'Value as reported.., @.-'microgram/g dry wt...'Value as reported../.0'microgram/g dry wt..1'Value as reported..5.6'microgram/g dry wt.=.7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..8>.9'microgram/g dry wt..:'Value as reported..; .<'microgram/g dry wt..='Value as reported..>.?'microgram/g dry wt..@'Value as reported..D.E'microgram/g dry wt..F'Value as reported..M.N'microgram/g dry wt.=.O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..PV.Q'microgram/g dry wt..R'Value as reported..Sk.T'microgram/g dry wt..U'Value as reported..h .i'microgram/g dry wt..j'Value as reported..kh.l'microgram/g dry wt..m'Value as reported..n..o'microgram/g dry wt..p'Value as reported.//B//(/ /'miles//@ /'UTM/pb@ / 'UTM/ //'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./@/'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported.//'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./z/'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./ /!'microgram/g dry wt./"'Value as reported./#E/$'microgram/g dry wt.=/%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./&F/''microgram/g dry wt./('Value as reported./)% /*'microgram/g dry wt./+'Value as reported./,@/-'microgram/g dry wt./.'Value as reported.///0'microgram/g dry wt./1'Value as reported./5/6'microgram/g dry wt.=/7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./8</9'microgram/g dry wt./:'Value as reported./; /<'microgram/g dry wt./='Value as reported./>/?'microgram/g dry wt./@'Value as reported./D/E'microgram/g dry wt./F'Value as reported./M/N'microgram/g dry wt.=/O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./Pe9/Q'microgram/g dry wt./R'Value as reported./S%o/T'microgram/g dry wt./U'Value as reported./h /i'microgram/g dry wt./j'Value as reported./k#/l'microgram/g dry wt./m'Value as reported./n3/o'microgram/g dry wt./p'Value as reported.00D00*0 0'miles0z@ 0'UTM0s@ 0 'UTM0 00'microgram/g dry wt.=0'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0M0'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.0%0'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.00'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.0 0!'microgram/g dry wt.0"'Value as reported.0#e0$'microgram/g dry wt.=0%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0&0''microgram/g dry wt.0('Value as reported.0) 0*'microgram/g dry wt.0+'Value as reported.0, g0-'microgram/g dry wt.0.'Value as reported.0/00'microgram/g dry wt.01'Value as reported.0506'microgram/g dry wt.=07'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0809'microgram/g dry wt.0:'Value as reported.0;0<'microgram/g dry wt.0='Value as reported.0>0?'microgram/g dry wt.0@'Value as reported.0De0E'microgram/g dry wt.0F'Value as reported.0M0N'microgram/g dry wt.=0O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0P&0Q'microgram/g dry wt.0R'Value as reported.0S%>0T'microgram/g dry wt.0U'Value as reported.0h0i'microgram/g dry wt.0j'Value as reported.0k0l'microgram/g dry wt.0m'Value as reported.0n"0o'microgram/g dry wt.0p'Value as reported.11F11*1hffff&@ 1'miles1O@ 1'UTM1љ@ 1 'UTM1 11'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1-1'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.11'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.1ES1'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.1 %1!'microgram/g dry wt.1"'Value as reported.1#e1$'microgram/g dry wt.=1%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1&% 1''microgram/g dry wt.1('Value as reported.1)e1*'microgram/g dry wt.1+'Value as reported.1,A1-'microgram/g dry wt.1.'Value as reported.1/G10'microgram/g dry wt.=11'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1516'microgram/g dry wt.=17'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.18 19'microgram/g dry wt.1:'Value as reported.1;1<'microgram/g dry wt.1='Value as reported.1> 1?'microgram/g dry wt.1@'Value as reported.1DE1E'microgram/g dry wt.1F'Value as reported.1M1N'microgram/g dry wt.=1O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1P1Q'microgram/g dry wt.1R'Value as reported.1S#1T'microgram/g dry wt.1U'Value as reported.1h1i'microgram/g dry wt.=1j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1k`1l'microgram/g dry wt.1m'Value as reported.1n%1o'microgram/g dry wt.1p'Value as reported.22H22*2@@ 2'miles2&@ 2'UTM2@ 2 'UTM2 22'microgram/g dry wt.=2'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2?2'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.22'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.2%n2'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.2 E2!'microgram/g dry wt.2"'Value as reported.2#e2$'microgram/g dry wt.2%'Value as reported.2&2''microgram/g dry wt.2('Value as reported.2)E2*'microgram/g dry wt.2+'Value as reported.2,xP2-'microgram/g dry wt.2.'Value as reported.2/G20'microgram/g dry wt.=21'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2526'microgram/g dry wt.=27'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2829'microgram/g dry wt.2:'Value as reported.2;2<'microgram/g dry wt.2='Value as reported.2>T2?'microgram/g dry wt.2@'Value as reported.2DE2E'microgram/g dry wt.2F'Value as reported.2M2N'microgram/g dry wt.=2O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2P 2Q'microgram/g dry wt.2R'Value as reported.2S,2T'microgram/g dry wt.2U'Value as reported.2h2i'microgram/g dry wt.2j'Value as reported.2k2l'microgram/g dry wt.2m'Value as reported.2n2o'microgram/g dry wt.2p'Value as reported.33N3303hffff@ 3'miles3L@ 3'UTM3֣@ 3 'UTM3 33'microgram/g dry wt.=3'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3e3'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.33'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.303'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.3 3!'microgram/g dry wt.3"'Value as reported.3#E3$'microgram/g dry wt.=3%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3&$3''microgram/g dry wt.3('Value as reported.3)3*'microgram/g dry wt.3+'Value as reported.3,}3-'microgram/g dry wt.3.'Value as reported.3/G30'microgram/g dry wt.31'Value as reported.3536'microgram/g dry wt.=37'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.38 39'microgram/g dry wt.3:'Value as reported.3;3<'microgram/g dry wt.3='Value as reported.3>3?'microgram/g dry wt.3@'Value as reported.3D3E'microgram/g dry wt.3F'Value as reported.3M3N'microgram/g dry wt.=3O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3P.3Q'microgram/g dry wt.3R'Value as reported.3SG3T'microgram/g dry wt.3U'Value as reported.3h3i'microgram/g dry wt.3j'Value as reported.3k3l'microgram/g dry wt.3m'Value as reported.3n%3o'microgram/g dry wt.3p'Value as reported.44P4404@@ 4'miles4F@ 4'UTM4@ 4 'UTM4 44'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.44'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.44'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.44'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.4 4!'microgram/g dry wt.4"'Value as reported.4#E4$'microgram/g dry wt.=4%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4&&4''microgram/g dry wt.4('Value as reported.4)4*'microgram/g dry wt.4+'Value as reported.4,p @4-'microgram/g dry wt.4.'Value as reported.4/G40'microgram/g dry wt.41'Value as reported.4546'microgram/g dry wt.=47'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.48&49'microgram/g dry wt.4:'Value as reported.4;4<'microgram/g dry wt.4='Value as reported.4>4?'microgram/g dry wt.4@'Value as reported.4DE4E'microgram/g dry wt.4F'Value as reported.4M4N'microgram/g dry wt.=4O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4Pe34Q'microgram/g dry wt.4R'Value as reported.4S%R4T'microgram/g dry wt.4U'Value as reported.4h 4i'microgram/g dry wt.4j'Value as reported.4k4l'microgram/g dry wt.4m'Value as reported.4nE/4o'microgram/g dry wt.4p'Value as reported.55R5505hffff&@ 5'miles5"M@ 5'UTM5#T 5 'UTM5 55'microgram/g dry wt.=5'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5I5'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.55'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.55'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.5 5!'microgram/g dry wt.5"'Value as reported.5#E5$'microgram/g dry wt.=5%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5&5''microgram/g dry wt.5('Value as reported.5) 5*'microgram/g dry wt.5+'Value as reported.5, @5-'microgram/g dry wt.5.'Value as reported.5/G50'microgram/g dry wt.51'Value as reported.5556'microgram/g dry wt.=57'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5859'microgram/g dry wt.5:'Value as reported.5;5<'microgram/g dry wt.5='Value as reported.5> 5?'microgram/g dry wt.5@'Value as reported.5DE5E'microgram/g dry wt.5F'Value as reported.5M5N'microgram/g dry wt.=5O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5P 5Q'microgram/g dry wt.5R'Value as reported.5S*5T'microgram/g dry wt.5U'Value as reported.5h5i'microgram/g dry wt.=5j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5k 5l'microgram/g dry wt.5m'Value as reported.5n#5o'microgram/g dry wt.5p'Value as reported.66T66062 6'miles6A@ 6'UTM6P@ 6 'UTM6 66'microgram/g dry wt.=6'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.66'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.66'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.6\6'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.6 G6!'microgram/g dry wt.6"'Value as reported.6#6$'microgram/g dry wt.6%'Value as reported.6&46''microgram/g dry wt.6('Value as reported.6)"6*'microgram/g dry wt.6+'Value as reported.6, @6-'microgram/g dry wt.6.'Value as reported.6/g60'microgram/g dry wt.61'Value as reported.6566'microgram/g dry wt.=67'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.68(69'microgram/g dry wt.6:'Value as reported.6;"6<'microgram/g dry wt.6='Value as reported.6>6?'microgram/g dry wt.6@'Value as reported.6De6E'microgram/g dry wt.6F'Value as reported.6M6N'microgram/g dry wt.=6O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6PJ6Q'microgram/g dry wt.6R'Value as reported.6S%o6T'microgram/g dry wt.6U'Value as reported.6h 6i'microgram/g dry wt.6j'Value as reported.6kx6l'microgram/g dry wt.6m'Value as reported.6n)6o'microgram/g dry wt.6p'Value as reported.77V7707@@ 7'miles7?@ 7'UTM7ɣ@ 7 'UTM7 77'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7e7'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.7e7'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.77'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.7 7!'microgram/g dry wt.7"'Value as reported.7#e7$'microgram/g dry wt.=7%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7&"7''microgram/g dry wt.7('Value as reported.7)% 7*'microgram/g dry wt.7+'Value as reported.7,(n7-'microgram/g dry wt.7.'Value as reported.7/G70'microgram/g dry wt.71'Value as reported.7576'microgram/g dry wt.=77'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7879'microgram/g dry wt.7:'Value as reported.7;7<'microgram/g dry wt.7='Value as reported.7>7?'microgram/g dry wt.7@'Value as reported.7DE7E'microgram/g dry wt.7F'Value as reported.7M7N'microgram/g dry wt.=7O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7P07Q'microgram/g dry wt.7R'Value as reported.7SE:7T'microgram/g dry wt.7U'Value as reported.7h7i'microgram/g dry wt.7j'Value as reported.7k7l'microgram/g dry wt.7m'Value as reported.7n%"7o'microgram/g dry wt.7p'Value as reported.88X8828 8'miles8淄@ 8'UTM8@ 8 'UTM8 88'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.8P @8'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.8E8'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.88'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.8 8!'microgram/g dry wt.8"'Value as reported.8#E8$'microgram/g dry wt.=8%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&<8''microgram/g dry wt.8('Value as reported.8).8*'microgram/g dry wt.8+'Value as reported.8, @8-'microgram/g dry wt.8.'Value as reported.8/G80'microgram/g dry wt.81'Value as reported.8586'microgram/g dry wt.=87'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.88289'microgram/g dry wt.8:'Value as reported.8; 8<'microgram/g dry wt.8='Value as reported.8>88?'microgram/g dry wt.8@'Value as reported.8D8E'microgram/g dry wt.8F'Value as reported.8M8N'microgram/g dry wt.=8O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8PF8Q'microgram/g dry wt.8R'Value as reported.8S%l8T'microgram/g dry wt.8U'Value as reported.8h8i'microgram/g dry wt.8j'Value as reported.8k !8l'microgram/g dry wt.8m'Value as reported.8n)8o'microgram/g dry wt.8p'Value as reported.99Z9929  9'miles9h@ 9'UTM9@ 9 'UTM9 99'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.94@9'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.9%9'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.99'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.9 9!'microgram/g dry wt.9"'Value as reported.9#9$'microgram/g dry wt.9%'Value as reported.9&V9''microgram/g dry wt.9('Value as reported.9)"9*'microgram/g dry wt.9+'Value as reported.9,@9-'microgram/g dry wt.9.'Value as reported.9/g90'microgram/g dry wt.91'Value as reported.9596'microgram/g dry wt.=97'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.98B99'microgram/g dry wt.9:'Value as reported.9;(9<'microgram/g dry wt.9='Value as reported.9>J9?'microgram/g dry wt.9@'Value as reported.9Dg9E'microgram/g dry wt.9F'Value as reported.9M9N'microgram/g dry wt.=9O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9PEM9Q'microgram/g dry wt.9R'Value as reported.9S9T'microgram/g dry wt.9U'Value as reported.9he 9i'microgram/g dry wt.9j'Value as reported.9k+9l'microgram/g dry wt.9m'Value as reported.9ne@9o'microgram/g dry wt.9p'Value as reported.::\::2:hffff@ :'miles:x@ :'UTM:a@ : 'UTM: ::'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.::'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.::'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.::'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.: :!'microgram/g dry wt.:"'Value as reported.:#e:$'microgram/g dry wt.:%'Value as reported.:&H:''microgram/g dry wt.:('Value as reported.:)0:*'microgram/g dry wt.:+'Value as reported.:,H @:-'microgram/g dry wt.:.'Value as reported.:/g:0'microgram/g dry wt.:1'Value as reported.:5:6'microgram/g dry wt.=:7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:84:9'microgram/g dry wt.::'Value as reported.:;":<'microgram/g dry wt.:='Value as reported.:>`:?'microgram/g dry wt.:@'Value as reported.:D:E'microgram/g dry wt.:F'Value as reported.:M:N'microgram/g dry wt.=:O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:Pe0:Q'microgram/g dry wt.:R'Value as reported.:S:T'microgram/g dry wt.:U'Value as reported.:h:i'microgram/g dry wt.:j'Value as reported.:k:l'microgram/g dry wt.:m'Value as reported.:n%4:o'microgram/g dry wt.:p'Value as reported.;;^;;2;hfffff@ ;'miles;̺@ ;'UTM; @ ; 'UTM; ;;'microgram/g dry wt.=;'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;8 @;'microgram/g dry wt.;'Value as reported.;;'microgram/g dry wt.;'Value as reported.;;'microgram/g dry wt.;'Value as reported.; ;!'microgram/g dry wt.;"'Value as reported.;#E;$'microgram/g dry wt.=;%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;&,;''microgram/g dry wt.;('Value as reported.;) ;*'microgram/g dry wt.;+'Value as reported.;, @;-'microgram/g dry wt.;.'Value as reported.;/G;0'microgram/g dry wt.;1'Value as reported.;5;6'microgram/g dry wt.=;7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;8,;9'microgram/g dry wt.;:'Value as reported.;;;<'microgram/g dry wt.;='Value as reported.;>;?'microgram/g dry wt.;@'Value as reported.;D;E'microgram/g dry wt.;F'Value as reported.;M;N'microgram/g dry wt.=;O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;P>;Q'microgram/g dry wt.;R'Value as reported.;S%U;T'microgram/g dry wt.;U'Value as reported.;h;i'microgram/g dry wt.;j'Value as reported.;k,;l'microgram/g dry wt.;m'Value as reported.;n;o'microgram/g dry wt.;p'Value as reported.<<`<<2<L@ <'miles<*@ <'UTM<@@ < 'UTM< <<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.< @<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.<<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.<<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.< <!'microgram/g dry wt.<"'Value as reported.<#E<$'microgram/g dry wt.=<%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<&:<''microgram/g dry wt.<('Value as reported.<),<*'microgram/g dry wt.<+'Value as reported.<, @<-'microgram/g dry wt.<.'Value as reported.</<0'microgram/g dry wt.<1'Value as reported.<5<6'microgram/g dry wt.=<7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<88<9'microgram/g dry wt.<:'Value as reported.<;(<<'microgram/g dry wt.<='Value as reported.<><?'microgram/g dry wt.<@'Value as reported.<D<E'microgram/g dry wt.<F'Value as reported.<M<N'microgram/g dry wt.=<O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<PN<Q'microgram/g dry wt.<R'Value as reported.<Sev<T'microgram/g dry wt.<U'Value as reported.<h <i'microgram/g dry wt.<j'Value as reported.<kt'<l'microgram/g dry wt.<m'Value as reported.<n+<o'microgram/g dry wt.<p'Value as reported.==b==2=03333@ ='miles=@ ='UTM='@ = 'UTM= =='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.= @='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.=='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.=='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.= e=!'microgram/g dry wt.="'Value as reported.=#=$'microgram/g dry wt.==%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.=&8=''microgram/g dry wt.=('Value as reported.=)2=*'microgram/g dry wt.=+'Value as reported.=, @=-'microgram/g dry wt.=.'Value as reported.=/=0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Value as reported.=5=6'microgram/g dry wt.==7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.=88=9'microgram/g dry wt.=:'Value as reported.=;,=<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Value as reported.=> =?'microgram/g dry wt.=@'Value as reported.=D=E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Value as reported.=M=N'microgram/g dry wt.==O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.=PJ=Q'microgram/g dry wt.=R'Value as reported.=S|=T'microgram/g dry wt.=U'Value as reported.=h =i'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Value as reported.=k)=l'microgram/g dry wt.=m'Value as reported.=n'=o'microgram/g dry wt.=p'Value as reported.>>d>>2>@ >'miles>B@ >'UTM>P@ > 'UTM> >>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.>8 @>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.>e>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.>>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.> 5>!'microgram/g dry wt.>"'Value as reported.>#E>$'microgram/g dry wt.=>%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>&6>''microgram/g dry wt.>('Value as reported.>)(>*'microgram/g dry wt.>+'Value as reported.>,0 @>-'microgram/g dry wt.>.'Value as reported.>/g>0'microgram/g dry wt.>1'Value as reported.>5>6'microgram/g dry wt.=>7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>82>9'microgram/g dry wt.>:'Value as reported.>;$><'microgram/g dry wt.>='Value as reported.>>>?'microgram/g dry wt.>@'Value as reported.>D>E'microgram/g dry wt.>F'Value as reported.>M>N'microgram/g dry wt.=>O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>PF>Q'microgram/g dry wt.>R'Value as reported.>Sn>T'microgram/g dry wt.>U'Value as reported.>h>i'microgram/g dry wt.>j'Value as reported.>k<#>l'microgram/g dry wt.>m'Value as reported.>n%&>o'microgram/g dry wt.>p'Value as reported.??f??4? ?'miles?@ ?'UTM?@ ? 'UTM? ??'microgram/g dry wt.=?'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?`m?'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.??'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.? ?'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.? ?!'microgram/g dry wt.?"'Value as reported.?#E?$'microgram/g dry wt.=?%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?&&?''microgram/g dry wt.?('Value as reported.?)?*'microgram/g dry wt.?+'Value as reported.?, @?-'microgram/g dry wt.?.'Value as reported.?/?0'microgram/g dry wt.?1'Value as reported.?5?6'microgram/g dry wt.=?7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?8$?9'microgram/g dry wt.?:'Value as reported.?;?<'microgram/g dry wt.?='Value as reported.?>??'microgram/g dry wt.?@'Value as reported.?D?E'microgram/g dry wt.?F'Value as reported.?M?N'microgram/g dry wt.=?O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?P0?Q'microgram/g dry wt.?R'Value as reported.?SN?T'microgram/g dry wt.?U'Value as reported.?h?i'microgram/g dry wt.?j'Value as reported.?k(?l'microgram/g dry wt.?m'Value as reported.?n$?o'microgram/g dry wt.?p'Value as reported.@@h@@H@hfffff@ @'miles@Xn@ @'UTM@2@ @ 'UTM@ @@'microgram/g dry wt.=@'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@@G@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@ @!'microgram/g dry wt.@"'Value as reported.@#E@$'microgram/g dry wt.=@%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@&@''microgram/g dry wt.@('Value as reported.@)@*'microgram/g dry wt.@+'Value as reported.@,0u@-'microgram/g dry wt.@.'Value as reported.@/@0'microgram/g dry wt.@1'Value as reported.@5@6'microgram/g dry wt.=@7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@8 @9'microgram/g dry wt.@:'Value as reported.@;@<'microgram/g dry wt.@='Value as reported.@>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@@'Value as reported.@De@E'microgram/g dry wt.@F'Value as reported.@M@N'microgram/g dry wt.=@O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@P(@Q'microgram/g dry wt.@R'Value as reported.@S%B@T'microgram/g dry wt.@U'Value as reported.@h@i'microgram/g dry wt.@j'Value as reported.@k @l'microgram/g dry wt.@m'Value as reported.@n@o'microgram/g dry wt.@p'Value as reported.AAjAAHAhffff@ A'milesA X@ A'UTMAP@ A 'UTMA AA'microgram/g dry wt.=A'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A$6A'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.AA'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.AeA'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.A A!'microgram/g dry wt.A"'Value as reported.A#EA$'microgram/g dry wt.=A%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A&A''microgram/g dry wt.A('Value as reported.A)A*'microgram/g dry wt.A+'Value as reported.A,RA-'microgram/g dry wt.A.'Value as reported.A/gA0'microgram/g dry wt.A1'Value as reported.A5A6'microgram/g dry wt.=A7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A8A9'microgram/g dry wt.A:'Value as reported.A; A<'microgram/g dry wt.A='Value as reported.A>FA?'microgram/g dry wt.A@'Value as reported.ADEAE'microgram/g dry wt.AF'Value as reported.AMAN'microgram/g dry wt.=AO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.APAQ'microgram/g dry wt.AR'Value as reported.ASe8AT'microgram/g dry wt.AU'Value as reported.AhAi'microgram/g dry wt.Aj'Value as reported.AkAl'microgram/g dry wt.Am'Value as reported.AnAo'microgram/g dry wt.Ap'Value as reported.BBlBBHBL@ B'milesBO@ B'UTMBg@ B 'UTMB BB'microgram/g dry wt.=B'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B-B'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.BB'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.BefB'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.B B!'microgram/g dry wt.B"'Value as reported.B#EB$'microgram/g dry wt.=B%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B&&B''microgram/g dry wt.B('Value as reported.B) B*'microgram/g dry wt.B+'Value as reported.B,KB-'microgram/g dry wt.B.'Value as reported.B/GB0'microgram/g dry wt.B1'Value as reported.B5B6'microgram/g dry wt.=B7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B8B9'microgram/g dry wt.B:'Value as reported.B;B<'microgram/g dry wt.B='Value as reported.B>,B?'microgram/g dry wt.B@'Value as reported.BDEBE'microgram/g dry wt.BF'Value as reported.BMBN'microgram/g dry wt.=BO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.BPBQ'microgram/g dry wt.BR'Value as reported.BS/BT'microgram/g dry wt.BU'Value as reported.BhBi'microgram/g dry wt.Bj'Value as reported.BkBl'microgram/g dry wt.Bm'Value as reported.BnE'Bo'microgram/g dry wt.Bp'Value as reported.CCnCCHChffff@ C'milesCJ@ C'UTMC0f@ C 'UTMC CC'microgram/g dry wt.=C'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.CSC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.CC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.CC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.C GC!'microgram/g dry wt.C"'Value as reported.C#C$'microgram/g dry wt.C%'Value as reported.C&2C''microgram/g dry wt.C('Value as reported.C)<C*'microgram/g dry wt.C+'Value as reported.C, @C-'microgram/g dry wt.C.'Value as reported.C/C0'microgram/g dry wt.C1'Value as reported.C5C6'microgram/g dry wt.=C7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C8(C9'microgram/g dry wt.C:'Value as reported.C;VC<'microgram/g dry wt.C='Value as reported.C>2C?'microgram/g dry wt.C@'Value as reported.CDeCE'microgram/g dry wt.CF'Value as reported.CMCN'microgram/g dry wt.=CO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.CP2CQ'microgram/g dry wt.CR'Value as reported.CS|CT'microgram/g dry wt.CU'Value as reported.ChCi'microgram/g dry wt.Cj'Value as reported.Ck<#Cl'microgram/g dry wt.Cm'Value as reported.Cn=Co'microgram/g dry wt.Cp'Value as reported.DDpDDHD@ D'milesDFق@ D'UTMD0@ D 'UTMD DD'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.D3D'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.DD'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.DD'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.D eD!'microgram/g dry wt.D"'Value as reported.D#D$'microgram/g dry wt.D%'Value as reported.D&D''microgram/g dry wt.D('Value as reported.D)iD*'microgram/g dry wt.D+'Value as reported.D,H@D-'microgram/g dry wt.D.'Value as reported.D/GD0'microgram/g dry wt.D1'Value as reported.D5D6'microgram/g dry wt.=D7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D8ND9'microgram/g dry wt.D:'Value as reported.D;D<'microgram/g dry wt.D='Value as reported.D>D?'microgram/g dry wt.D@'Value as reported.DD'DE'microgram/g dry wt.DF'Value as reported.DMDN'microgram/g dry wt.=DO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.DPDQ'microgram/g dry wt.DR'Value as reported.DSvDT'microgram/g dry wt.DU'Value as reported.DhDi'microgram/g dry wt.Dj'Value as reported.DkDl'microgram/g dry wt.Dm'Value as reported.Dn0Do'microgram/g dry wt.Dp'Value as reported.EErEEHEd E'milesE@ E'UTME @ E 'UTME EE'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E8E'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.EeE'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.EE'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E eE!'microgram/g dry wt.E"'Value as reported.E#E$'microgram/g dry wt.E%'Value as reported.E&E''microgram/g dry wt.E('Value as reported.E)2E*'microgram/g dry wt.E+'Value as reported.E,LE-'microgram/g dry wt.E.'Value as reported.E/E0'microgram/g dry wt.E1'Value as reported.E5E6'microgram/g dry wt.=E7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E8E9'microgram/g dry wt.E:'Value as reported.E;DE<'microgram/g dry wt.E='Value as reported.E>E?'microgram/g dry wt.E@'Value as reported.EDeEE'microgram/g dry wt.EF'Value as reported.EMEN'microgram/g dry wt.=EO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.EP EQ'microgram/g dry wt.ER'Value as reported.ESET'microgram/g dry wt.EU'Value as reported.EhEi'microgram/g dry wt.Ej'Value as reported.Ek(El'microgram/g dry wt.Em'Value as reported.Ene(Eo'microgram/g dry wt.Ep'Value as reported.FFtFFHF03333@ F'milesF FF'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.FyF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.FF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.FF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.F F!'microgram/g dry wt.F"'Value as reported.F#F$'microgram/g dry wt.F%'Value as reported.F&&F''microgram/g dry wt.F('Value as reported.F)*F*'microgram/g dry wt.F+'Value as reported.F, @F-'microgram/g dry wt.F.'Value as reported.F/F0'microgram/g dry wt.F1'Value as reported.F5F6'microgram/g dry wt.=F7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F8.F9'microgram/g dry wt.F:'Value as reported.F;0F<'microgram/g dry wt.F='Value as reported.F>F?'microgram/g dry wt.F@'Value as reported.FDFE'microgram/g dry wt.FF'Value as reported.FMFN'microgram/g dry wt.=FO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.FP:FQ'microgram/g dry wt.FR'Value as reported.FSFT'microgram/g dry wt.FU'Value as reported.FhFi'microgram/g dry wt.Fj'Value as reported.Fk#Fl'microgram/g dry wt.Fm'Value as reported.Fn<Fo'microgram/g dry wt.Fp'Value as reported.GGvGGHG03333@ G'milesG@ G'UTMG@ G 'UTMG GG'microgram/g dry wt.=G'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G}G'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.G%G'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.GG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.G G!'microgram/g dry wt.G"'Value as reported.G#G$'microgram/g dry wt.G%'Value as reported.G&(G''microgram/g dry wt.G('Value as reported.G)$G*'microgram/g dry wt.G+'Value as reported.G,cG-'microgram/g dry wt.G.'Value as reported.G/G0'microgram/g dry wt.G1'Value as reported.G5G6'microgram/g dry wt.=G7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G8,G9'microgram/g dry wt.G:'Value as reported.G;JG<'microgram/g dry wt.G='Value as reported.G>8G?'microgram/g dry wt.G@'Value as reported.GDGGE'microgram/g dry wt.GF'Value as reported.GMGN'microgram/g dry wt.=GO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GP:GQ'microgram/g dry wt.GR'Value as reported.GSGT'microgram/g dry wt.GU'Value as reported.GhGi'microgram/g dry wt.Gj'Value as reported.Gk#Gl'microgram/g dry wt.Gm'Value as reported.Gn%2Go'microgram/g dry wt.Gp'Value as reported.HHxHHHH@ H'milesHZU@ H'UTMH3@ H 'UTMH HH'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.HVH'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.H%H'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.HH'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.H H!'microgram/g dry wt.H"'Value as reported.H#BH$'microgram/g dry wt.H%'Value as reported.H&2H''microgram/g dry wt.H('Value as reported.H)HH*'microgram/g dry wt.H+'Value as reported.H,2@H-'microgram/g dry wt.H.'Value as reported.H/gH0'microgram/g dry wt.H1'Value as reported.H5(H6'microgram/g dry wt.H7'Value as reported.H8H9'microgram/g dry wt.H:'Value as reported.H;P<H<'microgram/g dry wt.H='Value as reported.H>H?'microgram/g dry wt.H@'Value as reported.HDgHE'microgram/g dry wt.HF'Value as reported.HMHN'microgram/g dry wt.=HO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.HP:HQ'microgram/g dry wt.HR'Value as reported.HS @HT'microgram/g dry wt.HU'Value as reported.HhHi'microgram/g dry wt.Hj'Value as reported.HkpbHl'microgram/g dry wt.Hm'Value as reported.HnEXHo'microgram/g dry wt.Hp'Value as reported.IIzIIHI033333@ I'milesIX@ I'UTMI @ I 'UTMI II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.IUI'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.I I!'microgram/g dry wt.I"'Value as reported.I#@I$'microgram/g dry wt.I%'Value as reported.I&2I''microgram/g dry wt.I('Value as reported.I) I*'microgram/g dry wt.I+'Value as reported.I,D@I-'microgram/g dry wt.I.'Value as reported.I/ I0'microgram/g dry wt.I1'Value as reported.I5(I6'microgram/g dry wt.I7'Value as reported.I8I9'microgram/g dry wt.I:'Value as reported.I;L;I<'microgram/g dry wt.I='Value as reported.I>I?'microgram/g dry wt.I@'Value as reported.IDIE'microgram/g dry wt.IF'Value as reported.IMIN'microgram/g dry wt.=IO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.IP:IQ'microgram/g dry wt.IR'Value as reported.IS @IT'microgram/g dry wt.IU'Value as reported.Ih Ii'microgram/g dry wt.Ij'Value as reported.IkaIl'microgram/g dry wt.Im'Value as reported.IneWIo'microgram/g dry wt.Ip'Value as reported.JJ|JJHJ̐@ J'milesJ @ J'UTMJpz@ J 'UTMJ JJ'microgram/g dry wt.=J'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JdFJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.JeJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.J`J'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.J 'J!'microgram/g dry wt.J"'Value as reported.J#EJ$'microgram/g dry wt.=J%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J&J''microgram/g dry wt.J('Value as reported.J)J*'microgram/g dry wt.J+'Value as reported.J,YJ-'microgram/g dry wt.J.'Value as reported.J/J0'microgram/g dry wt.J1'Value as reported.J5J6'microgram/g dry wt.=J7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J8J9'microgram/g dry wt.J:'Value as reported.J;.J<'microgram/g dry wt.J='Value as reported.J>J?'microgram/g dry wt.J@'Value as reported.JDEJE'microgram/g dry wt.JF'Value as reported.JMJN'microgram/g dry wt.=JO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JP&JQ'microgram/g dry wt.JR'Value as reported.JShJT'microgram/g dry wt.JU'Value as reported.JhJi'microgram/g dry wt.Jj'Value as reported.JkJl'microgram/g dry wt.Jm'Value as reported.Jn#Jo'microgram/g dry wt.Jp'Value as reported.KK~KKHKL@ K'milesK@ K'UTMK'@ K 'UTMK KK'microgram/g dry wt.=K'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.KoK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.KK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.KK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.K K!'microgram/g dry wt.K"'Value as reported.K#K$'microgram/g dry wt.K%'Value as reported.K&$K''microgram/g dry wt.K('Value as reported.K) K*'microgram/g dry wt.K+'Value as reported.K,#K-'microgram/g dry wt.K.'Value as reported.K/K0'microgram/g dry wt.K1'Value as reported.K5K6'microgram/g dry wt.=K7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K8&K9'microgram/g dry wt.K:'Value as reported.K;.K<'microgram/g dry wt.K='Value as reported.K>K?'microgram/g dry wt.K@'Value as reported.KD'KE'microgram/g dry wt.KF'Value as reported.KMKN'microgram/g dry wt.=KO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.KP6KQ'microgram/g dry wt.KR'Value as reported.KSkKT'microgram/g dry wt.KU'Value as reported.KhKi'microgram/g dry wt.Kj'Value as reported.Kk Kl'microgram/g dry wt.Km'Value as reported.Kne6Ko'microgram/g dry wt.Kp'Value as reported.LLLLHL L'milesLZd@ L'UTML @ L 'UTML LL'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.LcL'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.LeL'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.LL'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.L L!'microgram/g dry wt.L"'Value as reported.L#eL$'microgram/g dry wt.L%'Value as reported.L&,L''microgram/g dry wt.L('Value as reported.L)"L*'microgram/g dry wt.L+'Value as reported.L,x @L-'microgram/g dry wt.L.'Value as reported.L/) L0'microgram/g dry wt.L1'Value as reported.L5L6'microgram/g dry wt.=L7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L8*L9'microgram/g dry wt.L:'Value as reported.L;(L<'microgram/g dry wt.L='Value as reported.L>L?'microgram/g dry wt.L@'Value as reported.LDLE'microgram/g dry wt.LF'Value as reported.LMLN'microgram/g dry wt.=LO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.LP@LQ'microgram/g dry wt.LR'Value as reported.LSXLT'microgram/g dry wt.LU'Value as reported.Lh Li'microgram/g dry wt.Lj'Value as reported.Lk"Ll'microgram/g dry wt.Lm'Value as reported.LnhLo'microgram/g dry wt.Lp'Value as reported.MMMMHMhfffff@ M'milesM@ M'UTMMP5@ M 'UTMM MM'microgram/g dry wt.=M'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M@ @M'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.MeM'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.MM'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.M M!'microgram/g dry wt.M"'Value as reported.M#eM$'microgram/g dry wt.M%'Value as reported.M&4M''microgram/g dry wt.M('Value as reported.M).M*'microgram/g dry wt.M+'Value as reported.M, @M-'microgram/g dry wt.M.'Value as reported.M/M0'microgram/g dry wt.M1'Value as reported.M5M6'microgram/g dry wt.=M7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M86M9'microgram/g dry wt.M:'Value as reported.M;0M<'microgram/g dry wt.M='Value as reported.M>M?'microgram/g dry wt.M@'Value as reported.MDgME'microgram/g dry wt.MF'Value as reported.MMMN'microgram/g dry wt.=MO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MP/MQ'microgram/g dry wt.MR'Value as reported.MSvMT'microgram/g dry wt.MU'Value as reported.Mh Mi'microgram/g dry wt.Mj'Value as reported.Mk)Ml'microgram/g dry wt.Mm'Value as reported.MnCMo'microgram/g dry wt.Mp'Value as reported.NNNNHN%^ N'milesN@ N'UTMNp@ N 'UTMN NN'microgram/g dry wt.=N'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N( @N'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.NeN'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.NN'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.N  N!'microgram/g dry wt.N"'Value as reported.N#EN$'microgram/g dry wt.=N%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N&&N''microgram/g dry wt.N('Value as reported.N)"N*'microgram/g dry wt.N+'Value as reported.N,` @N-'microgram/g dry wt.N.'Value as reported.N/N0'microgram/g dry wt.N1'Value as reported.N5N6'microgram/g dry wt.=N7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N8.N9'microgram/g dry wt.N:'Value as reported.N; N<'microgram/g dry wt.N='Value as reported.N>RN?'microgram/g dry wt.N@'Value as reported.ND'NE'microgram/g dry wt.NF'Value as reported.NMNN'microgram/g dry wt.=NO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.NP>NQ'microgram/g dry wt.NR'Value as reported.NSYNT'microgram/g dry wt.NU'Value as reported.Nh Ni'microgram/g dry wt.Nj'Value as reported.NkL"Nl'microgram/g dry wt.Nm'Value as reported.Nn9No'microgram/g dry wt.Np'Value as reported.OOOOHO= O'milesO@ O'UTMO@T@ O 'UTMO OO'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.OWO'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.OEO'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.OO'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.O O!'microgram/g dry wt.O"'Value as reported.O#EO$'microgram/g dry wt.=O%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O&O''microgram/g dry wt.O('Value as reported.O)O*'microgram/g dry wt.O+'Value as reported.O,pO-'microgram/g dry wt.O.'Value as reported.O/O0'microgram/g dry wt.O1'Value as reported.O5O6'microgram/g dry wt.=O7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O8"O9'microgram/g dry wt.O:'Value as reported.O; O<'microgram/g dry wt.O='Value as reported.O>O?'microgram/g dry wt.O@'Value as reported.ODOE'microgram/g dry wt.OF'Value as reported.OMON'microgram/g dry wt.=OO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.OP*OQ'microgram/g dry wt.OR'Value as reported.OSCOT'microgram/g dry wt.OU'Value as reported.OhOi'microgram/g dry wt.Oj'Value as reported.Ok8Ol'microgram/g dry wt.Om'Value as reported.One2Oo'microgram/g dry wt.Op'Value as reported.PPPPHP%: P'milesP@ P'UTMPP@ P 'UTMP PP'microgram/g dry wt.=P'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PhtP'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.PP'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.PP'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.P P!'microgram/g dry wt.P"'Value as reported.P#EP$'microgram/g dry wt.=P%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P&(P''microgram/g dry wt.P('Value as reported.P)P*'microgram/g dry wt.P+'Value as reported.P,#P-'microgram/g dry wt.P.'Value as reported.P/)P0'microgram/g dry wt.P1'Value as reported.P5P6'microgram/g dry wt.=P7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P8(P9'microgram/g dry wt.P:'Value as reported.P;P<'microgram/g dry wt.P='Value as reported.P>P?'microgram/g dry wt.P@'Value as reported.PDGPE'microgram/g dry wt.PF'Value as reported.PMPN'microgram/g dry wt.=PO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PP:PQ'microgram/g dry wt.PR'Value as reported.PSNPT'microgram/g dry wt.PU'Value as reported.Ph Pi'microgram/g dry wt.Pj'Value as reported.PkP#Pl'microgram/g dry wt.Pm'Value as reported.Pn%7Po'microgram/g dry wt.Pp'Value as reported.QQQQHQ Q'milesQ,L@ Q'UTMQPu@ Q 'UTMQ QQ'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.Qh @Q'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.Q Q'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.QBQ'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.Q g Q!'microgram/g dry wt.Q"'Value as reported.Q#Q$'microgram/g dry wt.Q%'Value as reported.Q&<Q''microgram/g dry wt.Q('Value as reported.Q)0Q*'microgram/g dry wt.Q+'Value as reported.Q, @Q-'microgram/g dry wt.Q.'Value as reported.Q/Q0'microgram/g dry wt.Q1'Value as reported.Q5Q6'microgram/g dry wt.=Q7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q8>Q9'microgram/g dry wt.Q:'Value as reported.Q;.Q<'microgram/g dry wt.Q='Value as reported.Q> Q?'microgram/g dry wt.Q@'Value as reported.QDQE'microgram/g dry wt.QF'Value as reported.QMQN'microgram/g dry wt.=QO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.QPXQQ'microgram/g dry wt.QR'Value as reported.QSwQT'microgram/g dry wt.QU'Value as reported.Qh Qi'microgram/g dry wt.Qj'Value as reported.Qk/Ql'microgram/g dry wt.Qm'Value as reported.QnTQo'microgram/g dry wt.Qp'Value as reported.RRRRHR R'milesR87@ R'UTMRM@ R 'UTMR RR'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.R @R'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.RR'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.RR'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.R R!'microgram/g dry wt.R"'Value as reported.R#eR$'microgram/g dry wt.R%'Value as reported.R&*R''microgram/g dry wt.R('Value as reported.R)&R*'microgram/g dry wt.R+'Value as reported.R,8 @R-'microgram/g dry wt.R.'Value as reported.R/R0'microgram/g dry wt.R1'Value as reported.R5R6'microgram/g dry wt.=R7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R82R9'microgram/g dry wt.R:'Value as reported.R;(R<'microgram/g dry wt.R='Value as reported.R>R?'microgram/g dry wt.R@'Value as reported.RDRE'microgram/g dry wt.RF'Value as reported.RMRN'microgram/g dry wt.=RO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.RPBRQ'microgram/g dry wt.RR'Value as reported.RScRT'microgram/g dry wt.RU'Value as reported.Rh Ri'microgram/g dry wt.Rj'Value as reported.Rk0%Rl'microgram/g dry wt.Rm'Value as reported.Rn^Ro'microgram/g dry wt.Rp'Value as reported.SSSSS03333S@ S'milesS4@ S'UTMS@ S 'UTMS SS'microgram/LS'Value as reported.S S'mg/LS'Value as reported.TTTTT03333S@ T'milesT4@ T'UTMT@ T 'UTMT TT'microgram/LT'Value as reported.T T'mg/LxT'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.UUUUU03333S@ U'milesU4@ U'UTMU@ U 'UTMU UU'microgram/LU'Value as reported.U U'mg/LxU'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.VVVVV03333S@ V'milesV4@ V'UTMV@ V 'UTMV VV'microgram/LV'Value as reported.VE V'mg/LV'Value as reported.WW WWW03333S@ W'milesW4@ W'UTMW@ W 'UTMW WW'microgram/LW'Value as reported.W W'mg/LW'Value as reported.XX XXX03333S@ X'milesX4@ X'UTMX@ X 'UTMX XX'microgram/LX'Value as reported.XU X'mg/LX'Value as reported.YYYYY03333S@ Y'milesY4@ Y'UTMY@ Y 'UTMY YMY'microgram/LY'Value as reported.Y Y'mg/LY'Value as reported.ZZZZZ03333S@ Z'milesZ4@ Z'UTMZ@ Z 'UTMZ Z'Z'microgram/LZ'Value as reported.ZG  Z'mg/LZ'Value as reported.[[[[[03333S@ ['miles[4@ ['UTM[@ [ 'UTM[ [F['microgram/L['Value as reported.[G ['mg/L['Value as reported.\\\\\03333S@ \'miles\4@ \'UTM\@ \ 'UTM\ \g\'microgram/L\'Value as reported.\ \'mg/L\'Value as reported.]]]]]03333S@ ]'miles]4@ ]'UTM]@ ] 'UTM] ]g]'microgram/L]'Value as reported.] ]'mg/L]'Value as reported.^^^^^03333S@ ^'miles^4@ ^'UTM^@ ^ 'UTM^ ^g^'microgram/L^'Value as reported.^ ^'mg/Lx^'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported._____03333S@ _'miles_4@ _'UTM_@ _ 'UTM_ __'microgram/L_'Value as reported._ _'mg/L_'Value as reported.`````03333S@ `'miles`4@ `'UTM`@ ` 'UTM` ` `'microgram/L`'Value as reported.` `'mg/L`'Value as reported.aaaaa03333S@ a'milesa4@ a'UTMa@ a 'UTMa aa'microgram/La'Value as reported.a a'mg/La'Value as reported.bb bbb03333S@ b'milesb4@ b'UTMb@ b 'UTMb bb'microgram/Lb'Value as reported.b' b'mg/Lb'Value as reported.cc"ccc03333S@ c'milesc4@ c'UTMc@ c 'UTMc c.c'microgram/Lc'Value as reported.cg c'mg/Lc'Value as reported.dd$ddd03333S@ d'milesd4@ d'UTMd@ d 'UTMd d-d'microgram/Ld'Value as reported.dG d'mg/Ld'Value as reported.ee&eee03333S@ e'milese4@ e'UTMe@ e 'UTMe ee'microgram/Le'Value as reported.eg e'mg/Le'Value as reported.ff(fff03333S@ f'milesf4@ f'UTMf@ f 'UTMf fef'microgram/Lf'Value as reported.fg f'mg/Lf'Value as reported.gg*ggg03333S@ g'milesg4@ g'UTMg@ g 'UTMg g g'microgram/Lg'Value as reported.g g'mg/Lg'Value as reported.hh,hhh03333S@ h'milesh4@ h'UTMh@ h 'UTMh hG#h'microgram/Lh'Value as reported.hG h'mg/Lh'Value as reported.ii.iii03333S@ i'milesi4@ i'UTMi@ i 'UTMi i'[i'microgram/Li'Value as reported.ig i'mg/Li'Value as reported.jj0jjj03333S@ j'milesj4@ j'UTMj@ j 'UTMj jj'microgram/Lj'Value as reported.jG j'mg/Lj'Value as reported.kk2kkk03333S@ k'milesk4@ k'UTMk@ k 'UTMk kUk'microgram/Lk'Value as reported.kG  k'mg/Lk'Value as reported.ll4lll03333S@ l'milesl4@ l'UTMl@ l 'UTMl l'\l'microgram/Ll'Value as reported.lg  l'mg/Ll'Value as reported.mm6mmm03333S@ m'milesm4@ m'UTMm@ m 'UTMm mQm'microgram/Lm'Value as reported.m  m'mg/Lm'Value as reported.nn8nnn03333S@ n'milesn4@ n'UTMn@ n 'UTMn ng4n'microgram/Ln'Value as reported.n n'mg/Ln'Value as reported.oo:ooo03333S@ o'mileso4@ o'UTMo@ o 'UTMo oo'microgram/Lo'Value as reported.o o'mg/Lxo'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.pp<ppp03333S@ p'milesp4@ p'UTMp@ p 'UTMp pp'microgram/Lp'Value as reported.p% p'mg/Lp'Value as reported.qq>qqq03333S@ q'milesq4@ q'UTMq@ q 'UTMq q0q'microgram/Lq'Value as reported.q q'mg/Lq'Value as reported.rr@rrr03333S@ r'milesr4@ r'UTMr@ r 'UTMr rUr'microgram/Lr'Value as reported.re r'mg/Lr'Value as reported.ssBsss03333S@ s'miless4@ s'UTMs@ s 'UTMs ss'microgram/Ls'Value as reported.s s'mg/Ls'Value as reported.ttDttt03333S@ t'milest4@ t'UTMt@ t 'UTMt t'Qt'microgram/Lt'Value as reported.t t'mg/Lt'Value as reported.uuFuuu03333S@ u'milesu4@ u'UTMu@ u 'UTMu ug\u'microgram/Lu'Value as reported.uG u'mg/Lu'Value as reported.vvHvvv03333S@ v'milesv4@ v'UTMv@ v 'UTMv vv'microgram/Lv'Value as reported.v v'mg/Lv'Value as reported.wwJwww03333S@ w'milesw4@ w'UTMw@ w 'UTMw w1w'microgram/Lw'Value as reported.wE w'mg/Lw'Value as reported.xxLxxx03333S@ x'milesx4@ x'UTMx@ x 'UTMx x%x'microgram/Lx'Value as reported.xe x'mg/Lx'Value as reported.yyNyyy03333S@ y'milesy4@ y'UTMy@ y 'UTMy yQ@y'microgram/Ly'Value as reported.yG y'mg/Ly'Value as reported.zzPzzz03333S@ z'milesz4@ z'UTMz@ z 'UTMz zPz'microgram/Lz'Value as reported.z z'mg/Lz'Value as reported.{{R{{{03333S@ {'miles{4@ {'UTM{@ { 'UTM{ { {'microgram/L{'Value as reported.{  {'mg/L{'Value as reported.||T|||03333S@ |'miles|4@ |'UTM|@ | 'UTM| |ףp= @|'microgram/L|'Value as reported.|U |'mg/L|'Value as reported.}}V}}}03333S@ }'miles}4@ }'UTM}@ } 'UTM} }Gz@}'microgram/L}'Value as reported.} }'mg/L}'Value as reported.~~X~~~03333S@ ~'miles~4@ ~'UTM~@ ~ 'UTM~ ~p= ף@~'microgram/L~'Value as reported.~G ~'mg/L~'Value as reported.Z03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM  Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.^03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM ;'microgram/L'Value as reported.U 'mg/L'Value as reported.`03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.b03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM `(\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.d03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM et'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.f03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.h03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q8@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g& 'mg/L'Value as reported.j03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q8@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'* 'mg/L'Value as reported.l03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM ^'microgram/L'Value as reported.G' 'mg/L'Value as reported.n03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.% 'mg/L'Value as reported.p03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.r03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'  'mg/L'Value as reported.t03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.v03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G# 'mg/L'Value as reported.x03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.$ 'mg/L'Value as reported.z03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.( 'mg/L'Value as reported.|03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM أp= @'microgram/L'Value as reported., 'mg/L'Value as reported.~03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM ('microgram/L'Value as reported.E 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'J'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM PQ@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM zG@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM \'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM `(\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\«@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM 5'microgram/L'Value as reported.% 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM xGz@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM zG@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g  'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM PQ@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM s'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM @ ףp=@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM  Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM p= ףp@'microgram/L'Value as reported." 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.03333S@ 'miles4@ 'UTM@  'UTM  Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM gC'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM G%'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM G,'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM U'microgram/L'Value as reported.$ 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM J'microgram/L'Value as reported.G  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ='microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM p= ף@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'/ 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g# 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 9'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM +'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM K'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM {'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM gu'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM HzG@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM U 'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM p= ף@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM '`'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM k'microgram/L'Value as reported.'  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ['microgram/L'Value as reported.E 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Gl'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM gV'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 7'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM j'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM أp= ׻@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM G\'microgram/L'Value as reported.'  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM xGz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM e'microgram/L'Value as reported.'* 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.g! 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM U'microgram/L'Value as reported.G  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM gA'microgram/L'Value as reported.U 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM gX'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'F'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported. \ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM O'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported. \ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM U'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM w'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM p= ף@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM HzG@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported. \ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM xGz@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported."\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.$\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'c'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.&\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM E 'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.(\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM |'microgram/L'Value as reported.5 'mg/L'Value as reported.*\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM k'microgram/L'Value as reported.g  'mg/L'Value as reported.,\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  'microgram/L'Value as reported.g  'mg/L'Value as reported..\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM HzG@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.0\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM أp= @'microgram/L'Value as reported.g  'mg/L'Value as reported.2\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM zG@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.4\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM h'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.6\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM p= ף@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.8\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM p= ףp@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.:\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM E'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.<\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Gn'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.>\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ['microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.@\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM P'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.B\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM {'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.D\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.F\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM d'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.H\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.J\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM W'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.L\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM v'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.N\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.P\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ['microgram/L'Value as reported.g  'mg/L'Value as reported.R\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.T\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.e 'mg/L'Value as reported.V\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'm'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 0'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.Z\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Z'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM u 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.^\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM G}'microgram/L'Value as reported.G  'mg/L'Value as reported.`\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ~'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.b\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.d\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM k'microgram/L'Value as reported.e 'mg/L'Value as reported.f\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM g'microgram/L'Value as reported.g  'mg/L'Value as reported.h\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.j\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM p= ףp@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.  n   \ 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   4 'microgram/L 'Value as reported.  'mg/L 'Value as reported.  p   \ 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   PQ@ 'microgram/L 'Value as reported.  'mg/L 'Value as reported.  r   \ 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   @ ףp=@ 'microgram/L 'Value as reported.  'mg/L 'Value as reported.  t   \ 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   HzG@ 'microgram/L 'Value as reported.  'mg/L 'Value as reported.  v   \ 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   T 'microgram/L 'Value as reported. ' 'mg/L 'Value as reported.x\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  'microgram/L'Value as reported." 'mg/L'Value as reported.z\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.|\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'P'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.~\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ,'microgram/L'Value as reported.e 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ''microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM k'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM >'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM E'microgram/L'Value as reported.G  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM D'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM S'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.U 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM `(\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'  'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM p= ףp@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM p= ף@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM e'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.\ 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM E'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.     \ 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   I 'microgram/L 'Value as reported. ' 'mg/L 'Value as reported.!!!!!\ !'miles!@ !'UTM!`@ ! 'UTM! !Z!'microgram/L!'Value as reported.! !'mg/L!'Value as reported."""""\ "'miles"@ "'UTM"`@ " 'UTM" "g*"'microgram/L"'Value as reported." "'mg/L"'Value as reported.#####\ #'miles#@ #'UTM#`@ # 'UTM# #,#'microgram/L#'Value as reported.# #'mg/L#'Value as reported.$$$$$\ $'miles$@ $'UTM$`@ $ 'UTM$ $$'microgram/L$'Value as reported.$g $'mg/L$'Value as reported.%%%%%\ %'miles%@ %'UTM%`@ % 'UTM% %'R%'microgram/L%'Value as reported.% %'mg/L%'Value as reported.&&&&&\ &'miles&@ &'UTM&`@ & 'UTM& &F&'microgram/L&'Value as reported.& &'mg/L&'Value as reported.'''''\ ''miles'@ ''UTM'`@ ' 'UTM' 'g0''microgram/L''Value as reported.' ''mg/L''Value as reported.(((((\ ('miles(@ ('UTM(`@ ( 'UTM( ('=('microgram/L('Value as reported.( ('mg/L('Value as reported.)))))\ )'miles)@ )'UTM)`@ ) 'UTM) ))'microgram/L)'Value as reported.)U )'mg/L)'Value as reported.*****\ *'miles*@ *'UTM*`@ * 'UTM* *@*'microgram/L*'Value as reported.* *'mg/L*'Value as reported.+++++l@ +'miles+@ +'UTM+@ + 'UTM+ +%+'microgram/L+'Value as reported.+U +'mg/L+'Value as reported.,,,,,l@ ,'miles,@ ,'UTM,@ , 'UTM, ,,'microgram/L,'Value as reported.,g ,'mg/L,'Value as reported.-----l@ -'miles-@ -'UTM-@ - 'UTM- --'microgram/L-'Value as reported.-g -'mg/L-'Value as reported......l@ .'miles.@ .'UTM.@ . 'UTM. ..'microgram/L.'Value as reported.. .'mg/L.'Value as reported./////l@ /'miles/@ /'UTM/@ / 'UTM/ /'/'microgram/L/'Value as reported./ /'mg/L/'Value as reported.00000l@ 0'miles0@ 0'UTM0@ 0 'UTM0 0'0'microgram/L0'Value as reported.0G 0'mg/L0'Value as reported.11111l@ 1'miles1@ 1'UTM1@ 1 'UTM1 11'microgram/L1'Value as reported.1G 1'mg/L1'Value as reported.22222l@ 2'miles2@ 2'UTM2@ 2 'UTM2 22'microgram/L2'Value as reported.2  2'mg/L2'Value as reported.33333l@ 3'miles3@ 3'UTM3@ 3 'UTM3 33'microgram/L3'Value as reported.3 3'mg/L3'Value as reported.44444l@ 4'miles4@ 4'UTM4@ 4 'UTM4 44'microgram/L4'Value as reported.4' 4'mg/L4'Value as reported.55555l@ 5'miles5@ 5'UTM5@ 5 'UTM5 5 5'microgram/L5'Value as reported.5 5'mg/L5'Value as reported.66666l@ 6'miles6@ 6'UTM6@ 6 'UTM6 6e6'microgram/L6'Value as reported.6 6'mg/L6'Value as reported.77777l@ 7'miles7@ 7'UTM7@ 7 'UTM7 7g[7'microgram/L7'Value as reported.7'  7'mg/L7'Value as reported.88888l@ 8'miles8@ 8'UTM8@ 8 'UTM8 88'microgram/L8'Value as reported.8 8'mg/L8'Value as reported.99999l@ 9'miles9@ 9'UTM9@ 9 'UTM9 9G9'microgram/L9'Value as reported.9U 9'mg/L9'Value as reported.:::::l@ :'miles:@ :'UTM:@ : 'UTM: :|:'microgram/L:'Value as reported.:G :'mg/L:'Value as reported.;;;;;l@ ;'miles;@ ;'UTM;@ ; 'UTM; ;f;'microgram/L;'Value as reported.;% ;'mg/L;'Value as reported.<<<<<l@ <'miles<@ <'UTM<@ < 'UTM< <a<'microgram/L<'Value as reported.<  <'mg/L<'Value as reported.=====l@ ='miles=@ ='UTM=@ = 'UTM= =='microgram/L='Value as reported.=' ='mg/L='Value as reported.>>>>>l@ >'miles>@ >'UTM>@ > 'UTM> >G>'microgram/L>'Value as reported.>' >'mg/L>'Value as reported.?????l@ ?'miles?@ ?'UTM?@ ? 'UTM? ??'microgram/L?'Value as reported.?g ?'mg/L?'Value as reported.@@@@@l@ @'miles@@ @'UTM@@ @ 'UTM@ @@'microgram/L@'Value as reported.@G @'mg/L@'Value as reported.AAAAAl@ A'milesA@ A'UTMA@ A 'UTMA AA'microgram/LA'Value as reported.AE A'mg/LA'Value as reported.BBBBBl@ B'milesB@ B'UTMB@ B 'UTMB B,B'microgram/LB'Value as reported.B' B'mg/LB'Value as reported.CCCCCl@ C'milesC@ C'UTMC@ C 'UTMC CC'microgram/LC'Value as reported.C C'mg/LC'Value as reported.DDDDDl@ D'milesD@ D'UTMD@ D 'UTMD D'D'microgram/LD'Value as reported.D D'mg/LD'Value as reported.EEEEEl@ E'milesE@ E'UTME@ E 'UTME EE'microgram/LE'Value as reported.E' E'mg/LE'Value as reported.FFFFFl@ F'milesF@ F'UTMF@ F 'UTMF FeF'microgram/LF'Value as reported.F F'mg/LF'Value as reported.GGGGGl@ G'milesG@ G'UTMG@ G 'UTMG Gg G'microgram/LG'Value as reported.G G'mg/LxG'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.HHHHHl@ H'milesH@ H'UTMH@ H 'UTMH H H'microgram/LH'Value as reported.H H'mg/LxH'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.IIIIIl@ I'milesI@ I'UTMI@ I 'UTMI II'microgram/LI'Value as reported.Ig I'mg/LI'Value as reported.JJJJJl@ J'milesJ@ J'UTMJ@ J 'UTMJ JJ'microgram/LJ'Value as reported.J' J'mg/LJ'Value as reported.KKKKKl@ K'milesK@ K'UTMK@ K 'UTMK KgK'microgram/LK'Value as reported.K% K'mg/LK'Value as reported.LLLLLl@ L'milesL@ L'UTML@ L 'UTML LL'microgram/LL'Value as reported.L L'mg/LL'Value as reported.MMMMMl@ M'milesM@ M'UTMM@ M 'UTMM MM'microgram/LM'Value as reported.MG M'mg/LM'Value as reported.NNNNNl@ N'milesN@ N'UTMN@ N 'UTMN NN'microgram/LN'Value as reported.N N'mg/LN'Value as reported.OOOOOl@ O'milesO@ O'UTMO@ O 'UTMO O O'microgram/LO'Value as reported.O O'mg/LxO'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.PPPPPl@ P'milesP@ P'UTMP@ P 'UTMP PP'microgram/LP'Value as reported.P5 P'mg/LP'Value as reported.QQQQQl@ Q'milesQ@ Q'UTMQ@ Q 'UTMQ Q Q'microgram/LQ'Value as reported.Q Q'mg/LxQ'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.RRRRRl@ R'milesR@ R'UTMR@ R 'UTMR RR'microgram/LR'Value as reported.R R'mg/LxR'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.SSSSSl@ S'milesS@ S'UTMS@ S 'UTMS SS'microgram/LS'Value as reported.S5 S'mg/LS'Value as reported.TTTTTl@ T'milesT@ T'UTMT@ T 'UTMT TT'microgram/LT'Value as reported.TG T'mg/LT'Value as reported.UUUUUl@ U'milesU@ U'UTMU@ U 'UTMU U U'microgram/LU'Value as reported.U U'mg/LU'Value as reported.VVVVVl@ V'milesV@ V'UTMV@ V 'UTMV VV'microgram/LV'Value as reported.V V'mg/LV'Value as reported.WW WWWl@ W'milesW@ W'UTMW@ W 'UTMW W'W'microgram/LW'Value as reported.W W'mg/LW'Value as reported.XX XXXl@ X'milesX@ X'UTMX@ X 'UTMX X X'microgram/LX'Value as reported.X X'mg/LX'Value as reported.YYYYYl@ Y'milesY@ Y'UTMY@ Y 'UTMY Y(\«@Y'microgram/LY'Value as reported.Yg Y'mg/LY'Value as reported.ZZZZZl@ Z'milesZ@ Z'UTMZ@ Z 'UTMZ ZPQ@Z'microgram/LZ'Value as reported.Z  Z'mg/LZ'Value as reported.[[[[[l@ ['miles[@ ['UTM[@ [ 'UTM[ [['microgram/L['Value as reported.[ ['mg/L['Value as reported.\\\\\l@ \'miles\@ \'UTM\@ \ 'UTM\ \(\(@\'microgram/L\'Value as reported.\g \'mg/L\'Value as reported.]]]]]l@ ]'miles]@ ]'UTM]@ ] 'UTM] ]zG@]'microgram/L]'Value as reported.] ]'mg/L]'Value as reported.^^^^^l@ ^'miles^@ ^'UTM^@ ^ 'UTM^ ^g^'microgram/L^'Value as reported.^ ^'mg/L^'Value as reported._____l@ _'miles_@ _'UTM_@ _ 'UTM_ _p= ף@_'microgram/L_'Value as reported._ _'mg/L_'Value as reported.`````l@ `'miles`@ `'UTM`@ ` 'UTM` `zG@`'microgram/L`'Value as reported.` `'mg/L`'Value as reported.aaaaal@ a'milesa@ a'UTMa@ a 'UTMa aa'microgram/La'Value as reported.a a'mg/Lxa'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.bb bbbl@ b'milesb@ b'UTMb@ b 'UTMb b%b'microgram/Lb'Value as reported.b b'mg/Lb'Value as reported.cc"cccl@ c'milesc@ c'UTMc@ c 'UTMc cc'microgram/Lc'Value as reported.c c'mg/Lxc'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.dd$dddl@ d'milesd@ d'UTMd@ d 'UTMd d&d'microgram/Ld'Value as reported.d5 d'mg/Ld'Value as reported.ee&eeel@ e'milese@ e'UTMe@ e 'UTMe ege'microgram/Le'Value as reported.e e'mg/Le'Value as reported.ff(fffl@ f'milesf@ f'UTMf@ f 'UTMf f'f'microgram/Lf'Value as reported.f% f'mg/Lf'Value as reported.gg*gggl@ g'milesg@ g'UTMg@ g 'UTMg g'$g'microgram/Lg'Value as reported.g' g'mg/Lg'Value as reported.hh,hhhl@ h'milesh@ h'UTMh@ h 'UTMh hh'microgram/Lh'Value as reported.h h'mg/Lh'Value as reported.ii.iiil@ i'milesi@ i'UTMi@ i 'UTMi iGi'microgram/Li'Value as reported.i i'mg/Li'Value as reported.jj0jjjl@ j'milesj@ j'UTMj@ j 'UTMj j Q@j'microgram/Lj'Value as reported.j j'mg/Lj'Value as reported.kk2kkkl@ k'milesk@ k'UTMk@ k 'UTMk k5 k'microgram/Lk'Value as reported.k k'mg/Lk'Value as reported.ll4llll@ l'milesl@ l'UTMl@ l 'UTMl lQ@l'microgram/Ll'Value as reported.l4 l'mg/Ll'Value as reported.mm6mmml@ m'milesm@ m'UTMm@ m 'UTMm mHzG@m'microgram/Lm'Value as reported.m% m'mg/Lm'Value as reported.nn8nnnl@ n'milesn@ n'UTMn@ n 'UTMn nE n'microgram/Ln'Value as reported.n n'mg/Ln'Value as reported.oo:oool@ o'mileso@ o'UTMo@ o 'UTMo op= ף@o'microgram/Lo'Value as reported.o'% o'mg/Lo'Value as reported.pp<pppl@ p'milesp@ p'UTMp@ p 'UTMp p`(\@p'microgram/Lp'Value as reported.p p'mg/Lp'Value as reported.qq>qqql@ q'milesq@ q'UTMq@ q 'UTMq q'aq'microgram/Lq'Value as reported.q q'mg/Lq'Value as reported.rr@rrrl@ r'milesr@ r'UTMr@ r 'UTMr r"r'microgram/Lr'Value as reported.r! r'mg/Lr'Value as reported.ssBsssl@ s'miless@ s'UTMs@ s 'UTMs sHzG@s'microgram/Ls'Value as reported.s  s'mg/Ls'Value as reported.ttDtttl@ t'milest@ t'UTMt@ t 'UTMt tp= ף@t'microgram/Lt'Value as reported.tg  t'mg/Lt'Value as reported.uuFuuul@ u'milesu@ u'UTMu@ u 'UTMu uQ@u'microgram/Lu'Value as reported.u  u'mg/Lu'Value as reported.vvHvvvl@ v'milesv@ v'UTMv@ v 'UTMv v`(\@v'microgram/Lv'Value as reported.v' v'mg/Lv'Value as reported.wwJwwwl@ w'milesw@ w'UTMw@ w 'UTMw wU?w'microgram/Lw'Value as reported.w w'mg/Lw'Value as reported.xxLxxxl@ x'milesx@ x'UTMx@ x 'UTMx xQ@x'microgram/Lx'Value as reported.x x'mg/Lx'Value as reported.yyNyyyl@ y'milesy@ y'UTMy@ y 'UTMy y(\@y'microgram/Ly'Value as reported.y y'mg/Ly'Value as reported.zzPzzzl@ z'milesz@ z'UTMz@ z 'UTMz zGz@z'microgram/Lz'Value as reported.z z'mg/Lz'Value as reported.{{R{{{l@ {'miles{@ {'UTM{@ { 'UTM{ {HzG@{'microgram/L{'Value as reported.{ {'mg/L{'Value as reported.||T|||l@ |'miles|@ |'UTM|@ | 'UTM| |G|'microgram/L|'Value as reported.| |'mg/L|'Value as reported.}}V}}}l@ }'miles}@ }'UTM}@ } 'UTM} }g}'microgram/L}'Value as reported.} }'mg/Lx}'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.~~X~~~l@ ~'miles~@ ~'UTM~@ ~ 'UTM~ ~~'microgram/L~'Value as reported.~ ~'mg/Lx~'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.Zl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.\l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM g5'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.^l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM g*'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.`l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM g/'microgram/L'Value as reported.U 'mg/L'Value as reported.bl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM \'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.dl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM G5'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.fl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM /'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.hl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM G'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.jl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.ll@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.nl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.pl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM ''microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.rl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.e 'mg/L'Value as reported.tl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.% 'mg/L'Value as reported.vl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.xl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/Lx'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.zl@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.|l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.~l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM ''microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/Lx'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM G 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM g'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'F'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.5 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM #'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM G'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 3'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.l@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM G'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM u'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM J'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM gl'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM GX'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM `'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM HzG@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.0 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.- 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM G^'microgram/L'Value as reported.g  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM O'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM '['microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM q'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM gl'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM p= ףp@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.'8 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'O'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 3'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Z'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM /'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.- 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.$ 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.U 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gk'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM `(\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM @ ףp=@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM PQ@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM p= ףp@'microgram/L'Value as reported.= 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM xGz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.N 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.0 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM .'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM @ ףp=@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM  Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM @ ףp=@'microgram/L'Value as reported.[ 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM ףp= @'microgram/L'Value as reported.2 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G4 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM PQ@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 5'microgram/L'Value as reported.5 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM U'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM xGz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.5 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM ''microgram/L'Value as reported.0 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM e8'microgram/L'Value as reported.D 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported. X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.' 'mg/L'Value as reported. X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM `(\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q8@'microgram/L'Value as reported." 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM ףp= @'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz.@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM ףp=@'microgram/L'Value as reported.O 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.1 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.( 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q8@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\u@'microgram/L'Value as reported.. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'# 'mg/L'Value as reported. X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM ףp= @'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported."X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM p= ף@'microgram/L'Value as reported.F 'mg/L'Value as reported.$X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM r'microgram/L'Value as reported.G1 'mg/L'Value as reported.&X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM @ ףp@'microgram/L'Value as reported.> 'mg/L'Value as reported.(X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q+@'microgram/L'Value as reported.R 'mg/L'Value as reported.*X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.,X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM @ ףp=@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g9 'mg/L'Value as reported..X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported.) 'mg/L'Value as reported.0X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.2X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/L'Value as reported.V 'mg/L'Value as reported.4X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'1 'mg/L'Value as reported.6X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Pь@'microgram/L'Value as reported.J 'mg/L'Value as reported.8X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.T 'mg/L'Value as reported.:X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM ףp=@'microgram/L'Value as reported.GR 'mg/L'Value as reported.<X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q8@'microgram/L'Value as reported.O 'mg/L'Value as reported.>X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz.@'microgram/L'Value as reported.> 'mg/L'Value as reported.@X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Y@'microgram/L'Value as reported.C 'mg/L'Value as reported.BX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM `(\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.u 'mg/L'Value as reported.DX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM p= c@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g\ 'mg/L'Value as reported.FX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Hz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.HX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM  Qމ@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.JX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM `(@'microgram/L'Value as reported.m 'mg/L'Value as reported.LX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM PQ@'microgram/L'Value as reported.h 'mg/L'Value as reported.NX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM QŚ@'microgram/L'Value as reported.a 'mg/L'Value as reported.PX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM `(\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.A 'mg/L'Value as reported.RX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/L'Value as reported.g8 'mg/L'Value as reported.TX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.H 'mg/L'Value as reported.VX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported.Gf 'mg/L'Value as reported.XX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G] 'mg/L'Value as reported.ZX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM  Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.Gg 'mg/L'Value as reported.\X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G{ 'mg/L'Value as reported.^X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM xG@'microgram/L'Value as reported.%  'mg/L'Value as reported.`X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM ףp=@'microgram/L'Value as reported.G} 'mg/L'Value as reported.bX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM O'microgram/L'Value as reported.< 'mg/L'Value as reported.dX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM *'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.fX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM %M'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.hX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Qk@'microgram/L'Value as reported.gb 'mg/L'Value as reported.jX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM ףp= @'microgram/L'Value as reported.'@ 'mg/L'Value as reported.lX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Hz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g[ 'mg/L'Value as reported.  n   X 'miles |@ 'UTM @  'UTM   Q@ 'microgram/L 'Value as reported. t 'mg/L 'Value as reported.  p   X 'miles |@ 'UTM @  'UTM   (\u@ 'microgram/L 'Value as reported. _ 'mg/L 'Value as reported.  r   X 'miles |@ 'UTM @  'UTM   p= ףp@ 'microgram/L 'Value as reported. j 'mg/L 'Value as reported.  t   X 'miles |@ 'UTM @  'UTM   q 'microgram/L 'Value as reported. V 'mg/L 'Value as reported.  v   X 'miles |@ 'UTM @  'UTM   zG@ 'microgram/L 'Value as reported.  'mg/L 'Value as reported.xX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.( 'mg/L'Value as reported.zX 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.S 'mg/L'Value as reported.|X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM xGz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.D 'mg/L'Value as reported.~X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.gF 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM 5F'microgram/L'Value as reported.'m 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.d 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM `(\@'microgram/L'Value as reported.g/ 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.  'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.', 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM p= ף@'microgram/L'Value as reported.I 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Gz@'microgram/L'Value as reported. 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM (\(@'microgram/L'Value as reported.= 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM xGz@'microgram/L'Value as reported.'^ 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q@'microgram/L'Value as reported.Z 'mg/L'Value as reported.X 'miles|@ 'UTM@  'UTM .'microgram/L'Value as reported.W 'mg/L'Value as reported.@ 'milesb>@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt..1'Value represents the mean of replicates.@ 'milesb>@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 4 @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#u$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./70'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.     @ 'miles b>@ 'UTM `@  'UTM   ~ @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #u $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported.!!!!!@ !'miles!b>@ !'UTM!`@ ! 'UTM! !V @!'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.!#'!$'microgram/g dry wt.!%'Value as reported.!/i!0'microgram/g dry wt.!1'Value as reported.!;!<'microgram/g dry wt.!='Value as reported."" """@ "'miles"b>@ "'UTM"`@ " 'UTM" " @"'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported."#"$'microgram/g dry wt."%'Value as reported."/I"0'microgram/g dry wt."1'Value as reported.";"<'microgram/g dry wt."='Value as reported.## ###@ #'miles#b>@ #'UTM#`@ # 'UTM# #6 @#'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.###$'microgram/g dry wt.#%'Value as reported.#/5#0'microgram/g dry wt.#1'Value as reported.#;#<'microgram/g dry wt.#='Value as reported.$$$$$@ $'miles$b>@ $'UTM$`@ $ 'UTM$ $ @$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$#u$$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Value as reported.$/$0'microgram/g dry wt..$1'Value represents the mean of replicates.$;$<'microgram/g dry wt.$='Value as reported.%%%%%@ %'miles%b>@ %'UTM%`@ % 'UTM% % @%'microgram/g dry wt..%'Value represents the mean of replicates.%#'6%$'microgram/g dry wt..%%'Value represents the mean of replicates.%/)%0'microgram/g dry wt.%1'Value as reported.%;1%<'microgram/g dry wt..%='Value represents the mean of replicates.&&&&&@ &'miles&b>@ &'UTM&`@ & 'UTM& & @&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&#&$'microgram/g dry wt.&%'Value as reported.&/3&0'microgram/g dry wt.&1'Value as reported.&;4&<'microgram/g dry wt.&='Value as reported.'''''@ ''miles'b>@ ''UTM'`@ ' 'UTM' 'x @''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'# '$'microgram/g dry wt.'%'Value as reported.'/'0'microgram/g dry wt.'1'Value as reported.';2'<'microgram/g dry wt.'='Value as reported.(((((@ ('miles(b>@ ('UTM(`@ ( 'UTM( (( @('microgram/g dry wt..('Value represents the mean of replicates.(#'h($'microgram/g dry wt..(%'Value represents the mean of replicates.(/ D(0'microgram/g dry wt.(1'Value as reported.(;T(<'microgram/g dry wt..(='Value represents the mean of replicates.)))))@ )'miles)b>@ )'UTM)`@ ) 'UTM) )N @)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)#g:)$'microgram/g dry wt.)%'Value as reported.)/G)0'microgram/g dry wt.)1'Value as reported.);%7)<'microgram/g dry wt.)='Value as reported.*****@ *'miles*b>@ *'UTM*`@ * 'UTM* * @*'microgram/g dry wt..*'Value represents the mean of replicates.*# *$'microgram/g dry wt..*%'Value represents the mean of replicates.*/N*0'microgram/g dry wt.*1'Value as reported.*;Z*<'microgram/g dry wt..*='Value represents the mean of replicates.+++++@ +'miles+b>@ +'UTM+`@ + 'UTM+ + @+'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.+#+$'microgram/g dry wt.+%'Value as reported.+/IA+0'microgram/g dry wt.+1'Value as reported.+;0+<'microgram/g dry wt.+='Value as reported.,,,,,@ ,'miles,b>@ ,'UTM,`@ , 'UTM, ,N @,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported.,# ,$'microgram/g dry wt.,%'Value as reported.,/)/,0'microgram/g dry wt.,1'Value as reported.,;%,<'microgram/g dry wt.,='Value as reported.-- ---@ -'miles-b>@ -'UTM-`@ - 'UTM- -b @-'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.-#' -$'microgram/g dry wt.-%'Value as reported.-/w-0'microgram/g dry wt.-1'Value as reported.-;--<'microgram/g dry wt.-='Value as reported..."...@ .'miles.b>@ .'UTM.`@ . 'UTM. .^n.'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported..#.$'microgram/g dry wt..%'Value as reported../.0'microgram/g dry wt...1'Value represents the mean of replicates..; .<'microgram/g dry wt..='Value as reported.//$///@ /'miles/T@ /'UTM/@ / 'UTM/ /8 @/'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./#u/$'microgram/g dry wt./%'Value as reported.///0'microgram/g dry wt../1'Value represents the mean of replicates./;E'/<'microgram/g dry wt./='Value as reported.00&000@ 0'miles0T@ 0'UTM0@ 0 'UTM0 0 @0'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.0#0$'microgram/g dry wt.0%'Value as reported.0/I00'microgram/g dry wt.01'Value as reported.0;,0<'microgram/g dry wt.0='Value as reported.11(111@ 1'miles1T@ 1'UTM1@ 1 'UTM1 1 @1'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.1#g(1$'microgram/g dry wt.1%'Value as reported.1/10'microgram/g dry wt.11'Value as reported.1;61<'microgram/g dry wt.1='Value as reported.22*222@ 2'miles2T@ 2'UTM2@ 2 'UTM2 2 @2'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.2#.2$'microgram/g dry wt.2%'Value as reported.2/ !20'microgram/g dry wt.21'Value as reported.2;%52<'microgram/g dry wt.2='Value as reported.33,333@ 3'miles3T@ 3'UTM3@ 3 'UTM3 3 @3'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.3#g:3$'microgram/g dry wt.3%'Value as reported.3/&30'microgram/g dry wt.31'Value as reported.3;83<'microgram/g dry wt.3='Value as reported.44.444@ 4'miles4T@ 4'UTM4@ 4 'UTM4 4 @4'microgram/g dry wt..4'Value represents the mean of replicates.4#'A4$'microgram/g dry wt..4%'Value represents the mean of replicates.4/540'microgram/g dry wt.41'Value as reported.4;X4<'microgram/g dry wt..4='Value represents the mean of replicates.550555@ 5'miles5T@ 5'UTM5@ 5 'UTM5 5> @5'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.5#:5$'microgram/g dry wt.5%'Value as reported.5/)650'microgram/g dry wt.51'Value as reported.5;T5<'microgram/g dry wt.5='Value as reported.662666@ 6'miles6T@ 6'UTM6@ 6 'UTM6 6 @6'microgram/g dry wt..6'Value represents the mean of replicates.6#6$'microgram/g dry wt..6%'Value represents the mean of replicates.6/60'microgram/g dry wt.61'Value as reported.6;%26<'microgram/g dry wt..6='Value represents the mean of replicates.774777@ 7'miles7T@ 7'UTM7@ 7 'UTM7 7 @7'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.7# 7$'microgram/g dry wt.7%'Value as reported.7/I670'microgram/g dry wt.71'Value as reported.7;/7<'microgram/g dry wt.7='Value as reported.886888@ 8'miles8T@ 8'UTM8@ 8 'UTM8 8 @8'microgram/g dry wt..8'Value represents the mean of replicates.8# 8$'microgram/g dry wt..8%'Value represents the mean of replicates.8/i%80'microgram/g dry wt.81'Value as reported.8;%&8<'microgram/g dry wt..8='Value represents the mean of replicates.998999@ 9'miles9T@ 9'UTM9@ 9 'UTM9 9* @9'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.9#9$'microgram/g dry wt.9%'Value as reported.9/g90'microgram/g dry wt..91'Value represents the mean of replicates.9;e%9<'microgram/g dry wt.9='Value as reported.::::::@ :'miles:T@ :'UTM:@ : 'UTM: : @:'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.:#G:$'microgram/g dry wt.:%'Value as reported.:/):0'microgram/g dry wt.:1'Value as reported.:;%:<'microgram/g dry wt.:='Value as reported.;;<;;;@ ;'miles;T@ ;'UTM;@ ; 'UTM; ;J @;'microgram/g dry wt.;'Value as reported.;#g;$'microgram/g dry wt.;%'Value as reported.;/I-;0'microgram/g dry wt.;1'Value as reported.;;,;<'microgram/g dry wt.;='Value as reported.<<><<<@ <'miles<T@ <'UTM<@ < 'UTM< < @<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.<#G<$'microgram/g dry wt.<%'Value as reported.</ %<0'microgram/g dry wt.<1'Value as reported.<;e&<<'microgram/g dry wt.<='Value as reported.==@===@ ='miles=T@ ='UTM=@ = 'UTM= = @='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.=#=$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Value as reported.=/'=0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Value as reported.=;%=<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Value as reported.>>B>>>@ >'miles>T@ >'UTM>@ > 'UTM> > @>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.>#>$'microgram/g dry wt.>%'Value as reported.>/)">0'microgram/g dry wt.>1'Value as reported.>;E><'microgram/g dry wt.>='Value as reported.??D???@ ?'miles?T@ ?'UTM?@ ? 'UTM? ? @?'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.?#G?$'microgram/g dry wt.?%'Value as reported.?/?0'microgram/g dry wt.?1'Value as reported.?;E?<'microgram/g dry wt.?='Value as reported.@@F@@@@ @'miles@T@ @'UTM@@ @ 'UTM@ @ @@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@#@$'microgram/g dry wt.@%'Value as reported.@/7@0'microgram/g dry wt.@1'Value as reported.@;E @<'microgram/g dry wt.@='Value as reported.AAHAAA@ A'milesAT@ A'UTMA@ A 'UTMA AzA'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.A#A$'microgram/g dry wt.A%'Value as reported.A/ A0'microgram/g dry wt..A1'Value represents the mean of replicates.A;E A<'microgram/g dry wt.A='Value as reported.BBJBBB B'milesB@ B'UTMBЗ@ B 'UTMB B<@B'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.B#g&B$'microgram/g dry wt.B%'Value as reported.B/I&B0'microgram/g dry wt..B1'Value represents the mean of replicates.B; rh@B<'microgram/g dry wt.B='Value as reported.BA BB'microgram/g dry wt.BC'Value as reported.CCLCCC C'milesC@ C'UTMCЗ@ C 'UTMC CB@C'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.C#C$'microgram/g dry wt.C%'Value as reported.C/ C0'microgram/g dry wt.C1'Value as reported.C;x&1@C<'microgram/g dry wt.C='Value as reported.CA CB'microgram/g dry wt..CC'Value represents the mean of replicates.DDNDDD D'milesD@ D'UTMDЗ@ D 'UTMD Dӥ@D'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.D#D$'microgram/g dry wt.D%'Value as reported.D/ D0'microgram/g dry wt.D1'Value as reported.D;X9@D<'microgram/g dry wt.D='Value as reported.DA DB'microgram/g dry wt.DC'Value as reported.EEPEEE E'milesE@ E'UTMEЗ@ E 'UTME E@E'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E#5E$'microgram/g dry wt.E%'Value as reported.E/#E0'microgram/g dry wt.E1'Value as reported.E;nJ@E<'microgram/g dry wt.E='Value as reported.EA EB'microgram/g dry wt.EC'Value as reported.FFRFFF F'milesF@ F'UTMFЗ@ F 'UTMF F@F'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.F#F$'microgram/g dry wt.F%'Value as reported.F/WF0'microgram/g dry wt.F1'Value as reported.F;A`Т@F<'microgram/g dry wt.F='Value as reported.FA FB'microgram/g dry wt.FC'Value as reported.GGTGGG G'milesG@ G'UTMGЗ@ G 'UTMG G@G'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.G#G2G$'microgram/g dry wt.G%'Value as reported.G/4G0'microgram/g dry wt.G1'Value as reported.G;Zd;@G<'microgram/g dry wt.G='Value as reported.GA GB'microgram/g dry wt..GC'Value represents the mean of replicates.HHVHHH H'milesH@ H'UTMHЗ@ H 'UTMH H§@H'microgram/g dry wt..H'Value represents the mean of replicates.H#4H$'microgram/g dry wt..H%'Value represents the mean of replicates.H/I9H0'microgram/g dry wt.H1'Value as reported.H;(C @H<'microgram/g dry wt..H='Value represents the mean of replicates.HAx HB'microgram/g dry wt.HC'Value as reported.IIXIII I'milesI@ I'UTMIЗ@ I 'UTMI IV@I'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.I#9I$'microgram/g dry wt.I%'Value as reported.I/I;I0'microgram/g dry wt.I1'Value as reported.I; ~j<@I<'microgram/g dry wt.I='Value as reported.IAN IB'microgram/g dry wt.IC'Value as reported.JJZJJJ J'milesJ@ J'UTMJЗ@ J 'UTMJ J@J'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.J#2J$'microgram/g dry wt.J%'Value as reported.J/HJ0'microgram/g dry wt..J1'Value represents the mean of replicates.J;K7A`@J<'microgram/g dry wt.J='Value as reported.JA| JB'microgram/g dry wt.JC'Value as reported.KK\KKK K'milesK@ K'UTMKЗ@ K 'UTMK K_@K'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.K#&K$'microgram/g dry wt.K%'Value as reported.K/GK0'microgram/g dry wt.K1'Value as reported.K;A`@K<'microgram/g dry wt.K='Value as reported.KAKB'microgram/g dry wt.KC'Value as reported.LL^LLL L'milesL@ L'UTMLЗ@ L 'UTML LR@L'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.L#L$'microgram/g dry wt.L%'Value as reported.L/'L0'microgram/g dry wt.L1'Value as reported.L;ज़ @L<'microgram/g dry wt.L='Value as reported.LA"LB'microgram/g dry wt.LC'Value as reported.MM`MMM M'milesM@ M'UTMMЗ@ M 'UTMM M@M'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.M# M$'microgram/g dry wt.M%'Value as reported.M/iBM0'microgram/g dry wt.M1'Value as reported.M;(C @M<'microgram/g dry wt.M='Value as reported.MAN MB'microgram/g dry wt..MC'Value represents the mean of replicates.NNbNNN N'milesN@ N'UTMNЗ@ N 'UTMN N@N'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.N#N$'microgram/g dry wt.N%'Value as reported.N/+N0'microgram/g dry wt.N1'Value as reported.N;`I @N<'microgram/g dry wt.N='Value as reported.NANB'microgram/g dry wt.NC'Value as reported.OOdOOO O'milesO@ O'UTMOЗ@ O 'UTMO O@O'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.O#O$'microgram/g dry wt.O%'Value as reported.O/O0'microgram/g dry wt.O1'Value as reported.O;Eԧ@O<'microgram/g dry wt.O='Value as reported.OAhOB'microgram/g dry wt.OC'Value as reported.PPfPPP P'milesP@ P'UTMPЗ@ P 'UTMP PÍ@P'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.P#P$'microgram/g dry wt.P%'Value as reported.P/ P0'microgram/g dry wt.P1'Value as reported.P;rh|@P<'microgram/g dry wt.P='Value as reported.PAPB'microgram/g dry wt..PC'Value represents the mean of replicates.QQhQQQ Q'milesQ@ Q'UTMQЗ@ Q 'UTMQ Q@Q'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.Q#GQ$'microgram/g dry wt.Q%'Value as reported.Q/iQ0'microgram/g dry wt.Q1'Value as reported.Q;Mb@Q<'microgram/g dry wt.Q='Value as reported.QAQB'microgram/g dry wt.QC'Value as reported.RRjRRR R'milesR@ R'UTMRЗ@ R 'UTMR R{@R'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.R#R$'microgram/g dry wt.R%'Value as reported.R/iR0'microgram/g dry wt.R1'Value as reported.R;8v@R<'microgram/g dry wt.R='Value as reported.RARB'microgram/g dry wt.RC'Value as reported.SSlSSS S'milesS@ S'UTMSЗ@ S 'UTMS S@S'microgram/g dry wt.S'Value as reported.S#gS$'microgram/g dry wt.S%'Value as reported.S/iS0'microgram/g dry wt.S1'Value as reported.S;PbX9@S<'microgram/g dry wt.S='Value as reported.SA<SB'microgram/g dry wt.SC'Value as reported.TTnTTT T'milesT@ T'UTMTЗ@ T 'UTMT T@T'microgram/g dry wt..T'Value represents the mean of replicates.T#T$'microgram/g dry wt..T%'Value represents the mean of replicates.T/iT0'microgram/g dry wt.T1'Value as reported.T;Xd;O@T<'microgram/g dry wt..T='Value represents the mean of replicates.TATB'microgram/g dry wt.TC'Value as reported.UUpUUU U'milesU@ U'UTMUЗ@ U 'UTMU U›@U'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.U#U$'microgram/g dry wt.U%'Value as reported.U/IU0'microgram/g dry wt.U1'Value as reported.U; Q@U<'microgram/g dry wt.U='Value as reported.UA6UB'microgram/g dry wt.UC'Value as reported.VVrVVV V'milesV@ V'UTMVЗ@ V 'UTMV V,@V'microgram/g dry wt.V'Value as reported.V#V$'microgram/g dry wt.V%'Value as reported.V/IV0'microgram/g dry wt.V1'Value as reported.V;(@V<'microgram/g dry wt.V='Value as reported.VAVB'microgram/g dry wt.VC'Value as reported.WWtWWW W'milesW@ W'UTMWЗ@ W 'UTMW Wy@W'microgram/g dry wt.W'Value as reported.W#W$'microgram/g dry wt.W%'Value as reported.W/W0'microgram/g dry wt.W1'Value as reported.W; r@W<'microgram/g dry wt.W='Value as reported.WA&WB'microgram/g dry wt.WC'Value as reported.XXvXXX X'milesX@ X'UTMXЗ@ X 'UTMX X@X'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.X#X$'microgram/g dry wt.X%'Value as reported.X/IX0'microgram/g dry wt.X1'Value as reported.X;+ټ@X<'microgram/g dry wt.X='Value as reported.XAHXB'microgram/g dry wt.XC'Value as reported.YYxYYY Y'milesY@ Y'UTMYЗ@ Y 'UTMY YӒ@Y'microgram/g dry wt.Y'Value as reported.Y#gY$'microgram/g dry wt.Y%'Value as reported.Y/Y0'microgram/g dry wt..Y1'Value represents the mean of replicates.Y;v/@Y<'microgram/g dry wt.Y='Value as reported.YARYB'microgram/g dry wt.YC'Value as reported.ZZZZZ Z#Z$'microgram/g dry wt.Z%'Value as reported.Z&:Z''microgram/g dry wt.Z('Value as reported.Z)$Z*'microgram/g dry wt.Z+'Value as reported.Z8(Z9'microgram/g dry wt.Z:'Value as reported.Z;&Z<'microgram/g dry wt.Z='Value as reported.ZSZT'microgram/g dry wt.ZU'Value as reported.[[[[[ [#[$'microgram/g dry wt.[%'Value as reported.[&[''microgram/g dry wt.[('Value as reported.[)[*'microgram/g dry wt.[+'Value as reported.[8[9'microgram/g dry wt.[:'Value as reported.[; [<'microgram/g dry wt.[='Value as reported.[SJ[T'microgram/g dry wt.[U'Value as reported.\\\\\ \#E\$'microgram/g dry wt.\%'Value as reported.\&Z\''microgram/g dry wt.\('Value as reported.\)2\*'microgram/g dry wt.\+'Value as reported.\8.\9'microgram/g dry wt.\:'Value as reported.\;.\<'microgram/g dry wt.\='Value as reported.\S\T'microgram/g dry wt.\U'Value as reported.]]]]] ]#%]$'microgram/g dry wt.]%'Value as reported.]&\]''microgram/g dry wt.]('Value as reported.])2]*'microgram/g dry wt.]+'Value as reported.]8,]9'microgram/g dry wt.]:'Value as reported.];2]<'microgram/g dry wt.]='Value as reported.]S]T'microgram/g dry wt.]U'Value as reported.^^ ^^^ ^#^$'microgram/g dry wt.^%'Value as reported.^&^''microgram/g dry wt.^('Value as reported.^) ^*'microgram/g dry wt.^+'Value as reported.^8^9'microgram/g dry wt.^:'Value as reported.^;^<'microgram/g dry wt.^='Value as reported.^S>^T'microgram/g dry wt.^U'Value as reported.__ ___ _#_$'microgram/g dry wt._%'Value as reported._&_''microgram/g dry wt._('Value as reported._)_*'microgram/g dry wt._+'Value as reported._8_9'microgram/g dry wt._:'Value as reported._; _<'microgram/g dry wt._='Value as reported._SL_T'microgram/g dry wt._U'Value as reported.````` `#E`$'microgram/g dry wt.`%'Value as reported.`&.`''microgram/g dry wt.`('Value as reported.`)`*'microgram/g dry wt.`+'Value as reported.`8 `9'microgram/g dry wt.`:'Value as reported.`;`<'microgram/g dry wt.`='Value as reported.`Sd`T'microgram/g dry wt.`U'Value as reported.aaaaa a#ea$'microgram/g dry wt.a%'Value as reported.a&a''microgram/g dry wt.a('Value as reported.a)a*'microgram/g dry wt.a+'Value as reported.a8a9'microgram/g dry wt.a:'Value as reported.a;a<'microgram/g dry wt.a='Value as reported.aS.aT'microgram/g dry wt.aU'Value as reported.bbbbb b#b$'microgram/g dry wt.b%'Value as reported.b&Fb''microgram/g dry wt.b('Value as reported.b)2b*'microgram/g dry wt.b+'Value as reported.b82b9'microgram/g dry wt.b:'Value as reported.b;,b<'microgram/g dry wt.b='Value as reported.bSbT'microgram/g dry wt.bU'Value as reported.ccccc c#%c$'microgram/g dry wt.c%'Value as reported.c&Pc''microgram/g dry wt.c('Value as reported.c)4c*'microgram/g dry wt.c+'Value as reported.c8,c9'microgram/g dry wt.c:'Value as reported.c;2c<'microgram/g dry wt.c='Value as reported.cScT'microgram/g dry wt.cU'Value as reported.dddddhffff&@ d'milesd܍@ d'UTMdG@ d 'UTMd d#%d$'microgram/g dry wt.d%'Value as reported.d&(d''microgram/g dry wt.d('Value as reported.d)d*'microgram/g dry wt.d+'Value as reported.d8 d9'microgram/g dry wt.d:'Value as reported.d;d<'microgram/g dry wt.d='Value as reported.dSTdT'microgram/g dry wt.dU'Value as reported.eeeeehffff&@ e'milesex@ e'UTMeb@ e 'UTMe e#e$'microgram/g dry wt.e%'Value as reported.e&Ne''microgram/g dry wt.e('Value as reported.e)2e*'microgram/g dry wt.e+'Value as reported.e82e9'microgram/g dry wt.e:'Value as reported.e;.e<'microgram/g dry wt.e='Value as reported.eSeT'microgram/g dry wt.eU'Value as reported.fffffhffff&@ f'milesfԛ@ f'UTMfP|@ f 'UTMf f#f$'microgram/g dry wt.f%'Value as reported.f&Nf''microgram/g dry wt.f('Value as reported.f)Jf*'microgram/g dry wt.f+'Value as reported.f88f9'microgram/g dry wt.f:'Value as reported.f;Ff<'microgram/g dry wt.f='Value as reported.fSfT'microgram/g dry wt.fU'Value as reported.ggggg g'milesgb@ g'UTMg܅@ g 'UTMg g#Eg$'microgram/g dry wt.g%'Value as reported.g&Zg''microgram/g dry wt.g('Value as reported.g)4g*'microgram/g dry wt.g+'Value as reported.g88g9'microgram/g dry wt.g:'Value as reported.g;4g<'microgram/g dry wt.g='Value as reported.gSgT'microgram/g dry wt.gU'Value as reported.hhhhh h'milesh@ h'UTMhp@ h 'UTMh h#%h$'microgram/g dry wt.h%'Value as reported.h&~h''microgram/g dry wt.h('Value as reported.h)Jh*'microgram/g dry wt.h+'Value as reported.h8>h9'microgram/g dry wt.h:'Value as reported.h;Lh<'microgram/g dry wt.h='Value as reported.hS&hT'microgram/g dry wt.hU'Value as reported.ii iii i'milesi@ i'UTMi@ i 'UTMi i# i$'microgram/g dry wt.i%'Value as reported.i&ti''microgram/g dry wt.i('Value as reported.i)Pi*'microgram/g dry wt.i+'Value as reported.i8@i9'microgram/g dry wt.i:'Value as reported.i;Ti<'microgram/g dry wt.i='Value as reported.iS(iT'microgram/g dry wt.iU'Value as reported.jj"jjj j'milesj@ j'UTMj@ j 'UTMj j#j$'microgram/g dry wt.j%'Value as reported.j&fj''microgram/g dry wt.j('Value as reported.j)Lj*'microgram/g dry wt.j+'Value as reported.j8>j9'microgram/g dry wt.j:'Value as reported.j;Rj<'microgram/g dry wt.j='Value as reported.jSjT'microgram/g dry wt.jU'Value as reported.kk$kkǩ@ k'milesk@ k'UTMkp>@ k 'UTMk k# k$'microgram/g dry wt.k%'Value as reported.k&rk''microgram/g dry wt.k('Value as reported.k)Pk*'microgram/g dry wt.k+'Value as reported.k8Hk9'microgram/g dry wt.k:'Value as reported.k;Nk<'microgram/g dry wt.k='Value as reported.kS(kT'microgram/g dry wt.kU'Value as reported.ll&llľ@ l'milesl:@ l'UTMl?@ l 'UTMl l#l$'microgram/g dry wt.l%'Value as reported.l&l''microgram/g dry wt.l('Value as reported.l)Vl*'microgram/g dry wt.l+'Value as reported.l8Jl9'microgram/g dry wt.l:'Value as reported.l;^l<'microgram/g dry wt.l='Value as reported.lS:lT'microgram/g dry wt.lU'Value as reported.mm(mmm̌@ m'milesmD@ m'UTMm?@ m 'UTMm m#%m$'microgram/g dry wt.m%'Value as reported.m&rm''microgram/g dry wt.m('Value as reported.m)Nm*'microgram/g dry wt.m+'Value as reported.m8Bm9'microgram/g dry wt.m:'Value as reported.m;Pm<'microgram/g dry wt.m='Value as reported.mSmT'microgram/g dry wt.mU'Value as reported.nn*nnň@ n'milesn@ n'UTMn?@ n 'UTMn n#En$'microgram/g dry wt.n%'Value as reported.n&:n''microgram/g dry wt.n('Value as reported.n)&n*'microgram/g dry wt.n+'Value as reported.n8,n9'microgram/g dry wt.n:'Value as reported.n;(n<'microgram/g dry wt.n='Value as reported.nSnT'microgram/g dry wt.nU'Value as reported.oo,ooo03333S@ o'milesog@ o'UTMol@ o 'UTMo o#%o$'microgram/g dry wt.o%'Value as reported.o&*o''microgram/g dry wt.o('Value as reported.o)o*'microgram/g dry wt.o+'Value as reported.o8"o9'microgram/g dry wt.o:'Value as reported.o;o<'microgram/g dry wt.o='Value as reported.oSfoT'microgram/g dry wt.oU'Value as reported.pp.ppphfffff@ p'milespj@ p'UTMp@@ p 'UTMp p#p$'microgram/g dry wt.p%'Value as reported.p&vp''microgram/g dry wt.p('Value as reported.p)Dp*'microgram/g dry wt.p+'Value as reported.p8Bp9'microgram/g dry wt.p:'Value as reported.p;Jp<'microgram/g dry wt.p='Value as reported.pSpT'microgram/g dry wt.pU'Value as reported.qq0qqqhfffff@ q'milesqtj@ q'UTMq @ q 'UTMq q#q$'microgram/g dry wt.q%'Value as reported.q&q''microgram/g dry wt.q('Value as reported.q)Zq*'microgram/g dry wt.q+'Value as reported.q8Jq9'microgram/g dry wt.q:'Value as reported.q;dq<'microgram/g dry wt.q='Value as reported.qS>qT'microgram/g dry wt.qU'Value as reported.rr2rrrhfffff@ r'milesrLj@ r'UTMrʇ@ r 'UTMr r#er$'microgram/g dry wt.r%'Value as reported.r&Vr''microgram/g dry wt.r('Value as reported.r):r*'microgram/g dry wt.r+'Value as reported.r8:r9'microgram/g dry wt.r:'Value as reported.r;>r<'microgram/g dry wt.r='Value as reported.rSrT'microgram/g dry wt.rU'Value as reported.ss4sss@ s'milessF@ s'UTMs@ s 'UTMs s#Es$'microgram/g dry wt.s%'Value as reported.s&0s''microgram/g dry wt.s('Value as reported.s)s*'microgram/g dry wt.s+'Value as reported.s8 s9'microgram/g dry wt.s:'Value as reported.s;"s<'microgram/g dry wt.s='Value as reported.sSlsT'microgram/g dry wt.sU'Value as reported.tt6ttt@ t'milest^K@ t'UTMt2@ t 'UTMt t#et$'microgram/g dry wt.t%'Value as reported.t&t''microgram/g dry wt.t('Value as reported.t)Xt*'microgram/g dry wt.t+'Value as reported.t8Rt9'microgram/g dry wt.t:'Value as reported.t;dt<'microgram/g dry wt.t='Value as reported.tSNtT'microgram/g dry wt.tU'Value as reported.uu8uuu@ u'milesuO@ u'UTMuR@ u 'UTMu u#%u$'microgram/g dry wt.u%'Value as reported.u&u''microgram/g dry wt.u('Value as reported.u)fu*'microgram/g dry wt.u+'Value as reported.u8Hu9'microgram/g dry wt.u:'Value as reported.u;ru<'microgram/g dry wt.u='Value as reported.uSbuT'microgram/g dry wt.uU'Value as reported.vv:vvv03333S@ v'milesv<@ v'UTMvV@ v 'UTMv v#v$'microgram/g dry wt.v%'Value as reported.v&v''microgram/g dry wt.v('Value as reported.v)hv*'microgram/g dry wt.v+'Value as reported.v8Lv9'microgram/g dry wt.v:'Value as reported.v;vv<'microgram/g dry wt.v='Value as reported.vSzvT'microgram/g dry wt.vU'Value as reported.ww<www03333S@ w'mileswA@ w'UTMw@ w 'UTMw w#ew$'microgram/g dry wt.w%'Value as reported.w&w''microgram/g dry wt.w('Value as reported.w)`w*'microgram/g dry wt.w+'Value as reported.w8Fw9'microgram/g dry wt.w:'Value as reported.w;pw<'microgram/g dry wt.w='Value as reported.wS^wT'microgram/g dry wt.wU'Value as reported.xx>xxx03333S@ x'milesx\F@ x'UTMx@ x 'UTMx x#x$'microgram/g dry wt.x%'Value as reported.x&*x''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value as reported.x)x*'microgram/g dry wt.x+'Value as reported.x8x9'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value as reported.x;x<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value as reported.xS>xT'microgram/g dry wt.xU'Value as reported.yy@yyy03333@ y'milesy1@ y'UTMyp|@ y 'UTMy y#y$'microgram/g dry wt.y%'Value as reported.y&zy''microgram/g dry wt.y('Value as reported.y)Ty*'microgram/g dry wt.y+'Value as reported.y8Dy9'microgram/g dry wt.y:'Value as reported.y;fy<'microgram/g dry wt.y='Value as reported.yS&yT'microgram/g dry wt.yU'Value as reported.zzBzzz03333@ z'milesz6@ z'UTMz`@ z 'UTMz z#Ez$'microgram/g dry wt.z%'Value as reported.z&z''microgram/g dry wt.z('Value as reported.z)fz*'microgram/g dry wt.z+'Value as reported.z8Tz9'microgram/g dry wt.z:'Value as reported.z;|z<'microgram/g dry wt.z='Value as reported.zSnzT'microgram/g dry wt.zU'Value as reported.{{D{{{03333@ {'miles{;@ {'UTM{ۈ@ { 'UTM{ {# {$'microgram/g dry wt.{%'Value as reported.{&{''microgram/g dry wt.{('Value as reported.{)b{*'microgram/g dry wt.{+'Value as reported.{8N{9'microgram/g dry wt.{:'Value as reported.{;x{<'microgram/g dry wt.{='Value as reported.{Sn{T'microgram/g dry wt.{U'Value as reported.||F|||03333@ |'miles|@@ |'UTM|@@ | 'UTM| |#|$'microgram/g dry wt.|%'Value as reported.|&h|''microgram/g dry wt.|('Value as reported.|)>|*'microgram/g dry wt.|+'Value as reported.|8>|9'microgram/g dry wt.|:'Value as reported.|;J|<'microgram/g dry wt.|='Value as reported.|S|T'microgram/g dry wt.|U'Value as reported.}}H}}} }'miles}"@ }'UTM}و@ } 'UTM} }#}$'microgram/g dry wt.}%'Value as reported.}&,}''microgram/g dry wt.}('Value as reported.})}*'microgram/g dry wt.}+'Value as reported.}8$}9'microgram/g dry wt.}:'Value as reported.};}<'microgram/g dry wt.}='Value as reported.}SN}T'microgram/g dry wt.}U'Value as reported.~~J~~~ ~'miles~l*@ ~'UTM~`@ ~ 'UTM~ ~#~$'microgram/g dry wt.~%'Value as reported.~&p~''microgram/g dry wt.~('Value as reported.~)D~*'microgram/g dry wt.~+'Value as reported.~8>~9'microgram/g dry wt.~:'Value as reported.~;^~<'microgram/g dry wt.~='Value as reported.~S~T'microgram/g dry wt.~U'Value as reported.L 'miles1@ 'UTM.@  'UTM #E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)b*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;~<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SdT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.N 'milesT7@ 'UTMP@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.P033333@ 'miles@ 'UTMʉ@  'UTM #e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;~<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.R033333@ 'miles!@ 'UTM݉@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.T033333@ 'miles)@ 'UTM  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;~<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V033333@ 'miles0@ 'UTM@  'UTM #e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Xhffffƿ@ 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;v<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Zhffffƿ@ 'miles @ 'UTM`@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.\  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.^  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.`  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.b  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.d  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.f  #e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h  #%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.j  #%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.l  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S^T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.n  #%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&6''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.p  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.r  #%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.t  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.v  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.x  #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&J''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.z #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.| #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.~ #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S*T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SrT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)2*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&>''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. #e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SxT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM >'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&J''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM 6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&J''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM .'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&L''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM >'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&v''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM >'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM  N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM  N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM  N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM  N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;:<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'miles܍@ 'UTMG@  'UTM >'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&`''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM ''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM PF'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&H''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM >'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&N''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM ''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SRT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM .'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&L''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff&@ 'milesԛ@ 'UTMP|@  'UTM @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)H*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)L*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)N*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM U'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)b*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM  N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)^*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SbT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;X<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SzT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)R*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SbT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'milesb@ 'UTM܅@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;d<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;^<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SbT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;d<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SjT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;d<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SdT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)j*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#% $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#% $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;`<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#% $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;X<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SrT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;`<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SxT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTMp@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8V9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8T9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;d<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)b*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)j*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;`<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SzT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)f*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;f<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SzT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)^*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;p<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;r<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&f''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)N*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;d<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;d<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.  'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;r<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.  'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)H*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S.T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)L*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)L*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&b''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)6*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.  'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported." 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.$ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.&hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.(hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)H*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.,hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)N*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)R*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.0hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.2hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;X<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SjT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.4hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#% $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;X<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SjT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.6hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;N<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.:hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&x''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.<hfffff@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&l''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;D<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.>hfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;`<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@hfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;f<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S`T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Bhfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Dhfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;f<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.StT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Fhfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8T9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;d<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Hhfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8P9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Jhfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8P9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;l<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Lhfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Nhfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Phfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;`<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S^T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Rhfffff@ 'milestj@ 'UTM @  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;^<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Thfffff@ 'milesLj@ 'UTMʇ@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Vhfffff@ 'milesLj@ 'UTMʇ@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8P9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Xhfffff@ 'milesLj@ 'UTMʇ@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Zhfffff@ 'milesLj@ 'UTMʇ@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.\hfffff@ 'milesLj@ 'UTMʇ@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.^hfffff@ 'milesLj@ 'UTMʇ@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.  `   hfffff@ 'miles Lj@ 'UTM ʇ@  'UTM   e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )D *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SN T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.  b   hfffff@ 'miles Lj@ 'UTM ʇ@  'UTM   `m 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )R *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. 8D 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;X <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.  d   hfffff@ 'miles Lj@ 'UTM ʇ@  'UTM   e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )F *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;R <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.  f   hfffff@ 'miles Lj@ 'UTM ʇ@  'UTM   e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &r ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )> *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;J <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.  h   hfffff@ 'miles Lj@ 'UTM ʇ@  'UTM   e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &\ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ). *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.jhfffff@ 'milesLj@ 'UTMʇ@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&R''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.lhfffff@ 'milesLj@ 'UTMʇ@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)6*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;><'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.n@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)H*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8P9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;J<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.p@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM `m'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.r@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;J<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.t@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;X<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.v@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.x@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.z@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)L*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.|@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.~@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;:<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&N''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'milesF@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'miles^K@ 'UTM2@  'UTM c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8`9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;j<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'miles^K@ 'UTM2@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)f*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8^9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;n<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.StT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ 'miles^K@ 'UTM2@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;l<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SxT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.     @ 'miles ^K@ 'UTM 2@  'UTM   A 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )p *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. 8X 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;l <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.!!!!!@ !'miles!^K@ !'UTM!2@ ! 'UTM! !c!'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.!#% !$'microgram/g dry wt.!%'Value as reported.!&!''microgram/g dry wt.!('Value as reported.!)l!*'microgram/g dry wt.!+'Value as reported.!8^!9'microgram/g dry wt.!:'Value as reported.!;t!<'microgram/g dry wt.!='Value as reported.!S!T'microgram/g dry wt.!U'Value as reported."""""@ "'miles"^K@ "'UTM"2@ " 'UTM" "c"'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported."#"$'microgram/g dry wt."%'Value as reported."&"''microgram/g dry wt."('Value as reported.")^"*'microgram/g dry wt."+'Value as reported."8\"9'microgram/g dry wt.":'Value as reported.";t"<'microgram/g dry wt."='Value as reported."Sz"T'microgram/g dry wt."U'Value as reported.#####@ #'miles#^K@ #'UTM#2@ # 'UTM# ##'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.##%#$'microgram/g dry wt.#%'Value as reported.#&#''microgram/g dry wt.#('Value as reported.#)R#*'microgram/g dry wt.#+'Value as reported.#8X#9'microgram/g dry wt.#:'Value as reported.#;p#<'microgram/g dry wt.#='Value as reported.#Sn#T'microgram/g dry wt.#U'Value as reported.$$$$$@ $'miles$^K@ $'UTM$2@ $ 'UTM$ $$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$#%$$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Value as reported.$&$''microgram/g dry wt.$('Value as reported.$)L$*'microgram/g dry wt.$+'Value as reported.$8R$9'microgram/g dry wt.$:'Value as reported.$;d$<'microgram/g dry wt.$='Value as reported.$Sh$T'microgram/g dry wt.$U'Value as reported.%%%%%@ %'miles%^K@ %'UTM%2@ % 'UTM% %A%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%%'Value as reported.%&z%''microgram/g dry wt.%('Value as reported.%)L%*'microgram/g dry wt.%+'Value as reported.%8T%9'microgram/g dry wt.%:'Value as reported.%;d%<'microgram/g dry wt.%='Value as reported.%Sd%T'microgram/g dry wt.%U'Value as reported.&&&&&@ &'miles&^K@ &'UTM&2@ & 'UTM& &A&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&#&$'microgram/g dry wt.&%'Value as reported.&&x&''microgram/g dry wt.&('Value as reported.&)H&*'microgram/g dry wt.&+'Value as reported.&8T&9'microgram/g dry wt.&:'Value as reported.&;f&<'microgram/g dry wt.&='Value as reported.&SX&T'microgram/g dry wt.&U'Value as reported.'''''@ ''miles'^K@ ''UTM'2@ ' 'UTM' 'Q''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'#e'$'microgram/g dry wt.'%'Value as reported.'&v'''microgram/g dry wt.'('Value as reported.')@'*'microgram/g dry wt.'+'Value as reported.'8X'9'microgram/g dry wt.':'Value as reported.';^'<'microgram/g dry wt.'='Value as reported.'SN'T'microgram/g dry wt.'U'Value as reported.(((((@ ('miles(^K@ ('UTM(2@ ( 'UTM( (c('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(#E($'microgram/g dry wt.(%'Value as reported.(&`(''microgram/g dry wt.(('Value as reported.()>(*'microgram/g dry wt.(+'Value as reported.(8N(9'microgram/g dry wt.(:'Value as reported.(;^(<'microgram/g dry wt.(='Value as reported.(S<(T'microgram/g dry wt.(U'Value as reported.)))))@ )'miles)^K@ )'UTM)2@ ) 'UTM) )c)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)#%)$'microgram/g dry wt.)%'Value as reported.)&\)''microgram/g dry wt.)('Value as reported.))6)*'microgram/g dry wt.)+'Value as reported.)8J)9'microgram/g dry wt.):'Value as reported.);F)<'microgram/g dry wt.)='Value as reported.)S2)T'microgram/g dry wt.)U'Value as reported.*****@ *'miles*O@ *'UTM*R@ * 'UTM* *C*'microgram/g dry wt.*'Value as reported.*#%*$'microgram/g dry wt.*%'Value as reported.*&*''microgram/g dry wt.*('Value as reported.*)\**'microgram/g dry wt.*+'Value as reported.*8Z*9'microgram/g dry wt.*:'Value as reported.*;n*<'microgram/g dry wt.*='Value as reported.*S^*T'microgram/g dry wt.*U'Value as reported.+++++@ +'miles+O@ +'UTM+R@ + 'UTM+ +A+'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.+#%+$'microgram/g dry wt.+%'Value as reported.+&+''microgram/g dry wt.+('Value as reported.+)^+*'microgram/g dry wt.++'Value as reported.+8X+9'microgram/g dry wt.+:'Value as reported.+;n+<'microgram/g dry wt.+='Value as reported.+Sb+T'microgram/g dry wt.+U'Value as reported.,,,,,@ ,'miles,O@ ,'UTM,R@ , 'UTM, ,c,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported.,#,$'microgram/g dry wt.,%'Value as reported.,&,''microgram/g dry wt.,('Value as reported.,)h,*'microgram/g dry wt.,+'Value as reported.,8\,9'microgram/g dry wt.,:'Value as reported.,;p,<'microgram/g dry wt.,='Value as reported.,Sp,T'microgram/g dry wt.,U'Value as reported.-----@ -'miles-O@ -'UTM-R@ - 'UTM- -c-'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.-#-$'microgram/g dry wt.-%'Value as reported.-&-''microgram/g dry wt.-('Value as reported.-)l-*'microgram/g dry wt.-+'Value as reported.-8X-9'microgram/g dry wt.-:'Value as reported.-;l-<'microgram/g dry wt.-='Value as reported.-Sv-T'microgram/g dry wt.-U'Value as reported......@ .'miles.O@ .'UTM.R@ . 'UTM. .0u.'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported..#e.$'microgram/g dry wt..%'Value as reported..&.''microgram/g dry wt..('Value as reported..)f.*'microgram/g dry wt..+'Value as reported..8V.9'microgram/g dry wt..:'Value as reported..;h.<'microgram/g dry wt..='Value as reported..Sr.T'microgram/g dry wt..U'Value as reported./////@ /'miles/O@ /'UTM/R@ / 'UTM/ /#/'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./#e/$'microgram/g dry wt./%'Value as reported./&/''microgram/g dry wt./('Value as reported./)`/*'microgram/g dry wt./+'Value as reported./8T/9'microgram/g dry wt./:'Value as reported./;h/<'microgram/g dry wt./='Value as reported./Sf/T'microgram/g dry wt./U'Value as reported.00000@ 0'miles0O@ 0'UTM0R@ 0 'UTM0 0#0'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.0#0$'microgram/g dry wt.0%'Value as reported.0&0''microgram/g dry wt.0('Value as reported.0)P0*'microgram/g dry wt.0+'Value as reported.08H09'microgram/g dry wt.0:'Value as reported.0;R0<'microgram/g dry wt.0='Value as reported.0S@0T'microgram/g dry wt.0U'Value as reported.11111@ 1'miles1O@ 1'UTM1R@ 1 'UTM1 1#1'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.1#1$'microgram/g dry wt.1%'Value as reported.1&1''microgram/g dry wt.1('Value as reported.1)\1*'microgram/g dry wt.1+'Value as reported.18R19'microgram/g dry wt.1:'Value as reported.1;j1<'microgram/g dry wt.1='Value as reported.1S\1T'microgram/g dry wt.1U'Value as reported.22222@ 2'miles2O@ 2'UTM2R@ 2 'UTM2 2C2'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.2#2$'microgram/g dry wt.2%'Value as reported.2&v2''microgram/g dry wt.2('Value as reported.2)P2*'microgram/g dry wt.2+'Value as reported.28P29'microgram/g dry wt.2:'Value as reported.2;Z2<'microgram/g dry wt.2='Value as reported.2SH2T'microgram/g dry wt.2U'Value as reported.33333@ 3'miles3O@ 3'UTM3R@ 3 'UTM3 3C3'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.3#3$'microgram/g dry wt.3%'Value as reported.3&v3''microgram/g dry wt.3('Value as reported.3)H3*'microgram/g dry wt.3+'Value as reported.38L39'microgram/g dry wt.3:'Value as reported.3;Z3<'microgram/g dry wt.3='Value as reported.3S43T'microgram/g dry wt.3U'Value as reported.44444@ 4'miles4O@ 4'UTM4R@ 4 'UTM4 4}4'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.4#%4$'microgram/g dry wt.4%'Value as reported.4&^4''microgram/g dry wt.4('Value as reported.4)>4*'microgram/g dry wt.4+'Value as reported.48F49'microgram/g dry wt.4:'Value as reported.4;P4<'microgram/g dry wt.4='Value as reported.4S4T'microgram/g dry wt.4U'Value as reported.55555@ 5'miles5O@ 5'UTM5R@ 5 'UTM5 5}5'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.5#5$'microgram/g dry wt.5%'Value as reported.5&V5''microgram/g dry wt.5('Value as reported.5)J5*'microgram/g dry wt.5+'Value as reported.58B59'microgram/g dry wt.5:'Value as reported.5;P5<'microgram/g dry wt.5='Value as reported.5S5T'microgram/g dry wt.5U'Value as reported.66666@ 6'miles6O@ 6'UTM6R@ 6 'UTM6 6c6'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.6#6$'microgram/g dry wt.6%'Value as reported.6&r6''microgram/g dry wt.6('Value as reported.6)N6*'microgram/g dry wt.6+'Value as reported.68P69'microgram/g dry wt.6:'Value as reported.6;B6<'microgram/g dry wt.6='Value as reported.6S$6T'microgram/g dry wt.6U'Value as reported.7777703333@ 7'miles71@ 7'UTM7p|@ 7 'UTM7 7e7'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.7#E7$'microgram/g dry wt.7%'Value as reported.7&7''microgram/g dry wt.7('Value as reported.7)<7*'microgram/g dry wt.7+'Value as reported.78B79'microgram/g dry wt.7:'Value as reported.7;B7<'microgram/g dry wt.7='Value as reported.7S7T'microgram/g dry wt.7U'Value as reported.8888803333@ 8'miles81@ 8'UTM8p|@ 8 'UTM8 8]8'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.8#E8$'microgram/g dry wt.8%'Value as reported.8&~8''microgram/g dry wt.8('Value as reported.8):8*'microgram/g dry wt.8+'Value as reported.88>89'microgram/g dry wt.8:'Value as reported.8;@8<'microgram/g dry wt.8='Value as reported.8S8T'microgram/g dry wt.8U'Value as reported.9999903333@ 9'miles91@ 9'UTM9p|@ 9 'UTM9 90u9'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.9#%9$'microgram/g dry wt.9%'Value as reported.9&9''microgram/g dry wt.9('Value as reported.9)B9*'microgram/g dry wt.9+'Value as reported.98>99'microgram/g dry wt.9:'Value as reported.9;@9<'microgram/g dry wt.9='Value as reported.9S9T'microgram/g dry wt.9U'Value as reported.:::::03333@ :'miles:1@ :'UTM:p|@ : 'UTM: :]:'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.:#:$'microgram/g dry wt.:%'Value as reported.:&:''microgram/g dry wt.:('Value as reported.:)<:*'microgram/g dry wt.:+'Value as reported.:84:9'microgram/g dry wt.::'Value as reported.:;::<'microgram/g dry wt.:='Value as reported.:S:T'microgram/g dry wt.:U'Value as reported.;;;;;03333@ ;'miles;1@ ;'UTM;p|@ ; 'UTM; ; N;'microgram/g dry wt.;'Value as reported.;#;$'microgram/g dry wt.;%'Value as reported.;&p;''microgram/g dry wt.;('Value as reported.;).;*'microgram/g dry wt.;+'Value as reported.;8*;9'microgram/g dry wt.;:'Value as reported.;;0;<'microgram/g dry wt.;='Value as reported.;S;T'microgram/g dry wt.;U'Value as reported.<<<<<03333@ <'miles<1@ <'UTM<p|@ < 'UTM< <]<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.<#e<$'microgram/g dry wt.<%'Value as reported.<&b<''microgram/g dry wt.<('Value as reported.<)*<*'microgram/g dry wt.<+'Value as reported.<8&<9'microgram/g dry wt.<:'Value as reported.<;0<<'microgram/g dry wt.<='Value as reported.<S<T'microgram/g dry wt.<U'Value as reported.=====03333@ ='miles=1@ ='UTM=p|@ = 'UTM= =U='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.=#=$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Value as reported.=&P=''microgram/g dry wt.=('Value as reported.=)"=*'microgram/g dry wt.=+'Value as reported.=8(=9'microgram/g dry wt.=:'Value as reported.=;(=<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Value as reported.=S=T'microgram/g dry wt.=U'Value as reported.>>>>>03333@ >'miles>1@ >'UTM>p|@ > 'UTM> >U>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.>#>$'microgram/g dry wt.>%'Value as reported.>&J>''microgram/g dry wt.>('Value as reported.>)">*'microgram/g dry wt.>+'Value as reported.>80>9'microgram/g dry wt.>:'Value as reported.>;&><'microgram/g dry wt.>='Value as reported.>S>T'microgram/g dry wt.>U'Value as reported.?????03333@ ?'miles?1@ ?'UTM?p|@ ? 'UTM? ?e?'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.?#?$'microgram/g dry wt.?%'Value as reported.?&P?''microgram/g dry wt.?('Value as reported.?)*?*'microgram/g dry wt.?+'Value as reported.?82?9'microgram/g dry wt.?:'Value as reported.?;0?<'microgram/g dry wt.?='Value as reported.?S?T'microgram/g dry wt.?U'Value as reported.@@@@@03333@ @'miles@1@ @'UTM@p|@ @ 'UTM@ @e@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@#@$'microgram/g dry wt.@%'Value as reported.@&P@''microgram/g dry wt.@('Value as reported.@)*@*'microgram/g dry wt.@+'Value as reported.@8:@9'microgram/g dry wt.@:'Value as reported.@;2@<'microgram/g dry wt.@='Value as reported.@S@T'microgram/g dry wt.