October 15, 2007
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 
Langevin Leads Green Housing Discussion



(Warwick, R.I.) Congressman Jim Langevin joined a majority of the New England Congressional Delegation in Boston on today at New England Innovation: Ideas for the Region’s Energy Future - A Congressional Summit.

Langevin and his colleague, Congressman John Olver (D-MA) moderated an hour-long discussion on developing environmentally-friendly affordable housing.

“In Rhode Island and throughout New England, we are confronted with a lack of affordable housing.  Exacerbating this problem is the high cost of energy in our region, which places an even heavier burden on lower-income people who may spend upwards of 20 percent of their income on energy bills,” said Langevin. “We can begin to address this problem by making housing more efficient and encouraging the use of alternative sources of heating, cooling and electricity.”

Last week, when the House considered legislation to create a National Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Langevin successfully offered an amendment requiring the Department of Housing and Urban Development to create and maintain an Internet-based clearinghouse of information regarding green building techniques.  This Green Building Clearinghouse will serve as a "one-stop-shop" for Trust Fund applicants who would like to build green housing, but lack the knowledge and resources to effectively carry it out.

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