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Theodore H Elsasser
Bovine Functional Genomics
Research Animal Scientist

Phone: (301) 504-8281
Fax: (301) 504-8623
Room 8

BELTSVILLE, MD, 20705-2350

Genomic and Immunologic Strategies to Improve Milk Production Efficiency and Control Mastitis
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 411304

Critical control points in the impact of proinflammatory immune response on growth and metabolism - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elsasser, T.H., Caperna, T.J., Li, C.J., Kahl, S., Sartin, J.L. 2008. Critical control points in the impact of the proinflammatory immune response on growth and metabolism. Journal of Animal Science. 86(E. Suppl):E105-E 125.
Serial hepatic gene expression profiling in Angus steers during feed restriction and realimentation - (Other)
Connor, E.E., Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H., Li, R.W., Barao, S.M. 2008. Serial hepatic gene expression profiling in Angus steers during feed restriction and realimentation. NIH Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) Database. GSE12853.
Effects of increased milking frequency on gene expression in the bovine mammary gland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Connor, E.E., Siferd, S., Elsasser, T.H., Clover, C.M., Van Tassell, C.P., Sonstegard, T.S., Fernandes, V., Capuco, A.V. 2008. Effects of increased milking frequency on gene expression in the bovine mammary gland. Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 9:362. 14 pp.
Comparative aspects of the endotoxin- and cytokine-induced endocrine cascade influencing neuroendocrine control of growth and reproduction in farm mammals - (Review Article)
Whitlock, B.K., Daniel, J.A., Wilborn, R.R., Elsasser, T.H., Carroll, J.A., Sartin, J.L. 2008. Comparative aspects of the endotoxin- and cytokine-induced endocrine cascade influencing neuroendocrine control of growth and reproduction in farm mammals. Reproduction of Domestic Animals. 43(Suppl. 2):317-323.
Source of dietary lipid may modify the immune response in stressed feeder cattle - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Farran, T.B., Reinhardt, C.D., Blasi, D.A., Minton, J.E., Elsasser, T.H., Higgins, J.J., Drouillard, J.S. 2008. Source of dietary lipid may modify the immune response in stressed feeder cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 86:1382-1394.
Association of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-alpha)gene promoter polymorphisms with TNF-alpha response to endotoxin (LPS)in calves. - (Abstract)
Kahl, S., Proszkowiec Wegla, M.K., Connor, E.E., Elsasser, T.H. 2008. Association of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-alpha)gene promoter polymorphisms with TNF-alpha response to endotoxin (LPS)in calves. Joint Abstracts of the American Dairy Science and Society of Animal Science. Journal of Animal Science. Abstract. 86:195.
Epigenetic Regulation of Genomes: Nutrient-Specific Modulation of Genetic Networks in Bovine Cells - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Li, C., Elsasser, T.H., Li, R.W. 2008. Epigenetic regulation of genomes: nutrient-specific modulation of genetic networks in bovine cells. Animal Genetics International Conference Proceedings. 132:391-398.
Stress and immunity: Implications on animal health and production. - (Abstract)
Carroll, J.A., Elsasser, T.H., Laurenz, J., Randel, R., Sartin, J., Welsh Jr., T. 2008. Stress and immunity: Implications on animal health and production [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. 86(E. Suppl. 2):159. (Abstract #152)
Epigenetic regulation of genomes: Nutrient-specific modulation of genetic networks in bovine cells - (Abstract)
Li, C.-L, Elsasser, T.H., Li, R.W. 2007 Epigenetic regulation of genomes: nutrient-specific modulation of genetic networks in bovine cells [abstract]. International Symposium on Anima Genomics for Animal Health, Paris, France, October 23-25, 2007.
Epigenetic mechanisms at work: Exploiting nutrient-specific modulation of genetic networks - (Abstract)
Li, C.-J, Elsasser, T.H., Li, R.W. 2007. Epigenetic mechanisms at work: Exploiting nutrient-specific modulation of genetic networks [abstract]. 29th General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences and Scientific Symposium. Proceedings p7, Washington, DC.
