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janis davis street chatting online

Participating in a live event can be easy:

Attending webcasts and chats is fairly simple and exciting once you learn to interact with the Live Webcast participants in real time using Windows Media Player and the chat room. There are four simple steps to follow:

Test your Connection First, using the links provided on the webcast page!
If it works, you're set -- no need to read the below instructions. If not, follow the instructions for your machine:

  1. Download, install and test Windows Media Player.
  2. Return to the webcast room for your event
  3. Click on the "Watch the Video" button in the left side bar of the webcast room.
  4. Use the chat room to ask your questions

1. Download, install and test Windows Media Player.

For PC users: Windows Media is typically a part of your windows software, however if you need to install or upgrade your player, go to: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/10/default.aspx

For Mac users: Mac users have several options for downloading and using Windows Media Player:

Give yourself time before the webcast to elect the version that works best for you!

Test your player:

Note: Depending on the version you have downloaded and/or the connection you have to the internet, you may experience a less than expected "video" quality ouput. You may also experience some Net congestion and buffering. These are inherent in the current state of this technology. We look forward, as you do, to continued improvements in this type of media delivery mechanism over the Internet.

2. Return to the webcast room for your event (looks like image below):

As the event approaches, each project will have a webcast page. That page is divided into a chat room at right, a link to the Windows Media stream at left and a text transmission of the live webcast at the bottom of the page:

image of typical webcast page

3. Click on the "Watch the Video" button in the left side bar of the web cast room. A separate window (like the one below) will open. It may take a little time, depending on your connectivity.

screen shot of window media player

Use the chat room (on the right in the case of webcasts) to ask your questions


You will need to have a browser that supports Java in order to participate in the chat. Netscape 3.0 and above, or Internet Explorer 3.0 and above, will be sufficient. (Please note that in addition to supporting Java, you must make sure you have Java enabled on your browser.)

Links to actual chat and forum rooms are provided on the live event description page. If you prefer more detailed instructions, please review the information below.

Step-by-step instructions for joining a Web chat.

  1. Click on the URL provided for the Web chat.
  2. Put your name in the "Enter a User Name" box provided. We suggest something like Linda/KennedySchool/Atlanta" or if this is not acceptable, a first name or suitable nickname will work. It is often helpful to us to know where you are coming from, so including that information in a posted question (that will not be seen in the chatroom) will be appreciated.
  3. Hit "Connect" and you will enter the chat room.
  4. Ask your questions or make your comments by typing them in the yellow box (that says "type here." Questions will be moderated, in other words, we can see them and will put them into the chat room after screening for duplication and inappropriate messages.
  5. Please note, during a webcast you will not see your question or comment in the chat room, as we will be feeding questions live to on-screen speakers who will answer them live in your video feed. As each chat is moderated, a moderator will need to review the question and add it to the chat room.
  6. The box at the top of the screen will display the chat questions and answers. Or, during a webcast, your questions may be answered live in the video feed. Your screen will automatically refresh.

We are committed to complying fully with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). We suggest that students get permission from a parent or teacher before submitting ANY information to a Web site. We also suggest that adults talk with your children or students about personal information and safe use of the Internet.


If you arrive after the chat has begun, please read any submitted question and answer pairs so that you will not duplicate what has already been asked. We try to avoid submitting the same question twice, even if the originator is different.

Have one representative type a message that lets us know that your group has arrived.

Then you're off and chatting! Please remind your students to be courteous, and when you are finished, the experts love to have you say goodbye and thanks.


When a chat or webcast is over please give us your comments about your experience in the chat room.

Then check Quest's Home Page for future chats or webcasts. We hope this becomes an oft-repeated highlight to your classroom experience.


by Macromedia

Shockwave plug-in shockwave plug-in

The Shockwave plug-in is free and is needed to use the
interactive multimedia activities like Astro-Venture.

  1. Visit the Shockwave plug-in link to download the
    Shockwave plug-in from Macromedia’s site.

  2. Follow the directions to download and install the

Macromedia Shockwave Player is the Web standard for
delivering and experiencing quality interactive multimedia,
graphics, and streaming audio on the World Wide Web.

Acrobat Reader
by Adobe

Adobe Acrobat Reader

The Adobe Acrobat Reader™ Plug-in is free and is needed to download and print
curriculum materials, Career Fact Sheets, and Career Cards.

  1. Visit the Adobe Acrobat Reader™ plug-in link to download the free Acrobat Reader plug-in.

  2. Follow the directions to download and install the plug-in.

download acrobat readerAdobe Acrobat Reader™ is free, and freely distributable software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files on all major computer platforms, as well as fill in and submit PDF forms online.



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