Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. NAI History

    1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007



    France Cordova.
    Image Credit: CCST

    NASA Headquarters Chief Scientist France Cordova writes a Red Team "white paper" in early March characterizing Ames Research Center as having "per capita one of the very strongest intellectual work forces among NASA Centers." This document recommends that Ames should play a key role in "planetary biology" and work on establishing a science institute.


    Wesley Huntress.
    Image Credit: The Planetary Society

    Also in March, Wesley Huntress (Associate Administrator for Space Science at NASA Headquarters) suggests the term "astrobiology" for NASA use during a meeting focused on exploring ways to increase the role of biological science in space exploration. This is not the first use of the "astrobiology" term, which appears in science writings as early as the 1950s. However, the March meeting is the beginning of NASA's use of this term.

    The NASA Headquarters Zero-Based Review (ZBR) Team visits Ames Research Center in mid-March to discuss changes in its research programs and operations. The May "Bulletin of the California Institute of Federal Research" reports on the ZBR's budget cut proposals, though it is proposed that Ames would focus primarily on astrobiology and information technology.

    Ames Research Center considers its "Life in the Universe" ideas to coordinate particular disciplines for studies relating to biology and space. These ideas include: 1) origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe; 2) relationship of gravity and life; 3) evolution, evaluation, and protection of living planets; and 4) expansion of life from Earth into space. Follow-up communications between the NASA Headquarters Zero-Based Review Team and Ames Research Center through April help develop a mission in astrobiology at Ames.

    NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin gives a press conference at Ames on May 19. He officially names Ames as NASA's Lead Center in Astrobiology and asks Ames to continue exploring collaboration ideas for an Astrobiology Institute.




    The Galileo Orbiter.
    Image Credit: Yokohama Science Center

    Several exciting scientific announcements in 1996 fuel a growing interest in astrobiology. In August, the Galileo orbiter sends back images of Europa that suggest the possibility of liquid water under its cracked, icy crust. Later in the year, a Mars meteorite recovered from Antarctica is found to contain possible microscopic fossils of primitive, bacteria-like organisms. This discovery prompts the White House to hold a 'space conference' led by Vice President Al Gore to discuss its implications. Throughout the year, several new extrasolar planets are also identified.

    During September 9-11, the first Astrobiology Workshop is held at Ames Research Center. The workshop begins to define the ways in which astrobiology will shape the future of space science.




    Michael Meyer.
    Image Credit: NASA

    Appointed to initiate collaborative astrobiology operations, Larry Caroff relocates from NASA Headquarters to Ames Research Center in March. Wesley Huntress (Associate Administrator for Space Science) and Michael Meyer (Discipline Scientist for Astrobiology) serve as NASA Headquarters interaction contacts for astrobiology and Institute development. Special Assistant for Astrobiology, Gerald Soffen, is also appointed at NASA Headquarters.

    Various models for astrobiology and related multidisciplinary research (including Astrobiology Institute operations) are explored during Ames Research Center and NASA Headquarters meetings from March through May.

    In July, Ames Research Center is formally assigned responsibility for the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) by NASA Headquarters. The NAI reports to Henry McDonald, Director of Ames Research Center.

    Also in July, the Ames Research Center astrobiology website is launched as a portal for NASA astrobiology. It provides information on astrobiology-related research, white papers, and workshops. The website makes reference to the development of NAI as well as the Astrobiology Academy, which holds its first session during the summer of 1997.

    In October, a Cooperative Agreement Notice (or CAN Cycle-1 for NAI) is issued to initiate proposals for competitive, peer-reviewed selection of research groups for NAI funding. Fifty-two proposals are submitted.

    To further the potential for cooperative research, Associate or Affiliate NAI partnerships for international organizations in astrobiology are made possible and defined.



    Information and networking technology needs become a focus of the new 'virtual' institute. In February, a technical plan outlines equipment needed to facilitate interactive communication between physically-dispersed science researchers on the Institute teams. These include videoconferencing, CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work), and WYSWIS (what you see is what I see).

    NAI Team research grant selections are announced in May. Program operations for the NASA Astrobiology Institute formally begin in July with a five-year funding period for the eleven selected NAI Lead Teams. These new NAI Lead teams are listed below, each with its Team Principal Investigator (PI) and proposal title.

    ASU_logoArizona State University
    Team PI: John Cronin, then Jack Farmer
    Proposal Title = Exploring the Living Universe: Origin, Evolution, and Distribution of Life in the Solar System

    carnegie_logoCarnegie Institution of Washington
    Team PI: Sean Solomon
    Proposal Title = Hydrothermal Systems: Physical, Chemical, and Biological Evolution and Cosmic Environments

    harvard_logoHarvard University
    Team PI: Andrew Knoll
    Proposal Title = The Planetary Context of Biological Evolution

    JPL_logoJet Propulsion Laboratory
    Team PI: Kenneth Nealson
    Proposal Title = Coevolution of Planets and Biospheres: Lessons from Earth and Mars

    marine_biolab_logoMarine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole)
    Team PI: Mitchel Sogin
    Proposal Title = Environmental Genomes and the Evolution of Complex Systems in Simple Organisms

    ames_logoNASA Ames Research Center
    Team PI: David Des Marais
    Proposal Title = Context for Life, Origin and Early Evolution of Life, The Future of Life (with component projects named for each section)

    johnson_logoNASA Johnson Space Center
    Team PI: David McKay
    Proposal Title = Institute for the Study of Biomarkers (Mineral, Isotopic, Chemical, and Morphologic Biomarkers)

    pennstate_logoPennsylvania State University
    Team PI: Hiroshi Ohmoto
    Proposal Title = The Penn State Astrobiology Research Center (with four identified research area components)

    scripps_logoScripps Research Institute
    Team PI: Reza Ghadiri
    Proposal = Self-Producing Molecular Systems and Darwinian Chemistry

    UCLA_logoUniversity of California at Los Angeles
    Team PI: Bruce Runnegar
    Proposal = Astrobiology at UCLA: An Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach to Research and Education (with five identified research area components)

    colorado_logoUniversity of Colorado at Boulder
    Team PI: Bruce Jakosky
    Proposal = University of Colorado Center for Astrobiology (with nine identified research area components)

    In July, a workshop to develop the NASA Astrobiology Roadmap [December 1998] is held at Ames Research Center. Participants in the workshop develop a list of ten science goals, seventeen more specific objectives, and four principles that are integral to astrobiology program operations. The Astrobiology Roadmap, prepared by David Morrison at Ames and Michael Meyer at Headquarters, is officially adopted by NASA Headquarters in December of 1998.


    G. Scott Hubbard.
    Image Credit: NASA

    G. Scott Hubbard takes the helm as the NAI Interim Manager in August, then he serves as NAI Director as he concentrates on the NAI and the development of astrobiology. The following month, Wesley Huntress retires from NASA Headquarters, relocating to the Carnegie Institution of Washington for science research. Edward Weiler is appointed to succeed him as the Associate Administrator for Space Science at NASA Headquarters.

    In November, the first NAI General Meeting is held at Ames Research Center. NAI Lead Teams discuss scientific research, plans for education and public outreach, plus information technology for NAI as a virtual institute. The NAI official website is launched in November.

