The President speaks at a town hall in New Mexico
White House Photo, 5/14/09, Chuck Kennedy

Credit Card Town Hall

At a town hall in New Mexico, the President emphasizes his commitment to signing the Credit Card Bill of Rights into law by Memorial Day.

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The President discusses health care reform

Health Care Reform July 31st

The President and the House of Representatives set a target of July 31st for passage. The President sends his first White House email to spread the news.
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Chart of health care cost savings
White House Photo, 5/11/09, Pete Souza

Health Care Cost Savings

The President hosts a remarkable health reform meeting, both for the $2 trillion in national savings that was discussed, and for the stakeholders in attendance.

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The President gives his Weekly Address on credit card reform
White House Photo, 5/8/09, Pete Souza

Weekly Address 5-9-09 Credit Card Reform

The President calls on Congress to pass a vital credit card reform bill to keep companies from ripping off working Americans.

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White House Photo, 5/14/09, Chuck Kennedy

Credit Card Town Hall

At a town hall in New Mexico, the President emphasizes his commitment to signing the Credit Card Bill of Rights into law by Memorial Day.

Read the Remarks
THU, MAY 14, 3:57 PM EST

The President on Credit Card Tactics: “Enough is Enough”

At a town hall in New Mexico, the President emphasizes his commitment to signing the Credit Card Bill of Rights into law by Memorial Day.
WED, MAY 13, 8:09 PM EST

Secretary Clinton Launches the Virtual Student Foreign Service Initiative

Secretary Clinton launches a new initiativeto allow for a rising generation of citizen diplomats to conduct digital diplomacy.
Includes video.
WED, MAY 13, 1:12 PM EST

Health Care Reform: “Urgency and Determination”

This morning the President, Speaker Pelosi, and Leadership from the House of Representatives emerged from a meeting together with a new target on moving forward with health reform: pass legislation through the House by July 31st.
Includes video.


Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act

Signed: Wednesday, April 21, 2009

Omnibus Public Lands Management Act

Signed: Monday, March 30, 2009

Small Business Act Temporary Extension

Signed: Thursday, March 19, 2009

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Signed: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 

DTV Delay Act

Signed: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 

Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act

Signed: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Signed: Thursday, January 29, 2009  



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