March 26, 2003
Contact:  Michael K. Guilfoyle
(401) 732-9400 

House Passes Resolution Warning Iraqi Regime to Abide by Geneva Convention, Treat Coalition POWs Humanely


(Washington, D.C.)–Today, the United States House of Representatives passed, and Congressman Jim Langevin voted in favor of, a resolution demanding Iraq treat American prisoners of war (POWs) with humanity in accordance with the Geneva Conventions following their capture by Iraqi forces.

 "I am appalled at the blatant disregard of the Geneva Convention by Iraq as they exploit American POWs for propaganda purposes,” said Congressman Jim Langevin, a member of the House Armed Services Committee.  “Those detaining our service members are responsible for their health and safety and should provide the same dignity and treatment as the coalition forces are providing to Iraqi prisoners.  This is a difficult and trying time for the POWs' families, and we pray for their continued safety and quick release."
 The resolution overwhelmingly passed today commends the bravery and professionalism of the members of the Armed Forces of the United States and coalition members and extends sympathies to the families and loved ones of those who are killed, wounded, missing in action, or taken prisoner by Iraqi authorities.

 The resolution demands that Iraqi authorities abide by the principles and the obligations of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War; condemns the failure of Iraqi authorities to treat prisoners of war in strict conformity with that Convention; and demands that Iraqi authorities permit the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit all American POWs.

 The resolution also warns Iraqi authorities that any individual who mistreats any prisoner of war in violation of the Geneva Convention shall be considered a war criminal and prosecuted as such to the full extent of United States and international law.

"Let this resolution be a strong message to Saddam Hussein and his regime: any individual who mistreats a prisoner of war in violation of the Convention rules will be treated as a war criminal,” added Langevin.  "We will ensure that Iraq's failure to abide by international law does not go unpunished."


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