@U'Value as reported.AAAAA03333@ A'milesA1@ A'UTMAp|@ A 'UTMA A}A'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.A#A$'microgram/g dry wt.A%'Value as reported.A&\A''microgram/g dry wt.A('Value as reported.A)0A*'microgram/g dry wt.A+'Value as reported.A;>A<'microgram/g dry wt.A='Value as reported.ASAT'microgram/g dry wt.AU'Value as reported.BBBBB03333@ B'milesB;@ B'UTMBۈ@ B 'UTMB BB'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.B#%B$'microgram/g dry wt.B%'Value as reported.B&B''microgram/g dry wt.B('Value as reported.B)^B*'microgram/g dry wt.B+'Value as reported.B8XB9'microgram/g dry wt.B:'Value as reported.B;jB<'microgram/g dry wt.B='Value as reported.BSxBT'microgram/g dry wt.BU'Value as reported.CCCCC03333@ C'milesC;@ C'UTMCۈ@ C 'UTMC CC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.C# C$'microgram/g dry wt.C%'Value as reported.C&C''microgram/g dry wt.C('Value as reported.C)nC*'microgram/g dry wt.C+'Value as reported.C8^C9'microgram/g dry wt.C:'Value as reported.C;rC<'microgram/g dry wt.C='Value as reported.CSCT'microgram/g dry wt.CU'Value as reported.DDDDD03333@ D'milesD;@ D'UTMDۈ@ D 'UTMD DD'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.D# D$'microgram/g dry wt.D%'Value as reported.D&D''microgram/g dry wt.D('Value as reported.D)tD*'microgram/g dry wt.D+'Value as reported.D8ZD9'microgram/g dry wt.D:'Value as reported.D;pD<'microgram/g dry wt.D='Value as reported.DSDT'microgram/g dry wt.DU'Value as reported.EEEEE03333@ E'milesE;@ E'UTMEۈ@ E 'UTME EAE'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E#E E$'microgram/g dry wt.E%'Value as reported.E&E''microgram/g dry wt.E('Value as reported.E)jE*'microgram/g dry wt.E+'Value as reported.E8^E9'microgram/g dry wt.E:'Value as reported.E;pE<'microgram/g dry wt.E='Value as reported.ESET'microgram/g dry wt.EU'Value as reported.FFFFF03333@ F'milesF;@ F'UTMFۈ@ F 'UTMF FAF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.F#eF$'microgram/g dry wt.F%'Value as reported.F&F''microgram/g dry wt.F('Value as reported.F)^F*'microgram/g dry wt.F+'Value as reported.F8\F9'microgram/g dry wt.F:'Value as reported.F;jF<'microgram/g dry wt.F='Value as reported.FSzFT'microgram/g dry wt.FU'Value as reported.GGGGG03333@ G'milesG;@ G'UTMGۈ@ G 'UTMG GG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.G#G$'microgram/g dry wt.G%'Value as reported.G&G''microgram/g dry wt.G('Value as reported.G)RG*'microgram/g dry wt.G+'Value as reported.G8ZG9'microgram/g dry wt.G:'Value as reported.G;hG<'microgram/g dry wt.G='Value as reported.GSjGT'microgram/g dry wt.GU'Value as reported.HHHHH03333@ H'milesH;@ H'UTMHۈ@ H 'UTMH HH'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.H#H$'microgram/g dry wt.H%'Value as reported.H&xH''microgram/g dry wt.H('Value as reported.H)LH*'microgram/g dry wt.H+'Value as reported.H8TH9'microgram/g dry wt.H:'Value as reported.H;bH<'microgram/g dry wt.H='Value as reported.HSbHT'microgram/g dry wt.HU'Value as reported.IIIII03333@ I'milesI;@ I'UTMIۈ@ I 'UTMI II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.I#I$'microgram/g dry wt.I%'Value as reported.I&nI''microgram/g dry wt.I('Value as reported.I)HI*'microgram/g dry wt.I+'Value as reported.I8PI9'microgram/g dry wt.I:'Value as reported.I;^I<'microgram/g dry wt.I='Value as reported.ISZIT'microgram/g dry wt.IU'Value as reported.JJJJJ03333@ J'milesJ;@ J'UTMJۈ@ J 'UTMJ JJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.J#J$'microgram/g dry wt.J%'Value as reported.J&fJ''microgram/g dry wt.J('Value as reported.J)DJ*'microgram/g dry wt.J+'Value as reported.J8TJ9'microgram/g dry wt.J:'Value as reported.J;ZJ<'microgram/g dry wt.J='Value as reported.JSFJT'microgram/g dry wt.JU'Value as reported.KKKKK03333@ K'milesK;@ K'UTMKۈ@ K 'UTMK KK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.K#K$'microgram/g dry wt.K%'Value as reported.K&^K''microgram/g dry wt.K('Value as reported.K)BK*'microgram/g dry wt.K+'Value as reported.K8LK9'microgram/g dry wt.K:'Value as reported.K;dK<'microgram/g dry wt.K='Value as reported.KSLKT'microgram/g dry wt.KU'Value as reported.LLLLL03333@ L'milesL;@ L'UTMLۈ@ L 'UTML LcL'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.L#eL$'microgram/g dry wt.L%'Value as reported.L&LL''microgram/g dry wt.L('Value as reported.L):L*'microgram/g dry wt.L+'Value as reported.L8PL9'microgram/g dry wt.L:'Value as reported.L;VL<'microgram/g dry wt.L='Value as reported.LS,LT'microgram/g dry wt.LU'Value as reported.MMMMM03333@ M'milesM;@ M'UTMMۈ@ M 'UTMM MM'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.M#%M$'microgram/g dry wt.M%'Value as reported.M&ZM''microgram/g dry wt.M('Value as reported.M)6M*'microgram/g dry wt.M+'Value as reported.M;@M<'microgram/g dry wt.M='Value as reported.MSMT'microgram/g dry wt.MU'Value as reported.NNNNN03333@ N'milesN@@ N'UTMN@@ N 'UTMN NAN'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.N#%N$'microgram/g dry wt.N%'Value as reported.N&N''microgram/g dry wt.N('Value as reported.N)dN*'microgram/g dry wt.N+'Value as reported.N8dN9'microgram/g dry wt.N:'Value as reported.N;N<'microgram/g dry wt.N='Value as reported.NSvNT'microgram/g dry wt.NU'Value as reported.OOOOO03333@ O'milesO@@ O'UTMO@@ O 'UTMO O#O'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.O#O$'microgram/g dry wt.O%'Value as reported.O&O''microgram/g dry wt.O('Value as reported.O)\O*'microgram/g dry wt.O+'Value as reported.O8ZO9'microgram/g dry wt.O:'Value as reported.O;|O<'microgram/g dry wt.O='Value as reported.OS^OT'microgram/g dry wt.OU'Value as reported.PPPPP03333@ P'milesP@@ P'UTMP@@ P 'UTMP PCP'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.P#P$'microgram/g dry wt.P%'Value as reported.P&P''microgram/g dry wt.P('Value as reported.P)\P*'microgram/g dry wt.P+'Value as reported.P8ZP9'microgram/g dry wt.P:'Value as reported.P;~P<'microgram/g dry wt.P='Value as reported.PS`PT'microgram/g dry wt.PU'Value as reported.QQQQQ03333@ Q'milesQ@@ Q'UTMQ@@ Q 'UTMQ Q}Q'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.Q#Q$'microgram/g dry wt.Q%'Value as reported.Q&Q''microgram/g dry wt.Q('Value as reported.Q)fQ*'microgram/g dry wt.Q+'Value as reported.Q8ZQ9'microgram/g dry wt.Q:'Value as reported.Q;Q<'microgram/g dry wt.Q='Value as reported.QSjQT'microgram/g dry wt.QU'Value as reported.RRRRR03333@ R'milesR@@ R'UTMR@@ R 'UTMR RcR'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.R# R$'microgram/g dry wt.R%'Value as reported.R&R''microgram/g dry wt.R('Value as reported.R)nR*'microgram/g dry wt.R+'Value as reported.R8VR9'microgram/g dry wt.R:'Value as reported.R;R<'microgram/g dry wt.R='Value as reported.RS|RT'microgram/g dry wt.RU'Value as reported.SSSSS03333@ S'milesS@@ S'UTMS@@ S 'UTMS SCS'microgram/g dry wt.S'Value as reported.S#S$'microgram/g dry wt.S%'Value as reported.S&S''microgram/g dry wt.S('Value as reported.S)lS*'microgram/g dry wt.S+'Value as reported.S8TS9'microgram/g dry wt.S:'Value as reported.S;S<'microgram/g dry wt.S='Value as reported.SSvST'microgram/g dry wt.SU'Value as reported.TTTTT03333@ T'milesT@@ T'UTMT@@ T 'UTMT TcT'microgram/g dry wt.T'Value as reported.T#T$'microgram/g dry wt.T%'Value as reported.T&T''microgram/g dry wt.T('Value as reported.T)hT*'microgram/g dry wt.T+'Value as reported.T8TT9'microgram/g dry wt.T:'Value as reported.T;fT<'microgram/g dry wt.T='Value as reported.TS~TT'microgram/g dry wt.TU'Value as reported.UUUUU03333@ U'milesU@@ U'UTMU@@ U 'UTMU U#U'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.U#EU$'microgram/g dry wt.U%'Value as reported.U&U''microgram/g dry wt.U('Value as reported.U)\U*'microgram/g dry wt.U+'Value as reported.U8LU9'microgram/g dry wt.U:'Value as reported.U;dU<'microgram/g dry wt.U='Value as reported.USjUT'microgram/g dry wt.UU'Value as reported.VVVVV03333@ V'milesV@@ V'UTMV@@ V 'UTMV V}V'microgram/g dry wt.V'Value as reported.V#%V$'microgram/g dry wt.V%'Value as reported.V&V''microgram/g dry wt.V('Value as reported.V)TV*'microgram/g dry wt.V+'Value as reported.V8JV9'microgram/g dry wt.V:'Value as reported.V;dV<'microgram/g dry wt.V='Value as reported.VSTVT'microgram/g dry wt.VU'Value as reported.WWWWW03333@ W'milesW@@ W'UTMW@@ W 'UTMW W}W'microgram/g dry wt.W'Value as reported.W#W$'microgram/g dry wt.W%'Value as reported.W&xW''microgram/g dry wt.W('Value as reported.W)FW*'microgram/g dry wt.W+'Value as reported.W8FW9'microgram/g dry wt.W:'Value as reported.W;VW<'microgram/g dry wt.W='Value as reported.WS4WT'microgram/g dry wt.WU'Value as reported.XXXXX03333@ X'milesX@@ X'UTMX@@ X 'UTMX X#X'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.X#%X$'microgram/g dry wt.X%'Value as reported.X&VX''microgram/g dry wt.X('Value as reported.X)8X*'microgram/g dry wt.X+'Value as reported.X8>X9'microgram/g dry wt.X:'Value as reported.X;BX<'microgram/g dry wt.X='Value as reported.XSXT'microgram/g dry wt.XU'Value as reported.YYYYY03333@ Y'milesY@@ Y'UTMY@@ Y 'UTMY Y#Y'microgram/g dry wt.Y'Value as reported.Y#Y$'microgram/g dry wt.Y%'Value as reported.Y&TY''microgram/g dry wt.Y('Value as reported.Y)6Y*'microgram/g dry wt.Y+'Value as reported.Y8<Y9'microgram/g dry wt.Y:'Value as reported.Y;@Y<'microgram/g dry wt.Y='Value as reported.YSYT'microgram/g dry wt.YU'Value as reported.ZZZZZ03333@ Z'milesZ@@ Z'UTMZ@@ Z 'UTMZ ZcZ'microgram/g dry wt.Z'Value as reported.Z#%Z$'microgram/g dry wt.Z%'Value as reported.Z&XZ''microgram/g dry wt.Z('Value as reported.Z):Z*'microgram/g dry wt.Z+'Value as reported.Z8<Z9'microgram/g dry wt.Z:'Value as reported.Z;HZ<'microgram/g dry wt.Z='Value as reported.ZS ZT'microgram/g dry wt.ZU'Value as reported.[[[[[033333@ ['miles[!@ ['UTM[݉@ [ 'UTM[ [A['microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.[#%[$'microgram/g dry wt.[%'Value as reported.[&[''microgram/g dry wt.[('Value as reported.[)^[*'microgram/g dry wt.[+'Value as reported.[8d[9'microgram/g dry wt.[:'Value as reported.[;[<'microgram/g dry wt.[='Value as reported.[S~[T'microgram/g dry wt.[U'Value as reported.\\\\\033333@ \'miles\!@ \'UTM\݉@ \ 'UTM\ \\'microgram/g dry wt.\'Value as reported.\# \$'microgram/g dry wt.\%'Value as reported.\&\''microgram/g dry wt.\('Value as reported.\)d\*'microgram/g dry wt.\+'Value as reported.\8b\9'microgram/g dry wt.\:'Value as reported.\;|\<'microgram/g dry wt.\='Value as reported.\S\T'microgram/g dry wt.\U'Value as reported.]]]]]033333@ ]'miles]!@ ]'UTM]݉@ ] 'UTM] ]]'microgram/g dry wt.]'Value as reported.]#E]$'microgram/g dry wt.]%'Value as reported.]&]''microgram/g dry wt.]('Value as reported.])j]*'microgram/g dry wt.]+'Value as reported.]8j]9'microgram/g dry wt.]:'Value as reported.];|]<'microgram/g dry wt.]='Value as reported.]S]T'microgram/g dry wt.]U'Value as reported.^^ ^^^033333@ ^'miles^!@ ^'UTM^݉@ ^ 'UTM^ ^^'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.^# ^$'microgram/g dry wt.^%'Value as reported.^&^''microgram/g dry wt.^('Value as reported.^)d^*'microgram/g dry wt.^+'Value as reported.^8^^9'microgram/g dry wt.^:'Value as reported.^;|^<'microgram/g dry wt.^='Value as reported.^S^T'microgram/g dry wt.^U'Value as reported.__ ___033333@ _'miles_!@ _'UTM_݉@ _ 'UTM_ __'microgram/g dry wt._'Value as reported._#_$'microgram/g dry wt._%'Value as reported._&_''microgram/g dry wt._('Value as reported._)R_*'microgram/g dry wt._+'Value as reported._8^_9'microgram/g dry wt._:'Value as reported._;v_<'microgram/g dry wt._='Value as reported._Sx_T'microgram/g dry wt._U'Value as reported.`````033333@ `'miles`!@ `'UTM`݉@ ` 'UTM` ``'microgram/g dry wt.`'Value as reported.`#`$'microgram/g dry wt.`%'Value as reported.`&|`''microgram/g dry wt.`('Value as reported.`)X`*'microgram/g dry wt.`+'Value as reported.`8\`9'microgram/g dry wt.`:'Value as reported.`;n`<'microgram/g dry wt.`='Value as reported.`S`T'microgram/g dry wt.`U'Value as reported.aaaaa033333@ a'milesa!@ a'UTMa݉@ a 'UTMa aa'microgram/g dry wt.a'Value as reported.a#a$'microgram/g dry wt.a%'Value as reported.a&ha''microgram/g dry wt.a('Value as reported.a):a*'microgram/g dry wt.a+'Value as reported.a8Ra9'microgram/g dry wt.a:'Value as reported.a;Ja<'microgram/g dry wt.a='Value as reported.aS,aT'microgram/g dry wt.aU'Value as reported.bbbbb033333@ b'milesb!@ b'UTMb݉@ b 'UTMb bQb'microgram/g dry wt.b'Value as reported.b#Eb$'microgram/g dry wt.b%'Value as reported.b&Zb''microgram/g dry wt.b('Value as reported.b),b*'microgram/g dry wt.b+'Value as reported.b8Hb9'microgram/g dry wt.b:'Value as reported.b;*b<'microgram/g dry wt.b='Value as reported.bSbT'microgram/g dry wt.bU'Value as reported.ccccc033333@ c'milesc!@ c'UTMc݉@ c 'UTMc c#c'microgram/g dry wt.c'Value as reported.c#%c$'microgram/g dry wt.c%'Value as reported.c&Tc''microgram/g dry wt.c('Value as reported.c)$c*'microgram/g dry wt.c+'Value as reported.c8@c9'microgram/g dry wt.c:'Value as reported.c;c<'microgram/g dry wt.c='Value as reported.cScT'microgram/g dry wt.cU'Value as reported.ddddd033333@ d'milesd!@ d'UTMd݉@ d 'UTMd dCd'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.d#%d$'microgram/g dry wt.d%'Value as reported.d&\d''microgram/g dry wt.d('Value as reported.d)"d*'microgram/g dry wt.d+'Value as reported.d8@d9'microgram/g dry wt.d:'Value as reported.d;d<'microgram/g dry wt.d='Value as reported.dSdT'microgram/g dry wt.dU'Value as reported.eeeee033333@ e'milese!@ e'UTMe݉@ e 'UTMe e0ue'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.e#%e$'microgram/g dry wt.e%'Value as reported.e&Te''microgram/g dry wt.e('Value as reported.e)$e*'microgram/g dry wt.e+'Value as reported.e8>e9'microgram/g dry wt.e:'Value as reported.e;e<'microgram/g dry wt.e='Value as reported.eSeT'microgram/g dry wt.eU'Value as reported.fffff033333@ f'milesf!@ f'UTMf݉@ f 'UTMf f#f'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.f#f$'microgram/g dry wt.f%'Value as reported.f&Xf''microgram/g dry wt.f('Value as reported.f)$f*'microgram/g dry wt.f+'Value as reported.f8@f9'microgram/g dry wt.f:'Value as reported.f;f<'microgram/g dry wt.f='Value as reported.fSfT'microgram/g dry wt.fU'Value as reported.ggggg033333@ g'milesg0@ g'UTMg@ g 'UTMg g>g'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.g#g$'microgram/g dry wt.g%'Value as reported.g&Vg''microgram/g dry wt.g('Value as reported.g)(g*'microgram/g dry wt.g+'Value as reported.g8,g9'microgram/g dry wt.g:'Value as reported.g;0g<'microgram/g dry wt.g='Value as reported.gSgT'microgram/g dry wt.gU'Value as reported.hhhhh033333@ h'milesh0@ h'UTMh@ h 'UTMh h>h'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.h#eh$'microgram/g dry wt.h%'Value as reported.h&Ph''microgram/g dry wt.h('Value as reported.h)&h*'microgram/g dry wt.h+'Value as reported.h8(h9'microgram/g dry wt.h:'Value as reported.h;,h<'microgram/g dry wt.h='Value as reported.hShT'microgram/g dry wt.hU'Value as reported.ii iii033333@ i'milesi0@ i'UTMi@ i 'UTMi i>i'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.i#ei$'microgram/g dry wt.i%'Value as reported.i&\i''microgram/g dry wt.i('Value as reported.i)(i*'microgram/g dry wt.i+'Value as reported.i8*i9'microgram/g dry wt.i:'Value as reported.i;*i<'microgram/g dry wt.i='Value as reported.iSiT'microgram/g dry wt.iU'Value as reported.jj"jjj033333@ j'milesj0@ j'UTMj@ j 'UTMj j>j'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.j#j$'microgram/g dry wt.j%'Value as reported.j&Nj''microgram/g dry wt.j('Value as reported.j)&j*'microgram/g dry wt.j+'Value as reported.j8(j9'microgram/g dry wt.j:'Value as reported.j;&j<'microgram/g dry wt.j='Value as reported.jSjT'microgram/g dry wt.jU'Value as reported.kk$kkk033333@ k'milesk0@ k'UTMk@ k 'UTMk k.k'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.k#k$'microgram/g dry wt.k%'Value as reported.k&6k''microgram/g dry wt.k('Value as reported.k)k*'microgram/g dry wt.k+'Value as reported.k8 k9'microgram/g dry wt.k:'Value as reported.k;k<'microgram/g dry wt.k='Value as reported.kSfkT'microgram/g dry wt.kU'Value as reported.ll&lll033333@ l'milesl0@ l'UTMl@ l 'UTMl l>l'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.l#l$'microgram/g dry wt.l%'Value as reported.l&6l''microgram/g dry wt.l('Value as reported.l)l*'microgram/g dry wt.l+'Value as reported.l8$l9'microgram/g dry wt.l:'Value as reported.l;l<'microgram/g dry wt.l='Value as reported.lShlT'microgram/g dry wt.lU'Value as reported.mm(mmm033333@ m'milesm0@ m'UTMm@ m 'UTMm m>m'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m#em$'microgram/g dry wt.m%'Value as reported.m&2m''microgram/g dry wt.m('Value as reported.m) m*'microgram/g dry wt.m+'Value as reported.m8(m9'microgram/g dry wt.m:'Value as reported.m;m<'microgram/g dry wt.m='Value as reported.mStmT'microgram/g dry wt.mU'Value as reported.nn*nnn033333@ n'milesn0@ n'UTMn@ n 'UTMn n6n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n#en$'microgram/g dry wt.n%'Value as reported.n&&n''microgram/g dry wt.n('Value as reported.n)n*'microgram/g dry wt.n+'Value as reported.n8n9'microgram/g dry wt.n:'Value as reported.n;n<'microgram/g dry wt.n='Value as reported.nSHnT'microgram/g dry wt.nU'Value as reported.oo,ooo033333@ o'mileso0@ o'UTMo@ o 'UTMo oPFo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.o#eo$'microgram/g dry wt.o%'Value as reported.o&2o''microgram/g dry wt.o('Value as reported.o)o*'microgram/g dry wt.o+'Value as reported.o8$o9'microgram/g dry wt.o:'Value as reported.o;o<'microgram/g dry wt.o='Value as reported.oSboT'microgram/g dry wt.oU'Value as reported.pp.ppp033333@ p'milesp0@ p'UTMp@ p 'UTMp p>p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p#ep$'microgram/g dry wt.p%'Value as reported.p&0p''microgram/g dry wt.p('Value as reported.p)p*'microgram/g dry wt.p+'Value as reported.p8$p9'microgram/g dry wt.p:'Value as reported.p;p<'microgram/g dry wt.p='Value as reported.pSdpT'microgram/g dry wt.pU'Value as reported.qq0qqq033333@ q'milesq0@ q'UTMq@ q 'UTMq q>q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q#eq$'microgram/g dry wt.q%'Value as reported.q&0q''microgram/g dry wt.q('Value as reported.q)q*'microgram/g dry wt.q+'Value as reported.q8"q9'microgram/g dry wt.q:'Value as reported.q;q<'microgram/g dry wt.q='Value as reported.qS`qT'microgram/g dry wt.qU'Value as reported.rr2rrrhffffƿ@ r'milesr @ r'UTMr`@ r 'UTMr rAr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r#er$'microgram/g dry wt.r%'Value as reported.r&r''microgram/g dry wt.r('Value as reported.r)dr*'microgram/g dry wt.r+'Value as reported.r8hr9'microgram/g dry wt.r:'Value as reported.r;r<'microgram/g dry wt.r='Value as reported.rSrT'microgram/g dry wt.rU'Value as reported.ss4ssshffffƿ@ s'miless @ s'UTMs`@ s 'UTMs ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.s#s$'microgram/g dry wt.s%'Value as reported.s&s''microgram/g dry wt.s('Value as reported.s)fs*'microgram/g dry wt.s+'Value as reported.s8bs9'microgram/g dry wt.s:'Value as reported.s;s<'microgram/g dry wt.s='Value as reported.sSsT'microgram/g dry wt.sU'Value as reported.tt6ttthffffƿ@ t'milest @ t'UTMt`@ t 'UTMt tCt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.t#t$'microgram/g dry wt.t%'Value as reported.t&t''microgram/g dry wt.t('Value as reported.t)^t*'microgram/g dry wt.t+'Value as reported.t8\t9'microgram/g dry wt.t:'Value as reported.t;t<'microgram/g dry wt.t='Value as reported.tStT'microgram/g dry wt.tU'Value as reported.uu8uuuhffffƿ@ u'milesu @ u'UTMu`@ u 'UTMu ucu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u#Eu$'microgram/g dry wt.u%'Value as reported.u&u''microgram/g dry wt.u('Value as reported.u)Vu*'microgram/g dry wt.u+'Value as reported.u8bu9'microgram/g dry wt.u:'Value as reported.u;u<'microgram/g dry wt.u='Value as reported.uSuT'microgram/g dry wt.uU'Value as reported.vv:vvvhffffƿ@ v'milesv @ v'UTMv`@ v 'UTMv vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v#v$'microgram/g dry wt.v%'Value as reported.v&v''microgram/g dry wt.v('Value as reported.v)Jv*'microgram/g dry wt.v+'Value as reported.v8`v9'microgram/g dry wt.v:'Value as reported.v;xv<'microgram/g dry wt.v='Value as reported.vSvT'microgram/g dry wt.vU'Value as reported.ww<wwwhffffƿ@ w'milesw @ w'UTMw`@ w 'UTMw wAw'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w#w$'microgram/g dry wt.w%'Value as reported.w&nw''microgram/g dry wt.w('Value as reported.w)@w*'microgram/g dry wt.w+'Value as reported.w8Rw9'microgram/g dry wt.w:'Value as reported.w;hw<'microgram/g dry wt.w='Value as reported.wSwT'microgram/g dry wt.wU'Value as reported.xx>xxxhffffƿ@ x'milesx @ x'UTMx`@ x 'UTMx xAx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.x#x$'microgram/g dry wt.x%'Value as reported.x&`x''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value as reported.x)<x*'microgram/g dry wt.x+'Value as reported.x8Xx9'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value as reported.x;dx<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value as reported.xSDxT'microgram/g dry wt.xU'Value as reported.yy@yyyhffffƿ@ y'milesy @ y'UTMy`@ y 'UTMy ycy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y#%y$'microgram/g dry wt.y%'Value as reported.y&Xy''microgram/g dry wt.y('Value as reported.y)2y*'microgram/g dry wt.y+'Value as reported.y8Ly9'microgram/g dry wt.y:'Value as reported.y;:y<'microgram/g dry wt.y='Value as reported.yS yT'microgram/g dry wt.yU'Value as reported.zzBzzzhffffƿ@ z'milesz @ z'UTMz`@ z 'UTMz zCz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.z#z$'microgram/g dry wt.z%'Value as reported.z&^z''microgram/g dry wt.z('Value as reported.z).z*'microgram/g dry wt.z+'Value as reported.z8Hz9'microgram/g dry wt.z:'Value as reported.z;*z<'microgram/g dry wt.z='Value as reported.zSzT'microgram/g dry wt.zU'Value as reported.{{D{{{hffffƿ@ {'miles{ @ {'UTM{`@ { 'UTM{ {#{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{#%{$'microgram/g dry wt.{%'Value as reported.{&R{''microgram/g dry wt.{('Value as reported.{)({*'microgram/g dry wt.{+'Value as reported.{8B{9'microgram/g dry wt.{:'Value as reported.{;{<'microgram/g dry wt.{='Value as reported.{S{T'microgram/g dry wt.{U'Value as reported.||F|||hffffƿ@ |'miles| @ |'UTM|`@ | 'UTM| |#|'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|#|$'microgram/g dry wt.|%'Value as reported.|&R|''microgram/g dry wt.|('Value as reported.|)"|*'microgram/g dry wt.|+'Value as reported.|8B|9'microgram/g dry wt.|:'Value as reported.|;|<'microgram/g dry wt.|='Value as reported.|S|T'microgram/g dry wt.|U'Value as reported.}}H}}}hffffƿ@ }'miles} @ }'UTM}`@ } 'UTM} }C}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}#}$'microgram/g dry wt.}%'Value as reported.}&T}''microgram/g dry wt.}('Value as reported.})$}*'microgram/g dry wt.}+'Value as reported.}8D}9'microgram/g dry wt.}:'Value as reported.};}<'microgram/g dry wt.}='Value as reported.~~J~~~hffffƿ@ ~'miles~P#@ ~'UTM~@@ ~ 'UTM~ ~A~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~#e~$'microgram/g dry wt.~%'Value as reported.~&~''microgram/g dry wt.~('Value as reported.~)d~*'microgram/g dry wt.~+'Value as reported.~8j~9'microgram/g dry wt.~:'Value as reported.~;~<'microgram/g dry wt.~='Value as reported.~S~T'microgram/g dry wt.~U'Value as reported.Lhffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8p9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Nhffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8h9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Phffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8j9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Rhffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)N*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8f9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Thffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8b9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;`<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Vhffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&b''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8T9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;:<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Xhffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Zhffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.\hffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&h''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.^hffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.`hffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&\''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bhffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.dhffffƿ@ 'milesP#@ 'UTM@@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.fhffffƿ@ 'miles(@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hhffffƿ@ 'miles(@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.jhffffƿ@ 'miles(@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)>*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.lhffffƿ@ 'miles(@ 'UTM@  'UTM  N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;:<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.nhffffƿ@ 'miles(@ 'UTM@  'UTM ]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&J''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.phffffƿ@ 'miles(@ 'UTM@  'UTM U'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.rhffffƿ@ 'miles(@ 'UTM@  'UTM  N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles+@ 'UTM@ @  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./i0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles+@ 'UTM@ @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles+@ 'UTM@ @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;~<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AtB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.J̏@ 'UTMj@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>X?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.L@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.L@ 'UTM@  'UTM E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Nhfff:N@ 'UTMhfffa@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. P0333@ 'UTM`W@  'UTM ('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. R0333g@ 'UTM0333 %@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.ThfffF@ 'UTMhfff.@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V@ 'UTM̬^@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Xύ@ 'UTM@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.X,g@ 'UTM @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,(-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;N<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ABB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.\t@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.\o@ 'UTML@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>X?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AzB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.^tQ@ 'UTMhfff^@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.^]@ 'UTM%@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A.B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. `03333@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,}-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported."b_@ 'UTML|@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.$bK@ 'UTMhfff/@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S`T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.&ď3@ 'UTMP@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,e-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.(f0333@ 'UTMQ'@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*f@ 'UTM0333c@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A.B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SrT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.,fD@ 'UTM0333{k@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..h5<@ 'UTM @  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.0 hfff?ُ@ 'UTMhfffF@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.2Xhfffj@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&t''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;p<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ApB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.4 Op@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)6*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>,?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.6j&S@ 'UTMhfffl@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;~<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AHB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8f0333@ 'UTM0333[@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;F<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.: ˎ@ 'UTM0333K@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>t?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.< hfffv@ 'UTM`@  'UTM E 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#D$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&R''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>D?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.>l0333@@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&h''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.@ m @ 'UTM6@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&f''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ApB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.B  @ 'UTM0333k@  'UTM % 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./' 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>t?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.D OǍ@ 'UTMhfff&@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)|*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0 B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.F@{@ 'UTM0333[|@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Hn Í@ 'UTM0333CU@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;p<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Jp0333d@ 'UTMhfffα@  'UTM E 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.L03334G@ 'UTM0333K@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;J<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.N>@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>x?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.P*hfff{@ 'UTMP@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&^''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>X?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.R*0333@ 'UTMhfffJ@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A8 B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.T*U@ 'UTMJ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,ж @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>`?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V.03330(@ 'UTM0333[@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#($'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AX B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.XVl@ 'UTM8@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&R''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Z.ߌ@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.\0333@ 'UTM5@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&^''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.^'܌@ 'UTMD@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&f''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,S-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>:?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.Ad B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.`hfff@ 'UTM0333"@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,S-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AFB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.b0333@ 'UTM0333[ @  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&R''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,S-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.dҌ@ 'UTM@  'UTM E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.frhfffF@ 'UTM A@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;~<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.h."@ 'UTMhfffN@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>p?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.jt@ 'UTM9~@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A*B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.l4=@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./' 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S` T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.n60333ʌ@ 'UTMlD@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#.$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>p?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S` T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.pv0333^@ 'UTM@  'UTM &'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.rv:@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&V''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,S-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.txǑ@ 'UTMxQ@  'UTM *'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&Z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)6*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;X<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.vzP@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A`B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.x|0333~@ 'UTMhfff2@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>p?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.z f%@ 'UTM @  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#*$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.|F0333 @ 'UTM0333+@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&J''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;^<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.~F@ 'UTMhfff&@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)P*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;N<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.F\č@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,P @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.><?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Fɤ@ 'UTMX@  'UTM E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&R''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>l?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.F/@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,P @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;j<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>\?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.Ap B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Fe@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&L''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>x?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.F0@ 'UTMK@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&J''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.Ah B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Dhfff@ 'UTM @  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&J''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AV B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.DfǍ@ 'UTMI~@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.D.@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Du@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A(B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.DC@ 'UTM @  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)t*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A~ B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.~@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Px-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>4?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AxB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.~0333Č@ 'UTM$@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)j*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;F<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>p?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AJB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.H0@ 'UTMK@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,P @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;x<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.HR@ 'UTMhfff6@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&L''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0 @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.Ap B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Hhfff*@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,e-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;v<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.H0333znj@ 'UTMD@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0 @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>t?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A@ B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.H0333@ 'UTM0333{@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,`T-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.H[@ 'UTM#@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)R*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.HhfffC@ 'UTM s@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Z*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0 @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.:03333@ 'milesR@ 'UTMhfff6@  'UTM #%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.:03333@ 'milesR@ 'UTMhfff6@  'UTM #%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.Ab B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.> 'miles΋@ 'UTMhfff^@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&`''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;x<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.AhB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. >hfffff@ 'milesVƋ@ 'UTMhfffƴ@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&\''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.Ad B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. <03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM #%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,9-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.<03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)'*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., -'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;eS<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.>@ 'miles@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM # $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)w*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.A8B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.>@ 'miless̋@ 'UTMI@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&h''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e/*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., -'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.:@ 'miles͋@ 'UTM,@  'UTM /I0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.:@ 'miles͋@ 'UTM,@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)'*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., -'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;=<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.AbB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.>@ 'milesً@ 'UTM`@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,}-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.Ap B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. < 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM #$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E!*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.AT B'microgram/g dry wt..C'Value represents the mean of replicates.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported."< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;x<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>\?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A`B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.$4 'milesB@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,}-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A`B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.&( 'milesp}@ 'UTM0›@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,e-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S^T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.(> 'miles@ 'UTMhfff~@  'UTM # $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.AxB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* 'milesʗ@ 'UTMu@  'UTM #e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,+-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.A|B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.. 'milesC@ 'UTM ر@  'UTM &''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,pI-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.0 'milesC@ 'UTM ر@  'UTM &E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Px-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.2 'milesC@ 'UTM ر@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0*-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.=='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ATB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S"T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.4 803333@ 'milesq@ 'UTMp@  'UTM #-$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,x-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;p<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.A0MB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.6 803333@ 'milesq@ 'UTMp@  'UTM :'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&p''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;x<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A?B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&)''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ''microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%-''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SZT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM G'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E+''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S]T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported. e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>(?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DgE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bec'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM G'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DgE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MeN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SET'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#U$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DgE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S5T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&r''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&A''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S$T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM U'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. e!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&R''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S#T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.    e 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  G !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #U $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >f ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DU E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE* T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.    e 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. M% N'microgram/g dry wt. O'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.    e 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8%  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt. O'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.     e 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  ' !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >B ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. GE H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt. O'Value as reported. S5 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  "  e 'miles @ 'UTM `@  'UTM   g 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  ' !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #I $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DU E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. G% H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S%; T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.$e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)% *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>`?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Se9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.&e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S1T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.(e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S5T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.,e 'miles@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SUT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8_9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.0E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM i'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SE(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.2E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&/''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.4E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM )'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&ES''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e=9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM i'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e/9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E'''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#5$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>`?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GEH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S*T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM I'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. %!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>,?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.Se T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@E1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. i !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Se T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.BE1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.DE1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>N?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.FE1 'miles@ 'UTM S@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S$T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.  H  E1 'miles @ 'UTM  S@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  G !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >2 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DU E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. G% H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.!!J!!E1 !'miles!@ !'UTM! S@ ! 'UTM! !I !'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.!!'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.! !!'microgram/g dry wt.!"'Value as reported.!#!$'microgram/g dry wt.!%'Value as reported.!& !''microgram/g dry wt.!('Value as reported.!)!*'microgram/g dry wt.!+'Value as reported.!/%!0'microgram/g dry wt.=!1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.!8!9'microgram/g dry wt.!:'Value as reported.!;%!<'microgram/g dry wt.!='Value as reported.!>!?'microgram/g dry wt.!@'Value as reported.!DU!E'microgram/g dry wt.=!F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.!G%!H'microgram/g dry wt.=!I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.!M!N'microgram/g dry wt.=!O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.!S!T'microgram/g dry wt.!U'Value as reported.""L" "e "'miles"X5@ "'UTM"@ " 'UTM" ""'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.""'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported." "!'microgram/g dry wt.""'Value as reported."#"$'microgram/g dry wt."%'Value as reported."&E"''microgram/g dry wt."('Value as reported.")e"*'microgram/g dry wt."+'Value as reported."/%"0'microgram/g dry wt.="1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."8%"9'microgram/g dry wt.":'Value as reported.";E"<'microgram/g dry wt."='Value as reported.">`"?'microgram/g dry wt."@'Value as reported."D"E'microgram/g dry wt.="F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."M"N'microgram/g dry wt.="O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."S<"T'microgram/g dry wt."U'Value as reported.##N# #e #'miles#X5@ #'UTM#@ # 'UTM# # #'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.##'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.# #!'microgram/g dry wt.#"'Value as reported.## #$'microgram/g dry wt.#%'Value as reported.#&e?#''microgram/g dry wt.#('Value as reported.#)#*'microgram/g dry wt.#+'Value as reported.#/%#0'microgram/g dry wt.=#1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#8#9'microgram/g dry wt.#:'Value as reported.#;#<'microgram/g dry wt.#='Value as reported.#D%#E'microgram/g dry wt.=#F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#M#N'microgram/g dry wt.=#O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#S#T'microgram/g dry wt.#U'Value as reported.$$P$ $e $'miles$X5@ $'UTM$@ $ 'UTM$ $$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$e$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$ $!'microgram/g dry wt.$"'Value as reported.$# $$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Value as reported.$&r$''microgram/g dry wt.$('Value as reported.$)$*'microgram/g dry wt.$+'Value as reported.$/%$0'microgram/g dry wt.=$1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$8E$9'microgram/g dry wt.$:'Value as reported.$;$<'microgram/g dry wt.$='Value as reported.$D%$E'microgram/g dry wt.=$F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$M$N'microgram/g dry wt.=$O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$S$T'microgram/g dry wt.$U'Value as reported.%%R% %e %'miles%X5@ %'UTM%@ % 'UTM% %%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.% g%!'microgram/g dry wt.%"'Value as reported.%# %$'microgram/g dry wt.%%'Value as reported.%&%''microgram/g dry wt.%('Value as reported.%)%*'microgram/g dry wt.%+'Value as reported.%/%%0'microgram/g dry wt.=%1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%8%9'microgram/g dry wt.%:'Value as reported.%; %<'microgram/g dry wt.%='Value as reported.%D%%E'microgram/g dry wt.=%F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%M%N'microgram/g dry wt.=%O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%Se"%T'microgram/g dry wt.%U'Value as reported.&&T& &e &'miles&X5@ &'UTM&@ & 'UTM& &&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.& U&!'microgram/g dry wt.&"'Value as reported.&#&$'microgram/g dry wt.&%'Value as reported.&&e(&''microgram/g dry wt.&('Value as reported.&)&*'microgram/g dry wt.&+'Value as reported.&/%&0'microgram/g dry wt.=&1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&8&9'microgram/g dry wt.&:'Value as reported.&;&<'microgram/g dry wt.&='Value as reported.&> &?'microgram/g dry wt.&@'Value as reported.&DU&E'microgram/g dry wt.=&F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&M&N'microgram/g dry wt.=&O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&S'&T'microgram/g dry wt.&U'Value as reported.&b&c'microgram/g dry wt.=&d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.''V' 'e ''miles'X5@ ''UTM'@ ' 'UTM' 'i''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.' '!'microgram/g dry wt.'"'Value as reported.'#) '$'microgram/g dry wt.'%'Value as reported.'&'''microgram/g dry wt.'('Value as reported.')'*'microgram/g dry wt.'+'Value as reported.'/%'0'microgram/g dry wt.='1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'8'9'microgram/g dry wt.':'Value as reported.';'<'microgram/g dry wt.'='Value as reported.'>B'?'microgram/g dry wt.'@'Value as reported.'DU'E'microgram/g dry wt.='F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'M'N'microgram/g dry wt.='O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'S'T'microgram/g dry wt.'U'Value as reported.'b'c'microgram/g dry wt.='d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.((X( (e ('miles(X5@ ('UTM(@ ( 'UTM( ( ('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(E('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.( (!'microgram/g dry wt.("'Value as reported.(#($'microgram/g dry wt.(%'Value as reported.(&E(''microgram/g dry wt.(('Value as reported.()(*'microgram/g dry wt.(+'Value as reported.(/%(0'microgram/g dry wt.=(1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(8(9'microgram/g dry wt.(:'Value as reported.(; (<'microgram/g dry wt.(='Value as reported.(>\(?'microgram/g dry wt.(@'Value as reported.(DU(E'microgram/g dry wt.=(F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(M(N'microgram/g dry wt.=(O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(S(T'microgram/g dry wt.(U'Value as reported.(b(c'microgram/g dry wt.=(d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.))Z) ) )'miles)C@ )'UTM)@ ) 'UTM) )')'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.) )'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.) )!'microgram/g dry wt.)"'Value as reported.)#e)$'microgram/g dry wt.)%'Value as reported.)&eJ)''microgram/g dry wt.)('Value as reported.)) )*'microgram/g dry wt.)+'Value as reported.)/)0'microgram/g dry wt.)1'Value as reported.)8))9'microgram/g dry wt.):'Value as reported.);7)<'microgram/g dry wt.)='Value as reported.)D')E'microgram/g dry wt.=)F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)S033333@)T'microgram/g dry wt.)U'Value as reported.)b)c'microgram/g dry wt.)d'Value as reported.**\* * *'miles*C@ *'UTM*@ * 'UTM* **'microgram/g dry wt.*'Value as reported.*e *'microgram/g dry wt.*'Value as reported.* *!'microgram/g dry wt.*"'Value as reported.*#U*$'microgram/g dry wt.*%'Value as reported.*&D*''microgram/g dry wt.*('Value as reported.*)E **'microgram/g dry wt.*+'Value as reported.*/E*0'microgram/g dry wt.*1'Value as reported.*8!*9'microgram/g dry wt.*:'Value as reported.*;1*<'microgram/g dry wt.*='Value as reported.*D*E'microgram/g dry wt.=*F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*S*T'microgram/g dry wt.*U'Value as reported.*b*c'microgram/g dry wt.*d'Value as reported.++^+ + +'miles+C@ +'UTM+@ + 'UTM+ ++'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.+e+'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.+ +!'microgram/g dry wt.+"'Value as reported.+#+$'microgram/g dry wt.+%'Value as reported.+&)+''microgram/g dry wt.+('Value as reported.+)%+*'microgram/g dry wt.++'Value as reported.+/+0'microgram/g dry wt.+1'Value as reported.+8E+9'microgram/g dry wt.+:'Value as reported.+;2+<'microgram/g dry wt.+='Value as reported.+DE+E'microgram/g dry wt.=+F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+SR+T'microgram/g dry wt.+U'Value as reported.+be+c'microgram/g dry wt.=+d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,,`, ,% ,'miles,G@ ,'UTM,`@ , 'UTM, ,,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported.,,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported., ,!'microgram/g dry wt.,"'Value as reported.,#,$'microgram/g dry wt.,%'Value as reported.,&@,''microgram/g dry wt.,('Value as reported.,),*'microgram/g dry wt.,+'Value as reported.,/%,0'microgram/g dry wt.=,1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,8%,9'microgram/g dry wt.,:'Value as reported.,;,<'microgram/g dry wt.,='Value as reported.,>,?'microgram/g dry wt.,@'Value as reported.,DG,E'microgram/g dry wt.=,F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,G,H'microgram/g dry wt.,I'Value as reported.,M,N'microgram/g dry wt.,O'Value as reported.,SF,T'microgram/g dry wt.,U'Value as reported.,b,c'microgram/g dry wt.=,d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.--b- -% -'miles-G@ -'UTM-`@ - 'UTM- --'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.-e-'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.- -!'microgram/g dry wt.-"'Value as reported.-#'-$'microgram/g dry wt.-%'Value as reported.-&-''microgram/g dry wt.-('Value as reported.-)-*'microgram/g dry wt.-+'Value as reported.-/%-0'microgram/g dry wt.=-1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-8 -9'microgram/g dry wt.-:'Value as reported.-;%-<'microgram/g dry wt.-='Value as reported.->-?'microgram/g dry wt.-@'Value as reported.-DU-E'microgram/g dry wt.=-F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-Ge -H'microgram/g dry wt.-I'Value as reported.-Me-N'microgram/g dry wt.-O'Value as reported.-S%-T'microgram/g dry wt.-U'Value as reported.-b-c'microgram/g dry wt.=-d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported...d. .% .'miles.G@ .'UTM.`@ . 'UTM. .'.'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported...'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.. G.!'microgram/g dry wt.."'Value as reported..#.$'microgram/g dry wt..%'Value as reported..&e.''microgram/g dry wt..('Value as reported..)E.*'microgram/g dry wt..+'Value as reported../%.0'microgram/g dry wt.=.1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..8%.9'microgram/g dry wt..:'Value as reported..;.<'microgram/g dry wt..='Value as reported..>.?'microgram/g dry wt..@'Value as reported..DU.E'microgram/g dry wt.=.F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..G.H'microgram/g dry wt..I'Value as reported..M.N'microgram/g dry wt..O'Value as reported..S%.T'microgram/g dry wt..U'Value as reported..b.c'microgram/g dry wt.=.d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.//f/ /% /'miles/G@ /'UTM/`@ / 'UTM/ //'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./ /'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./ /!'microgram/g dry wt./"'Value as reported./#g/$'microgram/g dry wt./%'Value as reported./&'/''microgram/g dry wt./('Value as reported./)e/*'microgram/g dry wt./+'Value as reported.//%/0'microgram/g dry wt./1'Value as reported./8e/9'microgram/g dry wt./:'Value as reported./;e%/<'microgram/g dry wt./='Value as reported./> /?'microgram/g dry wt./@'Value as reported./DU/E'microgram/g dry wt.=/F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./G%/H'microgram/g dry wt.=/I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./M/N'microgram/g dry wt.=/O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./Si/T'microgram/g dry wt./U'Value as reported.00h0 0% 0'miles0G@ 0'UTM0`@ 0 'UTM0 0W0'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.00'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.0 0!'microgram/g dry wt.0"'Value as reported.0#w0$'microgram/g dry wt.0%'Value as reported.0&0''microgram/g dry wt.0('Value as reported.0)0*'microgram/g dry wt.0+'Value as reported.0/%00'microgram/g dry wt.=01'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0809'microgram/g dry wt.0:'Value as reported.0;0<'microgram/g dry wt.0='Value as reported.0>0?'microgram/g dry wt.0@'Value as reported.0DU0E'microgram/g dry wt.=0F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0G%0H'microgram/g dry wt.=0I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0M0N'microgram/g dry wt.=0O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0S%0T'microgram/g dry wt.0U'Value as reported.11j1 1% 1'miles1G@ 1'UTM1`@ 1 'UTM1 1g1'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.11'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.1 G1!'microgram/g dry wt.1"'Value as reported.1#1$'microgram/g dry wt.1%'Value as reported.1&1''microgram/g dry wt.1('Value as reported.1)1*'microgram/g dry wt.1+'Value as reported.1/%10'microgram/g dry wt.=11'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1819'microgram/g dry wt.1:'Value as reported.1; 1<'microgram/g dry wt.1='Value as reported.1>l1?'microgram/g dry wt.1@'Value as reported.1DU1E'microgram/g dry wt.=1F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1G%1H'microgram/g dry wt.=1I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1M1N'microgram/g dry wt.=1O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1S%1T'microgram/g dry wt.1U'Value as reported.22l2 2% 2'miles2G@ 2'UTM2`@ 2 'UTM2 22'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.22'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.2 2!'microgram/g dry wt.2"'Value as reported.2#2$'microgram/g dry wt.2%'Value as reported.2&2''microgram/g dry wt.2('Value as reported.2)2*'microgram/g dry wt.2+'Value as reported.2/%20'microgram/g dry wt.=21'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2829'microgram/g dry wt.2:'Value as reported.2;2<'microgram/g dry wt.2='Value as reported.2> 2?'microgram/g dry wt.2@'Value as reported.2DU2E'microgram/g dry wt.=2F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2G%2H'microgram/g dry wt.=2I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2M2N'microgram/g dry wt.=2O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2S2T'microgram/g dry wt.2U'Value as reported.33n3 3% 3'miles3G@ 3'UTM3`@ 3 'UTM3 33'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.33'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.3 53!'microgram/g dry wt.3"'Value as reported.3#)3$'microgram/g dry wt.3%'Value as reported.3& 3''microgram/g dry wt.3('Value as reported.3)e3*'microgram/g dry wt.3+'Value as reported.3/%30'microgram/g dry wt.=31'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3839'microgram/g dry wt.3:'Value as reported.3;3<'microgram/g dry wt.3='Value as reported.3>3?'microgram/g dry wt.3@'Value as reported.3DU3E'microgram/g dry wt.=3F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3G%3H'microgram/g dry wt.=3I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3M3N'microgram/g dry wt.=3O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3Se3T'microgram/g dry wt.3U'Value as reported.44p4 4% 4'miles4G@ 4'UTM4`@ 4 'UTM4 44'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.44'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.4 4!'microgram/g dry wt.4"'Value as reported.4#4$'microgram/g dry wt.4%'Value as reported.4&%&4''microgram/g dry wt.4('Value as reported.4)4*'microgram/g dry wt.4+'Value as reported.4/%40'microgram/g dry wt.=41'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.48"49'microgram/g dry wt.4:'Value as reported.4;"4<'microgram/g dry wt.4='Value as reported.4> 4?'microgram/g dry wt.4@'Value as reported.4DU4E'microgram/g dry wt.=4F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4G%4H'microgram/g dry wt.=4I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4M4N'microgram/g dry wt.=4O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4Sc4T'microgram/g dry wt.4U'Value as reported.55r5 5  5'miles5@ 5'UTM5d@ 5 'UTM5 55'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.5e5'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.5 G5!'microgram/g dry wt.5"'Value as reported.5#5$'microgram/g dry wt.5%'Value as reported.5&%5''microgram/g dry wt.5('Value as reported.5)5*'microgram/g dry wt.5+'Value as reported.5/50'microgram/g dry wt.51'Value as reported.5859'microgram/g dry wt.5:'Value as reported.5;/5<'microgram/g dry wt.5='Value as reported.5>5?'microgram/g dry wt.5@'Value as reported.5D%5E'microgram/g dry wt.=5F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5M5N'microgram/g dry wt.=5O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5SEK5T'microgram/g dry wt.5U'Value as reported.5b5c'microgram/g dry wt.5d'Value as reported.66t6 6  6'miles6@ 6'UTM6d@ 6 'UTM6 66'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.66'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.6 6!'microgram/g dry wt.6"'Value as reported.6#G6$'microgram/g dry wt.6%'Value as reported.6&*6''microgram/g dry wt.6('Value as reported.6)6*'microgram/g dry wt.6+'Value as reported.6/60'microgram/g dry wt.61'Value as reported.68%69'microgram/g dry wt.6:'Value as reported.6;eB6<'microgram/g dry wt.6='Value as reported.6> 6?'microgram/g dry wt.6@'Value as reported.6D6E'microgram/g dry wt.=6F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6M%6N'microgram/g dry wt.=6O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6SU6T'microgram/g dry wt.6U'Value as reported.6b%6c'microgram/g dry wt.=6d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.77v7 7  7'miles7@ 7'UTM7d@ 7 'UTM7 7g7'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.77'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.7 g7!'microgram/g dry wt.7"'Value as reported.7#E7$'microgram/g dry wt.7%'Value as reported.7&e!7''microgram/g dry wt.7('Value as reported.7) 7*'microgram/g dry wt.7+'Value as reported.7/%70'microgram/g dry wt.=71'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.78 79'microgram/g dry wt.7:'Value as reported.7;=7<'microgram/g dry wt.7='Value as reported.7>l7?'microgram/g dry wt.7@'Value as reported.7D7E'microgram/g dry wt.=7F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7M%7N'microgram/g dry wt.=7O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7SK7T'microgram/g dry wt.7U'Value as reported.7bE7c'microgram/g dry wt.=7d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.88x8 8  8'miles8@ 8'UTM8d@ 8 'UTM8 8g8'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.8 8'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.8 e8!'microgram/g dry wt.8"'Value as reported.8#8$'microgram/g dry wt.8%'Value as reported.8&E58''microgram/g dry wt.8('Value as reported.8)e8*'microgram/g dry wt.8+'Value as reported.8/80'microgram/g dry wt.81'Value as reported.8889'microgram/g dry wt.8:'Value as reported.8;8<'microgram/g dry wt.8='Value as reported.8>*8?'microgram/g dry wt.8@'Value as reported.8D%8E'microgram/g dry wt.=8F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8M8N'microgram/g dry wt.=8O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8S&8T'microgram/g dry wt.8U'Value as reported.8b8c'microgram/g dry wt.=8d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.99z9 9  9'miles9@ 9'UTM9d@ 9 'UTM9 9' 9'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.9 9'microgram/g dry wt.9'Value as reported.9 9!'microgram/g dry wt.9"'Value as reported.9#u9$'microgram/g dry wt.9%'Value as reported.9&;9''microgram/g dry wt.9('Value as reported.9)69*'microgram/g dry wt.9+'Value as reported.9/90'microgram/g dry wt.91'Value as reported.9899'microgram/g dry wt.9:'Value as reported.9;Y9<'microgram/g dry wt.9='Value as reported.9>9?'microgram/g dry wt.9@'Value as reported.9D'9E'microgram/g dry wt.=9F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9M9N'microgram/g dry wt.=9O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9S.9T'microgram/g dry wt.9U'Value as reported.9b9c'microgram/g dry wt.=9d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.::|: :  :'miles:@ :'UTM:d@ : 'UTM: ::'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.::'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.: :!'microgram/g dry wt.:"'Value as reported.:#:$'microgram/g dry wt.:%'Value as reported.:&::''microgram/g dry wt.:('Value as reported.:)6:*'microgram/g dry wt.:+'Value as reported.:/:0'microgram/g dry wt.:1'Value as reported.:8:9'microgram/g dry wt.::'Value as reported.:;:<'microgram/g dry wt.:='Value as reported.:>:?'microgram/g dry wt.:@'Value as reported.:D':E'microgram/g dry wt.=:F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:M:N'microgram/g dry wt.=:O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:S>:T'microgram/g dry wt.:U'Value as reported.:bE:c'microgram/g dry wt.=:d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;;~; ;  ;'miles;@ ;'UTM;d@ ; 'UTM; ;i;'microgram/g dry wt.;'Value as reported.;;'microgram/g dry wt.;'Value as reported.; G;!'microgram/g dry wt.;"'Value as reported.;#5;$'microgram/g dry wt.;%'Value as reported.;&E5;''microgram/g dry wt.;('Value as reported.;)E;*'microgram/g dry wt.;+'Value as reported.;/%;0'microgram/g dry wt.=;1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;8;9'microgram/g dry wt.;:'Value as reported.;;e;<'microgram/g dry wt.;='Value as reported.;Dg;E'microgram/g dry wt.=;F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;M;N'microgram/g dry wt.=;O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;S%2;T'microgram/g dry wt.;U'Value as reported.<<< <  <'miles<@ <'UTM<d@ < 'UTM< <<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.<<'microgram/g dry wt.<'Value as reported.< <!'microgram/g dry wt.<"'Value as reported.<# <$'microgram/g dry wt.<%'Value as reported.<&E-<''microgram/g dry wt.<('Value as reported.<)e<*'microgram/g dry wt.<+'Value as reported.</%<0'microgram/g dry wt.=<1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<8<9'microgram/g dry wt.<:'Value as reported.<; <<'microgram/g dry wt.<='Value as reported.<D%<E'microgram/g dry wt.=<F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<M<N'microgram/g dry wt.=<O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<S <T'microgram/g dry wt.<U'Value as reported.=== =% ='miles=@@ ='UTM=@ = 'UTM= = ='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.=='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.= =!'microgram/g dry wt.="'Value as reported.=#E=$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Value as reported.=&=''microgram/g dry wt.=('Value as reported.=) =*'microgram/g dry wt.=+'Value as reported.=/%=0'microgram/g dry wt.==1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.=8 =9'microgram/g dry wt.=:'Value as reported.=;v=<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Value as reported.=>=?'microgram/g dry wt.=@'Value as reported.=DU=E'microgram/g dry wt.==F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.=M=N'microgram/g dry wt.==O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.=S%_=T'microgram/g dry wt.=U'Value as reported.=b=c'microgram/g dry wt.==d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>>> >% >'miles>@@ >'UTM>@ > 'UTM> >>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.>>'microgram/g dry wt.>'Value as reported.> G>!'microgram/g dry wt.>"'Value as reported.>#>$'microgram/g dry wt.>%'Value as reported.>&e>''microgram/g dry wt.>('Value as reported.>)>*'microgram/g dry wt.>+'Value as reported.>/%>0'microgram/g dry wt.=>1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>8>9'microgram/g dry wt.>:'Value as reported.>;C><'microgram/g dry wt.>='Value as reported.>>h>?'microgram/g dry wt.>@'Value as reported.>DU>E'microgram/g dry wt.=>F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>M>N'microgram/g dry wt.=>O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>SEI>T'microgram/g dry wt.>U'Value as reported.>b>c'microgram/g dry wt.=>d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.??? ?% ?'miles?@@ ?'UTM?@ ? 'UTM? ??'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.?e?'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.? ?!'microgram/g dry wt.?"'Value as reported.?#?$'microgram/g dry wt.?%'Value as reported.?&?''microgram/g dry wt.?('Value as reported.?)?*'microgram/g dry wt.?+'Value as reported.?/%?0'microgram/g dry wt.=?1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?8?9'microgram/g dry wt.?:'Value as reported.?;?<'microgram/g dry wt.?='Value as reported.?>??'microgram/g dry wt.?@'Value as reported.?DU?E'microgram/g dry wt.=?F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?M?N'microgram/g dry wt.=?O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?Sf?T'microgram/g dry wt.?U'Value as reported.?b?c'microgram/g dry wt.=?d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@@@ @0 @'miles@ I@ @'UTM@`@ @ 'UTM@ @G@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@ g@!'microgram/g dry wt.@"'Value as reported.@#@$'microgram/g dry wt.@%'Value as reported.@&@''microgram/g dry wt.@('Value as reported.@)e@*'microgram/g dry wt.@+'Value as reported.@/%@0'microgram/g dry wt.=@1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@8%@9'microgram/g dry wt.@:'Value as reported.@;E@<'microgram/g dry wt.@='Value as reported.@>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@@'Value as reported.@DU@E'microgram/g dry wt.=@F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@G@H'microgram/g dry wt.@I'Value as reported.@Me@N'microgram/g dry wt.@O'Value as reported.@S@T'microgram/g dry wt.@U'Value as reported.@b@c'microgram/g dry wt.=@d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.AAA A0 A'milesA I@ A'UTMA`@ A 'UTMA A%A'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.A A'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.A A!'microgram/g dry wt.A"'Value as reported.A#A$'microgram/g dry wt.A%'Value as reported.A&e*A''microgram/g dry wt.A('Value as reported.A)%A*'microgram/g dry wt.A+'Value as reported.A/%A0'microgram/g dry wt.=A1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A8eA9'microgram/g dry wt.A:'Value as reported.A; A<'microgram/g dry wt.A='Value as reported.A>A?'microgram/g dry wt.A@'Value as reported.ADUAE'microgram/g dry wt.=AF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.AG AH'microgram/g dry wt.AI'Value as reported.AMeAN'microgram/g dry wt.AO'Value as reported.ASdAT'microgram/g dry wt.AU'Value as reported.AbAc'microgram/g dry wt.=Ad'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.BBB B0 B'milesB I@ B'UTMB`@ B 'UTMB BB'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.BB'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.B 'B!'microgram/g dry wt.B"'Value as reported.B#B$'microgram/g dry wt.B%'Value as reported.B&%'B''microgram/g dry wt.B('Value as reported.B) B*'microgram/g dry wt.B+'Value as reported.B/%B0'microgram/g dry wt.=B1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B8B9'microgram/g dry wt.B:'Value as reported.B; B<'microgram/g dry wt.B='Value as reported.B>FB?'microgram/g dry wt.B@'Value as reported.BDgBE'microgram/g dry wt.=BF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.BGBH'microgram/g dry wt.BI'Value as reported.BMBN'microgram/g dry wt.BO'Value as reported.BSdBT'microgram/g dry wt.BU'Value as reported.BbBc'microgram/g dry wt.=Bd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.CCC C0 C'milesC I@ C'UTMC`@ C 'UTMC CC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.CeC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.C C!'microgram/g dry wt.C"'Value as reported.C#C$'microgram/g dry wt.C%'Value as reported.C&C''microgram/g dry wt.C('Value as reported.C) C*'microgram/g dry wt.C+'Value as reported.C/%C0'microgram/g dry wt.=C1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C8 C9'microgram/g dry wt.C:'Value as reported.C;C<'microgram/g dry wt.C='Value as reported.C>pC?'microgram/g dry wt.C@'Value as reported.CDUCE'microgram/g dry wt.=CF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.CG%CH'microgram/g dry wt.=CI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.CMCN'microgram/g dry wt.=CO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.CS%5CT'microgram/g dry wt.CU'Value as reported.DDD D0 D'milesD I@ D'UTMD`@ D 'UTMD DD'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.DED'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.D D!'microgram/g dry wt.D"'Value as reported.D#5D$'microgram/g dry wt.D%'Value as reported.D&&D''microgram/g dry wt.D('Value as reported.D)eD*'microgram/g dry wt.D+'Value as reported.D/%D0'microgram/g dry wt.=D1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D8D9'microgram/g dry wt.D:'Value as reported.D;ED<'microgram/g dry wt.D='Value as reported.D> D?'microgram/g dry wt.D@'Value as reported.DDUDE'microgram/g dry wt.=DF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.DG%DH'microgram/g dry wt.=DI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.DMDN'microgram/g dry wt.=DO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.DSEODT'microgram/g dry wt.DU'Value as reported.EEE E0 E'milesE I@ E'UTME`@ E 'UTME EI E'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E E'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E E!'microgram/g dry wt.E"'Value as reported.E#gE$'microgram/g dry wt.E%'Value as reported.E&E''microgram/g dry wt.E('Value as reported.E)E*'microgram/g dry wt.E+'Value as reported.E/%E0'microgram/g dry wt.=E1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E8E9'microgram/g dry wt.E:'Value as reported.E;e%E<'microgram/g dry wt.E='Value as reported.E>E?'microgram/g dry wt.E@'Value as reported.EDUEE'microgram/g dry wt.=EF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.EG%EH'microgram/g dry wt.=EI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.EMEN'microgram/g dry wt.=EO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ESCET'microgram/g dry wt.EU'Value as reported.FFF F0 F'milesF I@ F'UTMF`@ F 'UTMF F'F'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.FF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.F F!'microgram/g dry wt.F"'Value as reported.F#UF$'microgram/g dry wt.F%'Value as reported.F&F''microgram/g dry wt.F('Value as reported.F)F*'microgram/g dry wt.F+'Value as reported.F/%F0'microgram/g dry wt.=F1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F8E F9'microgram/g dry wt.F:'Value as reported.F; F<'microgram/g dry wt.F='Value as reported.F>2F?'microgram/g dry wt.F@'Value as reported.FDUFE'microgram/g dry wt.=FF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.FG%FH'microgram/g dry wt.=FI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.FMFN'microgram/g dry wt.=FO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.FS;FT'microgram/g dry wt.FU'Value as reported.GGG G0 G'milesG I@ G'UTMG`@ G 'UTMG GG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.GG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.G G!'microgram/g dry wt.G"'Value as reported.G#G$'microgram/g dry wt.G%'Value as reported.G&G''microgram/g dry wt.G('Value as reported.G)G*'microgram/g dry wt.G+'Value as reported.G/%G0'microgram/g dry wt.=G1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G8G9'microgram/g dry wt.G:'Value as reported.G; G<'microgram/g dry wt.G='Value as reported.G>xG?'microgram/g dry wt.G@'Value as reported.GDUGE'microgram/g dry wt.=GF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GG%GH'microgram/g dry wt.=GI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GMGN'microgram/g dry wt.=GO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GS?GT'microgram/g dry wt.GU'Value as reported.HHH H0 H'milesH I@ H'UTMH`@ H 'UTMH H%H'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.H%H'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.H H!'microgram/g dry wt.H"'Value as reported.H#H$'microgram/g dry wt.H%'Value as reported.H&.H''microgram/g dry wt.H('Value as reported.H)eH*'microgram/g dry wt.H+'Value as reported.H/%H0'microgram/g dry wt.=H1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H8H9'microgram/g dry wt.H:'Value as reported.H;E H<'microgram/g dry wt.H='Value as reported.H>xH?'microgram/g dry wt.H@'Value as reported.HDUHE'microgram/g dry wt.=HF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.HG%HH'microgram/g dry wt.=HI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.HMHN'microgram/g dry wt.=HO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.HS;HT'microgram/g dry wt.HU'Value as reported.IIIIIL@ I'milesI II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.Ie I'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.I I!'microgram/g dry wt.I"'Value as reported.I# I$'microgram/g dry wt.I%'Value as reported.I&KI''microgram/g dry wt.I('Value as reported.I)EI*'microgram/g dry wt.I+'Value as reported.I/I0'microgram/g dry wt.I1'Value as reported.I8e!I9'microgram/g dry wt.I:'Value as reported.I;"I<'microgram/g dry wt.I='Value as reported.I> I?'microgram/g dry wt.I@'Value as reported.ID5IE'microgram/g dry wt.=IF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.IMeIN'microgram/g dry wt.=IO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ISIT'microgram/g dry wt.IU'Value as reported.IbIc'microgram/g dry wt.=Id'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JJJJJL@ J'milesJ JJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.JJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.J J!'microgram/g dry wt.J"'Value as reported.J#5J$'microgram/g dry wt.J%'Value as reported.J&J''microgram/g dry wt.J('Value as reported.J)J*'microgram/g dry wt.J+'Value as reported.J/gJ0'microgram/g dry wt.J1'Value as reported.J8J9'microgram/g dry wt.J:'Value as reported.J;J<'microgram/g dry wt.J='Value as reported.J>J?'microgram/g dry wt.J@'Value as reported.JDJE'microgram/g dry wt.=JF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JMJN'microgram/g dry wt.=JO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JSJT'microgram/g dry wt.JU'Value as reported.KKKKKL@ K'milesK KgK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.KEK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.K K!'microgram/g dry wt.K"'Value as reported.K#K$'microgram/g dry wt.K%'Value as reported.K&*K''microgram/g dry wt.K('Value as reported.K)eK*'microgram/g dry wt.K+'Value as reported.K/%K0'microgram/g dry wt.=K1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K8K9'microgram/g dry wt.K:'Value as reported.K; K<'microgram/g dry wt.K='Value as reported.K>K?'microgram/g dry wt.K@'Value as reported.KDKE'microgram/g dry wt.=KF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.KM%KN'microgram/g dry wt.=KO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.KSeRKT'microgram/g dry wt.KU'Value as reported.KbEKc'microgram/g dry wt.=Kd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.LLLLL`@ L'milesL@ L'UTMLo@ L 'UTML LL'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.LeL'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.L GL!'microgram/g dry wt.L"'Value as reported.L#L$'microgram/g dry wt.L%'Value as reported.L&L''microgram/g dry wt.L('Value as reported.L)L*'microgram/g dry wt.L+'Value as reported.L/L0'microgram/g dry wt.L1'Value as reported.L81L9'microgram/g dry wt.L:'Value as reported.L;eL<'microgram/g dry wt.L='Value as reported.LD%LE'microgram/g dry wt.=LF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.LMLN'microgram/g dry wt.=LO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.LSLT'microgram/g dry wt.LU'Value as reported.MMMMM`@ M'milesM@ M'UTMMo@ M 'UTMM MUM'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.Me M'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.M M!'microgram/g dry wt.M"'Value as reported.M#'M$'microgram/g dry wt.M%'Value as reported.M&%aM''microgram/g dry wt.M('Value as reported.M)M*'microgram/g dry wt.M+'Value as reported.M/%M0'microgram/g dry wt.=M1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M8#M9'microgram/g dry wt.M:'Value as reported.M;M<'microgram/g dry wt.M='Value as reported.MD%ME'microgram/g dry wt.=MF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MMMN'microgram/g dry wt.=MO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MSMMT'microgram/g dry wt.MU'Value as reported.NNNNN`@ N'milesN@ N'UTMNo@ N 'UTMN NN'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.NEN'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.N N!'microgram/g dry wt.N"'Value as reported.N#N$'microgram/g dry wt.N%'Value as reported.N&+N''microgram/g dry wt.N('Value as reported.N)N*'microgram/g dry wt.N+'Value as reported.N/%N0'microgram/g dry wt.=N1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N8N9'microgram/g dry wt.N:'Value as reported.N;$N<'microgram/g dry wt.N='Value as reported.N> N?'microgram/g dry wt.N@'Value as reported.NDUNE'microgram/g dry wt.=NF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.NMNN'microgram/g dry wt.=NO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.NSYNT'microgram/g dry wt.NU'Value as reported.NbNc'microgram/g dry wt.=Nd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.OOOOO`@ O'milesO@ O'UTMOo@ O 'UTMO OO'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.OO'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.O O!'microgram/g dry wt.O"'Value as reported.O#O$'microgram/g dry wt.O%'Value as reported.O&;O''microgram/g dry wt.O('Value as reported.O)%O*'microgram/g dry wt.O+'Value as reported.O/%O0'microgram/g dry wt.=O1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O8"O9'microgram/g dry wt.O:'Value as reported.O;!O<'microgram/g dry wt.O='Value as reported.O> O?'microgram/g dry wt.O@'Value as reported.ODUOE'microgram/g dry wt.=OF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.OMON'microgram/g dry wt.=OO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.OSOT'microgram/g dry wt.OU'Value as reported.ObOc'microgram/g dry wt.=Od'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PPPPP`@ P'milesP@ P'UTMPo@ P 'UTMP PP'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.PEP'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.P P!'microgram/g dry wt.P"'Value as reported.P#'P$'microgram/g dry wt.P%'Value as reported.P&P''microgram/g dry wt.P('Value as reported.P)e P*'microgram/g dry wt.P+'Value as reported.P/%P0'microgram/g dry wt.=P1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P8P9'microgram/g dry wt.P:'Value as reported.P;% P<'microgram/g dry wt.P='Value as reported.P>rP?'microgram/g dry wt.P@'Value as reported.PDUPE'microgram/g dry wt.=PF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PMPN'microgram/g dry wt.=PO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PS1PT'microgram/g dry wt.PU'Value as reported.PbPc'microgram/g dry wt.=Pd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.QQQQQ`@ Q'milesQ@ Q'UTMQo@ Q 'UTMQ Q'Q'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.QeQ'microgram/g dry wt.Q'Value as reported.Q gQ!'microgram/g dry wt.Q"'Value as reported.Q#5Q$'microgram/g dry wt.Q%'Value as reported.Q&Q''microgram/g dry wt.Q('Value as reported.Q)Q*'microgram/g dry wt.Q+'Value as reported.Q/%Q0'microgram/g dry wt.=Q1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q8Q9'microgram/g dry wt.Q:'Value as reported.Q; Q<'microgram/g dry wt.Q='Value as reported.Q>Q?'microgram/g dry wt.Q@'Value as reported.QDGQE'microgram/g dry wt.=QF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.QG%QH'microgram/g dry wt.QI'Value as reported.QMQN'microgram/g dry wt.QO'Value as reported.QS%4QT'microgram/g dry wt.QU'Value as reported.QbQc'microgram/g dry wt.=Qd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.RRRRR`@ R'milesR@ R'UTMRo@ R 'UTMR RR'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.RR'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.R R!'microgram/g dry wt.R"'Value as reported.R#R$'microgram/g dry wt.R%'Value as reported.R&UR''microgram/g dry wt.R('Value as reported.R)e R*'microgram/g dry wt.R+'Value as reported.R/%R0'microgram/g dry wt.=R1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R8ER9'microgram/g dry wt.R:'Value as reported.R;ER<'microgram/g dry wt.R='Value as reported.R>*R?'microgram/g dry wt.R@'Value as reported.RDURE'microgram/g dry wt.=RF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.RGeRH'microgram/g dry wt.RI'Value as reported.RM RN'microgram/g dry wt.RO'Value as reported.RS+RT'microgram/g dry wt.RU'Value as reported.RbRc'microgram/g dry wt.=Rd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SSSSS`@ S'milesS@ S'UTMSo@ S 'UTMS SS'microgram/g dry wt.S'Value as reported.S%S'microgram/g dry wt.S'Value as reported.S 5S!'microgram/g dry wt.S"'Value as reported.S#5S$'microgram/g dry wt.S%'Value as reported.S&tS''microgram/g dry wt.S('Value as reported.S) S*'microgram/g dry wt.S+'Value as reported.S/%S0'microgram/g dry wt.=S1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S8 S9'microgram/g dry wt.S:'Value as reported.S;S<'microgram/g dry wt.S='Value as reported.S>S?'microgram/g dry wt.S@'Value as reported.SDUSE'microgram/g dry wt.=SF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SG SH'microgram/g dry wt.SI'Value as reported.SM%SN'microgram/g dry wt.SO'Value as reported.SS%'ST'microgram/g dry wt.SU'Value as reported.SbSc'microgram/g dry wt.=Sd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.TTTTT`@ T'milesT@ T'UTMTo@ T 'UTMT TGT'microgram/g dry wt.T'Value as reported.TeT'microgram/g dry wt.T'Value as reported.T T!'microgram/g dry wt.T"'Value as reported.T#T$'microgram/g dry wt.T%'Value as reported.T&eT''microgram/g dry wt.T('Value as reported.T)T*'microgram/g dry wt.T+'Value as reported.T/%T0'microgram/g dry wt.=T1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T8eT9'microgram/g dry wt.T:'Value as reported.T;T<'microgram/g dry wt.T='Value as reported.T>T?'microgram/g dry wt.T@'Value as reported.TDUTE'microgram/g dry wt.=TF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.TG%TH'microgram/g dry wt.=TI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.TMTN'microgram/g dry wt.=TO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.TSeRTT'microgram/g dry wt.TU'Value as reported.UUUUU`@ U'milesU@ U'UTMUo@ U 'UTMU UU'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.UU'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.U U!'microgram/g dry wt.U"'Value as reported.U#G U$'microgram/g dry wt.U%'Value as reported.U&e"U''microgram/g dry wt.U('Value as reported.U)U*'microgram/g dry wt.U+'Value as reported.U/%U0'microgram/g dry wt.=U1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.U8U9'microgram/g dry wt.U:'Value as reported.U;EU<'microgram/g dry wt.U='Value as reported.U>U?'microgram/g dry wt.U@'Value as reported.UDUUE'microgram/g dry wt.=UF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.UG%UH'microgram/g dry wt.=UI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.UMUN'microgram/g dry wt.=UO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.USUT'microgram/g dry wt.UU'Value as reported.VVVVV`@ V'milesV@ V'UTMVo@ V 'UTMV V'V'microgram/g dry wt.V'Value as reported.VV'microgram/g dry wt.V'Value as reported.V V!'microgram/g dry wt.V"'Value as reported.V#'V$'microgram/g dry wt.V%'Value as reported.V&V''microgram/g dry wt.V('Value as reported.V)V*'microgram/g dry wt.V+'Value as reported.V/%V0'microgram/g dry wt.V1'Value as reported.V8EV9'microgram/g dry wt.V:'Value as reported.V;V<'microgram/g dry wt.V='Value as reported.V>V?'microgram/g dry wt.V@'Value as reported.VDUVE'microgram/g dry wt.=VF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.VG%VH'microgram/g dry wt.=VI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.VMVN'microgram/g dry wt.=VO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.VS]VT'microgram/g dry wt.VU'Value as reported.WWWWW`@ W'milesW@ W'UTMWo@ W 'UTMW WW'microgram/g dry wt.W'Value as reported.WW'microgram/g dry wt.W'Value as reported.W 'W!'microgram/g dry wt.W"'Value as reported.W#W$'microgram/g dry wt.W%'Value as reported.W&$W''microgram/g dry wt.W('Value as reported.W)%W*'microgram/g dry wt.W+'Value as reported.W/%W0'microgram/g dry wt.W1'Value as reported.W8%W9'microgram/g dry wt.W:'Value as reported.W;W<'microgram/g dry wt.W='Value as reported.W>W?'microgram/g dry wt.W@'Value as reported.WDUWE'microgram/g dry wt.=WF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.WG%WH'microgram/g dry wt.=WI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.WMWN'microgram/g dry wt.=WO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.WSMWT'microgram/g dry wt.WU'Value as reported.XXXXX`@ X'milesX@ X'UTMXo@ X 'UTMX XX'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.XX'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.X eX!'microgram/g dry wt.X"'Value as reported.X#eX$'microgram/g dry wt.X%'Value as reported.X&X''microgram/g dry wt.X('Value as reported.X)%X*'microgram/g dry wt.X+'Value as reported.X/%X0'microgram/g dry wt.X1'Value as reported.X8 X9'microgram/g dry wt.X:'Value as reported.X;X<'microgram/g dry wt.X='Value as reported.X>LX?'microgram/g dry wt.X@'Value as reported.XDUXE'microgram/g dry wt.=XF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.XG%XH'microgram/g dry wt.=XI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.XMXN'microgram/g dry wt.=XO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.XSpXT'microgram/g dry wt.XU'Value as reported.YYYYY`@ Y'milesY@ Y'UTMYo@ Y 'UTMY Y'Y'microgram/g dry wt.Y'Value as reported.YY'microgram/g dry wt.Y'Value as reported.Y Y!'microgram/g dry wt.Y"'Value as reported.Y#gY$'microgram/g dry wt.Y%'Value as reported.Y&eY''microgram/g dry wt.Y('Value as reported.Y)e Y*'microgram/g dry wt.Y+'Value as reported.Y/%Y0'microgram/g dry wt.=Y1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y8Y9'microgram/g dry wt.Y:'Value as reported.Y;Y<'microgram/g dry wt.Y='Value as reported.Y><Y?'microgram/g dry wt.Y@'Value as reported.YDUYE'microgram/g dry wt.=YF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.YG%YH'microgram/g dry wt.=YI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.YMYN'microgram/g dry wt.=YO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.YS%;YT'microgram/g dry wt.YU'Value as reported.ZZZZZ @ Z'milesZ@ Z'UTMZ0@ Z 'UTMZ ZZ'microgram/g dry wt.Z'Value as reported.ZZ'microgram/g dry wt.Z'Value as reported.Z Z!'microgram/g dry wt.Z"'Value as reported.Z#Z$'microgram/g dry wt.Z%'Value as reported.Z&cZ''microgram/g dry wt.Z('Value as reported.Z)%+Z*'microgram/g dry wt.Z+'Value as reported.Z/ Z0'microgram/g dry wt.Z1'Value as reported.Z8<Z9'microgram/g dry wt.Z:'Value as reported.Z;XZ<'microgram/g dry wt.Z='Value as reported.ZDZE'microgram/g dry wt.=ZF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ZShfffff@ZT'microgram/g dry wt.ZU'Value as reported.ZbZc'microgram/g dry wt.Zd'Value as reported.[[[[[ @ ['miles[@ ['UTM[0@ [ 'UTM[ [ ['microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.[['microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.[ G[!'microgram/g dry wt.["'Value as reported.[#[$'microgram/g dry wt.[%'Value as reported.[&eX[''microgram/g dry wt.[('Value as reported.[)%%[*'microgram/g dry wt.[+'Value as reported.[/5[0'microgram/g dry wt.[1'Value as reported.[8<[9'microgram/g dry wt.[:'Value as reported.[;%.[<'microgram/g dry wt.[='Value as reported.[D[E'microgram/g dry wt.=[F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[Shfffff@[T'microgram/g dry wt.[U'Value as reported.[b[c'microgram/g dry wt.=[d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\\\\\hffff@ \'miles\C@ \'UTM\$@ \ 'UTM\ \\'microgram/g dry wt.\'Value as reported.\ \'microgram/g dry wt.\'Value as reported.\ \!'microgram/g dry wt.\"'Value as reported.\#\$'microgram/g dry wt.\%'Value as reported.\&%d\''microgram/g dry wt.\('Value as reported.\)1\*'microgram/g dry wt.\+'Value as reported.\/\0'microgram/g dry wt.\1'Value as reported.\8B\9'microgram/g dry wt.\:'Value as reported.\;:\<'microgram/g dry wt.\='Value as reported.\D\E'microgram/g dry wt.=\F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\SL@\T'microgram/g dry wt.\U'Value as reported.\b\c'microgram/g dry wt.\d'Value as reported.]]]]]hffff@ ]'miles]C@ ]'UTM]$@ ] 'UTM] ]]'microgram/g dry wt.]'Value as reported.]E ]'microgram/g dry wt.]'Value as reported.] ]!'microgram/g dry wt.]"'Value as reported.]#%]$'microgram/g dry wt.]%'Value as reported.]&|]''microgram/g dry wt.]('Value as reported.])#]*'microgram/g dry wt.]+'Value as reported.]/E]0'microgram/g dry wt.]1'Value as reported.]8"]9'microgram/g dry wt.]:'Value as reported.];*]<'microgram/g dry wt.]='Value as reported.]D]E'microgram/g dry wt.=]F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.]S@]T'microgram/g dry wt.]U'Value as reported.]b]c'microgram/g dry wt.]d'Value as reported.^^^^^hffff@ ^'miles^C@ ^'UTM^$@ ^ 'UTM^ ^e^'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.^^'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.^ ^!'microgram/g dry wt.^"'Value as reported.^#^$'microgram/g dry wt.^%'Value as reported.^&^''microgram/g dry wt.^('Value as reported.^)E,^*'microgram/g dry wt.^+'Value as reported.^/g^0'microgram/g dry wt.^1'Value as reported.^8%%^9'microgram/g dry wt.^:'Value as reported.^;e3^<'microgram/g dry wt.^='Value as reported.^D'^E'microgram/g dry wt.=^F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^S@^T'microgram/g dry wt.^U'Value as reported.^b^c'microgram/g dry wt.^d'Value as reported._____hffff@ _'miles_C@ _'UTM_$@ _ 'UTM_ _%_'microgram/g dry wt._'Value as reported.__'microgram/g dry wt._'Value as reported._ g_!'microgram/g dry wt._"'Value as reported._#_$'microgram/g dry wt._%'Value as reported._&eS_''microgram/g dry wt._('Value as reported._)6_*'microgram/g dry wt._+'Value as reported._/_0'microgram/g dry wt._1'Value as reported._8._9'microgram/g dry wt._:'Value as reported._;,_<'microgram/g dry wt._='Value as reported._> _?'microgram/g dry wt._@'Value as reported._DE_E'microgram/g dry wt._F'Value as reported._M_N'microgram/g dry wt.=_O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._S\_T'microgram/g dry wt._U'Value as reported._b_c'microgram/g dry wt._d'Value as reported.`````hffff@ `'miles`C@ `'UTM`$@ ` 'UTM` `E`'microgram/g dry wt.`'Value as reported.`,`'microgram/g dry wt.`'Value as reported.` g`!'microgram/g dry wt.`"'Value as reported.`#e`$'microgram/g dry wt.`%'Value as reported.`&e``''microgram/g dry wt.`('Value as reported.`)%E`*'microgram/g dry wt.`+'Value as reported.`/`0'microgram/g dry wt.`1'Value as reported.`83`9'microgram/g dry wt.`:'Value as reported.`;e>`<'microgram/g dry wt.`='Value as reported.`> `?'microgram/g dry wt.`@'Value as reported.`D`E'microgram/g dry wt.`F'Value as reported.`M`N'microgram/g dry wt.=`O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`S`T'microgram/g dry wt.`U'Value as reported.`b`c'microgram/g dry wt.`d'Value as reported.aaaaahffff@ a'milesaC@ a'UTMa$@ a 'UTMa a' a'microgram/g dry wt.a'Value as reported.aa'microgram/g dry wt.a'Value as reported.a Ga!'microgram/g dry wt.a"'Value as reported.a#a$'microgram/g dry wt.a%'Value as reported.a&La''microgram/g dry wt.a('Value as reported.a)3a*'microgram/g dry wt.a+'Value as reported.a/'a0'microgram/g dry wt.a1'Value as reported.a8)a9'microgram/g dry wt.a:'Value as reported.a;/a<'microgram/g dry wt.a='Value as reported.a> a?'microgram/g dry wt.a@'Value as reported.aDGaE'microgram/g dry wt.aF'Value as reported.aMaN'microgram/g dry wt.=aO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.aSaT'microgram/g dry wt.aU'Value as reported.abac'microgram/g dry wt.ad'Value as reported.bbbbbhffff@ b'milesbC@ b'UTMb$@ b 'UTMb b b'microgram/g dry wt.b'Value as reported.b b'microgram/g dry wt.b'Value as reported.b g b!'microgram/g dry wt.b"'Value as reported.b#b$'microgram/g dry wt.b%'Value as reported.b&Cb''microgram/g dry wt.b('Value as reported.b)E"b*'microgram/g dry wt.b+'Value as reported.b/b0'microgram/g dry wt.b1'Value as reported.b8b9'microgram/g dry wt.b:'Value as reported.b;E"b<'microgram/g dry wt.b='Value as reported.b> b?'microgram/g dry wt.b@'Value as reported.bDIbE'microgram/g dry wt.bF'Value as reported.bMbN'microgram/g dry wt.=bO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bS~bT'microgram/g dry wt.bU'Value as reported.bbbc'microgram/g dry wt.=bd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ccccchffff@ c'milescC@ c'UTMc$@ c 'UTMc cc'microgram/g dry wt.c'Value as reported.cc'microgram/g dry wt.c'Value as reported.c g c!'microgram/g dry wt.c"'Value as reported.c#c$'microgram/g dry wt.c%'Value as reported.c&dc''microgram/g dry wt.c('Value as reported.c) c*'microgram/g dry wt.c+'Value as reported.c8c9'microgram/g dry wt.c:'Value as reported.c; c<'microgram/g dry wt.c='Value as reported.c> c?'microgram/g dry wt.c@'Value as reported.cDcE'microgram/g dry wt.cF'Value as reported.cS%{cT'microgram/g dry wt.cU'Value as reported.dddddhffff@ d'milesdC@ d'UTMd$@ d 'UTMd dud'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.d d'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.d d!'microgram/g dry wt.d"'Value as reported.d#ed$'microgram/g dry wt.d%'Value as reported.d&nd''microgram/g dry wt.d('Value as reported.d)%$d*'microgram/g dry wt.d+'Value as reported.d/gd0'microgram/g dry wt.d1'Value as reported.d8d9'microgram/g dry wt.d:'Value as reported.d;&d<'microgram/g dry wt.d='Value as reported.d>d?'microgram/g dry wt.d@'Value as reported.dDdE'microgram/g dry wt.=dF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.dMdN'microgram/g dry wt.=dO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.dShfffff@dT'microgram/g dry wt.dU'Value as reported.dbdc'microgram/g dry wt.=dd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eeeeehffff@ e'mileseC@ e'UTMe$@ e 'UTMe ee'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.ee e'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.e  e!'microgram/g dry wt.e"'Value as reported.e#"e$'microgram/g dry wt.e%'Value as reported.e&%Ee''microgram/g dry wt.e('Value as reported.e)e$e*'microgram/g dry wt.e+'Value as reported.e8e9'microgram/g dry wt.e:'Value as reported.e;e'e<'microgram/g dry wt.e='Value as reported.e>e?'microgram/g dry wt.e@'Value as reported.eDeE'microgram/g dry wt.=eF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eS@eT'microgram/g dry wt.eU'Value as reported.fffffhffff@ f'milesfC@ f'UTMf$@ f 'UTMf ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.f Gf!'microgram/g dry wt.f"'Value as reported.f#f$'microgram/g dry wt.f%'Value as reported.f&E;f''microgram/g dry wt.f('Value as reported.f)f*'microgram/g dry wt.f+'Value as reported.f/f0'microgram/g dry wt.f1'Value as reported.f84f9'microgram/g dry wt.f:'Value as reported.f;f<'microgram/g dry wt.f='Value as reported.f>$f?'microgram/g dry wt.f@'Value as reported.fDfE'microgram/g dry wt.fF'Value as reported.fMfN'microgram/g dry wt.fO'Value as reported.fSufT'microgram/g dry wt.fU'Value as reported.fbfc'microgram/g dry wt.fd'Value as reported.ggggghffff@ g'milesgC@ g'UTMg$@ g 'UTMg gg g'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.g g'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.g g!'microgram/g dry wt.g"'Value as reported.g#g$'microgram/g dry wt.g%'Value as reported.g&Dg''microgram/g dry wt.g('Value as reported.g)E#g*'microgram/g dry wt.g+'Value as reported.g/5g0'microgram/g dry wt.g1'Value as reported.g8 g9'microgram/g dry wt.g:'Value as reported.g;e!g<'microgram/g dry wt.g='Value as reported.g> g?'microgram/g dry wt.g@'Value as reported.gD'gE'microgram/g dry wt.=gF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.gMgN'microgram/g dry wt.=gO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.gSgT'microgram/g dry wt.gU'Value as reported.gbgc'microgram/g dry wt.=gd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hhhhhhffff@ h'mileshC@ h'UTMh$@ h 'UTMh hh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.hEh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.h h!'microgram/g dry wt.h"'Value as reported.h#eh$'microgram/g dry wt.h%'Value as reported.h&Bh''microgram/g dry wt.h('Value as reported.h)$h*'microgram/g dry wt.h+'Value as reported.h/'h0'microgram/g dry wt.h1'Value as reported.h8h9'microgram/g dry wt.h:'Value as reported.h;e'h<'microgram/g dry wt.h='Value as reported.h>h?'microgram/g dry wt.h@'Value as reported.hD'hE'microgram/g dry wt.=hF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hMhN'microgram/g dry wt.=hO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hShT'microgram/g dry wt.hU'Value as reported.hbhc'microgram/g dry wt.=hd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.iiiiihffff@ i'milesiC@ i'UTMi$@ i 'UTMi ig i'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.iei'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.i 'i!'microgram/g dry wt.i"'Value as reported.i#i$'microgram/g dry wt.i%'Value as reported.i&=i''microgram/g dry wt.i('Value as reported.i)#i*'microgram/g dry wt.i+'Value as reported.i/'i0'microgram/g dry wt.i1'Value as reported.i8"i9'microgram/g dry wt.i:'Value as reported.i;%!i<'microgram/g dry wt.i='Value as reported.i>> i?'microgram/g dry wt.i@'Value as reported.iD%iE'microgram/g dry wt.iF'Value as reported.iMiN'microgram/g dry wt.iO'Value as reported.iSuiT'microgram/g dry wt.iU'Value as reported.ibic'microgram/g dry wt.id'Value as reported.jjjjjhffff@ j'milesjC@ j'UTMj$@ j 'UTMj j'j'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.j%j'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.j  j!'microgram/g dry wt.j"'Value as reported.j#j$'microgram/g dry wt.j%'Value as reported.j&Mj''microgram/g dry wt.j('Value as reported.j)(j*'microgram/g dry wt.j+'Value as reported.j/j0'microgram/g dry wt.j1'Value as reported.j8$j9'microgram/g dry wt.j:'Value as reported.j;e*j<'microgram/g dry wt.j='Value as reported.j>d j?'microgram/g dry wt.j@'Value as reported.jDjE'microgram/g dry wt.jF'Value as reported.jMjN'microgram/g dry wt.=jO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.jSBjT'microgram/g dry wt.jU'Value as reported.jbjc'microgram/g dry wt.=jd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kkkkkhffff@ k'mileskC@ k'UTMk$@ k 'UTMk k'k'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.kk'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.k G k!'microgram/g dry wt.k"'Value as reported.k#k$'microgram/g dry wt.k%'Value as reported.k&Lk''microgram/g dry wt.k('Value as reported.k)'k*'microgram/g dry wt.k+'Value as reported.k8#k9'microgram/g dry wt.k:'Value as reported.k;%*k<'microgram/g dry wt.k='Value as reported.k>B k?'microgram/g dry wt.k@'Value as reported.kDkE'microgram/g dry wt.kF'Value as reported.kS@kT'microgram/g dry wt.kU'Value as reported.lllllhffff@ l'mileslC@ l'UTMl$@ l 'UTMl lg l'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.ll'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.l 'l!'microgram/g dry wt.l"'Value as reported.l#l$'microgram/g dry wt.l%'Value as reported.l&%Dl''microgram/g dry wt.l('Value as reported.l)&l*'microgram/g dry wt.l+'Value as reported.l/gl0'microgram/g dry wt.l1'Value as reported.l8E%l9'microgram/g dry wt.l:'Value as reported.l;'l<'microgram/g dry wt.l='Value as reported.l>@ l?'microgram/g dry wt.l@'Value as reported.lD'lE'microgram/g dry wt.lF'Value as reported.lMlN'microgram/g dry wt.lO'Value as reported.lS@lT'microgram/g dry wt.lU'Value as reported.lblc'microgram/g dry wt.ld'Value as reported.mmmmmhffff@ m'milesmC@ m'UTMm$@ m 'UTMm m m'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m Gm!'microgram/g dry wt.m"'Value as reported.m#m$'microgram/g dry wt.m%'Value as reported.m&m''microgram/g dry wt.m('Value as reported.m)m*'microgram/g dry wt.m+'Value as reported.m/m0'microgram/g dry wt.m1'Value as reported.m8'm9'microgram/g dry wt.m:'Value as reported.m;m<'microgram/g dry wt.m='Value as reported.mDmE'microgram/g dry wt.=mF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mMmN'microgram/g dry wt.=mO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mSmT'microgram/g dry wt.mU'Value as reported.nnnnnhffff@ n'milesnC@ n'UTMn$@ n 'UTMn n n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n 'n!'microgram/g dry wt.n"'Value as reported.n# n$'microgram/g dry wt.n%'Value as reported.n&n''microgram/g dry wt.n('Value as reported.n)En*'microgram/g dry wt.n+'Value as reported.n8'n9'microgram/g dry wt.n:'Value as reported.n;n<'microgram/g dry wt.n='Value as reported.nSnT'microgram/g dry wt.nU'Value as reported.ooooohffff@ o'milesoC@ o'UTMo$@ o 'UTMo o o'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.o o!'microgram/g dry wt.o"'Value as reported.o#Eo$'microgram/g dry wt.o%'Value as reported.o&ero''microgram/g dry wt.o('Value as reported.o)e$o*'microgram/g dry wt.o+'Value as reported.o/%o0'microgram/g dry wt.=o1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o8>o9'microgram/g dry wt.o:'Value as reported.o;$o<'microgram/g dry wt.o='Value as reported.oDgoE'microgram/g dry wt.=oF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.oMoN'microgram/g dry wt.=oO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.oS oT'microgram/g dry wt.oU'Value as reported.ppppphffff@ p'milespC@ p'UTMp$@ p 'UTMp p'p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p p!'microgram/g dry wt.p"'Value as reported.p#p$'microgram/g dry wt.p%'Value as reported.p&p''microgram/g dry wt.p('Value as reported.p)Ep*'microgram/g dry wt.p+'Value as reported.p/%p0'microgram/g dry wt.=p1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p8%&p9'microgram/g dry wt.p:'Value as reported.p;p<'microgram/g dry wt.p='Value as reported.pD%pE'microgram/g dry wt.=pF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pMpN'microgram/g dry wt.=pO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pSEXpT'microgram/g dry wt.pU'Value as reported.qqqqqhffff@ q'milesqC@ q'UTMq$@ q 'UTMq qgq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q% q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q q!'microgram/g dry wt.q"'Value as reported.q#q$'microgram/g dry wt.q%'Value as reported.q&q''microgram/g dry wt.q('Value as reported.q)q*'microgram/g dry wt.q+'Value as reported.q8e%q9'microgram/g dry wt.q:'Value as reported.q;%q<'microgram/g dry wt.q='Value as reported.qD%qE'microgram/g dry wt.=qF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.qS%SqT'microgram/g dry wt.qU'Value as reported.rrrrrhffff@ r'milesrC@ r'UTMr$@ r 'UTMr rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r r!'microgram/g dry wt.r"'Value as reported.r#r$'microgram/g dry wt.r%'Value as reported.r&)r''microgram/g dry wt.r('Value as reported.r)er*'microgram/g dry wt.r+'Value as reported.r/r0'microgram/g dry wt.r1'Value as reported.r8r9'microgram/g dry wt.r:'Value as reported.r;er<'microgram/g dry wt.r='Value as reported.r>r?'microgram/g dry wt.r@'Value as reported.rDUrE'microgram/g dry wt.=rF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rMrN'microgram/g dry wt.=rO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rS%trT'microgram/g dry wt.rU'Value as reported.rbrc'microgram/g dry wt.=rd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ssssshffff@ s'milessC@ s'UTMs$@ s 'UTMs s7s'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.s s!'microgram/g dry wt.s"'Value as reported.s#Gs$'microgram/g dry wt.s%'Value as reported.s&e+s''microgram/g dry wt.s('Value as reported.s)%s*'microgram/g dry wt.s+'Value as reported.s/%s0'microgram/g dry wt.=s1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s8es9'microgram/g dry wt.s:'Value as reported.s; s<'microgram/g dry wt.s='Value as reported.s>ns?'microgram/g dry wt.s@'Value as reported.sDUsE'microgram/g dry wt.=sF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.sMsN'microgram/g dry wt.=sO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.sSlsT'microgram/g dry wt.sU'Value as reported.sbsc'microgram/g dry wt.=sd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ttttthffff@ t'milestC@ t'UTMt$@ t 'UTMt tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.t t!'microgram/g dry wt.t"'Value as reported.t#+t$'microgram/g dry wt.t%'Value as reported.t&EDt''microgram/g dry wt.t('Value as reported.t)$t*'microgram/g dry wt.t+'Value as reported.t/%t0'microgram/g dry wt.=t1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t8E!t9'microgram/g dry wt.t:'Value as reported.t;Ht<'microgram/g dry wt.t='Value as reported.t>t?'microgram/g dry wt.t@'Value as reported.tDUtE'microgram/g dry wt.=tF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tMtN'microgram/g dry wt.=tO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tS@tT'microgram/g dry wt.tU'Value as reported.tbtc'microgram/g dry wt.=td'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.uuuuu` u'milesu uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u u!'microgram/g dry wt.u"'Value as reported.u#u$'microgram/g dry wt.u%'Value as reported.u&3u''microgram/g dry wt.u('Value as reported.u)%'u*'microgram/g dry wt.u+'Value as reported.u/Gu0'microgram/g dry wt.u1'Value as reported.u8u9'microgram/g dry wt.u:'Value as reported.u;3u<'microgram/g dry wt.u='Value as reported.u>4u?'microgram/g dry wt.u@'Value as reported.uDuE'microgram/g dry wt.=uF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.uG%uH'microgram/g dry wt.uI'Value as reported.uMe uN'microgram/g dry wt.uO'Value as reported.uS uT'microgram/g dry wt.uU'Value as reported.ubuc'microgram/g dry wt.=ud'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vvvvv` v'milesv vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v v!'microgram/g dry wt.v"'Value as reported.v#v$'microgram/g dry wt.v%'Value as reported.v&/v''microgram/g dry wt.v('Value as reported.v).v*'microgram/g dry wt.v+'Value as reported.v/v0'microgram/g dry wt.v1'Value as reported.v8v9'microgram/g dry wt.v:'Value as reported.v;v<'microgram/g dry wt.v='Value as reported.v>L v?'microgram/g dry wt.v@'Value as reported.vDvE'microgram/g dry wt.=vF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vGvH'microgram/g dry wt.vI'Value as reported.vME vN'microgram/g dry wt.vO'Value as reported.vS%tvT'microgram/g dry wt.vU'Value as reported.vbvc'microgram/g dry wt.=vd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.wwwww` w'milesw ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.wew'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w w!'microgram/g dry wt.w"'Value as reported.w#w$'microgram/g dry wt.w%'Value as reported.w&E&w''microgram/g dry wt.w('Value as reported.w)w*'microgram/g dry wt.w+'Value as reported.w/w0'microgram/g dry wt.w1'Value as reported.w8w9'microgram/g dry wt.w:'Value as reported.w;w<'microgram/g dry wt.w='Value as reported.w>w?'microgram/g dry wt.w@'Value as reported.wDGwE'microgram/g dry wt.=wF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.wGwH'microgram/g dry wt.wI'Value as reported.wMwN'microgram/g dry wt.wO'Value as reported.wSeWwT'microgram/g dry wt.wU'Value as reported.wbwc'microgram/g dry wt.=wd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xxxxx` x'milesx xex'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.x x!'microgram/g dry wt.x"'Value as reported.x#gx$'microgram/g dry wt.x%'Value as reported.x&x''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value as reported.x)%x*'microgram/g dry wt.x+'Value as reported.x/gx0'microgram/g dry wt.x1'Value as reported.x8x9'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value as reported.x;x<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value as reported.x>x?'microgram/g dry wt.x@'Value as reported.xDGxE'microgram/g dry wt.xF'Value as reported.xG%xH'microgram/g dry wt.=xI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xMxN'microgram/g dry wt.=xO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xSMxT'microgram/g dry wt.xU'Value as reported.yyyyy` y'milesy yGy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y%y'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y G y!'microgram/g dry wt.y"'Value as reported.y# y$'microgram/g dry wt.y%'Value as reported.y&#y''microgram/g dry wt.y('Value as reported.y)y*'microgram/g dry wt.y+'Value as reported.y/%y0'microgram/g dry wt.y1'Value as reported.y8y9'microgram/g dry wt.y:'Value as reported.y;y<'microgram/g dry wt.y='Value as reported.y>y?'microgram/g dry wt.y@'Value as reported.yDUyE'microgram/g dry wt.=yF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yG%yH'microgram/g dry wt.=yI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yMyN'microgram/g dry wt.=yO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ySlyT'microgram/g dry wt.yU'Value as reported.zzzzz` z'milesz zGz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.z% z'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.z z!'microgram/g dry wt.z"'Value as reported.z#z$'microgram/g dry wt.z%'Value as reported.z&z''microgram/g dry wt.z('Value as reported.z)Ez*'microgram/g dry wt.z+'Value as reported.z/%z0'microgram/g dry wt.=z1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z8ez9'microgram/g dry wt.z:'Value as reported.z;z<'microgram/g dry wt.z='Value as reported.z>z?'microgram/g dry wt.z@'Value as reported.zDUzE'microgram/g dry wt.=zF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zG%zH'microgram/g dry wt.=zI'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zMzN'microgram/g dry wt.=zO'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zSE_zT'microgram/g dry wt.zU'Value as reported.{{{{{` {'miles{ { {'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{e{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{ {!'microgram/g dry wt.{"'Value as reported.{#{$'microgram/g dry wt.{%'Value as reported.{&%{''microgram/g dry wt.{('Value as reported.{)E({*'microgram/g dry wt.{+'Value as reported.{/5{0'microgram/g dry wt.{1'Value as reported.{8{9'microgram/g dry wt.{:'Value as reported.{;E{<'microgram/g dry wt.{='Value as reported.{> {?'microgram/g dry wt.{@'Value as reported.{DU{E'microgram/g dry wt.={F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{G%{H'microgram/g dry wt.={I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{M{N'microgram/g dry wt.={O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{S{T'microgram/g dry wt.{U'Value as reported.|||||` |'miles| ||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.| |!'microgram/g dry wt.|"'Value as reported.|#E|$'microgram/g dry wt.|%'Value as reported.|&.|''microgram/g dry wt.|('Value as reported.|)E-|*'microgram/g dry wt.|+'Value as reported.|/g|0'microgram/g dry wt.|1'Value as reported.|8|9'microgram/g dry wt.|:'Value as reported.|; |<'microgram/g dry wt.|='Value as reported.|> |?'microgram/g dry wt.|@'Value as reported.|DU|E'microgram/g dry wt.=|F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|G%|H'microgram/g dry wt.=|I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|M|N'microgram/g dry wt.=|O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|S|T'microgram/g dry wt.|U'Value as reported.}}}}}` }'miles} }' }'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.} }!'microgram/g dry wt.}"'Value as reported.}#}$'microgram/g dry wt.}%'Value as reported.}&#}''microgram/g dry wt.}('Value as reported.})%&}*'microgram/g dry wt.}+'Value as reported.}/}0'microgram/g dry wt.}1'Value as reported.}8%}9'microgram/g dry wt.}:'Value as reported.};e}<'microgram/g dry wt.}='Value as reported.}>}?'microgram/g dry wt.}@'Value as reported.}DU}E'microgram/g dry wt.=}F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}G%}H'microgram/g dry wt.=}I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}M}N'microgram/g dry wt.=}O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}S}T'microgram/g dry wt.}U'Value as reported.~~~~~̬@ ~'miles~i@ ~'UTM~@ ~ 'UTM~ ~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~ ~!'microgram/g dry wt.~"'Value as reported.~#~$'microgram/g dry wt.~%'Value as reported.~&e~~''microgram/g dry wt.~('Value as reported.~)~*'microgram/g dry wt.~+'Value as reported.~/~0'microgram/g dry wt.~1'Value as reported.~8%I~9'microgram/g dry wt.~:'Value as reported.~;E/~<'microgram/g dry wt.~='Value as reported.~De~E'microgram/g dry wt.=~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~S@~T'microgram/g dry wt.~U'Value as reported.~b~c'microgram/g dry wt.=~d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Y''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;D<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%fT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.b%c'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&EI''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)#*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8%%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Shfffff@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported. ̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8ez9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>2?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.M%N'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. ̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;EC<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&3''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DgE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&W''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;><'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. U!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E'9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM ' 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&>''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SuT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%+''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SEuT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM ''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GE H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MeN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S+T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e|''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;N<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MeN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM G'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. u!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SIT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported."̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&+''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8!9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;+<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.$̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E!<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Shfffff@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.&̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&'''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E'*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.(̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&'''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%#<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*̬@ 'milesi@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)3*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>n ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.,~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>6?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)% *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM ''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#5$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S*T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S_T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.4~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM G 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SoT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.6~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%oT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&!''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)3*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;!<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.:~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.<~ 'miles*@ 'UTM@  'UTM 5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SEAT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.>hffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&I''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)!*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;K<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%yT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.@hffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM G 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&ei''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%!*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8d9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Ec<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S033333@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bE c'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Bhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'J'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#U$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E+''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%[T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.Dhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.j'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#U$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Fhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8% 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>D?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SE@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Hhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#u$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8!9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;!<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Jhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%)''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Lhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#5$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Nhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;1<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SeLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Phffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Rhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Thffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Vhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>6?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Xhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. %!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>r?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Zhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&1''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%>*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G$H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MeN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S&T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\hffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>&?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MEN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^hffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM G'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#u$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)#*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>p?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.`hffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8% 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;'<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>B?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.dhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)'*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;7<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.fhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)'*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>4 ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hhffff@ 'milesߗ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SoT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.j@ 'miles:Ɨ@ 'UTMn@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&EK''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8'9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.l@ 'miles:Ɨ@ 'UTMn@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%H''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D'E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S[T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.n@ 'miles:Ɨ@ 'UTMn@  'UTM ''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 5!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%&T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.p 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&L''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;8<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>&?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S%'T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t 'miles ''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 5!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)% *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;'<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G% H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S!T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;A<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>j?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.x 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&F''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;em<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>4?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.z 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SE"T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.| 'miles g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#5$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;x<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.~ 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%!''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)+*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;en<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>| ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 'miles 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SE]T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&x''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Ex<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM ) 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&k''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8/9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SECT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&x''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8)9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM ''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)f*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DGE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G% H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.M%N'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. '!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>.?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. g!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&=''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;)<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.M%N'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.S%!T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. E!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>`?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S)T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#7$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>(?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM )'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S*T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. U!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S.T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>: ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM g'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>5?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Se\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. G!'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>5?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DUE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MN'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SIT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.  'milesd{@ 'UTM]@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$1'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)i*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,V-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S;T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bGc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eGf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L@ 'miles$w@ 'UTMP6@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P-'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)gk*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,<-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;K<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S+T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.b6c'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.e6f'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported. @@ 'milesu@ 'UTM,@  'UTM G 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,pb-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;gf<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S=T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported. @@ 'milesu@ 'UTM,@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)b*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,xP-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SE+T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.  hffff&@ 'milesHr@ 'UTM"@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,h-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;'x<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>N?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.Se3T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.b c'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.   @ 'mileslp@ 'UTM@  'UTM g 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&p''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)GK*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., I-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SE(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.b'c'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e'f'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'mileso@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&gA''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)u*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,*-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>"?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Z-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S9T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'miles,l@ 'UTM@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'miles,l@ 'UTM@  'UTM /E0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'milesFl@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'milesFl@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /'0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bgc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.egf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'milesFl@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'milesXl@ 'UTM@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'milesXl@ 'UTM@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  @ 'milesXl@ 'UTM@  'UTM /50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. "@ 'milesTl@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&$''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e_*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;^<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>*?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $@ 'milesTl@ 'UTM@  'UTM G'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.nS'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;أp= ׏@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &@ 'milesTl@ 'UTM@  'UTM /50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J@ 'milesk@ 'UTMP@  'UTM /E0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bgc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.egf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L@ 'milesk@ 'UTMP@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. N@ 'miles(l@ 'UTM @  'UTM /'0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bGc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eGf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P@ 'milesk@ 'UTM@@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. R@ 'milesk@ 'UTM@@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. T@ 'milesk@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,F @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>j?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. V@ 'milesk@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /G0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. X@ 'milesk@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /G0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Z@ 'milesLk@ 'UTM@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. `03333@ 'milesj@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b'c'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e'f'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. b03333@ 'milesj@ 'UTM`@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b'c'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e'f'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. d03333@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@  'UTM  j03333@ 'milesj@ 'UTM0@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,g-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. l@ 'milesl@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.W'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)b*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. r@ 'milesg@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Lh-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;أp= ׿@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SIT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ť@ 'milesf@ 'UTM@  'UTM /50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. v@ 'milesg@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,zc-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>N?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ~ 'milesg@ 'UTM@  'UTM ) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'milesg@ 'UTM@  'UTM )E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'mileshg@ 'UTMP@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Ё @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;Gz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SdT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.  'mileshg@ 'UTMP@  'UTM g 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&e!''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,n-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;xGz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 03333s@ 'milesf@ 'UTM@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e'f'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333s@ 'milesf@ 'UTM@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333s@ 'milesf@ 'UTM@  'UTM ' 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Gz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,n-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;p= ף@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>N?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 03333s@ 'miles,f@ 'UTM`@  'UTM ' 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,z @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SEiT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 03333s@ 'miles,f@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,[-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;PQ@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>Z?