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Research and Development Programs for Aquatic Resource Monitoring

The following web sites provide information and links to ORD's research programs, including aquatic resource monitoring:

EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) has developed a scientific environmental information management system (EIMS) that stores, manages, and delivers descriptive information (metadata) for data sets, databases, documents, models, multimedia, projects, and spatial information. The EIMS design also provides a repository for scientific documentation that can be easily accessed with standard Web browsers to place a virtual library on the desktop of EPA staff and others with Internet access. EIMS is one of the integrating activities for information management within the USEPA's Office of Research and Development.

Additional information and web sites specific to research and development on aquatic resource monitoring:

EPA Office of Water publication: USEPA. 2002. The Twenty Needs Report: How Research Can Improve the TMDL Program. EPA841-B-02-002, US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water, Washington DC (43 pp). (pdf file) or web site (http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/techsupp.html)

Design Team Statistical Research

Partial List Other Research Websites:

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