April 25, 2007
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 
Langevin Urges U.N. to Keep Up Efforts to End Darfur Genocide



(Warwick, R.I.) Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) joined his colleagues to once again call for the end of the genocide in Sudan. The House this week devoted time to urge the international community to increase its intervention in region.

“The plight of the people in Darfur resonates with all of us and challenges the conscience of our nation and the world,” said Langevin.  “Too many people have lost their lives and too many more continue to suffer. Now more than ever we need to keep these atrocities front and center as the international community continues to push for an end to the suffering.”

Recently, the United Nations reported that civilian killings in Darfur remain widespread and unabated and large-scale attacks, rape and torture are commonplace.  Last week, the Sudanese government announced it would drop its objections to the United Nations-African Union peacekeeping force that it had initially agreed to in November.

In the past, Langevin has supported measures that call on the President to improve the security in Darfur and increase funding for peacekeeping forces and humanitarian assistance.  Last year he cosponsored H.R. 3127 - the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006, which would impose sanctions on the governments and individuals responsible for these atrocities.

Langevin also signed a letter this week to Ban Ki Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, urging him to have the UN continue its critical role in addressing this crisis. According to the letter, Langevin has been encouraged by Moon’s steps thus far to follow through with this pledge, particularly the UN’s public recognition in March of the Sudanese government’s role in the crisis.  He urged Moon to not only continue, but to increase, his focus on this crisis. 

“I am optimistic that Moon will make ending this crisis a top priority. It is our duty to end this human suffering, and I will remain steadfast in my commitment to stopping this conflict and promoting peace in Sudan,” continued Langevin.


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