CERES Aqua Homepage CERES/Aqua Documentation 
Overview of Operations Pictures Quick-Look Results Related Activities Ter
ra Homepage
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CERES | Documents | Operations | Pictures | Quick-Look Results | Related Activities | Aqua

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Aqua Operations
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The Aqua spacecraft, carrying two CERES instruments (FM-3 and FM-4), was launched from Vandenberg AFB, CA on May 4, 2002 at 09:55 Universal Time.

The links below will list key operations for the two CERES instruments on Aqua.

FM-3 Operations
FM-4 Operations
Spacecraft Events

Additional information on Aqua:

Aqua spacecraft

For information on Terra:

Terra Operations
Terra- EOS Flagship

For information on the CERES project:

CERES Project
CERES-TRMM Operations