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April 22, 2009
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 

Langevin Honors Navy For Heroic Efforts Against Somali Pirates

(Warwick, R.I.) - Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) today offered a resolution on the House Floor to honor the crews of the MV Maersk Alabama, USS Bainbridge, USS Boxer, USS Halyburton, and Patrol Squadron (VP) 8, as well as the United States Navy SEALs, for their decisive and heroic actions against Somali pirates after a five-day stand-off in the Indian Ocean. The resolution, authored by Langevin and Congressman Peter Welch of Vermont, expressed the gratitude of the House of Representatives to all those who were instrumental in the safe return of the entire crew of the Maersk Alabama.
“I am honored to recognize the efforts of some true heroes during the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama and its aftermath,” said Langevin on the House Floor this morning. “Like millions of Americans, I watched as the ordeal unfolded – from the initial attack to the crew’s quick response, and from the captain’s selfless sacrifice to the Navy’s breathtaking rescue.  Today, it is important to congratulate and thank the many brave Americans who played a role in the successful resolution of what could have been a terrible tragedy.”

 The resolution, H. Res. 339:
- Commends the crew of the Maersk Alabama and its Captain, Richard Phillips, who selflessly placed himself in harm’s way to protect his crew;
- Recognizes the United States Navy, the crews of the USS Bainbridge, Boxer, Halyburton, and Patrol Squadron (VP) 8 for their role in the rescue;
- Congratulates the Navy SEALs on the scene for their decisive action that resulted in the rescue of Captain Phillips; and
- Expresses the great relief of the House of Representatives that the crew has returned home safely.