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High School

2009 High School Winners

HSSB Winners - Santa Monica High School

The U.S. Department of Energy Congratulates Mira Loma High School from Sacramento, Calif.
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Welcome Alumni!

This page contains links to information that might interest you as a past participant in the National Science Bowl®:

  • Click here to see a list of previous winning teams and participating schools.

Each year we invite some of the National Science Bowl alumni to serve as volunteer officials at the National finals (travel included). Alumni can serve as moderators, scientific judges, rules judges, scorekeepers, or timekeepers. To be considered as an alumni moderator or scientific judge, you need to have completed 3 years of undergraduate studies in the sciences, math, engineering, or technology.

Science Bowl Alumni


Alumni Registration Form for National Finals


We encourage alumni to volunteer for a nearby regional event.

We also encourage you to volunteer for a local middle school competition.


Submit a Science Bowl question for consideration using our online form.

DOE Internship Opportunities

Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship
Community College Institute of Science and Technology
Pre-Service Teacher Program
Listing of Federal Agency Science Internships on Science.Gov