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SOT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. hfffff@ 'milese@ 'UTM0߭@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,j-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. Y@ 'milesd@ 'UTMۭ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e,*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,j{-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. L@ 'milesc@ 'UTMҭ@  'UTM /50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L@ 'milesc@ 'UTMҭ@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bGc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eGf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L@ 'milesc@ 'UTMέ@  'UTM /50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L@ 'milesc@ 'UTMέ@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L@ 'milesc@ 'UTMϭ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,~Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;ףp= @<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S%JT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. L@ 'milesc@ 'UTMϭ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^G'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;(\@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SehT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. @@ 'milesc@ 'UTMɭ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>z?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @@ 'milesc@ 'UTMɭ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,N-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;p= ף@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @@ 'miles(c@ 'UTMPǭ@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.XE'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,k-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;Gz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S%YT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. @@ 'miles(c@ 'UTMPǭ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)s*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,U-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported.;Gr<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>V?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SAT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. @@ 'milespc@ 'UTMǭ@  'UTM G 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,$U-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;ףp= @<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @@ 'milespc@ 'UTMǭ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.";'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)u *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,\-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;(\@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S%OT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bgc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported. @@ 'milesc@ 'UTMɭ@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bGc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eGf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @@ 'milesc@ 'UTMɭ@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.      L@ 'miles c@ 'UTM ѭ@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,bX -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;g} <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SeF T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bu c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. eu f'microgram/g dry wt.= g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.      L@ 'miles c@ 'UTM ѭ@  'UTM     'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,jX -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;@ ףp=@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. be c'microgram/g dry wt. d'Value as reported. e f'microgram/g dry wt.= g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.       'miles f@ 'UTM @  'UTM     'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Z^ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )r *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,x_ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;Q@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >" ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SY T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. e f'microgram/g dry wt.= g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.       'miles f@ 'UTM @  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. VF 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e# *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,o -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;PQ@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sei T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bu c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. eu f'microgram/g dry wt.= g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.       'miles g@ 'UTM @  'UTM   /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. bG c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. eG f'microgram/g dry wt.= g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'milesg@ 'UTM@  'UTM /50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'milesg@ 'UTM @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,~j-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;zG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>J?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SeKT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'milesg@ 'UTM @  'UTM G 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."G'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,xk-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S%MT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @@ 'milespb@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,nc-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;p= ף@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SOT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.bgc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.egf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @@ 'milespb@ 'UTM@  'UTM G'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,jU-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;'s<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>,?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.b'c'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e'f'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 033333@ 'milesb@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. "'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&e ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,H-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;|<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>Z?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.S?T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.buc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.euf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 033333@ 'milesb@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,p-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;zG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.buc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.euf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 033333@ 'milesa@ 'UTM@  'UTM bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333@ 'miles`@ 'UTM`@  'UTM bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333@ 'miles`@ 'UTM`@  'UTM bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM bGc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eGf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM bc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ef'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM b'c'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e'f'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bGc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eGf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM /0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bGc'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eGf'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.      03333@ 'miles _@ 'UTM @  'UTM   / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. bG c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. eG f'microgram/g dry wt.= g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! !!!!hffff@ !'miles!,`@ !'UTM!@ ! 'UTM! !b!c'microgram/g dry wt.=!d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.!e!f'microgram/g dry wt.=!g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." """"hffff@ "'miles",`@ "'UTM"@ " 'UTM" "b"c'microgram/g dry wt.="d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."e"f'microgram/g dry wt.="g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# # ###hffff@ #'miles#_@ #'UTM# @ # 'UTM# #/5#0'microgram/g dry wt.=#1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#b#c'microgram/g dry wt.=#d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#e#f'microgram/g dry wt.=#g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ $ $$$hffff@ $'miles$_@ $'UTM$ @ $ 'UTM$ $/5$0'microgram/g dry wt.=$1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$b$c'microgram/g dry wt.=$d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$e$f'microgram/g dry wt.=$g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% %%%%hffff@ %'miles%r_@ %'UTM%@@ % 'UTM% %bG%c'microgram/g dry wt.=%d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%eG%f'microgram/g dry wt.=%g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& &&&&hffff@ &'miles&r_@ &'UTM&@@ & 'UTM& &b&c'microgram/g dry wt.=&d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&e&f'microgram/g dry wt.=&g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ''''hffff@ ''miles'_@ ''UTM'p@ ' 'UTM' '/'0'microgram/g dry wt.='1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'b'c'microgram/g dry wt.='d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'e'f'microgram/g dry wt.='g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( ((((hffff@ ('miles(_@ ('UTM(p@ ( 'UTM( (/(0'microgram/g dry wt.=(1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(b'(c'microgram/g dry wt.=(d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(e'(f'microgram/g dry wt.=(g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) ))))@ )'miles)4_@ )'UTM)`y@ ) 'UTM) )b)c'microgram/g dry wt.=)d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)e)f'microgram/g dry wt.=)g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* ****@ *'miles*_@ *'UTM*s@ * 'UTM* *b*c'microgram/g dry wt.=*d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*e*f'microgram/g dry wt.=*g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ ++++@ +'miles+^@ +'UTM+pt@ + 'UTM+ +b+c'microgram/g dry wt.=+d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+e+f'microgram/g dry wt.=+g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., ,,,,@ ,'miles,^@ ,'UTM, t@ , 'UTM, ,b,c'microgram/g dry wt.=,d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,e,f'microgram/g dry wt.=,g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- ----@ -'miles-^@ -'UTM- t@ - 'UTM- -b-c'microgram/g dry wt.=-d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-e-f'microgram/g dry wt.=-g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. . ...@ .'miles.^@ .'UTM.n@ . 'UTM. .b.c'microgram/g dry wt.=.d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..e.f'microgram/g dry wt.=.g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ /"///@ /'miles/^@ /'UTM/g@ / 'UTM/ /bG/c'microgram/g dry wt.=/d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./eG/f'microgram/g dry wt.=/g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 0$00003333@ 0'miles0t^@ 0'UTM0a@ 0 'UTM0 0b0c'microgram/g dry wt.=0d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0e0f'microgram/g dry wt.=0g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 1&111@@ 1'miles1>b@ 1'UTM1P@ 1 'UTM1 1g1'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1t1'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.1& 1''microgram/g dry wt.1('Value as reported.1)p1*'microgram/g dry wt.1+'Value as reported.1,:1-'microgram/g dry wt.1.'Value as reported.1/10'microgram/g dry wt.=11'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1;Gb1<'microgram/g dry wt.1='Value as reported.1>1?'microgram/g dry wt.1@'Value as reported.1Se[1T'microgram/g dry wt.1U'Value as reported.1b'1c'microgram/g dry wt.=1d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1e'1f'microgram/g dry wt.=1g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 2(226t@ 2'UTM2!@ 2 'UTM2 2 2'microgram/g dry wt.=2'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2xK2'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.2&2''microgram/g dry wt.2('Value as reported.2)2*'microgram/g dry wt.2+'Value as reported.2,@j2-'microgram/g dry wt.2.'Value as reported.2/20'microgram/g dry wt.=21'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2;2<'microgram/g dry wt.2='Value as reported.2>2?'microgram/g dry wt.2@'Value as reported.2Se82T'microgram/g dry wt.2U'Value as reported.2b2c'microgram/g dry wt.=2d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2e2f'microgram/g dry wt.=2g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 3*336t@ 3'UTM3!@ 3 'UTM3 3 3'microgram/g dry wt.=3'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3(U3'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.3&3''microgram/g dry wt.3('Value as reported.3)3*'microgram/g dry wt.3+'Value as reported.3,l3-'microgram/g dry wt.3.'Value as reported.3/530'microgram/g dry wt.=31'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3;%3<'microgram/g dry wt.3='Value as reported.3>:3?'microgram/g dry wt.3@'Value as reported.3S%<3T'microgram/g dry wt.3U'Value as reported.3b3c'microgram/g dry wt.=3d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3e3f'microgram/g dry wt.=3g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 4,446t@ 4'UTM4!@ 4 'UTM4 4 4'microgram/g dry wt.=4'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4(U4'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.4&4''microgram/g dry wt.4('Value as reported.4)%4*'microgram/g dry wt.4+'Value as reported.4,o4-'microgram/g dry wt.4.'Value as reported.4/540'microgram/g dry wt.=41'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4;4<'microgram/g dry wt.4='Value as reported.4>4?'microgram/g dry wt.4@'Value as reported.4S=4T'microgram/g dry wt.4U'Value as reported.4b4c'microgram/g dry wt.=4d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4e4f'microgram/g dry wt.=4g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 5.55b@ 5'UTM5@ 5 'UTM5 5g5'microgram/g dry wt.=5'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 5'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.5&K5''microgram/g dry wt.5('Value as reported.5)5*'microgram/g dry wt.5+'Value as reported.5, !5-'microgram/g dry wt.5.'Value as reported.5/50'microgram/g dry wt.=51'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5;5<'microgram/g dry wt.5='Value as reported.5>5?'microgram/g dry wt.5@'Value as reported.5SE5T'microgram/g dry wt.5U'Value as reported.5be5c'microgram/g dry wt.=5d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5ee5f'microgram/g dry wt.=5g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 6066{@ 6'UTM6Y@ 6 'UTM6 6 6'microgram/g dry wt.=6'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6PF6'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.6&e6''microgram/g dry wt.6('Value as reported.6)6*'microgram/g dry wt.6+'Value as reported.6,s6-'microgram/g dry wt.6.'Value as reported.6/G60'microgram/g dry wt.=61'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6;6<'microgram/g dry wt.6='Value as reported.6>6?'microgram/g dry wt.6@'Value as reported.6S%C6T'microgram/g dry wt.6U'Value as reported.6b6c'microgram/g dry wt.6d'Value as reported.6ee6f'microgram/g dry wt.6g'Value as reported.7 7277{@ 7'UTM7Y@ 7 'UTM7 7G 7'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7>7'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.7&7''microgram/g dry wt.7('Value as reported.7)%7*'microgram/g dry wt.7+'Value as reported.7,l7-'microgram/g dry wt.7.'Value as reported.7/70'microgram/g dry wt.=71'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7;7<'microgram/g dry wt.7='Value as reported.7>(7?'microgram/g dry wt.7@'Value as reported.7SE<7T'microgram/g dry wt.7U'Value as reported.7b'7c'microgram/g dry wt.=7d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7e'7f'microgram/g dry wt.=7g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 8488{@ 8'UTM8Y@ 8 'UTM8 8 8'microgram/g dry wt.=8'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8<8'microgram/g dry wt.8'Value as reported.8&E8''microgram/g dry wt.8('Value as reported.8) 8*'microgram/g dry wt.8+'Value as reported.8,d8-'microgram/g dry wt.8.'Value as reported.8/580'microgram/g dry wt.=81'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8; 8<'microgram/g dry wt.8='Value as reported.8>8?'microgram/g dry wt.8@'Value as reported.8S38T'microgram/g dry wt.8U'Value as reported.8b8c'microgram/g dry wt.=8d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e8f'microgram/g dry wt.=8g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 96999Y@ 9'miles9D]@ 9'UTM90@ 9 'UTM9 9/590'microgram/g dry wt.=91'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9b9c'microgram/g dry wt.=9d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9e9f'microgram/g dry wt.=9g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: :8:::Y@ :'miles:D]@ :'UTM:0@ : 'UTM: :/5:0'microgram/g dry wt.=:1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:b:c'microgram/g dry wt.=:d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:e:f'microgram/g dry wt.=:g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ;:;;;L@ ;'miles;@]@ ;'UTM;`@ ; 'UTM; ;/;0'microgram/g dry wt.=;1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;b;c'microgram/g dry wt.=;d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;e;f'microgram/g dry wt.=;g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< <<<<<L@ <'miles<@]@ <'UTM<`@ < 'UTM< </<0'microgram/g dry wt.=<1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<b<c'microgram/g dry wt.=<d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<e<f'microgram/g dry wt.=<g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= =b===03333s@ ='miles=f@ ='UTM=@ = 'UTM= = ='microgram/g dry wt.=='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.=;='microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.=&%=''microgram/g dry wt.=('Value as reported.=)Q@=*'microgram/g dry wt.=+'Value as reported.=, @=-'microgram/g dry wt.=.'Value as reported.=;p= ף@=<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Value as reported.=><=?'microgram/g dry wt.=@'Value as reported.=Si=T'microgram/g dry wt.=U'Value as reported.> >h>>>@ >'miles>^@ >'UTM>n@ > 'UTM> >b>c'microgram/g dry wt.=>d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>e>f'microgram/g dry wt.=>g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?"???B? ?'miles?R[@ ?'UTM?_@ ? 'UTM? ??'microgram/g dry wt.=?'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.??'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.??'microgram/g dry wt.?'Value as reported.?#?$'microgram/g dry wt.=?%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?&"?''microgram/g dry wt.?('Value as reported.?)"?*'microgram/g dry wt.?+'Value as reported.?,c?-'microgram/g dry wt.?.'Value as reported.?/%?0'microgram/g dry wt.=?1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.?8$?9'microgram/g dry wt.?:'Value as reported.?; ?<'microgram/g dry wt.?='Value as reported.?>??'microgram/g dry wt.?@'Value as reported.?A?B'microgram/g dry wt.?C'Value as reported.?St?T'microgram/g dry wt.?U'Value as reported.?V?W'microgram/g dry wt.?X'Value as reported.@"@@@B@ @'miles@R[@ @'UTM@_@ @ 'UTM@ @@'microgram/g dry wt.=@'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@@'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.@#@$'microgram/g dry wt.=@%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@&*@''microgram/g dry wt.@('Value as reported.@)*@*'microgram/g dry wt.@+'Value as reported.@,c@-'microgram/g dry wt.@.'Value as reported.@/@0'microgram/g dry wt.=@1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@84@9'microgram/g dry wt.@:'Value as reported.@;2@<'microgram/g dry wt.@='Value as reported.@>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@@'Value as reported.@A@B'microgram/g dry wt.@C'Value as reported.@S@T'microgram/g dry wt.@U'Value as reported.@V( @W'microgram/g dry wt.@X'Value as reported.A"AAABA A'milesAR[@ A'UTMA_@ A 'UTMA AA'microgram/g dry wt.=A'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.AA'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.AA'microgram/g dry wt.A'Value as reported.A#A$'microgram/g dry wt.=A%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A&"A''microgram/g dry wt.A('Value as reported.A)A*'microgram/g dry wt.A+'Value as reported.A,cA-'microgram/g dry wt.A.'Value as reported.A/%A0'microgram/g dry wt.=A1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A8$A9'microgram/g dry wt.A:'Value as reported.A; A<'microgram/g dry wt.A='Value as reported.A>tA?'microgram/g dry wt.A@'Value as reported.AA@AB'microgram/g dry wt.AC'Value as reported.ASAT'microgram/g dry wt.AU'Value as reported.AV` AW'microgram/g dry wt.AX'Value as reported.B"BBBBBL B'milesB<1@ B'UTMB `@ B 'UTMB BB'microgram/g dry wt.=B'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.BB'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.BB'microgram/g dry wt.B'Value as reported.B#B$'microgram/g dry wt.B%'Value as reported.B&"B''microgram/g dry wt.B('Value as reported.B)"B*'microgram/g dry wt.B+'Value as reported.B,#B-'microgram/g dry wt.B.'Value as reported.B/%B0'microgram/g dry wt.=B1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B8"B9'microgram/g dry wt.B:'Value as reported.B;"B<'microgram/g dry wt.B='Value as reported.B>B?'microgram/g dry wt.B@'Value as reported.BABB'microgram/g dry wt.BC'Value as reported.BSBT'microgram/g dry wt.BU'Value as reported.BVBW'microgram/g dry wt.BX'Value as reported.C"C CCBCL C'milesC<1@ C'UTMC `@ C 'UTMC CC'microgram/g dry wt.=C'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.CC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.CC'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.C#C$'microgram/g dry wt.=C%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C&"C''microgram/g dry wt.C('Value as reported.C)C*'microgram/g dry wt.C+'Value as reported.C,CC-'microgram/g dry wt.C.'Value as reported.C/C0'microgram/g dry wt.=C1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C8&C9'microgram/g dry wt.C:'Value as reported.C;8C<'microgram/g dry wt.C='Value as reported.C>C?'microgram/g dry wt.C@'Value as reported.CACB'microgram/g dry wt.CC'Value as reported.CSCT'microgram/g dry wt.CU'Value as reported.CV` CW'microgram/g dry wt.CX'Value as reported.D"DDDBDL D'milesD<1@ D'UTMD `@ D 'UTMD DD'microgram/g dry wt.=D'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.DD'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.DD'microgram/g dry wt.D'Value as reported.D#D$'microgram/g dry wt.=D%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D&D''microgram/g dry wt.D('Value as reported.D)D*'microgram/g dry wt.D+'Value as reported.D,`mD-'microgram/g dry wt.D.'Value as reported.D/%D0'microgram/g dry wt.=D1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D8D9'microgram/g dry wt.D:'Value as reported.D;D<'microgram/g dry wt.D='Value as reported.D>D?'microgram/g dry wt.D@'Value as reported.DADB'microgram/g dry wt.DC'Value as reported.DS\DT'microgram/g dry wt.DU'Value as reported.DVDW'microgram/g dry wt.=DX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E"EEEHEX E'milesE0333_@ E'UTMEhfff.@ E 'UTME EE'microgram/g dry wt.=E'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.EE'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E,E'microgram/g dry wt.E'Value as reported.E#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=E%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E&E''microgram/g dry wt.E('Value as reported.E)E*'microgram/g dry wt.=E+'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E, E-'microgram/g dry wt.E.'Value as reported.E/%E0'microgram/g dry wt.=E1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E8 E9'microgram/g dry wt.E:'Value as reported.E;E<'microgram/g dry wt.=E='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E>E?'microgram/g dry wt.E@'Value as reported.EAEB'microgram/g dry wt.EC'Value as reported.ESET'microgram/g dry wt.EU'Value as reported.EVEW'microgram/g dry wt.=EX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F"FFFHFX F'milesF0333_@ F'UTMFhfff.@ F 'UTMF FF'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F F'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.FF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.F#F$'microgram/g dry wt.=F%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F&F''microgram/g dry wt.F('Value as reported.F)F*'microgram/g dry wt.F+'Value as reported.F,`mF-'microgram/g dry wt.F.'Value as reported.F/F0'microgram/g dry wt.=F1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F8F9'microgram/g dry wt.F:'Value as reported.F;F<'microgram/g dry wt.F='Value as reported.F>RF?'microgram/g dry wt.F@'Value as reported.FAxFB'microgram/g dry wt.FC'Value as reported.FSbFT'microgram/g dry wt.FU'Value as reported.FV( FW'microgram/g dry wt.FX'Value as reported.G"GGGHGX G'milesG0333_@ G'UTMGhfff.@ G 'UTMG GG'microgram/g dry wt.=G'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.GG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.G#G$'microgram/g dry wt.=G%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G& G''microgram/g dry wt.G('Value as reported.G)$G*'microgram/g dry wt.G+'Value as reported.G,cG-'microgram/g dry wt.G.'Value as reported.G/%G0'microgram/g dry wt.=G1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G8,G9'microgram/g dry wt.G:'Value as reported.G;*G<'microgram/g dry wt.G='Value as reported.G>G?'microgram/g dry wt.G@'Value as reported.GAVGB'microgram/g dry wt.GC'Value as reported.GSGT'microgram/g dry wt.GU'Value as reported.GVGW'microgram/g dry wt.GX'Value as reported.H"HHH4H H'milesHB@ H'UTMH@ H 'UTMH HH'microgram/g dry wt.=H'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.HH'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.HH'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.H#H$'microgram/g dry wt.=H%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H&H''microgram/g dry wt.H('Value as reported.H)H*'microgram/g dry wt.H+'Value as reported.H,'H-'microgram/g dry wt.H.'Value as reported.H/%H0'microgram/g dry wt.=H1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H8H9'microgram/g dry wt.H:'Value as reported.H;H<'microgram/g dry wt.=H='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H>H?'microgram/g dry wt.H@'Value as reported.HAHB'microgram/g dry wt.HC'Value as reported.HSHT'microgram/g dry wt.HU'Value as reported.HVHW'microgram/g dry wt.=HX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I"III4I I'milesIB@ I'UTMI@ I 'UTMI II'microgram/g dry wt.=I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.I#I$'microgram/g dry wt.=I%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I&I''microgram/g dry wt.I('Value as reported.I)I*'microgram/g dry wt.I+'Value as reported.I,`mI-'microgram/g dry wt.I.'Value as reported.I/I0'microgram/g dry wt.=I1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I8I9'microgram/g dry wt.I:'Value as reported.I; I<'microgram/g dry wt.I='Value as reported.I>I?'microgram/g dry wt.I@'Value as reported.IA\IB'microgram/g dry wt.IC'Value as reported.ISZIT'microgram/g dry wt.IU'Value as reported.IVIW'microgram/g dry wt.=IX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J"JJJ4J J'milesJB@ J'UTMJ@ J 'UTMJ JJ'microgram/g dry wt.=J'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.JJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.J#J$'microgram/g dry wt.=J%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J&J''microgram/g dry wt.J('Value as reported.J)J*'microgram/g dry wt.J+'Value as reported.J,UJ-'microgram/g dry wt.J.'Value as reported.J/%J0'microgram/g dry wt.=J1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J8J9'microgram/g dry wt.J:'Value as reported.J;J<'microgram/g dry wt.=J='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J>bJ?'microgram/g dry wt.J@'Value as reported.JAbJB'microgram/g dry wt.JC'Value as reported.JS>JT'microgram/g dry wt.JU'Value as reported.JVJW'microgram/g dry wt.=JX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K"KKK(K K'milesKp}@ K'UTMK0›@ K 'UTMK KK'microgram/g dry wt.=K'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K%K'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.KFK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.K#K$'microgram/g dry wt.=K%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K&K''microgram/g dry wt.K('Value as reported.K)K*'microgram/g dry wt.K+'Value as reported.K,(#K-'microgram/g dry wt.K.'Value as reported.K/%K0'microgram/g dry wt.=K1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K8 K9'microgram/g dry wt.=K:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K;K<'microgram/g dry wt.=K='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K>K?'microgram/g dry wt.K@'Value as reported.KAKB'microgram/g dry wt.KC'Value as reported.KSKT'microgram/g dry wt.KU'Value as reported.KVKW'microgram/g dry wt.=KX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L"LLL(L L'milesLp}@ L'UTML0›@ L 'UTML LL'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.LL'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.LL'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.L#L$'microgram/g dry wt.=L%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L& L''microgram/g dry wt.L('Value as reported.L)L*'microgram/g dry wt.L+'Value as reported.L,#L-'microgram/g dry wt.L.'Value as reported.L/L0'microgram/g dry wt.=L1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L8$L9'microgram/g dry wt.L:'Value as reported.L;"L<'microgram/g dry wt.L='Value as reported.L>2L?'microgram/g dry wt.L@'Value as reported.LAjLB'microgram/g dry wt.LC'Value as reported.LSLT'microgram/g dry wt.LU'Value as reported.LVLW'microgram/g dry wt.LX'Value as reported.M"M MM(M M'milesMp}@ M'UTMM0›@ M 'UTMM MM'microgram/g dry wt.=M'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.MeM'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.MM'microgram/g dry wt.M'Value as reported.M#M$'microgram/g dry wt.=M%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M&M''microgram/g dry wt.M('Value as reported.M)M*'microgram/g dry wt.M+'Value as reported.M,0uM-'microgram/g dry wt.M.'Value as reported.M/%M0'microgram/g dry wt.=M1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M8M9'microgram/g dry wt.M:'Value as reported.M;M<'microgram/g dry wt.M='Value as reported.M>M?'microgram/g dry wt.M@'Value as reported.MA.MB'microgram/g dry wt.MC'Value as reported.MSvMT'microgram/g dry wt.MU'Value as reported.MVMW'microgram/g dry wt.=MX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N"N"NNN N'milesNC@ N'UTMN ر@ N 'UTMN NN'microgram/g dry wt.=N'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N%N'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.NN'microgram/g dry wt.N'Value as reported.N#N$'microgram/g dry wt.=N%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N&N''microgram/g dry wt.N('Value as reported.N)N*'microgram/g dry wt.N+'Value as reported.N,0uN-'microgram/g dry wt.N.'Value as reported.N/%N0'microgram/g dry wt.=N1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N8N9'microgram/g dry wt.N:'Value as reported.N;N<'microgram/g dry wt.N='Value as reported.N>lN?'microgram/g dry wt.N@'Value as reported.NANB'microgram/g dry wt.NC'Value as reported.NSnNT'microgram/g dry wt.NU'Value as reported.NVNW'microgram/g dry wt.=NX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O"O$OOO O'milesOC@ O'UTMO ر@ O 'UTMO OO'microgram/g dry wt.=O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.OO'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.OO'microgram/g dry wt.O'Value as reported.O#O$'microgram/g dry wt.=O%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O&O''microgram/g dry wt.O('Value as reported.O)O*'microgram/g dry wt.O+'Value as reported.O,]O-'microgram/g dry wt.O.'Value as reported.O/%O0'microgram/g dry wt.O1'Value as reported.O8O9'microgram/g dry wt.O:'Value as reported.O;O<'microgram/g dry wt.O='Value as reported.O>"O?'microgram/g dry wt.O@'Value as reported.OAOB'microgram/g dry wt.OC'Value as reported.OSROT'microgram/g dry wt.OU'Value as reported.OVOW'microgram/g dry wt.=OX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P"P(PPP P'milesPC@ P'UTMP ر@ P 'UTMP PP'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.P%P'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.PP'microgram/g dry wt.P'Value as reported.P#P$'microgram/g dry wt.=P%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P&P''microgram/g dry wt.P('Value as reported.P) P*'microgram/g dry wt.P+'Value as reported.P,UP-'microgram/g dry wt.P.'Value as reported.P/%P0'microgram/g dry wt.=P1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P8P9'microgram/g dry wt.P:'Value as reported.P;P<'microgram/g dry wt.=P='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P>VP?'microgram/g dry wt.P@'Value as reported.PA"PB'microgram/g dry wt.PC'Value as reported.PSFPT'microgram/g dry wt.PU'Value as reported.PVPW'microgram/g dry wt.=PX'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q$QQQQhffff@ Q'milesQ?@ Q'UTMQw@ Q 'UTMQ Q#%Q$'microgram/g dry wt.Q%'Value as reported.Q/Q0'microgram/g dry wt.Q1'Value as reported.R$RRRR9@ R'milesRܖ@ R'UTMR@ R 'UTMR R#G!R$'microgram/g dry wt.R%'Value as reported.R/iR0'microgram/g dry wt.R1'Value as reported.S$SSSShfffff@ S'milesSD@ S'UTMS@ S 'UTMS S#g(S$'microgram/g dry wt.S%'Value as reported.S/S0'microgram/g dry wt.S1'Value as reported.T$TTT Thfffff@ T'milesTh@ T'UTMT@ T 'UTMT T#GT$'microgram/g dry wt.T%'Value as reported.T/ T0'microgram/g dry wt.T1'Value as reported.U$U UU.U U'milesUV@ U'UTMUP@ U 'UTMU U#U$'microgram/g dry wt.U%'Value as reported.U/U0'microgram/g dry wt.U1'Value as reported.V$V VV V03333@ V'milesVP@ V'UTMV @ V 'UTMV V#GV$'microgram/g dry wt.V%'Value as reported.V/IV0'microgram/g dry wt.V1'Value as reported.W$WWWW03333s@ W'milesWl@ W'UTMW @ W 'UTMW W#W$'microgram/g dry wt.W%'Value as reported.W/W0'microgram/g dry wt.W1'Value as reported.X$XXXX,@ X'milesX\@ X'UTMX@@ X 'UTMX X#X$'microgram/g dry wt.X%'Value as reported.X/iX0'microgram/g dry wt.X1'Value as reported.Y$YYYY@ Y'milesYr@ Y'UTMY_@ Y 'UTMY Y#Y$'microgram/g dry wt.Y%'Value as reported.Y/iY0'microgram/g dry wt.Y1'Value as reported.Z$ZZZZ̬@ Z'milesZT@ Z'UTMZ@F@ Z 'UTMZ Z#EZ$'microgram/g dry wt.Z%'Value as reported.Z/Z0'microgram/g dry wt.Z1'Value as reported.[$[[[[` ['miles[v @ ['UTM[<@ [ 'UTM[ [#g[$'microgram/g dry wt.[%'Value as reported.[/)[0'microgram/g dry wt.[1'Value as reported.\$\\\ \ \'miles\ @ \'UTM\ע@ \ 'UTM\ \#g\$'microgram/g dry wt.\%'Value as reported.\/i\0'microgram/g dry wt.\1'Value as reported.]&]]]]6 ]'miles] ]T=]'microgram/g dry wt..]'Value represents the mean of replicates.]#]$'microgram/g dry wt..]%'Value represents the mean of replicates.]&T]''microgram/g dry wt..]('Value represents the mean of replicates.]) ]*'microgram/g dry wt..]+'Value represents the mean of replicates.]88]9'microgram/g dry wt..]:'Value represents the mean of replicates.];]<'microgram/g dry wt..]='Value represents the mean of replicates.]SL]T'microgram/g dry wt..]U'Value represents the mean of replicates.^&^^^^hffff@ ^'miles^ ^j @^'microgram/g dry wt.x^'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^#%^$'microgram/g dry wt.x^%'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^&^''microgram/g dry wt.x^('Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^)V^*'microgram/g dry wt.x^+'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^8f^9'microgram/g dry wt.x^:'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^;p^<'microgram/g dry wt.x^='Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported.^S^T'microgram/g dry wt.x^U'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration reported._&___>_H _'miles_ _F @_'microgram/g dry wt.._'Value represents the mean of replicates._#_$'microgram/g dry wt.._%'Value represents the mean of replicates._&_''microgram/g dry wt.._('Value represents the mean of replicates._)f_*'microgram/g dry wt.._+'Value represents the mean of replicates._8p_9'microgram/g dry wt.._:'Value represents the mean of replicates._;b_<'microgram/g dry wt.._='Value represents the mean of replicates._Sf_T'microgram/g dry wt.._U'Value represents the mean of replicates.`&`` `8`̈@ `'miles`w%@ `'UTM`0333@ ` 'UTM` `N`'microgram/g dry wt..`'Value represents the mean of replicates.`# `$'microgram/g dry wt..`%'Value represents the mean of replicates.`& `''microgram/g dry wt..`('Value represents the mean of replicates.`)`*'microgram/g dry wt..`+'Value represents the mean of replicates.`8`9'microgram/g dry wt..`:'Value represents the mean of replicates.`;`<'microgram/g dry wt..`='Value represents the mean of replicates.`S`T'microgram/g dry wt..`U'Value represents the mean of replicates.a&a a aDahffff&@ a'milesaڔ@ a'UTMa @ a 'UTMa aya'microgram/g dry wt..a'Value represents the mean of replicates.a#a$'microgram/g dry wt..a%'Value represents the mean of replicates.a&*a''microgram/g dry wt..a('Value represents the mean of replicates.a)a*'microgram/g dry wt..a+'Value represents the mean of replicates.a8a9'microgram/g dry wt..a:'Value represents the mean of replicates.a;a<'microgram/g dry wt..a='Value represents the mean of replicates.aS6 aT'microgram/g dry wt..aU'Value represents the mean of replicates.b(bbbbT b'milesbi@ b'UTMbP@ b 'UTMb b# 'b$'microgram/g dry wt.b%'Value as reported.b&b''microgram/g dry wt.b('Value as reported.b/b0'microgram/g dry wt.b1'Value as reported.b8%b9'microgram/g dry wt.b:'Value as reported.b; b<'microgram/g dry wt.b='Value as reported.bS:bT'microgram/g dry wt.bU'Value as reported.c(cccc c'milesc@ c'UTMcp@ c 'UTMc c#g!c$'microgram/g dry wt.c%'Value as reported.c&Lc''microgram/g dry wt.c('Value as reported.c/c0'microgram/g dry wt.c1'Value as reported.c8%.c9'microgram/g dry wt.c:'Value as reported.c;Gc<'microgram/g dry wt.c='Value as reported.cScT'microgram/g dry wt.cU'Value as reported.d(dddd?@ d'UTMd@ d 'UTMd d#d$'microgram/g dry wt.d%'Value as reported.d&%d''microgram/g dry wt.d('Value as reported.d/ d0'microgram/g dry wt.d1'Value as reported.d8.d9'microgram/g dry wt.d:'Value as reported.d;%d<'microgram/g dry wt.d='Value as reported.dSdT'microgram/g dry wt.dU'Value as reported.e(e eeep e'mileseZ@ e'UTMe@ e 'UTMe e#"e$'microgram/g dry wt.e%'Value as reported.e&أp= ׈@e''microgram/g dry wt.e('Value as reported.e/Ee0'microgram/g dry wt.e1'Value as reported.e8%e9'microgram/g dry wt.e:'Value as reported.e;%*e<'microgram/g dry wt.e='Value as reported.eSeT'microgram/g dry wt.eU'Value as reported.f*fff@f f'milesfN@@ f'UTMfP@ f 'UTMf f f 'microgram/g dry wt.f 'Value as reported.ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.f#f$'microgram/g dry wt.f%'Value as reported.f&>f''microgram/g dry wt.f('Value as reported.f)&f*'microgram/g dry wt.f+'Value as reported.f/f0'microgram/g dry wt.=f1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f80f9'microgram/g dry wt.f:'Value as reported.f;Rf<'microgram/g dry wt.f='Value as reported.fDfE'microgram/g dry wt.=fF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.fSfT'microgram/g dry wt.fU'Value as reported.g*ggg@gy g'milesg2S@ g'UTMg@ g 'UTMg g pg 'microgram/g dry wt.g 'Value as reported.gg'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.gg'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.g#%g$'microgram/g dry wt.g%'Value as reported.g&,g''microgram/g dry wt.g('Value as reported.g)g*'microgram/g dry wt.g+'Value as reported.g/g0'microgram/g dry wt.=g1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g80g9'microgram/g dry wt.g:'Value as reported.g;Jg<'microgram/g dry wt.g='Value as reported.gDgE'microgram/g dry wt.=gF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.gSgT'microgram/g dry wt.gU'Value as reported.h*hhh@hy h'mileshHS@ h'UTMh@@ h 'UTMh h h 'microgram/g dry wt.h 'Value as reported.hEh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.hh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.h#h$'microgram/g dry wt.h%'Value as reported.h&(h''microgram/g dry wt.h('Value as reported.h)h*'microgram/g dry wt.h+'Value as reported.h/h0'microgram/g dry wt.=h1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h8.h9'microgram/g dry wt.h:'Value as reported.h;Th<'microgram/g dry wt.h='Value as reported.hDhE'microgram/g dry wt.=hF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hShT'microgram/g dry wt.hU'Value as reported.i*iii@i i'milesic@ i'UTMiA@ i 'UTMi i Ti 'microgram/g dry wt.i 'Value as reported.iei'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.ii'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.i#Ei$'microgram/g dry wt.i%'Value as reported.i&,i''microgram/g dry wt.i('Value as reported.i)i*'microgram/g dry wt.i+'Value as reported.i/i0'microgram/g dry wt.=i1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i8(i9'microgram/g dry wt.i:'Value as reported.i;:i<'microgram/g dry wt.i='Value as reported.iDiE'microgram/g dry wt.=iF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.iSniT'microgram/g dry wt.iU'Value as reported.j*j jj@j@ j'milesj@̈@ j'UTMj0&@ j 'UTMj j tj 'microgram/g dry wt.j 'Value as reported.jj'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.jj'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.j#j$'microgram/g dry wt.j%'Value as reported.j&*j''microgram/g dry wt.j('Value as reported.j)j*'microgram/g dry wt.j+'Value as reported.j/j0'microgram/g dry wt.=j1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j8*j9'microgram/g dry wt.j:'Value as reported.j;Lj<'microgram/g dry wt.j='Value as reported.jDjE'microgram/g dry wt.=jF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.jSljT'microgram/g dry wt.jU'Value as reported.k*k kk@k033333@ k'mileskv͈@ k'UTMk '@ k 'UTMk k Nk 'microgram/g dry wt.k 'Value as reported.kk'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.kk'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.k#ek$'microgram/g dry wt.k%'Value as reported.k&:k''microgram/g dry wt.k('Value as reported.k)"k*'microgram/g dry wt.k+'Value as reported.k/k0'microgram/g dry wt.=k1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k8.k9'microgram/g dry wt.k:'Value as reported.k;Rk<'microgram/g dry wt.k='Value as reported.kDkE'microgram/g dry wt.=kF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kSkT'microgram/g dry wt.kU'Value as reported.l*lll@lL@ l'mileslΈ@ l'UTMl0*@ l 'UTMl l l 'microgram/g dry wt.l 'Value as reported.ll'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.ll'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.l#l$'microgram/g dry wt.l%'Value as reported.l&Hl''microgram/g dry wt.l('Value as reported.l)l*'microgram/g dry wt.l+'Value as reported.l/l0'microgram/g dry wt.=l1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l8l9'microgram/g dry wt.l:'Value as reported.l;l<'microgram/g dry wt.l='Value as reported.lDlE'microgram/g dry wt.=lF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.lS,lT'microgram/g dry wt.lU'Value as reported.m*mmm@m@ m'milesm8@ m'UTMm0@ m 'UTMm m m 'microgram/g dry wt.m 'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m4m'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m#m$'microgram/g dry wt.m%'Value as reported.m&%m''microgram/g dry wt.m('Value as reported.m)m*'microgram/g dry wt.m+'Value as reported.m/m0'microgram/g dry wt.=m1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m8%m9'microgram/g dry wt.m:'Value as reported.m;m<'microgram/g dry wt.m='Value as reported.mDmE'microgram/g dry wt.=mF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mSmT'microgram/g dry wt.mU'Value as reported.n*nnn@n@ n'milesn8@ n'UTMn~@ n 'UTMn n &n 'microgram/g dry wt.n 'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n,n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n#en$'microgram/g dry wt.n%'Value as reported.n& n''microgram/g dry wt.n('Value as reported.n)%n*'microgram/g dry wt.n+'Value as reported.n/n0'microgram/g dry wt.=n1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n8n9'microgram/g dry wt.n:'Value as reported.n; n<'microgram/g dry wt.n='Value as reported.nDnE'microgram/g dry wt.=nF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.nS(nT'microgram/g dry wt.nU'Value as reported.o*ooo@o@ o'mileso\$@ o'UTMop@ o 'UTMo o o 'microgram/g dry wt.o 'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.o^o'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.o#Eo$'microgram/g dry wt.o%'Value as reported.o&o''microgram/g dry wt.o('Value as reported.o)% o*'microgram/g dry wt.o+'Value as reported.o/o0'microgram/g dry wt.=o1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o8o9'microgram/g dry wt.o:'Value as reported.o;*o<'microgram/g dry wt.o='Value as reported.oDoE'microgram/g dry wt.=oF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.oSHoT'microgram/g dry wt.oU'Value as reported.p*ppp@p@ p'milesp$@ p'UTMp@ p 'UTMp p p 'microgram/g dry wt.p 'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p,p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p#p$'microgram/g dry wt.p%'Value as reported.p& p''microgram/g dry wt.p('Value as reported.p)Ep*'microgram/g dry wt.p+'Value as reported.p/p0'microgram/g dry wt.=p1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p8 p9'microgram/g dry wt.p:'Value as reported.p;p<'microgram/g dry wt.p='Value as reported.pDpE'microgram/g dry wt.=pF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pS6pT'microgram/g dry wt.pU'Value as reported.q*qqq@qQ+@ q'milesq\$@ q'UTMq@ q 'UTMq q eq 'microgram/g dry wt.q 'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q,q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q#q$'microgram/g dry wt.q%'Value as reported.q&q''microgram/g dry wt.q('Value as reported.q)q*'microgram/g dry wt.q+'Value as reported.q/q0'microgram/g dry wt.=q1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q8q9'microgram/g dry wt.q:'Value as reported.q;"q<'microgram/g dry wt.q='Value as reported.qDqE'microgram/g dry wt.=qF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.qS qT'microgram/g dry wt.qU'Value as reported.r*rrr@rQ+@ r'milesr,$@ r'UTMrp@ r 'UTMr r r 'microgram/g dry wt.r 'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rNr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r#r$'microgram/g dry wt.r%'Value as reported.r&r''microgram/g dry wt.r('Value as reported.r) r*'microgram/g dry wt.r+'Value as reported.r/r0'microgram/g dry wt.=r1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r8 r9'microgram/g dry wt.r:'Value as reported.r;"r<'microgram/g dry wt.r='Value as reported.rDrE'microgram/g dry wt.=rF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rS4rT'microgram/g dry wt.rU'Value as reported.s*sss@s033333@ s'miless$@ s'UTMs@ s 'UTMs s s 'microgram/g dry wt.s 'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.s$s'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.s#s$'microgram/g dry wt.s%'Value as reported.s&es''microgram/g dry wt.s('Value as reported.s)%s*'microgram/g dry wt.s+'Value as reported.s/s0'microgram/g dry wt.=s1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s8 s9'microgram/g dry wt.s:'Value as reported.s;es<'microgram/g dry wt.s='Value as reported.sDsE'microgram/g dry wt.=sF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.sS(sT'microgram/g dry wt.sU'Value as reported.t*ttt@t033333@ t'milest$@ t'UTMt@ t 'UTMt t t 'microgram/g dry wt.t 'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.t&t'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.t#t$'microgram/g dry wt.t%'Value as reported.t& t''microgram/g dry wt.t('Value as reported.t)t*'microgram/g dry wt.t+'Value as reported.t/t0'microgram/g dry wt.=t1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t8 t9'microgram/g dry wt.t:'Value as reported.t;t<'microgram/g dry wt.t='Value as reported.tDtE'microgram/g dry wt.=tF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tS(tT'microgram/g dry wt.tU'Value as reported.u*u uu@uxG:@ u'milesu<$@ u'UTMu@ u 'UTMu u % u 'microgram/g dry wt.u 'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u#u$'microgram/g dry wt.u%'Value as reported.u&u''microgram/g dry wt.u('Value as reported.u)u*'microgram/g dry wt.u+'Value as reported.u/u0'microgram/g dry wt.=u1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u8 u9'microgram/g dry wt.u:'Value as reported.u;u<'microgram/g dry wt.u='Value as reported.uDuE'microgram/g dry wt.=uF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.uS uT'microgram/g dry wt.uU'Value as reported.v*v"vv@vL@ v'milesv$@ v'UTMvp@ v 'UTMv v $v 'microgram/g dry wt.v 'Value as reported.vEv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v4v'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v#Ev$'microgram/g dry wt.v%'Value as reported.v&v''microgram/g dry wt.v('Value as reported.v)v*'microgram/g dry wt.v+'Value as reported.v/v0'microgram/g dry wt.=v1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v8v9'microgram/g dry wt.v:'Value as reported.v;% v<'microgram/g dry wt.v='Value as reported.vD%vE'microgram/g dry wt.=vF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vS:vT'microgram/g dry wt.vU'Value as reported.w*w$ww@w@ w'milesw%@ w'UTMw@ w 'UTMw w ew 'microgram/g dry wt.w 'Value as reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w*w'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w#w$'microgram/g dry wt.w%'Value as reported.w&w''microgram/g dry wt.w('Value as reported.w)w*'microgram/g dry wt.w+'Value as reported.w/'w0'microgram/g dry wt.=w1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w8w9'microgram/g dry wt.=w:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w;w<'microgram/g dry wt.w='Value as reported.wDwE'microgram/g dry wt.=wF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.wSwT'microgram/g dry wt.wU'Value as reported.x*x&xx@x@ x'milesx$@ x'UTMx@ x 'UTMx x x 'microgram/g dry wt.x 'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.x#x$'microgram/g dry wt.x%'Value as reported.x&x''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value as reported.x)2x*'microgram/g dry wt.x+'Value as reported.x/'x0'microgram/g dry wt.=x1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x8 x9'microgram/g dry wt.=x:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x; x<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value as reported.xDxE'microgram/g dry wt.=xF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xS$xT'microgram/g dry wt.xU'Value as reported.y*y(yy@y̒@ y'milesy#@ y'UTMypC@ y 'UTMy y ey 'microgram/g dry wt.y 'Value as reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y#y$'microgram/g dry wt.y%'Value as reported.y&y''microgram/g dry wt.y('Value as reported.y) y*'microgram/g dry wt.y+'Value as reported.y/'y0'microgram/g dry wt.=y1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y8y9'microgram/g dry wt.=y:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y;y<'microgram/g dry wt.y='Value as reported.yDyE'microgram/g dry wt.=yF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yS"yT'microgram/g dry wt.yU'Value as reported.z*z*zz@zhffff@ z'milesz%@ z'UTMz@ z 'UTMz z 4z 'microgram/g dry wt.z 'Value as reported.z%z'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zDz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.z#ez$'microgram/g dry wt.z%'Value as reported.z&z''microgram/g dry wt.z('Value as reported.z)z*'microgram/g dry wt.z+'Value as reported.z/'z0'microgram/g dry wt.z1'Value as reported.z8z9'microgram/g dry wt.z:'Value as reported.z; z<'microgram/g dry wt.z='Value as reported.zDzE'microgram/g dry wt.=zF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zSDzT'microgram/g dry wt.zU'Value as reported.{*{,{{@{hfffff@ {'miles{'@ {'UTM{@ؽ@ { 'UTM{ { E{ 'microgram/g dry wt.{ 'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{8{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{#e{$'microgram/g dry wt.{%'Value as reported.{&% {''microgram/g dry wt.{('Value as reported.{){*'microgram/g dry wt.{+'Value as reported.{/'{0'microgram/g dry wt.{1'Value as reported.{8 {9'microgram/g dry wt.{:'Value as reported.{;"{<'microgram/g dry wt.{='Value as reported.{D{E'microgram/g dry wt.={F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{SB{T'microgram/g dry wt.{U'Value as reported.|*|.||@|03333@ |'miles|-@ |'UTM|pQ@ | 'UTM| | | 'microgram/g dry wt.| 'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|N|'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|#|$'microgram/g dry wt.|%'Value as reported.|&e |''microgram/g dry wt.|('Value as reported.|)E |*'microgram/g dry wt.|+'Value as reported.|/'|0'microgram/g dry wt.=|1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|8|9'microgram/g dry wt.|:'Value as reported.|;|<'microgram/g dry wt.|='Value as reported.|D|E'microgram/g dry wt.=|F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|S>|T'microgram/g dry wt.|U'Value as reported.}*}0}}@}03333@ }'miles}-@ }'UTM}Q@ } 'UTM} } } 'microgram/g dry wt.} 'Value as reported.}E}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}L}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}#e}$'microgram/g dry wt.}%'Value as reported.}&E }''microgram/g dry wt.}('Value as reported.})}*'microgram/g dry wt.}+'Value as reported.}/'}0'microgram/g dry wt.}1'Value as reported.}8E }9'microgram/g dry wt.}:'Value as reported.};}<'microgram/g dry wt.}='Value as reported.}D}E'microgram/g dry wt.=}F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}SH}T'microgram/g dry wt.}U'Value as reported.~*~2~~@~hffff@ ~'miles~|&@ ~'UTM~0@ ~ 'UTM~ ~ ~ 'microgram/g dry wt.~ 'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~4~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~#~$'microgram/g dry wt.~%'Value as reported.~&~''microgram/g dry wt.~('Value as reported.~) ~*'microgram/g dry wt.~+'Value as reported.~/'~0'microgram/g dry wt.~1'Value as reported.~8e ~9'microgram/g dry wt.~:'Value as reported.~;% ~<'microgram/g dry wt.~='Value as reported.~D~E'microgram/g dry wt.=~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~SD~T'microgram/g dry wt.~U'Value as reported.*4@4 'miles@F@ 'UTM` @  'UTM  P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.g'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.=:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DgE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SZT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*6@@ 'milesS@ 'UTM !@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8% 9'microgram/g dry wt.=:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*8@@ 'milesS@ 'UTM!@  'UTM  %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.=:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*:@L@ 'miles^@ 'UTMe@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.=:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DgE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*<@@ 'miles`@ 'UTMr@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>@@ 'milesf@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@@ 'milesf@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*B@@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@  'UTM  T 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&% ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S.T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*D>< 'mileso@ 'UTMԿ@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;8<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*F>B 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*H>D 'milesP@ 'UTMV@  'UTM  V 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;v<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*J>D 'milesX@ 'UTMpV@  'UTM  C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)2*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;n<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*L>F 'milesڠ@ 'UTM@  'UTM  ` 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.`'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&p''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*N>@ 'mileso@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*P>03333@ 'milesp@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&f''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*R>03333@ 'milesp@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;~<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*T>̵@ 'milesq@ 'UTM@  'UTM  e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*V>@ 'milesƋ@ 'UTM @  'UTM  P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*X>@ 'milesċ@ 'UTM%@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.J'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*Z>@ 'milesċ@ 'UTM0&@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*\>@ 'mileslNj@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*^@033333@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM  8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*`@@ 'miles@ 'UTM"@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S*T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*b@@ 'miles@ 'UTMp#@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S$T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*d@hfffff@ 'miles`"@ 'UTM8@  'UTM  & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S"T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*f@̅@ 'milesl@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*h@  'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S$T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*j@  'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM  " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S"T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*l@033333@ 'milesˆ@ 'UTM@  'UTM  6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S$T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*n>@ 'miles̋@ 'UTMT@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*p>hfffff@ 'miles͋@ 'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*r> 'miles,ʋ@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*t>@ 'miles4׋@ 'UTMi@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S"T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*v>@ 'milesً@ 'UTM@  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8% 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S*T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*x>@ 'miles؋@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*z>hffff@ 'milesً@ 'UTM@@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*|<@ 'milesH@ 'UTMU@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.=('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.=+'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SET'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*~<@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S.T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*<@ 'milesp@ 'UTM@  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*<@ 'miles@ 'UTMP@  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@ 'miles@@ 'UTM @  'UTM  . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.SxT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@ 'milesM@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.v'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@ 'milesX@ 'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@ 'milesc@ 'UTM @@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'milesh؈@ 'UTMO@  'UTM  Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@̈@ 'miles߈@ 'UTM@}@  'UTM  t 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@̈@ 'miles߈@ 'UTM@}@  'UTM  * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@hfffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM~@  'UTM  * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@033333@ 'milesB@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@hfffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@hffff@ 'miles$@ 'UTMP@  'UTM  ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@̒@ 'miles#@ 'UTMC@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@& 'miles#@ 'UTMV@  'UTM  X 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'miles$@ 'UTMp@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'miles$@ 'UTMЏ@  'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@( 'miles&@ 'UTMഽ@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'miles&@ 'UTMý@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@hfffff@ 'miles+@ 'UTMP7@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.x'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@hffff@ 'milesf&@ 'UTM@  'UTM  d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@0 'miles/@ 'UTM@  'UTM  0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@4 'milesE@ 'UTMp @  'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'milesR@ 'UTM@  'UTM  ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.SRT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'milesR@ 'UTMP!@  'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'milesa@ 'UTMy@  'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@03333@ 'milesb@ 'UTM@@  'UTM  0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'milesf@ 'UTM@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SxT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'milesf@ 'UTM@  'UTM  > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'milesj@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.StT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>hffff@ 'mileso@ 'UTMο@  'UTM  * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.d'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>< 'milesp@ 'UTM ֿ@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;><'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>< 'mileso@ 'UTMP׿@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;8<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>@ 'milesp@ 'UTM`ۿ@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>@ 'milesd@ 'UTM@  'UTM  " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>D 'milesh@ 'UTMV@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>D 'miles@ 'UTMY@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>hffff@ 'miles @ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>hffff@ 'miles@j@ 'UTMЄ@  'UTM  2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>L@ 'milesm@ 'UTM`@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>L@ 'milesm@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>03333@ 'milesp@ 'UTM@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>@ 'milesƋ@ 'UTM@  'UTM  x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>hfffff@ 'milesFŋ@ 'UTMp@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>hfffff@ 'milesŋ@ 'UTM@@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>@ 'milesNj@ 'UTM@  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>03333@ 'miles؋@ 'UTMP@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>@ 'miles׋@ 'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>@ 'miles׋@ 'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>hffff@ 'miles׋@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;N<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;><'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SbT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*<033333@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*<033333@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*<hfffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM  e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*:03333s@ 'miles-@ 'UTM,@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*:p= ף@ 'miles~.@ 'UTMpA@  'UTM  & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&H''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;r<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*:p= ף@ 'miles4.@ 'UTMA@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;:<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*:hffff@ 'miles.@ 'UTMR@  'UTM  8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&:''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;d<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* 8hffff@ 'milesԊ@ 'UTM@@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* 8̎@ 'miles@ 'UTMP@  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;N<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* 8hffff@ 'miles @ 'UTM @  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* D< 'milesԑ@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#R$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* D@ 'milesܓ@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S*T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* Dhffff&@ 'miles@ 'UTM@@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.t'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#"$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8n9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*6D @ 'miles|@ 'UTMM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SNT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*6D033333@ 'milesŒ@ 'UTM@L@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*6D033333@ 'milesŒ@ 'UTML@  'UTM  " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;f<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*6D03333s@ 'milesȌ@ 'UTM`E@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@ 'miles@@ 'UTM@  'UTM  * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* @ 'milesM@ 'UTM@  'UTM  | 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* @ 'milesX@ 'UTM@!@  'UTM  z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@ 'milesc@ 'UTM>@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@ 'miles\׈@ 'UTM@J@  'UTM  $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'miles܈@ 'UTM`v@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'miles܈@ 'UTMs@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'milesV@ 'UTM~@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&G ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@@ 'miles@ 'UTM0@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@03333@ 'miles, @ 'UTMt@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@033333@ 'miles$@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.d'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@̒@ 'miles$@ 'UTM`C@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SzT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.* @@ 'miles#@ 'UTMb@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*"@@ 'miles$@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*$@@ 'miles#@ 'UTM0@  'UTM  , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*&@hffff@ 'miles%@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*(@@ 'miles&@ 'UTM@½@  'UTM  ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.**@L@ 'miles+@ 'UTM0@  'UTM  $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;><'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*,@@ 'miles(@ 'UTM`@  'UTM  E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SRT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*.@0 'miles/@ 'UTM@@  'UTM  B 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;D<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*0@@ 'milespG@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;&<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*2@L@ 'milesU@ 'UTM+@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.d'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*4@L@ 'miles U@ 'UTM,@  'UTM  e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*6@@ 'miles`@ 'UTMPr@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*8@@ 'milesa@ 'UTM`z@  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*:@: 'milese@ 'UTM0@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.n'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SZT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*<@: 'milese@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.n'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S^T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*>@@ 'miles|k@ 'UTMк@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*@>hffff@ 'mileso@ 'UTM`ο@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*B>< 'mileso@ 'UTMӿ@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./50'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*D>@ 'milesp@ 'UTMۿ@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*F>@ 'miles@ 'UTM0@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;:<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. * H  > @ 'miles 2@ 'UTM \@  'UTM    4  'microgram/g dry wt.  'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. r 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8, 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SZ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. * J  > hffff@ 'miles `@ 'UTM p@  'UTM    T  'microgram/g dry wt.  'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &. ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )6 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8F 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;d <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. * L  > ̴@ 'miles hi@ 'UTM {@  'UTM      'microgram/g dry wt.  'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. * N  > 033333@ 'miles l@ 'UTM @  'UTM      'microgram/g dry wt.  'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. B 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. * P  > 033333@ 'miles l@ 'UTM @@  'UTM      'microgram/g dry wt.  'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8%  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SJ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.*R>̵@ 'milesjq@ 'UTMp@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&V''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*T>@ 'milesvƋ@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&V''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./g 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SRT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*V>hfffff@ 'miles>ŋ@ 'UTMP@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.f'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*X>hfffff@ 'milesŋ@ 'UTM@@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.`'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*Z>@ 'milesNj@ 'UTMp@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*\@hfffff@ 'miles"$@ 'UTM@  'UTM  $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*^@@ 'miles%@ 'UTM@  'UTM  E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#5$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S8T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*`@@ 'miles$@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*b@̓@ 'miles%@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*d>hfffff@ 'miles؋@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#' $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*f>hfffff@ 'miles؋@ 'UTMp@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*h>@ 'miles؋@ 'UTM@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.r'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*j>@ 'miles؋@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SNT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*l< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SdT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*n<033333@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&e''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*p<033333@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SRT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*r<hfffff@ 'miles~@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.*t:03333s@ 'milesX-@ 'UTM0,@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. * v  : ̌@ 'miles &.@ 'UTM <@  'UTM      'microgram/g dry wt.  'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )B *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 88 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;^ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S0 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.!*!x!!:!̌@ !'miles!-@ !'UTM!<@ ! 'UTM! ! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.!%!'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.!!'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.!#e!$'microgram/g dry wt.!%'Value as reported.!&&!''microgram/g dry wt.!('Value as reported.!):!*'microgram/g dry wt.!+'Value as reported.!/g!0'microgram/g dry wt.!1'Value as reported.!8>!9'microgram/g dry wt.!:'Value as reported.!;f!<'microgram/g dry wt.!='Value as reported.!D!E'microgram/g dry wt.=!F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.!SL!T'microgram/g dry wt.!U'Value as reported."*"z"":"hffff@ "'miles".@ "'UTM"`P@ " 'UTM" " " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported.""'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.""'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported."#"$'microgram/g dry wt."%'Value as reported."&"''microgram/g dry wt."('Value as reported.") "*'microgram/g dry wt."+'Value as reported."/%"0'microgram/g dry wt.="1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."80"9'microgram/g dry wt.":'Value as reported.";T"<'microgram/g dry wt."='Value as reported."D"E'microgram/g dry wt.="F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."Sv"T'microgram/g dry wt."U'Value as reported.#*#|# #8#@ #'miles#D@ #'UTM#p@ # 'UTM# # # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.##'microgram/g dry wt.=#'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.##'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.##E#$'microgram/g dry wt.#%'Value as reported.#&#''microgram/g dry wt.#('Value as reported.#).#*'microgram/g dry wt.#+'Value as reported.#/%#0'microgram/g dry wt.=#1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#8L#9'microgram/g dry wt.#:'Value as reported.#;r#<'microgram/g dry wt.#='Value as reported.#D#E'microgram/g dry wt.=#F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#S#T'microgram/g dry wt.#U'Value as reported.$*$~$ $8$̎@ $'miles$@ $'UTM$@ $ 'UTM$ $ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$#$$'microgram/g dry wt.$%'Value as reported.$&e $''microgram/g dry wt.$('Value as reported.$)%$*'microgram/g dry wt.$+'Value as reported.$/$0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Value as reported.$8Z$9'microgram/g dry wt.$:'Value as reported.$;$<'microgram/g dry wt.$='Value as reported.$D$E'microgram/g dry wt.=$F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$S6$T'microgram/g dry wt.$U'Value as reported.%*%% %8%hffff@ %'miles%4@ %'UTM%P@ % 'UTM% % % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.%%'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%#E%$'microgram/g dry wt.%%'Value as reported.%&*%''microgram/g dry wt.%('Value as reported.%)%*'microgram/g dry wt.%+'Value as reported.%/%%0'microgram/g dry wt.=%1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%8P%9'microgram/g dry wt.%:'Value as reported.%;*%<'microgram/g dry wt.%='Value as reported.%D%E'microgram/g dry wt.=%F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%Sv%T'microgram/g dry wt.%U'Value as reported.&*&& &D&< &'miles&@ &'UTM&`@ & 'UTM& & Z& 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.&%&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&:&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&#F&$'microgram/g dry wt.&%'Value as reported.&& &''microgram/g dry wt.&('Value as reported.&)&*'microgram/g dry wt.&+'Value as reported.&/&0'microgram/g dry wt.&1'Value as reported.&8D&9'microgram/g dry wt.&:'Value as reported.&;$&<'microgram/g dry wt.&='Value as reported.&D&E'microgram/g dry wt.=&F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&S &T'microgram/g dry wt.&U'Value as reported.'*'' 'D'@ ''miles'@ ''UTM'@ ' 'UTM' ' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.'''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'&''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'#b'$'microgram/g dry wt.'%'Value as reported.'&'''microgram/g dry wt.'('Value as reported.')X'*'microgram/g dry wt.'+'Value as reported.'/'0'microgram/g dry wt.'1'Value as reported.'8X'9'microgram/g dry wt.':'Value as reported.';2'<'microgram/g dry wt.'='Value as reported.'D'E'microgram/g dry wt.='F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'S`'T'microgram/g dry wt.'U'Value as reported.(*(( (D(@ ('miles(@ ('UTM(p@ ( 'UTM( ( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.(('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(#Z($'microgram/g dry wt.(%'Value as reported.(&\(''microgram/g dry wt.(('Value as reported.()4(*'microgram/g dry wt.(+'Value as reported.(/e(0'microgram/g dry wt.(1'Value as reported.(8(9'microgram/g dry wt.(:'Value as reported.(;(<'microgram/g dry wt.(='Value as reported.(D (E'microgram/g dry wt.(F'Value as reported.(S4 (T'microgram/g dry wt.(U'Value as reported.)*)) )D)hffff&@ )'miles)@ )'UTM) @ ) 'UTM) ) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.)%)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)J)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)#")$'microgram/g dry wt.)%'Value as reported.)&j)''microgram/g dry wt.)('Value as reported.)))*'microgram/g dry wt.)+'Value as reported.)/%)0'microgram/g dry wt.=)1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)8)9'microgram/g dry wt.):'Value as reported.);b)<'microgram/g dry wt.)='Value as reported.)D)E'microgram/g dry wt.=)F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)S)T'microgram/g dry wt.)U'Value as reported.****6*D* @ *'miles*@ *'UTM*K@ * 'UTM* * * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.**'microgram/g dry wt.*'Value as reported.*l*'microgram/g dry wt.*'Value as reported.*#*$'microgram/g dry wt.*%'Value as reported.*&4*''microgram/g dry wt.*('Value as reported.*)R**'microgram/g dry wt.*+'Value as reported.*/'*0'microgram/g dry wt.*1'Value as reported.*8*9'microgram/g dry wt.*:'Value as reported.*;*<'microgram/g dry wt.*='Value as reported.*D*E'microgram/g dry wt.*F'Value as reported.*S4*T'microgram/g dry wt.*U'Value as reported.+*++6+D+@@ +'miles+Č@ +'UTM+I@ + 'UTM+ + .+ 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+e+'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.+`+'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.+#+$'microgram/g dry wt.+%'Value as reported.+&+''microgram/g dry wt.+('Value as reported.+)(+*'microgram/g dry wt.++'Value as reported.+/+0'microgram/g dry wt.+1'Value as reported.+8v+9'microgram/g dry wt.+:'Value as reported.+;+<'microgram/g dry wt.+='Value as reported.+D+E'microgram/g dry wt.+F'Value as reported.+SD+T'microgram/g dry wt.+U'Value as reported.,*,,6,D,@@ ,'miles,Č@ ,'UTM,0K@ , 'UTM, , ", 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported.,,'microgram/g dry wt.=,'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,n,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported.,#,$'microgram/g dry wt.,%'Value as reported.,&,''microgram/g dry wt.,('Value as reported.,)>,*'microgram/g dry wt.,+'Value as reported.,/%,0'microgram/g dry wt.=,1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,8p,9'microgram/g dry wt.,:'Value as reported.,;,<'microgram/g dry wt.,='Value as reported.,D,E'microgram/g dry wt.,F'Value as reported.,SB,T'microgram/g dry wt.,U'Value as reported.-*--6-D-03333s@ -'miles-Ȍ@ -'UTM-G@ - 'UTM- - - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.-e-'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.--'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.-#-$'microgram/g dry wt.-%'Value as reported.-&-''microgram/g dry wt.-('Value as reported.-)&-*'microgram/g dry wt.-+'Value as reported.-/%-0'microgram/g dry wt.=-1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-8r-9'microgram/g dry wt.-:'Value as reported.-;~-<'microgram/g dry wt.-='Value as reported.-De-E'microgram/g dry wt.-F'Value as reported.-S-T'microgram/g dry wt.-U'Value as reported..,...e .'miles.@ .'UTM.@ . 'UTM. . . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported..#.$'microgram/g dry wt..%'Value as reported..&.''microgram/g dry wt..('Value as reported..).*'microgram/g dry wt..+'Value as reported../g.0'microgram/g dry wt..1'Value as reported..; .<'microgram/g dry wt..='Value as reported..>.?'microgram/g dry wt..@'Value as reported..A.B'microgram/g dry wt..C'Value as reported..S@.T'microgram/g dry wt..U'Value as reported./,/// /'miles/F@ /'UTM/.@ / 'UTM/ /#'/$'microgram/g dry wt./%'Value as reported./&0/''microgram/g dry wt./('Value as reported./)8/*'microgram/g dry wt./+'Value as reported.///0'microgram/g dry wt./1'Value as reported./;0/<'microgram/g dry wt./='Value as reported./>/?'microgram/g dry wt./@'Value as reported./S/T'microgram/g dry wt./U'Value as reported.0,000 0'miles0x@ 0'UTM0@ 0 'UTM0 0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0#0$'microgram/g dry wt.0%'Value as reported.0&*0''microgram/g dry wt.0('Value as reported.0):0*'microgram/g dry wt.0+'Value as reported.0/00'microgram/g dry wt.01'Value as reported.0;N0<'microgram/g dry wt.0='Value as reported.0>0?'microgram/g dry wt.0@'Value as reported.0A0B'microgram/g dry wt.0C'Value as reported.0S0T'microgram/g dry wt.0U'Value as reported.1,1111 1'miles1ݗ@ 1'UTM1@ 1 'UTM1 1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1#g1$'microgram/g dry wt.1%'Value as reported.1&1''microgram/g dry wt.1('Value as reported.1)1*'microgram/g dry wt.1+'Value as reported.1/10'microgram/g dry wt.11'Value as reported.1;1<'microgram/g dry wt.1='Value as reported.1>l1?'microgram/g dry wt.1@'Value as reported.1A1B'microgram/g dry wt.1C'Value as reported.1Sb1T'microgram/g dry wt.1U'Value as reported.2,2 222^ 2'miles2J@ 2'UTM2`S@ 2 'UTM2 2 |2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2# 2$'microgram/g dry wt.2%'Value as reported.2&.2''microgram/g dry wt.2('Value as reported.2)*2*'microgram/g dry wt.2+'Value as reported.2/g20'microgram/g dry wt.21'Value as reported.2; 2<'microgram/g dry wt.2='Value as reported.2> 2?'microgram/g dry wt.2@'Value as reported.2A 2B'microgram/g dry wt.02C'Value reported is estimated concentration.2S2T'microgram/g dry wt.2U'Value as reported.3,3 333: 3'miles3@ 3'UTM3@ 3 'UTM3 3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3# 3$'microgram/g dry wt.3%'Value as reported.3&03''microgram/g dry wt.3('Value as reported.3).3*'microgram/g dry wt.3+'Value as reported.3/30'microgram/g dry wt.31'Value as reported.3;@3<'microgram/g dry wt.3='Value as reported.3>3?'microgram/g dry wt.3@'Value as reported.3AH 3B'microgram/g dry wt.3C'Value as reported.3S3T'microgram/g dry wt.3U'Value as reported.4,4444: 4'miles4@ 4'UTM4@ 4 'UTM4 4 T4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4# 4$'microgram/g dry wt.4%'Value as reported.4&64''microgram/g dry wt.4('Value as reported.4)04*'microgram/g dry wt.4+'Value as reported.4/40'microgram/g dry wt.41'Value as reported.4;$4<'microgram/g dry wt.4='Value as reported.4>H 4?'microgram/g dry wt.4@'Value as reported.4A 4B'microgram/g dry wt.04C'Value reported is estimated concentration.4S4T'microgram/g dry wt.4U'Value as reported.5,5555 5'miles5˕@ 5'UTM5@!@ 5 'UTM5 5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5#g5$'microgram/g dry wt.5%'Value as reported.5&65''microgram/g dry wt.5('Value as reported.5)&5*'microgram/g dry wt.5+'Value as reported.5/'50'microgram/g dry wt.51'Value as reported.5;:5<'microgram/g dry wt.5='Value as reported.5> 5?'microgram/g dry wt.5@'Value as reported.5A5B'microgram/g dry wt.5C'Value as reported.5S5T'microgram/g dry wt.5U'Value as reported.6,666 6 6'miles6<@ 6'UTM6D@ 6 'UTM6 6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6#6$'microgram/g dry wt.6%'Value as reported.6&86''microgram/g dry wt.6('Value as reported.6)$6*'microgram/g dry wt.6+'Value as reported.6/'60'microgram/g dry wt.61'Value as reported.6;(6<'microgram/g dry wt.6='Value as reported.6>6?'microgram/g dry wt.6@'Value as reported.6A6B'microgram/g dry wt.06C'Value reported is estimated concentration.6S6T'microgram/g dry wt.6U'Value as reported.7,7777N 7'miles7B@ 7'UTM7`@ 7 'UTM7 7 b7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7#7$'microgram/g dry wt.7%'Value as reported.7&:7''microgram/g dry wt.7('Value as reported.7)"7*'microgram/g dry wt.7+'Value as reported.7/'70'microgram/g dry wt.71'Value as reported.7; 7<'microgram/g dry wt.7='Value as reported.7> 7?'microgram/g dry wt.7@'Value as reported.7A07B'microgram/g dry wt.07C'Value reported is estimated concentration.7S7T'microgram/g dry wt.7U'Value as reported.8,888e 8'miles8@ 8'UTM8@ 8 'UTM8 8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8#g8$'microgram/g dry wt.8%'Value as reported.8&8''microgram/g dry wt.8('Value as reported.8)8*'microgram/g dry wt.8+'Value as reported.8/G80'microgram/g dry wt.~81'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.8;8<'microgram/g dry wt.8='Value as reported.8>88?'microgram/g dry wt.8@'Value as reported.8At8B'microgram/g dry wt.8C'Value as reported.8SJ8T'microgram/g dry wt.8U'Value as reported.9,999 9'miles9@ 9'UTM9`@ 9 'UTM9 9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9#9$'microgram/g dry wt.9%'Value as reported.9&9''microgram/g dry wt.9('Value as reported.9)9*'microgram/g dry wt.9+'Value as reported.9/G90'microgram/g dry wt.~91'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant.9;9<'microgram/g dry wt.9='Value as reported.9>9?'microgram/g dry wt.9@'Value as reported.9A|9B'microgram/g dry wt.9C'Value as reported.9S&9T'microgram/g dry wt.9U'Value as reported.:,::: :'miles:x@ :'UTM:@ : 'UTM: : : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.:#:$'microgram/g dry wt.:%'Value as reported.:&:''microgram/g dry wt.:('Value as reported.:):*'microgram/g dry wt.:+'Value as reported.:/:0'microgram/g dry wt.:1'Value as reported.:; :<'microgram/g dry wt.:='Value as reported.:>d:?'microgram/g dry wt.:@'Value as reported.:A8:B'microgram/g dry wt.:C'Value as reported.:Sh:T'microgram/g dry wt.:U'Value as reported.;,;;;; ;'miles;ŗ@ ;'UTM;_@ ; 'UTM; ; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.;#G;$'microgram/g dry wt.;%'Value as reported.;&;''microgram/g dry wt.;('Value as reported.;);*'microgram/g dry wt.;+'Value as reported.;/;0'microgram/g dry wt.;1'Value as reported.;;6;<'microgram/g dry wt.;='Value as reported.;> ;?'microgram/g dry wt.;@'Value as reported.;A;B'microgram/g dry wt.;C'Value as reported.;S;T'microgram/g dry wt.;U'Value as reported.<,<<<< <'miles<ݗ@ <'UTM<@ < 'UTM< < ,< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.<#g<$'microgram/g dry wt.<%'Value as reported.<&<''microgram/g dry wt.<('Value as reported.<)<*'microgram/g dry wt.<+'Value as reported.</<0'microgram/g dry wt.<1'Value as reported.<;$<<'microgram/g dry wt.<='Value as reported.<>` <?'microgram/g dry wt.<@'Value as reported.<A<B'microgram/g dry wt.<C'Value as reported.<Sn<T'microgram/g dry wt.<U'Value as reported.=,= ===^ ='miles=J@ ='UTM=`S@ = 'UTM= = = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.=# =$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Value as reported.=&$=''microgram/g dry wt.=('Value as reported.=)$=*'microgram/g dry wt.=+'Value as reported.=/=0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Value as reported.=;$=<'microgram/g dry wt.=='Value as reported.=>=?'microgram/g dry wt.=@'Value as reported.=A0=B'microgram/g dry wt.=C'Value as reported.=S=T'microgram/g dry wt.=U'Value as reported.>,>">>>: >'miles>@ >'UTM>@ > 'UTM> > > 'microgram/g dry wt.0> 'Value reported is estimated concentration.>#g >$'microgram/g dry wt.>%'Value as reported.>&B>''microgram/g dry wt.>('Value as reported.>).>*'microgram/g dry wt.>+'Value as reported.>/>0'microgram/g dry wt.>1'Value as reported.>;&><'microgram/g dry wt.>='Value as reported.>>( >?'microgram/g dry wt.>@'Value as reported.>A` >B'microgram/g dry wt.0>C'Value reported is estimated concentration.>S>T'microgram/g dry wt.>U'Value as reported.?,?$???: ?'miles?@ ?'UTM?@ ? 'UTM? ? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.0? 'Value reported is estimated concentration.?#g ?$'microgram/g dry wt.?%'Value as reported.?&>?''microgram/g dry wt.?('Value as reported.?).?*'microgram/g dry wt.?+'Value as reported.?/?0'microgram/g dry wt.?1'Value as reported.?;,?<'microgram/g dry wt.?='Value as reported.?>` ??'microgram/g dry wt.?@'Value as reported.?A` ?B'microgram/g dry wt.0?C'Value reported is estimated concentration.?S?T'microgram/g dry wt.?U'Value as reported.@,@&@@@ @'miles@\'@ @'UTM@ Š@ @ 'UTM@ @ H @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@# @$'microgram/g dry wt.@%'Value as reported.@&6@''microgram/g dry wt.@('Value as reported.@)4@*'microgram/g dry wt.@+'Value as reported.@/%@0'microgram/g dry wt.@1'Value as reported.@;R@<'microgram/g dry wt.@='Value as reported.@>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@@'Value as reported.@A@B'microgram/g dry wt.@C'Value as reported.@S@@T'microgram/g dry wt.@U'Value as reported.A,A(AAA A'milesA˕@ A'UTMA@!@ A 'UTMA A $A 'microgram/g dry wt.0A 'Value reported is estimated concentration.A#'A$'microgram/g dry wt.A%'Value as reported.A&HA''microgram/g dry wt.A('Value as reported.A)*A*'microgram/g dry wt.A+'Value as reported.A/A0'microgram/g dry wt.A1'Value as reported.A;&A<'microgram/g dry wt.A='Value as reported.A>` A?'microgram/g dry wt.A@'Value as reported.AAH AB'microgram/g dry wt.0AC'Value reported is estimated concentration.ASAT'microgram/g dry wt.AU'Value as reported.B,B*BB B B'milesB<@ B'UTMBD@ B 'UTMB B 4B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B#B$'microgram/g dry wt.B%'Value as reported.B&$B''microgram/g dry wt.B('Value as reported.B)B*'microgram/g dry wt.B+'Value as reported.B/B0'microgram/g dry wt.B1'Value as reported.B;B<'microgram/g dry wt.B='Value as reported.B><B?'microgram/g dry wt.B@'Value as reported.BA` BB'microgram/g dry wt.BC'Value as reported.BSfBT'microgram/g dry wt.BU'Value as reported.C,C,CCCN C'milesCB@ C'UTMC`@ C 'UTMC C ~C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C#GC$'microgram/g dry wt.C%'Value as reported.C&2C''microgram/g dry wt.C('Value as reported.C)C*'microgram/g dry wt.C+'Value as reported.C/C0'microgram/g dry wt.C1'Value as reported.C; C<'microgram/g dry wt.C='Value as reported.C>0C?'microgram/g dry wt.C@'Value as reported.CACB'microgram/g dry wt.CC'Value as reported.CSCT'microgram/g dry wt.CU'Value as reported.D,D.DDD D'milesD @ D'UTMDȟ@ D 'UTMD D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D#D$'microgram/g dry wt.D%'Value as reported.D&DD''microgram/g dry wt.D('Value as reported.D)"D*'microgram/g dry wt.D+'Value as reported.D/%D0'microgram/g dry wt.D1'Value as reported.D;&D<'microgram/g dry wt.D='Value as reported.D>( D?'microgram/g dry wt.D@'Value as reported.DA` DB'microgram/g dry wt.DC'Value as reported.DSDT'microgram/g dry wt.DU'Value as reported.E,E0EEE E'milesE1@ E'UTME@ E 'UTME E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E#'E$'microgram/g dry wt.E%'Value as reported.E&,E''microgram/g dry wt.E('Value as reported.E)E*'microgram/g dry wt.E+'Value as reported.E/E0'microgram/g dry wt.E1'Value as reported.E; E<'microgram/g dry wt.E='Value as reported.E>E?'microgram/g dry wt.E@'Value as reported.EAEB'microgram/g dry wt.EC'Value as reported.ESnET'microgram/g dry wt.EU'Value as reported.F,F2FFF^ F'milesFJ@ F'UTMF`S@ F 'UTMF F#F$'microgram/g dry wt.F%'Value as reported.F)4F*'microgram/g dry wt.F+'Value as reported.F;(F<'microgram/g dry wt.F='Value as reported.F>hF?'microgram/g dry wt.F@'Value as reported.FSFT'microgram/g dry wt.FU'Value as reported.G,G4GGG^ G'milesGJ@ G'UTMG`S@ G 'UTMG G#G$'microgram/g dry wt.G%'Value as reported.G)8G*'microgram/g dry wt.G+'Value as reported.G;0G<'microgram/g dry wt.G='Value as reported.G>H G?'microgram/g dry wt.G@'Value as reported.GSGT'microgram/g dry wt.GU'Value as reported.H,H6HHH^ H'milesHJ@ H'UTMH`S@ H 'UTMH H#H$'microgram/g dry wt.H%'Value as reported.H)2H*'microgram/g dry wt.H+'Value as reported.H/H0'microgram/g dry wt.H1'Value as reported.H;8H<'microgram/g dry wt.H='Value as reported.H>0H?'microgram/g dry wt.H@'Value as reported.HS,HT'microgram/g dry wt.HU'Value as reported.I,I8III^ I'milesIJ@ I'UTMI`S@ I 'UTMI I#I$'microgram/g dry wt.I%'Value as reported.I)6I*'microgram/g dry wt.I+'Value as reported.I/I0'microgram/g dry wt.I1'Value as reported.I;:I<'microgram/g dry wt.I='Value as reported.I>0I?'microgram/g dry wt.I@'Value as reported.ISIT'microgram/g dry wt.IU'Value as reported.J,J:JJJ^ J'milesJJ@ J'UTMJ`S@ J 'UTMJ J#J$'microgram/g dry wt.J%'Value as reported.J)2J*'microgram/g dry wt.J+'Value as reported.J/J0'microgram/g dry wt.J1'Value as reported.J;0J<'microgram/g dry wt.J='Value as reported.J>hJ?'microgram/g dry wt.J@'Value as reported.JSJT'microgram/g dry wt.JU'Value as reported.K,K>KKK: K'milesK@ K'UTMK@ K 'UTMK K#K$'microgram/g dry wt.K%'Value as reported.K)8K*'microgram/g dry wt.K+'Value as reported.K;.K<'microgram/g dry wt.K='Value as reported.K>K?'microgram/g dry wt.K@'Value as reported.KSKT'microgram/g dry wt.KU'Value as reported.L,L@LLL: L'milesL@ L'UTML@ L 'UTML L#L$'microgram/g dry wt.L%'Value as reported.L)2L*'microgram/g dry wt.L+'Value as reported.L;fL<'microgram/g dry wt.L='Value as reported.L>( L?'microgram/g dry wt.L@'Value as reported.LSLT'microgram/g dry wt.LU'Value as reported.M,MBMMM: M'milesM@ M'UTMM@ M 'UTMM M#M$'microgram/g dry wt.M%'Value as reported.M)6M*'microgram/g dry wt.M+'Value as reported.M/M0'microgram/g dry wt.M1'Value as reported.M;FM<'microgram/g dry wt.M='Value as reported.M>XM?'microgram/g dry wt.M@'Value as reported.MSMT'microgram/g dry wt.MU'Value as reported.N,NDNNN: N'milesN@ N'UTMN@ N 'UTMN N#N$'microgram/g dry wt.N%'Value as reported.N),N*'microgram/g dry wt.N+'Value as reported.N/N0'microgram/g dry wt.N1'Value as reported.N;@N<'microgram/g dry wt.N='Value as reported.N>H N?'microgram/g dry wt.N@'Value as reported.NSNT'microgram/g dry wt.NU'Value as reported.O,OFOOO: O'milesO@ O'UTMO@ O 'UTMO O#O$'microgram/g dry wt.O%'Value as reported.O)xO*'microgram/g dry wt.O+'Value as reported.O/O0'microgram/g dry wt.O1'Value as reported.O;jO<'microgram/g dry wt.O='Value as reported.O>PO?'microgram/g dry wt.O@'Value as reported.OSOT'microgram/g dry wt.OU'Value as reported.P,PHPPP: P'milesP@ P'UTMP@ P 'UTMP P#P$'microgram/g dry wt.P%'Value as reported.P)VP*'microgram/g dry wt.P+'Value as reported.P/P0'microgram/g dry wt.P1'Value as reported.P;0P<'microgram/g dry wt.P='Value as reported.P>P?'microgram/g dry wt.P@'Value as reported.PSPT'microgram/g dry wt.PU'Value as reported.Q,QJQQQ: Q'milesQ@ Q'UTMQ@ Q 'UTMQ Q#Q$'microgram/g dry wt.Q%'Value as reported.Q)FQ*'microgram/g dry wt.Q+'Value as reported.Q/'Q0'microgram/g dry wt.Q1'Value as reported.Q;*Q<'microgram/g dry wt.Q='Value as reported.Q>Q?'microgram/g dry wt.Q@'Value as reported.QSQT'microgram/g dry wt.QU'Value as reported.R,RLRRR: R'milesR@ R'UTMR@ R 'UTMR R#GR$'microgram/g dry wt.R%'Value as reported.R)ER*'microgram/g dry wt.R+'Value as reported.R/'R0'microgram/g dry wt.R1'Value as reported.R;eR<'microgram/g dry wt.R='Value as reported.R> R?'microgram/g dry wt.R@'Value as reported.RSRT'microgram/g dry wt.RU'Value as reported.S,SNSSS: S'milesS@ S'UTMS@ S 'UTMS S#S$'microgram/g dry wt.S%'Value as reported.S)*S*'microgram/g dry wt.S+'Value as reported.S/5S0'microgram/g dry wt.S1'Value as reported.S;*S<'microgram/g dry wt.S='Value as reported.S> S?'microgram/g dry wt.S@'Value as reported.SSST'microgram/g dry wt.SU'Value as reported.T,TPTTT: T'milesT@ T'UTMT@ T 'UTMT T#T$'microgram/g dry wt.T%'Value as reported.T).T*'microgram/g dry wt.T+'Value as reported.T/T0'microgram/g dry wt.T1'Value as reported.T;T<'microgram/g dry wt.T='Value as reported.T> T?'microgram/g dry wt.T@'Value as reported.TSTT'microgram/g dry wt.TU'Value as reported.U,URUUU: U'milesU@ U'UTMU@ U 'UTMU U#G U$'microgram/g dry wt.U%'Value as reported.U)U*'microgram/g dry wt.U+'Value as reported.U/U0'microgram/g dry wt.U1'Value as reported.U;U<'microgram/g dry wt.U='Value as reported.U>( U?'microgram/g dry wt.U@'Value as reported.USUT'microgram/g dry wt.UU'Value as reported.V,VTVVV: V'milesV@ V'UTMV@ V 'UTMV V#UV$'microgram/g dry wt.V%'Value as reported.V),V*'microgram/g dry wt.V+'Value as reported.V/V0'microgram/g dry wt.V1'Value as reported.V;(V<'microgram/g dry wt.V='Value as reported.V>H V?'microgram/g dry wt.V@'Value as reported.VSVT'microgram/g dry wt.VU'Value as reported.W,WVWWW: W'milesW@ W'UTMW@ W 'UTMW W W 'microgram/g dry wt.W 'Value as reported.W# W$'microgram/g dry wt.W%'Value as reported.W&0W''microgram/g dry wt.W('Value as reported.W)*W*'microgram/g dry wt.W+'Value as reported.W/%W0'microgram/g dry wt.W1'Value as reported.W;W<'microgram/g dry wt.W='Value as reported.W>( W?'microgram/g dry wt.W@'Value as reported.WA` WB'microgram/g dry wt.WC'Value as reported.WSWT'microgram/g dry wt.WU'Value as reported.X,XXXXX X'milesX˕@ X'UTMX@!@ X 'UTMX X#X$'microgram/g dry wt.=X%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X)X*'microgram/g dry wt.X+'Value as reported.X;2X<'microgram/g dry wt.X='Value as reported.X>X?'microgram/g dry wt.X@'Value as reported.XSXT'microgram/g dry wt.XU'Value as reported.Y,YZYYY Y'milesY˕@ Y'UTMY@!@ Y 'UTMY Y#Y$'microgram/g dry wt.=Y%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y)(Y*'microgram/g dry wt.Y+'Value as reported.Y;(Y<'microgram/g dry wt.Y='Value as reported.Y>hY?'microgram/g dry wt.Y@'Value as reported.YSYT'microgram/g dry wt.YU'Value as reported.Z,Z\ZZZ Z'milesZ˕@ Z'UTMZ@!@ Z 'UTMZ Z#Z$'microgram/g dry wt.Z%'Value as reported.Z),Z*'microgram/g dry wt.Z+'Value as reported.Z/'Z0'microgram/g dry wt.Z1'Value as reported.Z;*Z<'microgram/g dry wt.Z='Value as reported.Z>Z?'microgram/g dry wt.Z@'Value as reported.ZSZT'microgram/g dry wt.ZU'Value as reported.[,[^[[[ ['miles[˕@ ['UTM[@!@ [ 'UTM[ [#[$'microgram/g dry wt.[%'Value as reported.[)h[*'microgram/g dry wt.[+'Value as reported.[/'[0'microgram/g dry wt.[1'Value as reported.[;2[<'microgram/g dry wt.[='Value as reported.[>$[?'microgram/g dry wt.[@'Value as reported.[S[T'microgram/g dry wt.[U'Value as reported.\,\`\\\ \'miles\˕@ \'UTM\@!@ \ 'UTM\ \#\$'microgram/g dry wt.\%'Value as reported.\)6\*'microgram/g dry wt.\+'Value as reported.\/\0'microgram/g dry wt.\1'Value as reported.\;"\<'microgram/g dry wt.\='Value as reported.\>h\?'microgram/g dry wt.\@'Value as reported.\S\T'microgram/g dry wt.\U'Value as reported.],]b]]] ]'miles]˕@ ]'UTM]@!@ ] 'UTM] ]#]$'microgram/g dry wt.]%'Value as reported.]),]*'microgram/g dry wt.]+'Value as reported.]/%]0'microgram/g dry wt.]1'Value as reported.];"]<'microgram/g dry wt.]='Value as reported.]>X]?'microgram/g dry wt.]@'Value as reported.]S]T'microgram/g dry wt.]U'Value as reported.^,^d^^^ ^'miles^˕@ ^'UTM^@!@ ^ 'UTM^ ^#g^$'microgram/g dry wt.^%'Value as reported.^)^*'microgram/g dry wt.^+'Value as reported.^/^0'microgram/g dry wt.^1'Value as reported.^;^<'microgram/g dry wt.^='Value as reported.^> ^?'microgram/g dry wt.^@'Value as reported.^S^T'microgram/g dry wt.^U'Value as reported._,_f___ _'miles_˕@ _'UTM_@!@ _ 'UTM_ _#_$'microgram/g dry wt._%'Value as reported._)*_*'microgram/g dry wt._+'Value as reported._/'_0'microgram/g dry wt._1'Value as reported._;_<'microgram/g dry wt._='Value as reported._>_?'microgram/g dry wt._@'Value as reported._S_T'microgram/g dry wt._U'Value as reported.`,`h``` `'miles`˕@ `'UTM`@!@ ` 'UTM` `# `$'microgram/g dry wt.`%'Value as reported.`)*`*'microgram/g dry wt.`+'Value as reported.`/`0'microgram/g dry wt.`1'Value as reported.`;`<'microgram/g dry wt.`='Value as reported.`> `?'microgram/g dry wt.`@'Value as reported.`S`T'microgram/g dry wt.`U'Value as reported.a,ajaaa a'milesa˕@ a'UTMa@!@ a 'UTMa a#a$'microgram/g dry wt.a%'Value as reported.a)a*'microgram/g dry wt.a+'Value as reported.a/ga0'microgram/g dry wt.a1'Value as reported.a;a<'microgram/g dry wt.a='Value as reported.a>a?'microgram/g dry wt.a@'Value as reported.aSaT'microgram/g dry wt.aU'Value as reported.b,blbbb b'milesb˕@ b'UTMb@!@ b 'UTMb b#b$'microgram/g dry wt.b%'Value as reported.b)*b*'microgram/g dry wt.b+'Value as reported.b/b0'microgram/g dry wt.b1'Value as reported.b;b<'microgram/g dry wt.b='Value as reported.b>b?'microgram/g dry wt.b@'Value as reported.bSbT'microgram/g dry wt.bU'Value as reported.c,cnccc c'milesc˕@ c'UTMc@!@ c 'UTMc c c 'microgram/g dry wt.c 'Value as reported.c#c$'microgram/g dry wt.c%'Value as reported.c&:c''microgram/g dry wt.c('Value as reported.c)*c*'microgram/g dry wt.c+'Value as reported.c/c0'microgram/g dry wt.c1'Value as reported.c;c<'microgram/g dry wt.c='Value as reported.c>c?'microgram/g dry wt.c@'Value as reported.cA cB'microgram/g dry wt.cC'Value as reported.cScT'microgram/g dry wt.cU'Value as reported.d.ddd&d@@ d'milesd@ d'UTMdhfff@ d 'UTMd d nd 'microgram/g dry wt.d 'Value as reported.d @d'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.dId'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.d#d$'microgram/g dry wt.d%'Value as reported.d&HzG@d''microgram/g dry wt.d('Value as reported.d)xGz@d*'microgram/g dry wt.d+'Value as reported.d, @d-'microgram/g dry wt.d.'Value as reported.d/%d0'microgram/g dry wt.=d1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d8%d9'microgram/g dry wt.d:'Value as reported.d;Gz@d<'microgram/g dry wt.d='Value as reported.d>bd?'microgram/g dry wt.d@'Value as reported.dAdB'microgram/g dry wt.dC'Value as reported.dDdE'microgram/g dry wt.=dF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.dSndT'microgram/g dry wt.dU'Value as reported.e.eee&e033333@ e'milese@ e'UTMe0333CϠ@ e 'UTMe e e 'microgram/g dry wt.e 'Value as reported.eB @e'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.eU e'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.e#'e$'microgram/g dry wt.e%'Value as reported.e&Q@e''microgram/g dry wt.e('Value as reported.e)U+e*'microgram/g dry wt.e+'Value as reported.e, @e-'microgram/g dry wt.e.'Value as reported.e/%e0'microgram/g dry wt.=e1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e8 e9'microgram/g dry wt.e:'Value as reported.e;أp= @e<'microgram/g dry wt.e='Value as reported.e>e?'microgram/g dry wt.e@'Value as reported.eDeE'microgram/g dry wt.=eF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.eS@eT'microgram/g dry wt.eU'Value as reported.f.fff&f033333@ f'milesf:@ f'UTMfhfffFؠ@ f 'UTMf f xf 'microgram/g dry wt.f 'Value as reported.f,cf'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.fOf'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.f#'f$'microgram/g dry wt.f%'Value as reported.f&`(\@f''microgram/g dry wt.f('Value as reported.f)ףp= @f*'microgram/g dry wt.f+'Value as reported.f,Z @f-'microgram/g dry wt.f.'Value as reported.f/%f0'microgram/g dry wt.=f1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f8f9'microgram/g dry wt.f:'Value as reported.f;PQ@f<'microgram/g dry wt.f='Value as reported.f>&f?'microgram/g dry wt.f@'Value as reported.fDfE'microgram/g dry wt.=fF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.fSifT'microgram/g dry wt.fU'Value as reported.g.ggg&g@@ g'milesg@ g'UTMghfff@ g 'UTMg gwg'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.g5g'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.g#gg$'microgram/g dry wt.g%'Value as reported.g&Q@g''microgram/g dry wt.g('Value as reported.g)ףp= @g*'microgram/g dry wt.g+'Value as reported.g,V @g-'microgram/g dry wt.g.'Value as reported.g/%g0'microgram/g dry wt.=g1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g8eg9'microgram/g dry wt.g:'Value as reported.g;(\@g<'microgram/g dry wt.g='Value as reported.g>g?'microgram/g dry wt.g@'Value as reported.gDgE'microgram/g dry wt.=gF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.gSwgT'microgram/g dry wt.gU'Value as reported.h.h hh&h033333@ h'milesh@ h'UTMh0333CϠ@ h 'UTMh hsh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.hg\h'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.h#h$'microgram/g dry wt.h%'Value as reported.h&eh''microgram/g dry wt.h('Value as reported.h)U'h*'microgram/g dry wt.h+'Value as reported.h,B @h-'microgram/g dry wt.h.'Value as reported.h/%h0'microgram/g dry wt.=h1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h8%h9'microgram/g dry wt.h:'Value as reported.h;)h<'microgram/g dry wt.h='Value as reported.h>h?'microgram/g dry wt.h@'Value as reported.hDhE'microgram/g dry wt.=hF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.hSeshT'microgram/g dry wt.hU'Value as reported.i.i ii&i033333@ i'milesi:@ i'UTMihfffFؠ@ i 'UTMi ip_i'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.i i'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.i#i$'microgram/g dry wt.i%'Value as reported.i&Gz@i''microgram/g dry wt.i('Value as reported.i)i*'microgram/g dry wt.i+'Value as reported.i, @i-'microgram/g dry wt.i.'Value as reported.i/%i0'microgram/g dry wt.=i1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i8$i9'microgram/g dry wt.i:'Value as reported.i;Q@i<'microgram/g dry wt.i='Value as reported.i>i?'microgram/g dry wt.i@'Value as reported.iDiE'microgram/g dry wt.=iF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.iSbiT'microgram/g dry wt.iU'Value as reported.j.jjj"j@ j'milesjx@ j'UTMj@ j 'UTMj j Tj 'microgram/g dry wt.j 'Value as reported.jfJj'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.jG4j'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.j#j$'microgram/g dry wt.j%'Value as reported.j&(\(@j''microgram/g dry wt.j('Value as reported.j)j*'microgram/g dry wt.j+'Value as reported.j,uj-'microgram/g dry wt.j.'Value as reported.j/%j0'microgram/g dry wt.=j1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j8%j9'microgram/g dry wt.j:'Value as reported.j;Q@j<'microgram/g dry wt.j='Value as reported.j>`j?'microgram/g dry wt.j@'Value as reported.jDjE'microgram/g dry wt.=jF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.jSnjT'microgram/g dry wt.jU'Value as reported.k.kkk"k@ k'milesk̔z@ k'UTMk輠@ k 'UTMk k k 'microgram/g dry wt.k 'Value as reported.k@ek'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.kk'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.k#k$'microgram/g dry wt.k%'Value as reported.k&Q@k''microgram/g dry wt.k('Value as reported.k)Ek*'microgram/g dry wt.k+'Value as reported.k,R @k-'microgram/g dry wt.k.'Value as reported.k/%k0'microgram/g dry wt.=k1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k8k9'microgram/g dry wt.k:'Value as reported.k;p= ףp@k<'microgram/g dry wt.k='Value as reported.k>~k?'microgram/g dry wt.k@'Value as reported.kAkB'microgram/g dry wt.kC'Value as reported.kDkE'microgram/g dry wt.=kF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kS@kT'microgram/g dry wt.kU'Value as reported.l.lll"ľ@ l'mileslv@ l'UTMlQ@ l 'UTMl ll'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.lG&l'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.l#El$'microgram/g dry wt.=l%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l&ul''microgram/g dry wt.l('Value as reported.l)Nl*'microgram/g dry wt.l+'Value as reported.l,H,l-'microgram/g dry wt.l.'Value as reported.l/%l0'microgram/g dry wt.=l1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l8l9'microgram/g dry wt.l:'Value as reported.l;Q@l<'microgram/g dry wt.l='Value as reported.l>l?'microgram/g dry wt.l@'Value as reported.lDlE'microgram/g dry wt.=lF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.lS)lT'microgram/g dry wt.lU'Value as reported.m.mmm"m@ m'milesmzz@ m'UTMm0333@ m 'UTMm m m 'microgram/g dry wt.m 'Value as reported.m @m'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mgIm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m#m$'microgram/g dry wt.m%'Value as reported.m&xGz@m''microgram/g dry wt.m('Value as reported.m)m*'microgram/g dry wt.m+'Value as reported.m, @m-'microgram/g dry wt.m.'Value as reported.m/%m0'microgram/g dry wt.=m1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m8 m9'microgram/g dry wt.m:'Value as reported.m;HzG@m<'microgram/g dry wt.m='Value as reported.m>m?'microgram/g dry wt.m@'Value as reported.mDmE'microgram/g dry wt.=mF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mShfffff@mT'microgram/g dry wt.mU'Value as reported.n.nnn"n@ n'milesnx@ n'UTMny@ n 'UTMn nX>n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n8n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n#gn$'microgram/g dry wt.n%'Value as reported.n& n''microgram/g dry wt.n('Value as reported.n)p= ףp@n*'microgram/g dry wt.n+'Value as reported.n,`n-'microgram/g dry wt.n.'Value as reported.n/%n0'microgram/g dry wt.=n1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n8n9'microgram/g dry wt.n:'Value as reported.n;Q@n<'microgram/g dry wt.n='Value as reported.n>n?'microgram/g dry wt.n@'Value as reported.nA`nB'microgram/g dry wt.nC'Value as reported.nDnE'microgram/g dry wt.=nF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.nSFnT'microgram/g dry wt.nU'Value as reported.o.ooo"o@@ o'mileso8@ o'UTMoQԠ@ o 'UTMo o |o 'microgram/g dry wt.o 'Value as reported.oT @o'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.o'To'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.o#o$'microgram/g dry wt.o%'Value as reported.o&o''microgram/g dry wt.o('Value as reported.o)p= ףp@o*'microgram/g dry wt.o+'Value as reported.o,* @o-'microgram/g dry wt.o.'Value as reported.o/%o0'microgram/g dry wt.=o1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o8E&o9'microgram/g dry wt.o:'Value as reported.o;Q@o<'microgram/g dry wt.o='Value as reported.o>Fo?'microgram/g dry wt.o@'Value as reported.oDoE'microgram/g dry wt.=oF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.oS@oT'microgram/g dry wt.oU'Value as reported.p.ppp"p033333@ p'milesp@ p'UTMp0333kҠ@ p 'UTMp p vp 'microgram/g dry wt.p 'Value as reported.p @p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pJp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p#p$'microgram/g dry wt.p%'Value as reported.p&p''microgram/g dry wt.p('Value as reported.p)zG@p*'microgram/g dry wt.p+'Value as reported.p, @p-'microgram/g dry wt.p.'Value as reported.p/%p0'microgram/g dry wt.=p1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p8p9'microgram/g dry wt.p:'Value as reported.p;Gz@p<'microgram/g dry wt.p='Value as reported.p>Lp?'microgram/g dry wt.p@'Value as reported.pApB'microgram/g dry wt.pC'Value as reported.pDpE'microgram/g dry wt.=pF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pShfffff@pT'microgram/g dry wt.pU'Value as reported.q.qqq"q033333@ q'milesq~@ q'UTMq0333Cՠ@ q 'UTMq q q 'microgram/g dry wt.q 'Value as reported.ql @q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qGq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q#q$'microgram/g dry wt.q%'Value as reported.q&Q@q''microgram/g dry wt.q('Value as reported.q)Q@q*'microgram/g dry wt.q+'Value as reported.q, @q-'microgram/g dry wt.q.'Value as reported.q/%q0'microgram/g dry wt.=q1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q8 q9'microgram/g dry wt.q:'Value as reported.q;(\@q<'microgram/g dry wt.q='Value as reported.q>0q?'microgram/g dry wt.q@'Value as reported.qAqB'microgram/g dry wt.qC'Value as reported.qDqE'microgram/g dry wt.=qF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.qShfffff@qT'microgram/g dry wt.qU'Value as reported.r.rrr"rhffff&@ r'milesr0333H~@ r'UTMrpҠ@ r 'UTMr r r 'microgram/g dry wt.r 'Value as reported.r @r'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r'Or'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r#gr$'microgram/g dry wt.r%'Value as reported.r&r''microgram/g dry wt.r('Value as reported.r)Q@r*'microgram/g dry wt.r+'Value as reported.r, @r-'microgram/g dry wt.r.'Value as reported.r/%r0'microgram/g dry wt.=r1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r8E!r9'microgram/g dry wt.r:'Value as reported.r;@ ףp=@r<'microgram/g dry wt.r='Value as reported.r>`r?'microgram/g dry wt.r@'Value as reported.rDrE'microgram/g dry wt.=rF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rS033333@rT'microgram/g dry wt.rU'Value as reported.s.s ss"s@ s'milessx@ s'UTMs@ s 'UTMs s^Rs'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.s#s$'microgram/g dry wt.s%'Value as reported.s&HzG@s''microgram/g dry wt.s('Value as reported.s)(\“@s*'microgram/g dry wt.s+'Value as reported.s, @s-'microgram/g dry wt.s.'Value as reported.s/%s0'microgram/g dry wt.=s1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s8s9'microgram/g dry wt.s:'Value as reported.s;(\@s<'microgram/g dry wt.s='Value as reported.s>s?'microgram/g dry wt.s@'Value as reported.sDsE'microgram/g dry wt.=sF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.sSvsT'microgram/g dry wt.sU'Value as reported.t.t"tt"t@ t'milest̔z@ t'UTMt輠@ t 'UTMt tV @t'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tGt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.t#Gt$'microgram/g dry wt.t%'Value as reported.t&5%t''microgram/g dry wt.t('Value as reported.t)p= ף@t*'microgram/g dry wt.t+'Value as reported.t,R @t-'microgram/g dry wt.t.'Value as reported.t/%t0'microgram/g dry wt.=t1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t8%+t9'microgram/g dry wt.t:'Value as reported.t;PQ@t<'microgram/g dry wt.t='Value as reported.t>Rt?'microgram/g dry wt.t@'Value as reported.tDtE'microgram/g dry wt.=tF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tS033333@tT'microgram/g dry wt.tU'Value as reported.u.u$uu"ǔ@ u'milesuv@ u'UTMuQ@ u 'UTMu u)u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u&u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u#Eu$'microgram/g dry wt.=u%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u&au''microgram/g dry wt.u('Value as reported.u)Ju*'microgram/g dry wt.u+'Value as reported.u,<u-'microgram/g dry wt.u.'Value as reported.u/%u0'microgram/g dry wt.=u1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u8eu9'microgram/g dry wt.u:'Value as reported.u; u<'microgram/g dry wt.=u='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u>$u?'microgram/g dry wt.u@'Value as reported.uDuE'microgram/g dry wt.=uF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.uS'uT'microgram/g dry wt.uU'Value as reported.v.v&vv"v@ v'milesvzz@ v'UTMv0333@ v 'UTMv v @v'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v#v$'microgram/g dry wt.v%'Value as reported.v&Gz@v''microgram/g dry wt.v('Value as reported.v)xGz@v*'microgram/g dry wt.v+'Value as reported.v, @v-'microgram/g dry wt.v.'Value as reported.v/%v0'microgram/g dry wt.=v1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v8%v9'microgram/g dry wt.v:'Value as reported.v;v<'microgram/g dry wt.v='Value as reported.v>v?'microgram/g dry wt.v@'Value as reported.vDvE'microgram/g dry wt.=vF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vSzvT'microgram/g dry wt.vU'Value as reported.w.w(ww"w@ w'mileswx@ w'UTMwy@ w 'UTMw w(Kw'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w5w'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w#w$'microgram/g dry wt.w%'Value as reported.w&PQ@w''microgram/g dry wt.w('Value as reported.w)(\@w*'microgram/g dry wt.w+'Value as reported.w,0rw-'microgram/g dry wt.w.'Value as reported.w/%w0'microgram/g dry wt.=w1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w8%w9'microgram/g dry wt.w:'Value as reported.w;zG@w<'microgram/g dry wt.w='Value as reported.w>Bw?'microgram/g dry wt.w@'Value as reported.wDwE'microgram/g dry wt.=wF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.wSPwT'microgram/g dry wt.wU'Value as reported.x.x*xx"x@@ x'milesx8@ x'UTMxQԠ@ x 'UTMx x @x'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.x'Vx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.x#x$'microgram/g dry wt.x%'Value as reported.x&4x''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value as reported.x)x*'microgram/g dry wt.x+'Value as reported.x,@x-'microgram/g dry wt.x.'Value as reported.x/%x0'microgram/g dry wt.=x1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x8E'x9'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value as reported.x;`(\@x<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value as reported.x>Tx?'microgram/g dry wt.x@'Value as reported.xDxE'microgram/g dry wt.=xF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xS@xT'microgram/g dry wt.xU'Value as reported.y.y,yy"y033333@ y'milesy@ y'UTMy0333kҠ@ y 'UTMy y& @y'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y5 y'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y#y$'microgram/g dry wt.y%'Value as reported.y&ףp= @y''microgram/g dry wt.y('Value as reported.y)y*'microgram/g dry wt.y+'Value as reported.y,@y-'microgram/g dry wt.y.'Value as reported.y/%y0'microgram/g dry wt.=y1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y8#y9'microgram/g dry wt.y:'Value as reported.y;u)y<'microgram/g dry wt.y='Value as reported.y>y?'microgram/g dry wt.y@'Value as reported.yDyE'microgram/g dry wt.=yF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yS@yT'microgram/g dry wt.yU'Value as reported.z.z.zz"z033333@ z'milesz~@ z'UTMz0333Cՠ@ z 'UTMz z @z'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zGDz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.z#z$'microgram/g dry wt.z%'Value as reported.z&z''microgram/g dry wt.z('Value as reported.z)Gz@z*'microgram/g dry wt.z+'Value as reported.z, @z-'microgram/g dry wt.z.'Value as reported.z/%z0'microgram/g dry wt.=z1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z8z9'microgram/g dry wt.z:'Value as reported.z;Gz@z<'microgram/g dry wt.z='Value as reported.z>2z?'microgram/g dry wt.z@'Value as reported.zDzE'microgram/g dry wt.=zF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zSzT'microgram/g dry wt.zU'Value as reported.{.{0{{"{hffff&@ {'miles{0333H~@ {'UTM{pҠ@ { 'UTM{ {x @{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{L{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{#{$'microgram/g dry wt.{%'Value as reported.{&(\@{''microgram/g dry wt.{('Value as reported.{)p= ף@{*'microgram/g dry wt.{+'Value as reported.{,& @{-'microgram/g dry wt.{.'Value as reported.{/%{0'microgram/g dry wt.={1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{8e {9'microgram/g dry wt.{:'Value as reported.{;أp= @{<'microgram/g dry wt.{='Value as reported.{>{?'microgram/g dry wt.{@'Value as reported.{D{E'microgram/g dry wt.={F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{S@{T'microgram/g dry wt.{U'Value as reported.|.|2||$|@ |'miles|@ |'UTM|H/@ | 'UTM| | | 'microgram/g dry wt.| 'Value as reported.| @|'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|P|'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|#|$'microgram/g dry wt.|%'Value as reported.|&أp= ש@|''microgram/g dry wt.|('Value as reported.|)Q@|*'microgram/g dry wt.|+'Value as reported.|,D@|-'microgram/g dry wt.|.'Value as reported.|/%|0'microgram/g dry wt.=|1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|8|9'microgram/g dry wt.|:'Value as reported.|;p= ף@|<'microgram/g dry wt.|='Value as reported.|> |?'microgram/g dry wt.|@'Value as reported.|D|E'microgram/g dry wt.=|F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|Sf|T'microgram/g dry wt.|U'Value as reported.}.}4}}$}X }'miles}@ }'UTM}hfff6@ } 'UTM} } } 'microgram/g dry wt.} 'Value as reported.} @}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}K}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}#}$'microgram/g dry wt.}%'Value as reported.}&(\@}''microgram/g dry wt.}('Value as reported.})p= ףp@}*'microgram/g dry wt.}+'Value as reported.},f @}-'microgram/g dry wt.}.'Value as reported.}/%}0'microgram/g dry wt.=}1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}84}9'microgram/g dry wt.}:'Value as reported.};p= ףp@}<'microgram/g dry wt.}='Value as reported.}>}?'microgram/g dry wt.}@'Value as reported.}D}E'microgram/g dry wt.=}F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}S@}T'microgram/g dry wt.}U'Value as reported.~.~6~~$~ @ ~'miles~ @ ~'UTM~hfffޣ@ ~ 'UTM~ ~ D~ 'microgram/g dry wt.~ 'Value as reported.~b~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~Q~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~#G~$'microgram/g dry wt.~%'Value as reported.~&(\(@~''microgram/g dry wt.~('Value as reported.~)PQ@~*'microgram/g dry wt.~+'Value as reported.~,$ @~-'microgram/g dry wt.~.'Value as reported.~/%~0'microgram/g dry wt.=~1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~8~9'microgram/g dry wt.~:'Value as reported.~;Gz@~<'microgram/g dry wt.~='Value as reported.~>~?'microgram/g dry wt.~@'Value as reported.~Ah~B'microgram/g dry wt.~C'Value as reported.~D~E'microgram/g dry wt.=~F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~SE_~T'microgram/g dry wt.~U'Value as reported..8$ @ 'miles @ 'UTMY@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.G'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@ ףp=@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)أp= ױ@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,z @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ScT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..:$X 'milesP@ 'UTMP!@  'UTM  | 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.1'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(\(@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ףp@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,ά @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..<$̌@ 'miles@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.PK'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.M'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)HzG@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,ʑ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;xGz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>j ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SE]T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..>$@@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.hJ'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(\@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Gz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SETT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..@$@ 'miles@ 'UTMH/@  'UTM 2 @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.gH'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@ ףp=@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)ףp= @*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(\(@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..B$X 'miles@ 'UTMhfff6@  'UTM  @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.T'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& Q@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ףp@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;zG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..D$ @ 'miles @ 'UTMhfffޣ@  'UTM K'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.S'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&أp= @''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)zG@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,~ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;PQ@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SE\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..F$ @ 'miles @ 'UTMY@  'UTM  @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.['microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(\@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S033333@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..H$X 'milesP@ 'UTMP!@  'UTM X @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..J$̌@ 'miles@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM W'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& Q@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\½@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,v @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;ףp= @<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SebT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..L$@@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM a'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&p= ףp@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(\@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SKT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..N*̌@ 'miles&@ 'UTM#@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&'.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ףp@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,DC-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.=:'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.;s<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S$T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..P*hfffff@ 'miles$@ 'UTM%@  'UTM -'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.)'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&h''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,G-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8% 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;gu<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%+T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..R*L@ 'miles"@ 'UTMT&@  'UTM ='microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported./'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&~''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ף@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., P-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;p= ף@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>N?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Se?T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..T*̌@ 'miles$@ 'UTM0333K@  'UTM X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Gf'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,\a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>.?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%RT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..V*̌@ 'miles&@ 'UTM#@  'UTM ('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&c''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)ga*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,FB-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;a<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S&T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..X*hfffff@ 'miles$@ 'UTM%@  'UTM "O'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported./'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& Q@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Gz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,>]-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..Z*L@ 'miles"@ 'UTMT&@  'UTM >>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.5'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@ ףp=@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)PQ@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,S-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;u<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..\*̌@ 'miles$@ 'UTM0333K@  'UTM U'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,^Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;p= ףp@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SeFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..^@ 'UTM@  'UTM N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.)'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Gz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ףp@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,R-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@ ףp=@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SeOT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..`@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM  | 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.DA'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.G 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Gw''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)xGz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,JG-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;أp= ׋@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>l?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..b\@ 'UTM@  'UTM >'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.G&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#u$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&b''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)أp= ׯ@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,M-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@ ףp=@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%ET'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..d0@ 'UTMX@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&Gz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\‰@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..f0@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.67'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.1'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&f''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)xGz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,N-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;zG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>R?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%%T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..h<@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM ~3'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&n''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Gz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,K-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S7T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..j2  'mileshfffL@ 'UTM<@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.ܘ @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.-'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&zG@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Gz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..l2  'miles@ 'UTM0333{B@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.['microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.7'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&HzG@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\(@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,b-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;xGz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>l?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..n@ 'UTM@  'UTM  @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.)'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&p= ף@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)!*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,ֈ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>(?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SzT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..p@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM ~Y'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.' 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Gz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@ ףp=@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,z`-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;p= ף@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>v?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..r\@ 'UTM@  'UTM :D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&E ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\(@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,jO-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;p= ףp@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SET'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..t0@ 'UTMX@  'UTM z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'='microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&xGz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Ћ @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..v0@ 'UTM@  'UTM 21'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&`''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@ ףp=@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,K-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8% 9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;ףp= @<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>Z?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..x2  'mileshfffL@ 'UTM<@  'UTM ZW'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.-'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(\(@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)HzG@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,X-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;p= ףp@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>4?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SEaT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..z2  'miles@ 'UTM0333{B@  'UTM P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.G0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&PQ@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,pQ-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>6?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SE^T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..|2@ 'miles$@ 'UTM@  'UTM ΂ @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&p= ףp@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;`(\@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..~2@ 'milesB@ 'UTMIɪ@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.Q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.K'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&p= ף@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)xGz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,|-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A,B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SdT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2@ 'milesh@ 'UTM@  'UTM  @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&HzG@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,º @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2@ 'miles @ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&HzG@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Gz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>f ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2hffff@ 'miles @ 'UTMӪ@  'UTM  @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.Y'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ף@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;أp= ׹@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Shfffff@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2@ 'miles @ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e79'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>p?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AXB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2L@ 'miles @ 'UTMq-@  'UTM  @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Gz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Gz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,F @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8)9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Gz@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2 'miles@ 'UTM1)@  'UTM  t 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.+'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.g3'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&y''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)HzG@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,va-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;zG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%KT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2 'miles@ 'UTM @  'UTM r7'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Gz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,W-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; Q@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Se;T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM)&@  'UTM  P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&}''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,2)-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;% <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SBT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..203333@ 'miles$@ 'UTM!