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Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Bat Flight Program
Each evening in summer, nearly 400,000 Brazilian (aka Mexican) free-tail bats exit Carlsbad Cavern in search of a smorgasbord of insects.
NPS Photo by Nick Hristov.
Each evening in summer, nearly 400,000 Brazilian (aka Mexican) free-tail bats exit Carlsbad Cavern in search of a smorgasbord of insects for dinner.

Notice: Cameras, including video cameras, are NOT permitted at the bat flight program.

Prior to the evening bat flight, a program is given at the cavern entrance by a park ranger. The starting time of the talk varies with sunset—it is best to call the park at 505.785.3012 or check at the visitor center for the exact time. Programs may be canceled in the event of inclement weather. Bat flight programs are scheduled from Memorial Day weekend through mid-October. There is no charge for the bat flight program. In late October or early November, the bats migrate to Mexico for the winter; they return in April or May, depending on the weather.

Best Flights
The best bat flights normally occur in July and August. At this time baby bats, born in early summer, join the flight along with migrating bats from colonies further north.

Return Flights
The daily pre-dawn return of the bats is different from the evening exit flights but are just as impressive. Early risers can see the bats as they re-enter Carlsbad Cavern with spectacular dives from heights of hundreds of feet. Individual bats diving in from every direction may reach speeds of 40 km/h (25 mph) or more.

Bat Flight Breakfast
The 51st annual Bat Flight Breakfast is Saturday, July 18, from 5 to 7 a.m. Park employees sponsor this breakfast once each year. A reasonable fee is charged for the breakfast ($7 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under). The self-guided tour fees are waived for all Bat Flight Breakfast participants.

For Your Comfort and Safety
Cameras, including video cameras, are not permitted at the bat flight program. Several scientific studies, along with the observations of many bat researchers from around the world, have documented the disturbance caused to bats by lights, especially white light such as that in flash photography.

Besides the risks to the bats, it is very difficult to get good quality photos of a bat flight under any circumstances, and the risks simply aren’t worth the results that most visitors get. Photos of the bat flight will be available for sale at a nominal fee at a sales station behind the amphitheater seating area. Photography or other filming at bat flight may be done under a special use permit obtained from the park at least two weeks in advance.

Spaces to accommodate people using wheelchairs are located at the entrance to the amphitheater. Restrooms are available and fully accessible.

Pets are not allowed in the amphitheater area.

Permian ocean bottom.  

Did You Know?
The limestone rock that holds Carlsbad Cavern is full of ocean fossil plants and animals from a time before the dinosaurs when the southeastern corner of New Mexico was a coastline similar to the Florida Keys.

Last Updated: April 02, 2009 at 13:34 EST