Nitration of JAK-2 at the 1007Y-1008Y activation epitope impedes phosphorylation at this site: defining a GH, AKT/protein kinase B and nitric oxide synthase axis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elsasser, T.H., Li, C., Caperna, T.J., Kahl, S., Schmidt, W.F. 2007. GH-associated nitration of JAK2 at the 1007Y-1008Y epitope impedes phosphorylation at this site: Mechanism for and impact of a GH, AKT and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) axis on GH signal transduction. Endocrinology. 148:3792-3802. Available:
Caveolae-Based Nitration at the Jak-2 Kinase 1007 Y-1008-Y Phosphorylation Site; a Novel Regulatory Input to Signal Transduction Processing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S., Li, C., Sartin, J.L., Garrett, W.M., Rodrigo, J. 2007. Caveolae-based nitration at the jak-2 kinase 1007 y-1008-y phosphorylation site; a novel regulatory input to signal transduction processing. Endocrinology 148:3803-3813. Available
Pathways analysis identifies perturbation of genetic networks induced by butyrate in a bovine kidney epithelial cell line - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, C.J., Li, R.W., Wang, Y.H. Elsasser, T.H. 2007. Pathway analysis identifies perturbation of genetic networks induced by butyrate in a bovine kidney epithelial cell line. Functional and Integrative Genomics. 7:193-205.
Protein S-Nitrosylation in the Neonate:immunoreactivity Is Differentially Encountered among Tissues and Correlates with Age-Patterned Changes in Plasma Nitrate Concentration and Tissue S-Nitrosothiol Localization - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cattin, I., Christen, S., Shaw, S.G., Blum, J.W., Elsasser, T.H. 2007. Protein s-nitrosylation in the neonate:immunoreactivity is differentially encountered among tissues and correlates with age-patterned changes in plasma nitrate concentration and tissue s-nitrosothiol localization. Experimental Biology and Medicine 232(2):309-322.
Specific Cell Cycle Synchronization with Butyrate and Cell Cycle Analysis by Flow Cytometry for Madin Darby Bovine Kidney (Mdbk) Cell Line - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, C., Elsasser, T.H. 2006. Specific cell cycle synchronization with butyrate and cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry for Madin Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) cell line. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 5(11):916-923.
Plasma Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Concentrations During the Transition Period of Cows Fed Either Ad Libitum Or Restricted Diets During the Dry Period - (Abstract)
Winkelman, L.A., Elsasser, T.H., Reynolds, C.K. 2006. Plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha concentrations during the transition period of cows fed either adlibitum or restricted diets during the dry period [abstract]. 2006 ADSA Meeting. Paper No. 111.
Insulin-Like Growth Factor Type-1 Receptor Down-Regulation Associated with Dwarfism in Holstein Calves - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blum, J.W., Elsasser, T.H., Greger, D.L., Wittenberg, S., de Vries, F., Distl, O. 2006. Insulin-like growth factor type-1 receptor down-regulation associated with dwarfism in Holstein calves. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. Available:
Growth Hormone (Gh) Directs Nitration of the Tyrosine Phosphorylation Site of the Jak-2 (1007-1008y) in Hepatocytes Through An Akt/phosphorylase Kinase B Activation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (Enos) - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Caperna, R.J., Li, C., Kahl, S. 2006. Growth hormone (GH) directs nitration of the tyrosine phosphorylation site of JAK-2 (1007-1008Y) in hepatocytes through an AKT/Phosphorylase Kinase B activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) [abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society. p. 44.
The Igf System in Chickens: Factors Affecting Gene Expression in Muscle and Liver - (Abstract)
Kuo, A., Clover, C.M., Rosebrough, R.W., McMurtry, J.P., Mitchell, A.D., Caperna, T.J., Li, C., Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H. 2006. The IGF system in chickens: Factors affecting gene expression in muscle and liver [abstract]. Journal of Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 20:A172.
