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National PEP Weighing Laboratory
US-EPA, Region 4
Science and Ecosystem Support Division
Athens, Georgia

[ Air Monitoring Information | Data Evaluation Tools | Databases ]

Air Monitoring Information

Office of Air Quality Standards and Planning (OAQPS)
The Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards is part of EPA's Office of Air and Radiation. Its primary mission is to preserve and improve air quality in the United States.

Technology Transfer Network (TTN)
The Technology Transfer Network (TTN) is a collection of technical Web sites containing information about many areas of air pollution science, technology, regulation, measurement, and prevention. In addition, the TTN serves as a public forum for the exchange of technical information and ideas among participants and EPA staff.

Ambient Monitoring Technology Information Center (AMTIC)
The Ambient Monitoring Technology Information Center (AMTIC) is operated by EPA's Ambient Air Monitoring Group (AAMG). AMTIC contains information and files on ambient air quality monitoring programs, details on monitoring methods, relevant documents and articles, information on air quality trends and nonattainment areas, and federal regulations related to ambient air quality monitoring.

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Data Evaluation Tools

Air Data
The AirData site provides reports and maps of air pollution data for the entire United States based on criteria that you specify. This area is primarily intended for the general public. It provides summary information from the Air Quality System.

This is a tool which provides local air quality information. AirCompare searches EPA air quality databases to pull information about pollutants reported under the Air Quality Index (AQI) - and to translate it into charts that show simply whether the previous year's air quality was healthy, unhealthy or unhealthy for specific groups more susceptible to pollution. The tool also can provide a multi-year snapshot of a county's air quality, based on a particular health issue.

Air Explorer
Air Explorer is a collection of userfriendly visualization tools for air quality analysts. The tools generate maps, graphs, and data tables dynamically. This area is primarily intended for air quality analysts and communications specialists. It provides summary information from the Air Quality System.

http://airnow.govLink to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
The U.S. EPA, NOAA, NPS, tribal, state, and local agencies developed the AIRNow Web site to provide the public with easy access to national air quality information. AIRNow offers daily air quality forecasts as well as realtime air quality conditions for over 300 cities across the US, and provides links to more detailed State and local air quality information.

Air Trends
Air Trends provides national and local air quality trends information. Data tables and reports document EPA's assessment of trends in terms of air quality, emissions, and meteorological changes over time. This area is primarily intended for the general public. It provides summary information from the Air Quality System.

Clean Air Markets Data and Maps
Clean Air Markets Data and Maps provides a web-based interface to view unit, facility, emissions, and allowance data collected as part of EPA's emissions trading programs, as well as deposition data from the Clean Air Status and Trend Network (CASTNET).

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
This section of the EPA Climate Change Site provides information and data on emissions of greenhouse gases to Earth's atmosphere, and also the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, including the official national inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Governments at the federal, state and local levels prepare emissions inventories, which track emissions from various parts of the economy such as transportation, electricity production, industry, agriculture, forestry, and other sectors.

http://www.datafed.net/Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
The goals of the DataFed site are to facilitate the access and flow of atmospheric data from providers to users, support the development of user-driven data processing value chains, and participate in specific application projects. Tools provided by DataFed include browsers and analysis tools for distributed monitoring data. DataFed also serves as data gateway for user programs (web pages, GIS, science tools). Currently DataFed is focused on the mediation of air quality data.
Software provided for users include:
1) Data Catalog for finding and browsing the metadata of registered datasets,
2) Dataset Viewer/Editor for browsing specific datasets, linked to the Catalog,
3) Data Views - geo-spatial, time, trajectory etc. views prepared by the user,
4) Consoles, collections of views on a web page for monitoring multiple datasets, and
5) Mini-Apps, small web-programs using chained web services (e.g. CATT, PLUME)

National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (NATA)
The National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment is EPA's ongoing comprehensive evaluation of air toxics in the U.S. These activities include expansion of air toxics monitoring, improving and periodically updating emission inventories, improving national- and localscale modeling, continued research on health effects and exposures to both ambient and indoor air, and improvement of assessment tools.

Ambient Monitoring Data Analysis System (AMDAS)
http://www.environ.org/amdasLink to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
AMDAS is a PC-based, user-friendly, menu driven program that provides air quality analysts and managers with easy "point and click" access to air quality data for browsing, preparing tabular and graphical summaries, and performing statistical analyses. AMDAS currently includes features specifically designed for the analysis of meteorological and air quality data contained in EPA's Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AMDAS can be used to analyze meteorological data, routine air quality data (i.e., hourly ozone, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, etc.), speciated VOC and carbonyl compound data (i.e., PAMS data), and atmospheric particulate matter data, including PM10 and PM2.5 total mass and speciated sample data.

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Air Quality System (AQS)
The Air Quality System is EPA's repository of ambient air quality data. AQS stores data from over 10,000 monitors; 5000 of which are currently active. State, Local and Tribal agencies collect the data and submit it to AQS on a periodic basis. This area is primarily intended for those in the state, local and tribal agencies and within EPA who load data into the AQS database or use data from this database for analysis.

AQS Data Mart
The AQS Data Mart is adatabase containing all of the information from the AQS system. The AQS Data Martwas built as a storehouse of air quality information that allows users to make queries ofunlimited quantities of data. The main AQS system must maintain constant readiness toaccept data, and thus is limited in the number and size of queries it can respond to. TheData Mart has no such limitation, other than the "wall clock" time it takes for a query torun. The Data Mart also includes information from the EPA's substance and facilityregistry systems to allow for cross-media integration. Starting in the summer of 2007, itwill also contain information from AirNow (the real time air quality reporting system)that participating agencies allow to be shared with the public.

The Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) is the nation's primary source for data on dry acidic deposition and rural,ground-level ozone. Operating since 1987, CASTNET is used in conjunction with othernational monitoring networks to provide information for evaluating the effectiveness ofnational emission control strategies. CASTNET consists of over 80 sites across theeastern and western United States and is cooperatively operated and funded with theNational Park Service.

IMPROVE Monitoring Data
http://vista.cira.colostate.edu/improve/Data/IMPROVE/improve_data.htmLink to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
TheIMPROVE monitoring network consists of aerosol, light scatter, light extinction andscene samplers in a number of National Parks and Wilderness areas. It also providesaccess to the raw data and data products. In addition to the data base, IMPROVE has anumber of data related tools that can be found on there website at: http://vista.cira.colostate.edu/improve/Tools/tools.htm

http://vista.cira.colostate.edu/views/Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
The Visibility Information ExchangeWeb System is an online exchange of air quality data, research, and ideas designed tounderstand the effects of air pollution on visibility and to support the Regional Haze Ruleenacted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce regional haze andimprove visibility in national parks and wilderness areas.

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