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Spaceward Bound: Mojave 2008
Planetary Science in California’s Mojave Desert

landscape photo of Mojave desert

A Field Expedition for Pre-Service Teachers and Undergraduate Science Majors interested in teaching K-12, in partnership with the The California State University Chancellor’s Office and San Francisco State University and the California State University Desert Research Station at Zzyzx, California.

From April 6-11, 2008, pre-service teachers and undergraduate science majors from San Francisco State University will be studying side-by-side with world-renowned planetary scientists who search for life in extreme environments.

Why the Mojave – an inhospitable, parched, sun-drenched, spot in southern California? This natural setting present scientists with opportunities to study environments that are analogous to what explorers will find on the Moon and Mars. Teachers, students and scientists will perform scientific fieldwork in lunar geology, Mars astrobiology, Mars geology, and issues of temperature and solar inundation and radation.

Mojave Profile

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  • Read journals and see photos as posted during the expedition
  • Watch vignettes of scientists, teachers and students describing and demonstrating their research in the field
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Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated: April 2007
Students Contact: Loretta Hidalgo
Teachers Contact: Liza Coe