    The NAI Implementation Plan (for management and operations) is distributed to NAI Lead Teams in December.




    Baruch S. Blumberg.
    Image Credit: Kirsch Foundation

    In May, Nobel prize-winning biologist Baruch S. Blumberg is named as the first NAI Director. He received the Nobel Prize in 1976 for his work in creating a vaccine for Hepatitis B. In mid-September, Baruch (Barry) Blumberg relocates from Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia to NASA Ames Research Center.

    NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin visits Ames Research Center and presides over the appointment of NAI Director Baruch Blumberg with an inspiring speech on astrobiology and NASA's future in space, all with live television broadcast and strong media interest. Goldin's enthusiastic comments include this: "Quite possibly, the rewards from this pursuit of astrobiology may eclipse the societal and economic benefits of all prior NASA activity."

    Education and public outreach programs for NAI develop astrobiology exhibits, teaching materials, and presentations for conferences.

    The Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB) in Spain becomes an Acting Associate International Partner of NAI.

    During this year, a video conferencing system tool set is deployed with training for the 11 Lead Team institutional sites. Access to the PostDoc system is also arranged for NAI members. The PostDoc website had been developed by NASA Ames Research Center as an information repository and communication exchange tool.

    At NASA Ames Research Center, a workshop entitled "Symposium to Highlight Societal Implications of Astrobiology" is held on 16-17 November and structured around the basic questions of life and astrobiology. Also at Ames, a mini-symposium entitled "Computational Astrobiology for the 21st Century" is held on 18 November to inaugurate the NASA Center for Computational Astrobiology and Fundamental Biology. These events are examples of NASA Ames Research Center activities as the NASA Lead Center for Astrobiology.

    Late in the year, the NAI Annual Report, Year 1 (July 1, 1998-June 30, 1999) is published. Descriptions of science research projects for each NAI Team with bibliographies of related publications and meeting abstracts are reported. Relationships between NAI projects and astrobiology objectives outlined in the 1998 Astrobiology Roadmap are indicated to demonstrate consistency between NAI research and NASA objectives. Charts are compiled to show the number of projects for each NAI Team for each Roadmap objective. In addition, NAI Central education and outreach activities plus NAI virtual collaboration efforts are also reported.

    Three NAI Focus Groups are established by the end of this year: Mars; Microbial Ecogenomics (later EcoGenomics); and Mission to Early Earth. These groups are cross-team research or planning efforts formed around a specific topic of particular significance for advancing astrobiology. They are established via proposals approved by NAI.



    In April, NAI members participate in the First Astrobiology Science Conference, held at NASA Ames Research Center. This conference is for anyone interested in astrobiology. It will likely alternate with the NAI General Meeting, now planned to be held every two years specifically for NAI members.

    During May, the NIMS (NAI Information Management System) is launched at NAI Central. This relational, searchable database is used as a repository for NAI Annual Report data. It is accessed to generate reports for presentations concerning NAI members, research projects, publications, etc.

    NAI continues to grow by chartering two additional NAI Focus Groups: Evolutionary Genomics in April (later EvoGenomics) and Europa in September.

    In June, the CAN 2 (Cooperative Agreement Notice Cycle-2) is issued to initiate proposals for competitive, peer-reviewed selection of research groups for NAI funding. It provides the opportunity for additional NAI Lead Teams, and twenty-eight proposals are received. The proposals are reviewed in October, with decisions announced in 2001.

    The Postdoctural Fellowships Program (NAI/National Research Council program) begins to support postdoctoral work on astrobiology projects with NAI Teams. The NAI Conference and Workshop Fund begins to support astrobiologically-related conferences and meeting sessions, including some NAI Executive Council in-person sessions and the NAI Biennial Meetings. Funding for NAI Focus Groups begins to support their activities, according to their particular proposal purposes.

    Tools and the approach for NAI team collaboration are reassessed to include both human and technical dimensions of interaction. This includes hiring a social scientist as NAI Collaborative Research Manager, who works with information technology staff to improve Lead Team contacts and interaction.

    Education and public outreach programs continue to develop astrobiology exhibits and presentations for conferences, plus NAI website resources. These items are grouped in sections identified as "For Teachers" and "For Students" on the NAI website. The "Ask an Astrobiologist" service at NAI is developed for questions and answers about astrobiology from students and the general public. This activity deals with selected email correspondence to and from NAI.

    On October 16, NAI Director Baruch Blumberg is appointed as Senior NASA Advisor to provide guidance for NASA's newly created enterprise, the Office of Biological and Physical Research with its efforts to develop an interdisciplinary research program focused on biology, to bring together physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. Blumberg also will continue in his role as director of the Astrobiology Institute.

    The NASA Headquarters Astrobiology Task Force, appointed the previous spring as a fact-finding team reporting to the Space Science Advisory Committee, holds a meeting at Ames Research Center on October 30-31. The Task Force is chaired by Charles Beichman of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Origins Program Office. Its charter is to examine the overall astrobiology program, the specific astrobiology program at NASA Ames Research Center, the proposed NASA Astrobiology Research Lab, and the NAI. Beichman suggests that, in reviewing the NAI, his Task Force could serve the purpose of a "visiting committee" representing NASA Headquarters and the astrobiology science community. He is looking for "stable and effective operating practices, a clear set of short and long term goals, and a sense of community" within the NAI.

    Also in October, these two NAI International Partners are announced: Centro de Astrobiologia (as an Associate) and the United Kingdom Astrobiology Forum (as an Affiliate). [Note: The UK Astrobiology Forum is replaced in 2003 by: Astrobiology Society of Britain.]

    The NAI Annual Report, Year 2 (July 1999-June 2000) is published in December. Descriptions of science research projects for each NAI Team with bibliographies of related publications and meeting abstracts are reported. Relationships between NAI projects and astrobiology objectives outlined in the 1998 Astrobiology Roadmap are indicated to demonstrate consistency between NAI research and NASA objectives. Charts are compiled to show the number of projects for each NAI Team for each Roadmap objective. NAI Focus Group activity reports are included. Education and public outreach activities, work to develop interdisciplinary interactions, as well as virtual collaboration efforts of NAI Central are reported annually.



    The year begins with selection of the Australian Centre for Astrobiology as a new International Affiliate Partner in January. In the same month, Carl Pilcher is named Special Assistant for Astrobiology at NASA Headquarters.

    A series of steps begins in February with COEL (Committee on the Origins and Evolution of Life) activities, which will eventually lead to a report to the Space Studies Board and the Board on Life Sciences (both of the National Research Council of the National Academies of Science). This is in response to the NASA Authorization Act of 2000 and a request from Edward Weiler (NASA's Associate Administrator for Office of Space Science). COEL is asked to assess the state of the NASA astrobiology program and provide a report by mid-2002. The study is initiated when the COEL group meets to outline the report and hear comments from NAI principal investigators and NASA officials, with follow up sessions in July and November this year.