Adrenomedullin (Am) and Adrenomedullin Binding Protein (Am-Bp) in the Bovine Mammary Gland and Milk: Effects of Stage of Lactation and Experimental Intramammary Coliform Infection - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elsasser, T.H., Capuco, A.V., Caperna, T.J., Martinez, A., Cuttitta, F., Kahl, S. 2006. Adrenomedullin (AM) and adrenomedullin binding protein (AM-BP) in the bovine mammary gland and milk: Effects of stage of lactation and experimental intramammary E. coli infection. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. Available: 32:138-154.
Temporal Response of Signal Transduction Elements During Endotoxin Challenge in Cattle Liver: Effects of Growth Hormone Treatment - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, C.J., Kahl, S., Carbaugh, D., Elsasser, T.H. 2006. Temporal response of signal transduction elements during endotoxin challenge in cattle liver cells: Effects of growth hormone treatment. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 32(2):79-92.
Exogenous Testosterone Modulates Tumor Necrosis Factor-a and Acute Phase Proteins Responses to Repeated Endotoxin Challenge in Steers - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H. 2005. Exogenous testosterone modulates tumor necrosis factor-A and acute phase proteins responses to repeated endotoxin challenge in steers. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. Available:
Growth Hormone Effects in Immune Stress: Akt/enos Signaling Module in the Cellular Response - (Abstract)
Li, C., Elsasser, T.H. 2006. Growth hormone effects in immune stress: AKT/ENOS signaling module in the cellular response [abstract]. Keystone Symposia, Signaling Networks. Abstract Book p.43.
Effects of Additional Milk Replacer Feeding on Calf Health, Growth and Selected Blood Metabolites in Calves - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Quigley, J.D., Wolfe, T.A., Elsasser, T.H. 2006. Effects of additional milk replacer feeding on calf health, growth and selected blood metabolites in calves. Journal of Dairy Science. 89:207-216.
Tumor Necrosis Factor-a (Tnf-A) Modulate Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein (Igfbps) Activity from Cultured Epithelial Via Igfbp-3 Protease Activity - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Sartin, J.L., Li, C., Kahl, S. 2005. Tumor necrosis factor-a decreases media content of epithelial cell-derived insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBP) in part through increased proteolytic degradation of IGFBP-3 [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. 83(Suppl.1):209.
Effects of Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Growth and Body Composition of Control and Igf-I Transgenic Pigs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mitchell, A.D., Pursel, V.G., Elsasser, T.H., McMurtry, J.P., Bee, G. 2005. Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on growth and body composition of control and IGF-I. Animal Research. 54:5.
Hyper-Responsiveness to Proinflammatory Challenge Intensifies Metabolic Impairment: Associations Between Increased 1007y-1008y Jak-2 Nitration and Decreased Igf-1 and Igf-1 Mrna Expression - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Garrett, W., Kahl, S., Schmidt, W., Li, C. 2005. Hyper-responsiveness to proinflammatory challenge intensifies metabolic impairment: associations between increased 1007-Y-1008Y JAK-2 nitration and decreased IGF-1 and IGF-1 mRNA expression [abstract]. Proceedings of the Endocrine Society, 87th Annual Meeting. p.391.
Temporal Response of Signal Transduction Elements During Endotoxin Challenge in Cattle Liver Cells: Effects of Growth Hormone Treatment - (Abstract)
Li, C., Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S., Carbaugh, D. 2005. Temporal response of signal transduction elements during endotoxin (LPS) challenge in cattle liver cells: Effects of growth hormone treatment [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. 83(suppl 1):8.
Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (Tnf-Alpha), Nitric Oxide (No), and Xanthine Oxidase (Xo) Responses to Endotoxin (Lps) Challenge in Heifers: Effect of Estrous Cycle Phase - (Abstract)
Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H. 2005. Tumor necrosis factor-a, nitric oxide and xanthine oxidase responses to endotoxin (LPS) in heifers: effects of estrus cycle phase [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. 83(Suppl 1):8.
