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On This Page 303(d) Listed Waters for 2006

Waterbody Changes from Prior Cycle

Comparison Summary by Reporting Year

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Indiana 2006 Water Quality Assessment Report

Assessed Waters of Indiana by Watershed

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Indiana Assessment Summary for Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
    8,166 2,496
    11,089 66,976 59 241
           11,089     66,976     59     241
              982     0     0     0
                    10,107           66,976           59           241
19,255 69,472 59 241
35,673 142,871 59 Unavailable
54.0 48.6 100.0 Unavailable

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Summary of Water Quality Assessments for Each Waterbody Type
for Reporting Year 2006

Indiana Assessed Waters
Summary of Water Quality Attainment for Rivers and Streams
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Assessed 19,255
Unassessed 16,418
Total Miles 35,673

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Description of this table
Good 8,166
Threatened 0
Impaired 11,089
Total Miles Assessed 19,255

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Description of this table
Total Threatened and Impaired 11,089

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Indiana Assessed Waters
Designated Use Support for Rivers and Streams
Reporting Year 2006*

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Full Body Contact 11,299 32.2 .0 67.8 color.gifcolor.gif
Human Health And Wildlife 3,990 .0 .0 100.0 color.gif
Public Water Supply 1 .0 .0 100.0 color.gif
Warm Water Aquatic Life 16,676 81.8 .0 18.2 color.gifcolor.gif

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Indiana Causes of Impairment
for Threatened and Impaired Rivers and Streams
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) Pathogens color.gif 7,595
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) color.gif 3,413
Mercury Mercury color.gif 3,020
Cause Unknown Cause Unknown color.gif 1,980
Nutrient/Eutrophication Biological Indicators Nutrients color.gif 625
Dissolved Oxygen Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion color.gif 452
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates color.gif 341
Sulfates Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates color.gif 248
Dioxin (Including 2,3,7,8-TCDD) Dioxins color.gif 154
Chlorophyll-A Algal Growth color.gif 118
Sedimentation/Siltation Sediment color.gif 116
Lead Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 95
Physical Substrate Habitat Alterations Habitat Alterations color.gif 92
Cyanide Toxic Inorganics color.gif 69
pH pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 66
Chloride Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates color.gif 61
Low Flow Alterations Flow Alteration(s) color.gif 57
Hexachlorocyclohexane (Mixture) Pesticides color.gif 54
Organic Enrichment (Sewage) Biological Indicators Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion color.gif 41
Ammonia, Un-ionized Ammonia color.gif 37
Zinc Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 31
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Aquatic Ecosystems) Toxic Organics color.gif 22
Cadmium Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 17
Copper Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 13
Nickel Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 13
Oil and Grease Oil and Grease color.gif 11
Temperature, Water Temperature color.gif 10
Atrazine Pesticides color.gif 7

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Indiana Probable Sources of Impairments
for Threatened and Impaired Rivers and Streams
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Non-Point Source Unspecified Nonpoint Source color.gif 6,353
Source Unknown Unknown color.gif 4,040
Crop Production With Subsurface Drainage Agriculture color.gif 1,492
Livestock (Grazing Or Feeding Operations) Agriculture color.gif 1,464
Permitted Runoff From Confined Animal Feeding Operations (Cafos) Agriculture color.gif 1,203
Package Plant Or Other Permitted Small Flows Discharges Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage color.gif 899
On-Site Treatment Systems (Septic Systems And Similar Decencentralized Systems) Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage color.gif 777
Loss Of Riparian Habitat Habitat Alterations (Not Directly Related To Hydromodification) color.gif 576
Impervious Surface/Parking Lot Runoff Urban-Related Runoff/Stormwater color.gif 453
Impacts From Hydrostructure Flow Regulation/Modification Hydromodification color.gif 402
Combined Sewer Overflows Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage color.gif 397
Industrial Point Source Discharge Industrial color.gif 350
Streambank Modifications/Destablization Hydromodification color.gif 331
Agriculture Agriculture color.gif 316
Channelization Hydromodification color.gif 177
Illicit Connections/Hook-Ups To Storm Sewers Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage color.gif 173
Contaminated Sediments Legacy/Historical Pollutants color.gif 173
Acid Mine Drainage Resource Extraction color.gif 149
Natural Sources Natural/Wildlife color.gif 111
Reclamation Of Inactive Mining Resource Extraction color.gif 100
Dredge Mining Resource Extraction color.gif 57
Illegal Dumps Or Other Inappropriate Waste Disposal Spills/Dumping color.gif 54
Managed Pasture Grazing Agriculture color.gif 28
Impacts From Abandoned Mine Lands (Inactive) Resource Extraction color.gif 24
Historic Bottom Deposits (Not Sediment) Legacy/Historical Pollutants color.gif 18
Dam Construction (Other Than Upstream Flood Control Projects) Hydromodification color.gif 16
Post-Development Erosion And Sedimentation Hydromodification color.gif 13
Contaminated Groundwater Groundwater Loadings/Withdrawals color.gif 9
Landfills Land Application/Waste Sites/Tanks color.gif 7
Sanitary Sewer Overflows (Collection System Failures) Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage color.gif 4
Rcra Hazardous Waste Sites Industrial color.gif 3
Discharges From Biosolids (Sludge) Storage, Application Or Disposal Land Application/Waste Sites/Tanks color.gif 3
Site Clearance (Land Development Or Redevelopment) Construction color.gif 2
Highways, Roads, Bridges, Infrasturcture (New Construction) Construction color.gif 2
Upstream Impoundments (E.G., Pl-566 Nrcs Structures) Hydromodification color.gif 1