@  'UTM ~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.U'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&Gz@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(\@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2hfffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported./'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.GO'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2@ 'miles$@ 'UTM@  'UTM 0 @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(\@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)U!*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,t-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8'9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;p= ףp@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S033333@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2@ 'milesB@ 'UTMIɪ@  'UTM ` @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Gz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8%#9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;PQ@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>n?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2@ 'milesh@ 'UTM@  'UTM и @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(\@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2@ 'miles @ 'UTM@  'UTM d @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.5 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&ףp= @''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)أp= @*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,J @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8-9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;PQ@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>j ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SL@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2hffff@ 'miles @ 'UTMӪ@  'UTM ^]'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.GP'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(\@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;U<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SkT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2@ 'miles @ 'UTM@  'UTM ̕ @'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&PQ@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,, @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8e"9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;(\©@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SEvT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2L@ 'miles @ 'UTMq-@  'UTM l'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&`(\@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Q@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,, @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8E%9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;ףp= @<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>j ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2 'miles@ 'UTM1)@  'UTM R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.G6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#g$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&9''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,X @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.859'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2 'miles@ 'UTM @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&g[''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)s*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,B@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;`(\@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>(?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2hffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM)&@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.3'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&|''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)k*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,8)-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.SFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..203333@ 'miles$@ 'UTM!@  'UTM 0?'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(\(@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)Gz@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,g-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8$9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;HzG@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%MT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported..2hfffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.gW'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&%''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p= ף@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.=1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;PQ@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>2?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.=F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S%WT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.08 'miles N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;g%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0@ 'milesȗ@ 'UTMd@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#G$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./i0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0  'milesŗ@ 'UTM@@  'UTM GC'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./i0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0hffff@ 'miles\I@ 'UTM@  'UTM GA'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;eE<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0F 'miles@@ 'UTM`^@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;G<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0`@ 'miles޿@ 'UTM|@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0 @ 'miles蒖@ 'UTMu@  'UTM G>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#5$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;E<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0033333@ 'miles ?@ 'UTM@  'UTM GI'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;Ek<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0L@ 'miles\@ 'UTMP?@  'UTM g9'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#"$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0 03333S@ 'milesЕ@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0&  'miles*c@ 'UTM̏@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0, 03333@ 'miles4L@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0..Y@ 'miles$@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.02.`@ 'miles@ 'UTMϓ@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./i0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;%<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.06  'miles@ 'UTM c@  'UTM u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./I0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0>̬@ 'milesE@ 'UTM>@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;G6<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0Dhffff@ 'miles&O@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#5$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0J,@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.0Phffff@ 'miles@ 'UTM@@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported./'0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.2 'milesʗ@ 'UTMT@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,]-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P>Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S6T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YlZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nho'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2hffff@ 'milesH@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SzT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k@jl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n~o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2hffff@ 'milesH@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./70'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PlQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YH@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kp{l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n^o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2hffff@ 'milesH@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./i0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P|Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YD@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k @l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nRo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2 hffff@ 'milesܖ@ 'UTMԀ@  'UTM q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&^''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kH @l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n2o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2   'milesJ@ 'UTMc@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)r*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y(@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kP_l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2 'miles =@ 'UTM`)@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)v*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./)#0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kYl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2 ,@ 'milesu@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&"''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>\?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PVQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YXMZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2.03333s@ 'miles2@ 'UTMQ@  'UTM Q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PVQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S`T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y`mZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k5l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2 hffffF@ 'miles$Д@ 'UTM0o@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,^-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;e <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P6Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y2Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k8l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2̬@ 'milesRo@ 'UTM@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>t?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PtQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S~T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2,@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&8''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PTQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SdT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YsZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k3l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2,@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>(?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PLQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y0 @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k+l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2,@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,`m-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PBQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SNT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y`Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kxl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2 'miles #@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.`'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&`''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YyZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kp0l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n.o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2  'miles&@ 'UTM0n@  'UTM Q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PZQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y` @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k0*l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2"@ 'miles3@ 'UTM§@  'UTM c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./I 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PTQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SrT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y0 @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kSl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2$̌@ 'miles@ 'UTMO@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.t'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PxQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@ @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k:l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2& 'mileslҍ@ 'UTM'@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,`m-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.><?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PPQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.khBl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2(hffff@ 'milesŌ@ 'UTM@  'UTM }'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., N-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P.Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SHT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@8Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2* 'milesj`@ 'UTMP@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,U-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>l?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P<Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SNT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y5Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2, Y@ 'milesp@ 'UTMv@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,`m-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PDQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YaZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k'l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2.$@@ 'miles4R@ 'UTM@  'UTM c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)2*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,]-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./) 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P:Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SbT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YsZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k$l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.20&̹@ 'milesڈ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&p''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)b*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./i0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kX4l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.22(L@ 'mileṡ@ 'UTM0@@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&.''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)2*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,]-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./I0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P:Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SFT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YCZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kPl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.24*03333@ 'miles@ 'UTM M@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)% *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., N-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P<Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S:T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y9Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.khl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.26,d 'milesr@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)**'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,U-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>\?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P8Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YCZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kpl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.28003333@ 'miles@ 'UTMI@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&B''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PvQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SVT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YDZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2:2@ 'milesփ@ 'UTM)@  'UTM Q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&>''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)2*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,}-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PJQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SfT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YHZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2<4@ 'miles"q@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&^''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YNZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k*l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.2>BE 'miles  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&t''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YdZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kAl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4 'milesʗ@ 'UTMT@  'UTM c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,h[-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P<Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y0\Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4hffff@ 'milesH@ 'UTM@  'UTM q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,}-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PpQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S`T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nTo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4hffff@ 'milesH@ 'UTM@  'UTM q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,s-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./70'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PpQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SnT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YX @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k Nl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nTo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4  'miles:@ 'UTM`@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,T@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;0<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YEZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4 hffff@ 'milesܖ@ 'UTMԀ@  'UTM a'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,` @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./70'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PhQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@ @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k81l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4   'milesJ@ 'UTMc@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&x''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)R*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k+l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4 'miles =@ 'UTM`)@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)j*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4 ,@ 'milesu@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,(n-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PDQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YYZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4 hffffF@ 'miles$Д@ 'UTM0o@  'UTM 0u'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,h[-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P8Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nxo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4̬@ 'milesRo@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,p-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PDQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YEZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kxl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4,@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@j-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PFQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S2T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YHqZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4,@ 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@j-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P@Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YZZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4 'miles #@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&x''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,x @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PtQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YXZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4 'miles&@ 'UTM0n@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,o-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PPQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SJT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y`TZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4@ 'miles3@ 'UTM§@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,r-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PJQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S^T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YyZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kPl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4 ̌@ 'miles@ 'UTMO@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PlQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@ @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4" 'mileslҍ@ 'UTM'@  'UTM C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)&*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,k-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./i0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PNQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S`T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4$hffff@ 'milesŌ@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,R-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P@Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SNT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y0CZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4& 'milesj`@ 'UTMP@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P<Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YEZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k( l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4( Y@ 'milesp@ 'UTMv@  'UTM Q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)"*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,xi-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./) 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PNQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y`Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4*$@@ 'miles4R@ 'UTM@  'UTM Q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)$*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,l-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PLQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S`T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y`Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k( l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4,&̹@ 'milesڈ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;$<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PnQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4.&̹@ 'milesڈ@ 'UTM`@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,x @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y0 @Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k%l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.40(L@ 'mileṡ@ 'UTM0@@  'UTM c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.l'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./)0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.42*03333@ 'miles@ 'UTM M@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,S-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P>Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Yp0Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k@l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.44,d 'milesr@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.l'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0\-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P>Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S>T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y.Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kxl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.46003333@ 'miles@ 'UTMI@  'UTM c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#e$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&(''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,e-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./) 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PFQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SLT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y5Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k@l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.482@ 'milesփ@ 'UTM)@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&P''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)6*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PtQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SjT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YWZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4:2@ 'milesփ@ 'UTM)@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&<''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)(*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,}-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>p?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.P\Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SRT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.Y@Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k@l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.4<4@ 'miles"q@ 'UTMy@  'UTM #'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&x''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)>*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,p @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./I0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;(<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.YEZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.k@l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported. 6   @ hffff@ 'miles 9@ 'UTM hfff4@  'UTM   % 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e- ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e5 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,ؽ @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8e& 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. 6   > 033333@ 'miles yNJ@ 'UTM hfff@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. | 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8" 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;2 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. Sx T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V, W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. 6   : 03333@ 'miles R@ 'UTM hfff6@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. j 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 89 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;j <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. SL T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V  W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. 6   >  'miles f@ 'UTM 0333{@  'UTM     'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &eF ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )N *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,X @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 85 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;? <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >. ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. 6    > hfffff@ 'miles VƋ@ 'UTM hfffƴ@  'UTM     'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &: ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )%= *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;%; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >~ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ap  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported.6 <03333@ 'miles_@ 'UTM@  'UTM e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&U''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e{*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E19'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%M<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S(T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V< W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6>@ 'miles@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&>''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8%&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;.<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.Ad B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6:@ 'miles͋@ 'UTM,@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.n'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A`B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6>hffff@ 'miles΋@ 'UTMhfff^@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.j'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&e2''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)N*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8!9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;1<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SzT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&eV''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E_*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;A<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S.T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VN W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6>h 'milesf@ 'UTMhffffi@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.x'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&*''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)e/*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8e9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VjW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6>̝@ 'milesm@ 'UTMTſ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e_'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8E9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VPW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6>L 'miles@ 'UTM̔8@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&)''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)E4*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,̍@-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8%*9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;e1<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>, ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AbB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V,W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6<@ 'miles5Ջ@ 'UTM&@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.y'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&e4''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)%7*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported., @-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;%,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AhB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SbT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VXW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.6 8@ 'milesRD@ 'UTM9!@  'UTM % 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.8ES9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;f<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>`?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A"B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SxT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VV W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.8< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&L''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;|<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AD B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#E$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A( B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8< 'miles@ 'UTM@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#%$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&h''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A: B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8 >L 'miles@ 'UTM̔8@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&>''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./%0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8 BL 'miles<1@ 'UTM `@  'UTM E 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;2<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8BL 'miles<1@ 'UTM `@  'UTM %'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,0u-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./g0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;:<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A,B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.8BL 'miles<1@ 'UTM `@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,}-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.;"<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported. 8   B L 'miles <1@ 'UTM  `@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,e -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S` T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.!8!!!B!L !'miles!<1@ !'UTM! `@ ! 'UTM! !!'microgram/g dry wt.!'Value as reported.!#!$'microgram/g dry wt.!%'Value as reported.!&(!''microgram/g dry wt.!('Value as reported.!)!*'microgram/g dry wt.!+'Value as reported.!,Px!-'microgram/g dry wt.!.'Value as reported.!/!0'microgram/g dry wt.!1'Value as reported.!;V!<'microgram/g dry wt.!='Value as reported.!>!?'microgram/g dry wt.!@'Value as reported.!A!B'microgram/g dry wt.!C'Value as reported.!Sn!T'microgram/g dry wt.!U'Value as reported."8"""4" "'miles"B@ "'UTM"@ " 'UTM" ""'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported."#"$'microgram/g dry wt.="%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."&"''microgram/g dry wt."('Value as reported.")"*'microgram/g dry wt."+'Value as reported.",]"-'microgram/g dry wt.".'Value as reported."/"0'microgram/g dry wt."1'Value as reported.";"<'microgram/g dry wt."='Value as reported.">"?'microgram/g dry wt."@'Value as reported."A"B'microgram/g dry wt."C'Value as reported."S|"T'microgram/g dry wt."U'Value as reported.#8###4# #'miles#B@ #'UTM#@ # 'UTM# ##'microgram/g dry wt.#'Value as reported.###$'microgram/g dry wt.=#%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#&#''microgram/g dry wt.#('Value as reported.#)"#*'microgram/g dry wt.#+'Value as reported.#,##-'microgram/g dry wt.#.'Value as reported.#/g#0'microgram/g dry wt.#1'Value as reported.#; #<'microgram/g dry wt.#='Value as reported.#>`#?'microgram/g dry wt.#@'Value as reported.#A#B'microgram/g dry wt.#C'Value as reported.#S#T'microgram/g dry wt.#U'Value as reported.$8$$$4$ $'miles$B@ $'UTM$@ $ 'UTM$ $$'microgram/g dry wt.$'Value as reported.$#$$'microgram/g dry wt.=$%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$&$''microgram/g dry wt.$('Value as reported.$) $*'microgram/g dry wt.$+'Value as reported.$,#$-'microgram/g dry wt.$.'Value as reported.$/g$0'microgram/g dry wt.$1'Value as reported.$;.$<'microgram/g dry wt.$='Value as reported.$>L$?'microgram/g dry wt.$@'Value as reported.$AB$B'microgram/g dry wt.$C'Value as reported.$S$T'microgram/g dry wt.$U'Value as reported.%8%%%4% %'miles%B@ %'UTM%@ % 'UTM% %e%'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.%# %$'microgram/g dry wt.=%%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.%&%''microgram/g dry wt.%('Value as reported.%) %*'microgram/g dry wt.%+'Value as reported.%,$ @%-'microgram/g dry wt.%.'Value as reported.%/G%0'microgram/g dry wt.%1'Value as reported.%; %<'microgram/g dry wt.%='Value as reported.%>%?'microgram/g dry wt.%@'Value as reported.%A%B'microgram/g dry wt.%C'Value as reported.%S3%T'microgram/g dry wt.%U'Value as reported.&8&&&4& &'miles&B@ &'UTM&@ & 'UTM& &&'microgram/g dry wt.&'Value as reported.&# &$'microgram/g dry wt.=&%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&&&''microgram/g dry wt.&('Value as reported.&) &*'microgram/g dry wt.&+'Value as reported.&, @&-'microgram/g dry wt.&.'Value as reported.&/G&0'microgram/g dry wt.&1'Value as reported.&;E&<'microgram/g dry wt.&='Value as reported.&>p&?'microgram/g dry wt.&@'Value as reported.&A&B'microgram/g dry wt.&C'Value as reported.&SX&T'microgram/g dry wt.&U'Value as reported.'8' ''4' ''miles'B@ ''UTM'@ ' 'UTM' '''microgram/g dry wt.''Value as reported.'#'$'microgram/g dry wt.='%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'&'''microgram/g dry wt.'('Value as reported.')'*'microgram/g dry wt.'+'Value as reported.',e'-'microgram/g dry wt.'.'Value as reported.'/'0'microgram/g dry wt.'1'Value as reported.';'<'microgram/g dry wt.'='Value as reported.'>'?'microgram/g dry wt.'@'Value as reported.'A'B'microgram/g dry wt.'C'Value as reported.'Sf'T'microgram/g dry wt.'U'Value as reported.(8("((4( ('miles(B@ ('UTM(@ ( 'UTM( (('microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.(#($'microgram/g dry wt.=(%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.(&(''microgram/g dry wt.(('Value as reported.()(*'microgram/g dry wt.(+'Value as reported.(,`m(-'microgram/g dry wt.(.'Value as reported.(/(0'microgram/g dry wt.(1'Value as reported.(;(<'microgram/g dry wt.(='Value as reported.(>(?'microgram/g dry wt.(@'Value as reported.(A(B'microgram/g dry wt.(C'Value as reported.(Sj(T'microgram/g dry wt.(U'Value as reported.)8)$))4) )'miles)B@ )'UTM)@ ) 'UTM) ))'microgram/g dry wt.=)'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) )'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)|)'microgram/g dry wt.)'Value as reported.)#)$'microgram/g dry wt.=)%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)&*)''microgram/g dry wt.)('Value as reported.)))*'microgram/g dry wt.)+'Value as reported.),c)-'microgram/g dry wt.).'Value as reported.)/%)0'microgram/g dry wt.=)1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.)8()9'microgram/g dry wt.):'Value as reported.); )<'microgram/g dry wt.)='Value as reported.)>)?'microgram/g dry wt.)@'Value as reported.)A)B'microgram/g dry wt.)C'Value as reported.)S~)T'microgram/g dry wt.)U'Value as reported.)V )W'microgram/g dry wt.)X'Value as reported.*8*&**(* *'miles*p}@ *'UTM*0›@ * 'UTM* **'microgram/g dry wt.*'Value as reported.*#*$'microgram/g dry wt.=*%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*& *''microgram/g dry wt.*('Value as reported.*)@**'microgram/g dry wt.*+'Value as reported.*, @*-'microgram/g dry wt.*.'Value as reported.*/*0'microgram/g dry wt.*1'Value as reported.*;2*<'microgram/g dry wt.*='Value as reported.*>*?'microgram/g dry wt.*@'Value as reported.*A*B'microgram/g dry wt.*C'Value as reported.*S*T'microgram/g dry wt.*U'Value as reported.+8+(++(+ +'miles+p}@ +'UTM+0›@ + 'UTM+ ++'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.+#+$'microgram/g dry wt.=+%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+&"+''microgram/g dry wt.+('Value as reported.+) +*'microgram/g dry wt.++'Value as reported.+,#+-'microgram/g dry wt.+.'Value as reported.+/+0'microgram/g dry wt.+1'Value as reported.+;4+<'microgram/g dry wt.+='Value as reported.+>+?'microgram/g dry wt.+@'Value as reported.+Ap+B'microgram/g dry wt.+C'Value as reported.+S+T'microgram/g dry wt.+U'Value as reported.,8,*,,(, ,'miles,p}@ ,'UTM,0›@ , 'UTM, ,e,'microgram/g dry wt.,'Value as reported.,#,$'microgram/g dry wt.=,%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,&$,''microgram/g dry wt.,('Value as reported.,)",*'microgram/g dry wt.,+'Value as reported.,,#,-'microgram/g dry wt.,.'Value as reported.,/,0'microgram/g dry wt.,1'Value as reported.,;6,<'microgram/g dry wt.,='Value as reported.,>,?'microgram/g dry wt.,@'Value as reported.,A,B'microgram/g dry wt.,C'Value as reported.,S,T'microgram/g dry wt.,U'Value as reported.-8-,--(- -'miles-p}@ -'UTM-0›@ - 'UTM- --'microgram/g dry wt.-'Value as reported.-#-$'microgram/g dry wt.=-%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.-&E-''microgram/g dry wt.-('Value as reported.-)-*'microgram/g dry wt.-+'Value as reported.-, @--'microgram/g dry wt.-.'Value as reported.-/-0'microgram/g dry wt.-1'Value as reported.-;:-<'microgram/g dry wt.-='Value as reported.->`@-?'microgram/g dry wt.-@'Value as reported.-A-B'microgram/g dry wt.-C'Value as reported.-S%U-T'microgram/g dry wt.-U'Value as reported..8....(. .'miles.p}@ .'UTM.0›@ . 'UTM. ..'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported..#.$'microgram/g dry wt.=.%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..&.''microgram/g dry wt..('Value as reported..).*'microgram/g dry wt..+'Value as reported..,PF.-'microgram/g dry wt...'Value as reported../.0'microgram/g dry wt..1'Value as reported..;.<'microgram/g dry wt..='Value as reported..>.?'microgram/g dry wt..@'Value as reported..A.B'microgram/g dry wt..C'Value as reported..ST.T'microgram/g dry wt..U'Value as reported./8/0//(/ /'miles/p}@ /'UTM/0›@ / 'UTM/ //'microgram/g dry wt./'Value as reported./#/$'microgram/g dry wt.=/%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./&"/''microgram/g dry wt./('Value as reported./)/*'microgram/g dry wt./+'Value as reported./,U/-'microgram/g dry wt./.'Value as reported.///0'microgram/g dry wt./1'Value as reported./;/<'microgram/g dry wt./='Value as reported./></?'microgram/g dry wt./@'Value as reported./A/B'microgram/g dry wt./C'Value as reported./Sh/T'microgram/g dry wt./U'Value as reported.0802000 0'miles0C@ 0'UTM0 ر@ 0 'UTM0 00'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value as reported.0#0$'microgram/g dry wt.=0%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0&0''microgram/g dry wt.0('Value as reported.0)0*'microgram/g dry wt.0+'Value as reported.0,@Q0-'microgram/g dry wt.0.'Value as reported.0/G00'microgram/g dry wt.01'Value as reported.0;0<'microgram/g dry wt.0='Value as reported.0>0?'microgram/g dry wt.0@'Value as reported.0AN0B'microgram/g dry wt.0C'Value as reported.0St0T'microgram/g dry wt.0U'Value as reported.1814111 1'miles1C@ 1'UTM1 ر@ 1 'UTM1 11'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.1#1$'microgram/g dry wt.=1%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1&1''microgram/g dry wt.1('Value as reported.1)1*'microgram/g dry wt.1+'Value as reported.1,]1-'microgram/g dry wt.1.'Value as reported.1/10'microgram/g dry wt.11'Value as reported.1;1<'microgram/g dry wt.1='Value as reported.1>1?'microgram/g dry wt.1@'Value as reported.1A1B'microgram/g dry wt.1C'Value as reported.1Sl1T'microgram/g dry wt.1U'Value as reported.2826222 2'miles2C@ 2'UTM2 ر@ 2 'UTM2 2E2'microgram/g dry wt.2'Value as reported.2#2$'microgram/g dry wt.=2%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2&62''microgram/g dry wt.2('Value as reported.2)2*'microgram/g dry wt.2+'Value as reported.2,]2-'microgram/g dry wt.2.'Value as reported.2/20'microgram/g dry wt.21'Value as reported.2;"2<'microgram/g dry wt.2='Value as reported.2>( 2?'microgram/g dry wt.2@'Value as reported.2A2B'microgram/g dry wt.2C'Value as reported.2S2T'microgram/g dry wt.2U'Value as reported.3838333 3'miles3C@ 3'UTM3 ر@ 3 'UTM3 33'microgram/g dry wt.3'Value as reported.3#3$'microgram/g dry wt.3%'Value as reported.3&3''microgram/g dry wt.3('Value as reported.3)3*'microgram/g dry wt.3+'Value as reported.3,e3-'microgram/g dry wt.3.'Value as reported.3/g30'microgram/g dry wt.31'Value as reported.3;3<'microgram/g dry wt.3='Value as reported.3>3?'microgram/g dry wt.3@'Value as reported.3A43B'microgram/g dry wt.3C'Value as reported.3Sf3T'microgram/g dry wt.3U'Value as reported.484:444 4'miles4C@ 4'UTM4 ر@ 4 'UTM4 44'microgram/g dry wt.4'Value as reported.4#4$'microgram/g dry wt.4%'Value as reported.4&@4''microgram/g dry wt.4('Value as reported.4)e 4*'microgram/g dry wt.4+'Value as reported.4,b4-'microgram/g dry wt.4.'Value as reported.4/40'microgram/g dry wt.41'Value as reported.4;4<'microgram/g dry wt.4='Value as reported.4>9@4?'microgram/g dry wt.4@'Value as reported.4A4B'microgram/g dry wt.4C'Value as reported.4SO4T'microgram/g dry wt.4U'Value as reported.585<555 5'miles5C@ 5'UTM5 ر@ 5 'UTM5 55'microgram/g dry wt.5'Value as reported.5#5$'microgram/g dry wt.=5%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5&5''microgram/g dry wt.5('Value as reported.5)5*'microgram/g dry wt.5+'Value as reported.5,0u5-'microgram/g dry wt.5.'Value as reported.5/e50'microgram/g dry wt.51'Value as reported.5;5<'microgram/g dry wt.5='Value as reported.5>T5?'microgram/g dry wt.5@'Value as reported.5A45B'microgram/g dry wt.5C'Value as reported.5S5T'microgram/g dry wt.5U'Value as reported.686>666 6'miles6C@ 6'UTM6 ر@ 6 'UTM6 6 6'microgram/g dry wt.=6'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.66'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.66'microgram/g dry wt.6'Value as reported.6#6$'microgram/g dry wt.=6%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6&6''microgram/g dry wt.6('Value as reported.6)6*'microgram/g dry wt.6+'Value as reported.6,e6-'microgram/g dry wt.6.'Value as reported.6/%60'microgram/g dry wt.=61'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6869'microgram/g dry wt.6:'Value as reported.6;6<'microgram/g dry wt.=6='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6>6?'microgram/g dry wt.6@'Value as reported.6A6B'microgram/g dry wt.6C'Value as reported.6Ss6T'microgram/g dry wt.6U'Value as reported.6V6W'microgram/g dry wt.6X'Value as reported.7:777.7̸@ 7'miles7J@ 7'UTM7[@ 7 'UTM7 7#7$'microgram/g dry wt..7%'Value represents the mean of replicates.7&7''microgram/g dry wt..7('Value represents the mean of replicates.7)7*'microgram/g dry wt..7+'Value represents the mean of replicates.7S@7T'microgram/g dry wt..7U'Value represents the mean of replicates.8:888.8̸@ 8'miles8J@ 8'UTM8[@ 8 'UTM8 8# 8$'microgram/g dry wt..8%'Value represents the mean of replicates.8&%8''microgram/g dry wt..8('Value represents the mean of replicates.8)%8*'microgram/g dry wt..8+'Value represents the mean of replicates.8SD8T'microgram/g dry wt..8U'Value represents the mean of replicates.9:999.9̸@ 9'miles9J@ 9'UTM9[@ 9 'UTM9 9#59$'microgram/g dry wt..9%'Value represents the mean of replicates.9&9''microgram/g dry wt..9('Value represents the mean of replicates.9)9*'microgram/g dry wt..9+'Value represents the mean of replicates.9SEC9T'microgram/g dry wt..9U'Value represents the mean of replicates.:::::.:03333Ӹ@ :'miles:8J@ :'UTM:Q@ : 'UTM: :#:$'microgram/g dry wt..:%'Value represents the mean of replicates.:& :''microgram/g dry wt..:('Value represents the mean of replicates.:)% :*'microgram/g dry wt..:+'Value represents the mean of replicates.:SE1:T'microgram/g dry wt..:U'Value represents the mean of replicates.;:; ;;.;03333Ӹ@ ;'miles;8J@ ;'UTM;Q@ ; 'UTM; ;#;$'microgram/g dry wt..;%'Value represents the mean of replicates.;&;''microgram/g dry wt..;('Value represents the mean of replicates.;)% ;*'microgram/g dry wt..;+'Value represents the mean of replicates.;SJ;T'microgram/g dry wt..;U'Value represents the mean of replicates.<:< <<.<03333Ӹ@ <'miles<8J@ <'UTM<Q@ < 'UTM< <#G<$'microgram/g dry wt..<%'Value represents the mean of replicates.<&<''microgram/g dry wt..<('Value represents the mean of replicates.<)e<*'microgram/g dry wt..<+'Value represents the mean of replicates.<SE2<T'microgram/g dry wt..<U'Value represents the mean of replicates.=:===.=03333s@ ='miles=H@ ='UTM=ऑ@ = 'UTM= =# =$'microgram/g dry wt..=%'Value represents the mean of replicates.=&=''microgram/g dry wt..=('Value represents the mean of replicates.=)E=*'microgram/g dry wt..=+'Value represents the mean of replicates.=SR=T'microgram/g dry wt..=U'Value represents the mean of replicates.>:>>>.>03333s@ >'miles>H@ >'UTM>ऑ@ > 'UTM> ># >$'microgram/g dry wt..>%'Value represents the mean of replicates.>&>''microgram/g dry wt..>('Value represents the mean of replicates.>)>*'microgram/g dry wt..>+'Value represents the mean of replicates.>SE4>T'microgram/g dry wt..>U'Value represents the mean of replicates.?:???.?03333s@ ?'miles?H@ ?'UTM?ऑ@ ? 'UTM? ?#%?$'microgram/g dry wt..?%'Value represents the mean of replicates.?&%?''microgram/g dry wt..?('Value represents the mean of replicates.?)?*'microgram/g dry wt..?+'Value represents the mean of replicates.?S5?T'microgram/g dry wt..?U'Value represents the mean of replicates.@:@@@.@ @ @'miles@L6@ @'UTM@0@ @ 'UTM@ @#E@$'microgram/g dry wt..@%'Value represents the mean of replicates.@&@''microgram/g dry wt..@('Value represents the mean of replicates.@)e@*'microgram/g dry wt..@+'Value represents the mean of replicates.@S@T'microgram/g dry wt..@U'Value represents the mean of replicates.A:AAA.A @ A'milesAL6@ A'UTMA0@ A 'UTMA A#UA$'microgram/g dry wt..A%'Value represents the mean of replicates.A&EA''microgram/g dry wt..A('Value represents the mean of replicates.A)A*'microgram/g dry wt..A+'Value represents the mean of replicates.AS4AT'microgram/g dry wt..AU'Value represents the mean of replicates.B:BBB.B @ B'milesBL6@ B'UTMB0@ B 'UTMB B#B$'microgram/g dry wt..B%'Value represents the mean of replicates.B& B''microgram/g dry wt..B('Value represents the mean of replicates.B)% B*'microgram/g dry wt..B+'Value represents the mean of replicates.BSE0BT'microgram/g dry wt..BU'Value represents the mean of replicates.C:CCC.C C'milesCJ+@ C'UTMC@ C 'UTMC C#C$'microgram/g dry wt..C%'Value represents the mean of replicates.C&EC''microgram/g dry wt..C('Value represents the mean of replicates.C)C*'microgram/g dry wt..C+'Value represents the mean of replicates.CSE1CT'microgram/g dry wt..CU'Value represents the mean of replicates.D:DDD.D D'milesDJ+@ D'UTMD@ D 'UTMD D#'D$'microgram/g dry wt..D%'Value represents the mean of replicates.D&D''microgram/g dry wt..D('Value represents the mean of replicates.D)D*'microgram/g dry wt..D+'Value represents the mean of replicates.DSE/DT'microgram/g dry wt..DU'Value represents the mean of replicates.E:EEE.E E'milesEJ+@ E'UTME@ E 'UTME E#E$'microgram/g dry wt..E%'Value represents the mean of replicates.E&EE''microgram/g dry wt..E('Value represents the mean of replicates.E)E*'microgram/g dry wt..E+'Value represents the mean of replicates.ESRET'microgram/g dry wt..EU'Value represents the mean of replicates.F<FFF Fhffff&@ F'milesF8@ F'UTMFЭ@ F 'UTMF F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.FF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.FF'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.F# F$'microgram/g dry wt.=F%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F&F''microgram/g dry wt.F('Value as reported.F)F*'microgram/g dry wt.F+'Value as reported.F/iF0'microgram/g dry wt.=F1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F8F9'microgram/g dry wt.F:'Value as reported.F;F<'microgram/g dry wt.F='Value as reported.FD FE'microgram/g dry wt.=FF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.FSFT'microgram/g dry wt.FU'Value as reported.G<GGG G@@ G'milesG@ G'UTMG¤@ G 'UTMG G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.GeG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.GG'microgram/g dry wt.G'Value as reported.G#G$'microgram/g dry wt.=G%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G&G''microgram/g dry wt.G('Value as reported.G)G*'microgram/g dry wt.G+'Value as reported.G/iG0'microgram/g dry wt.=G1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G8G9'microgram/g dry wt.G:'Value as reported.G;G<'microgram/g dry wt.G='Value as reported.GDGE'microgram/g dry wt.=GF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.GSGT'microgram/g dry wt.GU'Value as reported.H<HHH HY@ H'milesH@ H'UTMHפ@ H 'UTMH H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.HEH'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.H|H'microgram/g dry wt.H'Value as reported.H#G H$'microgram/g dry wt.=H%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H&H''microgram/g dry wt.H('Value as reported.H)H*'microgram/g dry wt.H+'Value as reported.H/WH0'microgram/g dry wt.=H1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H8H9'microgram/g dry wt.H:'Value as reported.H;H<'microgram/g dry wt.H='Value as reported.HDg HE'microgram/g dry wt.=HF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.HS~HT'microgram/g dry wt.HU'Value as reported.I<III I033333@ I'milesI(@ I'UTMI @ I 'UTMI I RI 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.IeI'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.II'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.I# I$'microgram/g dry wt.=I%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I&"I''microgram/g dry wt.I('Value as reported.I) I*'microgram/g dry wt.I+'Value as reported.I/I0'microgram/g dry wt.=I1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I8(I9'microgram/g dry wt.I:'Value as reported.I;"I<'microgram/g dry wt.I='Value as reported.ID IE'microgram/g dry wt.=IF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ISIT'microgram/g dry wt.IU'Value as reported.J<J JJ J@@ J'milesJ@ J'UTMJɤ@ J 'UTMJ J RJ 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.JJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.JJ'microgram/g dry wt.J'Value as reported.J# J$'microgram/g dry wt.=J%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J&&J''microgram/g dry wt.J('Value as reported.J)"J*'microgram/g dry wt.J+'Value as reported.J/IJ0'microgram/g dry wt.=J1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J82J9'microgram/g dry wt.J:'Value as reported.J;"J<'microgram/g dry wt.J='Value as reported.JD JE'microgram/g dry wt.=JF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.JSJT'microgram/g dry wt.JU'Value as reported.K<K KK K@@ K'milesK@ K'UTMKդ@ K 'UTMK K JK 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.KK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.KK'microgram/g dry wt.K'Value as reported.K#K$'microgram/g dry wt.=K%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K&K''microgram/g dry wt.K('Value as reported.K)K*'microgram/g dry wt.K+'Value as reported.K/IK0'microgram/g dry wt.=K1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K8$K9'microgram/g dry wt.K:'Value as reported.K;K<'microgram/g dry wt.K='Value as reported.KDKE'microgram/g dry wt.=KF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.KSKT'microgram/g dry wt.KU'Value as reported.L<LLLĽ@ L'milesLX@ X'milesX[@ X'UTMXp\@ X 'UTMX X X 'microgram/g dry wt.X 'Value as reported.XEX'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.XX'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.X#X$'microgram/g dry wt.X%'Value as reported.X&FX''microgram/g dry wt.X('Value as reported.X)0X*'microgram/g dry wt.X+'Value as reported.X,0uX-'microgram/g dry wt.X.'Value as reported.X/GX0'microgram/g dry wt.X1'Value as reported.X86X9'microgram/g dry wt.X:'Value as reported.X;&X<'microgram/g dry wt.X='Value as reported.X>X?'microgram/g dry wt.X@'Value as reported.XD%XE'microgram/g dry wt.=XF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.XS@XT'microgram/g dry wt.XU'Value as reported.XbXc'microgram/g dry wt.=Xd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y<Y(YY>Y@ Y'milesY[@ Y'UTMYp\@ Y 'UTMY Y hY 'microgram/g dry wt.Y 'Value as reported.YY'microgram/g dry wt.Y'Value as reported.YY'microgram/g dry wt.Y'Value as reported.Y#Y$'microgram/g dry wt.Y%'Value as reported.Y&DY''microgram/g dry wt.Y('Value as reported.Y).Y*'microgram/g dry wt.Y+'Value as reported.Y,0uY-'microgram/g dry wt.Y.'Value as reported.Y/Y0'microgram/g dry wt.Y1'Value as reported.Y88Y9'microgram/g dry wt.Y:'Value as reported.Y;&Y<'microgram/g dry wt.Y='Value as reported.Y>Y?'microgram/g dry wt.Y@'Value as reported.YD YE'microgram/g dry wt.=YF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.YSTYT'microgram/g dry wt.YU'Value as reported.YbYc'microgram/g dry wt.Yd'Value as reported.Z<Z*ZZ>Z@ Z'milesZY@ Z'UTMZY@ Z 'UTMZ Z Z 'microgram/g dry wt.Z 'Value as reported.ZZ'microgram/g dry wt.Z'Value as reported.ZZ'microgram/g dry wt.Z'Value as reported.Z#Z$'microgram/g dry wt.Z%'Value as reported.Z&LZ''microgram/g dry wt.Z('Value as reported.Z)0Z*'microgram/g dry wt.Z+'Value as reported.Z,`mZ-'microgram/g dry wt.Z.'Value as reported.Z/Z0'microgram/g dry wt.Z1'Value as reported.Z8>Z9'microgram/g dry wt.Z:'Value as reported.Z;,Z<'microgram/g dry wt.Z='Value as reported.Z> Z?'microgram/g dry wt.Z@'Value as reported.ZD ZE'microgram/g dry wt.=ZF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ZS@ZT'microgram/g dry wt.ZU'Value as reported.ZbZc'microgram/g dry wt.=Zd'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[<[,[[>[L@ ['miles[W@ ['UTM[@Q@ [ 'UTM[ [ ,[ 'microgram/g dry wt.[ 'Value as reported.[['microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.[^['microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.[#[$'microgram/g dry wt.[%'Value as reported.[&([''microgram/g dry wt.[('Value as reported.[)[*'microgram/g dry wt.[+'Value as reported.[, N[-'microgram/g dry wt.[.'Value as reported.[/[0'microgram/g dry wt.[1'Value as reported.[8*[9'microgram/g dry wt.[:'Value as reported.[;[<'microgram/g dry wt.[='Value as reported.[>[?'microgram/g dry wt.[@'Value as reported.[D [E'microgram/g dry wt.=[F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[S[T'microgram/g dry wt.[U'Value as reported.[b[c'microgram/g dry wt.=[d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\<\.\\@\03333@ \'miles\@ \'UTM\к@ \ 'UTM\ \ \ 'microgram/g dry wt.\ 'Value as reported.\E\'microgram/g dry wt.\'Value as reported.\T\'microgram/g dry wt.\'Value as reported.\#%\$'microgram/g dry wt.=\%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\&(\''microgram/g dry wt.\('Value as reported.\)\*'microgram/g dry wt.\+'Value as reported.\,\-'microgram/g dry wt.\.'Value as reported.\/\0'microgram/g dry wt.=\1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\8.\9'microgram/g dry wt.\:'Value as reported.\;%\<'microgram/g dry wt.=\='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\>\?'microgram/g dry wt.\@'Value as reported.\D%\E'microgram/g dry wt.=\F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ST\T'microgram/g dry wt.\U'Value as reported.]<]0]]@]03333@ ]'miles]@ ]'UTM]к@ ] 'UTM] ] ] 'microgram/g dry wt.] 'Value as reported.]]'microgram/g dry wt.]'Value as reported.]h]'microgram/g dry wt.]'Value as reported.]#]$'microgram/g dry wt.=]%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.]&0]''microgram/g dry wt.]('Value as reported.])B]*'microgram/g dry wt.]+'Value as reported.],]-'microgram/g dry wt.].'Value as reported.]/E]0'microgram/g dry wt.=]1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.]82]9'microgram/g dry wt.]:'Value as reported.];]<'microgram/g dry wt.=]='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.]>]?'microgram/g dry wt.]@'Value as reported.]D]E'microgram/g dry wt.=]F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.]S|]T'microgram/g dry wt.]U'Value as reported.^<^2^^@^L@ ^'miles^ȗ@ ^'UTM^@ ^ 'UTM^ ^ ^ 'microgram/g dry wt.^ 'Value as reported.^^'microgram/g dry wt.=^'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^T^'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.^#^$'microgram/g dry wt.=^%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^&.^''microgram/g dry wt.^('Value as reported.^)T^*'microgram/g dry wt.^+'Value as reported.^,c^-'microgram/g dry wt.^.'Value as reported.^/^0'microgram/g dry wt.=^1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^82^9'microgram/g dry wt.^:'Value as reported.^;^<'microgram/g dry wt.=^='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^>p^?'microgram/g dry wt.^@'Value as reported.^D^E'microgram/g dry wt.=^F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^Sh^T'microgram/g dry wt.^U'Value as reported._<_4__@_033333@ _'miles_x@ _'UTM_v@ _ 'UTM_ _ l_ 'microgram/g dry wt._ 'Value as reported.__'microgram/g dry wt._'Value as reported.__'microgram/g dry wt._'Value as reported._#_$'microgram/g dry wt.=_%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._&._''microgram/g dry wt._('Value as reported._)_*'microgram/g dry wt._+'Value as reported._,C_-'microgram/g dry wt._.'Value as reported._/_0'microgram/g dry wt.=_1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._80_9'microgram/g dry wt._:'Value as reported._;_<'microgram/g dry wt.=_='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._>_?'microgram/g dry wt._@'Value as reported._D_E'microgram/g dry wt.=_F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._Sh_T'microgram/g dry wt._U'Value as reported.`<`6``@`hfffff@ `'miles`@ `'UTM`@@ ` 'UTM` ` ` 'microgram/g dry wt.` 'Value as reported.`%`'microgram/g dry wt.`'Value as reported.``'microgram/g dry wt.`'Value as reported.`#`$'microgram/g dry wt.=`%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`&2`''microgram/g dry wt.`('Value as reported.`)h`*'microgram/g dry wt.`+'Value as reported.`,`-'microgram/g dry wt.`.'Value as reported.`/`0'microgram/g dry wt.=`1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`86`9'microgram/g dry wt.`:'Value as reported.`;`<'microgram/g dry wt.=`='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`>`?'microgram/g dry wt.`@'Value as reported.`D`E'microgram/g dry wt.=`F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`S`T'microgram/g dry wt.`U'Value as reported.a<a8aa@a03333@ a'milesa@ a'UTMaƸ@ a 'UTMa a ha 'microgram/g dry wt.a 'Value as reported.aa'microgram/g dry wt.a'Value as reported.aa'microgram/g dry wt.a'Value as reported.a#a$'microgram/g dry wt.=a%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a&,a''microgram/g dry wt.a('Value as reported.a)a*'microgram/g dry wt.a+'Value as reported.a,a-'microgram/g dry wt.a.'Value as reported.a/a0'microgram/g dry wt.=a1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a88a9'microgram/g dry wt.a:'Value as reported.a;a<'microgram/g dry wt.=a='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a>a?'microgram/g dry wt.a@'Value as reported.aDaE'microgram/g dry wt.=aF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.aSaT'microgram/g dry wt.aU'Value as reported.b<b:bb@b@ b'milesbD@ b'UTMb@ b 'UTMb b b 'microgram/g dry wt.b 'Value as reported.bb'microgram/g dry wt.b'Value as reported.bb'microgram/g dry wt.b'Value as reported.b#Eb$'microgram/g dry wt.=b%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b&<b''microgram/g dry wt.b('Value as reported.b)b*'microgram/g dry wt.b+'Value as reported.b,b-'microgram/g dry wt.b.'Value as reported.b/b0'microgram/g dry wt.=b1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b8Fb9'microgram/g dry wt.b:'Value as reported.b;Eb<'microgram/g dry wt.=b='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b>b?'microgram/g dry wt.b@'Value as reported.bDEbE'microgram/g dry wt.=bF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.bSbT'microgram/g dry wt.bU'Value as reported.c<c<cc@c@ c'milescԅ@ c'UTMc@ c 'UTMc c c 'microgram/g dry wt.c 'Value as reported.cc'microgram/g dry wt.c'Value as reported.cc'microgram/g dry wt.c'Value as reported.c#c$'microgram/g dry wt.=c%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c&@c''microgram/g dry wt.c('Value as reported.c)c*'microgram/g dry wt.c+'Value as reported.c,Cc-'microgram/g dry wt.c.'Value as reported.c/ c0'microgram/g dry wt.=c1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c8Dc9'microgram/g dry wt.c:'Value as reported.c;c<'microgram/g dry wt.=c='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c>c?'microgram/g dry wt.c@'Value as reported.cDcE'microgram/g dry wt.=cF'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.cScT'microgram/g dry wt.cU'Value as reported.d>dddUw@ d'UTMdK@ d 'UTMd dd'microgram/g dry wt.=d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.dd'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.d(d'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.dd'microgram/g dry wt.d'Value as reported.d d!'microgram/g dry wt.d"'Value as reported.d#d$'microgram/g dry wt.=d%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d&td''microgram/g dry wt.d('Value as reported.d)Fd*'microgram/g dry wt.d+'Value as reported.d,d-'microgram/g dry wt.d.'Value as reported.d/Gd0'microgram/g dry wt.d1'Value as reported.d5d6'microgram/g dry wt.d7'Value as reported.d8:d9'microgram/g dry wt.d:'Value as reported.d;Nd<'microgram/g dry wt.d='Value as reported.d>d?'microgram/g dry wt.d@'Value as reported.dA dB'microgram/g dry wt.dC'Value as reported.dD%dE'microgram/g dry wt.dF'Value as reported.dPdQ'microgram/g dry wt.dR'Value as reported.dS|dT'microgram/g dry wt.dU'Value as reported.dV#dW'microgram/g dry wt.dX'Value as reported.dYdZ'microgram/g dry wt.d['Value as reported.dk`mdl'microgram/g dry wt.dm'Value as reported.dndo'microgram/g dry wt.dp'Value as reported.dt,du'microgram/g dry wt.dv'Value as reported.e>ee e@ e'UTMe,@ e 'UTMe e e'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.ee'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.eEe'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.eHe'microgram/g dry wt.e'Value as reported.e e!'microgram/g dry wt.e"'Value as reported.e#e$'microgram/g dry wt.e%'Value as reported.e&e''microgram/g dry wt.e('Value as reported.e)e*'microgram/g dry wt.e+'Value as reported.e,e-'microgram/g dry wt.e.'Value as reported.e/e0'microgram/g dry wt.e1'Value as reported.e5e6'microgram/g dry wt.e7'Value as reported.e8Re9'microgram/g dry wt.e:'Value as reported.e;e<'microgram/g dry wt.e='Value as reported.e>e?'microgram/g dry wt.e@'Value as reported.eAeB'microgram/g dry wt.eC'Value as reported.eD%eE'microgram/g dry wt.eF'Value as reported.ePeQ'microgram/g dry wt.eR'Value as reported.eSeT'microgram/g dry wt.eU'Value as reported.eVeW'microgram/g dry wt.eX'Value as reported.eYceZ'microgram/g dry wt.e['Value as reported.ek#el'microgram/g dry wt.em'Value as reported.en,eo'microgram/g dry wt.ep'Value as reported.et'eu'microgram/g dry wt.ev'Value as reported.f>ff*fU@ f'UTMfhfffJ@ f 'UTMf ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.ff'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.f\f'microgram/g dry wt.f'Value as reported.f f!'microgram/g dry wt.f"'Value as reported.f#f$'microgram/g dry wt.=f%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f&f''microgram/g dry wt.f('Value as reported.f)f*'microgram/g dry wt.f+'Value as reported.f,#f-'microgram/g dry wt.f.'Value as reported.f/ f0'microgram/g dry wt.f1'Value as reported.f5f6'microgram/g dry wt.f7'Value as reported.f8jf9'microgram/g dry wt.f:'Value as reported.f;f<'microgram/g dry wt.f='Value as reported.f>f?'microgram/g dry wt.f@'Value as reported.fA fB'microgram/g dry wt.fC'Value as reported.fDfE'microgram/g dry wt.fF'Value as reported.fPfQ'microgram/g dry wt.fR'Value as reported.fSfT'microgram/g dry wt.fU'Value as reported.fVCfW'microgram/g dry wt.fX'Value as reported.fYfZ'microgram/g dry wt.f['Value as reported.fkfl'microgram/g dry wt.fm'Value as reported.fnfo'microgram/g dry wt.fp'Value as reported.ft$fu'microgram/g dry wt.fv'Value as reported.g>gg.g@ g'UTMgA@ g 'UTMg gg'microgram/g dry wt.=g'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.gcg'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.g%g'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.gg'microgram/g dry wt.g'Value as reported.g g!'microgram/g dry wt.g"'Value as reported.g#g$'microgram/g dry wt.=g%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g&g''microgram/g dry wt.g('Value as reported.g)g*'microgram/g dry wt.g+'Value as reported.g,#g-'microgram/g dry wt.g.'Value as reported.g/g0'microgram/g dry wt.g1'Value as reported.g5g6'microgram/g dry wt.g7'Value as reported.g8Pg9'microgram/g dry wt.g:'Value as reported.g;g<'microgram/g dry wt.g='Value as reported.g>$g?'microgram/g dry wt.g@'Value as reported.gA0gB'microgram/g dry wt.gC'Value as reported.gDgE'microgram/g dry wt.gF'Value as reported.gPgQ'microgram/g dry wt.gR'Value as reported.gSgT'microgram/g dry wt.gU'Value as reported.gVQgW'microgram/g dry wt.gX'Value as reported.gYgZ'microgram/g dry wt.g['Value as reported.gkCgl'microgram/g dry wt.gm'Value as reported.gngo'microgram/g dry wt.gp'Value as reported.gt(gu'microgram/g dry wt.gv'Value as reported.h>h h.h'@ h'UTMh̜@ h 'UTMh hh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.hh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.hh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.hh'microgram/g dry wt.h'Value as reported.h h!'microgram/g dry wt.h"'Value as reported.h#h$'microgram/g dry wt.h%'Value as reported.h&h''microgram/g dry wt.h('Value as reported.h)h*'microgram/g dry wt.h+'Value as reported.h,qh-'microgram/g dry wt.h.'Value as reported.h/h0'microgram/g dry wt.h1'Value as reported.h5h6'microgram/g dry wt.h7'Value as reported.h8\h9'microgram/g dry wt.h:'Value as reported.h;h<'microgram/g dry wt.h='Value as reported.h>h?'microgram/g dry wt.h@'Value as reported.hAPhB'microgram/g dry wt.hC'Value as reported.hDhE'microgram/g dry wt.hF'Value as reported.hPhQ'microgram/g dry wt.hR'Value as reported.hShT'microgram/g dry wt.hU'Value as reported.hVQhW'microgram/g dry wt.hX'Value as reported.hYhZ'microgram/g dry wt.h['Value as reported.hkChl'microgram/g dry wt.hm'Value as reported.hnho'microgram/g dry wt.hp'Value as reported.ht$hu'microgram/g dry wt.hv'Value as reported.i>i i iDihffff&@ i'milesi@ i'UTMihfffN@ i 'UTMi ii'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.ii'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.ii'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.iti'microgram/g dry wt.i'Value as reported.i i!'microgram/g dry wt.i"'Value as reported.i#i$'microgram/g dry wt.i%'Value as reported.i&0i''microgram/g dry wt.i('Value as reported.i)i*'microgram/g dry wt.i+'Value as reported.i,i-'microgram/g dry wt.i.'Value as reported.i/i0'microgram/g dry wt.i1'Value as reported.i5i6'microgram/g dry wt.i7'Value as reported.i8|i9'microgram/g dry wt.i:'Value as reported.i;i<'microgram/g dry wt.i='Value as reported.i>Li?'microgram/g dry wt.i@'Value as reported.iAXiB'microgram/g dry wt.iC'Value as reported.iDiE'microgram/g dry wt.iF'Value as reported.iPiQ'microgram/g dry wt.iR'Value as reported.iSliT'microgram/g dry wt.iU'Value as reported.iViW'microgram/g dry wt.iX'Value as reported.iYiZ'microgram/g dry wt.i['Value as reported.ikil'microgram/g dry wt.im'Value as reported.inio'microgram/g dry wt.ip'Value as reported.itxiu'microgram/g dry wt.iv'Value as reported.j>jjj:j@ j'milesj@ j'UTMj@ j 'UTMj jj'microgram/g dry wt.=j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.jcj'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.j j'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.jj'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.j j!'microgram/g dry wt.j"'Value as reported.j#j$'microgram/g dry wt.j%'Value as reported.j&j''microgram/g dry wt.j('Value as reported.j)j*'microgram/g dry wt.j+'Value as reported.j,qj-'microgram/g dry wt.j.'Value as reported.j/j0'microgram/g dry wt.j1'Value as reported.j5j6'microgram/g dry wt.=j7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j8dj9'microgram/g dry wt.j:'Value as reported.j;j<'microgram/g dry wt.j='Value as reported.j>j?'microgram/g dry wt.j@'Value as reported.jAjB'microgram/g dry wt.jC'Value as reported.jDjE'microgram/g dry wt.jF'Value as reported.jPjQ'microgram/g dry wt.jR'Value as reported.jSjT'microgram/g dry wt.jU'Value as reported.jVjW'microgram/g dry wt.jX'Value as reported.jYjZ'microgram/g dry wt.j['Value as reported.jkjl'microgram/g dry wt.jm'Value as reported.jnjo'microgram/g dry wt.jp'Value as reported.jt(ju'microgram/g dry wt.jv'Value as reported.k>kk8kɎ@ k'UTMk@ k 'UTMk kk'microgram/g dry wt.=k'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.kk'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.kk'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.kk'microgram/g dry wt.k'Value as reported.k k!'microgram/g dry wt.=k"'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k#k$'microgram/g dry wt.=k%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k&xk''microgram/g dry wt.k('Value as reported.k):k*'microgram/g dry wt.k+'Value as reported.k,k-'microgram/g dry wt.k.'Value as reported.k/k0'microgram/g dry wt.k1'Value as reported.k5k6'microgram/g dry wt.=k7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k84k9'microgram/g dry wt.k:'Value as reported.k;Hk<'microgram/g dry wt.k='Value as reported.k>k?'microgram/g dry wt.k@'Value as reported.kA` kB'microgram/g dry wt.kC'Value as reported.kDkE'microgram/g dry wt.kF'Value as reported.kPfkQ'microgram/g dry wt.kR'Value as reported.kSkT'microgram/g dry wt.kU'Value as reported.kVekW'microgram/g dry wt.kX'Value as reported.kYkZ'microgram/g dry wt.k['Value as reported.kkkl'microgram/g dry wt.km'Value as reported.knko'microgram/g dry wt.kp'Value as reported.kt ku'microgram/g dry wt.kv'Value as reported.l>ll8l@ l'UTMľ@ l 'UTMl ll'microgram/g dry wt.=l'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.lcl'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.lEl'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.lpl'microgram/g dry wt.l'Value as reported.l l!'microgram/g dry wt.l"'Value as reported.l#l$'microgram/g dry wt.=l%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l&`l''microgram/g dry wt.l('Value as reported.l)2l*'microgram/g dry wt.l+'Value as reported.l,l-'microgram/g dry wt.l.'Value as reported.l/l0'microgram/g dry wt.l1'Value as reported.l5l6'microgram/g dry wt.=l7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l8,l9'microgram/g dry wt.l:'Value as reported.l;Nl<'microgram/g dry wt.l='Value as reported.l>\l?'microgram/g dry wt.l@'Value as reported.lAlB'microgram/g dry wt.lC'Value as reported.lDlE'microgram/g dry wt.lF'Value as reported.lPllQ'microgram/g dry wt.lR'Value as reported.lSlT'microgram/g dry wt.lU'Value as reported.lV}lW'microgram/g dry wt.lX'Value as reported.lY lZ'microgram/g dry wt.l['Value as reported.lkAll'microgram/g dry wt.lm'Value as reported.lnlo'microgram/g dry wt.lp'Value as reported.lt.lu'microgram/g dry wt.lv'Value as reported.m@mm8m @ m'UTMm@ m 'UTMm mm'microgram/g dry wt.=m'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m m!'microgram/g dry wt.=m"'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m#m$'microgram/g dry wt.=m%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m&Tm''microgram/g dry wt.m('Value as reported.m)$m*'microgram/g dry wt.m+'Value as reported.m,Am-'microgram/g dry wt.m.'Value as reported.m/m0'microgram/g dry wt.m1'Value as reported.m5m6'microgram/g dry wt.=m7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m8 m9'microgram/g dry wt.m:'Value as reported.m;0m<'microgram/g dry wt.m='Value as reported.m>m?'microgram/g dry wt.m@'Value as reported.mA@mB'microgram/g dry wt.mC'Value as reported.mD%mE'microgram/g dry wt.mF'Value as reported.mJmK'microgram/g dry wt.=mL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mPjmQ'microgram/g dry wt.mR'Value as reported.mSmT'microgram/g dry wt.mU'Value as reported.mV#mW'microgram/g dry wt.mX'Value as reported.mYmZ'microgram/g dry wt.m['Value as reported.m\Um]'microgram/g dry wt.m^'Value as reported.mhemi'microgram/g dry wt.mj'Value as reported.mk#ml'microgram/g dry wt.mm'Value as reported.mnmo'microgram/g dry wt.mp'Value as reported.mq:mr'microgram/g dry wt.ms'Value as reported.mthBmu'microgram/g dry wt.mv'Value as reported.mwmx'microgram/g dry wt.=my'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mzm{'microgram/g dry wt.=m|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m}`m~'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.=m'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.=m'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m$m'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.=m'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m.m'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m m'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mPm'microgram/g dry wt.=m'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.mm'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.m m'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@nn8n @ n'UTMn@ n 'UTMn nn'microgram/g dry wt.=n'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n n!'microgram/g dry wt.n"'Value as reported.n#n$'microgram/g dry wt.=n%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n&dn''microgram/g dry wt.n('Value as reported.n).n*'microgram/g dry wt.n+'Value as reported.n,n-'microgram/g dry wt.n.'Value as reported.n/n0'microgram/g dry wt.n1'Value as reported.n5n6'microgram/g dry wt.=n7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n8$n9'microgram/g dry wt.n:'Value as reported.n;4n<'microgram/g dry wt.n='Value as reported.n>n?'microgram/g dry wt.n@'Value as reported.nA@nB'microgram/g dry wt.nC'Value as reported.nDnE'microgram/g dry wt.nF'Value as reported.nGnH'microgram/g dry wt.nI'Value as reported.nJnK'microgram/g dry wt.=nL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.nPpnQ'microgram/g dry wt.nR'Value as reported.nSnT'microgram/g dry wt.nU'Value as reported.nV}nW'microgram/g dry wt.nX'Value as reported.nYnZ'microgram/g dry wt.n['Value as reported.n\Gn]'microgram/g dry wt.n^'Value as reported.nh%ni'microgram/g dry wt.nj'Value as reported.nk}nl'microgram/g dry wt.nm'Value as reported.nnno'microgram/g dry wt.np'Value as reported.nq6nr'microgram/g dry wt.ns'Value as reported.nt@nu'microgram/g dry wt.nv'Value as reported.nwnx'microgram/g dry wt.=ny'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.nzn{'microgram/g dry wt.=n|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n}jn~'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.=n'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.=n'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n*n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.=n'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n0n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nPn'microgram/g dry wt.=n'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.nn'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.n( n'microgram/g dry wt.n'Value as reported.o@oo8o @ o'UTMo@ o 'UTMo oo'microgram/g dry wt.=o'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.o o!'microgram/g dry wt.o"'Value as reported.o#o$'microgram/g dry wt.=o%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o&to''microgram/g dry wt.o('Value as reported.o)0o*'microgram/g dry wt.o+'Value as reported.o,o-'microgram/g dry wt.o.'Value as reported.o/Eo0'microgram/g dry wt.o1'Value as reported.o5o6'microgram/g dry wt.=o7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o8$o9'microgram/g dry wt.o:'Value as reported.o;.o<'microgram/g dry wt.o='Value as reported.o>o?'microgram/g dry wt.o@'Value as reported.oA@oB'microgram/g dry wt.oC'Value as reported.oDoE'microgram/g dry wt.oF'Value as reported.oGoH'microgram/g dry wt.oI'Value as reported.oJoK'microgram/g dry wt.=oL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.oPtoQ'microgram/g dry wt.oR'Value as reported.oSoT'microgram/g dry wt.oU'Value as reported.oV#oW'microgram/g dry wt.oX'Value as reported.oYoZ'microgram/g dry wt.o['Value as reported.o\Uo]'microgram/g dry wt.o^'Value as reported.ohEoi'microgram/g dry wt.oj'Value as reported.ok#ol'microgram/g dry wt.om'Value as reported.onoo'microgram/g dry wt.op'Value as reported.oq@or'microgram/g dry wt.os'Value as reported.otH?ou'microgram/g dry wt.ov'Value as reported.owox'microgram/g dry wt.=oy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ozo{'microgram/g dry wt.=o|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o}ho~'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.=o'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.=o'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o*o'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.=o'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o6o'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oPo'microgram/g dry wt.=o'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o o'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oeo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.oo'microgram/g dry wt.o'Value as reported.p@pp8p @ p'UTMp@ p 'UTMp pp'microgram/g dry wt.=p'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p p!'microgram/g dry wt.p"'Value as reported.p#p$'microgram/g dry wt.=p%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p&np''microgram/g dry wt.p('Value as reported.p)(p*'microgram/g dry wt.p+'Value as reported.p,p-'microgram/g dry wt.p.'Value as reported.p/p0'microgram/g dry wt.p1'Value as reported.p5p6'microgram/g dry wt.=p7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p8$p9'microgram/g dry wt.p:'Value as reported.p;.p<'microgram/g dry wt.p='Value as reported.p>p?'microgram/g dry wt.p@'Value as reported.pApB'microgram/g dry wt.pC'Value as reported.pDpE'microgram/g dry wt.pF'Value as reported.pGpH'microgram/g dry wt.pI'Value as reported.pJpK'microgram/g dry wt.=pL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pPtpQ'microgram/g dry wt.pR'Value as reported.pSpT'microgram/g dry wt.pU'Value as reported.pV0upW'microgram/g dry wt.pX'Value as reported.pYpZ'microgram/g dry wt.p['Value as reported.p\Up]'microgram/g dry wt.p^'Value as reported.phpi'microgram/g dry wt.pj'Value as reported.pk#pl'microgram/g dry wt.pm'Value as reported.pnpo'microgram/g dry wt.pp'Value as reported.pq2pr'microgram/g dry wt.ps'Value as reported.pt@pu'microgram/g dry wt.pv'Value as reported.pwpx'microgram/g dry wt.=py'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pzp{'microgram/g dry wt.=p|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p}^p~'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.=p'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.=p'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p.p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p.p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pPp'microgram/g dry wt.=p'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.pp'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.p p'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@q q8q @ q'UTMq@ q 'UTMq qq'microgram/g dry wt.=q'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q q!'microgram/g dry wt.q"'Value as reported.q#q$'microgram/g dry wt.=q%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q&pq''microgram/g dry wt.q('Value as reported.q)(q*'microgram/g dry wt.q+'Value as reported.q,q-'microgram/g dry wt.q.'Value as reported.q/q0'microgram/g dry wt.q1'Value as reported.q5q6'microgram/g dry wt.=q7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q8&q9'microgram/g dry wt.q:'Value as reported.q;,q<'microgram/g dry wt.q='Value as reported.q>q?'microgram/g dry wt.q@'Value as reported.qAqB'microgram/g dry wt.qC'Value as reported.qDqE'microgram/g dry wt.qF'Value as reported.qGqH'microgram/g dry wt.qI'Value as reported.qJqK'microgram/g dry wt.=qL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.qPtqQ'microgram/g dry wt.qR'Value as reported.qSqT'microgram/g dry wt.qU'Value as reported.qV}qW'microgram/g dry wt.qX'Value as reported.qY#qZ'microgram/g dry wt.q['Value as reported.q\q]'microgram/g dry wt.q^'Value as reported.qhqi'microgram/g dry wt.qj'Value as reported.qk#ql'microgram/g dry wt.qm'Value as reported.qnqo'microgram/g dry wt.qp'Value as reported.qq6qr'microgram/g dry wt.qs'Value as reported.qt@qu'microgram/g dry wt.qv'Value as reported.qwqx'microgram/g dry wt.=qy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.qzq{'microgram/g dry wt.=q|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q}dq~'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.=q'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.=q'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q.q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q.q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qPq'microgram/g dry wt.=q'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.qq'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.q q'microgram/g dry wt.q'Value as reported.r@r r8r֑@ r'UTMrhfff^8@ r 'UTMr rr'microgram/g dry wt.=r'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r r!'microgram/g dry wt.r"'Value as reported.r#r$'microgram/g dry wt.=r%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r&\r''microgram/g dry wt.r('Value as reported.r)"r*'microgram/g dry wt.r+'Value as reported.r,Ar-'microgram/g dry wt.r.'Value as reported.r/r0'microgram/g dry wt.r1'Value as reported.r5r6'microgram/g dry wt.=r7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r8"r9'microgram/g dry wt.r:'Value as reported.r;*r<'microgram/g dry wt.r='Value as reported.r>$r?'microgram/g dry wt.r@'Value as reported.rArB'microgram/g dry wt.rC'Value as reported.rDerE'microgram/g dry wt.rF'Value as reported.rGrH'microgram/g dry wt.rI'Value as reported.rJrK'microgram/g dry wt.=rL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rPhrQ'microgram/g dry wt.rR'Value as reported.rSrT'microgram/g dry wt.rU'Value as reported.rV#rW'microgram/g dry wt.rX'Value as reported.rYrZ'microgram/g dry wt.r['Value as reported.r\r]'microgram/g dry wt.r^'Value as reported.rhri'microgram/g dry wt.rj'Value as reported.rkrl'microgram/g dry wt.rm'Value as reported.rnro'microgram/g dry wt.rp'Value as reported.rq6rr'microgram/g dry wt.rs'Value as reported.rtpIru'microgram/g dry wt.rv'Value as reported.rwrx'microgram/g dry wt.=ry'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rzr{'microgram/g dry wt.=r|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r}`r~'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.=r'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.=r'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r(r'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.=r'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r,r'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r r'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rPr'microgram/g dry wt.=r'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.r r'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.rr'microgram/g dry wt.r'Value as reported.s@ss8s!c@ s'UTMshfff@ s 'UTMs ss'microgram/g dry wt.=s'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.s s!'microgram/g dry wt.=s"'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s#s$'microgram/g dry wt.=s%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s&ps''microgram/g dry wt.s('Value as reported.s).s*'microgram/g dry wt.s+'Value as reported.s,s-'microgram/g dry wt.s.'Value as reported.s/Es0'microgram/g dry wt.s1'Value as reported.s5s6'microgram/g dry wt.=s7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s8(s9'microgram/g dry wt.s:'Value as reported.s;\s<'microgram/g dry wt.s='Value as reported.s>` s?'microgram/g dry wt.s@'Value as reported.sAsB'microgram/g dry wt.sC'Value as reported.sDsE'microgram/g dry wt.sF'Value as reported.sJsK'microgram/g dry wt.=sL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.sP`sQ'microgram/g dry wt.sR'Value as reported.sSsT'microgram/g dry wt.sU'Value as reported.sV0usW'microgram/g dry wt.sX'Value as reported.sY sZ'microgram/g dry wt.s['Value as reported.s\es]'microgram/g dry wt.s^'Value as reported.shsi'microgram/g dry wt.sj'Value as reported.sk#sl'microgram/g dry wt.sm'Value as reported.snso'microgram/g dry wt.sp'Value as reported.sq6sr'microgram/g dry wt.ss'Value as reported.st:su'microgram/g dry wt.sv'Value as reported.swsx'microgram/g dry wt.=sy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.szs{'microgram/g dry wt.=s|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s}Vs~'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.=s'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.=s'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s s'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.=s'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s,s'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.s s'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.sPs'microgram/g dry wt.=s'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.s s'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.ss'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t@tt8t!c@ t'UTMthfff@ t 'UTMt tt'microgram/g dry wt.=t'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.t\t'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.t t!'microgram/g dry wt.t"'Value as reported.t#t$'microgram/g dry wt.=t%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t&t''microgram/g dry wt.t('Value as reported.t)Pt*'microgram/g dry wt.t+'Value as reported.t,at-'microgram/g dry wt.t.'Value as reported.t/Gt0'microgram/g dry wt.t1'Value as reported.t5t6'microgram/g dry wt.=t7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t84t9'microgram/g dry wt.t:'Value as reported.t;t<'microgram/g dry wt.t='Value as reported.t> t?'microgram/g dry wt.t@'Value as reported.tA tB'microgram/g dry wt.tC'Value as reported.tDtE'microgram/g dry wt.tF'Value as reported.tG%tH'microgram/g dry wt.tI'Value as reported.tJtK'microgram/g dry wt.=tL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tPntQ'microgram/g dry wt.tR'Value as reported.tStT'microgram/g dry wt.tU'Value as reported.tV0utW'microgram/g dry wt.tX'Value as reported.tYctZ'microgram/g dry wt.t['Value as reported.t\t]'microgram/g dry wt.t^'Value as reported.thti'microgram/g dry wt.tj'Value as reported.tktl'microgram/g dry wt.tm'Value as reported.tnto'microgram/g dry wt.tp'Value as reported.tq0tr'microgram/g dry wt.ts'Value as reported.tt/tu'microgram/g dry wt.tv'Value as reported.twtx'microgram/g dry wt.=ty'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tzt{'microgram/g dry wt.=t|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t}Zt~'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.=t'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.=t'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t4t'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.=t'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t*t'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tPt'microgram/g dry wt.=t'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.t%t'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.tt'microgram/g dry wt.t'Value as reported.u@uu8uU3@ u'UTMu@ u 'UTMu uu'microgram/g dry wt.=u'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u#u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u u!'microgram/g dry wt.u"'Value as reported.u#u$'microgram/g dry wt.=u%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u&u''microgram/g dry wt.u('Value as reported.u)Nu*'microgram/g dry wt.u+'Value as reported.u,Qu-'microgram/g dry wt.u.'Value as reported.u/Eu0'microgram/g dry wt.u1'Value as reported.u5u6'microgram/g dry wt.=u7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u8*u9'microgram/g dry wt.u:'Value as reported.u;Zu<'microgram/g dry wt.u='Value as reported.u>u?'microgram/g dry wt.u@'Value as reported.uAuB'microgram/g dry wt.uC'Value as reported.uDuE'microgram/g dry wt.uF'Value as reported.uGuH'microgram/g dry wt.uI'Value as reported.uJuK'microgram/g dry wt.=uL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.uPduQ'microgram/g dry wt.uR'Value as reported.uS,uT'microgram/g dry wt.uU'Value as reported.uV`muW'microgram/g dry wt.uX'Value as reported.uY uZ'microgram/g dry wt.u['Value as reported.u\u]'microgram/g dry wt.u^'Value as reported.uhui'microgram/g dry wt.uj'Value as reported.ukul'microgram/g dry wt.um'Value as reported.unuo'microgram/g dry wt.up'Value as reported.uq*ur'microgram/g dry wt.us'Value as reported.ut+uu'microgram/g dry wt.uv'Value as reported.uwux'microgram/g dry wt.=uy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.uzu{'microgram/g dry wt.=u|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u}Lu~'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.=u'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.=u'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u0u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.=u'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u&u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uPu'microgram/g dry wt.=u'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.uu'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.u0u'microgram/g dry wt.u'Value as reported.v@vv8vTߐ@ v'UTMvhfff~@ v 'UTMv vv'microgram/g dry wt.=v'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vCv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v v!'microgram/g dry wt.=v"'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v#v$'microgram/g dry wt.=v%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v&Xv''microgram/g dry wt.v('Value as reported.v).v*'microgram/g dry wt.v+'Value as reported.v,v-'microgram/g dry wt.v.'Value as reported.v/v0'microgram/g dry wt.v1'Value as reported.v5v6'microgram/g dry wt.=v7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v8*v9'microgram/g dry wt.v:'Value as reported.v;Tv<'microgram/g dry wt.v='Value as reported.v>v?'microgram/g dry wt.v@'Value as reported.vAvB'microgram/g dry wt.vC'Value as reported.vDvE'microgram/g dry wt.vF'Value as reported.vJvK'microgram/g dry wt.=vL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vP\vQ'microgram/g dry wt.vR'Value as reported.vSvT'microgram/g dry wt.vU'Value as reported.vVevW'microgram/g dry wt.vX'Value as reported.vYavZ'microgram/g dry wt.v['Value as reported.v\Uv]'microgram/g dry wt.v^'Value as reported.vhvi'microgram/g dry wt.vj'Value as reported.vkcvl'microgram/g dry wt.vm'Value as reported.vnvo'microgram/g dry wt.vp'Value as reported.vq,vr'microgram/g dry wt.vs'Value as reported.vtP-vu'microgram/g dry wt.vv'Value as reported.vwvx'microgram/g dry wt.=vy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vzv{'microgram/g dry wt.=v|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v}Dv~'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.=v'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.=v'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v"v'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.=v'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v"v'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v v'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vPv'microgram/g dry wt.=v'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.vv'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v v'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.v'v'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.w@ww8wTߐ@ w'UTMwhfff~@ w 'UTMw ww'microgram/g dry wt.=w'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.wew'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w w!'microgram/g dry wt.=w"'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w#w$'microgram/g dry wt.=w%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w&fw''microgram/g dry wt.w('Value as reported.w)4w*'microgram/g dry wt.w+'Value as reported.w,w-'microgram/g dry wt.w.'Value as reported.w/w0'microgram/g dry wt.w1'Value as reported.w5w6'microgram/g dry wt.=w7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w8&w9'microgram/g dry wt.w:'Value as reported.w;Pw<'microgram/g dry wt.w='Value as reported.w>tw?'microgram/g dry wt.w@'Value as reported.wAwB'microgram/g dry wt.wC'Value as reported.wDwE'microgram/g dry wt.wF'Value as reported.wGewH'microgram/g dry wt.wI'Value as reported.wJwK'microgram/g dry wt.=wL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.wPZwQ'microgram/g dry wt.wR'Value as reported.wSwT'microgram/g dry wt.wU'Value as reported.wV`mwW'microgram/g dry wt.wX'Value as reported.wYAwZ'microgram/g dry wt.w['Value as reported.w\w]'microgram/g dry wt.w^'Value as reported.wh%wi'microgram/g dry wt.wj'Value as reported.wk`mwl'microgram/g dry wt.wm'Value as reported.wnwo'microgram/g dry wt.wp'Value as reported.wq(wr'microgram/g dry wt.ws'Value as reported.wt%wu'microgram/g dry wt.wv'Value as reported.wwwx'microgram/g dry wt.=wy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.wzw{'microgram/g dry wt.=w|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w}Dw~'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.=w'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.=w'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w.w'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w w'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w w'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.wPw'microgram/g dry wt.=w'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.ww'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.wuw'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w w'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.w w'microgram/g dry wt.w'Value as reported.x@xx8xAr@ x'UTMx+@ x 'UTMx xx'microgram/g dry wt.=x'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.x x!'microgram/g dry wt.x"'Value as reported.x#x$'microgram/g dry wt.=x%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x&xx''microgram/g dry wt.x('Value as reported.x)4x*'microgram/g dry wt.x+'Value as reported.x,x-'microgram/g dry wt.x.'Value as reported.x/x0'microgram/g dry wt.x1'Value as reported.x5x6'microgram/g dry wt.=x7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x82x9'microgram/g dry wt.x:'Value as reported.x;Xx<'microgram/g dry wt.x='Value as reported.x>` x?'microgram/g dry wt.x@'Value as reported.xA xB'microgram/g dry wt.xC'Value as reported.xDxE'microgram/g dry wt.xF'Value as reported.xGxH'microgram/g dry wt.xI'Value as reported.xJxK'microgram/g dry wt.=xL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xPnxQ'microgram/g dry wt.xR'Value as reported.xSxT'microgram/g dry wt.xU'Value as reported.xV0uxW'microgram/g dry wt.xX'Value as reported.xYaxZ'microgram/g dry wt.x['Value as reported.x\x]'microgram/g dry wt.x^'Value as reported.xhExi'microgram/g dry wt.xj'Value as reported.xkxl'microgram/g dry wt.xm'Value as reported.xnxo'microgram/g dry wt.xp'Value as reported.xq.xr'microgram/g dry wt.xs'Value as reported.xt`"xu'microgram/g dry wt.xv'Value as reported.xwxx'microgram/g dry wt.=xy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xzx{'microgram/g dry wt.=x|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x}Jx~'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.=x'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.=x'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x4x'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.=x'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x$x'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xPx'microgram/g dry wt.=x'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.x x'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.xx'microgram/g dry wt.x'Value as reported.y@yy8y@ y'UTMy0333@ y 'UTMy yy'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yXy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y y!'microgram/g dry wt.=y"'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y#y$'microgram/g dry wt.=y%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y&Ny''microgram/g dry wt.y('Value as reported.y)y*'microgram/g dry wt.y+'Value as reported.y,Ay-'microgram/g dry wt.y.'Value as reported.y/y0'microgram/g dry wt.y1'Value as reported.y5y6'microgram/g dry wt.=y7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y8y9'microgram/g dry wt.y:'Value as reported.y;$y<'microgram/g dry wt.y='Value as reported.y>y?'microgram/g dry wt.y@'Value as reported.yAxyB'microgram/g dry wt.yC'Value as reported.yDEyE'microgram/g dry wt.yF'Value as reported.yJyK'microgram/g dry wt.=yL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yPVyQ'microgram/g dry wt.yR'Value as reported.ySPyT'microgram/g dry wt.yU'Value as reported.yVeyW'microgram/g dry wt.yX'Value as reported.yYyZ'microgram/g dry wt.y['Value as reported.y\y]'microgram/g dry wt.y^'Value as reported.yhyi'microgram/g dry wt.yj'Value as reported.yk#yl'microgram/g dry wt.ym'Value as reported.ynyo'microgram/g dry wt.yp'Value as reported.yq2yr'microgram/g dry wt.ys'Value as reported.yt,yu'microgram/g dry wt.yv'Value as reported.ywyx'microgram/g dry wt.=yy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yzy{'microgram/g dry wt.=y|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y}Jy~'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y*y'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y y'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yPy'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.yy'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y y'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.y y'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.z@zz8zsݏ@ z'UTMz@ z 'UTMz zz'microgram/g dry wt.=z'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.z% z'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.z z!'microgram/g dry wt.z"'Value as reported.z#z$'microgram/g dry wt.=z%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z&rz''microgram/g dry wt.z('Value as reported.z)0z*'microgram/g dry wt.z+'Value as reported.z,z-'microgram/g dry wt.z.'Value as reported.z/z0'microgram/g dry wt.z1'Value as reported.z5z6'microgram/g dry wt.=z7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z8.z9'microgram/g dry wt.z:'Value as reported.z;8z<'microgram/g dry wt.z='Value as reported.z>|z?'microgram/g dry wt.z@'Value as reported.zAzB'microgram/g dry wt.zC'Value as reported.zDzE'microgram/g dry wt.zF'Value as reported.zGzH'microgram/g dry wt.zI'Value as reported.zJzK'microgram/g dry wt.=zL'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zPfzQ'microgram/g dry wt.zR'Value as reported.zSzT'microgram/g dry wt.zU'Value as reported.zV}zW'microgram/g dry wt.zX'Value as reported.zY zZ'microgram/g dry wt.z['Value as reported.z\z]'microgram/g dry wt.z^'Value as reported.zhzi'microgram/g dry wt.zj'Value as reported.zkzl'microgram/g dry wt.zm'Value as reported.znpzo'microgram/g dry wt.zp'Value as reported.zq4zr'microgram/g dry wt.zs'Value as reported.zt$zu'microgram/g dry wt.zv'Value as reported.zwzx'microgram/g dry wt.=zy'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zzz{'microgram/g dry wt.=z|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z}Pz~'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.=z'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.=z'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z6z'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.=z'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z0z'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zPz'microgram/g dry wt.=z'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.zz'microgram/g dry wt.z'Value as reported.{@{{8{sݏ@ {'UTM{@ { 'UTM{ {{'microgram/g dry wt.={'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{C{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{ {!'microgram/g dry wt.={"'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{#{$'microgram/g dry wt.={%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{&x{''microgram/g dry wt.{('Value as reported.{)0{*'microgram/g dry wt.{+'Value as reported.{,{-'microgram/g dry wt.{.'Value as reported.{/{0'microgram/g dry wt.{1'Value as reported.{5{6'microgram/g dry wt.={7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{86{9'microgram/g dry wt.{:'Value as reported.{;>{<'microgram/g dry wt.{='Value as reported.{>{?'microgram/g dry wt.{@'Value as reported.{A` {B'microgram/g dry wt.{C'Value as reported.{D{E'microgram/g dry wt.{F'Value as reported.{Ge{H'microgram/g dry wt.{I'Value as reported.{J{K'microgram/g dry wt.={L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{Ph{Q'microgram/g dry wt.{R'Value as reported.{S{T'microgram/g dry wt.{U'Value as reported.{V}{W'microgram/g dry wt.{X'Value as reported.{Y1{Z'microgram/g dry wt.{['Value as reported.{\{]'microgram/g dry wt.{^'Value as reported.{h{i'microgram/g dry wt.{j'Value as reported.{ka{l'microgram/g dry wt.{m'Value as reported.{n{o'microgram/g dry wt.{p'Value as reported.{q,{r'microgram/g dry wt.{s'Value as reported.{t%{u'microgram/g dry wt.{v'Value as reported.{w{x'microgram/g dry wt.={y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{z{{'microgram/g dry wt.={|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{}J{~'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.={'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.={'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{6{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{ {'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{"{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{P{'microgram/g dry wt.={'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.{{'microgram/g dry wt.{'Value as reported.|@| |8|sݏ@ |'UTM|@ | 'UTM| ||'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.| |!'microgram/g dry wt.|"'Value as reported.|#|$'microgram/g dry wt.=|%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|&v|''microgram/g dry wt.|('Value as reported.|)B|*'microgram/g dry wt.|+'Value as reported.|,|-'microgram/g dry wt.|.'Value as reported.|/E|0'microgram/g dry wt.|1'Value as reported.|5|6'microgram/g dry wt.=|7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|80|9'microgram/g dry wt.|:'Value as reported.|;8|<'microgram/g dry wt.|='Value as reported.|>|?'microgram/g dry wt.|@'Value as reported.|A|B'microgram/g dry wt.|C'Value as reported.|D|E'microgram/g dry wt.|F'Value as reported.|GE|H'microgram/g dry wt.|I'Value as reported.|J|K'microgram/g dry wt.=|L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|Px|Q'microgram/g dry wt.|R'Value as reported.|S|T'microgram/g dry wt.|U'Value as reported.|V#|W'microgram/g dry wt.|X'Value as reported.|Y |Z'microgram/g dry wt.|['Value as reported.|\|]'microgram/g dry wt.|^'Value as reported.|h|i'microgram/g dry wt.|j'Value as reported.|ka|l'microgram/g dry wt.|m'Value as reported.|n|o'microgram/g dry wt.|p'Value as reported.|q2|r'microgram/g dry wt.|s'Value as reported.|t%|u'microgram/g dry wt.|v'Value as reported.|w|x'microgram/g dry wt.=|y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|z|{'microgram/g dry wt.=||'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|}X|~'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.|@|'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|(|'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|P|'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.|%|'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.||'microgram/g dry wt.|'Value as reported.}@}"}8}sݏ@ }'UTM}@ } 'UTM} }}'microgram/g dry wt.=}'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}E}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.} }!'microgram/g dry wt.}"'Value as reported.}#}$'microgram/g dry wt.=}%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}&}''microgram/g dry wt.}('Value as reported.}),}*'microgram/g dry wt.}+'Value as reported.},}-'microgram/g dry wt.}.'Value as reported.}/G}0'microgram/g dry wt.}1'Value as reported.}5}6'microgram/g dry wt.=}7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}82}9'microgram/g dry wt.}:'Value as reported.};6}<'microgram/g dry wt.}='Value as reported.}>X}?'microgram/g dry wt.}@'Value as reported.}A}B'microgram/g dry wt.}C'Value as reported.}D}E'microgram/g dry wt.}F'Value as reported.}G}H'microgram/g dry wt.}I'Value as reported.}J}K'microgram/g dry wt.=}L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}Pz}Q'microgram/g dry wt.}R'Value as reported.}S}T'microgram/g dry wt.}U'Value as reported.}V#}W'microgram/g dry wt.}X'Value as reported.}Y }Z'microgram/g dry wt.}['Value as reported.}\}]'microgram/g dry wt.}^'Value as reported.}he}i'microgram/g dry wt.}j'Value as reported.}ka}l'microgram/g dry wt.}m'Value as reported.}n}o'microgram/g dry wt.}p'Value as reported.}q.}r'microgram/g dry wt.}s'Value as reported.}t%}u'microgram/g dry wt.}v'Value as reported.}w}x'microgram/g dry wt.=}y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z}{'microgram/g dry wt.=}|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}}T}~'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.=}'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.=}'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}B}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.=}'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}*}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}P}'microgram/g dry wt.=}'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}%}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.}@}'microgram/g dry wt.}'Value as reported.~@~$~8~T@ ~'UTM~hfff@ ~ 'UTM~ ~~'microgram/g dry wt.=~'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~#~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~%~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~ ~!'microgram/g dry wt.=~"'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~#~$'microgram/g dry wt.=~%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~&d~''microgram/g dry wt.~('Value as reported.~)6~*'microgram/g dry wt.~+'Value as reported.~,c~-'microgram/g dry wt.~.'Value as reported.~/%~0'microgram/g dry wt.~1'Value as reported.~5~6'microgram/g dry wt.=~7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~8,~9'microgram/g dry wt.~:'Value as reported.~;>~<'microgram/g dry wt.~='Value as reported.~>T~?'microgram/g dry wt.~@'Value as reported.~A~B'microgram/g dry wt.~C'Value as reported.~D~E'microgram/g dry wt.~F'Value as reported.~G~H'microgram/g dry wt.~I'Value as reported.~J~K'microgram/g dry wt.=~L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~PV~Q'microgram/g dry wt.~R'Value as reported.~S~T'microgram/g dry wt.~U'Value as reported.~V]~W'microgram/g dry wt.~X'Value as reported.~Y~Z'microgram/g dry wt.~['Value as reported.~\~]'microgram/g dry wt.~^'Value as reported.~h~i'microgram/g dry wt.~j'Value as reported.~k~l'microgram/g dry wt.~m'Value as reported.~n~o'microgram/g dry wt.~p'Value as reported.~q&~r'microgram/g dry wt.~s'Value as reported.~t~u'microgram/g dry wt.~v'Value as reported.~w~x'microgram/g dry wt.=~y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~z~{'microgram/g dry wt.=~|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~}>~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.=~'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.=~'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~0~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.=~'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~"~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~ ~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~P~'microgram/g dry wt.=~'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~ ~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.~~'microgram/g dry wt.~'Value as reported.@&82@ 'UTM0333Â@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&f''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)R*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;><'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PJQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kQl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n\o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q"r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}:~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@(8.@ 'UTM)@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&p''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>D?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P`Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VUW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y!Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q$r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t8u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}>~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.|'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@*8.@ 'UTM)@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8(9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AxB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PbQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VUW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q0r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}J~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@,8@ 'UTM(H@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&`''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PPQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\5]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n\o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q$r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}:~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@.8@ 'UTM(H@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&l''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;J<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PZQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VUW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\5]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q*r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tpu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}>~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@08@ 'UTM(H@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&v''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A( B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PXQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VUW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y!Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q"r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}:~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@28@ 'UTM(H@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&n''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,A-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;N<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PTQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\']'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n\o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q$r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}:~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@48@ 'UTM0333{@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V0uW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nho'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}h~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@68Ԏ@ 'UTMD@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)~*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;|<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>x?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P`Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V`mW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\E]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kQl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.npo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q(r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}F~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@88ʎ@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&v''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)>*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;F<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P^Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VeW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nHo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q.r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}D~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@:8ʎ@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&~''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)F*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.869'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P\Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VeW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n\o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q&r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}@~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@<8ʎ@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&v''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)<*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P`Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nHo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q(r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tXu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}F~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@>8ʎ@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&t''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.):*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;P<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P`Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n\o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q(r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}F~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@8OÎ@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.P`Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\']'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q&r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}F~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@B8OÎ@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&|''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PbQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YaZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\']'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q$r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}D~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@D8OÎ@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PfQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q(r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}J~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@F8OÎ@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&|''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>@?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PhQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V]W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\E]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q(r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}F~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@H8@ 'UTMhffft@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&~''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)f*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PxQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VeW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nlo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q,r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}L~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@J xُ@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&l''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.).*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;*<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>x?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PxQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q2r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t81u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}`~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@L @ 'UTMhfff.F@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.809'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;F<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t3u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}h~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@N Mp@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)L*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;D<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q>r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}j~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@P @@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)8*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>( ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t,u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}l~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@R K(@ 'UTMy @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;4<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>|?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}l~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@T> @ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kal'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t0*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}d~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@V* @ 'UTM0333Ӑ@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)R*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;t<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q>r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@X u@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&~''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;><'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PvQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kal'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q0r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t.u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}`~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@Z>@ 'UTM0333X@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A( B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kQl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}t~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.t'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@\>Ў@ 'UTMq@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PzQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q4r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}`~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@^*Bώ@ 'UTMT@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YCZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q>r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}v~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@` @ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)^*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.829'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PnQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VAW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t81u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}f~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@b>@ 'UTM1Z@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>t?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PjQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SpT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YC Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\E]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q0r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t+u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}Z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@d> @ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)t*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q>r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}x~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@f*0@ 'UTM03333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A@B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YAZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k}l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t%u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@h*0@ 'UTM03333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>h?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\e]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t'u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@j*0@ 'UTM03333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8N9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;F<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>|?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YAZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k}l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t'u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@l*0@ 'UTM03333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A@B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t'u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@n@Ԕ@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)x*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t'u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}v~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@p@Ԕ@ 'UTMy@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8V9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J<K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PvQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\']'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}R~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@r@Ԕ@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)|*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A@B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}t~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@t>@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)H*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;L<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>(?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A@B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.` 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@v ˓@ 'UTM,R@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)b*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;n<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t+u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}d~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@x@~@ 'UTM̬~@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)L*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;D<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>(?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AxB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kAl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qJr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t'u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}|~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@z@~@ 'UTM̬~@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)N*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8T9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>T?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qJr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@|@~@ 'UTM̬~@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8P9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>x?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YaZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@~B@ 'UTMj@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&t''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8.9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PbQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V0uW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YAZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\E]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q,r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t%u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}N~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.x'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@B@ 'UTMj@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&l''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;j<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P^Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YaZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\']'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q(r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t'u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}J~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@B@ 'UTMj@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PdQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YAZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q.r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}N~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@B@ 'UTMj@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&d''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)f*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PbQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YaZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q*r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t%u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}N~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@*0o@ 'UTM)h@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SDT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}t~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ c@ 'UTMhfff>@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&j''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)d*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>X?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PVQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V#W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q2r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t3u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}X~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ c@ 'UTMhfff>@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>0?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q>r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t0*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}f~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ c@ 'UTMhfff>@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>X?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GEH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P~Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q2r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}b~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ c@ 'UTMhfff>@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)r*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P|Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q2r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t0*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}b~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ c@ 'UTMhfff>@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)n*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PzQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\E]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q0r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t0*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}^~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@Bd@ 'UTMl@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.a'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;h<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PbQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VeW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q0r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t( u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}V~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@Bd@ 'UTMl@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8@9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.P|Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SlT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q4r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}^~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@BX@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#8$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&D''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JdK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PtQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q,r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}V~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@*S@ 'UTM0333F@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8d9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>d?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t`"u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}l~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@BpR@ 'UTM@  'UTM 4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#<$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&l''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JPK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PzQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q0r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t`"u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}X~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@*_J@ 'UTM̜@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8p9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;|<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DEE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qFr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}v~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@4=@ 'UTM̜H@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k}l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qFr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@4=@ 'UTM̜H@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)`*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8Z9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YCZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qDr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}x~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@4=@ 'UTM̜H@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)T*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;j<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qFr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.th)u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ q?@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8<9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YCZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t0*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}f~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@BU:@ 'UTM1@  'UTM ('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#2$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;|<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JPK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.P|Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SPT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VAW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q.r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}^~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@*8@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)B*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@*!@ 'UTM0333i@  'UTM D'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#<$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;( <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PjQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V0uW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Yc Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.w x'microgram/g dry wt.y'Value as reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}h~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.hB'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@*!