Metabolic and Endocrine Effects of Endotoxin: Sources of Variability in the Host Response - (Proceedings/Symposium) - (05-Mar-05)
Protein Nitration Status in Newborn Calves - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Schmidt, W.F., Kahl, S. 2005. Milk-fed farm and companion animals - basic aspects and practice for the future [abstract]. University of Berne, Switzerland, February 10-12, 2005.
Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway Is Involved in Butyrate-Induced Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in Bovine Kidney Epithelial Cells - (Abstract)
Li, C.J., Elsasser, T.H. 2005. Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is involved in butyrate-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in bovine kidney epithelial cells [abstract]. Keystone Symposia, Ubiquitin and Signaling. Abstract Book. p55.
Endocrine Effects on Immune Function: Defining Opportunities Based on Knowledge from Growing Calf and Periparturient Animal Models - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Elsasser, T.H., Ingvartsen, K.L., Kahl, S., Capuco, A.V. 2006. In: Ruminant Physiology, Sejrsen, K., Hvelplund, T. Neilsen, M.O., eds. Wagemingem Academic Publishers, Netherlands. pp. 415-447.
Butyrate-Induced Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in Bovine Kidney Epithelial Cells: Involvement of Caspase and Proteasome Pathways - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, C.J., Elsasser, T.H. 2005. Butyrate-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in bovine kidney epithelial cells: involvement of caspase and proteasome pathways. Journal of Animal Science. 83:89-97.
Interleukin-1b and Tumor Necrosis Factor-a Mediation of Endotoxin Action: Effect on Growth Hormone - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Daniel, J.A., Elsasser, T.H., Martinez, A., Steele, B., Whitlock, B.K. Sartin, J.L. 2005. Interleukin-1B and tumor necrosis factor-a mediation of endotoxin action on growth hormone. American Journal of Physiology:Endocrinology and Metabolism. Available: http//
Characterization of Calves Exhibiting a Novel Inheritable Tumor Necrosis Factor-a Hyper-Responsiveness to Endotoxin Challenge: Associations with Increased Pathophysiological Complications - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elsasser, T.H., Blum, J.W., Kahl, S. 2005. Characterization of calves exhibiting a novel inheritable TNF-a hyperresponsiveness to endotoxin: associations with increased pathophysiological complications. Journal of Applied Physiology. 98(6):2045-55.
Endocring Effects on Immune Function with Special Focus on the Periparturient Animal - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Ingvartsen, K.L., Kahl, S., Capuco, A.V. 2004. Endocrine effects on immune function with special focus on the periparturient animal [abstract]. Tenth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology. v. 10:44.
Protein Tyrosine Nitration: a Membrane-Organized Mechanism for Altered Signal Transduction During Proinflammatory Stress - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S., Sartin, J.L., Li, C. 2004. Protein tyrosine nitration: a membrane organized mechanism for altered signal transduction during proinflammatory stress [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science 82 (Suppl.1):445.
Exogenous Testosterone (T) Modulates Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (Tnf-Alpha) and Acute Phase Proteins (App) Responses to Repeated Endotoxin (Lps) Challenge in Steers. - (Abstract)
Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H. 2004. Exogenous testosterone modulates tumor necrosis factor and acute phase protein responses to repeated endotoxin challenge in steers [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science 82(Suppl.1):180.
A Miniature Condition in Brahman Cattle Is Associated with a Single Nucleotide Mutation Within the Growth Hormone Gene. - (Abstract)
Mccormack, B.L., Agca, C., Chase, C.C., Olson, T.A., Elsasser, T.H., Hammond, A.C., Welsh Jr., T.H., Lucy, M.C. 2004. A miniature condition in brahman cattle is associated with a single nucleotide mutation within the growth hormone gene. Journal of Animal Science: Vol.82,Suppl.1/ Journal Dairy Science Vol.87, Suppl.1/ Poult. Sci. Vol.83, Suppl.1
Effect of Insulin and Growth Hormone Administration to Mature Miniature Brahman Cattle on Circulating Concentrations of Metabolic Hormones and Metabolites - (Abstract)
Chase, C.C., Riley, D.G., Elsasser, T.H., Spicer, L.J., Lucy, M.C., Coleman, S.W., Olson, T.A. 2004. Effect of insulin and growth hormone administration to mature miniature brahman cattle on circulating concentrations of metabolic hormones and metabolites. Journal of Animal Science: Vol.82, Suppl.1/ Journal of Dairy Science: Vol.87, Suppl.1/ Poult. Sci. Vol. 83, Suppl.1.
