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ICYou, Do You See Me?

Have you done a search on YouTube lately? I recently did a search for the word “aneurysm” on the site and the image below shows my search results.

Search Results from YouTube

Not exactly what I was looking for, though I also could have clarified my search a little more.  YouTube is a leading site for video posting and sharing, but the number of videos on the site is a bit overwhelming.  When people upload a video to YouTube, they can also add identifying information to the video.   Adding tags can help in retrieval of your video, descriptions can also help with retrieval.Among the growing number of healthcare information found on YouTube, two examples are below:

So how can we sort out the surgery videos with videos of a song by the musical group Nirvana? There is a newcomer to this market of online videos which might be just what the doctor ordered.  [Insert corny laugh here].  Enter icyou,   According to Shawn Jenkins, the CEO of Benefitfocus which released icyou, “There are millions and millions of videos on YouTube, but you have to sift through so much other content to get to what you’re looking for…with icyou, it’s purely healthcare from a noncommerical standpoint.”

It is widely know that patrons do a lot of their own research on conditions or other health-related topics via the Internet.  One of the biggest problems with this is that many people do not know how to effectively determine the accuracy of information, and potentially risk their health in doing their own research.  With icyou, we hear from the experts in healthcare discussing  in video form, important medical breakthroughs to the latest diets, from recipes for diabetics to pediatric surgery.

Some examples of what can be found on

Much like YouTube, videos can be tagged, given descriptions and can be embedded in other sources like Facebook, MySpace or other social media.  Many users of YouTube are aware that the site has channels.  An example of this is UW HealthWI,  People can subscribe to a channel and can be notified via RSS when a new video is uploaded. also does this -an example is Cancer Survivors,

Here is an example showing the channels in the “Diseases & Conditions” category.  Users can click on any of the related topics which will bring you to its channel.


Also notice the “related tags” - click on any of these tags to see videos across the site that have that tag assigned to it.

To see a list of contributors,  go to:

Have you been using icyou already with your patrons, and what is your story?

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