@ 'UTM0333i@  'UTM *'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#>$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&X''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>\?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JxK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PtQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VAW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YCZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t%u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}\~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.+'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@F @ 'UTMT@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5f6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8J9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;B<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VAW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}d~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@K@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)j*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8V9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;p<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.APB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k0ul'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t+u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.` 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@K@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;b<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>\?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.STT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k0ul'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q>r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tP-u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@K@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t,u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}v~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@Df @ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;Z<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A` B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S@T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k`ml'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@FE@ 'UTM9@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)H*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./E0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8L9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.APB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S,T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YQZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k`ml'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t,u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}x~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ @ 'UTM<@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;X<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>T?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.JdK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}p~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ @ 'UTM<@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J<K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}l~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@*@ 'UTM0333@  'UTM .'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#R$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.& ''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GEH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JxK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S( T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}n~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.!'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YqZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}r~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8V9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kAl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qDr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}t~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8Z9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>4?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}p~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@Dۍ@ 'UTM0@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t`"u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}b~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.+'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@,ލ@ 'UTM@  'UTM ,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.t'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#H$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>4?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JdK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}p~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ ԍ@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8`9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>$?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JdK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S<T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kQl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nTo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}d~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@DǍ@ 'UTMhfff&{@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8H9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>l?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}l~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.U'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTM̌@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8Z9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>x?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nho'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qHr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTM̌@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8T9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.APB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kAl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}v~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTM̌@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.> ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kAl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nTo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}r~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.APB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nho'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qDr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}t~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}r~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AhB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}p~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&z''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)V*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./U0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;T<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k}l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}n~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.A'microgram/g dry wt.0'Value reported is estimated concentration.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8T9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}z~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S0T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kAl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n|o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}t~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8V9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kAl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n|o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t%u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}x~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8V9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}p~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported..'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8T9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>D?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YqZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kAl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n|o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}r~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@Fq@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&^''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)R*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8,9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;^<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>( ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PfQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V0uW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tP-u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@Fq@ 'UTM@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.L'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8B9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;r<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A8B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kQl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.th)u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMhfffy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)v*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.th)u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}r~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.|.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMhfffy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)h*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.th)u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}x~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@@ 'UTMhfffy@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>L?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AhB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}x~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ @ 'UTM,@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;@<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.APB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}j~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ @ 'UTM,@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8D9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;,<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.JPK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PbQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t0*u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}\~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@f@ 'UTM @  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.J<K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.StT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q@r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t`"u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}h~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@f@ 'UTM @  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.StT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kQl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}l~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@ @ 'UTM @  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./e0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8n9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.APB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PvQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S\T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V#W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nDo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q,r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}J~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P-'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@ @ 'UTM @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8Z9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GEH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PbQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q&r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}J~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@@ @ 'UTM @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)p*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8R9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A@B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ShT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VQW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}v~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@D@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)N*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;R<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S|T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YCZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t,u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}t~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.:'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.`T'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@6̪@ 'UTM P@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.\'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#,$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&0''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)D*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.; <'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JPK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PfQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.SXT'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V0uW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q(r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tXu'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}P~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h)'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@6@ 'UTM0333c@  'UTM ('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#P$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.) *'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>H?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A(#B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S( T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}h~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@FU@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;n<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.d'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.h'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@Do@ 'UTMhfffn@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hEi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t,u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}v~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ r@ 'UTM$c@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.# $'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&,''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,C-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8Z9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.APB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S4T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}j~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ F]@ 'UTM!@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8>9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qVr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t$u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.N'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@  b@ 'UTMhfffF@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8P9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH&B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.P\Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V#W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y!Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\']'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n@o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q2r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t'u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}R~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ b@ 'UTMhfffF@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.),*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.=7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8Z9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GeH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.k#l'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.n,o'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q2r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tH&u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}V~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@6a@ 'UTM0333 @  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&h''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,c-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.89'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>`?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G%H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PXQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VUW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q(r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}@~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.<'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.(#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@DC@ 'UTM̜ @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt.="'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&T''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)0*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,Q-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8&9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;H<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PZQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V}W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.tx7u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}d~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.('microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@DC@ 'UTM̜ @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.% 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)R*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8:9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;\<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P~Q'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.V#W'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t3u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}h~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@DC@ 'UTM̜ @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&t''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)X*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,a-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./ 0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.849'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;f<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>4?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A0B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q>r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t2u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}n~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.>'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.e'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@DC@ 'UTM̜ @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.%'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.p'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&v''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)\*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;f<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>4?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VcW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\g]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.h%i'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kcl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q>r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t2u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}n~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.6'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@DC@ 'UTM̜ @  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.#'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&x''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)J*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.889'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;V<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PzQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VCW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kCl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t2u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}j~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ .@ 'UTMhfff@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&@''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8h9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;X<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.nTo'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q8r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}l~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported."'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.0'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@H'@ 'UTM)@  'UTM 'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.=%'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)l*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./G0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8F9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;v<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>` ?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AB'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.JK'microgram/g dry wt.=L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VAW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\U]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.qBr'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t'u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}|~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.$'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@ 44@ 'UTMi@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.t'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8X9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A`"B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S` T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\G]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q:r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}j~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.`'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.4'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@"44@ 'UTMi@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.8'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&h''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.56'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8V9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A`"B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hei'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q<r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t@u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}h~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.E'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.''microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@$4'@ 'UTM̜@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,#-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.A B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.DeE'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.G H'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.ST'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.YcZ'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q6r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t(#u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}b~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.,'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. 'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.3'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.@&4@ 'UTMz@  'UTM  'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.c'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.B'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. !'microgram/g dry wt."'Value as reported.#$'microgram/g dry wt.%'Value as reported.&''microgram/g dry wt.('Value as reported.)@*'microgram/g dry wt.+'Value as reported.,-'microgram/g dry wt..'Value as reported./0'microgram/g dry wt.1'Value as reported.5 6'microgram/g dry wt.7'Value as reported.8\9'microgram/g dry wt.:'Value as reported.;<'microgram/g dry wt.='Value as reported.>8?'microgram/g dry wt.@'Value as reported.AH&B'microgram/g dry wt.C'Value as reported.D%E'microgram/g dry wt.F'Value as reported.GH'microgram/g dry wt.I'Value as reported.J(K'microgram/g dry wt.L'Value as reported.PQ'microgram/g dry wt.R'Value as reported.S T'microgram/g dry wt.U'Value as reported.VW'microgram/g dry wt.X'Value as reported.Y#Z'microgram/g dry wt.['Value as reported.\]'microgram/g dry wt.^'Value as reported.hi'microgram/g dry wt.j'Value as reported.kl'microgram/g dry wt.m'Value as reported.no'microgram/g dry wt.p'Value as reported.q2r'microgram/g dry wt.s'Value as reported.t u'microgram/g dry wt.v'Value as reported.wx'microgram/g dry wt.=y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z{'microgram/g dry wt.=|'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.}^~'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.*'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P'microgram/g dry wt.='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported.P-'microgram/g dry wt.'Value as reported. @ ( 0 @ 'UTM ح@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &h ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8n 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A$ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. De E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \G ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q2 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t`" u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }^ ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. V 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. `; 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ *   1 @  'UTM AL@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &, ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8Z 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;h <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AP B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. Sp T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kc l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n, o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q> r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t`" u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }l ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. V 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ , . }@  'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. l 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )f *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8H 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \E ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q4 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. th) u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }^ ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. XM 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ . H *@  'UTM L@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )f *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;b <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >@ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qT r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t' u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }| ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. B 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. D 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 0 2  @  'UTM hfff@  'UTM  : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. a 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. r 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /gM 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A`m B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. GF H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. Pz Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V. W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k`m l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q& r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z( {'microgram/g dry wt. |'Value as reported. }N ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. `@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 2 . @  'UTM <@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8V 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A0 B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SX T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \G ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qF r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t# u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }v ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. j 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 4 . @  'UTM 0333k@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8z 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G% H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. JP K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \U ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. hE i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kQ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qF r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t`" u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }z ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. f 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P- 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 6   ֌@  'UTM hfff`@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &h ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ap B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J( K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. St T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n, o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q6 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }d ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. V 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 8 H nj@  'UTM hfff@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &H ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )< *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8" 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;Z <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PT Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \' ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. ka l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q< r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t0* u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }d ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ : H nj@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &n ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )X *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,a -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 86 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;V <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ah B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J( K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. Pt Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V# W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yc  Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \E ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kA l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n, o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q: r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t# u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }j ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ < 6 6̌@ 'UTM F@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #D $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G# 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >p ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A% B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. Jd K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }p ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ' 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ > . @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )z *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8> 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G% H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \U ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kQ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q8 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t0* u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }p ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ @ . e@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8J 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;0 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AH  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k} l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q8 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t  u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }n ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. f 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ B H @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )\ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;d <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. ST T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q@ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t0* u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }v ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ D   @  'UTM @%@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #\ $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;p <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >8 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A* B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. GE H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. Jd K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q4 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t  u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }f ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. R 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ F H =n@  'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Q 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. D 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &: ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;J <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PB Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VU W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Ya Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k# l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nh o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q8 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tX u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }P ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ H H =n@  'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8L 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A8 B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kC l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q: r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t`" u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }j ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. R 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ J   a@  'UTM Ѩ@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8B 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;z <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P^ Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V} W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC  Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \5 ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k# l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nT o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q* r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tX u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }F ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ L H G@  'UTM hfff^^@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &l ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )L *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;\ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >L ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Pz Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S, T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kA l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n, o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qH r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t' u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }r ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ N H G@  'UTM hfff^^@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )` *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,a -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;\ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. ST T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \G ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k# l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t% u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }r ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ P H rF@  'UTM hfffk@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )l *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,a -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 88 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;j <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VA W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \U ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. hE i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qD r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t+ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }t ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. B 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ R H rF@  'UTM hfffk@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &X ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )F *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8& 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;X <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PZ Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Ya Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \g ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kc l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q@ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t0* u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }d ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ T   {6@  'UTM 0333@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #. $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >( ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AC B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. JP K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S`  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VC W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC  Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nT o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qN r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }v ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ V   {6@  'UTM 0333@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #> $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &p ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A/ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J< K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \G ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kC l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qH r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }| ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ X   {6@  'UTM 0333@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #t $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )\ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G" 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A> B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. Jd K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \g ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nh o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qP r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t  u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }z ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. T 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. B 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ Z   {6@  'UTM 0333@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #B $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ap0 B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. JP K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VA W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \U ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. hE i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kC l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qD r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }x ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ \   {6@  'UTM 0333@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #n $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &d ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AH? B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. JP K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nh o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qF r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t  u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }| ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. X 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ ^ 8 P@  'UTM |@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. a 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. \ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. J( K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. Pp Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Ve W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q> r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t+ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }f ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ ` 8 P@  'UTM |@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )l *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8B 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;T <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. Pp Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Ya Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kC l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nl o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q. r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }P ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ b 8 э@  'UTM |7@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &~ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 84 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G% H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Pd Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YA Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q2 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t' u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }T ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ d 8 @  'UTM 0333s2@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )h *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;| <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Pd Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YA Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \g ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kC l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q. r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t% u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }V ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ f 8 h}@  'UTM 9@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. \ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )^ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 88 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >x ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Pb Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Ya Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \g ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kC l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q* r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t$ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }L ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ h 8 Y@ 'UTM @ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )r *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8> 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >P ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AH  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Pj Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y  Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \g ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q2 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tx u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }P ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.! @! j! 8! @ ! 'UTM! i@ ! 'UTM! ! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.=! 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! \! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! !'microgram/g dry wt.! "'Value as reported.! #! $'microgram/g dry wt.! %'Value as reported.! &! ''microgram/g dry wt.! ('Value as reported.! )p! *'microgram/g dry wt.! +'Value as reported.! ,C! -'microgram/g dry wt.! .'Value as reported.! /! 0'microgram/g dry wt.! 1'Value as reported.! 5! 6'microgram/g dry wt.=! 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! 8B! 9'microgram/g dry wt.! :'Value as reported.! ;! <'microgram/g dry wt.! ='Value as reported.! >! ?'microgram/g dry wt.! @'Value as reported.! A! B'microgram/g dry wt.! C'Value as reported.! D! E'microgram/g dry wt.! F'Value as reported.! Ge! H'microgram/g dry wt.! I'Value as reported.! J! K'microgram/g dry wt.=! L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! Pr! Q'microgram/g dry wt.! R'Value as reported.! S! T'microgram/g dry wt.! U'Value as reported.! V0u! W'microgram/g dry wt.! X'Value as reported.! Ya! Z'microgram/g dry wt.! ['Value as reported.! \! ]'microgram/g dry wt.! ^'Value as reported.! h! i'microgram/g dry wt.! j'Value as reported.! k! l'microgram/g dry wt.! m'Value as reported.! n! o'microgram/g dry wt.! p'Value as reported.! q0! r'microgram/g dry wt.! s'Value as reported.! t@! u'microgram/g dry wt.! v'Value as reported.! w! x'microgram/g dry wt.=! y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! z! {'microgram/g dry wt.=! |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! }P! ~'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.=! 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.=! 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! 4! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! (! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! P! 'microgram/g dry wt.=! 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported." @" l" 8" @ " 'UTM" @ " 'UTM" " " 'microgram/g dry wt.=" 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." E " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." \" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " !'microgram/g dry wt." "'Value as reported." #" $'microgram/g dry wt." %'Value as reported." &" ''microgram/g dry wt." ('Value as reported." )h" *'microgram/g dry wt." +'Value as reported." ," -'microgram/g dry wt." .'Value as reported." /" 0'microgram/g dry wt." 1'Value as reported." 5" 6'microgram/g dry wt.=" 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." 8@" 9'microgram/g dry wt." :'Value as reported." ;" <'microgram/g dry wt." ='Value as reported." >" ?'microgram/g dry wt." @'Value as reported." A" B'microgram/g dry wt." C'Value as reported." D" E'microgram/g dry wt." F'Value as reported." G" H'microgram/g dry wt." I'Value as reported." J" K'microgram/g dry wt.=" L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." Pj" Q'microgram/g dry wt." R'Value as reported." Sh" T'microgram/g dry wt." U'Value as reported." V}" W'microgram/g dry wt." X'Value as reported." Y1" Z'microgram/g dry wt." ['Value as reported." \g" ]'microgram/g dry wt." ^'Value as reported." h" i'microgram/g dry wt." j'Value as reported." k" l'microgram/g dry wt." m'Value as reported." n" o'microgram/g dry wt." p'Value as reported." q," r'microgram/g dry wt." s'Value as reported." t " u'microgram/g dry wt." v'Value as reported." w" x'microgram/g dry wt.=" y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." z" {'microgram/g dry wt.=" |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." }R" ~'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt.=" 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt.=" 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." 2" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." &" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." P" 'microgram/g dry wt.=" 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." %" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported.# @# n# 8# @ # 'UTM# hfff@ # 'UTM# # # 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# 4# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # !'microgram/g dry wt.# "'Value as reported.# ## $'microgram/g dry wt.=# %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# &x# ''microgram/g dry wt.# ('Value as reported.# )># *'microgram/g dry wt.# +'Value as reported.# ,Q# -'microgram/g dry wt.# .'Value as reported.# /E# 0'microgram/g dry wt.# 1'Value as reported.# 5# 6'microgram/g dry wt.=# 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# 86# 9'microgram/g dry wt.# :'Value as reported.# ;p# <'microgram/g dry wt.# ='Value as reported.# ># ?'microgram/g dry wt.# @'Value as reported.# A` # B'microgram/g dry wt.# C'Value as reported.# D# E'microgram/g dry wt.# F'Value as reported.# G# H'microgram/g dry wt.# I'Value as reported.# J# K'microgram/g dry wt.=# L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# Pp# Q'microgram/g dry wt.# R'Value as reported.# S# T'microgram/g dry wt.# U'Value as reported.# V0u# W'microgram/g dry wt.# X'Value as reported.# Y # Z'microgram/g dry wt.# ['Value as reported.# \g# ]'microgram/g dry wt.# ^'Value as reported.# he# i'microgram/g dry wt.# j'Value as reported.# k# l'microgram/g dry wt.# m'Value as reported.# n,# o'microgram/g dry wt.# p'Value as reported.# q2# r'microgram/g dry wt.# s'Value as reported.# t'# u'microgram/g dry wt.# v'Value as reported.# w# x'microgram/g dry wt.=# y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# z# {'microgram/g dry wt.=# |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# }\# ~'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# 0# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# .# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# P# 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.$ @$ p$ 8$ @ $ 'UTM$ A@ $ 'UTM$ $ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ #$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ %$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ p$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ !'microgram/g dry wt.$ "'Value as reported.$ #$ $'microgram/g dry wt.$ %'Value as reported.$ &$ ''microgram/g dry wt.$ ('Value as reported.$ )d$ *'microgram/g dry wt.$ +'Value as reported.$ ,C$ -'microgram/g dry wt.$ .'Value as reported.$ /e$ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Value as reported.$ 5$ 6'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ 8:$ 9'microgram/g dry wt.$ :'Value as reported.$ ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt.$ ='Value as reported.$ >$ ?'microgram/g dry wt.$ @'Value as reported.$ A $ B'microgram/g dry wt.$ C'Value as reported.$ D$ E'microgram/g dry wt.$ F'Value as reported.$ G$ H'microgram/g dry wt.$ I'Value as reported.$ J$ K'microgram/g dry wt.=$ L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ Pp$ Q'microgram/g dry wt.$ R'Value as reported.$ ST$ T'microgram/g dry wt.$ U'Value as reported.$ V}$ W'microgram/g dry wt.$ X'Value as reported.$ Yc $ Z'microgram/g dry wt.$ ['Value as reported.$ \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt.$ ^'Value as reported.$ h%$ i'microgram/g dry wt.$ j'Value as reported.$ kQ$ l'microgram/g dry wt.$ m'Value as reported.$ n$ o'microgram/g dry wt.$ p'Value as reported.$ q.$ r'microgram/g dry wt.$ s'Value as reported.$ t%$ u'microgram/g dry wt.$ v'Value as reported.$ w$ x'microgram/g dry wt.=$ y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ z$ {'microgram/g dry wt.=$ |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ }R$ ~'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ 4$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ ($ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ P$ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ H $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.% @% r% 8%  @ % 'UTM% @ % 'UTM% % % 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % !'microgram/g dry wt.% "'Value as reported.% #% $'microgram/g dry wt.=% %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% &% ''microgram/g dry wt.% ('Value as reported.% )L% *'microgram/g dry wt.% +'Value as reported.% ,% -'microgram/g dry wt.% .'Value as reported.% /G% 0'microgram/g dry wt.% 1'Value as reported.% 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.=% 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% 8<% 9'microgram/g dry wt.% :'Value as reported.% ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.% ='Value as reported.% >% ?'microgram/g dry wt.% @'Value as reported.% A% B'microgram/g dry wt.% C'Value as reported.% D% E'microgram/g dry wt.% F'Value as reported.% G% H'microgram/g dry wt.% I'Value as reported.% J% K'microgram/g dry wt.=% L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% P% Q'microgram/g dry wt.% R'Value as reported.% S% T'microgram/g dry wt.% U'Value as reported.% V}% W'microgram/g dry wt.% X'Value as reported.% Y % Z'microgram/g dry wt.% ['Value as reported.% \E% ]'microgram/g dry wt.% ^'Value as reported.% h% i'microgram/g dry wt.% j'Value as reported.% k% l'microgram/g dry wt.% m'Value as reported.% nh% o'microgram/g dry wt.% p'Value as reported.% q6% r'microgram/g dry wt.% s'Value as reported.% t0*% u'microgram/g dry wt.% v'Value as reported.% w% x'microgram/g dry wt.=% y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% z% {'microgram/g dry wt.=% |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% }h% ~'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% 4% 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% 2% 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% P% 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% e% 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% ` % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.& @& t& 8&  @ & 'UTM& @ & 'UTM& & & 'microgram/g dry wt.=& 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & !'microgram/g dry wt.& "'Value as reported.& #& $'microgram/g dry wt.=& %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& && ''microgram/g dry wt.& ('Value as reported.& )L& *'microgram/g dry wt.& +'Value as reported.& ,& -'microgram/g dry wt.& .'Value as reported.& /& 0'microgram/g dry wt.& 1'Value as reported.& 5& 6'microgram/g dry wt.=& 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& 88& 9'microgram/g dry wt.& :'Value as reported.& ;& <'microgram/g dry wt.& ='Value as reported.& >h& ?'microgram/g dry wt.& @'Value as reported.& A( & B'microgram/g dry wt.& C'Value as reported.& D& E'microgram/g dry wt.& F'Value as reported.& G& H'microgram/g dry wt.& I'Value as reported.& J& K'microgram/g dry wt.=& L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& P|& Q'microgram/g dry wt.& R'Value as reported.& S& T'microgram/g dry wt.& U'Value as reported.& V}& W'microgram/g dry wt.& X'Value as reported.& Y & Z'microgram/g dry wt.& ['Value as reported.& \& ]'microgram/g dry wt.& ^'Value as reported.& he& i'microgram/g dry wt.& j'Value as reported.& k& l'microgram/g dry wt.& m'Value as reported.& nh& o'microgram/g dry wt.& p'Value as reported.& q4& r'microgram/g dry wt.& s'Value as reported.& t*& u'microgram/g dry wt.& v'Value as reported.& w& x'microgram/g dry wt.=& y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& z& {'microgram/g dry wt.=& |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& }^& ~'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.=& 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.=& 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& 2& 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& .& 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& P& 'microgram/g dry wt.=& 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.' @' v' 8'  @ ' 'UTM' @ ' 'UTM' ' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.=' 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.'  ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' p' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' ' !'microgram/g dry wt.=' "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' #' $'microgram/g dry wt.=' %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' &v' ''microgram/g dry wt.' ('Value as reported.' )F' *'microgram/g dry wt.' +'Value as reported.' ,c' -'microgram/g dry wt.' .'Value as reported.' /G' 0'microgram/g dry wt.' 1'Value as reported.' 5' 6'microgram/g dry wt.=' 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' 84' 9'microgram/g dry wt.' :'Value as reported.' ;b' <'microgram/g dry wt.' ='Value as reported.' >@' ?'microgram/g dry wt.' @'Value as reported.' A( ' B'microgram/g dry wt.' C'Value as reported.' D%' E'microgram/g dry wt.' F'Value as reported.' G' H'microgram/g dry wt.' I'Value as reported.' J' K'microgram/g dry wt.=' L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' P|' Q'microgram/g dry wt.' R'Value as reported.' S' T'microgram/g dry wt.' U'Value as reported.' V}' W'microgram/g dry wt.' X'Value as reported.' Y ' Z'microgram/g dry wt.' ['Value as reported.' \' ]'microgram/g dry wt.' ^'Value as reported.' h' i'microgram/g dry wt.' j'Value as reported.' k' l'microgram/g dry wt.' m'Value as reported.' nh' o'microgram/g dry wt.' p'Value as reported.' q,' r'microgram/g dry wt.' s'Value as reported.' th)' u'microgram/g dry wt.' v'Value as reported.' w' x'microgram/g dry wt.=' y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' z' {'microgram/g dry wt.=' |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' }*' ~'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.=' 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.=' 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.=' 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' .' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.=' 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' P' 'microgram/g dry wt.=' 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.=' 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.( @( x( 8(  @ ( 'UTM( @ ( 'UTM( ( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.=( 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.(  ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( !'microgram/g dry wt.( "'Value as reported.( #( $'microgram/g dry wt.=( %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( &( ''microgram/g dry wt.( ('Value as reported.( )N( *'microgram/g dry wt.( +'Value as reported.( ,( -'microgram/g dry wt.( .'Value as reported.( /( 0'microgram/g dry wt.( 1'Value as reported.( 5( 6'microgram/g dry wt.=( 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( 8<( 9'microgram/g dry wt.( :'Value as reported.( ;( <'microgram/g dry wt.( ='Value as reported.( >,( ?'microgram/g dry wt.( @'Value as reported.( A` ( B'microgram/g dry wt.( C'Value as reported.( D( E'microgram/g dry wt.( F'Value as reported.( G%( H'microgram/g dry wt.( I'Value as reported.( J( K'microgram/g dry wt.=( L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( P( Q'microgram/g dry wt.( R'Value as reported.( S( T'microgram/g dry wt.( U'Value as reported.( V}( W'microgram/g dry wt.( X'Value as reported.( Y ( Z'microgram/g dry wt.( ['Value as reported.( \U( ]'microgram/g dry wt.( ^'Value as reported.( k( l'microgram/g dry wt.( m'Value as reported.( nh( o'microgram/g dry wt.( p'Value as reported.( q6( r'microgram/g dry wt.( s'Value as reported.( t*( u'microgram/g dry wt.( v'Value as reported.( w( x'microgram/g dry wt.=( y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( z( {'microgram/g dry wt.=( |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( }b( ~'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.=( 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.=( 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( 6( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.=( 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( .( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( P( 'microgram/g dry wt.=( 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.) @) z) 8) l@ ) 'UTM) 0333C@ ) 'UTM) ) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.=) 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.)  ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) p) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) !'microgram/g dry wt.) "'Value as reported.) #) $'microgram/g dry wt.=) %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) &) ''microgram/g dry wt.) ('Value as reported.) )J) *'microgram/g dry wt.) +'Value as reported.) ,C) -'microgram/g dry wt.) .'Value as reported.) /G) 0'microgram/g dry wt.) 1'Value as reported.) 5) 6'microgram/g dry wt.=) 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) 84) 9'microgram/g dry wt.) :'Value as reported.) ;) <'microgram/g dry wt.) ='Value as reported.) >) ?'microgram/g dry wt.) @'Value as reported.) A ) B'microgram/g dry wt.) C'Value as reported.) De) E'microgram/g dry wt.) F'Value as reported.) G) H'microgram/g dry wt.) I'Value as reported.) J) K'microgram/g dry wt.=) L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) Px) Q'microgram/g dry wt.) R'Value as reported.) S,) T'microgram/g dry wt.) U'Value as reported.) V}) W'microgram/g dry wt.) X'Value as reported.) Yc ) Z'microgram/g dry wt.) ['Value as reported.) \) ]'microgram/g dry wt.) ^'Value as reported.) h) i'microgram/g dry wt.) j'Value as reported.) k) l'microgram/g dry wt.) m'Value as reported.) n) o'microgram/g dry wt.) p'Value as reported.) q4) r'microgram/g dry wt.) s'Value as reported.) t() u'microgram/g dry wt.) v'Value as reported.) w) x'microgram/g dry wt.=) y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) z) {'microgram/g dry wt.=) |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) }X) ~'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.=) 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.=) 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) 2) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.=) 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) *) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) P) 'microgram/g dry wt.=) 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.* @* |* 8* B@ * 'UTM* @ * 'UTM* * * 'microgram/g dry wt.=* 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * !'microgram/g dry wt.* "'Value as reported.* #* $'microgram/g dry wt.=* %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* &|* ''microgram/g dry wt.* ('Value as reported.* )B* *'microgram/g dry wt.* +'Value as reported.* ,* -'microgram/g dry wt.* .'Value as reported.* /E* 0'microgram/g dry wt.* 1'Value as reported.* 5* 6'microgram/g dry wt.=* 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* 8>* 9'microgram/g dry wt.* :'Value as reported.* ;\* <'microgram/g dry wt.* ='Value as reported.* >* ?'microgram/g dry wt.* @'Value as reported.* A* B'microgram/g dry wt.* C'Value as reported.* D* E'microgram/g dry wt.* F'Value as reported.* G* H'microgram/g dry wt.* I'Value as reported.* J* K'microgram/g dry wt.=* L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* P* Q'microgram/g dry wt.* R'Value as reported.* S* T'microgram/g dry wt.* U'Value as reported.* VC* W'microgram/g dry wt.* X'Value as reported.* Y* Z'microgram/g dry wt.* ['Value as reported.* \* ]'microgram/g dry wt.* ^'Value as reported.* he* i'microgram/g dry wt.* j'Value as reported.* k* l'microgram/g dry wt.* m'Value as reported.* n,* o'microgram/g dry wt.* p'Value as reported.* q>* r'microgram/g dry wt.* s'Value as reported.* th)* u'microgram/g dry wt.* v'Value as reported.* w* x'microgram/g dry wt.=* y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* z* {'microgram/g dry wt.=* |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* }v* ~'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.=* 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.=* 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* <* 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.=* 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* :* 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* P* 'microgram/g dry wt.=* 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* $* 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* e* 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.+ @+ ~+ 8+ B@ + 'UTM+ @ + 'UTM+ + + 'microgram/g dry wt.=+ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+  + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + !'microgram/g dry wt.+ "'Value as reported.+ #+ $'microgram/g dry wt.=+ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ &~+ ''microgram/g dry wt.+ ('Value as reported.+ )J+ *'microgram/g dry wt.+ +'Value as reported.+ ,+ -'microgram/g dry wt.+ .'Value as reported.+ /G+ 0'microgram/g dry wt.+ 1'Value as reported.+ 5+ 6'microgram/g dry wt.=+ 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ 8:+ 9'microgram/g dry wt.+ :'Value as reported.+ ;b+ <'microgram/g dry wt.+ ='Value as reported.+ >+ ?'microgram/g dry wt.+ @'Value as reported.+ A` + B'microgram/g dry wt.+ C'Value as reported.+ D+ E'microgram/g dry wt.+ F'Value as reported.+ Ge+ H'microgram/g dry wt.+ I'Value as reported.+ J+ K'microgram/g dry wt.=+ L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ P+ Q'microgram/g dry wt.+ R'Value as reported.+ S+ T'microgram/g dry wt.+ U'Value as reported.+ V#+ W'microgram/g dry wt.+ X'Value as reported.+ Yc+ Z'microgram/g dry wt.+ ['Value as reported.+ \+ ]'microgram/g dry wt.+ ^'Value as reported.+ h+ i'microgram/g dry wt.+ j'Value as reported.+ k+ l'microgram/g dry wt.+ m'Value as reported.+ n@+ o'microgram/g dry wt.+ p'Value as reported.+ q@+ r'microgram/g dry wt.+ s'Value as reported.+ tH&+ u'microgram/g dry wt.+ v'Value as reported.+ w+ x'microgram/g dry wt.=+ y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ z+ {'microgram/g dry wt.=+ |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ }j+ ~'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.=+ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.=+ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ :+ 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.=+ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ :+ 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ P+ 'microgram/g dry wt.=+ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported., @, , 8, B@ , 'UTM, @ , 'UTM, , , 'microgram/g dry wt.=, 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., c, 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , !'microgram/g dry wt., "'Value as reported., #, $'microgram/g dry wt.=, %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., &t, ''microgram/g dry wt., ('Value as reported., )@, *'microgram/g dry wt., +'Value as reported., ,a, -'microgram/g dry wt., .'Value as reported., /, 0'microgram/g dry wt., 1'Value as reported., 5, 6'microgram/g dry wt.=, 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., 8:, 9'microgram/g dry wt., :'Value as reported., ;Z, <'microgram/g dry wt., ='Value as reported., >l, ?'microgram/g dry wt., @'Value as reported., A` , B'microgram/g dry wt., C'Value as reported., De, E'microgram/g dry wt., F'Value as reported., G, H'microgram/g dry wt., I'Value as reported., J, K'microgram/g dry wt.=, L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., P, Q'microgram/g dry wt., R'Value as reported., S, T'microgram/g dry wt., U'Value as reported., V#, W'microgram/g dry wt., X'Value as reported., Yc, Z'microgram/g dry wt., ['Value as reported., \G, ]'microgram/g dry wt., ^'Value as reported., h, i'microgram/g dry wt., j'Value as reported., kA, l'microgram/g dry wt., m'Value as reported., n, o'microgram/g dry wt., p'Value as reported., q@, r'microgram/g dry wt., s'Value as reported., t', u'microgram/g dry wt., v'Value as reported., w, x'microgram/g dry wt.=, y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., z, {'microgram/g dry wt.=, |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., }v, ~'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt.=, 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt.=, 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., :, 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., 8, 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., P, 'microgram/g dry wt.=, 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., &, 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., e, 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported.- @- - 8- B@ - 'UTM- @ - 'UTM- - - 'microgram/g dry wt.=- 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- e - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - !'microgram/g dry wt.- "'Value as reported.- #- $'microgram/g dry wt.=- %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- &|- ''microgram/g dry wt.- ('Value as reported.- )D- *'microgram/g dry wt.- +'Value as reported.- ,- -'microgram/g dry wt.- .'Value as reported.- /- 0'microgram/g dry wt.- 1'Value as reported.- 5- 6'microgram/g dry wt.=- 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- 88- 9'microgram/g dry wt.- :'Value as reported.- ;^- <'microgram/g dry wt.- ='Value as reported.- >- ?'microgram/g dry wt.- @'Value as reported.- A` - B'microgram/g dry wt.- C'Value as reported.- D- E'microgram/g dry wt.- F'Value as reported.- G%- H'microgram/g dry wt.- I'Value as reported.- J- K'microgram/g dry wt.=- L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- P- Q'microgram/g dry wt.- R'Value as reported.- S- T'microgram/g dry wt.- U'Value as reported.- V#- W'microgram/g dry wt.- X'Value as reported.- Y- Z'microgram/g dry wt.- ['Value as reported.- \- ]'microgram/g dry wt.- ^'Value as reported.- he- i'microgram/g dry wt.- j'Value as reported.- k- l'microgram/g dry wt.- m'Value as reported.- n@- o'microgram/g dry wt.- p'Value as reported.- q4- r'microgram/g dry wt.- s'Value as reported.- t'- u'microgram/g dry wt.- v'Value as reported.- w- x'microgram/g dry wt.=- y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- z- {'microgram/g dry wt.=- |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- }h- ~'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.=- 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.=- 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- <- 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- 2- 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- P- 'microgram/g dry wt.=- 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- ( - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.. @. . . :. (@ . 'UTM. hfffV@ . 'UTM. . . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. #. 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported..  . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . !'microgram/g dry wt.. "'Value as reported.. #". $'microgram/g dry wt.. %'Value as reported.. &. ''microgram/g dry wt.. ('Value as reported.. )h. *'microgram/g dry wt.. +'Value as reported.. ,. -'microgram/g dry wt.. .'Value as reported.. /e. 0'microgram/g dry wt.. 1'Value as reported.. 5. 6'microgram/g dry wt.. 7'Value as reported.. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt.. :'Value as reported.. ;. <'microgram/g dry wt.. ='Value as reported.. ><. ?'microgram/g dry wt.. @'Value as reported.. Ax. B'microgram/g dry wt.. C'Value as reported.. DE. E'microgram/g dry wt.. F'Value as reported.. G. H'microgram/g dry wt.. I'Value as reported.. J(. K'microgram/g dry wt.. L'Value as reported.. P. Q'microgram/g dry wt.. R'Value as reported.. S. T'microgram/g dry wt.. U'Value as reported.. V. W'microgram/g dry wt.. X'Value as reported.. Yc. Z'microgram/g dry wt.. ['Value as reported.. \. ]'microgram/g dry wt.. ^'Value as reported.. h. i'microgram/g dry wt.. j'Value as reported.. kQ. l'microgram/g dry wt.. m'Value as reported.. n. o'microgram/g dry wt.. p'Value as reported.. q@. r'microgram/g dry wt.. s'Value as reported.. t . u'microgram/g dry wt.. v'Value as reported.. w. x'microgram/g dry wt.=. y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. z. {'microgram/g dry wt.=. |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. }r. ~'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. ". 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.=. 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.=. 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. T. 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. 4. 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. P. 'microgram/g dry wt.=. 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. (. 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported./ @/ / 8/ @ / 'UTM/ hffff@ / 'UTM/ / / 'microgram/g dry wt.=/ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ E / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / !'microgram/g dry wt./ "'Value as reported./ #/ $'microgram/g dry wt.=/ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ &/ ''microgram/g dry wt./ ('Value as reported./ )N/ *'microgram/g dry wt./ +'Value as reported./ ,Q/ -'microgram/g dry wt./ .'Value as reported./ // 0'microgram/g dry wt./ 1'Value as reported./ 5/ 6'microgram/g dry wt.=/ 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ 86/ 9'microgram/g dry wt./ :'Value as reported./ ;p/ <'microgram/g dry wt./ ='Value as reported./ >x/ ?'microgram/g dry wt./ @'Value as reported./ A / B'microgram/g dry wt./ C'Value as reported./ D/ E'microgram/g dry wt./ F'Value as reported./ G%/ H'microgram/g dry wt./ I'Value as reported./ J/ K'microgram/g dry wt.=/ L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ P/ Q'microgram/g dry wt./ R'Value as reported./ S,/ T'microgram/g dry wt./ U'Value as reported./ V#/ W'microgram/g dry wt./ X'Value as reported./ Y / Z'microgram/g dry wt./ ['Value as reported./ \/ ]'microgram/g dry wt./ ^'Value as reported./ he/ i'microgram/g dry wt./ j'Value as reported./ kA/ l'microgram/g dry wt./ m'Value as reported./ n/ o'microgram/g dry wt./ p'Value as reported./ q</ r'microgram/g dry wt./ s'Value as reported./ tH&/ u'microgram/g dry wt./ v'Value as reported./ w/ x'microgram/g dry wt.=/ y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ z/ {'microgram/g dry wt.=/ |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ }^/ ~'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt.=/ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt.=/ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ 8/ 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ 6/ 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ P/ 'microgram/g dry wt.=/ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ %/ 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported.0 @0 0 80 @ 0 'UTM0 hffff@ 0 'UTM0 0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.=0 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 c0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0  0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 !'microgram/g dry wt.0 "'Value as reported.0 #0 $'microgram/g dry wt.=0 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 &0 ''microgram/g dry wt.0 ('Value as reported.0 )>0 *'microgram/g dry wt.0 +'Value as reported.0 ,c0 -'microgram/g dry wt.0 .'Value as reported.0 /0 0'microgram/g dry wt.0 1'Value as reported.0 50 6'microgram/g dry wt.=0 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 860 9'microgram/g dry wt.0 :'Value as reported.0 ;T0 <'microgram/g dry wt.0 ='Value as reported.0 >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt.0 @'Value as reported.0 A` 0 B'microgram/g dry wt.0 C'Value as reported.0 D0 E'microgram/g dry wt.0 F'Value as reported.0 G0 H'microgram/g dry wt.0 I'Value as reported.0 J0 K'microgram/g dry wt.=0 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 P0 Q'microgram/g dry wt.0 R'Value as reported.0 S0 T'microgram/g dry wt.0 U'Value as reported.0 VC0 W'microgram/g dry wt.0 X'Value as reported.0 Y0 Z'microgram/g dry wt.0 ['Value as reported.0 \0 ]'microgram/g dry wt.0 ^'Value as reported.0 he0 i'microgram/g dry wt.0 j'Value as reported.0 kA0 l'microgram/g dry wt.0 m'Value as reported.0 nT0 o'microgram/g dry wt.0 p'Value as reported.0 q80 r'microgram/g dry wt.0 s'Value as reported.0 t0*0 u'microgram/g dry wt.0 v'Value as reported.0 w0 x'microgram/g dry wt.=0 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 z0 {'microgram/g dry wt.=0 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 }h0 ~'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.=0 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.=0 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 B0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 20 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 P0 'microgram/g dry wt.=0 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 ` 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.1 @1 1 81 @ 1 'UTM1 hffff@ 1 'UTM1 1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.=1 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 e 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 !'microgram/g dry wt.1 "'Value as reported.1 #1 $'microgram/g dry wt.=1 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 &|1 ''microgram/g dry wt.1 ('Value as reported.1 ):1 *'microgram/g dry wt.1 +'Value as reported.1 ,c1 -'microgram/g dry wt.1 .'Value as reported.1 /1 0'microgram/g dry wt.1 1'Value as reported.1 51 6'microgram/g dry wt.=1 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 841 9'microgram/g dry wt.1 :'Value as reported.1 ;V1 <'microgram/g dry wt.1 ='Value as reported.1 >1 ?'microgram/g dry wt.1 @'Value as reported.1 A` 1 B'microgram/g dry wt.1 C'Value as reported.1 D%1 E'microgram/g dry wt.1 F'Value as reported.1 G%1 H'microgram/g dry wt.1 I'Value as reported.1 J1 K'microgram/g dry wt.=1 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 P1 Q'microgram/g dry wt.1 R'Value as reported.1 S1 T'microgram/g dry wt.1 U'Value as reported.1 Vc1 W'microgram/g dry wt.1 X'Value as reported.1 YC1 Z'microgram/g dry wt.1 ['Value as reported.1 \1 ]'microgram/g dry wt.1 ^'Value as reported.1 h1 i'microgram/g dry wt.1 j'Value as reported.1 kA1 l'microgram/g dry wt.1 m'Value as reported.1 nT1 o'microgram/g dry wt.1 p'Value as reported.1 q61 r'microgram/g dry wt.1 s'Value as reported.1 th)1 u'microgram/g dry wt.1 v'Value as reported.1 w1 x'microgram/g dry wt.=1 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 z1 {'microgram/g dry wt.=1 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 }h1 ~'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.=1 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.=1 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 B1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 21 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 P1 'microgram/g dry wt.=1 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 e1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.2 @2 2 82 @ 2 'UTM2 hffff@ 2 'UTM2 2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.=2 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2  2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 !'microgram/g dry wt.2 "'Value as reported.2 #2 $'microgram/g dry wt.=2 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 &2 ''microgram/g dry wt.2 ('Value as reported.2 )F2 *'microgram/g dry wt.2 +'Value as reported.2 ,C2 -'microgram/g dry wt.2 .'Value as reported.2 /2 0'microgram/g dry wt.2 1'Value as reported.2 52 6'microgram/g dry wt.=2 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 862 9'microgram/g dry wt.2 :'Value as reported.2 ;l2 <'microgram/g dry wt.2 ='Value as reported.2 >2 ?'microgram/g dry wt.2 @'Value as reported.2 A 2 B'microgram/g dry wt.2 C'Value as reported.2 D%2 E'microgram/g dry wt.2 F'Value as reported.2 G%2 H'microgram/g dry wt.2 I'Value as reported.2 J2 K'microgram/g dry wt.=2 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 Pz2 Q'microgram/g dry wt.2 R'Value as reported.2 S2 T'microgram/g dry wt.2 U'Value as reported.2 V#2 W'microgram/g dry wt.2 X'Value as reported.2 Y2 Z'microgram/g dry wt.2 ['Value as reported.2 \2 ]'microgram/g dry wt.2 ^'Value as reported.2 h2 i'microgram/g dry wt.2 j'Value as reported.2 kC2 l'microgram/g dry wt.2 m'Value as reported.2 n2 o'microgram/g dry wt.2 p'Value as reported.2 q22 r'microgram/g dry wt.2 s'Value as reported.2 t'2 u'microgram/g dry wt.2 v'Value as reported.2 w2 x'microgram/g dry wt.=2 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 z2 {'microgram/g dry wt.=2 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 }`2 ~'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.=2 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.=2 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 :2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 .2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 P2 'microgram/g dry wt.=2 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.3 @3 3 83 @ 3 'UTM3 ̌@ 3 'UTM3 3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.=3 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 #3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 e3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 H3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 !'microgram/g dry wt.3 "'Value as reported.3 #3 $'microgram/g dry wt.=3 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 &j3 ''microgram/g dry wt.3 ('Value as reported.3 )<3 *'microgram/g dry wt.3 +'Value as reported.3 ,3 -'microgram/g dry wt.3 .'Value as reported.3 /G3 0'microgram/g dry wt.3 1'Value as reported.3 53 6'microgram/g dry wt.=3 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 8.3 9'microgram/g dry wt.3 :'Value as reported.3 ;z3 <'microgram/g dry wt.3 ='Value as reported.3 >83 ?'microgram/g dry wt.3 @'Value as reported.3 A 3 B'microgram/g dry wt.3 C'Value as reported.3 D3 E'microgram/g dry wt.3 F'Value as reported.3 G3 H'microgram/g dry wt.3 I'Value as reported.3 J3 K'microgram/g dry wt.=3 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 Pd3 Q'microgram/g dry wt.3 R'Value as reported.3 S3 T'microgram/g dry wt.3 U'Value as reported.3 V0u3 W'microgram/g dry wt.3 X'Value as reported.3 Y# 3 Z'microgram/g dry wt.3 ['Value as reported.3 \E3 ]'microgram/g dry wt.3 ^'Value as reported.3 h%3 i'microgram/g dry wt.3 j'Value as reported.3 k3 l'microgram/g dry wt.3 m'Value as reported.3 n3 o'microgram/g dry wt.3 p'Value as reported.3 q.3 r'microgram/g dry wt.3 s'Value as reported.3 t0*3 u'microgram/g dry wt.3 v'Value as reported.3 w3 x'microgram/g dry wt.=3 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 z3 {'microgram/g dry wt.=3 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 }Z3 ~'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.=3 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.=3 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 .3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.=3 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 ,3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 P3 'microgram/g dry wt.=3 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.4 @4 4 84 @ 4 'UTM4 ̌@ 4 'UTM4 4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.=4 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4  4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 \4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 !'microgram/g dry wt.4 "'Value as reported.4 #4 $'microgram/g dry wt.=4 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 &v4 ''microgram/g dry wt.4 ('Value as reported.4 )H4 *'microgram/g dry wt.4 +'Value as reported.4 ,c4 -'microgram/g dry wt.4 .'Value as reported.4 /4 0'microgram/g dry wt.4 1'Value as reported.4 54 6'microgram/g dry wt.=4 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 864 9'microgram/g dry wt.4 :'Value as reported.4 ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt.4 ='Value as reported.4 >4 ?'microgram/g dry wt.4 @'Value as reported.4 A 4 B'microgram/g dry wt.4 C'Value as reported.4 D4 E'microgram/g dry wt.4 F'Value as reported.4 G4 H'microgram/g dry wt.4 I'Value as reported.4 J4 K'microgram/g dry wt.=4 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 P4 Q'microgram/g dry wt.4 R'Value as reported.4 S4 T'microgram/g dry wt.4 U'Value as reported.4 V#4 W'microgram/g dry wt.4 X'Value as reported.4 YC4 Z'microgram/g dry wt.4 ['Value as reported.4 \U4 ]'microgram/g dry wt.4 ^'Value as reported.4 h%4 i'microgram/g dry wt.4 j'Value as reported.4 kc4 l'microgram/g dry wt.4 m'Value as reported.4 n|4 o'microgram/g dry wt.4 p'Value as reported.4 q:4 r'microgram/g dry wt.4 s'Value as reported.4 t*4 u'microgram/g dry wt.4 v'Value as reported.4 w4 x'microgram/g dry wt.=4 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 z4 {'microgram/g dry wt.=4 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 }h4 ~'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.=4 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.=4 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 :4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 04 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 P4 'microgram/g dry wt.=4 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 %4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.5 @5 5 85 @ 5 'UTM5 ̌@ 5 'UTM5 5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.=5 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 e 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 \5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 !'microgram/g dry wt.5 "'Value as reported.5 #5 $'microgram/g dry wt.=5 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 &t5 ''microgram/g dry wt.5 ('Value as reported.5 )N5 *'microgram/g dry wt.5 +'Value as reported.5 ,c5 -'microgram/g dry wt.5 .'Value as reported.5 /5 0'microgram/g dry wt.5 1'Value as reported.5 55 6'microgram/g dry wt.=5 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 865 9'microgram/g dry wt.5 :'Value as reported.5 ;5 <'microgram/g dry wt.5 ='Value as reported.5 >5 ?'microgram/g dry wt.5 @'Value as reported.5 A 5 B'microgram/g dry wt.5 C'Value as reported.5 De5 E'microgram/g dry wt.5 F'Value as reported.5 G5 H'microgram/g dry wt.5 I'Value as reported.5 J5 K'microgram/g dry wt.=5 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 P5 Q'microgram/g dry wt.5 R'Value as reported.5 S5 T'microgram/g dry wt.5 U'Value as reported.5 V#5 W'microgram/g dry wt.5 X'Value as reported.5 Y5 Z'microgram/g dry wt.5 ['Value as reported.5 \U5 ]'microgram/g dry wt.5 ^'Value as reported.5 h5 i'microgram/g dry wt.5 j'Value as reported.5 kc5 l'microgram/g dry wt.5 m'Value as reported.5 nh5 o'microgram/g dry wt.5 p'Value as reported.5 q:5 r'microgram/g dry wt.5 s'Value as reported.5 t*5 u'microgram/g dry wt.5 v'Value as reported.5 w5 x'microgram/g dry wt.=5 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 z5 {'microgram/g dry wt.=5 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 }h5 ~'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.=5 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.=5 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 :5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 05 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 P5 'microgram/g dry wt.=5 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 "5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.6 @6 6 86 @ 6 'UTM6 ̌@ 6 'UTM6 6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.=6 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 #6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 46 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 !'microgram/g dry wt.6 "'Value as reported.6 #6 $'microgram/g dry wt.=6 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 &d6 ''microgram/g dry wt.6 ('Value as reported.6 )86 *'microgram/g dry wt.6 +'Value as reported.6 ,6 -'microgram/g dry wt.6 .'Value as reported.6 /e6 0'microgram/g dry wt.6 1'Value as reported.6 56 6'microgram/g dry wt.=6 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 8,6 9'microgram/g dry wt.6 :'Value as reported.6 ;l6 <'microgram/g dry wt.6 ='Value as reported.6 >86 ?'microgram/g dry wt.6 @'Value as reported.6 A 6 B'microgram/g dry wt.6 C'Value as reported.6 D6 E'microgram/g dry wt.6 F'Value as reported.6 G6 H'microgram/g dry wt.6 I'Value as reported.6 J6 K'microgram/g dry wt.=6 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 Ph6 Q'microgram/g dry wt.6 R'Value as reported.6 S6 T'microgram/g dry wt.6 U'Value as reported.6 V0u6 W'microgram/g dry wt.6 X'Value as reported.6 Y 6 Z'microgram/g dry wt.6 ['Value as reported.6 \6 ]'microgram/g dry wt.6 ^'Value as reported.6 h6 i'microgram/g dry wt.6 j'Value as reported.6 k6 l'microgram/g dry wt.6 m'Value as reported.6 n6 o'microgram/g dry wt.6 p'Value as reported.6 q26 r'microgram/g dry wt.6 s'Value as reported.6 t0*6 u'microgram/g dry wt.6 v'Value as reported.6 w6 x'microgram/g dry wt.=6 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 z6 {'microgram/g dry wt.=6 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 }X6 ~'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.=6 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.=6 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 ,6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 &6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 P6 'microgram/g dry wt.=6 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.7 @7 7 7 :7  @ 7 'UTM7 !@ 7 'UTM7 7  7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 #7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 !'microgram/g dry wt.7 "'Value as reported.7 #7 $'microgram/g dry wt.7 %'Value as reported.7 &7 ''microgram/g dry wt.7 ('Value as reported.7 )T7 *'microgram/g dry wt.7 +'Value as reported.7 ,q7 -'microgram/g dry wt.7 .'Value as reported.7 / 7 0'microgram/g dry wt.7 1'Value as reported.7 57 6'microgram/g dry wt.7 7'Value as reported.7 8~7 9'microgram/g dry wt.7 :'Value as reported.7 ;|7 <'microgram/g dry wt.7 ='Value as reported.7 >7 ?'microgram/g dry wt.7 @'Value as reported.7 A7 B'microgram/g dry wt.7 C'Value as reported.7 D7 E'microgram/g dry wt.7 F'Value as reported.7 G7 H'microgram/g dry wt.7 I'Value as reported.7 J(7 K'microgram/g dry wt.7 L'Value as reported.7 P7 Q'microgram/g dry wt.7 R'Value as reported.7 S7 T'microgram/g dry wt.7 U'Value as reported.7 V7 W'microgram/g dry wt.7 X'Value as reported.7 Y7 Z'microgram/g dry wt.7 ['Value as reported.7 \U7 ]'microgram/g dry wt.7 ^'Value as reported.7 h%7 i'microgram/g dry wt.7 j'Value as reported.7 k7 l'microgram/g dry wt.7 m'Value as reported.7 n7 o'microgram/g dry wt.7 p'Value as reported.7 q<7 r'microgram/g dry wt.7 s'Value as reported.7 t 7 u'microgram/g dry wt.7 v'Value as reported.7 w7 x'microgram/g dry wt.=7 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 z7 {'microgram/g dry wt.=7 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 }n7 ~'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.=7 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.=7 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 X7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 67 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 P7 'microgram/g dry wt.=7 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 (7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.8 @8 8 8 :8 @ 8 'UTM8 0333@ 8 'UTM8 8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 C8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 E 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 !'microgram/g dry wt.8 "'Value as reported.8 #8 $'microgram/g dry wt.8 %'Value as reported.8 &8 ''microgram/g dry wt.8 ('Value as reported.8 )8 *'microgram/g dry wt.8 +'Value as reported.8 ,8 -'microgram/g dry wt.8 .'Value as reported.8 / 8 0'microgram/g dry wt.8 1'Value as reported.8 58 6'microgram/g dry wt.8 7'Value as reported.8 88 9'microgram/g dry wt.8 :'Value as reported.8 ;,8 <'microgram/g dry wt.8 ='Value as reported.8 >,8 ?'microgram/g dry wt.8 @'Value as reported.8 A8 B'microgram/g dry wt.8 C'Value as reported.8 D8 E'microgram/g dry wt.8 F'Value as reported.8 G8 H'microgram/g dry wt.8 I'Value as reported.8 J8 K'microgram/g dry wt.8 L'Value as reported.8 P8 Q'microgram/g dry wt.8 R'Value as reported.8 St8 T'microgram/g dry wt.8 U'Value as reported.8 V8 W'microgram/g dry wt.8 X'Value as reported.8 Y#8 Z'microgram/g dry wt.8 ['Value as reported.8 \g8 ]'microgram/g dry wt.8 ^'Value as reported.8 k8 l'microgram/g dry wt.8 m'Value as reported.8 n8 o'microgram/g dry wt.8 p'Value as reported.8 q>8 r'microgram/g dry wt.8 s'Value as reported.8 t!8 u'microgram/g dry wt.8 v'Value as reported.8 w8 x'microgram/g dry wt.=8 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 z8 {'microgram/g dry wt.=8 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 }x8 ~'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 "8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.=8 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.=8 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 X8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 :8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 P8 'microgram/g dry wt.=8 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 (8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.9 @9 9 9 <9 @ 9 'UTM9 03333@ 9 'UTM9 9  9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 % 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 !'microgram/g dry wt.9 "'Value as reported.9 #9 $'microgram/g dry wt.9 %'Value as reported.9 &9 ''microgram/g dry wt.9 ('Value as reported.9 ),9 *'microgram/g dry wt.9 +'Value as reported.9 ,9 -'microgram/g dry wt.9 .'Value as reported.9 / 9 0'microgram/g dry wt.9 1'Value as reported.9 59 6'microgram/g dry wt.=9 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 89 9'microgram/g dry wt.9 :'Value as reported.9 ;9 <'microgram/g dry wt.9 ='Value as reported.9 >,9 ?'microgram/g dry wt.9 @'Value as reported.9 A9 B'microgram/g dry wt.9 C'Value as reported.9 D9 E'microgram/g dry wt.9 F'Value as reported.9 GE9 H'microgram/g dry wt.9 I'Value as reported.9 J9 K'microgram/g dry wt.=9 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 P9 Q'microgram/g dry wt.9 R'Value as reported.9 S(9 T'microgram/g dry wt.9 U'Value as reported.9 V9 W'microgram/g dry wt.9 X'Value as reported.9 Y9 Z'microgram/g dry wt.9 ['Value as reported.9 \9 ]'microgram/g dry wt.9 ^'Value as reported.9 h9 i'microgram/g dry wt.9 j'Value as reported.9 k9 l'microgram/g dry wt.9 m'Value as reported.9 n9 o'microgram/g dry wt.9 p'Value as reported.9 qH9 r'microgram/g dry wt.9 s'Value as reported.9 t!9 u'microgram/g dry wt.9 v'Value as reported.9 w9 x'microgram/g dry wt.=9 y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 z9 {'microgram/g dry wt.=9 |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 }9 ~'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 "9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.=9 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.=9 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 ^9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.=9 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 >9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 P9 'microgram/g dry wt.=9 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 *9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 %9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 P9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.: @: : : :: @ : 'UTM: hfffV@ : 'UTM: :  : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: #: 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: % : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : !'microgram/g dry wt.: "'Value as reported.: #: $'microgram/g dry wt.: %'Value as reported.: &: ''microgram/g dry wt.: ('Value as reported.: ): *'microgram/g dry wt.: +'Value as reported.: ,: -'microgram/g dry wt.: .'Value as reported.: /%: 0'microgram/g dry wt.: 1'Value as reported.: 5: 6'microgram/g dry wt.=: 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: 8|: 9'microgram/g dry wt.: :'Value as reported.: ;: <'microgram/g dry wt.: ='Value as reported.: >d: ?'microgram/g dry wt.: @'Value as reported.: Ap: B'microgram/g dry wt.: C'Value as reported.: D: E'microgram/g dry wt.: F'Value as reported.: G: H'microgram/g dry wt.: I'Value as reported.: J(: K'microgram/g dry wt.: L'Value as reported.: P: Q'microgram/g dry wt.: R'Value as reported.: S`: T'microgram/g dry wt.: U'Value as reported.: V: W'microgram/g dry wt.: X'Value as reported.: Y: Z'microgram/g dry wt.: ['Value as reported.: \: ]'microgram/g dry wt.: ^'Value as reported.: hE: i'microgram/g dry wt.: j'Value as reported.: k: l'microgram/g dry wt.: m'Value as reported.: n: o'microgram/g dry wt.: p'Value as reported.: q:: r'microgram/g dry wt.: s'Value as reported.: t : u'microgram/g dry wt.: v'Value as reported.: w: x'microgram/g dry wt.=: y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: z: {'microgram/g dry wt.=: |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: }p: ~'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.=: 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.=: 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: V: 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: 8: 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: P: 'microgram/g dry wt.=: 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: (: 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.; @; ; ; :; ݋@ ; 'UTM; 0333@ ; 'UTM; ;  ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; !'microgram/g dry wt.; "'Value as reported.; #; $'microgram/g dry wt.; %'Value as reported.; &; ''microgram/g dry wt.; ('Value as reported.; ); *'microgram/g dry wt.; +'Value as reported.; ,; -'microgram/g dry wt.; .'Value as reported.; /G; 0'microgram/g dry wt.; 1'Value as reported.; 5; 6'microgram/g dry wt.; 7'Value as reported.; 8; 9'microgram/g dry wt.; :'Value as reported.; ;T; <'microgram/g dry wt.; ='Value as reported.; >; ?'microgram/g dry wt.; @'Value as reported.; A; B'microgram/g dry wt.; C'Value as reported.; D; E'microgram/g dry wt.; F'Value as reported.; J; K'microgram/g dry wt.; L'Value as reported.; P; Q'microgram/g dry wt.; R'Value as reported.; S; T'microgram/g dry wt.; U'Value as reported.; V; W'microgram/g dry wt.; X'Value as reported.; Yc; Z'microgram/g dry wt.; ['Value as reported.; \; ]'microgram/g dry wt.; ^'Value as reported.; h; i'microgram/g dry wt.; j'Value as reported.; kQ; l'microgram/g dry wt.; m'Value as reported.; n; o'microgram/g dry wt.; p'Value as reported.; qD; r'microgram/g dry wt.; s'Value as reported.; t!; u'microgram/g dry wt.; v'Value as reported.; w; x'microgram/g dry wt.=; y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; z; {'microgram/g dry wt.=; |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; }t; ~'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.=; 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.=; 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; N; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.=; 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; :; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; P; 'microgram/g dry wt.=; 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; &; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; P; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.< @< < < :< ݋@ < 'UTM< 0333@ < 'UTM< <  < 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< < 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.<  < 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< $< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< < !'microgram/g dry wt.< "'Value as reported.< #< $'microgram/g dry wt.< %'Value as reported.< &0< ''microgram/g dry wt.< ('Value as reported.< )T< *'microgram/g dry wt.< +'Value as reported.< ,< -'microgram/g dry wt.< .'Value as reported.< / < 0'microgram/g dry wt.< 1'Value as reported.< 5< 6'microgram/g dry wt.< 7'Value as reported.< 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt.< :'Value as reported.< ;< <'microgram/g dry wt.< ='Value as reported.< >< ?'microgram/g dry wt.< @'Value as reported.< A< B'microgram/g dry wt.< C'Value as reported.< D< E'microgram/g dry wt.< F'Value as reported.< GE< H'microgram/g dry wt.< I'Value as reported.< J< K'microgram/g dry wt.< L'Value as reported.< P< Q'microgram/g dry wt.< R'Value as reported.< S< T'microgram/g dry wt.< U'Value as reported.< V< W'microgram/g dry wt.< X'Value as reported.< YC< Z'microgram/g dry wt.< ['Value as reported.< \< ]'microgram/g dry wt.< ^'Value as reported.< hE< i'microgram/g dry wt.< j'Value as reported.< k< l'microgram/g dry wt.< m'Value as reported.< n< o'microgram/g dry wt.< p'Value as reported.< qB< r'microgram/g dry wt.< s'Value as reported.< tx< u'microgram/g dry wt.< v'Value as reported.< w< x'microgram/g dry wt.=< y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< z< {'microgram/g dry wt.=< |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< }|< ~'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< $< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< "< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< < 'microgram/g dry wt.=< 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< < 'microgram/g dry wt.=< 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< d< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< < 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< >< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< < 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< P< 'microgram/g dry wt.=< 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< *< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< < 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< e< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< < 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< P< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.= @= = = := ً@ = 'UTM= hfff>@ = 'UTM= = = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= e = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= $= 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Value as reported.= # = $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Value as reported.= &D= ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Value as reported.= )h= *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Value as reported.= ,= -'microgram/g dry wt.= .'Value as reported.= /= 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Value as reported.= 5= 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Value as reported.= 8= 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Value as reported.= ;= <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Value as reported.= >= ?'microgram/g dry wt.= @'Value as reported.= A= B'microgram/g dry wt.= C'Value as reported.= D= E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Value as reported.= G= H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Value as reported.= J(= K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Value as reported.= P= Q'microgram/g dry wt.= R'Value as reported.= S= T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Value as reported.= V= W'microgram/g dry wt.= X'Value as reported.= Y= Z'microgram/g dry wt.= ['Value as reported.= \= ]'microgram/g dry wt.= ^'Value as reported.= h= i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Value as reported.= k= l'microgram/g dry wt.= m'Value as reported.= n= o'microgram/g dry wt.= p'Value as reported.= qF= r'microgram/g dry wt.= s'Value as reported.= t@= u'microgram/g dry wt.= v'Value as reported.= w= x'microgram/g dry wt.== y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= z= {'microgram/g dry wt.== |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= }~= ~'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= "= 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.== 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.== 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= \= 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= := 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= P= 'microgram/g dry wt.== 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= ,= 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.> @> > > v@ > 'UTM> y*@ > 'UTM> > > 'microgram/g dry wt.=> 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > !'microgram/g dry wt.> "'Value as reported.> #> $'microgram/g dry wt.=> %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> &> ''microgram/g dry wt.> ('Value as reported.> )B> *'microgram/g dry wt.> +'Value as reported.> ,q> -'microgram/g dry wt.> .'Value as reported.> /> 0'microgram/g dry wt.> 1'Value as reported.> 5> 6'microgram/g dry wt.=> 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> 8B> 9'microgram/g dry wt.> :'Value as reported.> ;h> <'microgram/g dry wt.> ='Value as reported.> > > ?'microgram/g dry wt.> @'Value as reported.> A> B'microgram/g dry wt.> C'Value as reported.> De> E'microgram/g dry wt.> F'Value as reported.> G> H'microgram/g dry wt.> I'Value as reported.> J> K'microgram/g dry wt.=> L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> P> Q'microgram/g dry wt.> R'Value as reported.> S> T'microgram/g dry wt.> U'Value as reported.> V> W'microgram/g dry wt.> X'Value as reported.> Y#> Z'microgram/g dry wt.> ['Value as reported.> \G> ]'microgram/g dry wt.> ^'Value as reported.> h%> i'microgram/g dry wt.> j'Value as reported.> k#> l'microgram/g dry wt.> m'Value as reported.> n> o'microgram/g dry wt.> p'Value as reported.> qF> r'microgram/g dry wt.> s'Value as reported.> t > u'microgram/g dry wt.> v'Value as reported.> w> x'microgram/g dry wt.=> y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> z> {'microgram/g dry wt.=> |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> }v> ~'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.=> 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.=> 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> Z> 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.=> 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> <> 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> P> 'microgram/g dry wt.=> 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> "> 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.> > 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.? @? ? ? @ ? 'UTM?  +@ ? 'UTM? ? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.=? 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? !'microgram/g dry wt.? "'Value as reported.? #? $'microgram/g dry wt.=? %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? &? ''microgram/g dry wt.? ('Value as reported.? )R? *'microgram/g dry wt.? +'Value as reported.? ,? -'microgram/g dry wt.? .'Value as reported.? /? 0'microgram/g dry wt.? 1'Value as reported.? 5? 6'microgram/g dry wt.=? 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? 8B? 9'microgram/g dry wt.? :'Value as reported.? ;T? <'microgram/g dry wt.? ='Value as reported.? > ? ?'microgram/g dry wt.? @'Value as reported.? A? B'microgram/g dry wt.? C'Value as reported.? De? E'microgram/g dry wt.? F'Value as reported.? G? H'microgram/g dry wt.? I'Value as reported.? J? K'microgram/g dry wt.=? L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? P? Q'microgram/g dry wt.? R'Value as reported.? S? T'microgram/g dry wt.? U'Value as reported.? V? W'microgram/g dry wt.? X'Value as reported.? Y#? Z'microgram/g dry wt.? ['Value as reported.? \U? ]'microgram/g dry wt.? ^'Value as reported.? h? i'microgram/g dry wt.? j'Value as reported.? k}? l'microgram/g dry wt.? m'Value as reported.? n? o'microgram/g dry wt.? p'Value as reported.? qF? r'microgram/g dry wt.? s'Value as reported.? t? u'microgram/g dry wt.? v'Value as reported.? w? x'microgram/g dry wt.=? y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? z? {'microgram/g dry wt.=? |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? }v? ~'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.=? 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.=? 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? X? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? :? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? P? 'microgram/g dry wt.=? 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? "? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.@ @@ @ @ bM@ @ 'UTM@ hfff@ @ 'UTM@ @ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.=@ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ !'microgram/g dry wt.@ "'Value as reported.@ #@ $'microgram/g dry wt.=@ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ &@ ''microgram/g dry wt.@ ('Value as reported.@ )@@ *'microgram/g dry wt.@ +'Value as reported.@ ,#@ -'microgram/g dry wt.@ .'Value as reported.@ /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.@ 1'Value as reported.@ 5@ 6'microgram/g dry wt.=@ 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ 8L@ 9'microgram/g dry wt.@ :'Value as reported.@ ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt.@ ='Value as reported.@ > @ ?'microgram/g dry wt.@ @'Value as reported.@ A( @ B'microgram/g dry wt.@ C'Value as reported.@ De@ E'microgram/g dry wt.@ F'Value as reported.@ G@ H'microgram/g dry wt.@ I'Value as reported.@ J@ K'microgram/g dry wt.=@ L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ P@ Q'microgram/g dry wt.@ R'Value as reported.@ S,@ T'microgram/g dry wt.@ U'Value as reported.@ V@ W'microgram/g dry wt.@ X'Value as reported.@ Yq@ Z'microgram/g dry wt.@ ['Value as reported.@ \@ ]'microgram/g dry wt.@ ^'Value as reported.@ h@ i'microgram/g dry wt.@ j'Value as reported.@ k}@ l'microgram/g dry wt.@ m'Value as reported.@ n@ o'microgram/g dry wt.@ p'Value as reported.@ qD@ r'microgram/g dry wt.@ s'Value as reported.@ t@ u'microgram/g dry wt.@ v'Value as reported.@ w@ x'microgram/g dry wt.=@ y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ z@ {'microgram/g dry wt.=@ |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ }|@ ~'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ $@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ "@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.=@ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.=@ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ h@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ <@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ P@ 'microgram/g dry wt.=@ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ &@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ e@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.A @A A A Р@ A 'UTMA hfff!@ A 'UTMA A A 'microgram/g dry wt.=A 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A QA 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A bA 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A  A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A A !'microgram/g dry wt.=A "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A #A $'microgram/g dry wt.=A %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A &JA ''microgram/g dry wt.A ('Value as reported.A )6A *'microgram/g dry wt.A +'Value as reported.A ,A -'microgram/g dry wt.A .'Value as reported.A /A 0'microgram/g dry wt.A 1'Value as reported.A 5A 6'microgram/g dry wt.A 7'Value as reported.A 80A 9'microgram/g dry wt.A :'Value as reported.A ;@A <'microgram/g dry wt.A ='Value as reported.A >p0A ?'microgram/g dry wt.A @'Value as reported.A A( A B'microgram/g dry wt.A C'Value as reported.A DA E'microgram/g dry wt.A F'Value as reported.A GA H'microgram/g dry wt.A I'Value as reported.A JA K'microgram/g dry wt.=A L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A PZA Q'microgram/g dry wt.A R'Value as reported.A S@A T'microgram/g dry wt.A U'Value as reported.A V'A W'microgram/g dry wt.A X'Value as reported.A YA Z'microgram/g dry wt.A ['Value as reported.A \A ]'microgram/g dry wt.A ^'Value as reported.A hA i'microgram/g dry wt.A j'Value as reported.A k0uA l'microgram/g dry wt.A m'Value as reported.A nA o'microgram/g dry wt.A p'Value as reported.A q&A r'microgram/g dry wt.A s'Value as reported.A tA u'microgram/g dry wt.A v'Value as reported.A wA x'microgram/g dry wt.=A y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A zA {'microgram/g dry wt.=A |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A }HA ~'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.=A 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.=A 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A 2A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.=A 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A "A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A PA 'microgram/g dry wt.=A 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A eA 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A 8A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.B @B B B s(@ B 'UTMB @ B 'UTMB B B 'microgram/g dry wt.=B 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B \B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B !'microgram/g dry wt.B "'Value as reported.B #B $'microgram/g dry wt.=B %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B &B ''microgram/g dry wt.B ('Value as reported.B )JB *'microgram/g dry wt.B +'Value as reported.B ,CB -'microgram/g dry wt.B .'Value as reported.B /B 0'microgram/g dry wt.B 1'Value as reported.B 5B 6'microgram/g dry wt.B 7'Value as reported.B 8>B 9'microgram/g dry wt.B :'Value as reported.B ;XB <'microgram/g dry wt.B ='Value as reported.B >2B ?'microgram/g dry wt.B @'Value as reported.B A B B'microgram/g dry wt.B C'Value as reported.B DB E'microgram/g dry wt.B F'Value as reported.B GB H'microgram/g dry wt.B I'Value as reported.B JB K'microgram/g dry wt.=B L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B P|B Q'microgram/g dry wt.B R'Value as reported.B SB T'microgram/g dry wt.B U'Value as reported.B V0uB W'microgram/g dry wt.B X'Value as reported.B Y#B Z'microgram/g dry wt.B ['Value as reported.B \EB ]'microgram/g dry wt.B ^'Value as reported.B kUB l'microgram/g dry wt.B m'Value as reported.B nB o'microgram/g dry wt.B p'Value as reported.B q,B r'microgram/g dry wt.B s'Value as reported.B t0*B u'microgram/g dry wt.B v'Value as reported.B wB x'microgram/g dry wt.=B y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B zB {'microgram/g dry wt.=B |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B }VB ~'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B "B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.=B 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.=B 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B <B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B *B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B PB 'microgram/g dry wt.=B 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.C @C C C @ C 'UTMC hffff@ C 'UTMC C C 'microgram/g dry wt.=C 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C 8C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C pC 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C !'microgram/g dry wt.C "'Value as reported.C #C $'microgram/g dry wt.=C %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C &lC ''microgram/g dry wt.C ('Value as reported.C )8C *'microgram/g dry wt.C +'Value as reported.C ,#C -'microgram/g dry wt.C .'Value as reported.C /C 0'microgram/g dry wt.C 1'Value as reported.C 5C 6'microgram/g dry wt.C 7'Value as reported.C 80C 9'microgram/g dry wt.C :'Value as reported.C ;TC <'microgram/g dry wt.C ='Value as reported.C >PC ?'microgram/g dry wt.C @'Value as reported.C A( C B'microgram/g dry wt.C C'Value as reported.C DC E'microgram/g dry wt.C F'Value as reported.C G%C H'microgram/g dry wt.C I'Value as reported.C JC K'microgram/g dry wt.=C L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C PC Q'microgram/g dry wt.C R'Value as reported.C STC T'microgram/g dry wt.C U'Value as reported.C V#C W'microgram/g dry wt.C X'Value as reported.C Y#C Z'microgram/g dry wt.C ['Value as reported.C \C ]'microgram/g dry wt.C ^'Value as reported.C hC i'microgram/g dry wt.C j'Value as reported.C kCC l'microgram/g dry wt.C m'Value as reported.C nC o'microgram/g dry wt.C p'Value as reported.C q2C r'microgram/g dry wt.C s'Value as reported.C t81C u'microgram/g dry wt.C v'Value as reported.C wC x'microgram/g dry wt.=C y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C zC {'microgram/g dry wt.=C |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C }\C ~'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.=C 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.=C 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C 8C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C *C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C PC 'microgram/g dry wt.=C 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C |C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.D @D D D @ D 'UTMD ̔@ D 'UTMD D D 'microgram/g dry wt.=D 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D CD 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D ,D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D HD 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D !'microgram/g dry wt.=D "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D #D $'microgram/g dry wt.=D %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D &JD ''microgram/g dry wt.D ('Value as reported.D ).D *'microgram/g dry wt.D +'Value as reported.D ,D -'microgram/g dry wt.D .'Value as reported.D /D 0'microgram/g dry wt.D 1'Value as reported.D 5D 6'microgram/g dry wt.=D 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D 8 D 9'microgram/g dry wt.D :'Value as reported.D ;4D <'microgram/g dry wt.D ='Value as reported.D > D ?'microgram/g dry wt.D @'Value as reported.D AD B'microgram/g dry wt.D C'Value as reported.D DD E'microgram/g dry wt.D F'Value as reported.D G%D H'microgram/g dry wt.D I'Value as reported.D JD K'microgram/g dry wt.=D L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D PLD Q'microgram/g dry wt.D R'Value as reported.D SD T'microgram/g dry wt.D U'Value as reported.D V0uD W'microgram/g dry wt.D X'Value as reported.D YCD Z'microgram/g dry wt.D ['Value as reported.D \5D ]'microgram/g dry wt.D ^'Value as reported.D hD i'microgram/g dry wt.D j'Value as reported.D kUD l'microgram/g dry wt.D m'Value as reported.D nD o'microgram/g dry wt.D p'Value as reported.D q$D r'microgram/g dry wt.D s'Value as reported.D t5D u'microgram/g dry wt.D v'Value as reported.D wD x'microgram/g dry wt.=D y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D zD {'microgram/g dry wt.=D |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D }>D ~'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.=D 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.=D 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D "D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.=D 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D PD 'microgram/g dry wt.=D 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.E @E E E @ E 'UTME &@ E 'UTME E E 'microgram/g dry wt.=E 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E @E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E pE 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E !'microgram/g dry wt.E "'Value as reported.E #E $'microgram/g dry wt.=E %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E &E ''microgram/g dry wt.E ('Value as reported.E ):E *'microgram/g dry wt.E +'Value as reported.E ,E -'microgram/g dry wt.E .'Value as reported.E /E 0'microgram/g dry wt.E 1'Value as reported.E 5E 6'microgram/g dry wt.E 7'Value as reported.E 82E 9'microgram/g dry wt.E :'Value as reported.E ;VE <'microgram/g dry wt.E ='Value as reported.E >E ?'microgram/g dry wt.E @'Value as reported.E A E B'microgram/g dry wt.E C'Value as reported.E DE E'microgram/g dry wt.E F'Value as reported.E GE H'microgram/g dry wt.E I'Value as reported.E JE K'microgram/g dry wt.=E L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E PE Q'microgram/g dry wt.E R'Value as reported.E SE T'microgram/g dry wt.E U'Value as reported.E V#E W'microgram/g dry wt.E X'Value as reported.E YE Z'microgram/g dry wt.E ['Value as reported.E \E ]'microgram/g dry wt.E ^'Value as reported.E h%E i'microgram/g dry wt.E j'Value as reported.E kcE l'microgram/g dry wt.E m'Value as reported.E nE o'microgram/g dry wt.E p'Value as reported.E q4E r'microgram/g dry wt.E s'Value as reported.E t.E u'microgram/g dry wt.E v'Value as reported.E wE x'microgram/g dry wt.=E y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E zE {'microgram/g dry wt.=E |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E }^E ~'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.=E 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.=E 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E >E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.=E 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E 0E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E PE 'microgram/g dry wt.=E 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E DE 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.F @F F F @ F 'UTMF @ F 'UTMF F F 'microgram/g dry wt.=F 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F CF 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F @F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F !'microgram/g dry wt.F "'Value as reported.F #F $'microgram/g dry wt.=F %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F &dF ''microgram/g dry wt.F ('Value as reported.F )>F *'microgram/g dry wt.F +'Value as reported.F ,F -'microgram/g dry wt.F .'Value as reported.F /EF 0'microgram/g dry wt.F 1'Value as reported.F 5F 6'microgram/g dry wt.F 7'Value as reported.F 80F 9'microgram/g dry wt.F :'Value as reported.F ;PF <'microgram/g dry wt.F ='Value as reported.F >pF ?'microgram/g dry wt.F @'Value as reported.F A` F B'microgram/g dry wt.F C'Value as reported.F DeF E'microgram/g dry wt.F F'Value as reported.F GF H'microgram/g dry wt.F I'Value as reported.F JF K'microgram/g dry wt.=F L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F PrF Q'microgram/g dry wt.F R'Value as reported.F STF T'microgram/g dry wt.F U'Value as reported.F V0uF W'microgram/g dry wt.F X'Value as reported.F YF Z'microgram/g dry wt.F ['Value as reported.F \EF ]'microgram/g dry wt.F ^'Value as reported.F h%F i'microgram/g dry wt.F j'Value as reported.F keF l'microgram/g dry wt.F m'Value as reported.F nF o'microgram/g dry wt.F p'Value as reported.F q.F r'microgram/g dry wt.F s'Value as reported.F t*F u'microgram/g dry wt.F v'Value as reported.F wF x'microgram/g dry wt.=F y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F zF {'microgram/g dry wt.=F |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F }RF ~'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.=F 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.=F 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F 2F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F $F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F PF 'microgram/g dry wt.=F 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F %F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.G @G G G }@ G 'UTMG hfffN9@ G 'UTMG G G 'microgram/g dry wt.=G 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G RG 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G pG 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G !'microgram/g dry wt.G "'Value as reported.G #G $'microgram/g dry wt.=G %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G &|G ''microgram/g dry wt.G ('Value as reported.G )RG *'microgram/g dry wt.G +'Value as reported.G ,G -'microgram/g dry wt.G .'Value as reported.G /GG 0'microgram/g dry wt.G 1'Value as reported.G 5G 6'microgram/g dry wt.G 7'Value as reported.G 8:G 9'microgram/g dry wt.G :'Value as reported.G ;ZG <'microgram/g dry wt.G ='Value as reported.G >G ?'microgram/g dry wt.G @'Value as reported.G A G B'microgram/g dry wt.G C'Value as reported.G DG E'microgram/g dry wt.G F'Value as reported.G GG H'microgram/g dry wt.G I'Value as reported.G JG K'microgram/g dry wt.=G L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G PG Q'microgram/g dry wt.G R'Value as reported.G SG T'microgram/g dry wt.G U'Value as reported.G V}G W'microgram/g dry wt.G X'Value as reported.G YcG Z'microgram/g dry wt.G ['Value as reported.G \G ]'microgram/g dry wt.G ^'Value as reported.G hG i'microgram/g dry wt.G j'Value as reported.G k`mG l'microgram/g dry wt.G m'Value as reported.G nG o'microgram/g dry wt.G p'Value as reported.G q0G r'microgram/g dry wt.G s'Value as reported.G t(G u'microgram/g dry wt.G v'Value as reported.G wG x'microgram/g dry wt.=G y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G zG {'microgram/g dry wt.=G |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G }`G ~'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.=G 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.=G 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G @G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G ,G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G PG 'microgram/g dry wt.=G 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.H @H H H y@ H 'UTMH 0333r@ H 'UTMH H H 'microgram/g dry wt.=H 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H 2H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H !'microgram/g dry wt.H "'Value as reported.H #H $'microgram/g dry wt.=H %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H &H ''microgram/g dry wt.H ('Value as reported.H )LH *'microgram/g dry wt.H +'Value as reported.H ,H -'microgram/g dry wt.H .'Value as reported.H /H 0'microgram/g dry wt.H 1'Value as reported.H 5H 6'microgram/g dry wt.H 7'Value as reported.H 8>H 9'microgram/g dry wt.H :'Value as reported.H ;JH <'microgram/g dry wt.H ='Value as reported.H >H ?'microgram/g dry wt.H @'Value as reported.H A H B'microgram/g dry wt.H C'Value as reported.H DH E'microgram/g dry wt.H F'Value as reported.H G%H H'microgram/g dry wt.H I'Value as reported.H JH K'microgram/g dry wt.=H L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H PH Q'microgram/g dry wt.H R'Value as reported.H ShH T'microgram/g dry wt.H U'Value as reported.H V#H W'microgram/g dry wt.H X'Value as reported.H YqH Z'microgram/g dry wt.H ['Value as reported.H \H ]'microgram/g dry wt.H ^'Value as reported.H hH i'microgram/g dry wt.H j'Value as reported.H keH l'microgram/g dry wt.H m'Value as reported.H nH o'microgram/g dry wt.H p'Value as reported.H q4H r'microgram/g dry wt.H s'Value as reported.H t%H u'microgram/g dry wt.H v'Value as reported.H wH x'microgram/g dry wt.=H y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H zH {'microgram/g dry wt.=H |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H }fH ~'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H "H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.=H 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.=H 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H NH 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H 2H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H PH 'microgram/g dry wt.=H 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H PH 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.I @I I I y@ I 'UTMI 0333r@ I 'UTMI I I 'microgram/g dry wt.=I 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I :I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I !'microgram/g dry wt.I "'Value as reported.I #I $'microgram/g dry wt.=I %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I &zI ''microgram/g dry wt.I ('Value as reported.I )JI *'microgram/g dry wt.I +'Value as reported.I ,I -'microgram/g dry wt.I .'Value as reported.I /I 0'microgram/g dry wt.I 1'Value as reported.I 5I 6'microgram/g dry wt.I 7'Value as reported.I 8<I 9'microgram/g dry wt.I :'Value as reported.I ;RI <'microgram/g dry wt.I ='Value as reported.I >0I ?'microgram/g dry wt.I @'Value as reported.I A I B'microgram/g dry wt.I C'Value as reported.I DI E'microgram/g dry wt.I F'Value as reported.I GI H'microgram/g dry wt.I I'Value as reported.I JI K'microgram/g dry wt.=I L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I PI Q'microgram/g dry wt.I R'Value as reported.I STI T'microgram/g dry wt.I U'Value as reported.I VCI W'microgram/g dry wt.I X'Value as reported.I Y#I Z'microgram/g dry wt.I ['Value as reported.I \gI ]'microgram/g dry wt.I ^'Value as reported.I hI i'microgram/g dry wt.I j'Value as reported.I keI l'microgram/g dry wt.I m'Value as reported.I nI o'microgram/g dry wt.I p'Value as reported.I q:I r'microgram/g dry wt.I s'Value as reported.I t$I u'microgram/g dry wt.I v'Value as reported.I wI x'microgram/g dry wt.=I y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I zI {'microgram/g dry wt.=I |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I }jI ~'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.=I 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.=I 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I JI 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I 0I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I PI 'microgram/g dry wt.=I 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I "I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.J @J J J y@ J 'UTMJ 0333r@ J 'UTMJ J J 'microgram/g dry wt.=J 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J @J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J pJ 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J !'microgram/g dry wt.J "'Value as reported.J #J $'microgram/g dry wt.=J %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J &vJ ''microgram/g dry wt.J ('Value as reported.J )NJ *'microgram/g dry wt.J +'Value as reported.J ,cJ -'microgram/g dry wt.J .'Value as reported.J /EJ 0'microgram/g dry wt.J 1'Value as reported.J 5J 6'microgram/g dry wt.J 7'Value as reported.J 8:J 9'microgram/g dry wt.J :'Value as reported.J ;\J <'microgram/g dry wt.J ='Value as reported.J >J ?'microgram/g dry wt.J @'Value as reported.J A J B'microgram/g dry wt.J C'Value as reported.J DJ E'microgram/g dry wt.J F'Value as reported.J GJ H'microgram/g dry wt.J I'Value as reported.J JJ K'microgram/g dry wt.=J L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J PJ Q'microgram/g dry wt.J R'Value as reported.J ShJ T'microgram/g dry wt.J U'Value as reported.J VCJ W'microgram/g dry wt.J X'Value as reported.J YqJ Z'microgram/g dry wt.J ['Value as reported.J \UJ ]'microgram/g dry wt.J ^'Value as reported.J hJ i'microgram/g dry wt.J j'Value as reported.J keJ l'microgram/g dry wt.J m'Value as reported.J nJ o'microgram/g dry wt.J p'Value as reported.J q8J r'microgram/g dry wt.J s'Value as reported.J t$J u'microgram/g dry wt.J v'Value as reported.J wJ x'microgram/g dry wt.=J y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J zJ {'microgram/g dry wt.=J |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J }fJ ~'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.=J 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.=J 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J HJ 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J 0J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J PJ 'microgram/g dry wt.=J 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J "J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.K @K K K y@ K 'UTMK 0333r@ K 'UTMK K K 'microgram/g dry wt.=K 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K @K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K pK 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K !'microgram/g dry wt.K "'Value as reported.K #K $'microgram/g dry wt.=K %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K &tK ''microgram/g dry wt.K ('Value as reported.K )LK *'microgram/g dry wt.K +'Value as reported.K ,K -'microgram/g dry wt.K .'Value as reported.K /K 0'microgram/g dry wt.K 1'Value as reported.K 5K 6'microgram/g dry wt.K 7'Value as reported.K 8:K 9'microgram/g dry wt.K :'Value as reported.K ;TK <'microgram/g dry wt.K ='Value as reported.K >K ?'microgram/g dry wt.K @'Value as reported.K A K B'microgram/g dry wt.K C'Value as reported.K DK E'microgram/g dry wt.K F'Value as reported.K GK H'microgram/g dry wt.K I'Value as reported.K JK K'microgram/g dry wt.=K L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K PK Q'microgram/g dry wt.K R'Value as reported.K STK T'microgram/g dry wt.K U'Value as reported.K VCK W'microgram/g dry wt.K X'Value as reported.K YCK Z'microgram/g dry wt.K ['Value as reported.K \UK ]'microgram/g dry wt.K ^'Value as reported.K hK i'microgram/g dry wt.K j'Value as reported.K keK l'microgram/g dry wt.K m'Value as reported.K nK o'microgram/g dry wt.K p'Value as reported.K q8K r'microgram/g dry wt.K s'Value as reported.K t%K u'microgram/g dry wt.K v'Value as reported.K wK x'microgram/g dry wt.=K y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K zK {'microgram/g dry wt.=K |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K }bK ~'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.=K 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.=K 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K JK 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K .K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K PK 'microgram/g dry wt.=K 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K "K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K %K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.L @L L L Uw@ L 'UTML K@ L 'UTML L L 'microgram/g dry wt.