    New NAI Lead Team selections (from the Cooperative Agreement Notice Cycle-2 process) are announced in March. These four additional new NAI Lead teams are listed below, each with its Team Principal Investigator (PI) and proposal title. These additional teams have a five-year funding period. They add to the original 11 NAI Lead Teams (with their five-year funding begun in July 1998) to make a total of 15 Lead Teams now with NAI funding support.

    JPL_logoJet Propulsion Laboratory Team 2
    [Note: Team name changed in 2003 to: Virtual Planetary Laboratory]
    Team PI: Victoria Meadows
    Proposal Title = Astronomical Detection of Biosignatures from Extrasolar Planets

    michstate_logoMichigan State University
    Team PI: Michael Thomashow
    Proposal Title = Center for Genomic and Evolutionary Studies on Microbial Life at Low Temperature

    rhode_id_logoUniversity of Rhode Island
    Team PI: Steven D'Hondt
    Proposal Title = Subsurface Biospheres

    washington_logoUniversity of Washington
    Team PI: Peter Ward
    Proposal Title = Habitable Planets and Evolution of Biological Complexity

    Also in March, the Astromaterials Focus Group is approved.


    Carl Pilcher.
    Image Credit: BBC News

    The NAI General Meeting 2001 is held from April 10-12 at the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Washington, DC. More than 300 NAI member scientists attend for papers, posters, and focus group meetings. An NAI-Sponsored Student Poster Competition is held for the first time at this meeting, with the winner given the Gerald Soffen Award certificate and a check for $1000.

    In late April, NASA Headquarters Special Assistant for Astrobiology, Carl Pilcher, is appointed Director of the Solar System Exploration Division, which includes astrobiology subject areas.

    On April 2, NAI and NIH (National Institutes of Health) have a Joint Symposium and Webcast ( Archive 2001, April 2) at NIH with NASA Administrator, Daniel Goldin, as keynote speaker. The event includes a scientist-to-scientist dialog as a forum for general development of future research and collaboration. Although NAI and NIH have different perspectives, they share the common goal of understanding fundamental processes of living systems, e.g., the origin and evolution of microbial populations, adaptation mechanisms to stressful environments, and new technology development to advance these and other areas of research.

    NAI continues its support development of NAI Lead Team sites in order to achieve improved research team member contacts through use of information technology. This is accomplished with site visits and consultation with designated information technology (IT) administrators for each team location. An IT Working Group at NAI Central is formed to enhance this activity. Videoconferencing technical problems at team sites are resolved. Desktop videoconferencing tools are researched. The Polycom.SmartBoard system is now in use for all 15 NAI Lead Teams.

    In July, the NASA Space Science Advisory Committee meets, and a report of the Astrobiology Task Force (chaired by Charles Beichman) is submitted as a part of this meeting. Within this report (see pages 9-10), Beichman writes that the group "was impressed with the exciting science being carried out within astrobiology" and complemented NASA on "succeeding to bring together scientists from many disparate fields." The group noted the "high visibility of NAI, both among scientists and the public." It recommended that a follow-up review of the NAI be conducted by the NASA Chief Scientist and that NASA Headquarters should "pay careful attention" to the critical issue of NAI leadership.

    Continuing his interaction with NAI, Michael Meyer is promoted to Astrobiology Senior Scientist at NASA Headquarters in July.

    NAI begins plans in the summer to start a 'minority faculty fellowship program' for astrobiology research at host NAI Team locations. This NAI program would use additional funding support associated with NASA Headquarters' MUREP activities. MUREP (Minority University Research and Education Programs) uses a U.S. Department of Education list identifying minority institutions. NASA has policies, budget areas, and procedures to enhance involvement of these minority institutions in NASA's mission.

    NAI-awarded fellowships and funding for astrobiology projects and science meetings continue with the Postdoctoral Fellow Funding Program (NAI/National Research Council program), support of NAI Focus Groups, and the NAI Conference and Workshop Fund. The NAI Research Scholarship Program (formerly Director's Research Scholarships) begins with stipends and research-related travel expenses to enable graduate or postdoctoral students to circulate among two or more NAI Teams and travel to field sites for a student's related research.

    David Morrison

    David Morrison, NAI Senior Scientist.

    David Morrison, formerly Ames Director of Space and Astrobiology, joins the NAI Central staff as Senior Scientist.

    In November, NAI Central recognizes the increase in publication of books relating to astrobiology topics. A "Books on Astrobiology" list, with plans for periodic updating, is posted on the NAI website for general background reading about various astrobiology science disciplines.

    Throughout this year, NAI staff work on redesigning, enhancing, and updating the NAI website. These changes include: a Member Services section with password access, improved website navigation, more information on NAI Fellowships and Funding, pages for the four new NAI Teams, plus updated pages for these groups: each of the original eleven NAI Teams, the various Focus Groups, and International Partners.

    With the NAI website redesign, the Education and Public Outreach section features include interactive student pages. A selected "Ask an Astrobiologist" archive of questions (asked by the general public and students) and answers (from NAI astrobiology staff and scientists) is also made available on the NAI website.

    In December, the Groupement de Recherche en Exobiologie becomes an NAI Affiliate International Partner. This is the fourth international partner of NAI.

    The NAI Annual Report, Year 3 (July 2000-June 2001) is published on the NAI wesbsite. Science project reports, with their related bibliographies and astrobiology roadmap objectives are reported annually. Reports of NAI Focus Group activities and Postdoctural research are included. Education and public outreach activities, work to develop interdisciplinary interactions and collaboration for NAI members, as well as virtual collaboration efforts are also reported annually.



    In January, NAI completely discontinues use of the PostDoc website, which was developed by Ames Research Center as an information repository and communication exchange tool. Instead, access to NAI email lists and a document sharing tool for the NAI community are added to the Member Services section of the redesigned NAI website.

    NAI begins broadcasting NAI member video seminars in January with the Director's Seminar Series, which are science talks by senior NAI member scientists. Another seminar series begins in February, the FAR (Forum for Astrobiology Research) Series, which are science talks by graduate students and postdocs. Both of these video seminars occur monthly and are archived on the NAI website.

    The NAI Needs Assessment Report, "Communication and Collaboration in a Virtual Environment," which details the results of a Fall 2001 survey, is made available on the NAI website as an interactive document. Using a collaboration tool called PageSeeder, readers can review the document and add comments for members of the NAI community. Through this year, collaborative tools are researched, based on member-defined needs and requirements. Additional team information technology support people are funded at individual NAI team sites. WebEx (synchronous meeting tool) is launched for pilot use.

    A video series archived on the NAI website begins in February. These videos are interviews of NAI scientists (Profiles) or cover particular astrobiology research questions (Featured Questions or Video Features).

    Based on planning work begun last summer (see 2001 summer background description), NAI establishes its Minority Institution Faculty Sabbatical Program in March with additional funding support associated with NASA Headquarters' MUREP activities. The NAI program provides selected minority institution faculty members with funding for 8-10 weeks of collaborative astrobiology research at a host NAI Team location during the calendar year, travel to and from the host location, attendance at an astrobiology science meeting for the faculty member and two students from the minority institution. This program will be ongoing, with three faculty selected for the program in 2002.

