September 24, 2008
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 
House Votes to Boost Aid to Families



(Warwick, R.I.) - Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) today voted for H.R. 2638, The Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2009. Passage of this continuing resolution will fund most federal government agencies through early March 2009, while the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs will receive funding for the full 2009 fiscal year.  The bill passed by a vote of 370 to 58.

"While I would prefer to pass all the spending bills individually, I supported the Continuing Resolution because it is critical for the government to continue operating during the current economic crisis,” said Langevin. “Despite attempts by the Bush Administration to derail this process, we have managed to put together a good package that recognizes Rhode Island families are in need.  I am proud to support a bill that increases funding for home heating, food programs and education, while ensuring our national security needs are met.”

The resolution includes disaster relief to help victims of natural disasters across the country, as well as the 2009 Defense, Homeland Security and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bills. 

Highlights from the continuing resolution include:
• Auto Efficiency Loans: $7.5 billion to support $25 billion in loans to help American automakers to update their factories in order to build more fuel efficient cars and trucks and preserve American jobs;
• Nutrition for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): $1 billion above FY 2008 to provide mothers and their children with proper nutrition 
• Commodity Supplemental Food Program: $23.5 million above FY 2008 to prevent nearly 70,000 low-income women, infants, children, and elderly citizens, from losing access to food
• Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP): $2.5 billion above FY 2008 to help families pay rising home energy bills, helping an additional 2 million households and raising the average grant from $355 to $550
• Pell Grants: $2.5 billion above FY 2008, to prevent cuts to student aid midway through the school year
• Census: $2.9 billion, to help the Census Bureau to ramp up operations for the 2010 Census.

The legislation also allows a ban on offshore drilling ban to expire on September 30, while all other laws and regulations concerning offshore leasing and development remain in place. 


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