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Reaching Out in Michigan with MedlinePlus and Go Local

GMR BlueAnna Ercoli Schnitzer
InfoPoint Librarian
Health Sciences Libraries
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI

The University of Michigan Health Sciences Libraries’ outreach program promoted MedlinePlus in a multitude of venues this year.  In some cases, there were repeat performances-at the U of M’s Dental School’s MI Give Kids a Smile Give Kids a Smile (U of M Health Science Libraries Cooperate with Give Kids a Smile) and at the Asian-American Health Fair (Asian American Outreach at U of M) for example.  Other situations were first-time events, like the Ann Arbor Art Fair (After the Ann Arbor Art Fair) and the Ann Arbor Bookfest. And at some times, we found ourselves in a very special place with very special people, as in the instance of our appearance at the Washtenaw County Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled (Going Beyond: A Workshop for the Blind and Physically Disabled) or the Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living.  We also mixed and mingled with a nice cross-section of the public when presenting reliable online health information at the Ann Arbor District Library. Occasionally during our outreach events, we ran into people who remembered us from previous encounters and even seemed rather pleased to meet us again.On every occasion, however, one theme held true: MedlinePlus and Go Local were right at home with our audiences.  We emphasized the valuable information found on the NIH Senior Health site and at Clinical, as well, of course.  All told, we have appeared at over fifteen locations, including conferences, special organizations, libraries, and various units at our own University and are planning to exhibit at a Native American two-day Pow Wow to disseminate reliable online health information in the form of MedlinePlus.

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