    Funding for International Collaboration is established. This is a small fund to help support travel and accommodation costs for foreign scientists invited by an NAI member for collaborative research at the NAI member's location, plus at least two other NAI or CoI team locations. Other NAI-awarded fellowships and funding for astrobiology projects and science meetings continue with the Postdoctoral Fellowships Funding Program (NAI/National Research Council program), support of NAI Focus Groups, the NAI Conference and Workshop Fund, and the NAI Research Scholarship Program (formerly Director's Research Scholarships).

    The Astrobiology Science Conference 2002 is held at the Ames Research Center during April 8-11. This meeting is open to all scientists, and NAI members participate in significant numbers.

    Throughout the year, there is increased interest in teaching introductory astrobiology courses for undergraduates, such as "Life in the Universe" or "Astrobiology 101." One survey indicates that more than 100 courses are being offered in these subject areas. NAI encourages its members to share this information with current and prospective instructors. The "Faculty Forum" subsection is posted on the NAI website in the "College Courses" main section.

    The Astrobiology Drilling Project (ADP) is begun. It is an international consortium that coordinates and supports particular continental drilling projects of astrobiological significance. The Archean Biosphere Drilling Project (ABDP) is its founding work effort. The ADP has a Steering Committee and involves astrobiologists from Australia, Japan, and the United States . The ABDP has funding support from NAI (represented by and through the Pennsylvania State NAI Team), plus Australian and Japanese institutions. ADP studies focus on biosignatures of the early Earth with core drilling and core analysis.

    An archive for the "Ask an Astrobiologist" question and answer service at NAI is posted on the NAI website. Its content is grouped according to 6 basic astrobiology science topic areas. The archive contains questions and answers about astrobiology from students and the general public from selected email correspondence to and from NAI.

    September begins with the establishment of the European Exo/Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) as an International Affiliate Partner of NAI with a formal signature ceremony.


    Rosalind Grymes.
    Image Credit: NASA

    In October, Baruch S. Blumberg ends his tenure as Director of NAI. Rosalind Grymes is appointed NAI Deputy Director in August, then Acting NAI Director with Barry Blumberg's departure in October. The next Director of NAI, Bruce Runnegar, of the University of California at Los Angeles is announced in September. He is expected to begin this appointment at some time in 2003.

    The COEL (Committee on the Origins and Evolution of Life) submits its final edited report "Life in the Universe: An Assessment of U.S. and International Programs in Astrobiology" published for the Space Studies Board and Board on Life Sciences (both with the National Research Council of the National Academies of Science). Background concerning this report is described in the NAI History section for February 2001.

    In November, The Australian Center for Astrobiology (ACA) changes from being an Affiliate International Partner to an Associate International Partner with NAI.

    NAI announces two new Focus Groups in November: 1) the Virus Focus Group, which focuses on activities to advance understanding of how viruses may have influenced the origin and evolution of life here on Earth, and perhaps elsewhere in the Solar System. and 2) the Impacts Focus Group, which studies how impacts of asteroids, comets, and other materials have influenced the origin, evolution, and extinction of life on Earth. A major goal of the Impacts Focus Group is to accumulate samples from a wide variety of temporal and geographical research locales. The geochemical and paleontological analysis of these samples will also be a major thrust of their efforts. The Titan Focus Group was formed earlier this year in March, becoming active in November with attention to the Cassini-Huygens space mission .

    NAI releases its third Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN Cycle-3) in December. This Notice solicits proposals for selection of NAI Lead Teams since the five-year funding for the original eleven NAI Lead Teams is scheduled to end in July of 2003. This process involves competitive, peer-reviewed evaluation of submitted proposals for NAI funding.

    The NAI Anuual Report, Year 4 (July 2001-June 2002) is published as a website document on the NAI website. From each NAI Team, these areas are reported: descriptions of their science projects with their related bibliographies, astrobiology roadmap objectives, field trips, collaborations with NAI members outside their particular Team, and any project-space mission relationships. Individual team reports also include their particular education and public outreach activities and postdoctoral student research reports. NAI Focus Group, as well as NAI International Partner activity reports are included. For NAI Central, various activities are reported: education and public outreach activities, work to develop interdisciplinary interactions and collaboration for NAI members, as well as virtual collaboration efforts.



    In January, the NAI WebEx pilot project begins. This is a pilot of software that allows synchronized desktop sharing of presentations, video, documents, browser, and real-time editing capabilities. Each team information technology lead person is trained to use WebEx and established as a WebEx administrator. Development in this area continues.

    The NAI General Meeting 2003 is held at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona from February 10-12 with about 500 attendees. There are roughly 300 science talks and posters, as well as focus group meetings for both formed and proposed groups, subject primer sessions, EPO meetings, astrobiology curriculum discussions, and international partner sessions. At this meeting, NAI Central staff members present posters concerning: 1) analyzed content from the NAI Annual Report (field research expeditions, journal publications, NASA space mission involvement, and descriptive profiles of NAI membership); 2) NAI collaboration with minority institutions plus NAI's activities in education and public outreach; 3) NAI's website video archive; 4) content of astrobiology college courses; and 5) social and technical requirements for NAI as a successful virtual organization. Again (as done the first time at the NAI General Meeting 2001), an NAI-Sponsored Student Poster Competition is held with the winner given the Gerald Soffen Award certificate and a check for $1000.

    In March, the updated NAI website design now provides easier navigation and a more user-friendly appearance. The site continues to be refined throughout the year. Also in March, WebEx Meeting software is first used during the monthly NAI Executive Council meeting. This allows meeting participants to interact from their various locations via computer.

    Beginning in April, NAI assists the University of Washington in broadcasting their University of Washington Astrobiology Seminar Series. Video broadcasts of these science talks use NAI's polycom system from their location at the University of Washington. The Forum for Astrobiology Research (FAR) Seminar Series (presentations by graduate students and postdocs) and the Director's Science Seminar Series (talks by NAI senior scientists) continue. Series videos are archived on the NAI website. WebEx meeting software is now used to enable synchronous slide advancement as the speakers talk plus interaction via personal computers.

    Also in April, the "NAI Newsletter" is launched on the NAI website. It combines elements from a number of previous information features on the website, including: Upcoming Events, Announcements, and Special Features.

    Collaboration among distributed NAI scientists continues to be facilitated by researching and funding equipment such as lab-to-lab videoconferencing, desktop videoconferencing, virtual seminars, and wireless tool options for use in remote fieldwork settings.

    New NAI Insight Courses are announced, with two courses for astrobiology researchers available during the summer of 2003: "Introduction to Planetary Science" and "Introduction to the Microbial World." These five-day intensive courses provide education in areas outside of the participant's primary field of expertise. Material is appropriate for professionals active in the field of astrobiology, including both graduate students and postdocs. Attendance is not limited to NAI members.

    The Astrobiology Drilling Project (ADP) continues as an international consortium with funding for the Archean Biosphere Drilling Project (ABDP) from NAI (represented by and through the Pennsylvania State NAI Team), plus Australian and Japanese institutions. ABDP drilling is accomplished this year in the Pilbara district of Western Australia. ABDP joins the Deep Time Drilling Project (DTDP), to be done at two locations in the Pilbara district. Core samples will be analyzed for traces of Earth's early life and to understand the environments in which it lived.