=L 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L 6L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L pL 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L !'microgram/g dry wt.L "'Value as reported.L #L $'microgram/g dry wt.=L %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L &|L ''microgram/g dry wt.L ('Value as reported.L )DL *'microgram/g dry wt.L +'Value as reported.L ,#L -'microgram/g dry wt.L .'Value as reported.L /GL 0'microgram/g dry wt.L 1'Value as reported.L 5L 6'microgram/g dry wt.L 7'Value as reported.L 86L 9'microgram/g dry wt.L :'Value as reported.L ;VL <'microgram/g dry wt.L ='Value as reported.L >L ?'microgram/g dry wt.L @'Value as reported.L A L B'microgram/g dry wt.L C'Value as reported.L DL E'microgram/g dry wt.L F'Value as reported.L GeL H'microgram/g dry wt.L I'Value as reported.L JL K'microgram/g dry wt.=L L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L PL Q'microgram/g dry wt.L R'Value as reported.L ShL T'microgram/g dry wt.L U'Value as reported.L V#L W'microgram/g dry wt.L X'Value as reported.L YL Z'microgram/g dry wt.L ['Value as reported.L \L ]'microgram/g dry wt.L ^'Value as reported.L h%L i'microgram/g dry wt.L j'Value as reported.L k#L l'microgram/g dry wt.L m'Value as reported.L nL o'microgram/g dry wt.L p'Value as reported.L q2L r'microgram/g dry wt.L s'Value as reported.L t*L u'microgram/g dry wt.L v'Value as reported.L wL x'microgram/g dry wt.=L y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L zL {'microgram/g dry wt.=L |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L }`L ~'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.=L 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.=L 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L @L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L .L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L PL 'microgram/g dry wt.=L 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.M @M M M .(@ M 'UTMM @ M 'UTMM M M 'microgram/g dry wt.=M 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M #M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M 0M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M \M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M M !'microgram/g dry wt.M "'Value as reported.M #M $'microgram/g dry wt.=M %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M &tM ''microgram/g dry wt.M ('Value as reported.M )BM *'microgram/g dry wt.M +'Value as reported.M ,M -'microgram/g dry wt.M .'Value as reported.M /EM 0'microgram/g dry wt.M 1'Value as reported.M 5M 6'microgram/g dry wt.M 7'Value as reported.M 8>M 9'microgram/g dry wt.M :'Value as reported.M ;LM <'microgram/g dry wt.M ='Value as reported.M >M ?'microgram/g dry wt.M @'Value as reported.M A M B'microgram/g dry wt.M C'Value as reported.M D%M E'microgram/g dry wt.M F'Value as reported.M GM H'microgram/g dry wt.M I'Value as reported.M JM K'microgram/g dry wt.=M L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M PM Q'microgram/g dry wt.M R'Value as reported.M ShM T'microgram/g dry wt.M U'Value as reported.M V#M W'microgram/g dry wt.M X'Value as reported.M YM Z'microgram/g dry wt.M ['Value as reported.M \M ]'microgram/g dry wt.M ^'Value as reported.M hM i'microgram/g dry wt.M j'Value as reported.M k`mM l'microgram/g dry wt.M m'Value as reported.M nM o'microgram/g dry wt.M p'Value as reported.M q2M r'microgram/g dry wt.M s'Value as reported.M t$M u'microgram/g dry wt.M v'Value as reported.M wM x'microgram/g dry wt.=M y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M zM {'microgram/g dry wt.=M |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M }bM ~'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M $M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.=M 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.=M 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M FM 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M .M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M PM 'microgram/g dry wt.=M 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M M 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.M PM 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.N DN N N @ N 'UTMN \@ N 'UTMN N  N 'microgram/g dry wt.N 'Value as reported.N #N $'microgram/g dry wt.N %'Value as reported.N )N *'microgram/g dry wt.N +'Value as reported.N /'N 0'microgram/g dry wt.N 1'Value as reported.N ;N <'microgram/g dry wt.N ='Value as reported.N SN T'microgram/g dry wt.N U'Value as reported.O DO O O @ O 'UTMO \@ O 'UTMO O (#O 'microgram/g dry wt.O 'Value as reported.O #EO $'microgram/g dry wt.O %'Value as reported.O )%O *'microgram/g dry wt.O +'Value as reported.O /'O 0'microgram/g dry wt.O 1'Value as reported.O ;O <'microgram/g dry wt.O ='Value as reported.O SO T'microgram/g dry wt.O U'Value as reported.P DP P P @ P 'UTMP \@ P 'UTMP P X4P 'microgram/g dry wt.P 'Value as reported.P #EP $'microgram/g dry wt.P %'Value as reported.P )%P *'microgram/g dry wt.P +'Value as reported.P /'P 0'microgram/g dry wt.P 1'Value as reported.P ;P <'microgram/g dry wt.P ='Value as reported.P SP T'microgram/g dry wt.P U'Value as reported.Q DQ Q Q @ Q 'UTMQ \@ Q 'UTMQ Q 6Q 'microgram/g dry wt.Q 'Value as reported.Q #EQ $'microgram/g dry wt.Q %'Value as reported.Q )Q *'microgram/g dry wt.Q +'Value as reported.Q /'Q 0'microgram/g dry wt.Q 1'Value as reported.Q ;Q <'microgram/g dry wt.Q ='Value as reported.Q SQ T'microgram/g dry wt.Q U'Value as reported.R DR  R R @ R 'UTMR \@ R 'UTMR R @8R 'microgram/g dry wt.R 'Value as reported.R #%R $'microgram/g dry wt.R %'Value as reported.R )R *'microgram/g dry wt.R +'Value as reported.R /GR 0'microgram/g dry wt.R 1'Value as reported.R ;R <'microgram/g dry wt.R ='Value as reported.R SR T'microgram/g dry wt.R U'Value as reported.S DS  S S @ S 'UTMS \@ S 'UTMS S (S 'microgram/g dry wt.S 'Value as reported.S #eS $'microgram/g dry wt.S %'Value as reported.S )S *'microgram/g dry wt.S +'Value as reported.S /'S 0'microgram/g dry wt.S 1'Value as reported.S ;S <'microgram/g dry wt.S ='Value as reported.S SS T'microgram/g dry wt.S U'Value as reported.T DT T T @ T 'UTMT \@ T 'UTMT T `;T 'microgram/g dry wt.T 'Value as reported.T #eT $'microgram/g dry wt.T %'Value as reported.T )T *'microgram/g dry wt.T +'Value as reported.T /'T 0'microgram/g dry wt.T 1'Value as reported.T ;%T <'microgram/g dry wt.T ='Value as reported.T ST T'microgram/g dry wt.T U'Value as reported.U DU U U @ U 'UTMU \@ U 'UTMU U X4U 'microgram/g dry wt.U 'Value as reported.U #eU $'microgram/g dry wt.U %'Value as reported.U )%U *'microgram/g dry wt.U +'Value as reported.U /'U 0'microgram/g dry wt.U 1'Value as reported.U ;%U <'microgram/g dry wt.U ='Value as reported.U SU T'microgram/g dry wt.U U'Value as reported.V DV V V @ V 'UTMV \@ V 'UTMV V /V 'microgram/g dry wt.V 'Value as reported.V #EV $'microgram/g dry wt.V %'Value as reported.V )%V *'microgram/g dry wt.V +'Value as reported.V /'V 0'microgram/g dry wt.V 1'Value as reported.V ;V <'microgram/g dry wt.V ='Value as reported.V SV T'microgram/g dry wt.V U'Value as reported.W DW W W @ W 'UTMW \@ W 'UTMW W %W 'microgram/g dry wt.W 'Value as reported.W #%W $'microgram/g dry wt.W %'Value as reported.W )EW *'microgram/g dry wt.W +'Value as reported.W /'W 0'microgram/g dry wt.W 1'Value as reported.W ;W <'microgram/g dry wt.W ='Value as reported.W SW T'microgram/g dry wt.W U'Value as reported.X DX X X 0333@ X 'UTMX hfffF@ X 'UTMX X H?X 'microgram/g dry wt.X 'Value as reported.X #X $'microgram/g dry wt.X %'Value as reported.X ) X *'microgram/g dry wt.X +'Value as reported.X /X 0'microgram/g dry wt.X 1'Value as reported.X ;X <'microgram/g dry wt.X ='Value as reported.X S:X T'microgram/g dry wt.X U'Value as reported.Y DY Y Y 0333@ Y 'UTMY hfffF@ Y 'UTMY Y `"Y 'microgram/g dry wt.Y 'Value as reported.Y #Y $'microgram/g dry wt.Y %'Value as reported.Y )Y *'microgram/g dry wt.Y +'Value as reported.Y /GY 0'microgram/g dry wt.Y 1'Value as reported.Y ; Y <'microgram/g dry wt.Y ='Value as reported.Y S&Y T'microgram/g dry wt.Y U'Value as reported.Z DZ Z Z 0333@ Z 'UTMZ hfffF@ Z 'UTMZ Z `;Z 'microgram/g dry wt.Z 'Value as reported.Z #EZ $'microgram/g dry wt.Z %'Value as reported.Z ) Z *'microgram/g dry wt.Z +'Value as reported.Z /GZ 0'microgram/g dry wt.Z 1'Value as reported.Z ;%Z <'microgram/g dry wt.Z ='Value as reported.Z S2Z T'microgram/g dry wt.Z U'Value as reported.[ D[ [ [ 0333@ [ 'UTM[ hfffF@ [ 'UTM[ [ :[ 'microgram/g dry wt.[ 'Value as reported.[ #e[ $'microgram/g dry wt.[ %'Value as reported.[ )[ *'microgram/g dry wt.[ +'Value as reported.[ /'[ 0'microgram/g dry wt.[ 1'Value as reported.[ ;[ <'microgram/g dry wt.[ ='Value as reported.[ S*[ T'microgram/g dry wt.[ U'Value as reported.\ D\ \ \ 0333@ \ 'UTM\ hfffF@ \ 'UTM\ \ 0*\ 'microgram/g dry wt.\ 'Value as reported.\ #E\ $'microgram/g dry wt.\ %'Value as reported.\ )\ *'microgram/g dry wt.\ +'Value as reported.\ /G\ 0'microgram/g dry wt.\ 1'Value as reported.\ ;E\ <'microgram/g dry wt.\ ='Value as reported.\ S\ T'microgram/g dry wt.\ U'Value as reported.] D]  ] ] 0333@ ] 'UTM] hfffF@ ] 'UTM] ] /] 'microgram/g dry wt.] 'Value as reported.] #E] $'microgram/g dry wt.] %'Value as reported.] )] *'microgram/g dry wt.] +'Value as reported.] /G] 0'microgram/g dry wt.] 1'Value as reported.] ;e] <'microgram/g dry wt.] ='Value as reported.] S$] T'microgram/g dry wt.] U'Value as reported.^ D^ "^ ^ 0333@ ^ 'UTM^ hfffF@ ^ 'UTM^ ^ h)^ 'microgram/g dry wt.^ 'Value as reported.^ #e^ $'microgram/g dry wt.^ %'Value as reported.^ )%^ *'microgram/g dry wt.^ +'Value as reported.^ /'^ 0'microgram/g dry wt.^ 1'Value as reported.^ ;^ <'microgram/g dry wt.^ ='Value as reported.^ S$^ T'microgram/g dry wt.^ U'Value as reported._ D_ $_ _ 0333@ _ 'UTM_ hfffF@ _ 'UTM_ _ (<_ 'microgram/g dry wt._ 'Value as reported._ #e_ $'microgram/g dry wt._ %'Value as reported._ )_ *'microgram/g dry wt._ +'Value as reported._ /'_ 0'microgram/g dry wt._ 1'Value as reported._ ;_ <'microgram/g dry wt._ ='Value as reported._ S(_ T'microgram/g dry wt._ U'Value as reported.` D` &` ` 0333@ ` 'UTM` hfffF@ ` 'UTM` ` XM` 'microgram/g dry wt.` 'Value as reported.` #` $'microgram/g dry wt.` %'Value as reported.` )` *'microgram/g dry wt.` +'Value as reported.` /G` 0'microgram/g dry wt.` 1'Value as reported.` ;E ` <'microgram/g dry wt.` ='Value as reported.` S0` T'microgram/g dry wt.` U'Value as reported.a Da (a a 0333@ a 'UTMa hfffF@ a 'UTMa a Ga 'microgram/g dry wt.a 'Value as reported.a #ea $'microgram/g dry wt.a %'Value as reported.a )a *'microgram/g dry wt.a +'Value as reported.a /Ga 0'microgram/g dry wt.a 1'Value as reported.a ;Ea <'microgram/g dry wt.a ='Value as reported.a S,a T'microgram/g dry wt.a U'Value as reported.b Db *b b (/@ b 'UTMb Aݻ@ b 'UTMb b Nb 'microgram/g dry wt.b 'Value as reported.b #eb $'microgram/g dry wt.b %'Value as reported.b )b *'microgram/g dry wt.b +'Value as reported.b /Gb 0'microgram/g dry wt.b 1'Value as reported.b ;b <'microgram/g dry wt.b ='Value as reported.b SJb T'microgram/g dry wt.b U'Value as reported.c Dc ,c c (/@ c 'UTMc Aݻ@ c 'UTMc c xPc 'microgram/g dry wt.c 'Value as reported.c #ec $'microgram/g dry wt.c %'Value as reported.c )ec *'microgram/g dry wt.c +'Value as reported.c /Gc 0'microgram/g dry wt.c 1'Value as reported.c ;c <'microgram/g dry wt.c ='Value as reported.c S0c T'microgram/g dry wt.c U'Value as reported.d Dd .d d (/@ d 'UTMd Aݻ@ d 'UTMd d Yd 'microgram/g dry wt.d 'Value as reported.d #ed $'microgram/g dry wt.d %'Value as reported.d )%d *'microgram/g dry wt.d +'Value as reported.d /gd 0'microgram/g dry wt.d 1'Value as reported.d ;d <'microgram/g dry wt.d ='Value as reported.d S2d T'microgram/g dry wt.d U'Value as reported.e De 0e e (/@ e 'UTMe Aݻ@ e 'UTMe e Re 'microgram/g dry wt.e 'Value as reported.e #ee $'microgram/g dry wt.e %'Value as reported.e )%e *'microgram/g dry wt.e +'Value as reported.e /Ge 0'microgram/g dry wt.e 1'Value as reported.e ;e <'microgram/g dry wt.e ='Value as reported.e S4e T'microgram/g dry wt.e U'Value as reported.f Df 2f f (/@ f 'UTMf Aݻ@ f 'UTMf f x7f 'microgram/g dry wt.f 'Value as reported.f #ef $'microgram/g dry wt.f %'Value as reported.f ) f *'microgram/g dry wt.f +'Value as reported.f /Gf 0'microgram/g dry wt.f 1'Value as reported.f ;f <'microgram/g dry wt.f ='Value as reported.f Sf T'microgram/g dry wt.f U'Value as reported.g Dg 4g g (/@ g 'UTMg Aݻ@ g 'UTMg g 6g 'microgram/g dry wt.g 'Value as reported.g #eg $'microgram/g dry wt.g %'Value as reported.g )Eg *'microgram/g dry wt.g +'Value as reported.g /'g 0'microgram/g dry wt.g 1'Value as reported.g ;g <'microgram/g dry wt.g ='Value as reported.g Sg T'microgram/g dry wt.g U'Value as reported.h Dh 6h h (/@ h 'UTMh Aݻ@ h 'UTMh h X4h 'microgram/g dry wt.h 'Value as reported.h #Eh $'microgram/g dry wt.h %'Value as reported.h )%h *'microgram/g dry wt.h +'Value as reported.h /Gh 0'microgram/g dry wt.h 1'Value as reported.h ;h <'microgram/g dry wt.h ='Value as reported.h Sh T'microgram/g dry wt.h U'Value as reported.i Di 8i i (/@ i 'UTMi Aݻ@ i 'UTMi i .i 'microgram/g dry wt.i 'Value as reported.i #ei $'microgram/g dry wt.i %'Value as reported.i )i *'microgram/g dry wt.i +'Value as reported.i /'i 0'microgram/g dry wt.i 1'Value as reported.i ;i <'microgram/g dry wt.i ='Value as reported.i Si T'microgram/g dry wt.i U'Value as reported.j Dj :j j (/@ j 'UTMj Aݻ@ j 'UTMj j /j 'microgram/g dry wt.j 'Value as reported.j #Ej $'microgram/g dry wt.j %'Value as reported.j )j *'microgram/g dry wt.j +'Value as reported.j /'j 0'microgram/g dry wt.j 1'Value as reported.j ;j <'microgram/g dry wt.j ='Value as reported.j Sj T'microgram/g dry wt.j U'Value as reported.k Dk <k k (/@ k 'UTMk Aݻ@ k 'UTMk k 'k 'microgram/g dry wt.k 'Value as reported.k #Ek $'microgram/g dry wt.k %'Value as reported.k )k *'microgram/g dry wt.k +'Value as reported.k /'k 0'microgram/g dry wt.k 1'Value as reported.k ;k <'microgram/g dry wt.k ='Value as reported.k Sk T'microgram/g dry wt.k U'Value as reported.l Dl >l l qN@ l 'UTMl 0333s@ l 'UTMl l ` @l 'microgram/g dry wt.l 'Value as reported.l #l $'microgram/g dry wt.l %'Value as reported.l )Fl *'microgram/g dry wt.l +'Value as reported.l /l 0'microgram/g dry wt.l 1'Value as reported.l ;`l <'microgram/g dry wt.l ='Value as reported.l S$l T'microgram/g dry wt.l U'Value as reported.m Dm @m m qN@ m 'UTMm 0333s@ m 'UTMm m ؋ @m 'microgram/g dry wt.m 'Value as reported.m #m $'microgram/g dry wt.m %'Value as reported.m )EFm *'microgram/g dry wt.m +'Value as reported.m /'m 0'microgram/g dry wt.m 1'Value as reported.m ;e\m <'microgram/g dry wt.m ='Value as reported.m Sm T'microgram/g dry wt.m U'Value as reported.n Dn Bn n qN@ n 'UTMn 0333s@ n 'UTMn n  @n 'microgram/g dry wt.n 'Value as reported.n #n $'microgram/g dry wt.n %'Value as reported.n )Cn *'microgram/g dry wt.n +'Value as reported.n /Gn 0'microgram/g dry wt.n 1'Value as reported.n ;e\n <'microgram/g dry wt.n ='Value as reported.n Sn T'microgram/g dry wt.n U'Value as reported.o Do Do o qN@ o 'UTMo 0333s@ o 'UTMo o #o 'microgram/g dry wt.o 'Value as reported.o #%o $'microgram/g dry wt.o %'Value as reported.o )fo *'microgram/g dry wt.o +'Value as reported.o /u o 0'microgram/g dry wt.o 1'Value as reported.o ;hfffff@o <'microgram/g dry wt.o ='Value as reported.o So T'microgram/g dry wt.o U'Value as reported.p Dp Fp p qN@ p 'UTMp 0333s@ p 'UTMp p Sp 'microgram/g dry wt.p 'Value as reported.p #p $'microgram/g dry wt.p %'Value as reported.p )Efp *'microgram/g dry wt.p +'Value as reported.p /]p 0'microgram/g dry wt.p 1'Value as reported.p ;L@p <'microgram/g dry wt.p ='Value as reported.p Slp T'microgram/g dry wt.p U'Value as reported.q Dq Hq q qN@ q 'UTMq 0333s@ q 'UTMq q  @q 'microgram/g dry wt.q 'Value as reported.q #%q $'microgram/g dry wt.q %'Value as reported.q )q *'microgram/g dry wt.q +'Value as reported.q /'q 0'microgram/g dry wt.q 1'Value as reported.q ;%Xq <'microgram/g dry wt.q ='Value as reported.q Sq T'microgram/g dry wt.q U'Value as reported.r Dr Jr r qN@ r 'UTMr 0333s@ r 'UTMr r Qr 'microgram/g dry wt.r 'Value as reported.r #%r $'microgram/g dry wt.r %'Value as reported.r )Zr *'microgram/g dry wt.r +'Value as reported.r /r 0'microgram/g dry wt.r 1'Value as reported.r ;Dr <'microgram/g dry wt.r ='Value as reported.r Sdr T'microgram/g dry wt.r U'Value as reported.s Ds Ls s qN@ s 'UTMs 0333s@ s 'UTMs s  @s 'microgram/g dry wt.s 'Value as reported.s #s $'microgram/g dry wt.s %'Value as reported.s )xs *'microgram/g dry wt.s +'Value as reported.s /s 0'microgram/g dry wt.s 1'Value as reported.s ;eVs <'microgram/g dry wt.s ='Value as reported.s Sbs T'microgram/g dry wt.s U'Value as reported.t Dt Nt t qN@ t 'UTMt 0333s@ t 'UTMt t yt 'microgram/g dry wt.t 'Value as reported.t #t $'microgram/g dry wt.t %'Value as reported.t )033333@t *'microgram/g dry wt.t +'Value as reported.t /Gt 0'microgram/g dry wt.t 1'Value as reported.t ;%kt <'microgram/g dry wt.t ='Value as reported.t Slt T'microgram/g dry wt.t U'Value as reported.u Du Pu u qN@ u 'UTMu 0333s@ u 'UTMu u (nu 'microgram/g dry wt.u 'Value as reported.u #u $'microgram/g dry wt.u %'Value as reported.u )hfffff@u *'microgram/g dry wt.u +'Value as reported.u /Eu 0'microgram/g dry wt.u 1'Value as reported.u ;hfffff@u <'microgram/g dry wt.u ='Value as reported.u Su T'microgram/g dry wt.u U'Value as reported.v Dv Rv v qN@ v 'UTMv 0333s@ v 'UTMv v 8cv 'microgram/g dry wt.v 'Value as reported.v #%v $'microgram/g dry wt.v %'Value as reported.v )%<v *'microgram/g dry wt.v +'Value as reported.v /%v 0'microgram/g dry wt.v 1'Value as reported.v ;%Dv <'microgram/g dry wt.v ='Value as reported.v Sv T'microgram/g dry wt.v U'Value as reported.w Dw Tw w qN@ w 'UTMw 0333s@ w 'UTMw w P-w 'microgram/g dry wt.w 'Value as reported.w #w $'microgram/g dry wt.w %'Value as reported.w ) w *'microgram/g dry wt.w +'Value as reported.w /gw 0'microgram/g dry wt.w 1'Value as reported.w ;e w <'microgram/g dry wt.w ='Value as reported.w SHw T'microgram/g dry wt.w U'Value as reported.x Dx Vx x 0333B@ x 'UTMx @ x 'UTMx x Pxx 'microgram/g dry wt.x 'Value as reported.x #%x $'microgram/g dry wt.x %'Value as reported.x )x *'microgram/g dry wt.x +'Value as reported.x /x 0'microgram/g dry wt.x 1'Value as reported.x ;%'x <'microgram/g dry wt.x ='Value as reported.x Sx T'microgram/g dry wt.x U'Value as reported.y Dy Xy y 0333B@ y 'UTMy @ y 'UTMy y 8|y 'microgram/g dry wt.y 'Value as reported.y #ey $'microgram/g dry wt.y %'Value as reported.y ) y *'microgram/g dry wt.y +'Value as reported.y /y 0'microgram/g dry wt.y 1'Value as reported.y ;%0y <'microgram/g dry wt.y ='Value as reported.y SPy T'microgram/g dry wt.y U'Value as reported.z Dz Zz z 0333B@ z 'UTMz @ z 'UTMz z ` @z 'microgram/g dry wt.z 'Value as reported.z #z $'microgram/g dry wt.z %'Value as reported.z )z *'microgram/g dry wt.z +'Value as reported.z /Ez 0'microgram/g dry wt.z 1'Value as reported.z ;z <'microgram/g dry wt.z ='Value as reported.z Sz T'microgram/g dry wt.z U'Value as reported.{ D{ \{ { 0333B@ { 'UTM{ @ { 'UTM{ { A{ 'microgram/g dry wt.{ 'Value as reported.{ #{ $'microgram/g dry wt.{ %'Value as reported.{ )"{ *'microgram/g dry wt.{ +'Value as reported.{ /g{ 0'microgram/g dry wt.{ 1'Value as reported.{ ;%2{ <'microgram/g dry wt.{ ='Value as reported.{ S^{ T'microgram/g dry wt.{ U'Value as reported.| D| ^| | 0333B@ | 'UTM| @ | 'UTM| |  @| 'microgram/g dry wt.| 'Value as reported.| #e| $'microgram/g dry wt.| %'Value as reported.| )E-| *'microgram/g dry wt.| +'Value as reported.| /G | 0'microgram/g dry wt.| 1'Value as reported.| ;eH| <'microgram/g dry wt.| ='Value as reported.| S| T'microgram/g dry wt.| U'Value as reported.} D} `} } 0333B@ } 'UTM} @ } 'UTM} }  @} 'microgram/g dry wt.} 'Value as reported.} #E} $'microgram/g dry wt.} %'Value as reported.} )'} *'microgram/g dry wt.} +'Value as reported.} /g} 0'microgram/g dry wt.} 1'Value as reported.} ;T} <'microgram/g dry wt.} ='Value as reported.} S} T'microgram/g dry wt.} U'Value as reported.~ D~ b~ ~ 0333B@ ~ 'UTM~ @ ~ 'UTM~ ~ }~ 'microgram/g dry wt.~ 'Value as reported.~ #~ $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Value as reported.~ )E~ *'microgram/g dry wt.~ +'Value as reported.~ /U~ 0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Value as reported.~ ;e~ <'microgram/g dry wt.~ ='Value as reported.~ S~ T'microgram/g dry wt.~ U'Value as reported. D d  0333B@  'UTM @  'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S\ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D f  0333B@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  / 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S> T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D h  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @j 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;? <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D j  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @j 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e" *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;> <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D l  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  U 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /U 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;3 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D n  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  h @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D p  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  P @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )j *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%[ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D r  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  0u 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E, *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;^ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SR T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D t  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  P_ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%! *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;' <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D v  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  ~ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )1 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D x  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  ` 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D z  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )! *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D |  0333q#@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  ( @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D ~  w@ 'UTM h޺@ 'UTM  N 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E6 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   w@ 'UTM h޺@ 'UTM  0C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   w@ 'UTM h޺@ 'UTM   N 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   w@ 'UTM h޺@ 'UTM  w 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   w@ 'UTM h޺@ 'UTM  Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sd T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   w@ 'UTM h޺@ 'UTM  U 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S\ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ;@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @Q 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;' <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ;@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  9 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ;@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;* <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. ST T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ;@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  R 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;. <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ;@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  k 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ). *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ;@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  (U 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%D <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sn T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM  W 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;\ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM  g 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SP T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM  y 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sj T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sp T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM  S 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )" *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM  H @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ^@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sx T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   <ޗ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )> *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%S <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   <ޗ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%^ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   <ޗ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%l <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   <ޗ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  y 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;z <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   <ޗ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /u 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%> <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S4 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   <ޗ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  O 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /u 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;3 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sh T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   <ޗ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  D 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e* <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   <ޗ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  0\ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /'  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;1 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM  (n 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%1 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S" T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM  o 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e' <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S> T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM  H? 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM  # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM  x @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S8 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM  Px 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   hfffզ@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM  p0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM  ؋ @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )^ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%Q <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )EN *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SP T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM  S 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )S *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;u <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM  h @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;n <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM  H @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )a *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;d <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S, T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM  h @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )] *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;hfffff@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )ew *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /( 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;hffff@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM  H @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )w *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;033333@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S^ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )EY *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /u 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̎@ 'UTM I@ 'UTM  g 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )Z *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;I <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E1 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;| <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )X *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;ES <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM  @ @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )` *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e^ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S^ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )eB *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /'  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%_ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )A *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;T <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )V *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SX T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM  Q 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e8 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SL T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM ѹ@ 'UTM  8 @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%! *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  0\ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%# *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;5 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S4 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  Y 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )D *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )Z *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  P @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )t *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;eX <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  Hq 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%N *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;` <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  @ @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;eW <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  0u 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e0 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;0 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S, T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  Н @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   @ 'UTM i@ 'UTM  x @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̝@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e9 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;^ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̝@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )Ek *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /( 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;hfffff@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D    ̝@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )0 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E6 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D    ̝@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  p0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S* T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̝@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  0* 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S" T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  P_ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )* *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;EE <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  0\ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E# *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /'  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e5 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S` T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  h 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sp T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  HX 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S2 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  81 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  P_ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )- *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;P <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;2 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D    ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D "  ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  n 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;B <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. St T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D $  ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  ` @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )h *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;U <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D &  ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%1 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;B <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sn T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D (  ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )C *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%` <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D *  ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  xi 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%? *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E_ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D ,  ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )! *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;1 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D .  ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  } 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )EY *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%} <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D 0  ̉`@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  xi 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )D *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;S <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D 2  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )' *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;7 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S` T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D 4  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )A *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%V <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D 6  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )P *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;eg <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sh T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D 8  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%F *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;V <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D :  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  p @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )# *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D <  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D >  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  XM 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D @  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  @j 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D B  T@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  Y 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S, T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D D  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM  (n 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E6 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SB T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D F  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM  (n 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e9 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SP T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D H  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM  ؤ @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )a *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /U 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SX T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D J  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%k *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G+ 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;03333@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D L  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )l *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /+ 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D N  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )ev *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;hfffff@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D P  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM  ( @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;eM <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SR T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D R  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sr T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D T  hfff?@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sl T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D V  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  `; 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D X  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  N 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SJ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D Z  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SD T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D \  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S8 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D ^  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  @8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S8 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D `  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SN T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D b  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  H? 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D d  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  h[ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. ST T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D f  0333D@ 'UTM ̌@ 'UTM  P_ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SX T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D h  0333D@  'UTM ̌@  'UTM  0C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;E  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SB T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D j  hfff+@  'UTM l2@  'UTM  d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )# *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SR T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D l  hfff+@  'UTM l2@  'UTM  W 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )b *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D n  hfff+@  'UTM l2@  'UTM  p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D p  hfff+@  'UTM l2@  'UTM  r 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sh T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D r  hfff+@  'UTM l2@  'UTM  O 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SV T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D t  hfff+@  'UTM l2@  'UTM  3 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S* T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D v  #@  'UTM p@  'UTM  ` @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )4 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D x  #@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;I <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D z  #@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )S *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sh T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D |  #@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM  0 @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )%K *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;f <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D ~  #@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )Z *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;y <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   #@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM  0 @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )e^ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%~ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S: T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   #@  'UTM p@  'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )r *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /'  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;hfffff@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S\ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. D   #@  'UTM p@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )o *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;hfffff@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. F   hfffzt@  'UTM l^@  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )0 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;F <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VC W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k`m l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qT r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t' u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. D 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F   ,@  'UTM hfffF@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &h ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )$ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 80 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;< <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VC W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k8J l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t3 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }t ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F  f @  'UTM hfff @  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &t ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )" *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 80 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;0 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V} W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y] Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k/ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qP r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tE u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. D 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. F   0333݈@  'UTM |@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &j ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )" *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V} W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k5 l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qL r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tH? u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. F    ׁ@  'UTM hfffF@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &p ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;2 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >( ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VC W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y N Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k@ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qF r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t/ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }~ ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. F    hfffц@  'UTM @  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &r ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 84 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >( ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G% H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. kU l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tX4 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }v ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F   hfffц@  'UTM @  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &p ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )N *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 86 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;~ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VC W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. kU l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t 5 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }v ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F   hfffц@  'UTM @  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &r ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 86 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;r <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. kU l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qF r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t81 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }| ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F   hfff@  'UTM 0@  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &p ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 84 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;B <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VC W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y] Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k@ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qF r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@8 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }~ ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. F   ;@  'UTM @  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ` 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &h ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8, 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;0 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VC W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y6 Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k' l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q> r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t= u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }p ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. F   ̍@  'UTM yA@  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &^ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8, 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >`  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. ke l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q6 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tp0 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }b ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F   t@  'UTM ͸@  'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &X ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8* 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;& <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. De E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Pr Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V# W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. kG l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q6 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t: u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }h ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F   @  'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8R 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qJ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. th) u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F   @  'UTM @  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )\ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8F 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;x <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AH  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S0 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vc W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. kc l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qP r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t. u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F   0333Eӈ@  'UTM U@  'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &Z ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >x ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P| Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VA W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k0u l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qD r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t= u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }| ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F    ̉$@  'UTM @  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &z ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )* *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. De E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V# W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. k`m l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qT r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t> u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. D 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F "  N<@ 'UTM q@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &x ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V# W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. kU l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qP r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tH? u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! F! $! !  @ ! 'UTM! @ ! 'UTM! ! %! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! c! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! E! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! $! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! !'microgram/g dry wt.! "'Value as reported.! #e! $'microgram/g dry wt.! %'Value as reported.! &^! ''microgram/g dry wt.! ('Value as reported.! )! *'microgram/g dry wt.! +'Value as reported.! ,! -'microgram/g dry wt.! .'Value as reported.! /G! 0'microgram/g dry wt.! 1'Value as reported.! 5! 6'microgram/g dry wt.=! 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! 8(! 9'microgram/g dry wt.! :'Value as reported.! ;&! <'microgram/g dry wt.! ='Value as reported.! >P! ?'microgram/g dry wt.! @'Value as reported.! Ax! B'microgram/g dry wt.! C'Value as reported.! D! E'microgram/g dry wt.! F'Value as reported.! G! H'microgram/g dry wt.! I'Value as reported.! J ! K'microgram/g dry wt.=! L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! P! Q'microgram/g dry wt.! R'Value as reported.! S! T'microgram/g dry wt.! U'Value as reported.! Vc! W'microgram/g dry wt.! X'Value as reported.! Y#! Z'microgram/g dry wt.! ['Value as reported.! kD! l'microgram/g dry wt.! m'Value as reported.! n! o'microgram/g dry wt.! p'Value as reported.! qH! r'microgram/g dry wt.! s'Value as reported.! t:! u'microgram/g dry wt.! v'Value as reported.! w! x'microgram/g dry wt.=! y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! z! {'microgram/g dry wt.=! |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! }! ~'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.=! 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.=! 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! .! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! :! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! P! 'microgram/g dry wt.=! 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! 2! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.=! 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." F" &" @" @ " 'UTM" 0333@ " 'UTM" " E" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." E" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " !'microgram/g dry wt." "'Value as reported." #" $'microgram/g dry wt." %'Value as reported." &^" ''microgram/g dry wt." ('Value as reported." )(" *'microgram/g dry wt." +'Value as reported." ,Q" -'microgram/g dry wt." .'Value as reported." /g" 0'microgram/g dry wt." 1'Value as reported." 5" 6'microgram/g dry wt.=" 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." 8*" 9'microgram/g dry wt." :'Value as reported." ;(" <'microgram/g dry wt." ='Value as reported." >" ?'microgram/g dry wt." @'Value as reported." A@" B'microgram/g dry wt." C'Value as reported." D" E'microgram/g dry wt." F'Value as reported." G" H'microgram/g dry wt." I'Value as reported." J " K'microgram/g dry wt.=" L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." P" Q'microgram/g dry wt." R'Value as reported." S" T'microgram/g dry wt." U'Value as reported." VA" W'microgram/g dry wt." X'Value as reported." Y" Z'microgram/g dry wt." ['Value as reported." k N" l'microgram/g dry wt." m'Value as reported." n" o'microgram/g dry wt." p'Value as reported." qH" r'microgram/g dry wt." s'Value as reported." t=" u'microgram/g dry wt." v'Value as reported." w" x'microgram/g dry wt.=" y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." z" {'microgram/g dry wt.=" |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." }~" ~'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt.=" 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt.=" 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." ," 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." :" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." P" 'microgram/g dry wt.=" 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." 4" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." %" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt.=" 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# F# (# # 03332L@ # 'UTM# @ # 'UTM# # %# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # !'microgram/g dry wt.# "'Value as reported.# #e# $'microgram/g dry wt.# %'Value as reported.# &\# ''microgram/g dry wt.# ('Value as reported.# )&# *'microgram/g dry wt.# +'Value as reported.# ,# -'microgram/g dry wt.# .'Value as reported.# /g# 0'microgram/g dry wt.# 1'Value as reported.# 5# 6'microgram/g dry wt.=# 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# 8*# 9'microgram/g dry wt.# :'Value as reported.# ;# <'microgram/g dry wt.# ='Value as reported.# >(# ?'microgram/g dry wt.# @'Value as reported.# A# B'microgram/g dry wt.# C'Value as reported.# D# E'microgram/g dry wt.# F'Value as reported.# G# H'microgram/g dry wt.# I'Value as reported.# J # K'microgram/g dry wt.=# L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# P# Q'microgram/g dry wt.# R'Value as reported.# S# T'microgram/g dry wt.# U'Value as reported.# V## W'microgram/g dry wt.# X'Value as reported.# YD# Z'microgram/g dry wt.# ['Value as reported.# k'# l'microgram/g dry wt.# m'Value as reported.# n# o'microgram/g dry wt.# p'Value as reported.# qF# r'microgram/g dry wt.# s'Value as reported.# tA# u'microgram/g dry wt.# v'Value as reported.# w# x'microgram/g dry wt.=# y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# z# {'microgram/g dry wt.=# |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# }~# ~'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# ,# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# 8# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# P# 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# 4# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# %# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# # 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ F$ *$ $ ̰1@ $ 'UTM$ ̔[@ $ 'UTM$ $ E$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ !'microgram/g dry wt.$ "'Value as reported.$ #$ $'microgram/g dry wt.$ %'Value as reported.$ &~$ ''microgram/g dry wt.$ ('Value as reported.$ )$$ *'microgram/g dry wt.$ +'Value as reported.$ ,c$ -'microgram/g dry wt.$ .'Value as reported.$ /g$ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Value as reported.$ 5$ 6'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ 84$ 9'microgram/g dry wt.$ :'Value as reported.$ ;4$ <'microgram/g dry wt.$ ='Value as reported.$ >($ ?'microgram/g dry wt.$ @'Value as reported.$ A$ B'microgram/g dry wt.$ C'Value as reported.$ D$ E'microgram/g dry wt.$ F'Value as reported.$ G$ H'microgram/g dry wt.$ I'Value as reported.$ J $ K'microgram/g dry wt.=$ L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ P$ Q'microgram/g dry wt.$ R'Value as reported.$ S$ T'microgram/g dry wt.$ U'Value as reported.$ V}$ W'microgram/g dry wt.$ X'Value as reported.$ Y#$ Z'microgram/g dry wt.$ ['Value as reported.$ kH$ l'microgram/g dry wt.$ m'Value as reported.$ n$ o'microgram/g dry wt.$ p'Value as reported.$ qZ$ r'microgram/g dry wt.$ s'Value as reported.$ t@$ u'microgram/g dry wt.$ v'Value as reported.$ w$ x'microgram/g dry wt.=$ y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ z$ {'microgram/g dry wt.=$ |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ }$ ~'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ <$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ N$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ P$ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ 0$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ E$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% F% ,% % hfffg>@ % 'UTM% f@ % 'UTM% % E% 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.%  % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % !'microgram/g dry wt.% "'Value as reported.% #% $'microgram/g dry wt.% %'Value as reported.% &r% ''microgram/g dry wt.% ('Value as reported.% )"% *'microgram/g dry wt.% +'Value as reported.% ,Q% -'microgram/g dry wt.% .'Value as reported.% /g% 0'microgram/g dry wt.% 1'Value as reported.% 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.=% 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% 80% 9'microgram/g dry wt.% :'Value as reported.% ;0% <'microgram/g dry wt.% ='Value as reported.% >% ?'microgram/g dry wt.% @'Value as reported.% A@% B'microgram/g dry wt.% C'Value as reported.% De% E'microgram/g dry wt.% F'Value as reported.% G% H'microgram/g dry wt.% I'Value as reported.% J % K'microgram/g dry wt.=% L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% P% Q'microgram/g dry wt.% R'Value as reported.% S% T'microgram/g dry wt.% U'Value as reported.% V}% W'microgram/g dry wt.% X'Value as reported.% Y#% Z'microgram/g dry wt.% ['Value as reported.% kD% l'microgram/g dry wt.% m'Value as reported.% n% o'microgram/g dry wt.% p'Value as reported.% qX% r'microgram/g dry wt.% s'Value as reported.% thB% u'microgram/g dry wt.% v'Value as reported.% w% x'microgram/g dry wt.=% y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% z% {'microgram/g dry wt.=% |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% }% ~'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% <% 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% J% 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% P% 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.% .% 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% E% 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% % 'microgram/g dry wt.=% 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& H& & & hfffff@ & 'miles& +(@ & 'UTM& 0333a@ & 'UTM& & @& 'microgram/g dry wt.$& 'Analyzed for but not detected.& & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& #& $'microgram/g dry wt.=& %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& &(& ''microgram/g dry wt.& ('Value as reported.& )& *'microgram/g dry wt.=& +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& ,& -'microgram/g dry wt.& .'Value as reported.& /@& 0'microgram/g dry wt.$& 1'Analyzed for but not detected.& 8& 9'microgram/g dry wt.& :'Value as reported.& ;& <'microgram/g dry wt.& ='Value as reported.& >& ?'microgram/g dry wt.& @'Value as reported.& S% & T'microgram/g dry wt.& U'Value as reported.' H' ' ' `@ ' 'miles' (@ ' 'UTM' 0333b@ ' 'UTM' ' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' #' $'microgram/g dry wt.=' %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' &' ''microgram/g dry wt.' ('Value as reported.' )' *'microgram/g dry wt.' +'Value as reported.' /'' 0'microgram/g dry wt.=' 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' 8' 9'microgram/g dry wt.=' :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ;' <'microgram/g dry wt.' ='Value as reported.' >b' ?'microgram/g dry wt.' @'Value as reported.' D ' E'microgram/g dry wt.=' F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' S' T'microgram/g dry wt.' U'Value as reported.( H( ( ( (\_@ ( 'miles( #(@ ( 'UTM( e@ ( 'UTM( ( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.=( 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( #( $'microgram/g dry wt.( %'Value as reported.( &( ''microgram/g dry wt.( ('Value as reported.( ) ( *'microgram/g dry wt.( +'Value as reported.( /( 0'microgram/g dry wt.( 1'Value as reported.( 8 ( 9'microgram/g dry wt.( :'Value as reported.( ;( <'microgram/g dry wt.=( ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( A( B'microgram/g dry wt.( C'Value as reported.( S( T'microgram/g dry wt.( U'Value as reported.) H) ) )  Q^@ ) 'miles) (@ ) 'UTM) \@ ) 'UTM) ) %) 'microgram/g dry wt.=) 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) #) $'microgram/g dry wt.) %'Value as reported.) &) ''microgram/g dry wt.) ('Value as reported.) ) ) *'microgram/g dry wt.) +'Value as reported.) /) 0'microgram/g dry wt.) 1'Value as reported.) 8) 9'microgram/g dry wt.) :'Value as reported.) ;) <'microgram/g dry wt.=) ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) AZ) B'microgram/g dry wt.) C'Value as reported.) SB) T'microgram/g dry wt.) U'Value as reported.* H*  * * 9@ * 'miles* !@ * 'UTM* ̼@ * 'UTM* * * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* #e* $'microgram/g dry wt.=* %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* &* ''microgram/g dry wt.* ('Value as reported.* )* *'microgram/g dry wt.* +'Value as reported.* /'* 0'microgram/g dry wt.=* 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* 8* 9'microgram/g dry wt.=* :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* ;* <'microgram/g dry wt.* ='Value as reported.* >p* ?'microgram/g dry wt.* @'Value as reported.* DG * E'microgram/g dry wt.=* F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* S* T'microgram/g dry wt.* U'Value as reported.+ H+  + + 033333@ + 'miles+ 0333 @ + 'UTM+ hfff@ + 'UTM+ + @+ 'microgram/g dry wt.$+ 'Analyzed for but not detected.+ + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ #+ $'microgram/g dry wt.=+ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ &(+ ''microgram/g dry wt.+ ('Value as reported.+ )+ *'microgram/g dry wt.=+ +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ ,+ -'microgram/g dry wt.+ .'Value as reported.+ /@+ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$+ 1'Analyzed for but not detected.+ 8+ 9'microgram/g dry wt.+ :'Value as reported.+ ;P+ <'microgram/g dry wt.+ ='Value as reported.+ >+ ?'microgram/g dry wt.+ @'Value as reported.+ S2+ T'microgram/g dry wt.+ U'Value as reported., H, , , ,@ , 'miles, &@ , 'UTM, hfffF@ , 'UTM, , , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., #e, $'microgram/g dry wt.=, %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., &, ''microgram/g dry wt., ('Value as reported., )E, *'microgram/g dry wt., +'Value as reported., /', 0'microgram/g dry wt.=, 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., 8, 9'microgram/g dry wt.=, :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., ;%, <'microgram/g dry wt., ='Value as reported., >, ?'microgram/g dry wt., @'Value as reported., D , E'microgram/g dry wt.=, F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., S%, T'microgram/g dry wt., U'Value as reported.- H- - -  @ - 'miles- 0333@ - 'UTM- @ - 'UTM- - - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- #e- $'microgram/g dry wt.=- %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- & - ''microgram/g dry wt.- ('Value as reported.- ) - *'microgram/g dry wt.- +'Value as reported.- /'- 0'microgram/g dry wt.=- 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- 8 - 9'microgram/g dry wt.- :'Value as reported.- ;- <'microgram/g dry wt.- ='Value as reported.- >8- ?'microgram/g dry wt.- @'Value as reported.- D' - E'microgram/g dry wt.=- F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- S- T'microgram/g dry wt.- U'Value as reported.. H. . . @ ףp @ . 'miles. 0333@ . 'UTM. @ . 'UTM. . @. 'microgram/g dry wt.$. 'Analyzed for but not detected.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. #. $'microgram/g dry wt.=. %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. &. ''microgram/g dry wt.=. ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. ). *'microgram/g dry wt.=. +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. ,. -'microgram/g dry wt.. .'Value as reported.. /@. 0'microgram/g dry wt.$. 1'Analyzed for but not detected.. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt.=. :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. ;. <'microgram/g dry wt.=. ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. >h. ?'microgram/g dry wt.. @'Value as reported.. Ad. B'microgram/g dry wt.. C'Value as reported.. S. T'microgram/g dry wt.. U'Value as reported./ H/ / /  @ / 'miles/ @ / 'UTM/ hffff@ / 'UTM/ / @/ 'microgram/g dry wt.$/ 'Analyzed for but not detected./ / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ #/ $'microgram/g dry wt.=/ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ &/ ''microgram/g dry wt.=/ ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ )/ *'microgram/g dry wt.=/ +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ ,h/ -'microgram/g dry wt./ .'Value as reported./ /@/ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$/ 1'Analyzed for but not detected./ 8/ 9'microgram/g dry wt./ :'Value as reported./ ;/ <'microgram/g dry wt.=/ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ >T/ ?'microgram/g dry wt./ @'Value as reported./ A/ B'microgram/g dry wt./ C'Value as reported./ S/ T'microgram/g dry wt./ U'Value as reported.0 H0 0 0 @ 0 'miles0 0333g@ 0 'UTM0 @ 0 'UTM0 0 E0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 #e0 $'microgram/g dry wt.=0 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 & 0 ''microgram/g dry wt.0 ('Value as reported.0 )e0 *'microgram/g dry wt.0 +'Value as reported.0 /'0 0'microgram/g dry wt.=0 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 8%0 9'microgram/g dry wt.=0 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 ;0 <'microgram/g dry wt.0 ='Value as reported.0 >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt.0 @'Value as reported.0 D' 0 E'microgram/g dry wt.=0 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 S0 T'microgram/g dry wt.0 U'Value as reported.1 H1 1 1 03333@ 1 'miles1 hfff#@ 1 'UTM1 hfffv@ 1 'UTM1 1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 #1 $'microgram/g dry wt.=1 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 &E1 ''microgram/g dry wt.1 ('Value as reported.1 )E1 *'microgram/g dry wt.1 +'Value as reported.1 /'1 0'microgram/g dry wt.=1 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 81 9'microgram/g dry wt.1 :'Value as reported.1 ;1 <'microgram/g dry wt.1 ='Value as reported.1 >1 ?'microgram/g dry wt.1 @'Value as reported.1 Dg 1 E'microgram/g dry wt.=1 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 S%1 T'microgram/g dry wt.1 U'Value as reported.2 H2 2 2 hffff@ 2 'miles2 n@ 2 'UTM2 hfff@ 2 'UTM2 2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 #%2 $'microgram/g dry wt.=2 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 &E 2 ''microgram/g dry wt.2 ('Value as reported.2 )2 *'microgram/g dry wt.2 +'Value as reported.2 /2 0'microgram/g dry wt.2 1'Value as reported.2 ;%2 <'microgram/g dry wt.=2 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 S2 T'microgram/g dry wt.2 U'Value as reported.3 H3 3 3 @ 3 'miles3 @ 3 'UTM3 ̼@ 3 'UTM3 3 e3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 #3 $'microgram/g dry wt.=3 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 &3 ''microgram/g dry wt.3 ('Value as reported.3 )E3 *'microgram/g dry wt.3 +'Value as reported.3 /'3 0'microgram/g dry wt.=3 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 8e3 9'microgram/g dry wt.=3 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 ;%3 <'microgram/g dry wt.3 ='Value as reported.3 >83 ?'microgram/g dry wt.3 @'Value as reported.3 D3 E'microgram/g dry wt.=3 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 Se3 T'microgram/g dry wt.3 U'Value as reported.4 H4 4 4 @ 4 'miles4 0333Y@ 4 'UTM4 @ 4 'UTM4 4 @4 'microgram/g dry wt.$4 'Analyzed for but not detected.4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 #4 $'microgram/g dry wt.=4 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 &(4 ''microgram/g dry wt.4 ('Value as reported.4 )4 *'microgram/g dry wt.=4 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 ,4 -'microgram/g dry wt.4 .'Value as reported.4 /@4 0'microgram/g dry wt.$4 1'Analyzed for but not detected.4 84 9'microgram/g dry wt.4 :'Value as reported.4 ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt.4 ='Value as reported.4 >4 ?'microgram/g dry wt.4 @'Value as reported.4 SE 4 T'microgram/g dry wt.4 U'Value as reported.5 H5  5 5 @ 5 'miles5 Y @ 5 'UTM5 @ 5 'UTM5 5 E5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 #5 $'microgram/g dry wt.=5 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 & 5 ''microgram/g dry wt.5 ('Value as reported.5 )%5 *'microgram/g dry wt.5 +'Value as reported.5 /'5 0'microgram/g dry wt.=5 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 85 9'microgram/g dry wt.=5 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 ;5 <'microgram/g dry wt.5 ='Value as reported.5 >b5 ?'microgram/g dry wt.5 @'Value as reported.5 D%5 E'microgram/g dry wt.=5 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 S55 T'microgram/g dry wt.5 U'Value as reported.6 H6 "6 6 ̌@ 6 'miles6 @ 6 'UTM6 @ 6 'UTM6 6 @6 'microgram/g dry wt.$6 'Analyzed for but not detected.6 <6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 #6 $'microgram/g dry wt.=6 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 &6 ''microgram/g dry wt.=6 ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 )6 *'microgram/g dry wt.=6 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 , 6 -'microgram/g dry wt.6 .'Value as reported.6 /@6 0'microgram/g dry wt.$6 1'Analyzed for but not detected.6 86 9'microgram/g dry wt.6 :'Value as reported.6 ;(6 <'microgram/g dry wt.6 ='Value as reported.6 >6 ?'microgram/g dry wt.6 @'Value as reported.6 S6 T'microgram/g dry wt.6 U'Value as reported.7 H7 $7 7 7  7 'miles7 @ 7 'UTM7 `@ 7 'UTM7 7 @7 'microgram/g dry wt.$7 'Analyzed for but not detected.7 7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 #7 $'microgram/g dry wt.=7 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 &(7 ''microgram/g dry wt.7 ('Value as reported.7 )7 *'microgram/g dry wt.=7 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 ,7 -'microgram/g dry wt.7 .'Value as reported.7 /@7 0'microgram/g dry wt.$7 1'Analyzed for but not detected.7 87 9'microgram/g dry wt.7 :'Value as reported.7 ;P7 <'microgram/g dry wt.7 ='Value as reported.7 >@7 ?'microgram/g dry wt.7 @'Value as reported.7 S&7 T'microgram/g dry wt.7 U'Value as reported.8 H8 &8 8 8 9@ 8 'miles8 @ 8 'UTM8 )@ 8 'UTM8 8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 #8 $'microgram/g dry wt.=8 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 &E8 ''microgram/g dry wt.8 ('Value as reported.8 )% 8 *'microgram/g dry wt.8 +'Value as reported.8 /'8 0'microgram/g dry wt.=8 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 8E8 9'microgram/g dry wt.=8 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 ;e 8 <'microgram/g dry wt.8 ='Value as reported.8 >(8 ?'microgram/g dry wt.8 @'Value as reported.8 Dg 8 E'microgram/g dry wt.=8 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 S8 T'microgram/g dry wt.8 U'Value as reported.9 H9 (9 9 9  @ 9 'miles9 @ 9 'UTM9 @ 9 'UTM9 9 @9 'microgram/g dry wt.$9 'Analyzed for but not detected.9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 #9 $'microgram/g dry wt.=9 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 &<9 ''microgram/g dry wt.9 ('Value as reported.9 )9 *'microgram/g dry wt.=9 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 ,9 -'microgram/g dry wt.9 .'Value as reported.9 /@9 0'microgram/g dry wt.$9 1'Analyzed for but not detected.9 89 9'microgram/g dry wt.9 :'Value as reported.9 ;<9 <'microgram/g dry wt.9 ='Value as reported.9 >|9 ?'microgram/g dry wt.9 @'Value as reported.9 SE9 T'microgram/g dry wt.9 U'Value as reported.: H: *: : :  @ : 'miles: hfff@ : 'UTM: hfff@ : 'UTM: : : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: #: $'microgram/g dry wt.=: %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: &: ''microgram/g dry wt.: ('Value as reported.: ): *'microgram/g dry wt.: +'Value as reported.: /': 0'microgram/g dry wt.=: 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: 8E: 9'microgram/g dry wt.=: :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: ; : <'microgram/g dry wt.: ='Value as reported.: >: ?'microgram/g dry wt.: @'Value as reported.: D : E'microgram/g dry wt.=: F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: S: T'microgram/g dry wt.: U'Value as reported.; H; ,; ; ;  @ ; 'miles; 0333@ ; 'UTM; hfffF@ ; 'UTM; ; @; 'microgram/g dry wt.$; 'Analyzed for but not detected.; <; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; #; $'microgram/g dry wt.=; %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; &; ''microgram/g dry wt.=; ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ); *'microgram/g dry wt.=; +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ,`"; -'microgram/g dry wt.; .'Value as reported.; /@; 0'microgram/g dry wt.$; 1'Analyzed for but not detected.; 8; 9'microgram/g dry wt.=; :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ;<; <'microgram/g dry wt.; ='Value as reported.; >; ?'microgram/g dry wt.; @'Value as reported.; S&; T'microgram/g dry wt.; U'Value as reported.< H< .< < <  < 'miles< @ < 'UTM< `R@ < 'UTM< < < 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.< #< $'microgram/g dry wt.=< %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< &%< ''microgram/g dry wt.< ('Value as reported.< )e< *'microgram/g dry wt.< +'Value as reported.< /'< 0'microgram/g dry wt.=< 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< 8 < 9'microgram/g dry wt.=< :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< ;e< <'microgram/g dry wt.< ='Value as reported.< >< ?'microgram/g dry wt.< @'Value as reported.< D < E'microgram/g dry wt.=< F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< S< T'microgram/g dry wt.< U'Value as reported.= H= 0= = = @ = 'miles= hfff@ = 'UTM= ̌~@ = 'UTM= = @= 'microgram/g dry wt.$= 'Analyzed for but not detected.= = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= #= $'microgram/g dry wt.== %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= &= ''microgram/g dry wt.== ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= )= *'microgram/g dry wt.== +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= ,= -'microgram/g dry wt.= .'Value as reported.= /@= 0'microgram/g dry wt.$= 1'Analyzed for but not detected.= 8= 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Value as reported.= ;(= <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Value as reported.= >|= ?'microgram/g dry wt.= @'Value as reported.= S = T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Value as reported.> H> 2> > > Q@ > 'miles> @ > 'UTM> ̌@ > 'UTM> > > 'microgram/g dry wt.=> 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> #> $'microgram/g dry wt.=> %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> &> ''microgram/g dry wt.> ('Value as reported.> ) > *'microgram/g dry wt.> +'Value as reported.> /e> 0'microgram/g dry wt.> 1'Value as reported.> 8 > 9'microgram/g dry wt.> :'Value as reported.> ;> <'microgram/g dry wt.=> ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> A> B'microgram/g dry wt.> C'Value as reported.> S > T'microgram/g dry wt.> U'Value as reported.? H? 4? ? ? hffff@ ? 'miles? hfff@ ? 'UTM? 0333@ ? 'UTM? ? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.? #%? $'microgram/g dry wt.=? %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? &? ''microgram/g dry wt.? ('Value as reported.? )e? *'microgram/g dry wt.? +'Value as reported.? /? 0'microgram/g dry wt.? 1'Value as reported.? ;%? <'microgram/g dry wt.=? ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? S0? T'microgram/g dry wt.? U'Value as reported.@ H@ 6@ @ @ hffff@ @ 'miles@ @ @ 'UTM@ @ @ 'UTM@ @ E@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ #e@ $'microgram/g dry wt.=@ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ &@ ''microgram/g dry wt.@ ('Value as reported.@ )@ *'microgram/g dry wt.@ +'Value as reported.@ /'@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=@ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ 8 @ 9'microgram/g dry wt.@ :'Value as reported.@ ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt.@ ='Value as reported.@ >@ ?'microgram/g dry wt.@ @'Value as reported.@ DG @ E'microgram/g dry wt.=@ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ S@ T'microgram/g dry wt.@ U'Value as reported.A HA 8A A A hffff@ A 'milesA @ A 'UTMA @ A 'UTMA A ' A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A #A $'microgram/g dry wt.=A %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A &eA ''microgram/g dry wt.A ('Value as reported.A )%A *'microgram/g dry wt.A +'Value as reported.A /A 0'microgram/g dry wt.=A 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A 8A 9'microgram/g dry wt.A :'Value as reported.A ;eA <'microgram/g dry wt.A ='Value as reported.A >VA ?'microgram/g dry wt.A @'Value as reported.A SA T'microgram/g dry wt.A U'Value as reported.B HB <B B B @ B 'milesB 0333@ B 'UTMB 0333c@ B 'UTMB B @B 'microgram/g dry wt.$B 'Analyzed for but not detected.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B #B $'microgram/g dry wt.=B %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B &B ''microgram/g dry wt.B ('Value as reported.B )B *'microgram/g dry wt.=B +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B ,B -'microgram/g dry wt.B .'Value as reported.B /@B 0'microgram/g dry wt.$B 1'Analyzed for but not detected.B 8B 9'microgram/g dry wt.=B :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B ;B <'microgram/g dry wt.=B ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B >,B ?'microgram/g dry wt.B @'Value as reported.B SB T'microgram/g dry wt.B U'Value as reported.C HC >C C C @ C 'milesC hfff@ C 'UTMC ̜@ C 'UTMC C  C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C #C $'microgram/g dry wt.C %'Value as reported.C &%C ''microgram/g dry wt.C ('Value as reported.C )C *'microgram/g dry wt.C +'Value as reported.C /C 0'microgram/g dry wt.=C 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C 8C 9'microgram/g dry wt.C :'Value as reported.C ;C <'microgram/g dry wt.C ='Value as reported.C >C ?'microgram/g dry wt.C @'Value as reported.C S%C T'microgram/g dry wt.C U'Value as reported.D HD @D D D 03333@ D 'milesD @ D 'UTMD ̟@ D 'UTMD D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D #D $'microgram/g dry wt.=D %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D &D ''microgram/g dry wt.D ('Value as reported.D )ED *'microgram/g dry wt.D +'Value as reported.D /'D 0'microgram/g dry wt.=D 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D 8ED 9'microgram/g dry wt.=D :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D ;D <'microgram/g dry wt.D ='Value as reported.D >|D ?'microgram/g dry wt.D @'Value as reported.D Dg D E'microgram/g dry wt.=D F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D SeD T'microgram/g dry wt.D U'Value as reported.E HE BE E E @ E 'milesE P@ E 'UTME 0333@ E 'UTME E E 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E #eE $'microgram/g dry wt.=E %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E &E E ''microgram/g dry wt.E ('Value as reported.E )E *'microgram/g dry wt.=E +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E /'E 0'microgram/g dry wt.=E 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E 8%E 9'microgram/g dry wt.=E :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E ; E <'microgram/g dry wt.E ='Value as reported.E >nE ?'microgram/g dry wt.E @'Value as reported.E DG E E'microgram/g dry wt.=E F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E SE T'microgram/g dry wt.E U'Value as reported.F HF DF F F ̬@ F 'milesF c@ F 'UTMF @ F 'UTMF F @F 'microgram/g dry wt.$F 'Analyzed for but not detected.F (F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F #F $'microgram/g dry wt.=F %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F &F ''microgram/g dry wt.=F ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F )F *'microgram/g dry wt.=F +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F ,XF -'microgram/g dry wt.F .'Value as reported.F /@F 0'microgram/g dry wt.$F 1'Analyzed for but not detected.F 8F 9'microgram/g dry wt.=F :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F ;F <'microgram/g dry wt.=F ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F >@F ?'microgram/g dry wt.F @'Value as reported.F SF T'microgram/g dry wt.F U'Value as reported.G HG FG G G 03333@ G 'milesG hfff@ G 'UTMG hfff6/@ G 'UTMG G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G #G $'microgram/g dry wt.=G %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G &G ''microgram/g dry wt.G ('Value as reported.G )EG *'microgram/g dry wt.G +'Value as reported.G /'G 0'microgram/g dry wt.=G 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G 8eG 9'microgram/g dry wt.=G :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G ; G <'microgram/g dry wt.G ='Value as reported.G >G ?'microgram/g dry wt.G @'Value as reported.G DG E'microgram/g dry wt.=G F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G SEG T'microgram/g dry wt.G U'Value as reported.H HH HH H H 03333@ H 'milesH @ H 'UTMH  F@ H 'UTMH H H 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H #H $'microgram/g dry wt.H %'Value as reported.H &H ''microgram/g dry wt.H ('Value as reported.H )eH *'microgram/g dry wt.H +'Value as reported.H /H 0'microgram/g dry wt.=H 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H 8 H 9'microgram/g dry wt.H :'Value as reported.H ; H <'microgram/g dry wt.H ='Value as reported.H >H ?'microgram/g dry wt.H @'Value as reported.H SeH T'microgram/g dry wt.H U'Value as reported.I HI JI I I @ ףp@ I 'milesI @ I 'UTMI iH@ I 'UTMI I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I I 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.I #I $'microgram/g dry wt.=I %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I &<I ''microgram/g dry wt.I ('Value as reported.I )I *'microgram/g dry wt.I +'Value as reported.I ,>I -'microgram/g dry wt.I .'Value as reported.I /I 0'microgram/g dry wt.I 1'Value as reported.I 8PI 9'microgram/g dry wt.I :'Value as reported.I ;I <'microgram/g dry wt.I ='Value as reported.I >dI ?'microgram/g dry wt.I @'Value as reported.I AI B'microgram/g dry wt.I C'Value as reported.I S I T'microgram/g dry wt.I U'Value as reported.J HJ LJ J J ̌@ J 'milesJ c@ J 'UTMJ @Q@ J 'UTMJ J @J 'microgram/g dry wt.$J 'Analyzed for but not detected.J (J 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.J #J $'microgram/g dry wt.=J %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J &J ''microgram/g dry wt.=J ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J )J *'microgram/g dry wt.=J +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J ,8J -'microgram/g dry wt.J .'Value as reported.J /@J 0'microgram/g dry wt.$J 1'Analyzed for but not detected.J 8(J 9'microgram/g dry wt.J :'Value as reported.J ;(J <'microgram/g dry wt.J ='Value as reported.J >,J ?'microgram/g dry wt.J @'Value as reported.J AJ B'microgram/g dry wt.J C'Value as reported.J S(J T'microgram/g dry wt.J U'Value as reported.K HK NK K K أp= @ K 'milesK 7@ K 'UTMK  Q@ K 'UTMK K K 'microgram/g dry wt.=K 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K #K $'microgram/g dry wt.K %'Value as reported.K &K ''microgram/g dry wt.K ('Value as reported.K )K *'microgram/g dry wt.K +'Value as reported.K /eK 0'microgram/g dry wt.K 1'Value as reported.K 8K 9'microgram/g dry wt.K :'Value as reported.K ;&K <'microgram/g dry wt.K ='Value as reported.K AK B'microgram/g dry wt.K C'Value as reported.K S:K T'microgram/g dry wt.K U'Value as reported.L HL PL L L  L 'milesL hfff @ L 'UTML `@ L 'UTML L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L #L $'microgram/g dry wt.L %'Value as reported.L &L ''microgram/g dry wt.L ('Value as reported.L )L *'microgram/g dry wt.L +'Value as reported.L /'L 0'microgram/g dry wt.L 1'Value as reported.L 8L 9'microgram/g dry wt.L :'Value as reported.L ;L <'microgram/g dry wt.L ='Value as reported.L SJL T'microgram/g dry wt.L U'Value as reported.M HM RM M M  M 'milesM 0333@ M 'UTMM ̗@ _ 'UTM_ d@ _ 'UTM_ _ _ 'microgram/g dry wt._ 'Value as reported._ #_ $'microgram/g dry wt.=_ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ &_ ''microgram/g dry wt._ ('Value as reported._ )E_ *'microgram/g dry wt._ +'Value as reported._ /'_ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=_ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ 8_ 9'microgram/g dry wt.=_ :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ ;_ <'microgram/g dry wt._ ='Value as reported._ >_ ?'microgram/g dry wt._ @'Value as reported._ D _ E'microgram/g dry wt.=_ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ S_ T'microgram/g dry wt._ U'Value as reported.` H` x` ` ` hffff@ ` 'miles` 0333̗@ ` 'UTM` a@ ` 'UTM` ` ` 'microgram/g dry wt.` 'Value as reported.` #` $'microgram/g dry wt.` %'Value as reported.` &` ''microgram/g dry wt.` ('Value as reported.` )` *'microgram/g dry wt.` +'Value as reported.` /` 0'microgram/g dry wt.` 1'Value as reported.` 8%` 9'microgram/g dry wt.` :'Value as reported.` ;E` <'microgram/g dry wt.` ='Value as reported.` >V` ?'microgram/g dry wt.` @'Value as reported.` Se` T'microgram/g dry wt.` U'Value as reported.a Ha za a a P@ a 'milesa 0333˗@ a 'UTMa d@ a 'UTMa a 'a 'microgram/g dry wt.a 'Value as reported.a #ga $'microgram/g dry wt.=a %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a &a ''microgram/g dry wt.a ('Value as reported.a )a *'microgram/g dry wt.a +'Value as reported.a ,8a -'microgram/g dry wt.a .'Value as reported.a /Ia 0'microgram/g dry wt.a 1'Value as reported.a 8a 9'microgram/g dry wt.a :'Value as reported.a ;a <'microgram/g dry wt.a ='Value as reported.a Aa B'microgram/g dry wt.a C'Value as reported.a Sa T'microgram/g dry wt.a U'Value as reported.b Hb |b b b zG@ b 'milesb ˗@ b 'UTMb c@ b 'UTMb b Gb 'microgram/g dry wt.b 'Value as reported.b #gb $'microgram/g dry wt.=b %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b &b ''microgram/g dry wt.b ('Value as reported.b )eb *'microgram/g dry wt.b +'Value as reported.b ,b -'microgram/g dry wt.b .'Value as reported.b / b 0'microgram/g dry wt.b 1'Value as reported.b 8 b 9'microgram/g dry wt.b :'Value as reported.b ;b <'microgram/g dry wt.b ='Value as reported.b A|b B'microgram/g dry wt.b C'Value as reported.b S"b T'microgram/g dry wt.b U'Value as reported.c Hc ~c c c p= ף@ c 'milesc ̗@ c 'UTMc hfff&k@ c 'UTMc c @c 'microgram/g dry wt.$c 'Analyzed for but not detected.c c 'microgram/g dry wt.c 'Value as reported.c #c $'microgram/g dry wt.=c %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c &c ''microgram/g dry wt.=c ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c )c *'microgram/g dry wt.=c +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c ,0c -'microgram/g dry wt.c .'Value as reported.c /@c 0'microgram/g dry wt.$c 1'Analyzed for but not detected.c 8c 9'microgram/g dry wt.=c :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c ;c <'microgram/g dry wt.c ='Value as reported.c >c ?'microgram/g dry wt.c @'Value as reported.c A,c B'microgram/g dry wt.c C'Value as reported.c S(c T'microgram/g dry wt.c U'Value as reported.d Hd d d d  d 'milesd hfff%̗@ d 'UTMd ^@ d 'UTMd d @d 'microgram/g dry wt.$d 'Analyzed for but not detected.d d 'microgram/g dry wt.d 'Value as reported.d #d $'microgram/g dry wt.=d %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d &d ''microgram/g dry wt.=d ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d )d *'microgram/g dry wt.=d +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d ,0d -'microgram/g dry wt.d .'Value as reported.d /@d 0'microgram/g dry wt.$d 1'Analyzed for but not detected.d 8d 9'microgram/g dry wt.d :'Value as reported.d ;d <'microgram/g dry wt.d ='Value as reported.d >d ?'microgram/g dry wt.d @'Value as reported.d Ad B'microgram/g dry wt.d C'Value as reported.d S(d T'microgram/g dry wt.d U'Value as reported.e He e e e @ e 'milese 0333Ǘ@ e 'UTMe Ya@ e 'UTMe e e 'microgram/g dry wt.e 'Value as reported.e #e $'microgram/g dry wt.=e %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e &e ''microgram/g dry wt.e ('Value as reported.e )e *'microgram/g dry wt.e +'Value as reported.e /ie 0'microgram/g dry wt.e 1'Value as reported.e 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt.=e :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e ;ee <'microgram/g dry wt.e ='Value as reported.e >e ?'microgram/g dry wt.e @'Value as reported.e D' e E'microgram/g dry wt.=e F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e See T'microgram/g dry wt.e U'Value as reported.f Hf f f f 03333@ f 'milesf f %f 'microgram/g dry wt.f 'Value as reported.f #ef $'microgram/g dry wt.f %'Value as reported.f &6f ''microgram/g dry wt.f ('Value as reported.f )"f *'microgram/g dry wt.f +'Value as reported.f /f 0'microgram/g dry wt.f 1'Value as reported.f 8(f 9'microgram/g dry wt.f :'Value as reported.f ;f <'microgram/g dry wt.f ='Value as reported.f >( f ?'microgram/g dry wt.f @'Value as reported.f Sf T'microgram/g dry wt.f U'Value as reported.g Hg g g g أp= @ g 'milesg hfffk@ g 'UTMg |@ g 'UTMg g g 'microgram/g dry wt.=g 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g #g $'microgram/g dry wt.=g %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g &g ''microgram/g dry wt.g ('Value as reported.g )g *'microgram/g dry wt.g +'Value as reported.g /g 0'microgram/g dry wt.g 1'Value as reported.g 8g 9'microgram/g dry wt.g :'Value as reported.g ;g <'microgram/g dry wt.=g ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g Ag B'microgram/g dry wt.g C'Value as reported.g S&g T'microgram/g dry wt.g U'Value as reported.h Hh h h h @ ףp-@ h 'milesh ̕җ@ h 'UTMh L@ h 'UTMh h @h 'microgram/g dry wt.$h 'Analyzed for but not detected.h (h 'microgram/g dry wt.h 'Value as reported.h #h $'microgram/g dry wt.=h %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h &h ''microgram/g dry wt.=h ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h )h *'microgram/g dry wt.=h +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h ,Xh -'microgram/g dry wt.h .'Value as reported.h /@h 0'microgram/g dry wt.$h 1'Analyzed for but not detected.h 8h 9'microgram/g dry wt.=h :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h ;h <'microgram/g dry wt.=h ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h >h ?'microgram/g dry wt.h @'Value as reported.h A@h B'microgram/g dry wt.h C'Value as reported.h Sh T'microgram/g dry wt.h U'Value as reported.i Hi i i i ,@ i 'milesi җ@ i 'UTMi ̌@ i 'UTMi i @i 'microgram/g dry wt.$i 'Analyzed for but not detected.i (i 'microgram/g dry wt.i 'Value as reported.i #i $'microgram/g dry wt.=i %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i &i ''microgram/g dry wt.=i ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i )i *'microgram/g dry wt.=i +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i ,i -'microgram/g dry wt.i .'Value as reported.i /@i 0'microgram/g dry wt.$i 1'Analyzed for but not detected.i 8i 9'microgram/g dry wt.=i :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i ;i <'microgram/g dry wt.=i ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i >i ?'microgram/g dry wt.i @'Value as reported.i Ai B'microgram/g dry wt.i C'Value as reported.i Si T'microgram/g dry wt.i U'Value as reported.j Hj j j j  @ j 'milesj hfff}՗@ j 'UTMj hfffF@ j 'UTMj j ej 'microgram/g dry wt.j 'Value as reported.j #%j $'microgram/g dry wt.=j %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j &j ''microgram/g dry wt.j ('Value as reported.j )j *'microgram/g dry wt.j +'Value as reported.j /j 0'microgram/g dry wt.j 1'Value as reported.j 8 j 9'microgram/g dry wt.j :'Value as reported.j ;j <'microgram/g dry wt.j ='Value as reported.j >`@j ?'microgram/g dry wt.j @'Value as reported.j D%j E'microgram/g dry wt.j F'Value as reported.j SuEj T'microgram/g dry wt.j U'Value as reported.k Hk k k k  @ k 'milesk hfff՗@ k 'UTMk hffff@ k 'UTMk k k 'microgram/g dry wt.k 'Value as reported.k #gk $'microgram/g dry wt.=k %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k &ek ''microgram/g dry wt.k ('Value as reported.k )k *'microgram/g dry wt.k +'Value as reported.k /k 0'microgram/g dry wt.=k 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k 8 k 9'microgram/g dry wt.k :'Value as reported.k ;k <'microgram/g dry wt.k ='Value as reported.k >k ?'microgram/g dry wt.k @'Value as reported.k Sk T'microgram/g dry wt.k U'Value as reported.l Hl l l l  @ l 'milesl 0333u՗@ l 'UTMl !@ l 'UTMl l  l 'microgram/g dry wt.l 'Value as reported.l #gl $'microgram/g dry wt.=l %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l &el ''microgram/g dry wt.l ('Value as reported.l )El *'microgram/g dry wt.l +'Value as reported.l /l 0'microgram/g dry wt.=l 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l 8l 9'microgram/g dry wt.l :'Value as reported.l ;el <'microgram/g dry wt.l ='Value as reported.l >l ?'microgram/g dry wt.l @'Value as reported.l Sel T'microgram/g dry wt.l U'Value as reported.m Hm m m m @ m 'milesm 0333՗@ m 'UTMm 0333@ m 'UTMm m m 'microgram/g dry wt.m 'Value as reported.m #%m $'microgram/g dry wt.=m %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m & m ''microgram/g dry wt.m ('Value as reported.m )em *'microgram/g dry wt.m +'Value as reported.m / m 0'microgram/g dry wt.m 1'Value as reported.m ;%m <'microgram/g dry wt.=m ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m S%m T'microgram/g dry wt.m U'Value as reported.n Hn n n n Gz@ n 'milesn n n 'microgram/g dry wt.=n 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n #n $'microgram/g dry wt.=n %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n &n ''microgram/g dry wt.n ('Value as reported.n )n *'microgram/g dry wt.n +'Value as reported.n /n 0'microgram/g dry wt.n 1'Value as reported.n 8n 9'microgram/g dry wt.n :'Value as reported.n ;n <'microgram/g dry wt.n ='Value as reported.n An B'microgram/g dry wt.n C'Value as reported.n S$n T'microgram/g dry wt.n U'Value as reported.o Ho o o o  @ o 'mileso hfff3ח@ o 'UTMo @@ o 'UTMo o eo 'microgram/g dry wt.o 'Value as reported.o #%o $'microgram/g dry wt.=o %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o &E o ''microgram/g dry wt.o ('Value as reported.o ) o *'microgram/g dry wt.o +'Value as reported.o /Io 0'microgram/g dry wt.o 1'Value as reported.o 8 o 9'microgram/g dry wt.=o :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o ;!o <'microgram/g dry wt.o ='Value as reported.o >Vo ?'microgram/g dry wt.o @'Value as reported.o Do E'microgram/g dry wt.=o F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o SLo T'microgram/g dry wt.o U'Value as reported.p Hp p p p  p 'milesp 6ٗ@ p 'UTMp 0G@ p 'UTMp p p 'microgram/g dry wt.=p 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p #ep $'microgram/g dry wt.=p %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p &p ''microgram/g dry wt.p ('Value as reported.p )p *'microgram/g dry wt.p +'Value as reported.p /'p 0'microgram/g dry wt.=p 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p 8%p 9'microgram/g dry wt.=p :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p ;p <'microgram/g dry wt.p ='Value as reported.p >eep ?'microgram/g dry wt.p @'Value as reported.p D' p E'microgram/g dry wt.=p F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p Sp T'microgram/g dry wt.p U'Value as reported.q Hq q q q @ q 'milesq 0333ܗ@ q 'UTMq 0333Sm@ q 'UTMq q :q 'microgram/g dry wt.q 'Value as reported.q q 'microgram/g dry wt.q 'Value as reported.q #q $'microgram/g dry wt.q %'Value as reported.q &q ''microgram/g dry wt.q ('Value as reported.q )$q *'microgram/g dry wt.q +'Value as reported.q ,` q -'microgram/g dry wt.q .'Value as reported.q /'q 0'microgram/g dry wt.=q 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q 8(q 9'microgram/g dry wt.q :'Value as reported.q ;Pq <'microgram/g dry wt.q ='Value as reported.q >q ?'microgram/g dry wt.q @'Value as reported.q Sq T'microgram/g dry wt.q U'Value as reported.r Hr r r r hffff@ r 'milesr hfffܗ@ r 'UTMr @ r 'UTMr r %r 'microgram/g dry wt.r 'Value as reported.r #r $'microgram/g dry wt.=r %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r & r ''microgram/g dry wt.r ('Value as reported.r ) r *'microgram/g dry wt.r +'Value as reported.r /r 0'microgram/g dry wt.r 1'Value as reported.r 8 r 9'microgram/g dry wt.r :'Value as reported.r ;% r <'microgram/g dry wt.r ='Value as reported.r >\r ?'microgram/g dry wt.r @'Value as reported.r Der E'microgram/g dry wt.=r F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r S3r T'microgram/g dry wt.r U'Value as reported.s Hs s s s @ s 'miless hfffݗ@ s 'UTMs 0333@ s 'UTMs s @s 'microgram/g dry wt.$s 'Analyzed for but not detected.s <s 'microgram/g dry wt.s 'Value as reported.s #s $'microgram/g dry wt.=s %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s &s ''microgram/g dry wt.s ('Value as reported.s )<s *'microgram/g dry wt.s +'Value as reported.s ,s -'microgram/g dry wt.s .'Value as reported.s /@s 0'microgram/g dry wt.$s 1'Analyzed for but not detected.s 8s 9'microgram/g dry wt.s :'Value as reported.s ;s <'microgram/g dry wt.s ='Value as reported.s >s ?'microgram/g dry wt.s @'Value as reported.s Ses T'microgram/g dry wt.s U'Value as reported.t Ht t t t @ t 'milest Zߗ@ t 'UTMt L@ t 'UTMt t Et 'microgram/g dry wt.t 'Value as reported.t #t $'microgram/g dry wt.=t %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t & t ''microgram/g dry wt.t ('Value as reported.t )0t *'microgram/g dry wt.t +'Value as reported.t / t 0'microgram/g dry wt.t 1'Value as reported.t 8&t 9'microgram/g dry wt.t :'Value as reported.t ;@t <'microgram/g dry wt.t ='Value as reported.t > t ?'microgram/g dry wt.t @'Value as reported.t Dt E'microgram/g dry wt.t F'Value as reported.t Seyt T'microgram/g dry wt.t U'Value as reported.u Hu u u u zG@ u 'milesu hfffߗ@ u 'UTMu hffff@ u 'UTMu u @u 'microgram/g dry wt.$u 'Analyzed for but not detected.u <u 'microgram/g dry wt.u 'Value as reported.u #u $'microgram/g dry wt.=u %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u &u ''microgram/g dry wt.=u ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u )u *'microgram/g dry wt.u +'Value as reported.u ,u -'microgram/g dry wt.u .'Value as reported.u /@u 0'microgram/g dry wt.$u 1'Analyzed for but not detected.u 8<u 9'microgram/g dry wt.u :'Value as reported.u ;<u <'microgram/g dry wt.u ='Value as reported.u >u ?'microgram/g dry wt.u @'Value as reported.u Au B'microgram/g dry wt.u C'Value as reported.u Su T'microgram/g dry wt.u U'Value as reported.v Hv v v v p= ף@ v 'milesv @ v 'UTMv  @ v 'UTMv v v 'microgram/g dry wt.v 'Value as reported.v v 'microgram/g dry wt.v 'Value as reported.v #v $'microgram/g dry wt.=v %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v &v ''microgram/g dry wt.v ('Value as reported.v )(v *'microgram/g dry wt.v +'Value as reported.v ,`mv -'microgram/g dry wt.v .'Value as reported.v /@v 0'microgram/g dry wt.$v 1'Analyzed for but not detected.v 8(v 9'microgram/g dry wt.v :'Value as reported.v ;xv <'microgram/g dry wt.v ='Value as reported.v >v ?'microgram/g dry wt.v @'Value as reported.v Av B'microgram/g dry wt.v C'Value as reported.v Sv T'microgram/g dry wt.v U'Value as reported.w Hw w w w  w 'milesw ߗ@ w 'UTMw Y@ w 'UTMw w @w 'microgram/g dry wt.$w 'Analyzed for but not detected.w w 'microgram/g dry wt.w 'Value as reported.w #w $'microgram/g dry wt.=w %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w &w ''microgram/g dry wt.=w ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w )w *'microgram/g dry wt.=w +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w ,@w -'microgram/g dry wt.w .'Value as reported.w /@w 0'microgram/g dry wt.$w 1'Analyzed for but not detected.w 8w 9'microgram/g dry wt.w :'Value as reported.w ;Pw <'microgram/g dry wt.w ='Value as reported.w >Dw ?'microgram/g dry wt.w @'Value as reported.w Aw B'microgram/g dry wt.w C'Value as reported.w S(w T'microgram/g dry wt.w U'Value as reported.x Hx x x x  x 'milesx 0333@ x 'UTMx 0333S@ x 'UTMx x G x 'microgram/g dry wt.=x 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x #ex $'microgram/g dry wt.=x %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x &x ''microgram/g dry wt.x ('Value as reported.x )x *'microgram/g dry wt.x +'Value as reported.x /'x 0'microgram/g dry wt.=x 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x 8x 9'microgram/g dry wt.x :'Value as reported.x ; x <'microgram/g dry wt.x ='Value as reported.x >x ?'microgram/g dry wt.x @'Value as reported.x D x E'microgram/g dry wt.=x F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x S x T'microgram/g dry wt.x U'Value as reported.y Hy y y y @ y 'milesy hfff!@ y 'UTMy 0333?@ y 'UTMy y @y 'microgram/g dry wt.$y 'Analyzed for but not detected.y y 'microgram/g dry wt.y 'Value as reported.y #y $'microgram/g dry wt.=y %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y &(y ''microgram/g dry wt.y ('Value as reported.y )y *'microgram/g dry wt.=y +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y ,Dy -'microgram/g dry wt.y .'Value as reported.y /@y 0'microgram/g dry wt.$y 1'Analyzed for but not detected.y 8(y 9'microgram/g dry wt.y :'Value as reported.y ;dy <'microgram/g dry wt.y ='Value as reported.y > y ?'microgram/g dry wt.y @'Value as reported.y Sy T'microgram/g dry wt.y U'Value as reported.z Hz z z z 03333s@ z 'milesz 1ޗ@ z 'UTMz hfff6@ z 'UTMz z z 'microgram/g dry wt.z 'Value as reported.z #z $'microgram/g dry wt.=z %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z &z ''microgram/g dry wt.z ('Value as reported.z )z *'microgram/g dry wt.z +'Value as reported.z /Iz 0'microgram/g dry wt.z 1'Value as reported.z 8z 9'microgram/g dry wt.=z :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z ;-z <'microgram/g dry wt.z ='Value as reported.z >z ?'microgram/g dry wt.z @'Value as reported.z Dz E'microgram/g dry wt.=z F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z S?z T'microgram/g dry wt.z U'Value as reported.{ H{ { { { zGa@ { 'miles{ ޗ@ { 'UTM{ 0@ { 'UTM{ { { 'microgram/g dry wt.{ 'Value as reported.{ #%{ $'microgram/g dry wt.{ %'Value as reported.{ & { ''microgram/g dry wt.{ ('Value as reported.{ )% { *'microgram/g dry wt.{ +'Value as reported.{ /I{ 0'microgram/g dry wt.{ 1'Value as reported.{ ;#{ <'microgram/g dry wt.{ ='Value as reported.{ S3{ T'microgram/g dry wt.{ U'Value as reported.| H| | | | p= ף`@ | 'miles| 0333ݗ@ | 'UTM| 0@ | 'UTM| | | 'microgram/g dry wt.| 'Value as reported.| #| $'microgram/g dry wt.| %'Value as reported.| &| ''microgram/g dry wt.| ('Value as reported.| ) | *'microgram/g dry wt.| +'Value as reported.| /i| 0'microgram/g dry wt.| 1'Value as reported.| ;-| <'microgram/g dry wt.| ='Value as reported.| Se5| T'microgram/g dry wt.| U'Value as reported.} H} } } } `@ } 'miles} ́ݗ@ } 'UTM} @ } 'UTM} } e} 'microgram/g dry wt.} 'Value as reported.} #'} $'microgram/g dry wt.} %'Value as reported.} &} ''microgram/g dry wt.} ('Value as reported.} )&} *'microgram/g dry wt.} +'Value as reported.} /%} 0'microgram/g dry wt.=} 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} 8} 9'microgram/g dry wt.} :'Value as reported.} ;*} <'microgram/g dry wt.} ='Value as reported.} >} ?'microgram/g dry wt.} @'Value as reported.} S} T'microgram/g dry wt.} U'Value as reported.~ H~ ~ ~ ~ `@ ~ 'miles~ ́ݗ@ ~ 'UTM~ @ ~ 'UTM~ ~ ~ 'microgram/g dry wt.~ 'Value as reported.~ #~ $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Value as reported.~ &%~ ''microgram/g dry wt.~ ('Value as reported.~ )%~ *'microgram/g dry wt.~ +'Value as reported.~ /%~ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=~ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~ 8E ~ 9'microgram/g dry wt.~ :'Value as reported.~ ;%~ <'microgram/g dry wt.=~ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~ > ~ ?'microgram/g dry wt.~ @'Value as reported.~ S4~ T'microgram/g dry wt.~ U'Value as reported. H    hffff@  'miles ۗ@  'UTM @  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >f ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S2 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Y@ 'miles ܗ@ 'UTM 0333 @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #u $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >< ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S` T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Y@ 'miles ܗ@ 'UTM 0333 @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Y@ 'miles ܗ@ 'UTM 0333 @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )T *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;F <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Y@ 'miles [ۗ@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >X ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sb T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Y@ 'miles [ۗ@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S* T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Y@ 'miles [ۗ@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >d ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SZ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ ףpM@ 'miles 0333pۗ@ 'UTM <@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,] -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;x <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >(  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles 0333ԗ@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles hfff;ٗ@ 'UTM !@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles hfff;ٗ@ 'UTM !@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S6 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles hfffٗ@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >X ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S6 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles hfffٗ@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SP T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles hfffٗ@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &e  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SL T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles }ۗ@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    `(L@ 'miles ̬ڗ@ 'UTM |@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,P -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    033333@ 'miles  ї@ 'UTM 0333c@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &$ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )D *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >`  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    033333@ 'miles ї@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #'  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &$ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8& 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;P <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >(  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    033333@ 'miles hfffї@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8* 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;J <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >`  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff&@ 'miles Zח@ 'UTM  /@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Gz@ 'miles hfffh—@ 'UTM 0333k@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &V ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )B *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8B 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    PA@ 'miles @ 'UTM If@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A.  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. ST T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,' -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SP T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@ 'miles Ϥ@ 'UTM hfffF@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #'  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )%  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >6 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. De E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles h@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. De E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SA T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@ 'miles r@ 'UTM y@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,/ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;< <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >P ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sl T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ 'miles v@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    ףp=@ 'miles wt@ 'UTM 0333S@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,p -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles hfff^t@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,H  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@ 'miles s@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ab B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S& T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    (\@ 'miles s@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles ~r@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /)  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S%% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@ 'miles hfffdo@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >2 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles h@ 'UTM i@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,+ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A| B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles =d@ 'UTM ̬@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,$ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. AT B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles d@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #5 $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,0* -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /I 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles 0333wI@ 'UTM @ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8m 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles  '  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &%  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >B ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    (\@ 'miles 0333DI@ 'UTM `@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &: ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8& 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ ףp@ 'miles 0333J@ 'UTM 0333+@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ 'miles YJ@ 'UTM 9(@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,P -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A| B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    n 'miles  K@ 'UTM yR@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &. ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /i  0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8$ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;< <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    `(@ 'miles wK@ 'UTM 0333_@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,`" -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. AX B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Q@ 'miles hfffCK@ 'UTM l]@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    xG@ 'miles hfffpK@ 'UTM l]@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    ףp=@ 'miles ̆K@ 'UTM hfffa@ 'UTM  g 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Se& T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles 0333K@ 'UTM hfffFg@ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &' ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S%E T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles 0333|L@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >p ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles  g  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >N ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles L@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &: ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )$ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /i  0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. Sd T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  F 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e' <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Sj T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H "   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;# <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S^ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H $   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  = 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Du E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S^ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H &   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S%P T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H (   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SX T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H *   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S^ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H ,   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SL T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H .   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &^ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )> *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 88 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;R <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D4 E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 0   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &B ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8, 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;> <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DX E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 2   03333s@ 'miles hfffI@ 'UTM /@ 'UTM  . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &0 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8" 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DF E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 4   hfffff@ 'miles I@ 'UTM Q@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &< ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;D <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 6   hffffF@ 'miles 9F@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &eD ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,} -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 80 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. St T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 8   j 'miles hfffRE@ 'UTM hfffv@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S& T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H :   9@ 'miles  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H <   hffff&@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H >    @ 'miles E@ 'UTM 0333C@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &< ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8D 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;< <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A# B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H @   @ 'miles K@ 'UTM 0333z@ 'UTM  : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )L *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,e -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;< <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H B   hffff@ 'miles 0333Q@ 'UTM )@ 'UTM  * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &< ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )$ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,x7 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;< <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >x ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H D   ̬@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H F   ̬@ 'miles  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &" ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )$ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /) 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >(  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H H   hffff@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >t  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sg T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H J   @ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &" ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /w 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sp T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H L   @ 'miles C@ 'UTM hfffV@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )F *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;'; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SJ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H N   p= ף@ 'miles 0333cC@ 'UTM !@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , 5 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S\ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H P   @ 'miles 0333cC@ 'UTM !@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,81 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. Sl T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H R   @ 'miles A@ 'UTM hfff6*@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &N ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. SX T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H T   @ 'miles A@ 'UTM `@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >D ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se6 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H V   hffff@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sv T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H X   03333@ 'miles  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &0 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8" 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sn T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H Z   03333@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &6 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ). *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8& 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;6 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H \   03333@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S` T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H ^   03333@ 'miles  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &: ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H `   ^ 'miles ̞<@ 'UTM ya@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,p0 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H b   ^ 'miles ̞<@ 'UTM ya@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , N -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /7 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A^ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S8 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H d   ^ 'miles    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H f   ^ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H h   hffffF@ 'miles 03333@ 'UTM hfff&s@ 'UTM  G  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H j   hffffF@ 'miles 3@ 'UTM \k@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Sef T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H l   hffffF@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &%' ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sm T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H n   Z 'miles hfff5@ 'UTM 0333ӓ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &P ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )< *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,U -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;P <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H p   @ 'miles hfff4@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >( ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H r   V 'miles 0333a0@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,. -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H t   V 'miles 0333a0@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,, -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H v   V 'miles hfffR0@ 'UTM 0333S@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H x   V 'miles hfffw0@ 'UTM 0333c@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,p -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A\ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H z   @ 'miles 0333o/@ 'UTM hfff @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &%  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H |   hfffff@ 'miles hfff(@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,hB -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /I 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H ~   hfffff@ 'miles hfff(@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,. -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles j@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    P 'miles 0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,! -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    P 'miles 0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,+ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles ̼@ 'UTM <@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AD B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles 0333;@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,' -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AT B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM d@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >P ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hfffff@ 'miles hfff @ 'UTM I^@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,p -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >l ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ap B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff&@ 'miles $@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &< ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >, ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles p@ 'UTM hfff&g@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    ̬@ 'miles 0333@ 'UTM 0333d@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >j ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    ̬@ 'miles ;@ 'UTM 8i@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles ̻@ 'UTM {@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles hfff(@ 'UTM 0333~@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #U $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@ 'miles ^@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    y@ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >@ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    y@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >@ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333s@ 'miles @ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Y@ 'miles 0333J@ 'UTM ΀@ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@ 'miles ̌@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >R ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ 'miles ́@ 'UTM hfff^@ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e) ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >b ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SO T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles ۖ@ 'UTM )?@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,p -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles ?Җ@ 'UTM yr@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >d ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S! T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles ۖ@ 'UTM @G@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D'  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles 0333ܖ@ 'UTM 0333?@ 'UTM  '  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S] T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles  " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,0 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles Ԗ@ 'UTM xo@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    > 'miles  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles hfff쿖@  'UTM hfff&u@  'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. U 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S%  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles hfff쿖@  'UTM hfff&u@  'UTM  P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles hfff쿖@  'UTM hfff&u@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles hfff쿖@  'UTM hfff&u@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ' 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles hfff쿖@  'UTM hfff&u@  'UTM  p 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles hfff쿖@  'UTM hfff&u@  'UTM  P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles hfff쿖@  'UTM hfff&u@  'UTM  d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. G 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles hfff쿖@  'UTM hfff&u@  'UTM  h 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /) 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@ 'miles hfff쿖@ 'UTM hfff&u@ 'UTM  H  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SJ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &8 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 80 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &. ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8, 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;& <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >$ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ST T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@ 'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    L@  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /w 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >` ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SL T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SB T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. St T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &$ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )$ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >d ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@  'miles  e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8& 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >$ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8$ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SL T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8* 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >` ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@  'miles    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &, ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8* 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @  'miles hfff@  'UTM  X@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@  'miles @  'UTM u@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,P -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@  'miles hfff@  'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /I 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@  'miles 0333@  'UTM @  'UTM  U 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    p= 3@  'miles 0333@  'UTM hfffδ@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,H  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AJ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H    033333@  'miles hfff@  'UTM Ḃ@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    033333@  'miles @  'UTM ذ@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    (\"@  'miles @  'UTM ł@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &" ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. AH B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ 'miles ̥@ 'UTM xł@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8GD 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >J ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.! H! ! ! !  @ ! 'miles! ̥@ ! 'UTM! hfff6˂@ ! 'UTM! ! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! #g! $'microgram/g dry wt.=! %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! &e! ''microgram/g dry wt.! ('Value as reported.! )! *'microgram/g dry wt.! +'Value as reported.! /! 0'microgram/g dry wt.=! 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! 8%! 9'microgram/g dry wt.! :'Value as reported.! ;! <'microgram/g dry wt.! ='Value as reported.! >! ?'microgram/g dry wt.! @'Value as reported.! S! T'microgram/g dry wt.! U'Value as reported." H" " " "  @ " 'miles" Y@ " 'UTM" 0Ђ@ " 'UTM" " " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." #G" $'microgram/g dry wt." %'Value as reported." &" ''microgram/g dry wt." ('Value as reported." )" *'microgram/g dry wt." +'Value as reported." ,(#" -'microgram/g dry wt." .'Value as reported." /I" 0'microgram/g dry wt." 1'Value as reported." 8 " 9'microgram/g dry wt." :'Value as reported." ;E" <'microgram/g dry wt." ='Value as reported." AN" B'microgram/g dry wt." C'Value as reported." S" T'microgram/g dry wt." U'Value as reported.# H# # # # @ # 'miles# 0333k@ # 'UTM# ͂@ # 'UTM# # %# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# ## $'microgram/g dry wt.=# %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# &%# ''microgram/g dry wt.# ('Value as reported.# )e # *'microgram/g dry wt.# +'Value as reported.# /G# 0'microgram/g dry wt.=# 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# 8 # 9'microgram/g dry wt.# :'Value as reported.# ;# <'microgram/g dry wt.# ='Value as reported.# ># ?'microgram/g dry wt.# @'Value as reported.# D# E'microgram/g dry wt.=# F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# S=# T'microgram/g dry wt.# U'Value as reported.$ H$ $ $ $ @ $ 'miles$ hfffx@ $ 'UTM$ 9Ƃ@ $ 'UTM$ $ $ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ #%$ $'microgram/g dry wt.$ %'Value as reported.$ &f$ ''microgram/g dry wt.$ ('Value as reported.$ )2$ *'microgram/g dry wt.$ +'Value as reported.$ /$ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Value as reported.$ 84$ 9'microgram/g dry wt.$ :'Value as reported.$ ;%$ <'microgram/g dry wt.$ ='Value as reported.$ >$ ?'microgram/g dry wt.$ @'Value as reported.$ D$ E'microgram/g dry wt.=$ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ S$ T'microgram/g dry wt.$ U'Value as reported.% H% % % % @ % 'miles%  @ % 'UTM% hfff̂@ % 'UTM% % % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% #G % $'microgram/g dry wt.% %'Value as reported.% &% ''microgram/g dry wt.% ('Value as reported.% )% *'microgram/g dry wt.% +'Value as reported.% /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.% 1'Value as reported.% 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt.% :'Value as reported.% ;% % <'microgram/g dry wt.% ='Value as reported.% >% ?'microgram/g dry wt.% @'Value as reported.% S>% T'microgram/g dry wt.% U'Value as reported.& H& & & & @ & 'miles& & & 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& #& $'microgram/g dry wt.& %'Value as reported.& &e"& ''microgram/g dry wt.& ('Value as reported.& )E& *'microgram/g dry wt.& +'Value as reported.& /& 0'microgram/g dry wt.& 1'Value as reported.& 8E& 9'microgram/g dry wt.& :'Value as reported.& ;& <'microgram/g dry wt.& ='Value as reported.& >P& ?'microgram/g dry wt.& @'Value as reported.& Sa& T'microgram/g dry wt.& U'Value as reported.' H' ' ' ' (\@ ' 'miles' ę@ ' 'UTM' 0333т@ ' 'UTM' ' @' 'microgram/g dry wt.$' 'Analyzed for but not detected.' P' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' #' $'microgram/g dry wt.=' %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' &' ''microgram/g dry wt.' ('Value as reported.' )' *'microgram/g dry wt.=' +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ,/' -'microgram/g dry wt.' .'Value as reported.' /@' 0'microgram/g dry wt.$' 1'Analyzed for but not detected.' 8' 9'microgram/g dry wt.=' :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' ;' <'microgram/g dry wt.=' ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' >L' ?'microgram/g dry wt.' @'Value as reported.' S<' T'microgram/g dry wt.' U'Value as reported.( H(  ( ( ( @ ( 'miles( ڗ@ ( 'UTM( 0333k@ ( 'UTM( ( ( 'microgram/g dry wt.=( 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( #( $'microgram/g dry wt.=( %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( &( ''microgram/g dry wt.( ('Value as reported.( )( *'microgram/g dry wt.( +'Value as reported.( /G( 0'microgram/g dry wt.=( 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( 8 ( 9'microgram/g dry wt.( :'Value as reported.( ;E( <'microgram/g dry wt.( ='Value as reported.( >M( ?'microgram/g dry wt.( @'Value as reported.( DG( E'microgram/g dry wt.=( F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( S>( T'microgram/g dry wt.( U'Value as reported.) H)  ) ) ) @ ) 'miles) 0@ ) 'UTM) @ ) 'UTM) ) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.=) 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) #) $'microgram/g dry wt.=) %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) &) ''microgram/g dry wt.) ('Value as reported.) )e ) *'microgram/g dry wt.) +'Value as reported.) /G) 0'microgram/g dry wt.=) 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) 8) 9'microgram/g dry wt.) :'Value as reported.) ;) <'microgram/g dry wt.) ='Value as reported.) > ) ?'microgram/g dry wt.) @'Value as reported.) D) E'microgram/g dry wt.=) F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) S%J) T'microgram/g dry wt.) U'Value as reported.