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RCRA Facilities and Environmental Indicators

EPA Region 2 has established a list of contaminated facilities that are a priority for cleanup in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Click below for a state-by-state list of these facilities, their Environmental Indicator status, and a fact sheet on each:

Facilities by State
New Jersey

Progress at each RCRA cleanup facility is measured using two Environmental Indicators (EIs): human exposure and groundwater contamination. The status of these EIs is included as a downloadable .pdf (when available) for each facility in Region 2.

Maps of contamination in Region 2 have been develop that display concentrations of contaminants in groundwater and soil. These concentrations are displayed in relation to cultural and natural resources of specific sites. Tables are also constructed that display the total amounts of these contaminants in groundwater, in soil, and in groundwater that is transferred to surface water (rivers, lakes, marine waters). These measures are derived from direct scientific measurements and are termed Quantitative Environmental Indicators of Contamination (QEICs). They are designed to fully describe environmental contamination at industrial facility sites and track changes in this contamination through time. The QEICs can be used to support Environmental Indicators determinations. The QEICs are described and fully discussed in the report entitled: Quantitative Environmental Indicators of Contamination - A System For Tracking Environmental Results. [PDF 538.8 KB, 28 pp]

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