    NAI continues to provide selected minority institution faculty members with funding support for 8-10 weeks of collaborative astrobiology research at a host NAI Team location during the calendar year. The NAI Minority Institution Research Sabbatical Program (formerly the Minority Institution Faculty Sabbatical Program begun and described in 2002) is renamed to emphasize its research aspect. This NAI program has additional funding support via NASA Headquarters' MUREP activities (see 2001 summer background description).

    Various NAI-awarded fellowships and funding for astrobiology science projects and activities (established in earlier years) continue: the Postdoctoral Fellowships Funding Program (NAI/National Research Council), the NAI Minority Institution Research Sabbatical, the NAI Conference and Workshop Fund, the NAI Research Scholarship Program, funding for International Collaboration, and support of the NAI Focus Groups. The NAI Institute Strategic Fund (ISF) is a new fund established this year to support new research projects or other activities outside the scope of research originally proposed by NAI members, e.g., community capital equipment, field expeditions, application of ground-based research to space missions, and specific workshops.

    Results of the CAN Cycle-3 (begun in December 2002) are announced at the end of June. Twelve new NAI Lead Teams are chosen (via a competitive, peer-review process) to receive 5-year funding grants beginning this November.

    Bruce Runnegar

    Bruce Runnegar.

    Bruce Runnegar becomes Director of NAI in September. Runnegar has been a professor in UCLA's Department of Earth and Space Sciences and the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), where he has been Director of the UCLA Center for Astrobiology. Rosalind Grymes (Acting Director since October 2002) continues as Deputy Director of NAI.

    The new Astronomy Focus Group is announced in September. It is formed to ensure there is a strong astronomical component to the nascent field of astrobiology, and it will serve as an advocate and source of advice for achieving scientific goals of astrobiological significance with current and future NASA missions.

    The newly-selected NAI Lead Teams (CAN Cycle-3) are listed below, each with its Team Principal Investigator (PI) and proposal title. In November, these 12 NAI Lead Teams replace the 11 original NAI Teams, which began their NAI funding program in July 1998. The newly-selected NAI Lead Teams join the 4 teams selected in March 2001 (with their 5-year funding cycle) to make a total of 16 NAI Lead Teams in the NAI research and education program.

    carnegie_logo Carnegie Institution of Washington
    Team PI: Sean Solomon
    Proposal Title = Astrobiological Pathways: From the Interstellar Medium, Through Planetary Systems, to the Emergence and Detection of Life
    indiana_logo Indiana University, Bloomington
    Team PI: Lisa Pratt
    Proposal Title = Indiana-Princeton-Tennessee Astrobiology Institute (IPTAI): Detection of Biosustainable Energy and Nutrient Cycling in the Deep Subsurface of Earth and Mars
    marine_biolab_logo Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole)
    Team PI: Mitchell Sogin
    Proposal Title = From Early Biospheric Metabolisms to the Evolution of Complex Systems
    ames_logo NASA Ames Research Center
    Team PI: David Des Marais
    Proposal Title = Linking Our Origins to Our Future
    goddard_logo NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
    Team PI: Michael Mumma
    Proposal Title = Origin and Evolution of Organics in Planetary Systems

    Pennsylvania State University
    Team PI: Hiroshi Ohmoto
    Proposal Title = Evolution of a Habitable Planet

    seti_logo SETI Institute
    Team PI: Christopher Chyba
    Proposal Title = Planetary Biology, Evolution, and Intelligence
    uarizona_logo University of Arizona
    Team PI: Neville Woolf
    Proposal Title = An Astronomical Search for the Essential Ingredients for Life: Placing our Habitable System in Context
    berkeley_logo University of California at Berkeley
    Team PI: Jillian Banfield
    Proposal Title = BIOspheres of Mars: Ancient and Recent Studies
    UCLA_logo University of California at Los Angeles
    Team PI: Edward Young
    Proposal Title = From Stars to Genes: An Integrated Study of the Prospects for Life in the Cosmos
    seti_logo University of Colorado (Boulder)
    Team PI: Bruce Jakosky
    Proposal Title = University of Colorado Center for Astrobiology
    hawaii_logo University of Hawaii (Manoa)
    Team PI: Karen Meech
    Proposal Title = The Origin, History, and Distribution of Water and Its Relation to Life in the Universe

    A strategic planning workshop led by Bruce Runnegar is held at Jackson Hole to integrate the new teams into the NAI family and to consider several broad science themes that might stimulate greater multi-team research activity. Each of the 16 Lead Teams is represented by the PI and two other members, generally one senior and one junior scientist. The discussion focuses on three areas for potential collaborative research: (1) studying the processes in protoplanetary or circumstellar disks (astronomy, cosmochemistry), (2) studying the early history of life on earth (paleobiology, geobiology), and (3) investigating the subsurface biosphere (microbial ecology, genomics).

    NAI prepares a Handbook for NAI Teams, providing various sections concerning these NAI operations and programs: NAI Organization and Membership; Reporting and Publications; Grants, Funding Opportunities, and Financial Processes; Partnerships; Virtual Institute and Collaborative Tools; and NAI Education and Outreach.

    In September, NASA's Office of Space Science distributes the 2003 revision of the 1998 NASA Astrobiology Roadmap. Its astrobiology research goals and objectives provide multiple research and exploration pathways, indicating how they might be prioritized and coordinated. Objectives stated within the Roadmap provide topics for NAI research focus. For NAI Annual Reports, each science project indicates its particular related Astrobiology Roadmap objectives. These data are charted in the NAI Annual Report Appendix sections within the Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5 reports. In the NAI Year 2 Annual Report, the related Roadmap objectives are listed in the left margin at the beginning of each project report. The NAI Year 1 Annual Report charts projects and Roadmap objectives within its Preface section. Year 4 is the last Annual Report using the 1998 NASA Astrobiology Roadmap objectives to describe its projects. The 2003 revision (early copy available) is used beginning with Year 5.

    The NAI Anuual Report, Year 5 (July 2002-June 2003) is published as a website document on the NAI website in early November. From each NAI Team, these areas are reported: descriptions of their science projects with their related bibliographies, astrobiology roadmap objectives, field trips, collaborations with NAI members outside their particular Team, and any project-space mission relationships. Individual team reports also include their particular education and public outreach activities and postdoctoral student research reports. NAI Focus Group, as well as NAI International Partner activity reports are included. For NAI Central, various activities are reported: education and public outreach activities, work to develop interdisciplinary interactions and collaboration for NAI members, as well as virtual collaboration efforts.

    The NAI Science Commmunication Working Group is formed near the end of this year to: 1) provide a forum for communicators (either working in astrobiology or having an interest in it), 2) exchange ideas and information, as well as explore ways of sharing efforts with those who wish to communicate astrobiology more effectively, and 3) develop interdisciplinary approaches for effective communication of astrobiology.



    The AbGradCon (Astrobiology Graduate Conference) has its first conference in January in Tucson, Arizona. This organization is managed by and for graduate students working in the many fields encompassed by the study of astrobiology. The meeting is sponsored by Arizona observatories and NAI. It includes invited speakers, invited posters, and emphasizes interaction of attending students according to a statement of its meeting purpose.