* H* * * * p= ף@ * 'miles* @ * 'UTM* $@ * 'UTM* * * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* ,* 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* #* $'microgram/g dry wt.=* %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* &P* ''microgram/g dry wt.* ('Value as reported.* )<* *'microgram/g dry wt.* +'Value as reported.* ,#* -'microgram/g dry wt.* .'Value as reported.* /@* 0'microgram/g dry wt.$* 1'Analyzed for but not detected.* 8(* 9'microgram/g dry wt.* :'Value as reported.* ;x* <'microgram/g dry wt.* ='Value as reported.* >` * ?'microgram/g dry wt.* @'Value as reported.* A` * B'microgram/g dry wt.* C'Value as reported.* S* T'microgram/g dry wt.* U'Value as reported.+ H+ + + + . + 'miles+ @ + 'UTM+ $@ + 'UTM+ +  + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ T+ 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ #+ $'microgram/g dry wt.=+ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ &x+ ''microgram/g dry wt.+ ('Value as reported.+ )<+ *'microgram/g dry wt.+ +'Value as reported.+ ,+ -'microgram/g dry wt.+ .'Value as reported.+ /@+ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$+ 1'Analyzed for but not detected.+ 8(+ 9'microgram/g dry wt.+ :'Value as reported.+ ;d+ <'microgram/g dry wt.+ ='Value as reported.+ >` + ?'microgram/g dry wt.+ @'Value as reported.+ A` + B'microgram/g dry wt.+ C'Value as reported.+ S+ T'microgram/g dry wt.+ U'Value as reported., H, , , , . , 'miles, hfffx@ , 'UTM, 0333k@ , 'UTM, , G , 'microgram/g dry wt.=, 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., #g , $'microgram/g dry wt.=, %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., &, ''microgram/g dry wt., ('Value as reported., ), *'microgram/g dry wt.=, +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., /', 0'microgram/g dry wt.=, 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., 8@, 9'microgram/g dry wt.=, :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., ;, <'microgram/g dry wt., ='Value as reported., >, ?'microgram/g dry wt., @'Value as reported., D' , E'microgram/g dry wt.=, F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., S , T'microgram/g dry wt., U'Value as reported.- H- - - - hffff@ - 'miles- @ - 'UTM- 0333F@ - 'UTM- -  - 'microgram/g dry wt.=- 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- #G- $'microgram/g dry wt.=- %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- &- ''microgram/g dry wt.- ('Value as reported.- )' - *'microgram/g dry wt.- +'Value as reported.- /'- 0'microgram/g dry wt.=- 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- 8- 9'microgram/g dry wt.- :'Value as reported.- ;,- <'microgram/g dry wt.- ='Value as reported.- >- ?'microgram/g dry wt.- @'Value as reported.- D - E'microgram/g dry wt.=- F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- S- T'microgram/g dry wt.- U'Value as reported.. H. . . . 03333s@ . 'miles. ՠ@ . 'UTM. 0333Y@ . 'UTM. . @. 'microgram/g dry wt.$. 'Analyzed for but not detected.. P. 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. #. $'microgram/g dry wt.=. %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. &. ''microgram/g dry wt.. ('Value as reported.. ). *'microgram/g dry wt.=. +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. ,5. -'microgram/g dry wt.. .'Value as reported.. /@. 0'microgram/g dry wt.$. 1'Analyzed for but not detected.. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt.=. :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. ;. <'microgram/g dry wt.=. ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. >. ?'microgram/g dry wt.. @'Value as reported.. SP. T'microgram/g dry wt.. U'Value as reported./ H/ / / / @ / 'miles/ @ / 'UTM/ ̤@ / 'UTM/ / H/ 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ #/ $'microgram/g dry wt.=/ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ &/ ''microgram/g dry wt.=/ ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ )/ *'microgram/g dry wt./ +'Value as reported./ // 0'microgram/g dry wt.=/ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ 8%/ 9'microgram/g dry wt.=/ :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ ;./ <'microgram/g dry wt./ ='Value as reported./ > @/ ?'microgram/g dry wt./ @'Value as reported./ S@/ T'microgram/g dry wt./ U'Value as reported.0 H0 0 0 0 $ 0 'miles0 @ 0 'UTM0 Ʉ@ 0 'UTM0 0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.=0 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 #0 $'microgram/g dry wt.=0 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 &% 0 ''microgram/g dry wt.0 ('Value as reported.0 )% 0 *'microgram/g dry wt.0 +'Value as reported.0 /0 0'microgram/g dry wt.=0 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 8%0 9'microgram/g dry wt.=0 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 ;)0 <'microgram/g dry wt.0 ='Value as reported.0 >03333s@0 ?'microgram/g dry wt.0 @'Value as reported.0 S0 T'microgram/g dry wt.0 U'Value as reported.1 H1 1 1 1 $ 1 'miles1 @ 1 'UTM1 Ʉ@ 1 'UTM1 1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.=1 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 #1 $'microgram/g dry wt.=1 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 &1 ''microgram/g dry wt.=1 ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 )% 1 *'microgram/g dry wt.1 +'Value as reported.1 /1 0'microgram/g dry wt.=1 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 8"1 9'microgram/g dry wt.1 :'Value as reported.1 ;e+1 <'microgram/g dry wt.1 ='Value as reported.1 >03333s@1 ?'microgram/g dry wt.1 @'Value as reported.1 Shfffff@1 T'microgram/g dry wt.1 U'Value as reported.2 H2 2 2 2 $ 2 'miles2 hfff@ 2 'UTM2 Ʉ@ 2 'UTM2 2 12 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 #2 $'microgram/g dry wt.2 %'Value as reported.2 &2 ''microgram/g dry wt.2 ('Value as reported.2 )r2 *'microgram/g dry wt.2 +'Value as reported.2 /52 0'microgram/g dry wt.2 1'Value as reported.2 8x2 9'microgram/g dry wt.2 :'Value as reported.2 ;2 <'microgram/g dry wt.2 ='Value as reported.2 >H2 ?'microgram/g dry wt.2 @'Value as reported.2 De2 E'microgram/g dry wt.=2 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 S%92 T'microgram/g dry wt.2 U'Value as reported.3 H3  3 3 3 $ 3 'miles3 hfff@ 3 'UTM3 Ʉ@ 3 'UTM3 3 g73 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 #3 $'microgram/g dry wt.3 %'Value as reported.3 &3 ''microgram/g dry wt.3 ('Value as reported.3 )e3 *'microgram/g dry wt.3 +'Value as reported.3 /3 0'microgram/g dry wt.3 1'Value as reported.3 83 9'microgram/g dry wt.3 :'Value as reported.3 ;'3 <'microgram/g dry wt.3 ='Value as reported.3 >3 ?'microgram/g dry wt.3 @'Value as reported.3 Du3 E'microgram/g dry wt.=3 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 Sej3 T'microgram/g dry wt.3 U'Value as reported.4 H4 "4 4 4 $ 4 'miles4 @ 4 'UTM4 hfffȄ@ 4 'UTM4 4 E4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 #4 $'microgram/g dry wt.4 %'Value as reported.4 & 4 ''microgram/g dry wt.4 ('Value as reported.4 )e 4 *'microgram/g dry wt.4 +'Value as reported.4 /4 0'microgram/g dry wt.4 1'Value as reported.4 8 4 9'microgram/g dry wt.4 :'Value as reported.4 ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt.4 ='Value as reported.4 > 4 ?'microgram/g dry wt.4 @'Value as reported.4 D4 E'microgram/g dry wt.=4 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 SL4 T'microgram/g dry wt.4 U'Value as reported.5 H5 $5 5 5 $ 5 'miles5 @ 5 'UTM5 Ʉ@ 5 'UTM5 5 e5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 #5 $'microgram/g dry wt.5 %'Value as reported.5 &,5 ''microgram/g dry wt.5 ('Value as reported.5 )5 *'microgram/g dry wt.5 +'Value as reported.5 /5 0'microgram/g dry wt.5 1'Value as reported.5 85 9'microgram/g dry wt.5 :'Value as reported.5 ;5 <'microgram/g dry wt.5 ='Value as reported.5 > 5 ?'microgram/g dry wt.5 @'Value as reported.5 D5 E'microgram/g dry wt.=5 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 S\5 T'microgram/g dry wt.5 U'Value as reported.6 H6 &6 6 6 $ 6 'miles6 hfff@ 6 'UTM6 Ʉ@ 6 'UTM6 6 6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.6 #e6 $'microgram/g dry wt.6 %'Value as reported.6 &$6 ''microgram/g dry wt.6 ('Value as reported.6 )6 *'microgram/g dry wt.6 +'Value as reported.6 /G6 0'microgram/g dry wt.6 1'Value as reported.6 86 9'microgram/g dry wt.6 :'Value as reported.6 ;,6 <'microgram/g dry wt.6 ='Value as reported.6 >6 ?'microgram/g dry wt.6 @'Value as reported.6 D$6 E'microgram/g dry wt.=6 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 St6 T'microgram/g dry wt.6 U'Value as reported.7 H7 (7 7 7 $ 7 'miles7 hfff@ 7 'UTM7 Ʉ@ 7 'UTM7 7 07 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.7 #7 $'microgram/g dry wt.7 %'Value as reported.7 &L7 ''microgram/g dry wt.7 ('Value as reported.7 )*7 *'microgram/g dry wt.7 +'Value as reported.7 /G7 0'microgram/g dry wt.7 1'Value as reported.7 8.7 9'microgram/g dry wt.7 :'Value as reported.7 ;D7 <'microgram/g dry wt.7 ='Value as reported.7 >7 ?'microgram/g dry wt.7 @'Value as reported.7 DL7 E'microgram/g dry wt.=7 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 S7 T'microgram/g dry wt.7 U'Value as reported.8 H8 *8 8 8 y@ 8 'miles8 7@ 8 'UTM8 0333Є@ 8 'UTM8 8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 #G8 $'microgram/g dry wt.8 %'Value as reported.8 &8 ''microgram/g dry wt.8 ('Value as reported.8 ) 8 *'microgram/g dry wt.8 +'Value as reported.8 ,98 -'microgram/g dry wt.8 .'Value as reported.8 /i8 0'microgram/g dry wt.8 1'Value as reported.8 88 9'microgram/g dry wt.8 :'Value as reported.8 ;E8 <'microgram/g dry wt.8 ='Value as reported.8 A8 B'microgram/g dry wt.8 C'Value as reported.8 SF8 T'microgram/g dry wt.8 U'Value as reported.9 H9 ,9 9 9 hfffff@ 9 'miles9 7@ 9 'UTM9 @ 9 'UTM9 9 9 'microgram/g dry wt.=9 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 #9 $'microgram/g dry wt.=9 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 &9 ''microgram/g dry wt.=9 ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 )E9 *'microgram/g dry wt.9 +'Value as reported.9 /9 0'microgram/g dry wt.=9 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 8"9 9'microgram/g dry wt.9 :'Value as reported.9 ;e.9 <'microgram/g dry wt.9 ='Value as reported.9 >9 ?'microgram/g dry wt.9 @'Value as reported.9 S@9 T'microgram/g dry wt.9 U'Value as reported.: H: .: : : Y@ : 'miles: @ : 'UTM: <@ : 'UTM: : %: 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: #: $'microgram/g dry wt.=: %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: &: ''microgram/g dry wt.=: ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: )E: *'microgram/g dry wt.: +'Value as reported.: /: 0'microgram/g dry wt.=: 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: 8": 9'microgram/g dry wt.: :'Value as reported.: ;e': <'microgram/g dry wt.: ='Value as reported.: >hfffff @: ?'microgram/g dry wt.: @'Value as reported.: S̉@: T'microgram/g dry wt.: U'Value as reported.; H; 0; ; ; GzT@ ; 'miles; hfffܓ@ ; 'UTM; 0333s @ ; 'UTM; ; @; 'microgram/g dry wt.$; 'Analyzed for but not detected.; @; 'microgram/g dry wt.$; 'Analyzed for but not detected.; #; $'microgram/g dry wt.=; %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; &; ''microgram/g dry wt.=; ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ); *'microgram/g dry wt.=; +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ,P; -'microgram/g dry wt.; .'Value as reported.; /@; 0'microgram/g dry wt.$; 1'Analyzed for but not detected.; 8; 9'microgram/g dry wt.=; :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ;(; <'microgram/g dry wt.; ='Value as reported.; >; ?'microgram/g dry wt.; @'Value as reported.; AT; B'microgram/g dry wt.; C'Value as reported.; S; T'microgram/g dry wt.; U'Value as reported.< H< 2< < < p= S@ < 'miles< @ < 'UTM<  @ < 'UTM< < @< 'microgram/g dry wt.$< 'Analyzed for but not detected.< @< 'microgram/g dry wt.$< 'Analyzed for but not detected.< #< $'microgram/g dry wt.=< %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< &< ''microgram/g dry wt.=< ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< )< *'microgram/g dry wt.=< +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< ,< -'microgram/g dry wt.< .'Value as reported.< /@< 0'microgram/g dry wt.$< 1'Analyzed for but not detected.< 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt.=< :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< ;(< <'microgram/g dry wt.< ='Value as reported.< >< ?'microgram/g dry wt.< @'Value as reported.< A< B'microgram/g dry wt.< C'Value as reported.< S(< T'microgram/g dry wt.< U'Value as reported.= H= 4= = = 03333S@ = 'miles= 0333 @ = 'UTM=  @ = 'UTM= = @= 'microgram/g dry wt.$= 'Analyzed for but not detected.= @= 'microgram/g dry wt.$= 'Analyzed for but not detected.= #= $'microgram/g dry wt.== %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= &= ''microgram/g dry wt.== ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= )= *'microgram/g dry wt.== +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= ,h= -'microgram/g dry wt.= .'Value as reported.= /@= 0'microgram/g dry wt.$= 1'Analyzed for but not detected.= 8= 9'microgram/g dry wt.== :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= ;(= <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Value as reported.= >= ?'microgram/g dry wt.= @'Value as reported.= A= B'microgram/g dry wt.= C'Value as reported.= S= T'microgram/g dry wt.== U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> H> 6> > > p= ף@@ > 'miles> 03331@ > 'UTM> @ > 'UTM> > > 'microgram/g dry wt.=> 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> #> $'microgram/g dry wt.=> %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> &:> ''microgram/g dry wt.> ('Value as reported.> )> *'microgram/g dry wt.> +'Value as reported.> /%> 0'microgram/g dry wt.=> 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> 8"> 9'microgram/g dry wt.> :'Value as reported.> ;> <'microgram/g dry wt.=> ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> A> B'microgram/g dry wt.> C'Value as reported.> S> T'microgram/g dry wt.> U'Value as reported.? H? 8? ? ? " ? 'miles? 0333V@ ? 'UTM? hfff6$@ ? 'UTM? ? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.=? 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? #? $'microgram/g dry wt.=? %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? &<? ''microgram/g dry wt.? ('Value as reported.? ) ? *'microgram/g dry wt.? +'Value as reported.? /%? 0'microgram/g dry wt.=? 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? 8$? 9'microgram/g dry wt.? :'Value as reported.? ;? <'microgram/g dry wt.=? ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? A? B'microgram/g dry wt.? C'Value as reported.? S? T'microgram/g dry wt.? U'Value as reported.@ H@ :@ @ @ " @ 'miles@ H@ @ 'UTM@ #@ @ 'UTM@ @ @ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ #@ $'microgram/g dry wt.=@ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ &@ ''microgram/g dry wt.=@ ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ )% @ *'microgram/g dry wt.@ +'Value as reported.@ /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=@ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ 8%@ 9'microgram/g dry wt.=@ :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ ;<@ <'microgram/g dry wt.@ ='Value as reported.@ >̬@@ ?'microgram/g dry wt.@ @'Value as reported.@ S033333@@ T'microgram/g dry wt.@ U'Value as reported.A HA <A A A أp= '@ A 'milesA ̩@ A 'UTMA E@ A 'UTMA A @A 'microgram/g dry wt.$A 'Analyzed for but not detected.A <A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A #A $'microgram/g dry wt.=A %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A &A ''microgram/g dry wt.=A ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A )A *'microgram/g dry wt.=A +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A , A -'microgram/g dry wt.A .'Value as reported.A /A 0'microgram/g dry wt.A 1'Value as reported.A 8A 9'microgram/g dry wt.=A :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A ;(A <'microgram/g dry wt.A ='Value as reported.A >DA ?'microgram/g dry wt.A @'Value as reported.A A\A B'microgram/g dry wt.A C'Value as reported.A S$A T'microgram/g dry wt.A U'Value as reported.B HB >B B B hffff&@ B 'milesB @ B 'UTMB ̌I@ B 'UTMB B @B 'microgram/g dry wt.$B 'Analyzed for but not detected.B B 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.B #B $'microgram/g dry wt.=B %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B &B ''microgram/g dry wt.B ('Value as reported.B )B *'microgram/g dry wt.=B +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B ,0B -'microgram/g dry wt.B .'Value as reported.B /B 0'microgram/g dry wt.B 1'Value as reported.B 8B 9'microgram/g dry wt.=B :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B ;B <'microgram/g dry wt.=B ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B >B ?'microgram/g dry wt.B @'Value as reported.B AB B'microgram/g dry wt.B C'Value as reported.B SB T'microgram/g dry wt.=B U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C HC @C C C  @ C 'milesC @ C 'UTMC ye@ C 'UTMC C C 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.C #C $'microgram/g dry wt.C %'Value as reported.C &OC ''microgram/g dry wt.C ('Value as reported.C )eC *'microgram/g dry wt.C +'Value as reported.C , @C -'microgram/g dry wt.C .'Value as reported.C / C 0'microgram/g dry wt.C 1'Value as reported.C 8<C 9'microgram/g dry wt.C :'Value as reported.C ;TC <'microgram/g dry wt.C ='Value as reported.C >C ?'microgram/g dry wt.C @'Value as reported.C AnC B'microgram/g dry wt.C C'Value as reported.C SoC T'microgram/g dry wt.C U'Value as reported.D HD BD D D   D 'milesD hfff:@ D 'UTMD s@ D 'UTMD D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D D 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.D #D $'microgram/g dry wt.D %'Value as reported.D &D ''microgram/g dry wt.D ('Value as reported.D )(D *'microgram/g dry wt.D +'Value as reported.D ,`mD -'microgram/g dry wt.D .'Value as reported.D /'D 0'microgram/g dry wt.=D 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D 8(D 9'microgram/g dry wt.D :'Value as reported.D ;D <'microgram/g dry wt.D ='Value as reported.D >D ?'microgram/g dry wt.D @'Value as reported.D SD T'microgram/g dry wt.D U'Value as reported.E HE DE E E 033333@ E 'milesE 03334@ E 'UTME 0333;c@ E 'UTME E EE 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.E #G%E $'microgram/g dry wt.=E %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E &%'E ''microgram/g dry wt.E ('Value as reported.E )cE *'microgram/g dry wt.E +'Value as reported.E /EE 0'microgram/g dry wt.E 1'Value as reported.E 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.E :'Value as reported.E ;%%E <'microgram/g dry wt.E ='Value as reported.E > E ?'microgram/g dry wt.E @'Value as reported.E DE E'microgram/g dry wt.=E F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E SE T'microgram/g dry wt.E U'Value as reported.F HF FF F F 033333@ F 'milesF 4@ F 'UTMF _@ F 'UTMF F %F 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.F #F $'microgram/g dry wt.=F %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F &F ''microgram/g dry wt.F ('Value as reported.F )%F *'microgram/g dry wt.F +'Value as reported.F /'F 0'microgram/g dry wt.=F 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F 8eF 9'microgram/g dry wt.F :'Value as reported.F ;F <'microgram/g dry wt.F ='Value as reported.F >F ?'microgram/g dry wt.F @'Value as reported.F D5F E'microgram/g dry wt.=F F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F SF T'microgram/g dry wt.=F U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G HG HG G G (\2@ G 'milesG hfff8@ G 'UTMG i@ G 'UTMG G G 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.G #G $'microgram/g dry wt.G %'Value as reported.G &G ''microgram/g dry wt.G ('Value as reported.G )tG *'microgram/g dry wt.G +'Value as reported.G /G 0'microgram/g dry wt.G 1'Value as reported.G 8FG 9'microgram/g dry wt.G :'Value as reported.G ;^G <'microgram/g dry wt.G ='Value as reported.G A G B'microgram/g dry wt.G C'Value as reported.G SrG T'microgram/g dry wt.G U'Value as reported.H HH JH H H hffffƿ@ H 'milesH /@ H 'UTMH hr@ H 'UTMH H EH 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.H #uH $'microgram/g dry wt.H %'Value as reported.H &H ''microgram/g dry wt.H ('Value as reported.H )H *'microgram/g dry wt.H +'Value as reported.H ,H&H -'microgram/g dry wt.H .'Value as reported.H /H 0'microgram/g dry wt.H 1'Value as reported.H 8 H 9'microgram/g dry wt.H :'Value as reported.H ;H <'microgram/g dry wt.H ='Value as reported.H AH B'microgram/g dry wt.H C'Value as reported.H S8H T'microgram/g dry wt.H U'Value as reported.I HI LI I I @ I 'milesI K)@ I 'UTMI 0333@ I 'UTMI I GI 'microgram/g dry wt.=I 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I #I $'microgram/g dry wt.=I %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I &e I ''microgram/g dry wt.I ('Value as reported.I ) I *'microgram/g dry wt.I +'Value as reported.I /'I 0'microgram/g dry wt.=I 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I 8 I 9'microgram/g dry wt.I :'Value as reported.I ;% I <'microgram/g dry wt.I ='Value as reported.I >nI ?'microgram/g dry wt.I @'Value as reported.I D5I E'microgram/g dry wt.=I F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I SeI T'microgram/g dry wt.I U'Value as reported.J HJ NJ J J @ J 'milesJ I*@ J 'UTMJ 觊@ J 'UTMJ J  J 'microgram/g dry wt.=J 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J #GJ $'microgram/g dry wt.=J %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J & J ''microgram/g dry wt.J ('Value as reported.J ) J *'microgram/g dry wt.J +'Value as reported.J /'J 0'microgram/g dry wt.=J 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J 8e J 9'microgram/g dry wt.J :'Value as reported.J ; J <'microgram/g dry wt.J ='Value as reported.J >J ?'microgram/g dry wt.J @'Value as reported.J D J E'microgram/g dry wt.=J F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J S"J T'microgram/g dry wt.J U'Value as reported.K HK PK K K p= ף@ K 'milesK "@ K 'UTMK ҋ@ K 'UTMK K K 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.K #gK $'microgram/g dry wt.=K %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K &K ''microgram/g dry wt.K ('Value as reported.K )K *'microgram/g dry wt.K +'Value as reported.K ,'K -'microgram/g dry wt.K .'Value as reported.K /'K 0'microgram/g dry wt.=K 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K 8 K 9'microgram/g dry wt.K :'Value as reported.K ;K <'microgram/g dry wt.K ='Value as reported.K AK B'microgram/g dry wt.K C'Value as reported.K SK T'microgram/g dry wt.K U'Value as reported.L HL RL L L @ L 'milesL @ L 'UTML 0333SӋ@ L 'UTML L eL 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L #gL $'microgram/g dry wt.=L %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L &L ''microgram/g dry wt.L ('Value as reported.L )L *'microgram/g dry wt.L +'Value as reported.L ,L -'microgram/g dry wt.L .'Value as reported.L /'L 0'microgram/g dry wt.=L 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L 8 L 9'microgram/g dry wt.L :'Value as reported.L ;L <'microgram/g dry wt.L ='Value as reported.L AL B'microgram/g dry wt.L C'Value as reported.L SL T'microgram/g dry wt.L U'Value as reported.M HM TM M M p= ף@ M 'milesM 0333T@ M 'UTMM Ջ@ M 'UTMM M %M 'microgram/g dry wt.=M 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M #M $'microgram/g dry wt.=M %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M &M ''microgram/g dry wt.M ('Value as reported.M )M *'microgram/g dry wt.M +'Value as reported.M /eM 0'microgram/g dry wt.M 1'Value as reported.M 8M 9'microgram/g dry wt.M :'Value as reported.M ;M <'microgram/g dry wt.=M ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M AM B'microgram/g dry wt.M C'Value as reported.M S&M T'microgram/g dry wt.M U'Value as reported.N HN VN N N  N 'milesN 3@ N 'UTMN @ N 'UTMN N N 'microgram/g dry wt.=N 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N #N $'microgram/g dry wt.=N %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N & N ''microgram/g dry wt.N ('Value as reported.N )N *'microgram/g dry wt.N +'Value as reported.N /N 0'microgram/g dry wt.N 1'Value as reported.N 8 N 9'microgram/g dry wt.N :'Value as reported.N ;N <'microgram/g dry wt.=N ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N AN B'microgram/g dry wt.N C'Value as reported.N SN T'microgram/g dry wt.N U'Value as reported.O HO XO O O  O 'milesO 0333@ O 'UTMO @ O 'UTMO O O 'microgram/g dry wt.O 'Value as reported.O #O $'microgram/g dry wt.=O %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O &eO ''microgram/g dry wt.O ('Value as reported.O )O *'microgram/g dry wt.=O +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O /O 0'microgram/g dry wt.=O 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O 8O 9'microgram/g dry wt.=O :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O ;O <'microgram/g dry wt.O ='Value as reported.O >HO ?'microgram/g dry wt.O @'Value as reported.O D5O E'microgram/g dry wt.=O F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O SO T'microgram/g dry wt.O U'Value as reported.P HP ZP P P 03333@ P 'milesP 0333A@ P 'UTMP \D@ P 'UTMP P @P 'microgram/g dry wt.$P 'Analyzed for but not detected.P (P 'microgram/g dry wt.P 'Value as reported.P #P $'microgram/g dry wt.=P %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P &P ''microgram/g dry wt.=P ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P )P *'microgram/g dry wt.=P +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P , P -'microgram/g dry wt.P .'Value as reported.P /@P 0'microgram/g dry wt.$P 1'Analyzed for but not detected.P 8P 9'microgram/g dry wt.=P :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P ;P <'microgram/g dry wt.=P ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P >P ?'microgram/g dry wt.P @'Value as reported.P S(P T'microgram/g dry wt.P U'Value as reported.Q HQ \Q Q Q hffff@ Q 'milesQ hfff @ Q 'UTMQ W@ Q 'UTMQ Q Q 'microgram/g dry wt.Q 'Value as reported.Q #eQ $'microgram/g dry wt.=Q %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q & Q ''microgram/g dry wt.Q ('Value as reported.Q )Q *'microgram/g dry wt.Q +'Value as reported.Q /Q 0'microgram/g dry wt.=Q 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q 8iQ 9'microgram/g dry wt.Q :'Value as reported.Q ; Q <'microgram/g dry wt.Q ='Value as reported.Q >Q ?'microgram/g dry wt.Q @'Value as reported.Q D Q E'microgram/g dry wt.=Q F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q S"Q T'microgram/g dry wt.Q U'Value as reported.R HR ^R R R y@ R 'milesR  @ R 'UTMR 0333{o@ R 'UTMR R @R 'microgram/g dry wt.$R 'Analyzed for but not detected.R R 'microgram/g dry wt.R 'Value as reported.R #R $'microgram/g dry wt.=R %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R &R ''microgram/g dry wt.=R ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R )R *'microgram/g dry wt.=R +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R ,@R -'microgram/g dry wt.R .'Value as reported.R /@R 0'microgram/g dry wt.$R 1'Analyzed for but not detected.R 8R 9'microgram/g dry wt.=R :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R ;R <'microgram/g dry wt.=R ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R >hR ?'microgram/g dry wt.R @'Value as reported.R SPR T'microgram/g dry wt.R U'Value as reported.S HS `S S S  S 'milesS @ S 'UTMS 0333@ S 'UTMS S S 'microgram/g dry wt.=S 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S S 'microgram/g dry wt.S 'Value as reported.S #S $'microgram/g dry wt.S %'Value as reported.S &S ''microgram/g dry wt.=S ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S )S *'microgram/g dry wt.S +'Value as reported.S ,US -'microgram/g dry wt.S .'Value as reported.S /'S 0'microgram/g dry wt.=S 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S 8S 9'microgram/g dry wt.=S :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S ;S <'microgram/g dry wt.S ='Value as reported.S >0S ?'microgram/g dry wt.S @'Value as reported.S SS T'microgram/g dry wt.S U'Value as reported.T HT bT T T QŽ@ T 'milesT `@ T 'UTMT hfffL@ T 'UTMT T %T 'microgram/g dry wt.=T 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T #T $'microgram/g dry wt.T %'Value as reported.T &T ''microgram/g dry wt.T ('Value as reported.T )T *'microgram/g dry wt.T +'Value as reported.T /T 0'microgram/g dry wt.T 1'Value as reported.T 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt.T :'Value as reported.T ;T <'microgram/g dry wt.=T ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T AT B'microgram/g dry wt.T C'Value as reported.T S"T T'microgram/g dry wt.T U'Value as reported.U HU dU U U GzĽ@ U 'milesU 0333@ U 'UTMU 0333N@ U 'UTMU U U 'microgram/g dry wt.U 'Value as reported.U #U $'microgram/g dry wt.U %'Value as reported.U &U ''microgram/g dry wt.U ('Value as reported.U )U *'microgram/g dry wt.U +'Value as reported.U /U 0'microgram/g dry wt.U 1'Value as reported.U 8U 9'microgram/g dry wt.U :'Value as reported.U ;U <'microgram/g dry wt.=U ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.U AxU B'microgram/g dry wt.U C'Value as reported.U S"U T'microgram/g dry wt.U U'Value as reported.V HV fV V V P@ V 'milesV 0333`@ V 'UTMV hfffR@ V 'UTMV V V 'microgram/g dry wt.V 'Value as reported.V #gV $'microgram/g dry wt.=V %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V &V ''microgram/g dry wt.V ('Value as reported.V )%V *'microgram/g dry wt.V +'Value as reported.V , NV -'microgram/g dry wt.V .'Value as reported.V /)V 0'microgram/g dry wt.V 1'Value as reported.V 8V 9'microgram/g dry wt.V :'Value as reported.V ;V <'microgram/g dry wt.V ='Value as reported.V AV B'microgram/g dry wt.V C'Value as reported.V S4V T'microgram/g dry wt.V U'Value as reported.W HW hW W W zG@ W 'milesW m@ W 'UTMW T@ W 'UTMW W %W 'microgram/g dry wt.W 'Value as reported.W #EW $'microgram/g dry wt.W %'Value as reported.W &W ''microgram/g dry wt.W ('Value as reported.W )W *'microgram/g dry wt.W +'Value as reported.W ,(W -'microgram/g dry wt.W .'Value as reported.W /7W 0'microgram/g dry wt.W 1'Value as reported.W 8 W 9'microgram/g dry wt.W :'Value as reported.W ;W <'microgram/g dry wt.W ='Value as reported.W AW B'microgram/g dry wt.W C'Value as reported.W SW T'microgram/g dry wt.W U'Value as reported.X HX jX X X p= ף@ X 'milesX y@ X 'UTMX R@ X 'UTMX X @X 'microgram/g dry wt.$X 'Analyzed for but not detected.X <X 'microgram/g dry wt.X 'Value as reported.X #X $'microgram/g dry wt.=X %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X &X ''microgram/g dry wt.=X ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X )X *'microgram/g dry wt.=X +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X ,X -'microgram/g dry wt.X .'Value as reported.X /@X 0'microgram/g dry wt.$X 1'Analyzed for but not detected.X 8X 9'microgram/g dry wt.=X :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X ;X <'microgram/g dry wt.=X ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X >X ?'microgram/g dry wt.X @'Value as reported.X AX B'microgram/g dry wt.X C'Value as reported.X SX T'microgram/g dry wt.X U'Value as reported.Y HY lY Y Y  Y 'milesY hfffq@ Y 'UTMY U@ Y 'UTMY Y @Y 'microgram/g dry wt.$Y 'Analyzed for but not detected.Y <Y 'microgram/g dry wt.Y 'Value as reported.Y #Y $'microgram/g dry wt.=Y %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y &(Y ''microgram/g dry wt.Y ('Value as reported.Y )Y *'microgram/g dry wt.=Y +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y ,Y -'microgram/g dry wt.Y .'Value as reported.Y /@Y 0'microgram/g dry wt.$Y 1'Analyzed for but not detected.Y 8Y 9'microgram/g dry wt.=Y :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y ;Y <'microgram/g dry wt.=Y ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y >lY ?'microgram/g dry wt.Y @'Value as reported.Y AY B'microgram/g dry wt.Y C'Value as reported.Y SY T'microgram/g dry wt.Y U'Value as reported.Z HZ nZ Z Z Pa@ Z 'milesZ R@ Z 'UTMZ hfff6̍@ Z 'UTMZ Z Z 'microgram/g dry wt.Z 'Value as reported.Z #EZ $'microgram/g dry wt.=Z %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z &Z ''microgram/g dry wt.Z ('Value as reported.Z )Z *'microgram/g dry wt.Z +'Value as reported.Z ,@Z -'microgram/g dry wt.Z .'Value as reported.Z /iZ 0'microgram/g dry wt.Z 1'Value as reported.Z 8Z 9'microgram/g dry wt.Z :'Value as reported.Z ;Z <'microgram/g dry wt.Z ='Value as reported.Z AZ B'microgram/g dry wt.Z C'Value as reported.Z S4Z T'microgram/g dry wt.Z U'Value as reported.[ H[ p[ [ [ zGa@ [ 'miles[ R@ [ 'UTM[  ͍@ [ 'UTM[ [ E[ 'microgram/g dry wt.[ 'Value as reported.[ #g[ $'microgram/g dry wt.[ %'Value as reported.[ &[ ''microgram/g dry wt.[ ('Value as reported.[ )e[ *'microgram/g dry wt.[ +'Value as reported.[ ,#[ -'microgram/g dry wt.[ .'Value as reported.[ /'[ 0'microgram/g dry wt.[ 1'Value as reported.[ 8 [ 9'microgram/g dry wt.[ :'Value as reported.[ ;[ <'microgram/g dry wt.[ ='Value as reported.[ At[ B'microgram/g dry wt.[ C'Value as reported.[ S[ T'microgram/g dry wt.[ U'Value as reported.\ H\ r\ \ \ p= ף`@ \ 'miles\ hfffV@ \ 'UTM\ hfff̍@ \ 'UTM\ \ @\ 'microgram/g dry wt.$\ 'Analyzed for but not detected.\ <\ 'microgram/g dry wt.\ 'Value as reported.\ #\ $'microgram/g dry wt.=\ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ &\ ''microgram/g dry wt.=\ ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ )\ *'microgram/g dry wt.=\ +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ ,\ -'microgram/g dry wt.\ .'Value as reported.\ /@\ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$\ 1'Analyzed for but not detected.\ 8\ 9'microgram/g dry wt.=\ :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ ;\ <'microgram/g dry wt.=\ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ >\ ?'microgram/g dry wt.\ @'Value as reported.\ A\ B'microgram/g dry wt.\ C'Value as reported.\ S\ T'microgram/g dry wt.\ U'Value as reported.] H] t] ] ] `@ ] 'miles] E@ ] 'UTM] hfffn΍@ ] 'UTM] ] @] 'microgram/g dry wt.$] 'Analyzed for but not detected.] <] 'microgram/g dry wt.] 'Value as reported.] #] $'microgram/g dry wt.=] %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] &] ''microgram/g dry wt.=] ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] )] *'microgram/g dry wt.=] +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] ,] -'microgram/g dry wt.] .'Value as reported.] /@] 0'microgram/g dry wt.$] 1'Analyzed for but not detected.] 8] 9'microgram/g dry wt.=] :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] ;] <'microgram/g dry wt.=] ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] >] ?'microgram/g dry wt.] @'Value as reported.] AF] B'microgram/g dry wt.] C'Value as reported.] S] T'microgram/g dry wt.] U'Value as reported.^ H^ v^ ^ ^ (\_@ ^ 'miles^ H@ ^ 'UTM^ iύ@ ^ 'UTM^ ^ %^ 'microgram/g dry wt.^ 'Value as reported.^ #^ $'microgram/g dry wt.^ %'Value as reported.^ & ^ ''microgram/g dry wt.^ ('Value as reported.^ ) ^ *'microgram/g dry wt.^ +'Value as reported.^ /^ 0'microgram/g dry wt.^ 1'Value as reported.^ 8 ^ 9'microgram/g dry wt.^ :'Value as reported.^ ;^ <'microgram/g dry wt.=^ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^ A^ B'microgram/g dry wt.^ C'Value as reported.^ S ^ T'microgram/g dry wt.^ U'Value as reported._ H_ x_ _ _ `@ _ 'miles_ ́ݗ@ _ 'UTM_ @ _ 'UTM_ _ _ 'microgram/g dry wt._ 'Value as reported._ #g_ $'microgram/g dry wt._ %'Value as reported._ &_ ''microgram/g dry wt._ ('Value as reported._ )2_ *'microgram/g dry wt._ +'Value as reported._ /%_ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=_ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ 8_ 9'microgram/g dry wt._ :'Value as reported._ ;_ <'microgram/g dry wt._ ='Value as reported._ > _ ?'microgram/g dry wt._ @'Value as reported._ S_ T'microgram/g dry wt._ U'Value as reported.` H` z` ` ` 033333@ ` 'miles` hfff-@ ` 'UTM` a@ ` 'UTM` ` @` 'microgram/g dry wt.$` 'Analyzed for but not detected.` (` 'microgram/g dry wt.` 'Value as reported.` #` $'microgram/g dry wt.=` %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` &` ''microgram/g dry wt.=` ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` )` *'microgram/g dry wt.=` +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` ,` -'microgram/g dry wt.` .'Value as reported.` /@` 0'microgram/g dry wt.$` 1'Analyzed for but not detected.` 8` 9'microgram/g dry wt.=` :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` ;` <'microgram/g dry wt.=` ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` >` ?'microgram/g dry wt.` @'Value as reported.` S` T'microgram/g dry wt.` U'Value as reported.a Ha |a a a Gz@ a 'milesa @ a 'UTMa 0@ a 'UTMa a a 'microgram/g dry wt.=a 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a #a $'microgram/g dry wt.=a %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a &a ''microgram/g dry wt.a ('Value as reported.a )a *'microgram/g dry wt.a +'Value as reported.a /a 0'microgram/g dry wt.a 1'Value as reported.a 8 a 9'microgram/g dry wt.a :'Value as reported.a ;a <'microgram/g dry wt.=a ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a Aa B'microgram/g dry wt.a C'Value as reported.a Sa T'microgram/g dry wt.a U'Value as reported.b Hb ~b b b 03333@ b 'milesb 0333a@ b 'UTMb 9\@ b 'UTMb b @b 'microgram/g dry wt.$b 'Analyzed for but not detected.b (b 'microgram/g dry wt.b 'Value as reported.b #b $'microgram/g dry wt.=b %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b &b ''microgram/g dry wt.=b ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b )b *'microgram/g dry wt.=b +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b ,b -'microgram/g dry wt.b .'Value as reported.b /@b 0'microgram/g dry wt.$b 1'Analyzed for but not detected.b 8b 9'microgram/g dry wt.=b :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b ;b <'microgram/g dry wt.=b ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b >@b ?'microgram/g dry wt.b @'Value as reported.b Sb T'microgram/g dry wt.b U'Value as reported.c Hc c c c hffff@ c 'milesc ڕ@ c 'UTMc hfff@ c 'UTMc c c 'microgram/g dry wt.c 'Value as reported.c #Ec $'microgram/g dry wt.=c %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c &ec ''microgram/g dry wt.c ('Value as reported.c )c *'microgram/g dry wt.c +'Value as reported.c ,p0c -'microgram/g dry wt.c .'Value as reported.c /'c 0'microgram/g dry wt.=c 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c 8c 9'microgram/g dry wt.c :'Value as reported.c ;c <'microgram/g dry wt.c ='Value as reported.c A&c B'microgram/g dry wt.c C'Value as reported.c S c T'microgram/g dry wt.c U'Value as reported.d Hd d d d @ d 'milesd Bٕ@ d 'UTMd ᧎@ d 'UTMd d d 'microgram/g dry wt.d 'Value as reported.d #d $'microgram/g dry wt.=d %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d &d ''microgram/g dry wt.d ('Value as reported.d )d *'microgram/g dry wt.d +'Value as reported.d /d 0'microgram/g dry wt.=d 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d 8d 9'microgram/g dry wt.d :'Value as reported.d ;d <'microgram/g dry wt.=d ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d >d ?'microgram/g dry wt.d @'Value as reported.d D d E'microgram/g dry wt.=d F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d S"d T'microgram/g dry wt.d U'Value as reported.e He e e e @ e 'milese ؕ@ e 'UTMe |@ e 'UTMe e e 'microgram/g dry wt.e 'Value as reported.e #Ee $'microgram/g dry wt.=e %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e &e ''microgram/g dry wt.e ('Value as reported.e )e *'microgram/g dry wt.e +'Value as reported.e ,`"e -'microgram/g dry wt.e .'Value as reported.e /'e 0'microgram/g dry wt.e 1'Value as reported.e 8 e 9'microgram/g dry wt.e :'Value as reported.e ;e <'microgram/g dry wt.e ='Value as reported.e Ape B'microgram/g dry wt.e C'Value as reported.e Se T'microgram/g dry wt.e U'Value as reported.f Hf f f f @ ףp@ f 'milesf g֕@ f 'UTMf P@ f 'UTMf f @f 'microgram/g dry wt.$f 'Analyzed for but not detected.f f 'microgram/g dry wt.f 'Value as reported.f #f $'microgram/g dry wt.=f %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f &f ''microgram/g dry wt.=f ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f )f *'microgram/g dry wt.=f +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f ,f -'microgram/g dry wt.f .'Value as reported.f /@f 0'microgram/g dry wt.$f 1'Analyzed for but not detected.f 8f 9'microgram/g dry wt.=f :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f ;f <'microgram/g dry wt.=f ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f >hf ?'microgram/g dry wt.f @'Value as reported.f Ahf B'microgram/g dry wt.f C'Value as reported.f Sf T'microgram/g dry wt.f U'Value as reported.g Hg g g g ̌@ g 'milesg hfff֕@ g 'UTMg ̄@ g 'UTMg g @g 'microgram/g dry wt.$g 'Analyzed for but not detected.g g 'microgram/g dry wt.g 'Value as reported.g #g $'microgram/g dry wt.=g %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g &g ''microgram/g dry wt.=g ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g )g *'microgram/g dry wt.=g +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g ,0g -'microgram/g dry wt.g .'Value as reported.g /@g 0'microgram/g dry wt.$g 1'Analyzed for but not detected.g 8g 9'microgram/g dry wt.=g :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g ;g <'microgram/g dry wt.=g ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g >g ?'microgram/g dry wt.g @'Value as reported.g AFg B'microgram/g dry wt.g C'Value as reported.g Sg T'microgram/g dry wt.g U'Value as reported.h Hh h h h  h 'milesh ֕@ h 'UTMh hfff@ h 'UTMh h h 'microgram/g dry wt.=h 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h #h $'microgram/g dry wt.=h %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h &.h ''microgram/g dry wt.h ('Value as reported.h )h *'microgram/g dry wt.h +'Value as reported.h /h 0'microgram/g dry wt.h 1'Value as reported.h 8"h 9'microgram/g dry wt.h :'Value as reported.h ;8h <'microgram/g dry wt.h ='Value as reported.h ALh B'microgram/g dry wt.h C'Value as reported.h S"h T'microgram/g dry wt.h U'Value as reported.i Hi i i i  i 'milesi hfffsו@ i 'UTMi hfffَ@ i 'UTMi i  i 'microgram/g dry wt.i 'Value as reported.i #ei $'microgram/g dry wt.=i %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i &6i ''microgram/g dry wt.i ('Value as reported.i ) i *'microgram/g dry wt.i +'Value as reported.i /i 0'microgram/g dry wt.=i 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i 8 i 9'microgram/g dry wt.i :'Value as reported.i ;i <'microgram/g dry wt.i ='Value as reported.i > i ?'microgram/g dry wt.i @'Value as reported.i Di E'microgram/g dry wt.=i F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i S%Xi T'microgram/g dry wt.i U'Value as reported.j Hj j j j  j 'milesj 0333ו@ j 'UTMj 0333ݎ@ j 'UTMj j j 'microgram/g dry wt.j 'Value as reported.j #Ej $'microgram/g dry wt.=j %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j &<j ''microgram/g dry wt.j ('Value as reported.j )j *'microgram/g dry wt.j +'Value as reported.j /j 0'microgram/g dry wt.=j 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j 8j 9'microgram/g dry wt.j :'Value as reported.j ; j <'microgram/g dry wt.j ='Value as reported.j >Bj ?'microgram/g dry wt.j @'Value as reported.j Dej E'microgram/g dry wt.=j F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j Sjj T'microgram/g dry wt.j U'Value as reported.k Hk k k k  k 'milesk 0333Օ@ k 'UTMk D͎@ k 'UTMk k k 'microgram/g dry wt.k 'Value as reported.k #k $'microgram/g dry wt.k %'Value as reported.k &%k ''microgram/g dry wt.k ('Value as reported.k )k *'microgram/g dry wt.k +'Value as reported.k /k 0'microgram/g dry wt.=k 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k 8 k 9'microgram/g dry wt.k :'Value as reported.k ;k <'microgram/g dry wt.k ='Value as reported.k >Fk ?'microgram/g dry wt.k @'Value as reported.k SEk T'microgram/g dry wt.k U'Value as reported.l Hl l l l  l 'milesl 0333Օ@ l 'UTMl D͎@ l 'UTMl l  l 'microgram/g dry wt.l 'Value as reported.l #l $'microgram/g dry wt.l %'Value as reported.l &l ''microgram/g dry wt.l ('Value as reported.l )El *'microgram/g dry wt.l +'Value as reported.l /l 0'microgram/g dry wt.=l 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l 8l 9'microgram/g dry wt.l :'Value as reported.l ;El <'microgram/g dry wt.l ='Value as reported.l >l ?'microgram/g dry wt.l @'Value as reported.l Sl T'microgram/g dry wt.l U'Value as reported.m Hm m m m (\@ m 'milesm 0333ԕ@ m 'UTMm hfff6Վ@ m 'UTMm m @m 'microgram/g dry wt.$m 'Analyzed for but not detected.m m 'microgram/g dry wt.m 'Value as reported.m #m $'microgram/g dry wt.=m %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m &m ''microgram/g dry wt.m ('Value as reported.m )m *'microgram/g dry wt.m +'Value as reported.m ,]m -'microgram/g dry wt.m .'Value as reported.m /@m 0'microgram/g dry wt.$m 1'Analyzed for but not detected.m 8(m 9'microgram/g dry wt.m :'Value as reported.m ;(m <'microgram/g dry wt.m ='Value as reported.m >Lm ?'microgram/g dry wt.m @'Value as reported.m A( m B'microgram/g dry wt.m C'Value as reported.m SPm T'microgram/g dry wt.m U'Value as reported.n Hn n n n y@ n 'milesn z֕@ n 'UTMn 0333ڎ@ n 'UTMn n n 'microgram/g dry wt.n 'Value as reported.n #en $'microgram/g dry wt.n %'Value as reported.n &en ''microgram/g dry wt.n ('Value as reported.n )en *'microgram/g dry wt.n +'Value as reported.n /n 0'microgram/g dry wt.=n 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n 8%n 9'microgram/g dry wt.=n :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n ;n <'microgram/g dry wt.=n ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n >n ?'microgram/g dry wt.n @'Value as reported.n D n E'microgram/g dry wt.=n F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n Sn T'microgram/g dry wt.n U'Value as reported.o Ho o o  o ,@ o 'mileso ̝ȕ@ o 'UTMo "@ o 'UTMo o o 'microgram/g dry wt.o 'Value as reported.o #o $'microgram/g dry wt.=o %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o &o ''microgram/g dry wt.o ('Value as reported.o )Eo *'microgram/g dry wt.o +'Value as reported.o /o 0'microgram/g dry wt.=o 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o 8o 9'microgram/g dry wt.o :'Value as reported.o ;o <'microgram/g dry wt.o ='Value as reported.o >o ?'microgram/g dry wt.o @'Value as reported.o D o E'microgram/g dry wt.=o F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o So T'microgram/g dry wt.o U'Value as reported.p Hp p p  p hffff&@ p 'milesp hfff>ƕ@ p 'UTMp #@ p 'UTMp p Ep 'microgram/g dry wt.p 'Value as reported.p #ep $'microgram/g dry wt.=p %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p &p ''microgram/g dry wt.p ('Value as reported.p )p *'microgram/g dry wt.p +'Value as reported.p /p 0'microgram/g dry wt.=p 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p 8p 9'microgram/g dry wt.p :'Value as reported.p ;g p <'microgram/g dry wt.p ='Value as reported.p >p ?'microgram/g dry wt.p @'Value as reported.p D p E'microgram/g dry wt.=p F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p Sp T'microgram/g dry wt.p U'Value as reported.q Hq q q  q  @ q 'milesq hfffǕ@ q 'UTMq (@ q 'UTMq q %iq 'microgram/g dry wt.q 'Value as reported.q #q $'microgram/g dry wt.=q %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q &q ''microgram/g dry wt.=q ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q )q *'microgram/g dry wt.=q +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q /q 0'microgram/g dry wt.=q 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q 8%q 9'microgram/g dry wt.=q :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q ;q <'microgram/g dry wt.q ='Value as reported.q >@q ?'microgram/g dry wt.q @'Value as reported.q Sq T'microgram/g dry wt.q U'Value as reported.r Hr r r  r  @ r 'milesr hfffǕ@ r 'UTMr (@ r 'UTMr r r 'microgram/g dry wt.=r 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r #r $'microgram/g dry wt.=r %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r &r ''microgram/g dry wt.=r ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r )r *'microgram/g dry wt.r +'Value as reported.r /r 0'microgram/g dry wt.=r 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r 8%r 9'microgram/g dry wt.=r :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r ;r <'microgram/g dry wt.r ='Value as reported.r >r ?'microgram/g dry wt.r @'Value as reported.r S%r T'microgram/g dry wt.r U'Value as reported.s Hs s s  s  @ s 'miless hfffǕ@ s 'UTMs (@ s 'UTMs s G s 'microgram/g dry wt.s 'Value as reported.s #%s $'microgram/g dry wt.=s %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s &s ''microgram/g dry wt.s ('Value as reported.s )s *'microgram/g dry wt.s +'Value as reported.s /Gs 0'microgram/g dry wt.=s 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s 8es 9'microgram/g dry wt.s :'Value as reported.s ;s <'microgram/g dry wt.=s ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s >|s ?'microgram/g dry wt.s @'Value as reported.s SE s T'microgram/g dry wt.s U'Value as reported.t Ht t t  t  @ t 'milest hfffǕ@ t 'UTMt (@ t 'UTMt t %at 'microgram/g dry wt.t 'Value as reported.t #t $'microgram/g dry wt.=t %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t &t ''microgram/g dry wt.=t ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t )t *'microgram/g dry wt.=t +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t /t 0'microgram/g dry wt.=t 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t 8%t 9'microgram/g dry wt.=t :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t ;Et <'microgram/g dry wt.t ='Value as reported.t >vt ?'microgram/g dry wt.t @'Value as reported.t St T'microgram/g dry wt.t U'Value as reported.u Hu u u  u  @ u 'milesu hfffǕ@ u 'UTMu (@ u 'UTMu u  u 'microgram/g dry wt.u 'Value as reported.u #%u $'microgram/g dry wt.=u %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u & u ''microgram/g dry wt.u ('Value as reported.u )u *'microgram/g dry wt.u +'Value as reported.u /Gu 0'microgram/g dry wt.=u 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u 8 u 9'microgram/g dry wt.u :'Value as reported.u ;u <'microgram/g dry wt.=u ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u >u ?'microgram/g dry wt.u @'Value as reported.u Su T'microgram/g dry wt.u U'Value as reported.v Hv v v  v  @ v 'milesv hfffǕ@ v 'UTMv (@ v 'UTMv v ̂@v 'microgram/g dry wt.v 'Value as reported.v #v $'microgram/g dry wt.=v %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v &v ''microgram/g dry wt.=v ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v )v *'microgram/g dry wt.=v +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v /v 0'microgram/g dry wt.=v 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v 8%v 9'microgram/g dry wt.=v :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v ;%v <'microgram/g dry wt.v ='Value as reported.v >v ?'microgram/g dry wt.v @'Value as reported.v Sev T'microgram/g dry wt.v U'Value as reported.w Hw w w  w  @ w 'milesw hfffǕ@ w 'UTMw (@ w 'UTMw w  w 'microgram/g dry wt.w 'Value as reported.w #%w $'microgram/g dry wt.=w %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w &w ''microgram/g dry wt.w ('Value as reported.w )w *'microgram/g dry wt.w +'Value as reported.w /Gw 0'microgram/g dry wt.=w 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w 8w 9'microgram/g dry wt.w :'Value as reported.w ;w <'microgram/g dry wt.=w ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w >w ?'microgram/g dry wt.w @'Value as reported.w S w T'microgram/g dry wt.w U'Value as reported.x Hx x x  x  @ x 'milesx hfffǕ@ x 'UTMx (@ x 'UTMx x x 'microgram/g dry wt.=x 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x #x $'microgram/g dry wt.=x %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x &x ''microgram/g dry wt.=x ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x )x *'microgram/g dry wt.=x +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x /x 0'microgram/g dry wt.=x 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x 8%x 9'microgram/g dry wt.=x :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x ;Ex <'microgram/g dry wt.x ='Value as reported.x >e\x ?'microgram/g dry wt.x @'Value as reported.x S x T'microgram/g dry wt.x U'Value as reported.y Hy y y  y  y 'milesy hfffo@ y 'UTMy hfff;@ y 'UTMy y @y 'microgram/g dry wt.$y 'Analyzed for but not detected.y (y 'microgram/g dry wt.y 'Value as reported.y #y $'microgram/g dry wt.=y %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y &y ''microgram/g dry wt.=y ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y )y *'microgram/g dry wt.=y +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y ,y -'microgram/g dry wt.y .'Value as reported.y /@y 0'microgram/g dry wt.$y 1'Analyzed for but not detected.y 8y 9'microgram/g dry wt.=y :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y ;y <'microgram/g dry wt.=y ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y >hy ?'microgram/g dry wt.y @'Value as reported.y A|y B'microgram/g dry wt.y C'Value as reported.y Sy T'microgram/g dry wt.y U'Value as reported.z Hz z z  z p= ף@@ z 'milesz 0333-@ z 'UTMz Y@ z 'UTMz z @z 'microgram/g dry wt.$z 'Analyzed for but not detected.z <z 'microgram/g dry wt.z 'Value as reported.z #z $'microgram/g dry wt.=z %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z &z ''microgram/g dry wt.=z ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z )z *'microgram/g dry wt.=z +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z ,Pz -'microgram/g dry wt.z .'Value as reported.z /@z 0'microgram/g dry wt.$z 1'Analyzed for but not detected.z 8z 9'microgram/g dry wt.=z :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z ;z <'microgram/g dry wt.=z ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z >,z ?'microgram/g dry wt.z @'Value as reported.z Az B'microgram/g dry wt.z C'Value as reported.z Sz T'microgram/g dry wt.z U'Value as reported.{ H{ { {  {  { 'miles{ :@ { 'UTM{ X@ { 'UTM{ { @{ 'microgram/g dry wt.${ 'Analyzed for but not detected.{ <{ 'microgram/g dry wt.{ 'Value as reported.{ #{ $'microgram/g dry wt.={ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ &{ ''microgram/g dry wt.={ ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ ){ *'microgram/g dry wt.={ +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ , { -'microgram/g dry wt.{ .'Value as reported.{ /@{ 0'microgram/g dry wt.${ 1'Analyzed for but not detected.{ 8{ 9'microgram/g dry wt.{ :'Value as reported.{ ;{ <'microgram/g dry wt.={ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ >{ ?'microgram/g dry wt.{ @'Value as reported.{ A{ B'microgram/g dry wt.{ C'Value as reported.{ S{ T'microgram/g dry wt.{ U'Value as reported.| H| | |  |  @ | 'miles| @ | 'UTM| @ | 'UTM| | @| 'microgram/g dry wt.$| 'Analyzed for but not detected.| <| 'microgram/g dry wt.| 'Value as reported.| #| $'microgram/g dry wt.=| %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| &| ''microgram/g dry wt.=| ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| )| *'microgram/g dry wt.=| +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| ,| -'microgram/g dry wt.| .'Value as reported.| /@| 0'microgram/g dry wt.$| 1'Analyzed for but not detected.| 8| 9'microgram/g dry wt.=| :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| ;| <'microgram/g dry wt.=| ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| >h| ?'microgram/g dry wt.| @'Value as reported.| S| T'microgram/g dry wt.| U'Value as reported.} H} } }  } @ } 'miles} 왕@ } 'UTM} L@ } 'UTM} }  } 'microgram/g dry wt.=} 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} #} $'microgram/g dry wt.=} %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} & } ''microgram/g dry wt.} ('Value as reported.} )e} *'microgram/g dry wt.} +'Value as reported.} /} 0'microgram/g dry wt.=} 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} 8e } 9'microgram/g dry wt.} :'Value as reported.} ;} <'microgram/g dry wt.} ='Value as reported.} >} ?'microgram/g dry wt.} @'Value as reported.} D } E'microgram/g dry wt.=} F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} S} T'microgram/g dry wt.} U'Value as reported.~ H~ ~ ~  ~ Gz@ ~ 'miles~ l@ ~ 'UTM~ @ ~ 'UTM~ ~ ~ 'microgram/g dry wt.=~ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~ #~ $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Value as reported.~ &~ ''microgram/g dry wt.~ ('Value as reported.~ )~ *'microgram/g dry wt.~ +'Value as reported.~ /%~ 0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Value as reported.~ 8 ~ 9'microgram/g dry wt.~ :'Value as reported.~ ;~ <'microgram/g dry wt.=~ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~ Ab~ B'microgram/g dry wt.~ C'Value as reported.~ S<~ T'microgram/g dry wt.~ U'Value as reported. H     @  'miles 0333㙕@  'UTM @  'UTM  ' 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /i 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     03333Ӻ@ 'miles 0333@ 'UTM ȕ@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SE  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     hffffƺ@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     03333@ 'miles ч@ 'UTM Ï@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >X ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Se  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     03333@ 'miles !@ 'UTM Ï@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     p= ף@ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM 0333{@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AT B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H      'miles hfff@ 'UTM 0333{@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     03333s@ 'miles y@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >v ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     P@ 'miles hfff&|@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &4 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A`m B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. Sn T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H      QN@ 'miles ]{@ 'UTM T@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S& T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     GzN@ 'miles S{@ 'UTM \@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ ףpM@ 'miles I{@ 'UTM hfff&@ 'UTM  ' 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /w 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     L@ 'miles 6{@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     p= ף@@ 'miles y@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H      'miles y@ 'UTM ɩ@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H      'miles Sy@ 'UTM @ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /I 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. Sd T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H      'miles Sy@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S> T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H      'miles Sy@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S2 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     9@ 'miles  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     9@ 'miles yv@ 'UTM 0333ò@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;g <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S& T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     033333@ 'miles w@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &D ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;& <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A`m B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ ףp @ 'miles 0333v@ 'UTM ̤@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ah B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H      @ 'miles ̧v@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,h -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H      @ 'miles k@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S& T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ 'miles q@ 'UTM ʏ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &0 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A`m B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S` T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     Gzι@ 'miles g@ 'UTM x@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &B ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 84 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     hffffƹ@ 'miles 0333e@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  g  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     Gzt@ 'miles 0333gZ@ 'UTM 0333#=@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A, B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     03333s@ 'miles Y@ 'UTM 0333K>@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H     p= ף`@ 'miles 0333X@ 'UTM ^@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,x -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >D ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     `@ 'miles hfffX@ 'UTM ^@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . hffffƷ@ 'miles )@ 'UTM L@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . @ 'miles n(@ 'UTM 0333`@ 'UTM  G  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;' <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . hffff@ 'miles &@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D'  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . p= ף@ 'miles &@ 'UTM 0333{@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   .  'miles &@ 'UTM t@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &< ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . l@ 'miles hfff%@ 'UTM ɒ@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . أp= g@ 'miles ,&@ 'UTM ڒ@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H   . hfffff@ 'miles hfffI&@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,0 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >l ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AT B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H   . p= ף`@ 'miles 0333&@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >D ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    . `@ 'miles &@ 'UTM hfff.@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >D ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ah B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    . Y@ 'miles hfff%@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,: -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S0 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . Y@ 'miles (@ 'UTM hfffF@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . 03333S@ 'miles hfff@&@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  g  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . 03333S@ 'miles 0333u'@ 'UTM 0333[@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >V ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . hffff&@ 'miles ̡ @ 'UTM 0333S'@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A0 B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. SF T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . @ 'miles @ 'UTM hfffJ@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;G  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >6 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . 03333@ 'miles hfff@@ 'UTM X@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . P@ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM 03333k@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . zG@ 'miles 0333@ 'UTM 0333l@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H   . p= ף@ 'miles Q@ 'UTM 0333p@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    . @ 'miles 0333@@ 'UTM 0333s@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,P -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AP B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H "  . ̶@ 'miles hfff}@ 'UTM 0333|@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H $  . hffffƶ@ 'miles h@ 'UTM t@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H &  . hffff@ 'miles @ 'UTM ̤|@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,t -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H (  . (\µ@ 'miles @ 'UTM  z@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H *  . Gz@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H ,  . p= ׳@ 'miles ̚@ 'UTM 0333t@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. n 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >t ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ay B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H .  . ̬@ 'miles 0333C @ 'UTM @|@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,/ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A* B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 0  . ̬@ 'miles 0333 @ 'UTM t@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 2  . @ 'miles hfff @ 'UTM i{@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 4  . Gz@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 6  . ̌@ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM ̔@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H 8  . 9@ 'miles 0333@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H :  . hffff&@ 'miles @ 'UTM 0333[@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H <  .  @ 'miles q@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H @     @ 'miles k@ 'UTM %@ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H B     'miles @ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,P -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SE  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H F     'miles hfff1@ 'UTM hfff-@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H H    @ 'miles 0333y@ 'UTM `G@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S' T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H J    @ 'miles hfffD@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A6 B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H L    @ 'miles 0333y@ 'UTM (i@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >Z ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H N    p= ף@ 'miles }@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,2 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ah B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H P     'miles }@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,6 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H R     'miles  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &%  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H T     'miles hfff@ 'UTM T@ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H V     'miles hfff@ 'UTM a@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S= T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H X     @ 'miles ޔ@ 'UTM ?@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H Z    @ 'miles ڔ@ 'UTM 0333Z@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H \    @ 'miles ٔ@ 'UTM Pb@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )%  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;G  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H ^    ףp=ڴ@ 'miles tՔ@ 'UTM 0t@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,x7 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H `    ٴ@ 'miles tՔ@ 'UTM s@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,D -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /I 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S" T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H b    03333Ӵ@ 'miles XԔ@ 'UTM {@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )%  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H d    ̬@ 'miles ϔ@ 'UTM  @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H f     'miles ˔@ 'UTM dؕ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >X ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H h    hffffF@ 'miles ɔ@ 'UTM 033337@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /) 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H j     'miles hfffɔ@ 'UTM AC@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , 5 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S" T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H l     'miles {ɔ@ 'UTM C@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >\ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H n    p= 3@ 'miles Ȕ@ 'UTM T@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,0 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H p    033333@ 'miles 0333ɔ@ 'UTM U@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;< <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >F ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H r    @ ףp@ 'miles ǔ@ 'UTM hfffk@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. AN B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S" T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H t    @ ףp@ 'miles hfffƔ@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D'  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H v   hffff@ 'miles ӳ@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,8 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H x   y@ 'miles 0333ڱ@ 'UTM Ƙ@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >l ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H z   @ ףp-@ 'miles 餔@ 'UTM ̔@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AT B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H |   ,@ 'miles 餔@ 'UTM )@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >, ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A| B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H ~    'miles @ 'UTM hfff,@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles hfff~@ 'UTM 0333K.@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >R ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    (\@ 'miles !@ 'UTM <@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles 0333@ 'UTM G@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S" T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    ٱ@ 'miles @ 'UTM hfffh@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8D 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@ 'miles Ց@ 'UTM 1@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,X -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles @ 'UTM x@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@ 'miles @ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    p= ף@@ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles Ɓ@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles hfffန@ 'UTM l@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8D 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    p= ף @ 'miles |@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,0 -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >: ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ah B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @ 'miles 0333l}@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A| B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles w@ 'UTM *@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,(# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles hfff5w@ 'UTM 0333*@ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &g% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles >i@ 'UTM 0333 t@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles h@ 'UTM 0333p@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8D 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Gz@ 'miles g@ 'UTM hfffy@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@ 'miles ̮d@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )G *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8A 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles hfff d@ 'UTM hfffֈ@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Y@ 'miles q]@ 'UTM 8@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. d 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffffF@ 'miles 0333&Z@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8C 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;g  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >4 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM hfffF@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8%D 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >y @ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sp T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM hfffF@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >@ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM hfffF@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > @ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM hfffF@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8%D 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S` T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM hfffF@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8%D 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > @ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S%7 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM ܣ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM ܣ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM ܣ@ 'UTM  '  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >, ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S8 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM ܣ@ 'UTM  5 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #u $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >$ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM ܣ@ 'UTM  G  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;* <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     'miles IY@ 'UTM hfffF@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >8 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    xG:@ 'miles hfffBX@ 'UTM hffff@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S& T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@  'miles R@  'UTM Ś@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @  'miles R@  'UTM Ț@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >& ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@  'miles **@  'UTM ,@  'UTM  g  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8C 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >E ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    ףp=@  'miles hfffh&@  'UTM ɛ@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A0 B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H    @  'miles hfffh&@  'UTM ɛ@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,X -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@  'miles 0333g&@  'UTM dʛ@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;g  <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @  'miles 0333@  'UTM  @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,P -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Gz@  'miles hfff @  'UTM a@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A~ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff@ 'miles 03335@ 'UTM ̼@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,h -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @ 'miles hfffvؓ@ 'UTM dY@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles %@ 'UTM hfff6؛@ 'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &e ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. SE T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    p= ף@ 'miles ӓ@ 'UTM hfff]@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A| B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    h 'miles ӓ@ 'UTM hfffe@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /E 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @  'miles ͓@  'UTM dY@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >@ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @  'miles hfffד@  'UTM 0333[X@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@  'miles ē@  'UTM A@  'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,h) -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /i 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@  'miles hfff̓@  'UTM [@  'UTM  '  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #g  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >< ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AX B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D'  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    p= ד@  'miles hfff˿@  'UTM t)@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,`  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H    03333@  'miles f@  'UTM 0333[/@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. At B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H    ̌@  'miles ̥@  'UTM "@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,! -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    d  'miles hfffἓ@  'UTM #@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8C 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >B ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333S@  'miles @  'UTM Y @  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    9@  'miles 0333@  'UTM `@  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S< T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    hffff&@  'miles  g  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @  'miles  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >, ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H     @  'miles @  'UTM hfff~@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. )g *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >8 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Se  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @  'miles    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @  'miles   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. t* 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. g !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,[ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >v ?'microgram/g dry wt.= @'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. D( E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. GP H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J( K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P%) Q'microgram/g dry wt.= R'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S%) T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. \( ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n  o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. H    @  'miles  g 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    Q@  'miles G@  'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8H 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    @  'miles ̘@  'UTM X!@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )G *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S%  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. H    03333@ 'miles נ@ 'UTM hfff$@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Analyzed for but not detected.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ,p -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt.= ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported.! H! ! ! ! 03333ӫ@ ! 'miles! 0333@ ! 'UTM! C@ ! 'UTM! ! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! #! $'microgram/g dry wt.=! %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! &! ''microgram/g dry wt.=! ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! )! *'microgram/g dry wt.=! +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! ,! -'microgram/g dry wt.! .'Value as reported.! /'! 0'microgram/g dry wt.=! 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! 8! 9'microgram/g dry wt.=! :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! ;! <'microgram/g dry wt.=! ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! >! ?'microgram/g dry wt.! @'Value as reported.! S! T'microgram/g dry wt.! U'Value as reported." H" " " " ̬@ " 'miles" 0333@ " 'UTM" ^@ " 'UTM" " " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." " 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." #" $'microgram/g dry wt.=" %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." &" ''microgram/g dry wt.=" ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." )" *'microgram/g dry wt.=" +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." , " -'microgram/g dry wt." .'Value as reported." /'" 0'microgram/g dry wt.=" 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." 8" 9'microgram/g dry wt.=" :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." ;" <'microgram/g dry wt.=" ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported." >T" ?'microgram/g dry wt." @'Value as reported." A" B'microgram/g dry wt." C'Value as reported." S" T'microgram/g dry wt." U'Value as reported.# H# # # # @ # 'miles# @ # 'UTM# 0333;{@ # 'UTM# # # 'microgram/g dry wt.=# 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# #%# $'microgram/g dry wt.# %'Value as reported.# &E # ''microgram/g dry wt.# ('Value as reported.# ) # *'microgram/g dry wt.# +'Value as reported.# /'# 0'microgram/g dry wt.=# 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# 8 # 9'microgram/g dry wt.# :'Value as reported.# ;E# <'microgram/g dry wt.# ='Value as reported.# ># ?'microgram/g dry wt.# @'Value as reported.# D# E'microgram/g dry wt.=# F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.# S%# T'microgram/g dry wt.# U'Value as reported.$ H$ $ $ $ ̌@ $ 'miles$ $ %$ 'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ #$ $'microgram/g dry wt.$ %'Value as reported.$ &$ ''microgram/g dry wt.$ ('Value as reported.$ )e$ *'microgram/g dry wt.$ +'Value as reported.$ /'$ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ 8$ 9'microgram/g dry wt.$ :'Value as reported.$ ;% $ <'microgram/g dry wt.$ ='Value as reported.$ >$ ?'microgram/g dry wt.$ @'Value as reported.$ D$ E'microgram/g dry wt.=$ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ S$ T'microgram/g dry wt.$ U'Value as reported.% H%  % % % l@ % 'miles% @ % 'UTM% ̜@ % 'UTM% % #% $'microgram/g dry wt.% %'Value as reported.% &E % ''microgram/g dry wt.% ('Value as reported.% )% *'microgram/g dry wt.% +'Value as reported.% /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.% 1'Value as reported.% 8e% 9'microgram/g dry wt.% :'Value as reported.% ;%% <'microgram/g dry wt.% ='Value as reported.% >r% ?'microgram/g dry wt.% @'Value as reported.% S,% T'microgram/g dry wt.% U'Value as reported.& H&  & & & 03333s@ & 'miles& 퓓@ & 'UTM& ̼@ & 'UTM& & #& $'microgram/g dry wt.=& %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.& & & ''microgram/g dry wt.& ('Value as reported.& )'(& *'microgram/g dry wt.& +'Value as reported.& /'& 0'microgram/g dry wt.& 1'Value as reported.& 8u& 9'microgram/g dry wt.& :'Value as reported.& ;& <'microgram/g dry wt.& ='Value as reported.& >& ?'microgram/g dry wt.& @'Value as reported.& S& T'microgram/g dry wt.& U'Value as reported.' H' ' ' ' 03333s@ ' 'miles' 딓@ ' 'UTM' ,@ ' 'UTM' ' #' $'microgram/g dry wt.=' %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.' &' ''microgram/g dry wt.' ('Value as reported.' )U' *'microgram/g dry wt.' +'Value as reported.' /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.' 1'Value as reported.' 8%' 9'microgram/g dry wt.' :'Value as reported.' ;' <'microgram/g dry wt.' ='Value as reported.' >6' ?'microgram/g dry wt.' @'Value as reported.' S' T'microgram/g dry wt.' U'Value as reported.( H( ( ( ( 03333@ ( 'miles( S9@ ( 'UTM( tۜ@ ( 'UTM( (  ( 'microgram/g dry wt.=( 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( # ( $'microgram/g dry wt.=( %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( &( ''microgram/g dry wt.( ('Value as reported.( )( *'microgram/g dry wt.=( +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( /'( 0'microgram/g dry wt.=( 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt.( :'Value as reported.( ;G ( <'microgram/g dry wt.=( ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( >( ?'microgram/g dry wt.( @'Value as reported.( D ( E'microgram/g dry wt.=( F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( Se ( T'microgram/g dry wt.( U'Value as reported.) H) ) ) ) ףp=z@ ) 'miles) *5@ ) 'UTM) 0333@ ) 'UTM) ) @) 'microgram/g dry wt.$) 'Analyzed for but not detected.) () 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) #) $'microgram/g dry wt.=) %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) &) ''microgram/g dry wt.=) ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) )) *'microgram/g dry wt.=) +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) , ) -'microgram/g dry wt.) .'Value as reported.) /@) 0'microgram/g dry wt.$) 1'Analyzed for but not detected.) 8) 9'microgram/g dry wt.=) :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) ;) <'microgram/g dry wt.=) ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) >) ?'microgram/g dry wt.) @'Value as reported.) A) B'microgram/g dry wt.) C'Value as reported.) S) T'microgram/g dry wt.=) U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* H* * * * y@ * 'miles* hfff5@ * 'UTM* ̄@ * 'UTM* * @* 'microgram/g dry wt.$* 'Analyzed for but not detected.* * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* #* $'microgram/g dry wt.=* %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* &<* ''microgram/g dry wt.* ('Value as reported.* )* *'microgram/g dry wt.=* +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* ,* -'microgram/g dry wt.* .'Value as reported.* /@* 0'microgram/g dry wt.$* 1'Analyzed for but not detected.* 8* 9'microgram/g dry wt.=* :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* ;* <'microgram/g dry wt.=* ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.* >,* ?'microgram/g dry wt.* @'Value as reported.* A* B'microgram/g dry wt.* C'Value as reported.* S* T'microgram/g dry wt.=* U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ H+ + + + 03333s@ + 'miles+ 94@ + 'UTM+ 콜@ + 'UTM+ + + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ #E+ $'microgram/g dry wt.=+ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.+ &+ ''microgram/g dry wt.+ ('Value as reported.+ )+ *'microgram/g dry wt.+ +'Value as reported.+ ,(#+ -'microgram/g dry wt.+ .'Value as reported.+ /)+ 0'microgram/g dry wt.+ 1'Value as reported.+ 8 + 9'microgram/g dry wt.+ :'Value as reported.+ ;+ <'microgram/g dry wt.+ ='Value as reported.+ A+ B'microgram/g dry wt.+ C'Value as reported.+ S+ T'microgram/g dry wt.+ U'Value as reported., H, , , , hfffff@ , 'miles, 1@ , 'UTM, hfffn@ , 'UTM, , , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., #g, $'microgram/g dry wt.=, %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported., &, ''microgram/g dry wt., ('Value as reported., )e, *'microgram/g dry wt., +'Value as reported., ,!, -'microgram/g dry wt., .'Value as reported., /, 0'microgram/g dry wt., 1'Value as reported., 8 , 9'microgram/g dry wt., :'Value as reported., ;, <'microgram/g dry wt., ='Value as reported., A, B'microgram/g dry wt., C'Value as reported., S, T'microgram/g dry wt., U'Value as reported.- H- - - - `@ - 'miles- -1@ - 'UTM- @ - 'UTM- -  - 'microgram/g dry wt.=- 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- #e- $'microgram/g dry wt.=- %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- &- ''microgram/g dry wt.- ('Value as reported.- )- *'microgram/g dry wt.=- +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- /'- 0'microgram/g dry wt.=- 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- 8e- 9'microgram/g dry wt.- :'Value as reported.- ;G - <'microgram/g dry wt.=- ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- >|- ?'microgram/g dry wt.- @'Value as reported.- D - E'microgram/g dry wt.=- F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.- S - T'microgram/g dry wt.- U'Value as reported.. H. . . . @ . 'miles. L$@ . 'UTM. )̜@ . 'UTM. . @. 'microgram/g dry wt.$. 'Analyzed for but not detected.. . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. #. $'microgram/g dry wt.=. %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. &. ''microgram/g dry wt.=. ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. ). *'microgram/g dry wt.=. +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. , . -'microgram/g dry wt.. .'Value as reported.. /@. 0'microgram/g dry wt.$. 1'Analyzed for but not detected.. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt.=. :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. ;. <'microgram/g dry wt.=. ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.. >. ?'microgram/g dry wt.. @'Value as reported.. Se. T'microgram/g dry wt.. U'Value as reported./ H/ / / /  @ / 'miles/ ̺!@ / 'UTM/ @ / 'UTM/ /  / 'microgram/g dry wt.=/ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ #'/ $'microgram/g dry wt.=/ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ &/ ''microgram/g dry wt./ ('Value as reported./ )/ *'microgram/g dry wt.=/ +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ /'/ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=/ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ 8F/ 9'microgram/g dry wt.=/ :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ ;/ <'microgram/g dry wt./ ='Value as reported./ >/ ?'microgram/g dry wt./ @'Value as reported./ D / E'microgram/g dry wt.=/ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ Se / T'microgram/g dry wt./ U'Value as reported.0 H0  0 0 0 hffff@ 0 'miles0 k@ 0 'UTM0 0333@ 0 'UTM0 0 @0 'microgram/g dry wt.$0 'Analyzed for but not detected.0 (0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 #0 $'microgram/g dry wt.=0 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 &0 ''microgram/g dry wt.=0 ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 )0 *'microgram/g dry wt.=0 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 ,0 -'microgram/g dry wt.0 .'Value as reported.0 /@0 0'microgram/g dry wt.$0 1'Analyzed for but not detected.0 80 9'microgram/g dry wt.=0 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 ;0 <'microgram/g dry wt.=0 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt.0 @'Value as reported.0 S 0 T'microgram/g dry wt.0 U'Value as reported.1 H1 "1 1 1 @ 1 'miles1 u@ 1 'UTM1 0333K@ 1 'UTM1 1  1 'microgram/g dry wt.=1 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 #e1 $'microgram/g dry wt.=1 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 &e1 ''microgram/g dry wt.1 ('Value as reported.1 )1 *'microgram/g dry wt.=1 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 /'1 0'microgram/g dry wt.=1 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 8D1 9'microgram/g dry wt.=1 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 ;e1 <'microgram/g dry wt.1 ='Value as reported.1 >1 ?'microgram/g dry wt.1 @'Value as reported.1 D 1 E'microgram/g dry wt.=1 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 S 1 T'microgram/g dry wt.1 U'Value as reported.2 H2 $2 2 2 03333@ 2 'miles2 @ 2 'UTM2 hfff9@ 2 'UTM2 2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 <2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 #2 $'microgram/g dry wt.=2 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 &2 ''microgram/g dry wt.=2 ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 )2 *'microgram/g dry wt.=2 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 ,2 -'microgram/g dry wt.2 .'Value as reported.2 /'2 0'microgram/g dry wt.=2 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 82 9'microgram/g dry wt.=2 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 ;2 <'microgram/g dry wt.=2 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.2 >2 ?'microgram/g dry wt.2 @'Value as reported.2 S2 T'microgram/g dry wt.2 U'Value as reported.3 H3 &3 3 3 03333@ 3 'miles3 3  3 'microgram/g dry wt.=3 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 #G 3 $'microgram/g dry wt.=3 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 &3 ''microgram/g dry wt.3 ('Value as reported.3 )3 *'microgram/g dry wt.=3 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 /'3 0'microgram/g dry wt.=3 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 8E3 9'microgram/g dry wt.3 :'Value as reported.3 ; 3 <'microgram/g dry wt.=3 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 >3 ?'microgram/g dry wt.3 @'Value as reported.3 D3 E'microgram/g dry wt.=3 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.3 Se 3 T'microgram/g dry wt.3 U'Value as reported.4 H4 (4 4 4 `(ܧ@ 4 'miles4 0333@ 4 'UTM4 0333s+@ 4 'UTM4 4 %4 'microgram/g dry wt.=4 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 #%4 $'microgram/g dry wt.4 %'Value as reported.4 &4 ''microgram/g dry wt.4 ('Value as reported.4 )4 *'microgram/g dry wt.4 +'Value as reported.4 /%4 0'microgram/g dry wt.4 1'Value as reported.4 84 9'microgram/g dry wt.4 :'Value as reported.4 ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt.=4 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.4 A4 B'microgram/g dry wt.4 C'Value as reported.4 S4 T'microgram/g dry wt.4 U'Value as reported.5 H5 *5 5 5 ̧@ 5 'miles5 K@ 5 'UTM5 0333+@ 5 'UTM5 5 5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 (5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 #5 $'microgram/g dry wt.=5 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 &5 ''microgram/g dry wt.5 ('Value as reported.5 )5 *'microgram/g dry wt.=5 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 , 5 -'microgram/g dry wt.5 .'Value as reported.5 /'5 0'microgram/g dry wt.=5 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 85 9'microgram/g dry wt.=5 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 ;5 <'microgram/g dry wt.=5 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.5 >5 ?'microgram/g dry wt.5 @'Value as reported.5 S5 T'microgram/g dry wt.5 U'Value as reported.6 H6 ,6 6 6 ̧@ 6 'miles6 @ 6 'UTM6 hfff@ 6 'UTM6 6  6 'microgram/g dry wt.=6 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 # 6 $'microgram/g dry wt.=6 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 &%6 ''microgram/g dry wt.6 ('Value as reported.6 )6 *'microgram/g dry wt.=6 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 /'6 0'microgram/g dry wt.=6 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 86 9'microgram/g dry wt.=6 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 ;G 6 <'microgram/g dry wt.=6 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 >d6 ?'microgram/g dry wt.6 @'Value as reported.6 D6 E'microgram/g dry wt.=6 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 Se 6 T'microgram/g dry wt.6 U'Value as reported.7 H7 .7 7 7 03333s@ 7 'miles7 0333@ 7 'UTM7 ,@ 7 'UTM7 7 ' 7 'microgram/g dry wt.=7 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 #G 7 $'microgram/g dry wt.=7 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 &7 ''microgram/g dry wt.7 ('Value as reported.7 )g7 *'microgram/g dry wt.=7 +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 /'7 0'microgram/g dry wt.=7 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 87 9'microgram/g dry wt.=7 :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 ;7 <'microgram/g dry wt.7 ='Value as reported.7 >27 ?'microgram/g dry wt.7 @'Value as reported.7 D' 7 E'microgram/g dry wt.=7 F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 S 7 T'microgram/g dry wt.7 U'Value as reported.8 H8 08 8 8 @ ףpm@ 8 'miles8 C@ 8 'UTM8 hfff@ 8 'UTM8 8 8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.8 #'8 $'microgram/g dry wt.=8 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 &E8 ''microgram/g dry wt.8 ('Value as reported.8 )%8 *'microgram/g dry wt.8 +'Value as reported.8 ,8 -'microgram/g dry wt.8 .'Value as reported.8 /I8 0'microgram/g dry wt.8 1'Value as reported.8 88 9'microgram/g dry wt.8 :'Value as reported.8 ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt.8 ='Value as reported.8 A8 B'microgram/g dry wt.8 C'Value as reported.8 S8 T'microgram/g dry wt.8 U'Value as reported.9 H9 29 9 9 l@ 9 'miles9 C@ 9 'UTM9 hfff@ 9 'UTM9 9 g9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.9 #g9 $'microgram/g dry wt.=9 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 &e9 ''microgram/g dry wt.9 ('Value as reported.9 )%9 *'microgram/g dry wt.9 +'Value as reported.9 ,9 -'microgram/g dry wt.9 .'Value as reported.9 /9 0'microgram/g dry wt.9 1'Value as reported.9 89 9'microgram/g dry wt.9 :'Value as reported.9 ;9 <'microgram/g dry wt.9 ='Value as reported.9 A9 B'microgram/g dry wt.9 C'Value as reported.9 S9 T'microgram/g dry wt.9 U'Value as reported.: H: 4: : : ףp=Z@ : 'miles: hfff@ : 'UTM: @@ : 'UTM: : : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: : 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.: #: $'microgram/g dry wt.=: %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: &: ''microgram/g dry wt.=: ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: ): *'microgram/g dry wt.=: +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: ,: -'microgram/g dry wt.: .'Value as reported.: /: 0'microgram/g dry wt.: 1'Value as reported.: 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt.=: :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: ;(: <'microgram/g dry wt.: ='Value as reported.: >: ?'microgram/g dry wt.: @'Value as reported.: AT: B'microgram/g dry wt.: C'Value as reported.: S: T'microgram/g dry wt.=: U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; H; 6; ; ; Y@ ; 'miles; hfff@ ; 'UTM; @ ; 'UTM; ; @; 'microgram/g dry wt.$; 'Analyzed for but not detected.; ; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.; #; $'microgram/g dry wt.=; %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; &; ''microgram/g dry wt.=; ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ); *'microgram/g dry wt.=; +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ,; -'microgram/g dry wt.; .'Value as reported.; /@; 0'microgram/g dry wt.$; 1'Analyzed for but not detected.; 8; 9'microgram/g dry wt.=; :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; ;(; <'microgram/g dry wt.; ='Value as reported.; >; ?'microgram/g dry wt.; @'Value as reported.; A$; B'microgram/g dry wt.; C'Value as reported.; S; T'microgram/g dry wt.=; U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< H< 8< < < L@ < 'miles< K@ < 'UTM< ̬@ < 'UTM< <  < 'microgram/g dry wt.=< 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< # < $'microgram/g dry wt.=< %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< &< ''microgram/g dry wt.< ('Value as reported.< )< *'microgram/g dry wt.=< +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< /'< 0'microgram/g dry wt.=< 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< 8B< 9'microgram/g dry wt.=< :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< ;< <'microgram/g dry wt.< ='Value as reported.< >< ?'microgram/g dry wt.< @'Value as reported.< DG < E'microgram/g dry wt.=< F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< Se < T'microgram/g dry wt.< U'Value as reported.= H= := = = 033333@ = 'miles= hfff@ = 'UTM= hffff@ = 'UTM= = = 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= d= 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.= #= $'microgram/g dry wt.== %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= &= ''microgram/g dry wt.== ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= )= *'microgram/g dry wt.== +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= ,= -'microgram/g dry wt.= .'Value as reported.= /'= 0'microgram/g dry wt.== 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= 8= 9'microgram/g dry wt.== :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= ;= <'microgram/g dry wt.== ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= >= ?'microgram/g dry wt.= @'Value as reported.= S= T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Value as reported.> H> <> > > ,@ > 'miles> @ > 'UTM> @ > 'UTM> > ' > 'microgram/g dry wt.=> 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> #G > $'microgram/g dry wt.=> %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> &> ''microgram/g dry wt.> ('Value as reported.> )g> *'microgram/g dry wt.=> +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> /'> 0'microgram/g dry wt.=> 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> 8'B> 9'microgram/g dry wt.=> :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> ;%> <'microgram/g dry wt.> ='Value as reported.> >> ?'microgram/g dry wt.> @'Value as reported.> D' > E'microgram/g dry wt.=> F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> Se > T'microgram/g dry wt.> U'Value as reported.? H? >? ? ? `(@ ? 'miles? t@ ? 'UTM? l@ ? 'UTM? ? ? 'microgram/g dry wt.=? 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? #%? $'microgram/g dry wt.? %'Value as reported.? &? ''microgram/g dry wt.? ('Value as reported.? )? *'microgram/g dry wt.? +'Value as reported.? /? 0'microgram/g dry wt.? 1'Value as reported.? 8? 9'microgram/g dry wt.? :'Value as reported.? ;? <'microgram/g dry wt.? ='Value as reported.? A? B'microgram/g dry wt.? C'Value as reported.? S? T'microgram/g dry wt.? U'Value as reported.@ H@ B@ @ @ 03333@ @ 'miles@ >@ @ 'UTM@ a@ @ 'UTM@ @ @@ 'microgram/g dry wt.$@ 'Analyzed for but not detected.@ P@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.@ #@ $'microgram/g dry wt.=@ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ &@ ''microgram/g dry wt.=@ ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ )@ *'microgram/g dry wt.=@ +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt.@ .'Value as reported.@ /@@ 0'microgram/g dry wt.$@ 1'Analyzed for but not detected.@ 8@ 9'microgram/g dry wt.=@ :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ ;(@ <'microgram/g dry wt.@ ='Value as reported.@ >@ ?'microgram/g dry wt.@ @'Value as reported.@ A@ B'microgram/g dry wt.@ C'Value as reported.@ S@ T'microgram/g dry wt.=@ U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A HA DA A A hffff@ A 'milesA Ҙ@ A 'UTMA 0333@ A 'UTMA A A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A (A 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.A #A $'microgram/g dry wt.=A %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A &A ''microgram/g dry wt.=A ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A )A *'microgram/g dry wt.=A +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A ,A -'microgram/g dry wt.A .'Value as reported.A /'A 0'microgram/g dry wt.=A 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A 8A 9'microgram/g dry wt.=A :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A ;A <'microgram/g dry wt.=A ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A >A ?'microgram/g dry wt.A @'Value as reported.A SA T'microgram/g dry wt.A U'Value as reported.B HB FB B B hffff@ B 'milesB e@ B 'UTMB hfff@ B 'UTMB B G B 'microgram/g dry wt.=B 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B # B $'microgram/g dry wt.=B %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B &B ''microgram/g dry wt.B ('Value as reported.B )B *'microgram/g dry wt.=B +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B /'B 0'microgram/g dry wt.=B 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B 8CB 9'microgram/g dry wt.=B :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B ;B <'microgram/g dry wt.=B ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B >NB ?'microgram/g dry wt.B @'Value as reported.B DG B E'microgram/g dry wt.=B F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B S B T'microgram/g dry wt.B U'Value as reported.C HC HC C C @ C 'milesC C C 'microgram/g dry wt.=C 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C #EC $'microgram/g dry wt.C %'Value as reported.C &EC ''microgram/g dry wt.C ('Value as reported.C )C *'microgram/g dry wt.C +'Value as reported.C /C 0'microgram/g dry wt.=C 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C 8%DC 9'microgram/g dry wt.C :'Value as reported.C ;#C <'microgram/g dry wt.C ='Value as reported.C >و@C ?'microgram/g dry wt.C @'Value as reported.C SelC T'microgram/g dry wt.C U'Value as reported.D HD JD D D @ D 'milesD D D 'microgram/g dry wt.=D 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D #D $'microgram/g dry wt.=D %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D & D ''microgram/g dry wt.D ('Value as reported.D )eD *'microgram/g dry wt.D +'Value as reported.D /D 0'microgram/g dry wt.=D 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D 82D 9'microgram/g dry wt.=D :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D ;D <'microgram/g dry wt.D ='Value as reported.D >03333@D ?'microgram/g dry wt.D @'Value as reported.D S%GD T'microgram/g dry wt.D U'Value as reported.E HE LE E E @ E 'milesE E E 'microgram/g dry wt.=E 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E #EE $'microgram/g dry wt.E %'Value as reported.E &EE ''microgram/g dry wt.E ('Value as reported.E )eE *'microgram/g dry wt.E +'Value as reported.E /E 0'microgram/g dry wt.=E 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E 82E 9'microgram/g dry wt.=E :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E ; E <'microgram/g dry wt.E ='Value as reported.E >hffff@E ?'microgram/g dry wt.E @'Value as reported.E Se]E T'microgram/g dry wt.E U'Value as reported.F HF NF F F @ F 'milesF F F 'microgram/g dry wt.=F 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F #F $'microgram/g dry wt.=F %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F &EF ''microgram/g dry wt.F ('Value as reported.F )eF *'microgram/g dry wt.F +'Value as reported.F /F 0'microgram/g dry wt.=F 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F 8%DF 9'microgram/g dry wt.F :'Value as reported.F ;F <'microgram/g dry wt.F ='Value as reported.F >03333@F ?'microgram/g dry wt.F @'Value as reported.F SSF T'microgram/g dry wt.F U'Value as reported.G HG PG G G hffffƣ@ G 'milesG ̷@ G 'UTMG T8@ G 'UTMG G  G 'microgram/g dry wt.=G 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G #'G $'microgram/g dry wt.=G %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G &G ''microgram/g dry wt.G ('Value as reported.G )G *'microgram/g dry wt.=G +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G /'G 0'microgram/g dry wt.=G 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G 8G 9'microgram/g dry wt.=G :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G ;eG <'microgram/g dry wt.G ='Value as reported.G >0G ?'microgram/g dry wt.G @'Value as reported.G D G E'microgram/g dry wt.=G F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G S% G T'microgram/g dry wt.G U'Value as reported.H HH RH H H  H 'milesH 0333yV@ H 'UTMH hfffN@ H 'UTMH H H 'microgram/g dry wt.=H 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H #EH $'microgram/g dry wt.H %'Value as reported.H & H ''microgram/g dry wt.H ('Value as reported.H )eH *'microgram/g dry wt.H +'Value as reported.H /H 0'microgram/g dry wt.=H 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H 82H 9'microgram/g dry wt.=H :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H ;eH <'microgram/g dry wt.H ='Value as reported.H > @H ?'microgram/g dry wt.H @'Value as reported.H SH T'microgram/g dry wt.H U'Value as reported.I HI TI I I 03333@ I 'milesI hfff#U@ I 'UTMI hfff@ I 'UTMI I I 'microgram/g dry wt.=I 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I #%I $'microgram/g dry wt.=I %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I &% I ''microgram/g dry wt.I ('Value as reported.I )I *'microgram/g dry wt.I +'Value as reported.I /GI 0'microgram/g dry wt.=I 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I 8 I 9'microgram/g dry wt.I :'Value as reported.I ;I <'microgram/g dry wt.I ='Value as reported.I >@I ?'microgram/g dry wt.I @'Value as reported.I D'I E'microgram/g dry wt.=I F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I SE&I T'microgram/g dry wt.I U'Value as reported.J HJ VJ J J 03333s@ J 'milesJ J J 'microgram/g dry wt.=J 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J #J $'microgram/g dry wt.=J %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J &EJ ''microgram/g dry wt.J ('Value as reported.J )J *'microgram/g dry wt.J +'Value as reported.J /J 0'microgram/g dry wt.=J 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J 8%DJ 9'microgram/g dry wt.J :'Value as reported.J ;E J <'microgram/g dry wt.J ='Value as reported.J >@J ?'microgram/g dry wt.J @'Value as reported.J SemJ T'microgram/g dry wt.J U'Value as reported.K HK XK K K  K 'milesK ̮+@ K 'UTMK 0333˂@ K 'UTMK K K 'microgram/g dry wt.=K 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K #%K $'microgram/g dry wt.K %'Value as reported.K &K ''microgram/g dry wt.K ('Value as reported.K )K *'microgram/g dry wt.K +'Value as reported.K /EK 0'microgram/g dry wt.K 1'Value as reported.K 8K 9'microgram/g dry wt.K :'Value as reported.K ;K <'microgram/g dry wt.=K ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K AHK B'microgram/g dry wt.K C'Value as reported.K SK T'microgram/g dry wt.K U'Value as reported.L HL ZL L L @ L 'milesL hfffE@ L 'UTML hfffn[@ L 'UTML L L 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L PL 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.L #L $'microgram/g dry wt.=L %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L &L ''microgram/g dry wt.=L ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L )L *'microgram/g dry wt.=L +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L ,L -'microgram/g dry wt.L .'Value as reported.L /'L 0'microgram/g dry wt.=L 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L 8L 9'microgram/g dry wt.=L :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L ;L <'microgram/g dry wt.=L ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L >L ?'microgram/g dry wt.L @'Value as reported.L SL T'microgram/g dry wt.L U'Value as reported.M HM \M M M (\@ M 'milesM @ M 'UTMM P@ M 'UTMM M M 'microgram/g dry wt.=M 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M #%M $'microgram/g dry wt.=M %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M &M ''microgram/g dry wt.M ('Value as reported.M )M *'microgram/g dry wt.M +'Value as reported.M /M 0'microgram/g dry wt.M 1'Value as reported.M 8M 9'microgram/g dry wt.M :'Value as reported.M ;M <'microgram/g dry wt.=M ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M AM B'microgram/g dry wt.M C'Value as reported.M SM T'microgram/g dry wt.M U'Value as reported.N HN ^N N N hffff@ N 'milesN O@ N 'UTMN hfffJ@ N 'UTMN N N 'microgram/g dry wt.N 'Value as reported.N PN 'microgram/g dry wt.N 'Value as reported.N #N $'microgram/g dry wt.=N %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N &N ''microgram/g dry wt.=N ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N )N *'microgram/g dry wt.=N +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N ,N -'microgram/g dry wt.N .'Value as reported.N /'N 0'microgram/g dry wt.=N 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N 8N 9'microgram/g dry wt.=N :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N ;N <'microgram/g dry wt.=N ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N >N ?'microgram/g dry wt.N @'Value as reported.N SN T'microgram/g dry wt.N U'Value as reported.O HO `O O O  @ O 'milesO hfff@ O 'UTMO hfff@ O 'UTMO O  O 'microgram/g dry wt.=O 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O #eO $'microgram/g dry wt.=O %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O &O ''microgram/g dry wt.O ('Value as reported.O )O *'microgram/g dry wt.=O +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O /O 0'microgram/g dry wt.=O 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O 8O 9'microgram/g dry wt.=O :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O ;O <'microgram/g dry wt.O ='Value as reported.O >O ?'microgram/g dry wt.O @'Value as reported.O D O E'microgram/g dry wt.=O F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O S O T'microgram/g dry wt.O U'Value as reported.P HP bP P P p= @ P 'milesP [@ P 'UTMP 0333C@ P 'UTMP P @P 'microgram/g dry wt.$P 'Analyzed for but not detected.P (P 'microgram/g dry wt.P 'Value as reported.P #P $'microgram/g dry wt.=P %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P &P ''microgram/g dry wt.=P ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P )P *'microgram/g dry wt.=P +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P ,P -'microgram/g dry wt.P .'Value as reported.P /@P 0'microgram/g dry wt.$P 1'Analyzed for but not detected.P 8P 9'microgram/g dry wt.=P :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P ;P <'microgram/g dry wt.=P ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P >|P ?'microgram/g dry wt.P @'Value as reported.P ALP B'microgram/g dry wt.P C'Value as reported.P SP T'microgram/g dry wt.=P U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q HQ dQ Q Q 03333@ Q 'milesQ A@ Q 'UTMQ 0333C@ Q 'UTMQ Q @Q 'microgram/g dry wt.$Q 'Analyzed for but not detected.Q <Q 'microgram/g dry wt.Q 'Value as reported.Q #Q $'microgram/g dry wt.=Q %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q &Q ''microgram/g dry wt.=Q ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q )Q *'microgram/g dry wt.=Q +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q ,Q -'microgram/g dry wt.Q .'Value as reported.Q /@Q 0'microgram/g dry wt.$Q 1'Analyzed for but not detected.Q 8Q 9'microgram/g dry wt.=Q :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q ;Q <'microgram/g dry wt.=Q ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q >hQ ?'microgram/g dry wt.Q @'Value as reported.Q AQ B'microgram/g dry wt.Q C'Value as reported.Q SQ T'microgram/g dry wt.=Q U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R HR fR R R hffff@ R 'milesR Q@ R 'UTMR D@ R 'UTMR R R 'microgram/g dry wt.=R 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R #R $'microgram/g dry wt.=R %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R &%R ''microgram/g dry wt.R ('Value as reported.R )R *'microgram/g dry wt.=R +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R /R 0'microgram/g dry wt.=R 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R 8ER 9'microgram/g dry wt.=R :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R ;R <'microgram/g dry wt.R ='Value as reported.R >R ?'microgram/g dry wt.R @'Value as reported.R D R E'microgram/g dry wt.=R F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R S R T'microgram/g dry wt.R U'Value as reported.S HS hS S S 03333Ӡ@ S 'milesS Iݑ@ S 'UTMS 0333@ S 'UTMS S  S 'microgram/g dry wt.S 'Value as reported.S (S 'microgram/g dry wt.S 'Value as reported.S #S $'microgram/g dry wt.=S %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S &S ''microgram/g dry wt.=S ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S )S *'microgram/g dry wt.=S +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S ,S -'microgram/g dry wt.S .'Value as reported.S /'S 0'microgram/g dry wt.=S 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S 8S 9'microgram/g dry wt.=S :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S ;S <'microgram/g dry wt.=S ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S >S ?'microgram/g dry wt.S @'Value as reported.S SS T'microgram/g dry wt.S U'Value as reported.T HT jT T T 03333@ T 'milesT ב@ T 'UTMT 0333՞@ T 'UTMT T T 'microgram/g dry wt.T 'Value as reported.T T 'microgram/g dry wt.T 'Value as reported.T #T $'microgram/g dry wt.=T %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T &T ''microgram/g dry wt.=T ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T )T *'microgram/g dry wt.=T +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T ,T -'microgram/g dry wt.T .'Value as reported.T /'T 0'microgram/g dry wt.=T 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt.=T :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T ;T <'microgram/g dry wt.=T ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T >T ?'microgram/g dry wt.T @'Value as reported.T ST T'microgram/g dry wt.T U'Value as reported.U HU lU U U @ U 'milesU U :U 'microgram/g dry wt.U 'Value as reported.U TU 'microgram/g dry wt.U 'Value as reported.U #U $'microgram/g dry wt.U %'Value as reported.U &(U ''microgram/g dry wt.U ('Value as reported.U )8U *'microgram/g dry wt.U +'Value as reported.U ,}U -'microgram/g dry wt.U .'Value as reported.U /'U 0'microgram/g dry wt.U 1'Value as reported.U 8<U 9'microgram/g dry wt.U :'Value as reported.U ;PU <'microgram/g dry wt.U ='Value as reported.U >U ?'microgram/g dry wt.U @'Value as reported.U SU T'microgram/g dry wt.U U'Value as reported.V HV nV V V L@ V 'milesV g@ V 'UTMV hfff}@ V 'UTMV V %V 'microgram/g dry wt.V 'Value as reported.V #V $'microgram/g dry wt.V %'Value as reported.V &V ''microgram/g dry wt.V ('Value as reported.V ) V *'microgram/g dry wt.V +'Value as reported.V /EV 0'microgram/g dry wt.V 1'Value as reported.V 88V 9'microgram/g dry wt.V :'Value as reported.V ;V <'microgram/g dry wt.V ='Value as reported.V AV B'microgram/g dry wt.V C'Value as reported.V S2V T'microgram/g dry wt.V U'Value as reported.W HW pW W W 03333@ W 'milesW '@ W 'UTMW 0333s@ W 'UTMW W W 'microgram/g dry wt.=W 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.W #eW $'microgram/g dry wt.=W %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.W &EW ''microgram/g dry wt.W ('Value as reported.W )eW *'microgram/g dry wt.W +'Value as reported.W /W 0'microgram/g dry wt.=W 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.W 8%W 9'microgram/g dry wt.=W :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.W ; W <'microgram/g dry wt.W ='Value as reported.W >dW ?'microgram/g dry wt.W @'Value as reported.W D W E'microgram/g dry wt.=W F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.W SW T'microgram/g dry wt.W U'Value as reported.X HX rX X X 03333@ X 'milesX 0333%@ X 'UTMX 0333@ X 'UTMX X X 'microgram/g dry wt.=X 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X #%X $'microgram/g dry wt.=X %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X &X ''microgram/g dry wt.X ('Value as reported.X )X *'microgram/g dry wt.X +'Value as reported.X /%X 0'microgram/g dry wt.=X 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X 8X 9'microgram/g dry wt.X :'Value as reported.X ;X <'microgram/g dry wt.=X ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X SX T'microgram/g dry wt.X U'Value as reported.Y HY tY Y Y (\@ Y 'milesY $@ Y 'UTMY @ Y 'UTMY Y %Y 'microgram/g dry wt.=Y 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y #%Y $'microgram/g dry wt.=Y %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y &Y ''microgram/g dry wt.Y ('Value as reported.Y )Y *'microgram/g dry wt.Y +'Value as reported.Y /%Y 0'microgram/g dry wt.=Y 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y 8Y 9'microgram/g dry wt.Y :'Value as reported.Y ;Y <'microgram/g dry wt.=Y ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y A<Y B'microgram/g dry wt.Y C'Value as reported.Y SY T'microgram/g dry wt.Y U'Value as reported.Z HZ vZ Z Z ̜@ Z 'milesZ ̥@ Z 'UTMZ @ Z 'UTMZ Z G Z 'microgram/g dry wt.=Z 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z #eZ $'microgram/g dry wt.=Z %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z &%Z ''microgram/g dry wt.Z ('Value as reported.Z )%Z *'microgram/g dry wt.Z +'Value as reported.Z /Z 0'microgram/g dry wt.=Z 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z 8%Z 9'microgram/g dry wt.=Z :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z ;G Z <'microgram/g dry wt.Z ='Value as reported.Z >6Z ?'microgram/g dry wt.Z @'Value as reported.Z D Z E'microgram/g dry wt.=Z F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z S Z T'microgram/g dry wt.Z U'Value as reported.[ H[ x[ [ [ 03333Ӛ@ [ 'miles[ ̔͐@ [ 'UTM[ hfff%@ [ 'UTM[ [  [ 'microgram/g dry wt.=[ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[ #[ $'microgram/g dry wt.=[ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[ &[ ''microgram/g dry wt.[ ('Value as reported.[ )[ *'microgram/g dry wt.[ +'Value as reported.[ /[ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=[ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[ 8e[ 9'microgram/g dry wt.=[ :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[ ;[ <'microgram/g dry wt.[ ='Value as reported.[ >x[ ?'microgram/g dry wt.[ @'Value as reported.[ D' [ E'microgram/g dry wt.=[ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[ S% [ T'microgram/g dry wt.[ U'Value as reported.\ H\ z\ \ \ p= ף@ \ 'miles\ MŐ@ \ 'UTM\ 0333?@ \ 'UTM\ \ \ 'microgram/g dry wt.=\ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ #%\ $'microgram/g dry wt.=\ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ &\ ''microgram/g dry wt.\ ('Value as reported.\ )\ *'microgram/g dry wt.\ +'Value as reported.\ /e\ 0'microgram/g dry wt.\ 1'Value as reported.\ 8\ 9'microgram/g dry wt.\ :'Value as reported.\ ;\ <'microgram/g dry wt.=\ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ A\ B'microgram/g dry wt.\ C'Value as reported.\ S\ T'microgram/g dry wt.\ U'Value as reported.] H] |] ] ] @ ] 'miles] Ð@ ] 'UTM] hfffB@ ] 'UTM] ]  ] 'microgram/g dry wt.=] 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] #] $'microgram/g dry wt.=] %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] &] ''microgram/g dry wt.] ('Value as reported.] )] *'microgram/g dry wt.] +'Value as reported.] /] 0'microgram/g dry wt.=] 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] 8E] 9'microgram/g dry wt.=] :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] ; ] <'microgram/g dry wt.] ='Value as reported.] >] ?'microgram/g dry wt.] @'Value as reported.] D ] E'microgram/g dry wt.=] F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] S] T'microgram/g dry wt.] U'Value as reported.^ H^ ~^ ^ ^  ^ 'miles^ ^ %^ 'microgram/g dry wt.=^ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^ #%^ $'microgram/g dry wt.=^ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^ &%^ ''microgram/g dry wt.^ ('Value as reported.^ )^ *'microgram/g dry wt.^ +'Value as reported.^ /'^ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=^ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^ 8^ 9'microgram/g dry wt.^ :'Value as reported.^ ;e^ <'microgram/g dry wt.^ ='Value as reported.^ >^ ?'microgram/g dry wt.^ @'Value as reported.^ D^ E'microgram/g dry wt.=^ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^ SE^ T'microgram/g dry wt.^ U'Value as reported._ H_ _ _ _  _ 'miles_ _ %_ 'microgram/g dry wt.=_ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ #_ $'microgram/g dry wt._ %'Value as reported._ &_ ''microgram/g dry wt._ ('Value as reported._ )_ *'microgram/g dry wt._ +'Value as reported._ /'_ 0'microgram/g dry wt.=_ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ 8E>_ 9'microgram/g dry wt._ :'Value as reported._ ; _ <'microgram/g dry wt._ ='Value as reported._ ><_ ?'microgram/g dry wt._ @'Value as reported._ D_ E'microgram/g dry wt.=_ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ S_ T'microgram/g dry wt._ U'Value as reported.` H` ` ` `  ` 'miles` ` %` 'microgram/g dry wt.=` 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` #%` $'microgram/g dry wt.=` %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` &` ''microgram/g dry wt.` ('Value as reported.` )` *'microgram/g dry wt.` +'Value as reported.` /'` 0'microgram/g dry wt.=` 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` 8` 9'microgram/g dry wt.` :'Value as reported.` ; ` <'microgram/g dry wt.` ='Value as reported.` >r` ?'microgram/g dry wt.` @'Value as reported.` D` E'microgram/g dry wt.=` F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` S` T'microgram/g dry wt.` U'Value as reported.a Ha a a a  a 'milesa a a 'microgram/g dry wt.a 'Value as reported.a #%a $'microgram/g dry wt.=a %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a &a ''microgram/g dry wt.=a ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a )a *'microgram/g dry wt.=a +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a /'a 0'microgram/g dry wt.=a 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a 8a 9'microgram/g dry wt.=a :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a ;a <'microgram/g dry wt.a ='Value as reported.a >a ?'microgram/g dry wt.a @'Value as reported.a Da E'microgram/g dry wt.=a F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a Sa T'microgram/g dry wt.=a U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b Hb b  b  b 'milesb x@ b 'UTMb @ b 'UTMb b G b 'microgram/g dry wt.=b 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b #b $'microgram/g dry wt.=b %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b &b ''microgram/g dry wt.b ('Value as reported.b )b *'microgram/g dry wt.=b +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b /'b 0'microgram/g dry wt.=b 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b 8Eb 9'microgram/g dry wt.=b :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b ;b <'microgram/g dry wt.b ='Value as reported.b >*b ?'microgram/g dry wt.b @'Value as reported.b D' b E'microgram/g dry wt.=b F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b Sb T'microgram/g dry wt.=b U'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c Hc c  c e c 'milesc hfff@ c 'UTMc hfff@ c 'UTMc c c 'microgram/g dry wt.c 'Value as reported.c #'c $'microgram/g dry wt.=c %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c &c ''microgram/g dry wt.c ('Value as reported.c )Ec *'microgram/g dry wt.c +'Value as reported.c ,'c -'microgram/g dry wt.c .'Value as reported.c /c 0'microgram/g dry wt.c 1'Value as reported.c 8c 9'microgram/g dry wt.c :'Value as reported.c ;c <'microgram/g dry wt.c ='Value as reported.c Ahc B'microgram/g dry wt.c C'Value as reported.c Sc T'microgram/g dry wt.c U'Value as reported.d Hd d  d " d 'milesd @ d 'UTMd hffff@ d 'UTMd d %d 'microgram/g dry wt.d 'Value as reported.d #gd $'microgram/g dry wt.=d %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d & d ''microgram/g dry wt.d ('Value as reported.d )e d *'microgram/g dry wt.d +'Value as reported.d ,`;d -'microgram/g dry wt.d .'Value as reported.d /Id 0'microgram/g dry wt.d 1'Value as reported.d 8d 9'microgram/g dry wt.d :'Value as reported.d ;d <'microgram/g dry wt.d ='Value as reported.d Ad B'microgram/g dry wt.d C'Value as reported.d Sd T'microgram/g dry wt.d U'Value as reported.e He e  e  e 'milese x@ e 'UTMe hfff @ e 'UTMe e e 'microgram/g dry wt.e 'Value as reported.e # e $'microgram/g dry wt.=e %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e &e ''microgram/g dry wt.e ('Value as reported.e )e *'microgram/g dry wt.=e +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e /'e 0'microgram/g dry wt.=e 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e 8G@e 9'microgram/g dry wt.=e :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e ;e <'microgram/g dry wt.e ='Value as reported.e >e ?'microgram/g dry wt.e @'Value as reported.e D e E'microgram/g dry wt.=e F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e S% e T'microgram/g dry wt.e U'Value as reported.f Hf f  f % f 'milesf [|@ f 'UTMf hfff@ f 'UTMf f f 'microgram/g dry wt.f 'Value as reported.f #ef $'microgram/g dry wt.=f %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f &f ''microgram/g dry wt.f ('Value as reported.f )%f *'microgram/g dry wt.f +'Value as reported.f /Gf 0'microgram/g dry wt.=f 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f 8f 9'microgram/g dry wt.=f :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f ;f <'microgram/g dry wt.f ='Value as reported.f >f ?'microgram/g dry wt.f @'Value as reported.f D' f E'microgram/g dry wt.=f F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f S f T'microgram/g dry wt.f U'Value as reported.g Hg g  g  g 'milesg 0333Tx@ g 'UTMg 0333@ g 'UTMg g g 'microgram/g dry wt.=g 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g #eg $'microgram/g dry wt.=g %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g &g ''microgram/g dry wt.g ('Value as reported.g )"g *'microgram/g dry wt.g +'Value as reported.g /'g 0'microgram/g dry wt.=g 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g 8%g 9'microgram/g dry wt.=g :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g ;g <'microgram/g dry wt.g ='Value as reported.g >g ?'microgram/g dry wt.g @'Value as reported.g D' g E'microgram/g dry wt.=g F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g S g T'microgram/g dry wt.g U'Value as reported.h Hh h  h 'K h 'milesh w@ h 'UTMh hfff@ h 'UTMh h h 'microgram/g dry wt.=h 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h Eh 'microgram/g dry wt.h 'Value as reported.h #%h $'microgram/g dry wt.=h %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h &h ''microgram/g dry wt.h ('Value as reported.h )Eh *'microgram/g dry wt.h +'Value as reported.h ,Xh -'microgram/g dry wt.h .'Value as reported.h /gh 0'microgram/g dry wt.h 1'Value as reported.h 8Eh 9'microgram/g dry wt.h :'Value as reported.h ;Eh <'microgram/g dry wt.h ='Value as reported.h >h ?'microgram/g dry wt.h @'Value as reported.h Ah B'microgram/g dry wt.h C'Value as reported.h S h T'microgram/g dry wt.h U'Value as reported.i Hi i  i   i 'milesi w@ i 'UTMi @ i 'UTMi i i 'microgram/g dry wt.=i 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i  i 'microgram/g dry wt.i 'Value as reported.i #%i $'microgram/g dry wt.=i %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i &i ''microgram/g dry wt.i ('Value as reported.i )i *'microgram/g dry wt.i +'Value as reported.i ,`"i -'microgram/g dry wt.i .'Value as reported.i /Gi 0'microgram/g dry wt.i 1'Value as reported.i 8Ei 9'microgram/g dry wt.i :'Value as reported.i ;ei <'microgram/g dry wt.i ='Value as reported.i >i ?'microgram/g dry wt.i @'Value as reported.i A"i B'microgram/g dry wt.i C'Value as reported.i S i T'microgram/g dry wt.i U'Value as reported.j Hj j j E j 'milesj U@ j 'UTMj hfffS@ j 'UTMj j j 'microgram/g dry wt.=j 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j #j $'microgram/g dry wt.=j %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j &j ''microgram/g dry wt.j ('Value as reported.j ) j *'microgram/g dry wt.j +'Value as reported.j /'j 0'microgram/g dry wt.=j 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j 8e j 9'microgram/g dry wt.j :'Value as reported.j ;j <'microgram/g dry wt.j ='Value as reported.j >j ?'microgram/g dry wt.j @'Value as reported.j D j E'microgram/g dry wt.=j F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j Sj T'microgram/g dry wt.j U'Value as reported.k Hk k k PQ@ k 'milesk W@ k 'UTMk hfff6@ k 'UTMk k k 'microgram/g dry wt.k 'Value as reported.k #Ek $'microgram/g dry wt.=k %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k &k ''microgram/g dry wt.k ('Value as reported.k )k *'microgram/g dry wt.k +'Value as reported.k ,!k -'microgram/g dry wt.k .'Value as reported.k /7k 0'microgram/g dry wt.k 1'Value as reported.k 8k 9'microgram/g dry wt.k :'Value as reported.k ;k <'microgram/g dry wt.k ='Value as reported.k ADk B'microgram/g dry wt.k C'Value as reported.k Sk T'microgram/g dry wt.k U'Value as reported.l Hl l l (\(@ l 'milesl hfffW@ l 'UTMl hfff6@ l 'UTMl l l 'microgram/g dry wt.l 'Value as reported.l #gl $'microgram/g dry wt.=l %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l &El ''microgram/g dry wt.l ('Value as reported.l )%l *'microgram/g dry wt.l +'Value as reported.l ,*l -'microgram/g dry wt.l .'Value as reported.l /l 0'microgram/g dry wt.l 1'Value as reported.l 8l 9'microgram/g dry wt.l :'Value as reported.l ;l <'microgram/g dry wt.l ='Value as reported.l Al B'microgram/g dry wt.l C'Value as reported.l S l T'microgram/g dry wt.l U'Value as reported.m Hm m m % m 'milesm X@ m 'UTMm @ m 'UTMm m m 'microgram/g dry wt.m 'Value as reported.m #m $'microgram/g dry wt.m %'Value as reported.m &#m ''microgram/g dry wt.m ('Value as reported.m )m *'microgram/g dry wt.m +'Value as reported.m ,Sm -'microgram/g dry wt.m .'Value as reported.m /m 0'microgram/g dry wt.m 1'Value as reported.m 8m 9'microgram/g dry wt.m :'Value as reported.m ;Xm <'microgram/g dry wt.m ='Value as reported.m >Fm ?'microgram/g dry wt.m @'Value as reported.m Abm B'microgram/g dry wt.m C'Value as reported.m S)m T'microgram/g dry wt.m U'Value as reported.n Hn n n  n 'milesn 0333{V@ n 'UTMn 0333x@ n 'UTMn n n 'microgram/g dry wt.=n 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n #n $'microgram/g dry wt.=n %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n &en ''microgram/g dry wt.n ('Value as reported.n )n *'microgram/g dry wt.n +'Value as reported.n /'n 0'microgram/g dry wt.=n 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n 8n 9'microgram/g dry wt.=n :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n ;n <'microgram/g dry wt.n ='Value as reported.n >n ?'microgram/g dry wt.n @'Value as reported.n D n E'microgram/g dry wt.=n F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n Sen T'microgram/g dry wt.n U'Value as reported.o Ho o o  o 'mileso V@ o 'UTMo hfff@ o 'UTMo o o 'microgram/g dry wt.o 'Value as reported.o #o $'microgram/g dry wt.=o %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o & o ''microgram/g dry wt.o ('Value as reported.o )o *'microgram/g dry wt.o +'Value as reported.o /'o 0'microgram/g dry wt.=o 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o 8o 9'microgram/g dry wt.o :'Value as reported.o ;o <'microgram/g dry wt.o ='Value as reported.o >o ?'microgram/g dry wt.o @'Value as reported.o D o E'microgram/g dry wt.=o F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o S%o T'microgram/g dry wt.o U'Value as reported.p Hp p p `(\@ p 'milesp X@ p 'UTMp M@ p 'UTMp p @p 'microgram/g dry wt.$p 'Analyzed for but not detected.p Pp 'microgram/g dry wt.p 'Value as reported.p #p $'microgram/g dry wt.=p %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p &p ''microgram/g dry wt.=p ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p )p *'microgram/g dry wt.=p +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p ,p -'microgram/g dry wt.p .'Value as reported.p /@p 0'microgram/g dry wt.$p 1'Analyzed for but not detected.p 8p 9'microgram/g dry wt.=p :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p ;p <'microgram/g dry wt.=p ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p >@p ?'microgram/g dry wt.p @'Value as reported.p A p B'microgram/g dry wt.p C'Value as reported.p S(p T'microgram/g dry wt.p U'Value as reported.q Hq q q  q 'milesq X@ q 'UTMq hfffN@ q 'UTMq q @q 'microgram/g dry wt.$q 'Analyzed for but not detected.q q 'microgram/g dry wt.q 'Value as reported.q #q $'microgram/g dry wt.=q %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q &q ''microgram/g dry wt.=q ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q )q *'microgram/g dry wt.=q +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q ,Kq -'microgram/g dry wt.q .'Value as reported.q /@q 0'microgram/g dry wt.$q 1'Analyzed for but not detected.q 8(q 9'microgram/g dry wt.q :'Value as reported.q ;(q <'microgram/g dry wt.q ='Value as reported.q >q ?'microgram/g dry wt.q @'Value as reported.q Aq B'microgram/g dry wt.q C'Value as reported.q SPq T'microgram/g dry wt.q U'Value as reported.r Hr r r  r 'milesr 0333X@ r 'UTMr hfffK@ r 'UTMr r er 'microgram/g dry wt.r 'Value as reported.r #r $'microgram/g dry wt.=r %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r &% r ''microgram/g dry wt.r ('Value as reported.r )r *'microgram/g dry wt.r +'Value as reported.r /Gr 0'microgram/g dry wt.=r 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r 8 r 9'microgram/g dry wt.r :'Value as reported.r ;Er <'microgram/g dry wt.r ='Value as reported.r >Gr ?'microgram/g dry wt.r @'Value as reported.r Dr E'microgram/g dry wt.=r F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r SE,r T'microgram/g dry wt.r U'Value as reported.s Hs s s  s 'miless 0333\@ s 'UTMs 0333@ s 'UTMs s @s 'microgram/g dry wt.$s 'Analyzed for but not detected.s Ps 'microgram/g dry wt.s 'Value as reported.s #s $'microgram/g dry wt.=s %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s &(s ''microgram/g dry wt.s ('Value as reported.s )s *'microgram/g dry wt.=s +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s ,Ps -'microgram/g dry wt.s .'Value as reported.s /@s 0'microgram/g dry wt.