February 25, 2009
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 
Omnibus Bill Supports Critical Rhode Island Projects 



(Warwick, R.I.) - Congressmen Jim Langevin and Patrick J. Kennedy today voted for H.R. 1105 – FY 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act. This $410 billion omnibus was initially delayed by the Bush Administration last year because it refused to find a workable solution with Congress on the critical issues of energy, health care, law enforcement and education. The final conference report on this bill must still be approved by the Senate.
 “Despite the devastating cuts of the previous Administration, we have finally created a bill that puts America first,” said Langevin. “In a time filled with tough budget choices, today’s legislation marks real progress for projects that are critical not only for economic development but for neighborhood development in Rhode Island."

“Much needed federal assistance for infrastructure, economic development, and research in Rhode Island will soon be available.  I was pleased to work with my House colleague Jim Langevin, and my colleagues in the Senate, Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse, to secure federal funding for these important projects in our state,” said Kennedy, a member of the House Appropriations Committee.

In addition to supporting agency programming, this bill will appropriate funding for programs traditionally covered by nine separate appropriations bills including:  Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Energy and Water, Financial Services, Interior and Environment, Labor-HHS-Education, State and Foreign Operations and Transportation-HUD. According to the Appropriations Committee, earmarks are further reduced by five percent below last year’s levels, building on last year’s 43 percent reduction.

“These federal dollars will go a long way in helping to create jobs, enhance scientific research and development, and promote environmental protections for our state.  These initiatives are sound investments in our state's physical and economic infrastructure,” said Kennedy.

“Higher education, community development, transportation and mental health care are critical sectors in Rhode Island and they will all benefit from the passage of this bill,” said Langevin. “I look forward to following the progress of all these programs as we continue to work in Congress to help get the Rhode Island economy back on track.”

In addition to several other projects championed by the entire Rhode Island delegation, Kennedy and Langevin worked on these seven together:

Rhode Island Department of Transportation will receive $1.9 million for the I-95 Pawtucket River Bridge Replacement. This funding was also supported by Senator Jack Reed and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

University of Rhode Island will receive $446,000 for laboratory equipment in the Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences (CBLS). This funding was also supported by Reed and Whitehouse.

University of Rhode Island will receive $280,000 for the Tick Borne Disease Prevention. This funding was also supported by Reed and Whitehouse.

University of Rhode Island will receive $1 million for its Bay Window Monitoring Program. This funding was also supported by Reed and Whitehouse.

University of Rhode Island will receive $300,000 for the Inner Space Center, at the Graduate School of Oceanography, which will link ships of exploration with remote scientists, graduate and undergraduate students, K-12 educators, schoolchildren, and the general public.  Reed, Whitehouse, Kennedy also secured funding for equipment.

Providence Center will receive $500,000 to make bedrooms available to formerly incarcerated individuals who have completed residential or intensive outpatient treatment.  This funding was also supported by Reed and Whitehouse.

Crossroads Rhode Island will receive $95,000 for a full-time, licensed clinical social worker to provide counseling and psychotherapy to chronically homeless adults with histories of trauma or severe mental illness.  This funding was also supported by Reed and Whitehouse.

Rhode Island Manufacturers Institute will receive $500,000 to coordinate a study and work with Rhode Island’s higher education institutions to propose a course of action and suggestions for elevating Rhode Island out of the bottom quartile in manufacturing competitiveness. This funding was also supported by Reed and Whitehouse.

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