    The Astrobiotechnology Focus Group begins operating in early 2004. Members of this group include representation from the science, instrument technology, and mission technology components of astrobiology.

    Various NAI-awarded fellowships and funding for astrobiology science projects and activities continue: the Postdoctoral Fellowships Funding Program (NAI/National Research Council), the NAI Minority Research Sabbatical, the NAI Conference and Workshop Fund, the NAI Research Scholarship Program, the International Collaboration Fund, and support of the NAI Focus Groups. Other continued funding is the NAI Institute Strategic Fund (ISF), which was established to support new research projects or other activities outside the scope of research originally proposed by NAI members.

    In late March, a suite of basic collaboration tools for NAI use is announced by the NAI Collaborative Research Support Group. This comes from their two years of study to develop NAI's collaborative technology infrastructure based on social and technical requirements gleaned from a community-wide needs assessment, plus research on commercially available leading edge technologies. These NAI-member tools for both real-time and asynchronous collaboration are: 1) a workable Polycom videoconferencing system, 2) a designated NAI WebEx meeting site, 3) an unlimited license obtained for Pageseeder (for group discussion of documents), 4) selection of NX (NASA-Xerox) with several capabilities (e.g., email interfacing, document management, full-text search, and version control), with NX introduction and support provided by the NAI Information Technology Working Group.

    The NAI continues to host the 4 categories of its Seminar Series: Director's Seminar Series , Forum for Astrobiology Research (FAR) Series , University of Washington Astrobiology Seminar Series, and Special Events. Talks by NAI members are presented in each of these series and available as they are given via telecast connections. An archive of all talks is available via the NAI website in the Seminar Series section.

    A charter is signed by Founding Member Representatives of the Federation of Astrobiology Organizations (FAO) on March 28, 2004 at NASA Ames Research Center (a time when FAO representatives are attending the AbSciCon 2004 meeting at Ames). The FAO is established to create an architecture that can implement cooperative international activities central to the interests of the individual astrobiology networks, associations, institutes, research groups, and societies that comprise this federation. Founding members of FAO are, alphabetically:

    • Astrobiology Society of Britain (ASB)
      (formerly the United Kingdom Astrobiology Network, UKAN)
    • Australian Centre for Astrobiology (ACA)
    • Centro de Astrobiología (CAB)
    • European Exo/Astrobiology Network Association (EANA)
    • Groupe de Recherche en Exobiologie (GdR en E)
    • NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
    • Swedish Astrobiology Network (SwAN)

    The AbSciCon 2004 (Astrobiology Science Conference) meeting is held at NASA Ames Research Center during March 28-April 1. This is a meeting for all astrobiologists, not just NAI members. Many NAI members attend, presenting talks and posters. An NAI-Sponsored Student Poster Competition (first held at the NAI 2001 General Meeting at Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C. in 2001 and again at the NAI 2003 General Meeting in Tempe, Arizona) is held for the first time at this AbSciCon 2004 meeting. Awards for this student poster competition at AbSciCon 2004 are $1000 (1st prize), $750 (2nd prize), and $500 (3rd prize). (Note: Only the NAI General Meeting Student Poster Competitions award a Gerald Soffen certificate with one prize of $1000.)


    "Goodbye, Little Green Men, Hello, Astrobiology."
    Image Credit: The Chronicle of Higher Education

    A general article about the field of astrobiology appears in the April issue of "The Chronicle of Higher Education." Its content comes from background about astrobiology and remarks from interviews of various scientists (including NAI members) attending the AbSciCon 2004 meeting.

    Development of the Astrobiology Drilling Program (ADP ) as an international consortium for research continues since its initiation by NAI in 2002. Its current drilling and analysis activities include more work with the Archean Biosphere Drilling Project (ABDP). There is also a new 2004 drill core project: the Deep Time Drilling Program (DTDP) (3 cores) in the Pilbara Craton in Australia. Integrated geological, paleobiological, and geochemical examination of the Hamersley Drill Core obtained in the summer in Western Australia is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, but it is a part of the ADP since it involves NAI member scientists. Organic geochemical analyses and stable isotopic surveys of various drill cores in the ADP projects are planned for particular NAI member labs.

    The new Society for the Study of Astrobiology is formed in July . This organization is founded by the first wave of graduate students in astrobiology, providing an insider's view of an emerging science. It is intended to be a resource for graduate students beginning research in astrobiology.

    The International Summer School in Astrobiology (an annual event since 2003) is held in July in Santander, Spain. Directors for this are Bruce Runnegar (Director of NAI) and Juan Peréz Mercader (Centro de Astrobiologia). This summer's focus topic is "Planet Mars".

    NAI shares sponsorship of the "Mars Astrobiology Science and Technology Workshop" held at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, DC in September. This 2-day event includes science talks and posters about the science and objectives of the Mars exploration program.


    NAI Annual Report Year 6 title page.
    Image Credit: NASA

    The NAI Annual Report, Year 6 (July 2003-June 2004) is published on the NAI website in the fall. It begins with an Introduction: Letter from the NAI Director. Reports from each NAI Team follow this with these areas reported: descriptions of their science projects with their related bibliographies, astrobiology roadmap objectives, field trips, collaborations with NAI members outside their particular Team, and any project-space mission relationships. Individual team reports also include their particular education and public outreach activities and postdoctoral student research reports. NAI Focus Group, as well as NAI International Partner activity reports are a part of the Annual Report. For NAI Central, various activities are reported: education and public outreach activities, work to develop interdisciplinary interactions and collaboration for NAI members, as well as virtual collaboration efforts.



    Various NAI-awarded fellowships and funding for astrobiology science projects and activities continue: the Postdoctoral Fellowships Funding Program (NAI/National Research Council), the NAI Minority Research Sabbatical, the NAI Conference and Workshop Fund, the NAI Research Scholarship Program, the International Collaboration Fund, and support of the NAI Focus Groups. Other continued funding is the NAI Institute Strategic Fund (ISF), which was established to support new research projects or other activities outside the scope of research originally proposed by NAI members.

    The "Alien Earths" exhibit developed by the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado is presented for the general public in February. This 3000-square-feet traveling exhibit has astrobiology-related content and is first shown at the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley, with plans for a 3-year tour of 9 host museums and science centers. The exhibit project is supported by grants from NSF and NASA and includes NAI as a partner. In March, the exhibit developers at the Space Science Institute host a 2-day workshop for NAI E/PO leads and other NASA E/PO professionals. This is sponsored and funded by NAI. Participants from NAI's IPTAI (University of Indiana), SETI Institute, Marine Biology Lab, UCLA, University of Arizona, and Ames teams learn about the growing field of informal science education from an expert San Francisco Bay Area panel and practice the art of docent-led exhibit facilitation first hand. Consequently, several NAI E/PO leads are exploring the possibility of bringing "Alien Earths" to their local museums.

    The NAI continues to host the 4 categories of its Seminar Series: Director's Seminar Series, Forum for Astrobiology Research (FAR) Series, University of Washington Astrobiology Seminar Series, and Special Events. Talks by NAI members are presented in each of these series and available as they are given via telecast connections. An archive of all talks is available via the NAI website in the Seminar Series section.

