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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Subjects of Investigation

Research Project: Deregulation of Transgenic Papaya in Japan

Location: Tropical Plant Genetic Resources and Disease Research

Project Number: 5320-21000-011-08
Project Type: Trust

Start Date: Jan 01, 2007
End Date: Dec 31, 2011

1-To complete southern analysis of transgenic papaya. 2-To determine border nucleic acid sequences of the transgene inserts of the transgenic papaya. 3-To assemble data and initiate in deregulation package for Japan.

DNA of transgenic SunUp and Rainbow papaya will be isolated and subjected to southern blot analysis using probes developed from the transformation vector. This will tell us the number of transgene inserts. Then PCR and sequencing experiments will be done to obtain the nucleic acid border sequences of each insert. The results will be compiled and written into a document to deregulate the transgenic papaya in Japan. Documents Trust with the HI Papaya Industry Association. Log 32314.


Project Team
Gonsalves, Dennis
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
  FY 2007
Related National Programs
  Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (301)
  Plant Biological and Molecular Processes (302)
Last Modified: 05/09/2009
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