Growth Hormone Administration Promotes a Temporally-Defined Low-Level Nitration of the Y1007-Y1008 Activation Site of Jak-2 Kinase Invivo and in Vitro - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S., Li, C., Wilkins, B. 2004. Growth hormone administration promotes a temporally-defined low-level nitration of the Y1007-Y1008 activation site of JAK-2 kinase in vivo and invitro [abstract]. Endocrine Society Program and Abstracts. p. 245.
Butyrate-Induced Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in Bovine Kidney Epithelial Cells: Involvement of Caspase and Proteasome Pathways - (Abstract)
Li, C., Elsasser, T. 2004. Butyrate-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in bovine kidney epithelial cells: involvement of caspase and proteasome pathways [abstract]. BARC Poster Day.
Failure to Downregulate Tumor Necrosis Factor-a (Tnf-A) Responses to Repeated Endotoxin (Lps) Challenge in Subpopulations of Cattle Constitutes a Pathophysiologically Relevant Marker of Risk for Increased Morbidity to Disease - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S. 2004. Failure to downregulate tumor necrosis factor responses to repeated endotoxin challenge in cattle constitutes a pathophysiological relevant marker of risk for increased morbidity and mortality [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science 82(Suppl.1):179.
Response of Inducible-Type Nitric Oxide Synthase and Cytokines in Bovine Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Upon Activation by Bacterial Endotoxins - (Abstract)
Li, C., Carbaugh, D., Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H. 2004. Concomitant dual wavelength fluorescence evaluation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cytokine responses to endotoxin stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science 82(Suppl.1):180.
Mechanisms Underlying Growth Hormone Effects in Augmenting Nitric Oxide Production and Protein Tyrosine Nitration During Endotoxin Challenge - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S., MacLeod, C., Nicholson, B., Sartin, J.L., Li, C. 2004. Mechanisms underlying growth hormone effects in augmenting nitric oxide production and protein tyrosine nitration during endotoxin challenge. Endocrinology. 145(7):3413-3423.
Endotoxin Challenge Increases Xanthine Oxidase Activity in Cattle: Effect of Growth Hormone and Vitamin E - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H. 2004. Endotoxin challenge increases xanthine oxidase activity in cattle: Effect of growth hormone and vitamin E. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 26:315-328.
Sulfamethazine Advances Puberty in Male Chicks by Effecting a Rapid Increase in Gonadotropins - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kuenzel, W.J., Abdel-Maksoud, M.M., Elsasser, T.H., Proudman, J.A. 2004. Sulfamethazine advances puberty in male chicks by effecting a rapid increase in gonadotropins. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A137:349-355.
Influence of Subtherapeutic Chlortetracycline and Dietary Protein on Circulating Concentration of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 in Growing Beef Steers - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
McLeod, K.R., Baldwin, R.L., Rumsey, T.S., Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S., Streeter, M.N. 2003. Influence of subtherapeutic chlortetracycline and dietary protein on circulating concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1 in growing beef steers. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2:531-35.
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I: a Traffic Control Device on the Road to Tissue Recovery - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elsasser, T.H. 2003. Insulin-like growth factor-I: A traffic control device on the road to tissue recovery. American Journal of Physiology. 285:R722-R723.
Leptin, Tumor Necrosis Factor (Tnf)-A, and Cd-14 in Ovine Adipost Tissue and Changes in Circulating Tnf in Lean and Obese Sheep - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Daniel, J., Elsasser, T.H., Morrison, C., Keisler, D., Whitlock, B., Steele, B., Pugh, D., Sartin, J. 2003. Journal of Animal Science. 81(10):2590-2599.
