Dispatch: Will Di Novi

Cannes Plays It Safe

Big names might push out radical new talents at this year’s festival

Andrew Sullivan

Obama Plays Rope-a-Dope

Second thoughts on the president’s decision not to release the torture photos

Magazine: Harris Collingwood

Do CEOs Matter?

Apple’s stock plummets with whispers about Steve Jobs’s health. But how much influence do CEOs really have?


article photo Joshua Wolf Shenk June 2009

What Makes Us Happy?

A seven-decade study of Harvard men suggests that one thing, above all, truly makes a difference READ MORE

Winner: 2009 Webby Awards


by Cox and Rathvon

Try your hand at “Splitsville,” the June installment of The Atlantic’s monthly word game.


Zuma dismissed the idea that his unabashed Zulu pride might get in the way of his role as a national figure. ‘My love of South Africa is not gray, it’s not vague. It’s very specific,’ he told me. ‘It’s in keeping with our Constitution—Unity in diversity. This is my diversity.’”      

Douglas Foster

From “Jacob’s Ladder,” June 2009


Business: Conor Clarke 14 May 2009 article photo

How’s the Economy? Ask Jeeves

When their servants began taking out subprime loans, finance kings realized the end was near READ MORE

Correspondents 14 May 2009

Richard Posner Answers Your Questions

The federal judge, an expert on economics who’s been called “the most cited legal scholar” of all time, explains the mess we’re in. READ MORE

article photo Politics: Ronald Brownstein 14 May 2009

The President and the Millennials

Two reasons to pay close attention to young voters’ enormous affinity for Obama in particular and Democrats in general. (Image credit: Zepfanman.com) READ MORE

article photo Megan McArdle 14 May 2009

The Perils of Parking

“The DC city council plans to issue an additional 200,000 tickets this year. Most businesses do not raise more money by raising prices when people are least solvent. Is the government different?” (Image credit: Flickr user Daquella Manera) READ MORE

article photo Correspondents: Hua Hsu 14 May 2009

Campus and Civilization

The struggle of higher education is both a symptom and a cause of greater national concerns READ MORE

Politics: Marc Ambinder 14 May 2009 article photo

Revealed: Rahm’s Secret Service Code Name

“It’s not Rambo. It doesn’t even begin with an ‘R.’ Rahm Emanuel’s code name is … ” READ MORE

The Atlantic Monthly

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Joshua Wolf Shenk on the secret to happiness, Hitchens on Hemingway, Harris Collingwood on Steve Jobs, and more.


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