$s 1'Analyzed for but not detected.s 8s 9'microgram/g dry wt.=s :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s ;s <'microgram/g dry wt.=s ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s >Ts ?'microgram/g dry wt.s @'Value as reported.s Ss T'microgram/g dry wt.s U'Value as reported.t Ht t t  t 'milest  \@ t 'UTMt  @ t 'UTMt t Et 'microgram/g dry wt.t 'Value as reported.t #t $'microgram/g dry wt.=t %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t &Et ''microgram/g dry wt.t ('Value as reported.t )t *'microgram/g dry wt.t +'Value as reported.t /'t 0'microgram/g dry wt.=t 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t 8t 9'microgram/g dry wt.=t :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t ;t <'microgram/g dry wt.t ='Value as reported.t >Ft ?'microgram/g dry wt.t @'Value as reported.t D' t E'microgram/g dry wt.=t F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t St T'microgram/g dry wt.t U'Value as reported.u Hu u u  u 'milesu 0333{\@ u 'UTMu hfff&+@ u 'UTMu u g u 'microgram/g dry wt.u 'Value as reported.u #%u $'microgram/g dry wt.=u %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u &u ''microgram/g dry wt.u ('Value as reported.u )u *'microgram/g dry wt.u +'Value as reported.u /u 0'microgram/g dry wt.u 1'Value as reported.u ;%u <'microgram/g dry wt.=u ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u Su T'microgram/g dry wt.u U'Value as reported.v Hv v v  v 'milesv ]@ v 'UTMv hfffB@ v 'UTMv v v 'microgram/g dry wt.v 'Value as reported.v #v $'microgram/g dry wt.=v %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v &v ''microgram/g dry wt.v ('Value as reported.v )%v *'microgram/g dry wt.v +'Value as reported.v /Gv 0'microgram/g dry wt.=v 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v 8ev 9'microgram/g dry wt.v :'Value as reported.v ;v <'microgram/g dry wt.v ='Value as reported.v >%Jv ?'microgram/g dry wt.v @'Value as reported.v Dv E'microgram/g dry wt.v F'Value as reported.v SE&v T'microgram/g dry wt.v U'Value as reported.w Hw w w E w 'milesw 0333`@ w 'UTMw `@ w 'UTMw w @w 'microgram/g dry wt.$w 'Analyzed for but not detected.w xw 'microgram/g dry wt.w 'Value as reported.w #w $'microgram/g dry wt.=w %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w &w ''microgram/g dry wt.w ('Value as reported.w )w *'microgram/g dry wt.=w +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w ,(w -'microgram/g dry wt.w .'Value as reported.w /@w 0'microgram/g dry wt.$w 1'Analyzed for but not detected.w 8w 9'microgram/g dry wt.w :'Value as reported.w ;w <'microgram/g dry wt.w ='Value as reported.w >(w ?'microgram/g dry wt.w @'Value as reported.w S8w T'microgram/g dry wt.w U'Value as reported.x Hx x x  x 'milesx ౗@ x 'UTMx @ x 'UTMx x @x 'microgram/g dry wt.$x 'Analyzed for but not detected.x (x 'microgram/g dry wt.x 'Value as reported.x #x $'microgram/g dry wt.=x %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x &x ''microgram/g dry wt.=x ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x )x *'microgram/g dry wt.=x +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x ,x -'microgram/g dry wt.x .'Value as reported.x /@x 0'microgram/g dry wt.$x 1'Analyzed for but not detected.x 8x 9'microgram/g dry wt.=x :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x ;x <'microgram/g dry wt.=x ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x >x ?'microgram/g dry wt.x @'Value as reported.x S% x T'microgram/g dry wt.x U'Value as reported.y Hy y y % y 'milesy @ y 'UTMy 03333`@ y 'UTMy y @y 'microgram/g dry wt.$y 'Analyzed for but not detected.y <y 'microgram/g dry wt.y 'Value as reported.y #y $'microgram/g dry wt.=y %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y &y ''microgram/g dry wt.=y ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y )y *'microgram/g dry wt.=y +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y ,y -'microgram/g dry wt.y .'Value as reported.y /@y 0'microgram/g dry wt.$y 1'Analyzed for but not detected.y 8y 9'microgram/g dry wt.=y :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y ;y <'microgram/g dry wt.=y ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y > y ?'microgram/g dry wt.y @'Value as reported.y S%y T'microgram/g dry wt.y U'Value as reported.z Jz z z z  @ z 'milesz hfff2@ z 'UTMz ̌ɂ@ z 'UTMz z G z 'microgram/g dry wt.=z 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z #z $'microgram/g dry wt.=z %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z &ez ''microgram/g dry wt.z ('Value as reported.z )Ez *'microgram/g dry wt.=z +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z /Iz 0'microgram/g dry wt.=z 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z 8%z 9'microgram/g dry wt.z :'Value as reported.z ;Ez <'microgram/g dry wt.z ='Value as reported.z >@z ?'microgram/g dry wt.z @'Value as reported.z S z T'microgram/g dry wt.z U'Value as reported.z bGz c'microgram/g dry wt.=z d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ J{ { { { 9@ { 'miles{ @ { 'UTM{ @ { 'UTM{ { 5{ 'microgram/g dry wt.={ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ #{ $'microgram/g dry wt.={ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ &{ ''microgram/g dry wt.{ ('Value as reported.{ )E{ *'microgram/g dry wt.={ +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ /I{ 0'microgram/g dry wt.={ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ 8E{ 9'microgram/g dry wt.{ :'Value as reported.{ ;{ <'microgram/g dry wt.{ ='Value as reported.{ >{ ?'microgram/g dry wt.{ @'Value as reported.{ Se{ T'microgram/g dry wt.{ U'Value as reported.{ b{ c'microgram/g dry wt.={ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| J| | | | Y@ | 'miles| %@ | 'UTM| 0333@ | 'UTM| | 5| 'microgram/g dry wt.=| 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| #| $'microgram/g dry wt.=| %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| &E| ''microgram/g dry wt.| ('Value as reported.| )E| *'microgram/g dry wt.| +'Value as reported.| /I| 0'microgram/g dry wt.=| 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| 8| 9'microgram/g dry wt.| :'Value as reported.| ;| <'microgram/g dry wt.| ='Value as reported.| >| ?'microgram/g dry wt.| @'Value as reported.| S| T'microgram/g dry wt.| U'Value as reported.| b| c'microgram/g dry wt.=| d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} J} } } } 03333@ } 'miles} @ } 'UTM} hffff@ } 'UTM} } G } 'microgram/g dry wt.=} 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} #} $'microgram/g dry wt.=} %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} &e} ''microgram/g dry wt.} ('Value as reported.} )e} *'microgram/g dry wt.=} +'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} /i} 0'microgram/g dry wt.=} 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} 8} 9'microgram/g dry wt.} :'Value as reported.} ;E} <'microgram/g dry wt.} ='Value as reported.} >} ?'microgram/g dry wt.} @'Value as reported.} S } T'microgram/g dry wt.} U'Value as reported.} bG} c'microgram/g dry wt.=} d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~ J~  ~ ~ .~  ~ 'miles~ @ ~ 'UTM~ @@ ~ 'UTM~ ~ e~ 'microgram/g dry wt.~ 'Value as reported.~ #'~ $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Value as reported.~ &&~ ''microgram/g dry wt.~ ('Value as reported.~ )*~ *'microgram/g dry wt.~ +'Value as reported.~ /g~ 0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Value as reported.~ 8~ 9'microgram/g dry wt.~ :'Value as reported.~ ;"~ <'microgram/g dry wt.~ ='Value as reported.~ >H~ ?'microgram/g dry wt.~ @'Value as reported.~ A$~ B'microgram/g dry wt.~ C'Value as reported.~ S~ T'microgram/g dry wt.~ U'Value as reported.~ b~ c'microgram/g dry wt.=~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J    .   'miles @  'UTM @@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /W 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt.= C'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J   .  'miles J@ 'UTM ٓ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &%  ''microgram/g dry wt.= ('Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /) 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8%  9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S* T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b'  c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J   .  'miles <@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S0 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b  c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J   % 'miles hfffŵ@ 'UTM lZ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. 8u  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J    'miles U@ 'UTM }@ 'UTM  ' 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &'. ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )G *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. 8'` 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J    'miles @ 'UTM hfff&O@ 'UTM  I 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >v ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S%: T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J    'miles @@ 'UTM M@ 'UTM  ', 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &'f ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )'\ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /9 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >T ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J    'miles b@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM  + 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )1 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /K 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S% T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J   e 'miles `@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  ' 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. &g& ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )' *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. 8Q 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >@ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sj T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J    'miles '\@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. 8[ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S't T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J    e 'miles !\@ 'UTM L@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. 8L 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >4 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J "   'miles hfff[@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. &/ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )G *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8c 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J $  % 'miles U@ 'UTM hfffZ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. &/ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8gg 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >F ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Se T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J &  e 'miles .V@ 'UTM 03333K@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8L 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sgv T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J (   'miles hfff@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  g 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. &G& ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )g *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt.~ 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. 8S 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. St T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. bE c'microgram/g dry wt.~ d'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. J *   " 'miles u@ 'UTM ̌S@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8E  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. SF T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b%  c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J ,   " 'miles q@ 'UTM \;@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #u $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &$ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sl T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J .   " 'miles q@ 'UTM \;@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Sj T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. b c'microgram/g dry wt.= d'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J 0   @ 'miles 0333 @ 'UTM hfffk@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. J 2   P 'miles hfffLM@ 'UTM i@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #E $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. L    : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  r 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #'  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ). *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;* <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L    : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )* *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L    : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )$ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;* <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L    : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L     : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;& <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A`  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L     : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &* ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )0 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L    : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &6 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /5 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A$  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L    : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &4 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >(  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ad  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L    : 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  V 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &. ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L     'miles ˕@ 'UTM @!@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )0 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L     'miles ˕@ 'UTM @!@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /)  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >`  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L     'miles ˕@ 'UTM @!@ 'UTM  h 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AH  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L     'miles ˕@ 'UTM @!@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >`  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L     'miles ˕@ 'UTM @!@ 'UTM  F 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &> ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /)  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AP B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L     'miles ˕@ 'UTM @!@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &J ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L      'miles ˕@ 'UTM @!@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &> ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /7 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. L "    'miles ˕@ 'UTM @!@ 'UTM  0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &6 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )( *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >* ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N    hffff&@ 'miles hfff ӗ@ 'UTM 03330@ 'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &/ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,8c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N    hffff&@ 'miles hfff ӗ@ 'UTM 03330@ 'UTM  < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &e0 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,X -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N    03333@ 'miles 0333Z @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )G *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,H -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;+ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sr T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N    03333@ 'miles 0333Z @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )G *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,pX -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SN T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N     @ 'miles hfff-@ 'UTM H@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #'7 $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &n ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,ؽ @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8j 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;` <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N     @ 'miles hfff-@ 'UTM H@ 'UTM  \ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #2 $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &d ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8EM 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;j <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N    @ 'miles @ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,? -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;! <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N    @ 'miles @ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &8 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,: -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N     @ 'miles ̙@ 'UTM y@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #g $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )S *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,- -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;/ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N     @ 'miles ̙@ 'UTM y@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &- ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )g *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,^ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;0 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SE9 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N     ̹@ 'miles g@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &E# ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )3 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,d -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sd T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N     ̹@ 'miles g@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &" ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )= *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Px -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SX T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N      'miles @ 'UTM x@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &* ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )l *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@Q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;! <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SO T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N      'miles @ 'UTM x@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &, ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )q *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Z -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;5 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SV T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N   . hffff@ 'miles hfff&@ 'UTM r@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #g  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )? *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,J -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SJ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N    . hffff@ 'miles hfff&@ 'UTM r@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #g  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )X *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,` -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Sw T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N "   @ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM hfffV@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &N ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,s -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e" 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;l <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SD T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N $   @ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM hfffV@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #' $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &e= ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )9 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,M -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;N <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. S0 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N &   hffff@ 'miles o@ 'UTM hfff @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &, ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )U *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,U -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8%& 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SS T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. N (   hffff@ 'miles o@ 'UTM hfff @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. && ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )P *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,W -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8! 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. SS T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. P   B ` 'miles 0333Ն@ 'UTM ር@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. w 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. G !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Hq -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >X ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SN T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yn Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \D ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. ne o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tW u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   B ` 'miles 0333Ն@ 'UTM ር@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Y 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,y -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P% Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SQ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yd Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \w ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. hE i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tT u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   B e^ 'miles Ȇ@ 'UTM i/@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. G 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &%  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,0u -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SN T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \%u ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. ne  o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tE\ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   B e^ 'miles Ȇ@ 'UTM i/@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. g !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A( B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%Y T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V(  W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YZ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \%n ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k  l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nE o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. th u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P    B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. g 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. G  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >6 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SEX T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V(  W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \%_ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kx l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n" o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. teh u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P    B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. V 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,8| -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;& <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PE Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SV T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YY Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \em ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tU u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. f 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   B [ 'miles 0333繆@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ep 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,r -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >> ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A" B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PE Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. Sz T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YY Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \t ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n( o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t%U u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   B [ 'miles 0333繆@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. A 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. %b 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,h -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A2 B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%I T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V@ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YR Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \Ea ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k  l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nE o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tT u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   * @@ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8J 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. s 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ' !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,n -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S= T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V@ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y0* Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \033333@ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tS u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   * @@ 'miles hfff@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. eh 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,\ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S2 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vx W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YH& Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \@ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. kh l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nE  o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t? u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   * hffff&@ 'miles  @ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  N 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. q 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,e -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SB T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y`; Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t%K u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   * hffff&@ 'miles  @ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  5 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ER 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,PF -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8%  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S- T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vx W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y81 Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \hfffff@ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n% o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tG u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. B 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @Q 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. t 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ' !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , g -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. At B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P$ Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SeC T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YX4 Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \%` ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. ne o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. teG u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @Q 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ex 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ' !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,d -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SE@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y' Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \hfffff@ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. kP l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P   * ٤@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. HX 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. hfffff@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,y -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >^ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A~ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P% Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YP_ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \@ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tR u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ^ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P    * ٤@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. HX 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,p -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;& <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A8 B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SD T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y` Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \u ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nE o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tH u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. r 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P "  * hffff@ 'miles  @ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. h[ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. hfffff@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,w -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >* ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P% Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%E T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y 5 Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. kP l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nE o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tI u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P $  * hffff@ 'miles  @ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. g !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,X -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%~ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YP- Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \@ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. kP l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. ne o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. te< u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P &  B   'miles c@ 'UTM b@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. h[ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,u -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P% Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SH T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y] Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \_ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. hE i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n% o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. teW u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P (  B   'miles c@ 'UTM b@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ^ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. '  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,} -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8" 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SP T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YpI Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \x ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. td u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P *  B   'miles hffff݃@ 'UTM h"@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. K 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ed 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,k -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SC T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YA Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \EW ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k8 l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tJ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P ,  B   'miles hffff݃@ 'UTM h"@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Y 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. s 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,w -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PE Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SK T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \c ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P .  B  'miles @ 'UTM hfff٭@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. f 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. G !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,` -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >$ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A> B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%6 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V@ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Ys Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \x ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kP l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t%I u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. J 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 0  B  'miles @ 'UTM hfff٭@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. xP 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Px -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;E <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Af B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SD T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YP_ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \k ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k8 l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. ne o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tR u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 2  B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @Q 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ' !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,n -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8e 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >, ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%E T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YZ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \%f ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. he i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kp l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tEw u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 4  B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,w -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%N T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`  W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yo Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \] ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. hE i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n" o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t%^ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. D 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 6  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. N 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. hfffff@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,p -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PE Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%E T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y* Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \s ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. kP l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 8  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. pI 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,h[ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >N ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SEH T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y% Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \@ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. hE i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. ne o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tEA u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. \ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P :  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Xf -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5e 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P" Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%? T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V@ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yr Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \` ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kp l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. teI u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P <  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,` -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;% <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S> T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V@ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y% Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \t ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k0 l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tl u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P >  B   'miles ك@ 'UTM 4@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. W 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 033333@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )e *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;e <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >F ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Az B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S%R T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YR Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \t ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. hE i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tT u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. J 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P @  B   'miles ك@ 'UTM 4@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. K 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. hfffff@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,n -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >^ ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P( Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SM T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V@ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YK Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \` ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nE o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t| u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P B  B   'miles 0333Ѓ@ 'UTM $@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. O 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. '  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,8| -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8% 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >d ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P( Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SK T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YG Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \el ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. kp l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n& o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tO u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P D  B   'miles 0333Ѓ@ 'UTM $@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. s 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )% *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , g -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt.= 1'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8E 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. JE K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. M8 N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P% Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SeH T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V@ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y`" Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \%i ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. h% i'microgram/g dry wt.= j'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tM u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. n 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8d 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SH T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V8 @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y&@ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \  ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k[ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  ã@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )N *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,ٵ@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8b 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;R <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >l ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SR T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \8" ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kY l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,|@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8z 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >^  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SF T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vh @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y@ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \H! ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k Y l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t$ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  l@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,e@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8f 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;P <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A8  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SN T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VL @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \! ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k(W l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tN u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. (  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R    B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  ã@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , @ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8z 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;J <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >l ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A2  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. ST T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \(# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kV l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tN u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. j 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R    B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  H@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )F *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,´@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8^ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >n ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P  Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SH T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vh @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \H! ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kQ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. th u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )B *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,;@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8b 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;F <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A~ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SB T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0 @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kDU l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t$ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B   'miles c@ 'UTM b@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;B <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y> @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \" ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kT l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t" u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B   'miles hffff݃@ 'UTM h"@ 'UTM  V@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )< *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8X 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yġ @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kQ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tz+ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles @ 'UTM hfff٭@ 'UTM  l@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &| ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )4 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8H 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A~ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y@ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \H! ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kE l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t0 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. T 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  ;@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. v 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ): *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8P 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;B <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A2  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vp @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \" ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kP l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tB& u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  (@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )D *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,I@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8h 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >l ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A~ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VT @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YR @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kQ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t% u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )P *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8X 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;B <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yb @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \(# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kM l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t5 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. b 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,H@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8b 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;B <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >l ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y@ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \8" ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kP l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tn2 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R   B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )X *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8^ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;J <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >n ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A, B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S" T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VT @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y~ @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \(# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kBM l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n  o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t1 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R    B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  ޠ@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )h *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,a@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8b 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;J <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kK l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t4 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R "  B  'miles *@ 'UTM HL@ 'UTM  [@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,d@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8` 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;N <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V* @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kL l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t0 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. x  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R $  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ): *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8P 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;< <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A2  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V@ @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yg Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kH l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t* u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R &  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )8 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,A@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >r ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A( B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YU Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kE l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tn2 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R (  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )> *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A2  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V2 @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yi Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k2F l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. td9 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R *  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  Ȕ@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )B *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >b ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vb @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YS Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k"G l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t ; u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R ,  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Z@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8` 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;F <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A~ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vb @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YXU Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kC l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t> u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R .  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. N 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Y@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8b 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;D <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >" ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V8 @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R 0  B  'miles ѱ@ 'UTM aC@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,G@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8\ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;T <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S$ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y̎ @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kI l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t5 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R 2  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  |@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8V 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A8  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YT @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kV l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t# u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R 4  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )L *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8d 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;N <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >r ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S4 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y@ @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \(# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k4N l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. f  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R 6  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  B@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )N *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,|@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8Z 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;F <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A8  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. SP T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k4N l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t# u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R 8  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )D *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8V 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >r ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kM l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t\# u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R :  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8Z 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;P <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >r ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S8 T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k$O l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t$ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R <  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,x@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8h 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >r ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A, B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yv @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \(# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kH l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t4" u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R >  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )N *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8\ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;> <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y< Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kPD l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tB& u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R @  B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. t 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )> *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8` 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;. <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >x ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VT @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y; Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kL< l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t0 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R B  * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  Ą@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )0 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8F 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >d ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A~ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yn @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. klB l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t,4 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. b 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R D  * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  {@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,)@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8L 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;6 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >n ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A, B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y` Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k|A l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tn2 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R F  * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )4 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8J 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;6 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A( B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y`w Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k@ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t7 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R H  * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  >@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )6 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8X 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >n ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A, B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vؓ @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yc Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kA l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t4 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. T 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R J  * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  u@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )4 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,(@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8F 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;: <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >n ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A, B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V2 @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y\ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k0> l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. td9 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R L  * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. n 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )B *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,a@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >l ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A, B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S( T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YP Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k@E l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tz+ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R N  * @ 'miles S@ 'UTM Ϛ@ 'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )B *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,_@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. 8R 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >r ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P  Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y7 Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \$ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kB l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t& u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R P  * ٤@  'miles @  'UTM @  'UTM  V@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ): *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,x@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8R 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AD  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VH @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \X  ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k"G l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t() u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. T 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R R  * ٤@  'miles @  'UTM @  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )> *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8L 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \" ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kI l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. tz+ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R T  * ٤@  'miles @  'UTM @  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )< *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8H 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;> <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YF @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \  ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kI l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t< u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R V  * ٤@  'miles @  'UTM @  'UTM  )@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )B *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,`@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8V 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;F <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A" B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VH @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \H! ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kK l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. td9 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R X  * ٤@  'miles @  'UTM @  'UTM  ؙ@ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. N 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )D *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,a@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8N 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A( B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V҈ @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yƾ @ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \" ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kJ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t ; u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. j 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R Z  * ٤@  'miles @  'UTM @  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )< *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,v@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8P 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >| ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V\ @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YJc Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \# ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k ? l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t>C u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R \  * ٤@  'miles @  'UTM @  'UTM  @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. | 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ): *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,@ -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8P 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A( B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V~ @ W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YA Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \% ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. klB l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. t9 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. R ^  B   'miles 0333†@  'UTM hfff@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R `  B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R b  B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5, 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R d  B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5, 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R f  B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM  \ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5, 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R h  B  'miles 0333†@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5& 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R j  B   'miles 0333†@  'UTM hfff@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R l  B    'miles c@  'UTM b@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R n  B    'miles hffff݃@  'UTM h"@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R p  B   'miles @  'UTM hfff٭@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R r  B   'miles *@  'UTM HL@  'UTM  R 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R t  B   'miles *@  'UTM HL@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5  6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R v  B   'miles *@  'UTM HL@  'UTM  Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5$ 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R x  B   'miles *@  'UTM HL@  'UTM    'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5$ 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R z  B   'miles *@  'UTM HL@  'UTM  D 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5$ 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R |  B   'miles *@  'UTM HL@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R ~  B   'miles *@  'UTM HL@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R   B   'miles ѱ@  'UTM aC@  'UTM  l 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R   B   'miles ѱ@  'UTM aC@  'UTM  F 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R   B   'miles ѱ@  'UTM aC@  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R   B   'miles ѱ@  'UTM aC@  'UTM  h 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R   B   'miles ѱ@  'UTM aC@  'UTM  ~ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R   B   'miles ѱ@  'UTM aC@  'UTM  > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R   B   'miles ѱ@  'UTM aC@  'UTM  r 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5$ 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt. L'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. R   B  'miles ̪ƒ@ 'UTM ̄@ 'UTM  ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt. 7'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported.! R! ! ! B!  ! 'miles! ̪ƒ@ ! 'UTM! ̄@ ! 'UTM! ! ! 'microgram/g dry wt.! 'Value as reported.! 5! 6'microgram/g dry wt.! 7'Value as reported.! J ! K'microgram/g dry wt.=! L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.! n! o'microgram/g dry wt.! p'Value as reported." R" " " B"  " 'miles" ̪ƒ@ " 'UTM" ̄@ " 'UTM" " (" 'microgram/g dry wt." 'Value as reported." 5" 6'microgram/g dry wt." 7'Value as reported." J" K'microgram/g dry wt." L'Value as reported." n" o'microgram/g dry wt." p'Value as reported.# R# # # B#  # 'miles# ̪ƒ@ # 'UTM# ̄@ # 'UTM# # ,# 'microgram/g dry wt.# 'Value as reported.# 5 # 6'microgram/g dry wt.# 7'Value as reported.# J# K'microgram/g dry wt.# L'Value as reported.# n# o'microgram/g dry wt.# p'Value as reported.$ R$ $ $ B$  $ 'miles$ ̪ƒ@ $ 'UTM$ ̄@ $ 'UTM$ $ d$ 'microgram/g dry wt.$ 'Value as reported.$ 5 $ 6'microgram/g dry wt.=$ 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.$ J$ K'microgram/g dry wt.$ L'Value as reported.$ n$ o'microgram/g dry wt.$ p'Value as reported.% R% % % B%  % 'miles% ̪ƒ@ % 'UTM% ̄@ % 'UTM% % % 'microgram/g dry wt.% 'Value as reported.% 5% 6'microgram/g dry wt.% 7'Value as reported.% J% K'microgram/g dry wt.% L'Value as reported.% n% o'microgram/g dry wt.% p'Value as reported.& R& & & B&  & 'miles& ̪ƒ@ & 'UTM& ̄@ & 'UTM& & p& 'microgram/g dry wt.& 'Value as reported.& 5& 6'microgram/g dry wt.& 7'Value as reported.& J& K'microgram/g dry wt.& L'Value as reported.& n& o'microgram/g dry wt.& p'Value as reported.' R' ' ' B'  ' 'miles' ̪ƒ@ ' 'UTM' ̄@ ' 'UTM' ' ' 'microgram/g dry wt.' 'Value as reported.' 5 ' 6'microgram/g dry wt.' 7'Value as reported.' J' K'microgram/g dry wt.' L'Value as reported.' n' o'microgram/g dry wt.' p'Value as reported.( R( ( ( *( @ ( 'miles( S@ ( 'UTM( Ϛ@ ( 'UTM( ( ^( 'microgram/g dry wt.( 'Value as reported.( 5 ( 6'microgram/g dry wt.=( 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( J ( K'microgram/g dry wt.=( L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.( n( o'microgram/g dry wt.( p'Value as reported.) R) ) ) *) @ ) 'miles) S@ ) 'UTM) Ϛ@ ) 'UTM) ) ) 'microgram/g dry wt.) 'Value as reported.) 5 ) 6'microgram/g dry wt.=) 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) J ) K'microgram/g dry wt.=) L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.) n) o'microgram/g dry wt.) p'Value as reported.* R* * * ** @ * 'miles* S@ * 'UTM* Ϛ@ * 'UTM* * * 'microgram/g dry wt.* 'Value as reported.* 50* 6'microgram/g dry wt.* 7'Value as reported.* J* K'microgram/g dry wt.* L'Value as reported.* n* o'microgram/g dry wt.* p'Value as reported.+ R+ + + *+ @ + 'miles+ S@ + 'UTM+ Ϛ@ + 'UTM+ + + 'microgram/g dry wt.+ 'Value as reported.+ 56+ 6'microgram/g dry wt.+ 7'Value as reported.+ J+ K'microgram/g dry wt.+ L'Value as reported.+ n+ o'microgram/g dry wt.+ p'Value as reported., R, , , *, @ , 'miles, S@ , 'UTM, Ϛ@ , 'UTM, , , 'microgram/g dry wt., 'Value as reported., 52, 6'microgram/g dry wt., 7'Value as reported., J, K'microgram/g dry wt., L'Value as reported., n, o'microgram/g dry wt., p'Value as reported.- R- - - *- @ - 'miles- S@ - 'UTM- Ϛ@ - 'UTM- - - 'microgram/g dry wt.- 'Value as reported.- 54- 6'microgram/g dry wt.- 7'Value as reported.- J- K'microgram/g dry wt.- L'Value as reported.- n- o'microgram/g dry wt.- p'Value as reported.. R. . . *. @ . 'miles. S@ . 'UTM. Ϛ@ . 'UTM. . . 'microgram/g dry wt.. 'Value as reported.. 5,. 6'microgram/g dry wt.. 7'Value as reported.. J. K'microgram/g dry wt.. L'Value as reported.. n. o'microgram/g dry wt.. p'Value as reported./ R/ / / */ ٤@ / 'miles/ @ / 'UTM/ @ / 'UTM/ / / 'microgram/g dry wt./ 'Value as reported./ 5/ 6'microgram/g dry wt./ 7'Value as reported./ J / K'microgram/g dry wt.=/ L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported./ n/ o'microgram/g dry wt./ p'Value as reported.0 R0 0 0 *0 ٤@ 0 'miles0 @ 0 'UTM0 @ 0 'UTM0 0 0 'microgram/g dry wt.0 'Value as reported.0 50 6'microgram/g dry wt.0 7'Value as reported.0 J 0 K'microgram/g dry wt.=0 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.0 n0 o'microgram/g dry wt.0 p'Value as reported.1 R1 1 1 *1 ٤@ 1 'miles1 @ 1 'UTM1 @ 1 'UTM1 1 1 'microgram/g dry wt.1 'Value as reported.1 51 6'microgram/g dry wt.1 7'Value as reported.1 J 1 K'microgram/g dry wt.=1 L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.1 n1 o'microgram/g dry wt.1 p'Value as reported.2 R2 2 2 *2 ٤@ 2 'miles2 @ 2 'UTM2 @ 2 'UTM2 2 2 'microgram/g dry wt.2 'Value as reported.2 5 2 6'microgram/g dry wt.2 7'Value as reported.2 J 2 K'microgram/g dry wt.2 L'Value as reported.2 n2 o'microgram/g dry wt.2 p'Value as reported.3 R3 3 3 *3 ٤@ 3 'miles3 @ 3 'UTM3 @ 3 'UTM3 3 3 'microgram/g dry wt.3 'Value as reported.3 53 6'microgram/g dry wt.3 7'Value as reported.3 J3 K'microgram/g dry wt.3 L'Value as reported.3 n3 o'microgram/g dry wt.3 p'Value as reported.4 R4 4 4 *4 ٤@ 4 'miles4 @ 4 'UTM4 @ 4 'UTM4 4 4 'microgram/g dry wt.4 'Value as reported.4 5"4 6'microgram/g dry wt.4 7'Value as reported.4 J 4 K'microgram/g dry wt.4 L'Value as reported.4 n4 o'microgram/g dry wt.4 p'Value as reported.5 R5 5 5 *5 ٤@ 5 'miles5 @ 5 'UTM5 @ 5 'UTM5 5 d5 'microgram/g dry wt.5 'Value as reported.5 55 6'microgram/g dry wt.5 7'Value as reported.5 J5 K'microgram/g dry wt.5 L'Value as reported.5 n5 o'microgram/g dry wt.5 p'Value as reported.6 R6 6 6 B6  6 'miles6 0333†@ 6 'UTM6 hfff@ 6 'UTM6 6 #6 $'microgram/g dry wt.=6 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 )J6 *'microgram/g dry wt.6 +'Value as reported.6 806 9'microgram/g dry wt.6 :'Value as reported.6 ;06 <'microgram/g dry wt.=6 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.6 SH6 T'microgram/g dry wt.6 U'Value as reported.6 X6 'microgram/g dry wt.6 'Value as reported.7 R7 7 7 B7  7 'miles7 0333†@ 7 'UTM7 hfff@ 7 'UTM7 7 #7 $'microgram/g dry wt.=7 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 )R7 *'microgram/g dry wt.7 +'Value as reported.7 8:7 9'microgram/g dry wt.7 :'Value as reported.7 ;07 <'microgram/g dry wt.=7 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.7 SZ7 T'microgram/g dry wt.7 U'Value as reported.7 Z7 'microgram/g dry wt.7 'Value as reported.8 R8 8 8 B8  8 'miles8 0333†@ 8 'UTM8 hfff@ 8 'UTM8 8 #8 $'microgram/g dry wt.=8 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 )48 *'microgram/g dry wt.8 +'Value as reported.8 8*8 9'microgram/g dry wt.8 :'Value as reported.8 ;d8 <'microgram/g dry wt.=8 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.8 SD8 T'microgram/g dry wt.8 U'Value as reported.8 Z8 'microgram/g dry wt.8 'Value as reported.9 R9 9 9 B9  9 'miles9 0333†@ 9 'UTM9 hfff@ 9 'UTM9 9 #9 $'microgram/g dry wt.=9 %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 )<9 *'microgram/g dry wt.9 +'Value as reported.9 8D9 9'microgram/g dry wt.9 :'Value as reported.9 ;d9 <'microgram/g dry wt.=9 ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.9 SB9 T'microgram/g dry wt.9 U'Value as reported.9 T9 'microgram/g dry wt.9 'Value as reported.: R: : : B:  : 'miles: 0333†@ : 'UTM: hfff@ : 'UTM: : #: $'microgram/g dry wt.=: %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: )<: *'microgram/g dry wt.: +'Value as reported.: 8D: 9'microgram/g dry wt.: :'Value as reported.: ;d: <'microgram/g dry wt.=: ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.: SJ: T'microgram/g dry wt.: U'Value as reported.: \: 'microgram/g dry wt.: 'Value as reported.; R; ; ; B;  ; 'miles; 0333†@ ; 'UTM; hfff@ ; 'UTM; ; #; $'microgram/g dry wt.=; %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; )<; *'microgram/g dry wt.; +'Value as reported.; 8D; 9'microgram/g dry wt.; :'Value as reported.; ;d; <'microgram/g dry wt.=; ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.; SL; T'microgram/g dry wt.; U'Value as reported.; ^; 'microgram/g dry wt.; 'Value as reported.< R< < < B<  < 'miles< 0333†@ < 'UTM< hfff@ < 'UTM< < #< $'microgram/g dry wt.=< %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< )@< *'microgram/g dry wt.< +'Value as reported.< 8D< 9'microgram/g dry wt.< :'Value as reported.< ;d< <'microgram/g dry wt.=< ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.< SL< T'microgram/g dry wt.< U'Value as reported.< `< 'microgram/g dry wt.< 'Value as reported.= R= = = B=   = 'miles= c@ = 'UTM= b@ = 'UTM= = #= $'microgram/g dry wt.== %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= )V= *'microgram/g dry wt.= +'Value as reported.= 88= 9'microgram/g dry wt.= :'Value as reported.= ;.= <'microgram/g dry wt.== ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.= S2= T'microgram/g dry wt.= U'Value as reported.= T= 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Value as reported.> R> > > B>   > 'miles> hffff݃@ > 'UTM> h"@ > 'UTM> > #> $'microgram/g dry wt.=> %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> )<> *'microgram/g dry wt.> +'Value as reported.> 8"> 9'microgram/g dry wt.> :'Value as reported.> ;2> <'microgram/g dry wt.=> ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.> S> T'microgram/g dry wt.> U'Value as reported.> L> 'microgram/g dry wt.> 'Value as reported.? R? ? ? B?  ? 'miles? @ ? 'UTM? hfff٭@ ? 'UTM? ? #%? $'microgram/g dry wt.=? %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? )@? *'microgram/g dry wt.? +'Value as reported.? 8? 9'microgram/g dry wt.? :'Value as reported.? ;2? <'microgram/g dry wt.=? ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.? S? T'microgram/g dry wt.? U'Value as reported.? :? 'microgram/g dry wt.? 'Value as reported.@ R@ @ @ B@  @ 'miles@ *@ @ 'UTM@ HL@ @ 'UTM@ @ #@ $'microgram/g dry wt.=@ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ )D@ *'microgram/g dry wt.@ +'Value as reported.@ 8&@ 9'microgram/g dry wt.@ :'Value as reported.@ ;0@ <'microgram/g dry wt.=@ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.@ S@ T'microgram/g dry wt.@ U'Value as reported.@ L@ 'microgram/g dry wt.@ 'Value as reported.A RA A A BA  A 'milesA *@ A 'UTMA HL@ A 'UTMA A #A $'microgram/g dry wt.=A %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A )DA *'microgram/g dry wt.A +'Value as reported.A 82A 9'microgram/g dry wt.A :'Value as reported.A ;0A <'microgram/g dry wt.=A ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.A S.A T'microgram/g dry wt.A U'Value as reported.A RA 'microgram/g dry wt.A 'Value as reported.B RB B B BB  B 'milesB *@ B 'UTMB HL@ B 'UTMB B #B $'microgram/g dry wt.=B %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B )2B *'microgram/g dry wt.B +'Value as reported.B 8.B 9'microgram/g dry wt.B :'Value as reported.B ;fB <'microgram/g dry wt.=B ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.B SB T'microgram/g dry wt.B U'Value as reported.B LB 'microgram/g dry wt.B 'Value as reported.C RC C C BC  C 'milesC *@ C 'UTMC HL@ C 'UTMC C #C $'microgram/g dry wt.=C %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C )*C *'microgram/g dry wt.C +'Value as reported.C 8*C 9'microgram/g dry wt.C :'Value as reported.C ;bC <'microgram/g dry wt.=C ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.C SC T'microgram/g dry wt.C U'Value as reported.C LC 'microgram/g dry wt.C 'Value as reported.D RD D D BD  D 'milesD *@ D 'UTMD HL@ D 'UTMD D #D $'microgram/g dry wt.=D %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D )8D *'microgram/g dry wt.D +'Value as reported.D 88D 9'microgram/g dry wt.D :'Value as reported.D ;fD <'microgram/g dry wt.=D ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.D SD T'microgram/g dry wt.D U'Value as reported.D LD 'microgram/g dry wt.D 'Value as reported.E RE E E BE  E 'milesE *@ E 'UTME HL@ E 'UTME E #E $'microgram/g dry wt.=E %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E )4E *'microgram/g dry wt.E +'Value as reported.E 8PE 9'microgram/g dry wt.E :'Value as reported.E ;fE <'microgram/g dry wt.=E ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.E S&E T'microgram/g dry wt.E U'Value as reported.E RE 'microgram/g dry wt.E 'Value as reported.F RF F F BF  F 'milesF *@ F 'UTMF HL@ F 'UTMF F #F $'microgram/g dry wt.=F %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F )>F *'microgram/g dry wt.F +'Value as reported.F 8FF 9'microgram/g dry wt.F :'Value as reported.F ;fF <'microgram/g dry wt.=F ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.F S F T'microgram/g dry wt.F U'Value as reported.F RF 'microgram/g dry wt.F 'Value as reported.G RG G G BG  G 'milesG ѱ@ G 'UTMG aC@ G 'UTMG G #G $'microgram/g dry wt.=G %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G ):G *'microgram/g dry wt.G +'Value as reported.G 8.G 9'microgram/g dry wt.G :'Value as reported.G ;.G <'microgram/g dry wt.=G ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.G SG T'microgram/g dry wt.G U'Value as reported.G NG 'microgram/g dry wt.G 'Value as reported.H RH H H BH  H 'milesH ѱ@ H 'UTMH aC@ H 'UTMH H #H $'microgram/g dry wt.=H %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H )@H *'microgram/g dry wt.H +'Value as reported.H 8,H 9'microgram/g dry wt.H :'Value as reported.H ;2H <'microgram/g dry wt.=H ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.H SH T'microgram/g dry wt.H U'Value as reported.H FH 'microgram/g dry wt.H 'Value as reported.I RI I I BI  I 'milesI ѱ@ I 'UTMI aC@ I 'UTMI I #I $'microgram/g dry wt.=I %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I )4I *'microgram/g dry wt.I +'Value as reported.I 8,I 9'microgram/g dry wt.I :'Value as reported.I ;fI <'microgram/g dry wt.=I ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.I SI T'microgram/g dry wt.I U'Value as reported.I LI 'microgram/g dry wt.I 'Value as reported.J RJ J J BJ  J 'milesJ ѱ@ J 'UTMJ aC@ J 'UTMJ J #J $'microgram/g dry wt.=J %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J )2J *'microgram/g dry wt.J +'Value as reported.J 88J 9'microgram/g dry wt.J :'Value as reported.J ;fJ <'microgram/g dry wt.=J ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.J SJ T'microgram/g dry wt.J U'Value as reported.J JJ 'microgram/g dry wt.J 'Value as reported.K RK K K BK  K 'milesK ѱ@ K 'UTMK aC@ K 'UTMK K #K $'microgram/g dry wt.=K %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K )0K *'microgram/g dry wt.K +'Value as reported.K 82K 9'microgram/g dry wt.K :'Value as reported.K ;fK <'microgram/g dry wt.=K ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.K SK T'microgram/g dry wt.K U'Value as reported.K HK 'microgram/g dry wt.K 'Value as reported.L RL L L BL  L 'milesL ѱ@ L 'UTML aC@ L 'UTML L #L $'microgram/g dry wt.=L %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L )@L *'microgram/g dry wt.L +'Value as reported.L 8JL 9'microgram/g dry wt.L :'Value as reported.L ;fL <'microgram/g dry wt.=L ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.L SL T'microgram/g dry wt.L U'Value as reported.L HL 'microgram/g dry wt.L 'Value as reported.M RM M M BM  M 'milesM ѱ@ M 'UTMM aC@ M 'UTMM M #M $'microgram/g dry wt.=M %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M )DM *'microgram/g dry wt.M +'Value as reported.M 88M 9'microgram/g dry wt.M :'Value as reported.M ;fM <'microgram/g dry wt.=M ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.M S(M T'microgram/g dry wt.M U'Value as reported.M JM 'microgram/g dry wt.M 'Value as reported.N RN N N BN  N 'milesN ̪ƒ@ N 'UTMN ̄@ N 'UTMN N #N $'microgram/g dry wt.=N %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N )DN *'microgram/g dry wt.N +'Value as reported.N 84N 9'microgram/g dry wt.N :'Value as reported.N ;.N <'microgram/g dry wt.=N ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.N S&N T'microgram/g dry wt.N U'Value as reported.N VN 'microgram/g dry wt.N 'Value as reported.O RO O O BO  O 'milesO ̪ƒ@ O 'UTMO ̄@ O 'UTMO O #O $'microgram/g dry wt.=O %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O )LO *'microgram/g dry wt.O +'Value as reported.O 8>O 9'microgram/g dry wt.O :'Value as reported.O ;.O <'microgram/g dry wt.=O ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.O S8O T'microgram/g dry wt.O U'Value as reported.O XO 'microgram/g dry wt.O 'Value as reported.P RP P P BP  P 'milesP ̪ƒ@ P 'UTMP ̄@ P 'UTMP P #P $'microgram/g dry wt.=P %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P )NP *'microgram/g dry wt.P +'Value as reported.P 8,P 9'microgram/g dry wt.P :'Value as reported.P ;6P <'microgram/g dry wt.=P ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.P SZP T'microgram/g dry wt.P U'Value as reported.P \P 'microgram/g dry wt.P 'Value as reported.Q RQ Q Q BQ  Q 'milesQ ̪ƒ@ Q 'UTMQ ̄@ Q 'UTMQ Q #Q $'microgram/g dry wt.=Q %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q )DQ *'microgram/g dry wt.Q +'Value as reported.Q 8:Q 9'microgram/g dry wt.Q :'Value as reported.Q ;6Q <'microgram/g dry wt.=Q ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Q SQ T'microgram/g dry wt.Q U'Value as reported.Q VQ 'microgram/g dry wt.Q 'Value as reported.R RR R R BR  R 'milesR ̪ƒ@ R 'UTMR ̄@ R 'UTMR R #R $'microgram/g dry wt.=R %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R )JR *'microgram/g dry wt.R +'Value as reported.R 84R 9'microgram/g dry wt.R :'Value as reported.R ;8R <'microgram/g dry wt.=R ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.R SBR T'microgram/g dry wt.R U'Value as reported.R ^R 'microgram/g dry wt.R 'Value as reported.S RS S S BS  S 'milesS ̪ƒ@ S 'UTMS ̄@ S 'UTMS S #S $'microgram/g dry wt.=S %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S )JS *'microgram/g dry wt.S +'Value as reported.S 8DS 9'microgram/g dry wt.S :'Value as reported.S ;6S <'microgram/g dry wt.=S ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.S S:S T'microgram/g dry wt.S U'Value as reported.S ZS 'microgram/g dry wt.S 'Value as reported.T RT T T BT  T 'milesT ̪ƒ@ T 'UTMT ̄@ T 'UTMT T #T $'microgram/g dry wt.=T %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T )DT *'microgram/g dry wt.T +'Value as reported.T 82T 9'microgram/g dry wt.T :'Value as reported.T ;:T <'microgram/g dry wt.=T ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.T ST T'microgram/g dry wt.T U'Value as reported.T ZT 'microgram/g dry wt.T 'Value as reported.U RU U U BU  U 'milesU ̪ƒ@ U 'UTMU ̄@ U 'UTMU U #%U $'microgram/g dry wt.=U %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.U )0U *'microgram/g dry wt.U +'Value as reported.U 8U 9'microgram/g dry wt.U :'Value as reported.U ;<U <'microgram/g dry wt.=U ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.U SU T'microgram/g dry wt.U U'Value as reported.U NU 'microgram/g dry wt.U 'Value as reported.V RV V V *V @ V 'milesV S@ V 'UTMV Ϛ@ V 'UTMV V #V $'microgram/g dry wt.=V %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V )2V *'microgram/g dry wt.V +'Value as reported.V 8 V 9'microgram/g dry wt.V :'Value as reported.V ;.V <'microgram/g dry wt.=V ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.V SV T'microgram/g dry wt.V U'Value as reported.V <V 'microgram/g dry wt.V 'Value as reported.W RW W W *W @ W 'milesW S@ W 'UTMW Ϛ@ W 'UTMW W #W $'microgram/g dry wt.=W %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.W )8W *'microgram/g dry wt.W +'Value as reported.W 80W 9'microgram/g dry wt.W :'Value as reported.W ;.W <'microgram/g dry wt.=W ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.W SW T'microgram/g dry wt.W U'Value as reported.W @W 'microgram/g dry wt.W 'Value as reported.X RX X X *X @ X 'milesX S@ X 'UTMX Ϛ@ X 'UTMX X #X $'microgram/g dry wt.=X %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X )(X *'microgram/g dry wt.X +'Value as reported.X 80X 9'microgram/g dry wt.X :'Value as reported.X ;dX <'microgram/g dry wt.=X ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.X SX T'microgram/g dry wt.X U'Value as reported.X 8X 'microgram/g dry wt.X 'Value as reported.Y RY Y Y *Y @ Y 'milesY S@ Y 'UTMY Ϛ@ Y 'UTMY Y #Y $'microgram/g dry wt.=Y %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y )$Y *'microgram/g dry wt.Y +'Value as reported.Y 8Y 9'microgram/g dry wt.Y :'Value as reported.Y ;dY <'microgram/g dry wt.=Y ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Y SY T'microgram/g dry wt.Y U'Value as reported.Y @Y 'microgram/g dry wt.Y 'Value as reported.Z RZ Z Z *Z @ Z 'milesZ S@ Z 'UTMZ Ϛ@ Z 'UTMZ Z #Z $'microgram/g dry wt.=Z %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z )2Z *'microgram/g dry wt.Z +'Value as reported.Z 8Z 9'microgram/g dry wt.Z :'Value as reported.Z ;`Z <'microgram/g dry wt.=Z ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.Z SZ T'microgram/g dry wt.Z U'Value as reported.Z :Z 'microgram/g dry wt.Z 'Value as reported.[ R[ [ [ *[ @ [ 'miles[ S@ [ 'UTM[ Ϛ@ [ 'UTM[ [ #[ $'microgram/g dry wt.=[ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[ )4[ *'microgram/g dry wt.[ +'Value as reported.[ 82[ 9'microgram/g dry wt.[ :'Value as reported.[ ;d[ <'microgram/g dry wt.=[ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.[ S*[ T'microgram/g dry wt.[ U'Value as reported.[ N[ 'microgram/g dry wt.[ 'Value as reported.\ R\ \ \ *\ @ \ 'miles\ S@ \ 'UTM\ Ϛ@ \ 'UTM\ \ #\ $'microgram/g dry wt.=\ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ )8\ *'microgram/g dry wt.\ +'Value as reported.\ 8(\ 9'microgram/g dry wt.\ :'Value as reported.\ ;^\ <'microgram/g dry wt.=\ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.\ S\ T'microgram/g dry wt.\ U'Value as reported.\ L\ 'microgram/g dry wt.\ 'Value as reported.] R] ] ] *] ٤@ ] 'miles] @ ] 'UTM] @ ] 'UTM] ] #] $'microgram/g dry wt.=] %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] )<] *'microgram/g dry wt.] +'Value as reported.] 8$] 9'microgram/g dry wt.] :'Value as reported.] ;.] <'microgram/g dry wt.=] ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.] S] T'microgram/g dry wt.] U'Value as reported.] D] 'microgram/g dry wt.] 'Value as reported.^ R^  ^ ^ *^ ٤@ ^ 'miles^ @ ^ 'UTM^ @ ^ 'UTM^ ^ #^ $'microgram/g dry wt.=^ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^ )F^ *'microgram/g dry wt.^ +'Value as reported.^ 8.^ 9'microgram/g dry wt.^ :'Value as reported.^ ;.^ <'microgram/g dry wt.=^ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.^ S^ T'microgram/g dry wt.^ U'Value as reported.^ F^ 'microgram/g dry wt.^ 'Value as reported._ R_  _ _ *_ ٤@ _ 'miles_ @ _ 'UTM_ @ _ 'UTM_ _ #_ $'microgram/g dry wt.=_ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ )@_ *'microgram/g dry wt._ +'Value as reported._ 8_ 9'microgram/g dry wt._ :'Value as reported._ ;:_ <'microgram/g dry wt.=_ ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported._ S_ T'microgram/g dry wt._ U'Value as reported._ B_ 'microgram/g dry wt._ 'Value as reported.` R` ` ` *` ٤@ ` 'miles` @ ` 'UTM` @ ` 'UTM` ` #` $'microgram/g dry wt.=` %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` )B` *'microgram/g dry wt.` +'Value as reported.` 8<` 9'microgram/g dry wt.` :'Value as reported.` ;8` <'microgram/g dry wt.=` ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.` S` T'microgram/g dry wt.` U'Value as reported.` D` 'microgram/g dry wt.` 'Value as reported.a Ra a a *a ٤@ a 'milesa @ a 'UTMa @ a 'UTMa a #a $'microgram/g dry wt.=a %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a )Ra *'microgram/g dry wt.a +'Value as reported.a 8.a 9'microgram/g dry wt.a :'Value as reported.a ;6a <'microgram/g dry wt.=a ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.a Sa T'microgram/g dry wt.a U'Value as reported.a Da 'microgram/g dry wt.a 'Value as reported.b Rb b b *b ٤@ b 'milesb @ b 'UTMb @ b 'UTMb b #%b $'microgram/g dry wt.=b %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b ):b *'microgram/g dry wt.b +'Value as reported.b 8(b 9'microgram/g dry wt.b :'Value as reported.b ;:b <'microgram/g dry wt.=b ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.b Sb T'microgram/g dry wt.b U'Value as reported.b @b 'microgram/g dry wt.b 'Value as reported.c Rc c c *c ٤@ c 'milesc @ c 'UTMc @ c 'UTMc c #c $'microgram/g dry wt.=c %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c )<c *'microgram/g dry wt.c +'Value as reported.c 80c 9'microgram/g dry wt.c :'Value as reported.c ;8c <'microgram/g dry wt.=c ='Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.c Sc T'microgram/g dry wt.c U'Value as reported.c Bc 'microgram/g dry wt.c 'Value as reported.d Rd d d Bd  d 'milesd 0333†@ d 'UTMd hfff@ d 'UTMd d d 'microgram/g dry wt.=d 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d ed !'microgram/g dry wt.d "'Value as reported.d 5d 6'microgram/g dry wt.=d 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d ;Hd <'microgram/g dry wt.d ='Value as reported.d Md N'microgram/g dry wt.=d O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.d PRd Q'microgram/g dry wt.d R'Value as reported.d hNd i'microgram/g dry wt.d j'Value as reported.e Re e e Be  e 'milese 0333†@ e 'UTMe hfff@ e 'UTMe e e 'microgram/g dry wt.=e 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.e Ee !'microgram/g dry wt.e "'Value as reported.e 5e 6'microgram/g dry wt.e 7'Value as reported.e ;Te <'microgram/g dry wt.e ='Value as reported.e Me N'microgram/g dry wt.e O'Value as reported.e Pe Q'microgram/g dry wt.e R'Value as reported.e h`e i'microgram/g dry wt.e j'Value as reported.f Rf f f Bf  f 'milesf 0333†@ f 'UTMf hfff@ f 'UTMf f f 'microgram/g dry wt.=f 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.f f !'microgram/g dry wt.f "'Value as reported.f 5f 6'microgram/g dry wt.f 7'Value as reported.f ;df <'microgram/g dry wt.f ='Value as reported.f Mf N'microgram/g dry wt.f O'Value as reported.f P~f Q'microgram/g dry wt.f R'Value as reported.f hRf i'microgram/g dry wt.f j'Value as reported.g Rg g g Bg  g 'milesg 0333†@ g 'UTMg hfff@ g 'UTMg g g 'microgram/g dry wt.=g 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g g !'microgram/g dry wt.g "'Value as reported.g 5g 6'microgram/g dry wt.=g 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.g ;>g <'microgram/g dry wt.g ='Value as reported.g Mg N'microgram/g dry wt.g O'Value as reported.g Pg Q'microgram/g dry wt.g R'Value as reported.g hTg i'microgram/g dry wt.g j'Value as reported.h Rh h h Bh  h 'milesh 0333†@ h 'UTMh hfff@ h 'UTMh h h 'microgram/g dry wt.=h 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h h !'microgram/g dry wt.h "'Value as reported.h 5h 6'microgram/g dry wt.h 7'Value as reported.h ;@h <'microgram/g dry wt.h ='Value as reported.h Mh N'microgram/g dry wt.=h O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.h Ph Q'microgram/g dry wt.h R'Value as reported.h hXh i'microgram/g dry wt.h j'Value as reported.i Ri  i i Bi  i 'milesi *@ i 'UTMi HL@ i 'UTMi i i 'microgram/g dry wt.=i 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i i !'microgram/g dry wt.i "'Value as reported.i 5i 6'microgram/g dry wt.=i 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i ;Bi <'microgram/g dry wt.i ='Value as reported.i Mi N'microgram/g dry wt.=i O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.i Pi Q'microgram/g dry wt.i R'Value as reported.i hPi i'microgram/g dry wt.i j'Value as reported.j Rj "j j Bj  j 'milesj *@ j 'UTMj HL@ j 'UTMj j j 'microgram/g dry wt.=j 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j j !'microgram/g dry wt.j "'Value as reported.j 5j 6'microgram/g dry wt.=j 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j ;@j <'microgram/g dry wt.j ='Value as reported.j Mj N'microgram/g dry wt.=j O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.j P$j Q'microgram/g dry wt.j R'Value as reported.j hTj i'microgram/g dry wt.j j'Value as reported.k Rk $k k Bk  k 'milesk *@ k 'UTMk HL@ k 'UTMk k k 'microgram/g dry wt.=k 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k ek !'microgram/g dry wt.k "'Value as reported.k 5k 6'microgram/g dry wt.=k 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k ;0k <'microgram/g dry wt.k ='Value as reported.k Mk N'microgram/g dry wt.=k O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.k P>k Q'microgram/g dry wt.k R'Value as reported.k hRk i'microgram/g dry wt.k j'Value as reported.l Rl &l l Bl  l 'milesl *@ l 'UTMl HL@ l 'UTMl l l 'microgram/g dry wt.=l 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l el !'microgram/g dry wt.l "'Value as reported.l 5l 6'microgram/g dry wt.=l 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l ;.l <'microgram/g dry wt.l ='Value as reported.l Ml N'microgram/g dry wt.=l O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.l Pl Q'microgram/g dry wt.l R'Value as reported.l hPl i'microgram/g dry wt.l j'Value as reported.m Rm (m m Bm  m 'milesm *@ m 'UTMm HL@ m 'UTMm m m 'microgram/g dry wt.=m 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m m !'microgram/g dry wt.m "'Value as reported.m 5m 6'microgram/g dry wt.=m 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m ;Rm <'microgram/g dry wt.m ='Value as reported.m Mm N'microgram/g dry wt.=m O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.m Pm Q'microgram/g dry wt.m R'Value as reported.m hTm i'microgram/g dry wt.m j'Value as reported.n Rn *n n Bn  n 'milesn ѱ@ n 'UTMn aC@ n 'UTMn n n 'microgram/g dry wt.=n 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n n !'microgram/g dry wt.n "'Value as reported.n 5n 6'microgram/g dry wt.=n 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.n ;<n <'microgram/g dry wt.n ='Value as reported.n Mn N'microgram/g dry wt.n O'Value as reported.n Pn Q'microgram/g dry wt.n R'Value as reported.n hTn i'microgram/g dry wt.n j'Value as reported.o Ro ,o o Bo  o 'mileso ѱ@ o 'UTMo aC@ o 'UTMo o o 'microgram/g dry wt.=o 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o o !'microgram/g dry wt.o "'Value as reported.o 5o 6'microgram/g dry wt.=o 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.o ;<o <'microgram/g dry wt.o ='Value as reported.o Mo N'microgram/g dry wt.o O'Value as reported.o Po Q'microgram/g dry wt.o R'Value as reported.o hZo i'microgram/g dry wt.o j'Value as reported.p Rp .p p Bp  p 'milesp ѱ@ p 'UTMp aC@ p 'UTMp p p 'microgram/g dry wt.=p 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p p !'microgram/g dry wt.p "'Value as reported.p 5p 6'microgram/g dry wt.=p 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.p ;<p <'microgram/g dry wt.p ='Value as reported.p Mp N'microgram/g dry wt.p O'Value as reported.p P.p Q'microgram/g dry wt.p R'Value as reported.p hjp i'microgram/g dry wt.p j'Value as reported.q Rq 0q q Bq  q 'milesq ѱ@ q 'UTMq aC@ q 'UTMq q q 'microgram/g dry wt.=q 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q eq !'microgram/g dry wt.q "'Value as reported.q 5q 6'microgram/g dry wt.=q 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.q ;<q <'microgram/g dry wt.q ='Value as reported.q Mq N'microgram/g dry wt.q O'Value as reported.q P0q Q'microgram/g dry wt.q R'Value as reported.q hzq i'microgram/g dry wt.q j'Value as reported.r Rr 2r r Br  r 'milesr ѱ@ r 'UTMr aC@ r 'UTMr r r 'microgram/g dry wt.=r 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r r !'microgram/g dry wt.r "'Value as reported.r 5r 6'microgram/g dry wt.=r 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r ;Lr <'microgram/g dry wt.r ='Value as reported.r Mr N'microgram/g dry wt.=r O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.r Pr Q'microgram/g dry wt.r R'Value as reported.r hrr i'microgram/g dry wt.r j'Value as reported.s Rs 4s s Bs  s 'miless ̪ƒ@ s 'UTMs ̄@ s 'UTMs s s 'microgram/g dry wt.=s 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s s !'microgram/g dry wt.s "'Value as reported.s 5s 6'microgram/g dry wt.=s 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.s ;Js <'microgram/g dry wt.s ='Value as reported.s Ms N'microgram/g dry wt.s O'Value as reported.s Ps Q'microgram/g dry wt.s R'Value as reported.s hhs i'microgram/g dry wt.s j'Value as reported.t Rt 6t t Bt  t 'milest ̪ƒ@ t 'UTMt ̄@ t 'UTMt t t 'microgram/g dry wt.=t 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t t !'microgram/g dry wt.t "'Value as reported.t 5t 6'microgram/g dry wt.=t 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.t ;Rt <'microgram/g dry wt.t ='Value as reported.t Mt N'microgram/g dry wt.t O'Value as reported.t P0t Q'microgram/g dry wt.t R'Value as reported.t hbt i'microgram/g dry wt.t j'Value as reported.u Ru 8u u Bu  u 'milesu ̪ƒ@ u 'UTMu ̄@ u 'UTMu u u 'microgram/g dry wt.=u 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.u %u !'microgram/g dry wt.u "'Value as reported.u 5u 6'microgram/g dry wt.u 7'Value as reported.u ;Ju <'microgram/g dry wt.u ='Value as reported.u Mu N'microgram/g dry wt.u O'Value as reported.u P`u Q'microgram/g dry wt.u R'Value as reported.u hu i'microgram/g dry wt.u j'Value as reported.v Rv :v v Bv  v 'milesv ̪ƒ@ v 'UTMv ̄@ v 'UTMv v v 'microgram/g dry wt.=v 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v v !'microgram/g dry wt.v "'Value as reported.v 5v 6'microgram/g dry wt.=v 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.v ;Rv <'microgram/g dry wt.v ='Value as reported.v Mv N'microgram/g dry wt.v O'Value as reported.v Pv Q'microgram/g dry wt.v R'Value as reported.v hv i'microgram/g dry wt.v j'Value as reported.w Rw <w w Bw  w 'milesw ̪ƒ@ w 'UTMw ̄@ w 'UTMw w w 'microgram/g dry wt.=w 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w w !'microgram/g dry wt.w "'Value as reported.w 5w 6'microgram/g dry wt.=w 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.w ;>w <'microgram/g dry wt.w ='Value as reported.w Mw N'microgram/g dry wt.w O'Value as reported.w Pw Q'microgram/g dry wt.w R'Value as reported.w hw i'microgram/g dry wt.w j'Value as reported.x Rx >x x Bx  x 'milesx ̪ƒ@ x 'UTMx ̄@ x 'UTMx x x 'microgram/g dry wt.=x 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x %x !'microgram/g dry wt.x "'Value as reported.x 5x 6'microgram/g dry wt.=x 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.x ;@x <'microgram/g dry wt.x ='Value as reported.x Mx N'microgram/g dry wt.x O'Value as reported.x PXx Q'microgram/g dry wt.x R'Value as reported.x hjx i'microgram/g dry wt.x j'Value as reported.y Ry @y y *y @ y 'milesy S@ y 'UTMy Ϛ@ y 'UTMy y y 'microgram/g dry wt.=y 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y y !'microgram/g dry wt.y "'Value as reported.y 5y 6'microgram/g dry wt.=y 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y ;8y <'microgram/g dry wt.y ='Value as reported.y My N'microgram/g dry wt.=y O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.y P y Q'microgram/g dry wt.y R'Value as reported.y hly i'microgram/g dry wt.y j'Value as reported.z Rz Bz z *z @ z 'milesz S@ z 'UTMz Ϛ@ z 'UTMz z z 'microgram/g dry wt.=z 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z z !'microgram/g dry wt.z "'Value as reported.z 5z 6'microgram/g dry wt.=z 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z ;:z <'microgram/g dry wt.z ='Value as reported.z Mz N'microgram/g dry wt.=z O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.z P2z Q'microgram/g dry wt.z R'Value as reported.z hlz i'microgram/g dry wt.z j'Value as reported.{ R{ D{ { *{ @ { 'miles{ S@ { 'UTM{ Ϛ@ { 'UTM{ { { 'microgram/g dry wt.={ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ E{ !'microgram/g dry wt.{ "'Value as reported.{ 5{ 6'microgram/g dry wt.={ 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ ;.{ <'microgram/g dry wt.{ ='Value as reported.{ M{ N'microgram/g dry wt.={ O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.{ P{ Q'microgram/g dry wt.{ R'Value as reported.{ hZ{ i'microgram/g dry wt.{ j'Value as reported.| R| F| | *| @ | 'miles| S@ | 'UTM| Ϛ@ | 'UTM| | | 'microgram/g dry wt.=| 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| | !'microgram/g dry wt.| "'Value as reported.| 5| 6'microgram/g dry wt.=| 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| ;L| <'microgram/g dry wt.| ='Value as reported.| M| N'microgram/g dry wt.=| O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.| PB| Q'microgram/g dry wt.| R'Value as reported.| hd| i'microgram/g dry wt.| j'Value as reported.} R} H} } *} @ } 'miles} S@ } 'UTM} Ϛ@ } 'UTM} } } 'microgram/g dry wt.=} 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} } !'microgram/g dry wt.} "'Value as reported.} 5} 6'microgram/g dry wt.=} 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} ;B} <'microgram/g dry wt.} ='Value as reported.} M} N'microgram/g dry wt.=} O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.} P} Q'microgram/g dry wt.} R'Value as reported.} hP} i'microgram/g dry wt.} j'Value as reported.~ R~ J~ ~ *~ ٤@ ~ 'miles~ @ ~ 'UTM~ @ ~ 'UTM~ ~ ~ 'microgram/g dry wt.=~ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~ ~ !'microgram/g dry wt.~ "'Value as reported.~ 5~ 6'microgram/g dry wt.=~ 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.~ ;@~ <'microgram/g dry wt.~ ='Value as reported.~ M~ N'microgram/g dry wt.~ O'Value as reported.~ P.~ Q'microgram/g dry wt.~ R'Value as reported.~ h\~ i'microgram/g dry wt.~ j'Value as reported. R L  * ٤@  'miles @  'UTM @  'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;F <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P@ Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. hT i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. R N  * ٤@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt.= O'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PZ Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. hT i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. R P  * ٤@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. E !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;8 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt. O'Value as reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. h\ i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. R R  * ٤@ 'miles @ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. M N'microgram/g dry wt. O'Value as reported. P2 Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. hh i'microgram/g dry wt. j'Value as reported. T   : 033333@ 'miles  @ 'UTM t@ 'UTM  T 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. Z 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &8 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )< *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /5 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T   : 033333@ 'miles ̌@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )$ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T   : @ 'miles @ 'UTM E@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;F <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T   : @ 'miles 03330@ 'UTM xQ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. \ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &$ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ), *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;> <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T    : @ 'miles 03330@ 'UTM xQ@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. L 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &( ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )0 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8, 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T    : @ 'miles hfffD@ 'UTM 0333k@ 'UTM  P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8$ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T   : 033333@ 'miles L@ 'UTM 0333v@ 'UTM  8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #g  $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &T ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8" 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;T <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. Dg  E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T   : @ 'miles hfffߋ@ 'UTM hfff@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #G $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S| T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T   : @ 'miles ދ@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &  ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 88 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;( <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. Sz T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T   : hffff@ 'miles ̠݋@ 'UTM 0333@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &% ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )E *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8  9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt.= F'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. S. T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. T   : 03333s@ 'miles -@ 'UTM @/@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.~ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. v 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #  $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &6 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;%9 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.~ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. T   :  'miles d-@ 'UTM hfff7@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.~ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. g  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. /I  0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;6 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.~ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. T   :  'miles d-@ 'UTM hfff7@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt.~ 'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. F 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.~ %'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. &E ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt.~ F'Analyzed for but not detected above the method detection limit (MDL). The value reported is the MDL for the contaminant. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  AH  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V     ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V     ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A`  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A`  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  Al B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V    ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V     ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V "   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  Ah B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V $   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V &   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V (   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V *   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V ,   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V .   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V 0   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V 2   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V 4   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  A, B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V 6   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  AT B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. V 8   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &| ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )H *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8> 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;L <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S, T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V :   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &| ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8@ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;R <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. DG E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V <   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &z ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8@ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;H <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Dg E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. S@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V >   ̿@ 'miles H!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. #( $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &| ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )L *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /e 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;b <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S@ T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V @    'miles &@ 'UTM Pj@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &P ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ): *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. ;@ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A(  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V B   x 'miles (@ 'UTM A@ 'UTM  H? 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )P *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >`  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V D     'miles :@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &B ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ). *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 86 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;> <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V F     'miles :@ 'UTM 0@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt.= %'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. &0 ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )" *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt.{ 1'Value reported is less than the method quantitation limit (but greater than MDL). Measured concentration is reported. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. X   P@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &| ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )< *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 84 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >` ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. Sh T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \p ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k N l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qJ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. te u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   NF@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )$ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A`  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Ve W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YQ Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \X ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k] l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n| o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qP r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tU u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   @ 'UTM  @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &| ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8. 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;  <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A`  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. De E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V] W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k N l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n, o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qD r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t`; u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   c@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &T ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )  *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VK W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \0 ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k] l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q8 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t 5 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }j ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X    c@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &\ ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8, 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AH  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. Ge H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V< W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y  Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k] l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q0 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t# u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }X ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X    ̘@ 'UTM  4@ 'UTM  % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &` ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,Q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8( 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >(  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt.= I'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Ve W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yc Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k0u l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nT o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }x ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   c@ 'UTM `@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &> ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,  -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /% 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A% B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. PD Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V' W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YA Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \(  ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t(# u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }6 ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. (# 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   N@ 'UTM #@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &v ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )4 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 82 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;4 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Ve W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. YC Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \p ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kE l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n, o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q: r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tL u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }n ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. (  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   }@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )4 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8< 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k] l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qD r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tpI u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 4 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. `  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   _@ 'UTM `r@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8^ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. De E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S  T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VU W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. ke l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q: r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tG u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }h ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0* 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   Z;@ 'UTM 8@ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. #% $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )r *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8L 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >X ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. VK W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yc  Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k0u l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q0 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tp0 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }Z ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   41@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ` 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /U 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8T 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;X <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >3 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ah B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. De E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Ve W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k# l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q8 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@8 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }p ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. n 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X   >!@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )> *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8@ 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;Z <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AH  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S, T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V] W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \p ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k} l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n, o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q@ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tH? u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }v ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. h 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X    @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8> 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ax B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \8 ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k N l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qL r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t3 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X    @ 'UTM @ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )& *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 88 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;" <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kU l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q@ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t9 u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }h ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. @ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X    @ 'UTM `P@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &f ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 80 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A@ B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nh o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t0C u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X "  h@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )T *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,q -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8B 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >h ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q@ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X $  pJ@ 'UTM @ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. c 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &n ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,C -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 80 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >`  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. nT o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qF r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 6 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. x 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X &  "@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. l 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )J *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8& 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V9 W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y0u Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k0* l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q* r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t. u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }V ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X (  r@ 'UTM B@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. l 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )^ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /G 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 80 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;V <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. > ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. Ah B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P, Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Vh) W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y0u Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k/ l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q$ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t@ u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }F ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X *   N@ 'UTM @H@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )@ *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /g 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 84 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;$ <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >`  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A(  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V] W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Ye Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \x ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k9 l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q, r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tH? u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }` ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X ,  @ 'UTM P@ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. C 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )D *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8D 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;, <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y] Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \. ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kPF l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n, o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t] u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. > 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 0 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. % 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. X .   @ 'UTM  @ 'UTM  E 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt.= "'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )> *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8: 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y`m Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \! ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k0C l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q0 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. tE u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }d ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X 0   @ 'UTM ` @ 'UTM  e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. H 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. #e $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ) *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. /' 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8B 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ; <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. AP B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S, T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y# Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \X ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. ke l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q6 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t. u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }v ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 2 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. , 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. H  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X 2 < V@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &` ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )2 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 80 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;0 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >. ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. Pn Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V N W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yc Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kG l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. q6 r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t: u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. }l ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. * 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X 4  "f@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. # 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. &n ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )0 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 86 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;2 <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >H  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. Ve W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Ya Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \0 ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. kG l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n@ o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qB r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t  u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. . 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. " 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. (  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X 6  䒖@ 'UTM p@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. $ 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )8 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,c -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8B 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;N <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Yq Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k`m l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qN r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t  u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X 8  T@ 'UTM @ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. %  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. ): *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. ,# -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8D 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;> <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >0 ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. DE E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G% H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V0u W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k0u l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qN r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. t# u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. : 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. ( 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. (  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. X :  .@ 'UTM >@ 'UTM   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.   'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  !'microgram/g dry wt. "'Value as reported. # $'microgram/g dry wt. %'Value as reported. & ''microgram/g dry wt. ('Value as reported. )8 *'microgram/g dry wt. +'Value as reported. , -'microgram/g dry wt. .'Value as reported. / 0'microgram/g dry wt. 1'Value as reported. 5 6'microgram/g dry wt.= 7'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. 8> 9'microgram/g dry wt. :'Value as reported. ;. <'microgram/g dry wt. ='Value as reported. >  ?'microgram/g dry wt. @'Value as reported. A(  B'microgram/g dry wt. C'Value as reported. D% E'microgram/g dry wt. F'Value as reported. G H'microgram/g dry wt. I'Value as reported. J  K'microgram/g dry wt.= L'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. P Q'microgram/g dry wt. R'Value as reported. S T'microgram/g dry wt. U'Value as reported. V`m W'microgram/g dry wt. X'Value as reported. Y Z'microgram/g dry wt. ['Value as reported. \ ]'microgram/g dry wt. ^'Value as reported. k} l'microgram/g dry wt. m'Value as reported. n o'microgram/g dry wt. p'Value as reported. qJ r'microgram/g dry wt. s'Value as reported. th) u'microgram/g dry wt. v'Value as reported. w x'microgram/g dry wt.= y'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. z {'microgram/g dry wt.= |'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. } ~'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported.  'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. < 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. 8 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. P 'microgram/g dry wt.= 'Analyzed for but not detected above the value reported. & 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. e 'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported. `  'microgram/g dry wt. 'Value as reported.-d_ ArialArialArialTimes New RomanTimes New RomanTimes New RomanTimes New RomanSymbol  O4!*dd MRB0MRB0  - Doc Info AuthorDoc Info Creation DateDoc Info Editing TimeDoc Info Last Revision DateDoc Info Last RevisorDoc Info ObjectDoc Info PropertyDoc Info Revisions CountFM3FM3 PropertyWK3WK3 Property  ,[8( X8[8 [8X8 [8 [8  $Z8 ,Z8 4Z8 BZ8 PZ8XZ8Z8Z8 ^Z8 Z8 nZ8 Z8 Z8Z8CMHdr,[8(