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Indiana Assessed Waters
Summary of Water Quality Attainment for Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Assessed 69,472
Unassessed 73,399
Total Acres 142,871

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Description of this table
Good 2,496
Threatened 0
Impaired 66,976
Total Acres Assessed 69,472

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Description of this table
Total Threatened and Impaired 66,976

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Indiana Assessed Waters
Designated Use Support for Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds
Reporting Year 2006*

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Full Body Contact 23,888 95.9 .0 4.1 color.gifcolor.gif
Human Health And Wildlife 48,474 .0 .0 100.0 color.gif
Public Water Supply 16,615 1.4 .0 98.6 color.gifcolor.gif
Warm Water Aquatic Life 10,315 35.8 .0 64.2 color.gifcolor.gif

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Indiana Causes of Impairment
for Threatened and Impaired Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Mercury Mercury color.gif 39,773
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) color.gif 18,299
Taste and Odor Taste, Color and Odor color.gif 16,385
Chlorophyll-A Algal Growth color.gif 16,385
Cause Unknown Cause Unknown color.gif 6,520
Temperature, Water Temperature color.gif 1,556
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) Pathogens color.gif 983
pH pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 105

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Indiana Probable Sources of Impairments
for Threatened and Impaired Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Source Unknown Unknown color.gif 65,254
Industrial Point Source Discharge Industrial color.gif 1,556
Non-Point Source Unspecified Nonpoint Source color.gif 953
Acid Mine Drainage Resource Extraction color.gif 105
Impervious Surface/Parking Lot Runoff Urban-Related Runoff/Stormwater color.gif 30
Agriculture Agriculture color.gif 30
Combined Sewer Overflows Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage color.gif 30

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Indiana Assessed Waters
Summary of Water Quality Attainment for Great Lakes Shoreline
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Assessed 59
Unassessed 0
Total Miles 59

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Description of this table
Good 0
Threatened 0
Impaired 59
Total Miles Assessed 59

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Description of this table
Total Threatened and Impaired 59

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Indiana Assessed Waters
Designated Use Support for Great Lakes Shoreline
Reporting Year 2006*

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Full Body Contact 59 2.3 .0 97.7 color.gifcolor.gif
Human Health And Wildlife 59 .0 .0 100.0 color.gif
Public Water Supply 33 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif
Warm Water Aquatic Life 59 97.7 .0 2.3 color.gifcolor.gif

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Indiana Causes of Impairment
for Threatened and Impaired Great Lakes Shoreline
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) color.gif 59
Mercury Mercury color.gif 59
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) Pathogens color.gif 58
Cyanide Toxic Inorganics color.gif 1

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Indiana Probable Sources of Impairments
for Threatened and Impaired Great Lakes Shoreline
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Source Unknown Unknown color.gif 59
On-Site Treatment Systems (Septic Systems And Similar Decencentralized Systems) Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage color.gif 18
Illicit Connections/Hook-Ups To Storm Sewers Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage color.gif 18
Non-Point Source Unspecified Nonpoint Source color.gif 6

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Indiana Assessed Waters
Summary of Water Quality Attainment for Great Lakes Open Water
Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
Pie chart not displayed because total size for Great Lakes Open Water is unavailable.
Assessed 0
Unassessed Unavailable
Total Square Miles Unavailable

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Description of this table
Good 0
Threatened 0
Impaired 241
Total Square Miles Assessed 0

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Description of this table
Total Threatened and Impaired 241

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Indiana Assessed Waters
Designated Use Support for Great Lakes Open Water
Reporting Year 2006*

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Human Health And Wildlife 241 .0 .0 100.0 color.gif

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Indiana Causes of Impairment
for Threatened and Impaired Great Lakes Open Water
Reporting Year 2006

No causes of impairment reported.

