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  1. Special Note

    Ask an Astrobiologist has received nearly a thousand questions about Nibiru and 2012, with more than 200 answers posted. Please read a summary of the answers that have already been posted, use the search feature and read the FAQ’s before submitting questions on these topics.

  1. Question

    What is the future employment outlook for astrobiology?

    Employment prospects look good from here, but one can never be sure. Astrobiology today is a growing field in terms of both research and teaching, but like any science discipline, the actual number of jobs in academia is pretty low. It is not clear whether industry will be hiring astrobiologists any time soon. The best strategy for a student is probably to study a traditional science like microbiology or geology and also take cross-disciplinary courses to hone your skills in astrobiology. Studying astrobiology is also a good way to prepare for a career in science journalism or science management.

    David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist
    February 18, 2004