June 14, 2004
Contact:  Michael K. Guilfoyle
(401) 732-9400 

State DOT Director Participates in Capitol Hill Press Conference


(Washington, D.C.)–At a press conference in Washington, D.C., today Congressman Jim Langevin announced his support for a federal transportation funding formula that would ensure sufficient resources for Rhode Island transportation improvement projects.  Other Members of Congress, including Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay, have proposed a reduction in the share of federal gas tax revenue that Rhode Island receives, which would dramatically reduce available funds to maintain Rhode Island highways and undertake transit projects. 

 “Because Rhode Island is such a small state, the interstate highway system is of major importance to our residents,” Congressman Langevin said at the Washington press conference this morning.  “Unfortunately, the infrastructure on which our state depends is in need of significant repair, with bridges and highways requiring immediate attention.   This represents a safety concern for our residents and all those that travel through our state.”

 State Department of Transportation Director James Capaldi also participated and was joined by his counterparts from Connecticut, New York and West Virginia.

The Federal Highway Administration provides highway funding to states according to a predetermined formula.  Should this formula be changed, Rhode Island could lose $41 million in highway funding, according to one estimate.

 “Unlike other states, Rhode Island cannot address congestion and growth concerns through highway construction,” Langevin added.  “Our small size and high population density make it impractical to build or expand existing roads.  As a result, our state has turned to innovative strategies - focusing on commuter rail, transit, intermodal concepts and greenways to meet our transportation needs.

 We need a robust and flexible transportation funding stream that allows states like Rhode Island to build on their progress while maintaining existing infrastructure,” Langevin concluded.  “Reducing the investment in transportation infrastructure would have a devastating impact on our region’s jobs, economy, and standard of living, and I will work with my colleagues to ensure an equitable funding formula in upcoming legislation."


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