Information SURE GREF Mentors Applications Contacts Publications Archives


Application for 2009 GCEP is now closed.

2008 End of Summer Workshop Agenda with presentations and Photo Gallery

Sarah O'Brien selected for 2008 Wesely Award

2008 Orientation Photos available

2008 GCEP Orientation Agenda available HERE (w/links to presentations)









The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) sponsors the Global Change Education Program (GCEP) to promote undergraduate and graduate education and training in support of the Department's global change research activities.

Global change research encompasses a number of technical areas, including atmospheric sciences, ecology, global carbon cycles, climate, and terrestrial processes. Global change research is supported by BER through the Atmospheric Science Program (ASP), the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program, the Terrestrial Carbon Processes (TCP) effort, the Program for Ecosystem Research (PER), and studies carried out under the direction of the National Institute for Climate Change Research (NICCR). Other studies address climate modeling, integrated assessments, predictions, and policy, as well as earth system processes.

GCEP has two components: namely the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) and the Graduate Research Environmental Fellowships (GREF).

SURE's primary goal is to involve undergraduate students at the end of their sophomore or junior year in BER-supported global change research, then continue this experience during subsequent undergraduate summers. To further improve the quality of emerging scientists in disciplines related to global change research, SURE students are encouraged to apply for GREF graduate fellowships and to pursue graduate education opportunities.

GREF's primary goal is to support research designed and conducted collaboratively between graduate students/faculty advisors and DOE researchers at national laboratories or universities. GREF research must be aligned with the technical areas cited above. GREF graduates are encouraged to continue climate change careers in postdoctoral and permanent positions in academia, government laboratories, and industry.

Who's Who and What's What in GCEP

Mr. Rickey C. Petty is the DOE Program Manager; Dr. Jeffrey S. Gaffney (University of Arkansas at Little Rock) is the Mentoring Coordinator; Dr. Nancy Marley (University of Arkansas at Little Rock) is the Assistant Mentoring Coordinator; and Dr. Milton J. Constantin (Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education) is the Project Manager.

Only U.S. citizens are eligible for GCEP appointments.

For further information, contact Jeffrey Gaffney at, Nancy Marley at, or Milton J. Constantin at


(Updated 09/03/2008)


The Global Change Education Program is funded by the
U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Biological and Environmental Research