Elevated Milk Soluble Cd 14 in Bovine Mammary Glands Challenged with E. Coli Lipopolysaccharide - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lee, J., Paape, M., Elsasser, T.H., Zhao, X. 2003. Elevated milk soluble CD 14 in bovine mammary glands challenged with E. Coli lipopolysaccharide. Journal of Dairy Science. 86(7):2382-2389.
Nitration of the Jak-2 Kinase Y1007-Y1008 Phosphorylation Site During Repeated Endotoxin Challenge and Growth Hormone (Gh) Administration - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S. 2003. Nitration of the JAK-2 kinase Y1007-Y1008 phosphorylation site during repeated endotoxin challenge and growth hormone (GH) administration [abstract]. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting. p. 149.
The Coronary Artery Histopathologic Response to Angioplasty Balloon Injury in a Swine Model Is Gender and Hormonal-Dependent - (Abstract)
Wray-Cahen, D., Pritchard, W.F., Hilbert, S.L., Elsasser, T.H., Karanian, J.W. 2003. The coronary artery histopathologic response to angioplasty balloon injury in a swine model is gender- and hormonal-dependent [abstract]. Annual Endocrine Society Meeting. p. 164.
Comparison of Steroid Hormone Patterns in Different Fat Tissues of Synovex-S-Implanted and Control Steers - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fleischer, K., Schmidt, G., Rumsey, T., Fritsche, S., Steinhart, H., Kahl, S., Elsasser, T. 2003. Comparison of steroid hormone patterns in different fat tissues of synovex-s-implanted and control steers. European Food Research and Technology. 216:99-203.
Muscle Protein Tyrosine Nitration Patterns During Chronic Subclinical Intramuscular Parasitism: Co-Localization to Fiber Type and Ubiquitin - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H., Kahl, S., Sartin, J.L., Fayer, R., Martinez, A., Cuttitta, F., Hinson, J. 2003. Muscle protein tyrosine nitration patterns during chronic subclinical intramuscular parasitism: Co-localization to fiber type and ubiquitin [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. v 8(1):84.
Dissociation of Glucocorticoid and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (Tnf-Alpha) Responses to Repeated Endotoxin (Lps) Challenges: Effects of Individual Versus Group Penning - (Abstract)
Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H. 2003. Dissociation of glucocorticoid and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-Alpha) responses to repeated endotoxin (LPS) challenges: Effects of individual versus group penning [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. v 81(1):192.
Induction of Apoptosis by Butyrate Correlates with Increasing Level of Protein Ubiquitination in Bovine Kidney Epithelial Cells (Mdbk) - (Abstract)
Li, C., Elsasser, T.H. 2003. Induction of apoptosis by butyrate correlates with increasing level of protein ubiquitination in bovine kidney epithelial cells (MDBK) [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. v. 81(1):249.
Alternative Methods to Control Subclinical Diseases - (Abstract)
Elsasser, T.H. 2003. Alternative methods to control subclinical diseases [abstract]. 83rd Annual Meeting of the ASAS Midwest Section. p. 81.
Recombinant Soluble Cd14 Reduces Severity of Intramammary Infection by Escherichia Coli - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lee, J-W., Paape, M.J., Elsasser, T.H., Zhao, Xin. 2003. Recombinant soluble CD14 reduces severity of intramammary infection by escherichia coli. Infection and Immunity. 71:4034-4039.
The Effects of Zeranol Implantation on Pituitary Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor Expressionin Growing Beef Steers - (Abstract)
Connor, E.E., Kahl, S., Elsasser, T.H., Rumsey, T.S. 2002. The effects of zeranol implantation on pituitary growth hormone releasing hormone receptor expressionin growing beef steers [abstract]. Journal of Animal Science Supplement. 80 (Suppl. 1):210. Abstract No. 835.

Last Modified: 05/13/2009
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