TRMM Online Visualization and Analysis System (TOVAS)

TOVAS News (2009/07/23)
The GPCP (Global Precipitation Climatology Project) Version 2.1 monthly product has been added to TOVAS. For more details regarding this vesion change, please check:

TOVAS News (2009/07/15)
The 3B42 and 3B43 TRMM products from June 2008 through April 2009 have been replaced with the corrected versions.

TOVAS News (2009/06/03)
From TSDIS/PPS Help Desk:

PPS has discovered a processing error in TRMM 3B42 products from June 2008 through April 2009.

More specifically, for TRMM PPS 3B42 data starting in June 2008, the first granule of the day, hour 0, is missing the IR merg data from hour 23 on the day before. The other granules for the day are valid.

To resolve this error, PPS will be rolling back existing 3B42 and 3B43 products for these dates and start reprocessing beginning mid week. This reprocessing effort will take several days to complete.

PPS will then be distributing corrected versions of the 3B42 and 3B43 TRMM products for June 2008 through April 2009.

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience during this period.
TOVAS News (2009/06/03)
We have finished updating the TMPA-RT data to the new Version 6.
TOVAS New Release (2008/09/12)
Giovanni TOVAS is in transition to a new web host. Two new transitioned instances of TOVAS have been released: Several new functions and parameters have been added along with additional data download formats (HDF, NetCDF and KMZ).

As planned, all current TOVAS instances, listed below in this page, will be similarly converted to the new system.

Welcome to TOVAS, a member of the Giovanni (GES-DISC DAAC On-line Visualization and Analysis System) family, which provides users with an easy-to-use, Web-based interface for the visualization and analysis of Earth Science data.

Note: The Java Version uses Java applet for interactively selecting an area of interest. If you have difficulties in using the Java Version, please try the Non Java Version.

Near-Real-Time Monitoring Product (For research, use Archive Data.)

Experimental Real-Time TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA-RT): 3B42RT JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Daily Global and Regional Rainfall (TMPA-RT 3B42RT derived) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
TMPA-RT Intermediate IR Product: 3B41RT (VAR) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
TMPA-RT Intermediate Microwave Product: 3B40RT (HQ) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version

Rainfall Archives

Monthly Global Precipitation (GPCP) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Prototype Interactive Intercomparison of Rainfall Products JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
3-hourly TRMM and Other Rainfall Estimate (3B42 V6) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Daily TRMM and Other Rainfall Estimate (3B42 V6 derived) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Monthly TRMM and Other Data Sources Rainfall Estimate (3B43 V6) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Monthly Rainfall (3B43 V6) Anomaly JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Inter-Comparison of Rainfall Climatology JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Monthly TMI rain, latent heat, cloud liquid water profiles (3A12 V6) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Monthly Rainfall (3A25 V6) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version

Ground Observation Archives

Monthly Willmott and Matsuura Global Precipitation (1950 - 1999) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version
Monthly GPCC Rainfall (1986 - Present, Monitoring Product) JAVA_Version  Non_JAVA_Version

Continued improvement of this online tool, and the production and dissemination of these data sets, depends on your (our users) informing us on how you have used this tool and these data. We are particularly interested in the value of this tool and these data sets to your research. Please send your comments to

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  • Last updated: August 27, 2009 10:15:09 GMT