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Cooperating Collections

Interested in Becoming a Cooperating Collection of the Foundation Center?

Help grantseekers in your area by providing access to the Center’s database of grantmakers and their grants. We welcome proposals from qualified organizations. Click here to learn more about the program.
Cooperating Collections are free funding information centers in libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofit resource centers that provide a core collection of Foundation Center publications and a variety of supplementary materials and services in areas useful to grantseekers.

A key initiative of the Foundation Center is to reach under-resourced and underserved populations throughout the United States and in other locations around the globe, who are in need of useful information and training to become successful grantseekers. One of the ways we accomplish this goal is by designating new Cooperating Collection libraries in regions that have the ability to serve the nonprofit communities most in need of Foundation Center resources. We are seeking proposals from qualified institutions (e.g. public, academic or special libraries, nonprofit resource centers, community foundations, United Ways, etc.) that can help us carry out this important initiative.

Learn more about establishing a funding information library in your area.

Alabama Indiana Nevada South Dakota
Alaska Iowa New Hampshire Tennessee
Arizona Kansas New Jersey Texas
Arkansas Kentucky New Mexico Utah
California Louisiana New York Vermont
Colorado Maine North Carolina Virginia
Connecticut Maryland North Dakota Washington
Delaware Massachusetts Ohio West Virginia
District of Columbia Michigan Oklahoma Wisconsin
Florida Minnesota Oregon Wyoming
Georgia Mississippi Pennsylvania
Hawaii Missouri Puerto Rico Mexico
Idaho Montana Rhode Island South Korea
Illinois Nebraska South Carolina Thailand

Participants in the Foundation Center's Cooperating Collections network are libraries or nonprofit information centers that provide fundraising information and other funding-related technical assistance in their communities. Cooperating Collections agree to provide free public access to the Center's online databases and a basic collection of Foundation Center publications during a regular schedule of hours, offering free funding research guidance to all visitors. Many also provide a variety of other services for local nonprofit organizations, using staff or volunteers to prepare special materials, organize workshops, or conduct orientations.
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