[NIFL-ESL:1483] reply to M. Lukes

From: Grupo Primavera (paul168@juno.com)
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 14:51:22 EST

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Dear Marguerite,
     The purpose of the paragraph you quote was to elicit response
concerning sound Dual Language programs which work, sort of as an
antidote to the English Only Movement.
     I am extremely well aware of the politics and "pursestrings" of the
issue. But I am also painfully aware of the fact that "our side" is
responding too slowly to the challenge of these dinosaurs. Dual Language
programs answer all or nearly all of their objections.
     In other words, to be blunt, I would prefer that you propose some
positive steps to be taken, not some advice which I and others already
     The English Only Movement is about to spread throughout the country,
and is the American equivalent of the British attempt to abolish Irish
Gaelic some 100 years ago. And not coincidently here in this country the
American Party or the Know Nothing Party grew in numbers and influence at
that time precisely because of its stand against Irish immigrants. 
     The consequences of the Unz Initiative will be very harsh on Latino
children and even on English speaking children who will also be harmed by
the institutionalizing of racism in this manner.
Paul Rogers

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 14:09:49 -0500 (EST) MMLukes@aol.com writes:
>In a message dated 97-11-08 11:53:47 EST,Paul Rogers wrote::
>>     On the other hand, research on Dual Language or Two Way 
>>programs indicates that such an approach is vastly superior to all
>>others. And I would like to hear from people on this program.
>>Paul Rogers
>Unfortunately, although a plethora of research has clearly laid out 
>reasons that English-only instruction is neither pedagogicaly sound 
>beneficial to <<national unity>>, it is not in the interests of those 
>English-only to pay much attention to research.  I am reminded of a 
>board meeting in infamous Orange County, CA (80% of the student 
>population is
>classified as LEP), where all of the school board members were 
>speakers of English. When bombarded with sound research, they calmly 
>"we are not interested in research; we just don't want to spend money 
>languages other than English."  There you have it.  All is not lost, 
>but we
>need to recognize that those who control the purse strings may not be 
>by research, no matter how sound.
>    -- 
>Marguerite Lukes,  Coordinator          Literacy Partners, Inc.
>What Works Literacy Partnership         phone: (212) 802-1113
>30 East 33rd Street, 6th floor          fax:  (212) 725-0414
>New York, NY 10016                      e-mail:  wwlp@ix.netcom.com

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