    The University of Washington and the University of Arizona NAI Teams establish a 1-week visiting exchange program for their university biology and astronomy students. It begins in March with visits by University of Washington biology students to Kitt Peak National Observatory to learn about equipment and observing techniques from University of Arizona and National Optical Astronomy Observatory astronomers. The program continues next fall when University of Arizona astronomy students will conduct marine biology field work at University of Washington.


    The NAI biennial meeting 2005 home page.
    Image Credit: NASA

    NASA Headquarters announces the April appointment of Carl Pilcher as Senior Scientist for Astrobiology in the NASA Office of Space Science, a position formerly held by Michael Meyer. Before this appointment, Pilcher served as Science Program Director (for Solar System Exploration) at NASA Headquarters since 2001.

    NAI 2005: Biennial Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute is held for its members and partners at the Millennium Hotel in Boulder, Colorado during April 10-14. About 450 people register for the meeting, which consists of topical primer sessions, contributed talks, poster sessions, and focus group meetings. The science sessions are organized according to seven themes identified on the meeting website. The NAI-Sponsored Student Poster Competition (begun in 2001) is again held, with one winner receiving the Gerald Soffen certificate and a check for $1000. There are 68 student posters in the Student Poster Competition.


    The NAI Collaborative Science presentation.
    Image Credit: NASA

    A presentation by NAI Director Bruce Runnegar with discussion primarily by the attending NAI Executive Council members (NAI Team Principal Investigators) occurs in April in Boulder, Colorado just after the NAI 2005 Meeting. The presentation is entitled NAI Collaborative Science Planning and focuses on these working topics for the meeting: 1) agree upon a plan for future action, 2) develop a document describing the plan and courses of action proposed, 3) have this plan for use in support of research proposals from NAI members to funding agencies (including NASA), 4) demonstrate the value of NAI to NASA, the scientific community, and the public at large, and 5) increase the ability of NAI to do novel cutting-edge research in astrobiology. The presentation content is available as a Powerpoint file using the link highlighted in blue above.

    The Society for the Study of Astrobiology (formed in July, 2004) is ended. It was founded in 2004 by graduate students in astrobiology to provide an insider's view of an emerging science and intended to be a resource for graduate students beginning research in astrobiology. The leader of the group lost his Ph.D. astrobiology program funding and ended his work to develop this society.

    An experiment in remote workshop collaboration is arranged in May with 3 meeting sites connected by video and audio links: NASA Ames Research Center (west coast), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (east coast), and one in Europe. This event, scheduled to last 7-8 hours, is entitled "Methane on Mars Distributed Workshop." NAI has plans for a series of workshops aimed at community-wide discussion of the detection, origin and significance of trace amounts of methane in the atmosphere of Mars.

    The University of Washington and University of Arizona NAI teams have this dynamic program at the 2005 Vatican Observatory Summer School near Rome: "Astrobiology: The Search for our Origins and Life." The Summer School is chaired by Jonathan Lunine from University of Arizona, with University of Washington and University of Arizona faculty participants. It is held during mid-June to early July and involves 28 students from 24 countries over 5 continents. A student from the Australian Centre for Astrobiology, an NAI International Partner, is accepted to this prestigious school.

    The International Summer School in Astrobiology (now an annual event since 2003) is held in July in Santander, Spain. Directors for this are Bruce Runnegar (Director of NAI) and Juan Peréz Mercader (Centro de Astrobiologia). This summer's focus topic is Titan, Prebiotic Chemistry, and the Origin of Life.

    An updated and expanded reading list of "Books Related to Astrobiology" is completed for the NAI website. Books in the list are selected for their relationship to the multi-disciplinary areas of astrobiology. They provide support for students and teachers, plus background information for scientists in astrobiology's various subjects.

    In a reorganization of the NAI Management Structure, Bruce Runnegar becomes the Scientific Director of the NAI, and Rose Grymes is the Executive Director. This division of responsibility with two co-equal Directors reflects their relative roles in the blend of science and management at NAI Central.

    A new Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN-4) is released to solicit proposals for selection of 3-5 NAI Lead Teams. These will replace the four Lead Teams selected in CAN-2, whose 5-year terms expire in July 2006.

    The NAI Annual Report, Year 7 (July 2004-June 2005) is published on the NAI website in the fall, using an improved format. Following a letter from the NAI Directors, the new Team pages include an executive summary, the members of the Team, project reports, Education and Public Outreach (EPO) reports, NASA Missions and field work, reports from the NAI/NRC Postdoctoral Fellows, and publications for each reporting year. For NAI Central, various activities are reported: EPO activities, work to develop interdisciplinary interactions and collaboration for NAI members, as well as virtual collaboration efforts.



    In January a major budget cut for all NASA astrobiology programs is announced by the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. It is proposed to eliminate 50% of astrobiology funding in FY07, and to make proportionate cuts in spending during the current budget year of FY06. In response, the staff at NAI Central is decreased and various discretionary expenditures placed on hold, pending further resolution of the NAI budgets for both FY06 and FY07. Plans for the regular biennial NAI General Meeting in the summer of 2007 are also cancelled.

    In spite of budget uncertainties, the majority of NAI-awarded fellowships and funding for astrobiology science projects and activities continue, although at a reduced level: the Postdoctoral Fellowships, the NAI Minority Research Sabbatical, the NAI Conference and Workshop Fund, the NAI Research Scholarship Program, the International Collaboration Fund, and support of the NAI Focus Groups. In alignment with other NASA postdoctoral fellowship programs, the NAI Post-Doctoral Fellows program shifts management from the National Research Council to Oak Ridge Associated Universities. The NAI continues to host a video and Web-based Director's Seminar Series and University of Washington Astrobiology Seminar Series, but terminates the FAR seminar series.

    The Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research in Astrobiology is a joint initiative between the NAI and the American Philosophical Society (APS), providing research grants in support of astrobiological field studies undertaken by junior scientists. Grants may be used for travel and related expenses. Applications are reviewed by a committee made up of members of the NAI, the APS, and the wider science community as needed. Recipients are designated as "Lewis and Clark Field Scholars in Astrobiology".

    Secure Workgroups, a NASA-provided online community similar to Yahoo groups but with more features and no advertising, is made available to NAI members working on NASA funded projects.

    Life As We Do Not Know It: The NASA Search For (And Synthesis Of) Alien Life , by University of Washington Team PI Peter Ward , is named to the list of "Twenty Best Books of 2005" by Library Journal.

    The biennial Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon), held in Washington DC March 26-30, attracts nearly a thousand registrants. The NAI plays a role in organizing the science topics, and many Institute members are featured presenters. A special NAI Symposium is presented on "Astrobiology: Vision for Exploration".

    NAI congratulates new electees to the National Academy of Sciences: PI Jill Banfield of University of California Berkeley and researcher David Karl of the University of Hawaii Team . They join approximately 20 other NAI members who have been elected to the National Academies.

