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Archive for the ‘Regional Advisory Council’ Category

Advocacy in an Elevator

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

by Denise Rumschlag MLS, AHIP
St. Vincent Hospital
Indianapolis, IN

Looking to raise awareness of the library by administration? Want you or your library to move up in the eyes of your institution? Try creating an elevator speech to boost the worth of your work!

This year for National Medical Librarians Month, the Advocacy Working Group of the Regional Advisory Council to the GMR discussed how to advocate our worth to our administrators.  In the past we have looked at ways to market the library to clinicians and consumers; this year we wanted to focus on reaching administration.  Time is in short supply for most of as we multi-task our way through our busy days. So how do we even reach administration when our paths cross only briefly through out the week?  One proven method is to be prepared with an elevator speech. (more…)

Regional Advisory Council Meets

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

GMR Blue
The second annual meeting of the 2006-2011 GMR Regional Advisory Council (RAC) was held in Chicago on September 10-11, 2007. During the first part of the meeting, members were given an update on the programs and services offered by the GMR and engaged in a lively discussion about current issues such as outreach to community-based organizations and access to multi-lingual health information. (more…)

Inaugural 2006-2011 Regional Advisory Council Meets

Thursday, December 14th, 2006

The first annual meeting of the 2006-2011 Greater Midwest Region (GMR) Regional Advisory Council (RAC) was held in Chicago on December 5, 2006. Four breakout groups followed the orientation and introduction sessions. The following topics were discussed by the groups: elicensing, communications technologies, public health, and partnering with community based organizations. (more…)