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Indiana Probable Sources of Impairments
for Threatened and Impaired Great Lakes Open Water
Reporting Year 2006

No probable sources of impairments reported.

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Indiana Causes of Impairment for Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined Cause of Impairment Group to see a list of specific state causes of impairment making up the Cause of Impairment Group.
Size of Assessed Waters with Listed Causes of Impairment
Algal Growth 118 16,385
Ammonia 37
Cause Unknown 1,980 6,520
Dioxins 154
Flow Alteration(s) 57
Habitat Alterations 92
Mercury 3,020 39,773 59
Metals (other than Mercury) 126
Nutrients 625
Oil and Grease 11
Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion 469
Pathogens 7,595 983 58
Pesticides 54
pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions 66 105
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) 3,413 18,299 59
Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates 429
Sediment 116
Taste, Color and Odor 16,385
Temperature 10 1,556
Toxic Inorganics 69 1
Toxic Organics 22

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Indiana Probable Sources Contributing to Impairments
for Reporting Year 2006

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined Probable Source Group to see a list of specific state Probable Sources making up the Probable Source Group.
Size of Assessed Waters with Probable Sources of Impairments
Agriculture 2,493 30
Construction 2
Groundwater Loadings/Withdrawals 9
Habitat Alterations (Not Directly Related To Hydromodification) 576
Hydromodification 628
Industrial 353 1,556
Land Application/Waste Sites/Tanks 10
Legacy/Historical Pollutants 191
Municipal Dishcarges/Sewage 1,912 30 18
Natural/Wildlife 111
Resource Extraction 329 105
Spills/Dumping 54
Unknown 4,040 65,254 59
Unspecified Nonpoint Source 6,353 953 6
Urban-Related Runoff/Stormwater 453 30

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Indiana TMDL Alternatives by Cause of Impairment 2006

No TMDL Alternatives reported.

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Indiana Previously Impaired Waters Now Attaining All Uses

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Number of Waters Attaining" value for a detailed list of those waters now attaining all uses.
2004 color.gif 57 74

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Indiana Causes of Impairment for 303(d) Listed Waters

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on a cause of impairment (e.g. pathogens) to see the specific state-reported causes that are grouped to make up this category. Click on the "Number of Causes of Impairment Reported" to see a list of waters with that cause of impairment.
Pathogens color.gif 939
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) color.gif 595
Mercury color.gif 524
Cause Unknown - Impaired Biota color.gif 333
Nutrients color.gif 94
Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates color.gif 76
Organic Enrichment/Oxygen Depletion color.gif 46
Algal Growth color.gif 17
Toxic Inorganics color.gif 15
Taste, Color and Odor color.gif 12
Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 9
Ammonia color.gif 5
Dioxins color.gif 4
Oil and Grease color.gif 3
Sediment color.gif 3
Pesticides color.gif 1

Total: 2,676 Causes of Impairment

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Indiana Cumulative TMDLs by Pollutant

This chart includes TMDLs since October 1, 1995.

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Pollutant" value to see associated listed waters for which a TMDL was developed. Click on the underlined "Number of TMDLs" value to see a listing of those TMDLs for the pollutant.
Number of Causes of
Impairment Addressed
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) color.gif 450 450
Phosphorus color.gif 58 67
Phosphorus, Total color.gif 45 45
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) color.gif 45 45
Nitrite/Nitrate color.gif 22 22
Pathogens color.gif 22 22
Nitrogen, Total color.gif 20 20
Ammonia color.gif 1 1
Carbonaceous Bod color.gif 1 1
Dissolved Oxygen color.gif 1 2

Total: 665 TMDLs; 675 Causes of Impairment Addressed

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Indiana Cumulative Number of TMDLs

EPA Fiscal Year starts October 1 and ends September 30.

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Number of TMDLs Completed" value for a detailed list of the TMDLs for the fiscal year.
2000 color.gif 1 2
2001 color.gif 2 2
2004 color.gif 38 38
2005 color.gif 165 165
2006 color.gif 247 256
2007 color.gif 95 95
2008 color.gif 117 117

Total: 665 TMDLs; 675 Causes of Impairment Addressed

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