    NAI provides support for a number of "schools," many directed toward training the next generation of astrobiologists. These include: T he Life and Planets Astrobiology Center (LAPLACE) Astrobiology Graduate Winter School "Habitable Planets around Sun-Like Stars: Common or Rare" at the University of Arizona in January. The "Discover the Microbes Within!" workshop at the Marine Biology Lab in March, a 3-day workshop designed for high school and undergraduate educators. Teaching Introductory College-Level Astronomy and Astrobiology from the University of Arizona in June. The annual Astrobiology Summer School in Spain, a partnership between NAI and the Spanish Centro de Astrobiología, held in Santander, Spain, with the topic "Origins: From the Big Bang to Life." The University of Hawaii Astrobiology Institute Computational Astrobiology Summer School in July-August, providing an opportunity for graduate students in computer science to learn about astrobiology.

    Carl Pilcher

    Director Carl Pilcher.
    Image Credit: NASA

    In September, Carl Pilcher, previously Senior Scientist for Astrobiology at NASA Headquarters, becomes NAI Director. With experience in chemistry, planetary science, and international affairs, Pilcher has been a leading supporter of astrobiology within NASA for several years. Bruce Runnegar is returning to his home institution, the University of California at Los Angeles, and Rosalind Grymes is taking a senior management position at the University of California.

    John Rummel

    John Rummel, Senior Scientist for Astrobiology.

    Replacing Carl Pilcher as Senior Scientist for Astrobiology at NASA Headquarters is John Rummel, an experienced NASA life-science and exobiology manager who has served during the past decade as the NASA Planetary Protection Officer.

    NAI co-sponsors with the Adler Planetarium the Pale Blue Dot 3 conference held in Chicago in September. Grace Wolf-Chase is Local Chair and Vikki Meadows is Program Chair. The goals are to assess scientific aspects of the search for extrasolar habitable environments and life, to identify major gaps in our knowledge, and to debate future directions. A parallel goal is to improve communication between science and the media on these topics. Several science journalists are on the program as well as academic experts on science communication. The public is invited to the Carl Sagan Medal lecture on impacts and evolution given by NAI Senior Scientist David Morrison.

    The Astrobiology Primer: An Outline of General Knowledge is published in the November issue of Astrobiology . Intended as a reference tool, the Primer is the product of an enthusiastic group of graduate students. It is sponsored by the NAI and represents the work of 8 editors and 13 authors led by Lucas Mix.

    In November, the SETI Institute (one of the NAI Lead Teams) dedicates its Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe. At this event former NAI Director Barry Blumberg comments: "The President's Vision for Space Exploration requires astrobiology as a major, if not principle, science support. The National Research Council report, An Assessment of Balance in NASA's Science Programs, and NASA's Advisory Council noted that astrobiology informs many of NASA's missions and has a powerful appeal to students. Rarely, if ever, has a federal R&D program sparked such broad impact in only a decade. Astrobiology science and/or educational activities exist at some level in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and in Puerto Rico . Astrobiology research can be found at 38 of the nation's top 50 research universities and in 222 research institutions nationwide."

    Two major NAI projects in public outreach and informal education are reaching fruition. A project entitled "NASA and the Navajo Nation," supported by the NASA Explorer Institutes, focuses on informal education activities designed to connect astrobiology and traditional Navajo teachings. NAI hosted a Sustainability Seminar in Window Rock leading to delivery of an activity booklet and associated film to all of the schools on the Navajo reservation. A collaboration between NAI and the National Park Service has led to a successful long-term project linking the Ames NAI Team and Yellowstone National Park . Permanent signs describing the astrobiology of extremophiles are now installed at several popular tourist sites, and an astrobiology display is under preparation for the new Yellowstone Visitor Center.

    The NAI Annual Report, Year 8 (July 2005-June 2006) is published on the NAI website in the fall. Following the format in last year's reports, the Team pages include an executive summary, the members of the Team, project reports, Education and Public Outreach (EPO) reports, NASA Missions and field work, reports from the NAI/NRC Postdoctoral Fellows, and publications for each reporting year. NAI Central reports on Institute-wide EPO activities, work to develop interdisciplinary interactions and collaboration for NAI members, and NAI-supported grants and fellowship. Because of reduced NAI Central staff, the preparation of this annual report was heavily automated, with the teams providing direct data entry into the desired report categories.

    Although the proposals for Member Teams submitted in response the CAN-4 Collaborative Agreement Notice have been peer reviewed, no selections are made, consistent with the smaller NAI budgets. This reduces NAI to 12 Teams, all selected through CAN-3 in 2003.



    Ed Goolish

    Deputy Director Edward Goolish.
    Image Credit: NASA

    Additional restructuring of the NAI Central staff is accomplished by the appointment of Edward Goolish as Deputy Director of the Institute. With background in microgravity and aquatic vertebrate research, Goolish has most recently been NAI Assistant Director for Research. Rejoining the NAI staff after 3 years as Chief of the Ames New Business Office, Wendi Dolci is appointed Associate Director for Operations. Dolci's background is in physics. astronomy, and flight operations for research aircraft. Leaving NAI for the position of Ames Director of Education is Kristinna Wilmoth, who has been NAI Assistant Director for Communications and Technology.

    Wendy Dolci

    Wendy Dolci, Associate Director for Operations.

    Astrobiologists are featured in the NASA announcement of selections for concept study development for future Mars missions. Bruce Jakosky, PI of the NAI Colorado Lead Team, will develop the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission, or MAVEN. The mission would address key questions about Mars climate and habitability. Other astrobiology-related selections are for participation in the European Space Agency's 2013 ExoMars mission for a study of the chemistry, mineralogy and astrobiology of Mars, and instrument development for the Urey Mars Organic and Oxidant Detector and the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer.

    In January the NAI holds a 2-day retreat in Boulder, Colorado, to discuss options for enhancing the strategic impact of astrobiology research. The 12 PIs plus 3 other members from each team participate. A variety of research opportunities are considered, broadly categorized as solar system exploration, microbial ecosystems, and issues of habitability and biomarkers within the solar system and beyond.

    NAI selects 18 projects for Director's Discretionary Fund awards totalling more than $1.7M (approximately 10 percent of the NAI budget). These awards represent strategic investments that advance the science of astrobiology, demonstrate impact to NASA's space flight programs or its broader science activities, and/or contribute to NASA's role as a federal R&D agency.

    In May NASA announces selection of four new NAI Teams, selected through the CAN-4 announcement of opportunity. The new teams, which bring NAI membership back up to 16 PI-led teams, are from Montana State University in Bozeman, the University of Wisconsin in Madison, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, and the University of Washington, Seattle

    Caltech VPL@ University of Washington
    Team PI - Victoria Meadows
    Proposal Title - The Virtual Planetary Laboratory: Exploring the Habitability and Biosignatures of Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets.
    MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Team PI - Roger Summons
    Proposal Title - Requirements for Development and Maintenance of Multicellular Life
    Montana State Montana State University
    Team PI - John Peters
    Proposal Title - Astrobiology Biogeocatalysis Research Center
    University of Wisconsin
    Team PI - Clark Johnson
    Proposal Title - Organic and Mineralogical Signatures and Environments of Life on Earth and other Planetary Bodies


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