April 9, 2008
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 
Langevin Believes War in Iraq Continues to Drain Resources


(Warwick, R.I.) - Congressman Jim Langevin today offered the following comment on the testimony of General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on Capitol Hill:

“The testimony today and yesterday from General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker was both disappointing and frustrating. It is time to end combat operations in Iraq. It is time to concentrate on redeploying our troops and letting the Iraqi government begin to stand on its own.  The longer we continue military operations in Iraq, the more our military is run into the ground – physically and financially.  At a time when the U.S. faces such economic uncertainty, we cannot continue spending $10 billion per month on the same flawed Iraq strategy.  This is unacceptable to me, and it is definitely unacceptable to my constituents. I will keep advocating for an immediate and organized draw-down of combat forces from Iraq.”


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